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Bug 9971

Summary: net-www/cgiwrap-3.7.1 (new ebuild)
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Paul Belt <gaarde>
Component: New packagesAssignee: Donny Davies (RETIRED) <woodchip>
Severity: minor    
Priority: High    
Version: 1.3   
Hardware: x86   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Attachments: Ebuild for cgiwrap version 3.8

Description Paul Belt 2002-10-30 11:36:35 UTC
# Copyright 2002 Paul Belt
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# Author:  Paul Belt <gaarde at users dot sourceforge dot net>

DESCRIPTION="CGIWrap is a gateway program that allows general users to use CGI
scripts and HTML forms without compromising the security of the http server.
Scripts are run with the permissions of the user who owns the script."


src_compile() {
    econf --with-check-shell || die
    emake || die

src_install () {
   mv ${S}/unsup/README ${S}/unsup/README.unsup
   dodoc cgiwrap COPYING README doc/* unsup/* htdocs/*

   chgrp apache ${D}/usr/share/doc/${P}/cgiwrap
   chmod 4750 ${D}/usr/share/doc/${P}/cgiwrap

   einfo 'ln -s cgiwrap cgiwrapd'
   einfo 'ln -s cgiwrap nph-cgiwrap'
   einfo 'ln -s cgiwrap nph-cgiwrapd'
Comment 1 Donny Davies (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-06-17 07:42:40 UTC
copyright must be assigned to gentoo linux and you should have 
posted an attachment.

Comment 2 Gunnlaugur Thor Briem 2003-10-12 20:12:48 UTC
Created attachment 19153 [details]
Ebuild for cgiwrap version 3.8

I'm submitting my own ebuild for cgiwrap here. It is sufficiently different
from the one given here, that Paul's copyright can't be said to cover it
by any
stretch of reason. And as a bonus, one salient difference is that it works.
Comment 3 Paul Belt 2003-10-19 09:13:42 UTC
Forget my copyright... I put that in my version of skel.ebuild and forgot
to change it before copy-pasting.