Summary: | [TRACKER] Packages that fail to build with mold linker | ||
Product: | Quality Assurance | Reporter: | Matthew Smith <matthew> |
Component: | Trackers | Assignee: | Gentoo Quality Assurance Team <qa> |
Status: | CONFIRMED --- | ||
Severity: | normal | CC: | ab4bd, alex.buell, chewi, dschridde+gentoobugs, emilien.mottet, flow, gentoo, gmt, jinghao7, jiri, kevinlyles, kripton, marc_heimann, matthew, mattst88, rui314, sam |
Priority: | Normal | Keywords: | Goal, Tracker |
Version: | unspecified | ||
Hardware: | All | ||
OS: | Linux | ||
Whiteboard: | |||
Package list: | Runtime testing required: | --- | |
Bug Depends on: | 915673, 933197, 936253, 937354, 937751, 937917, 937920, 937990, 938443, 938949, 940524, 943157, 947697, 947768, 948507, 949955, 949982, 830405, 830444, 830463, 830706, 830748, 831282, 831476, 831478, 832377, 860900, 861488, 867097, 867124, 870172, 871579, 877539, 888705, 892641, 893622, 893768, 910291, 911591, 914069, 914849, 914979, 916259, 917089, 917443, 925024, 925347, 925348, 931782, 936858, 937739, 938009, 938659, 941070, 949863 | ||
Bug Blocks: |
Matthew Smith
![]() I've talked with the author of mold and he pointed me out to this sheet. He already tries to build packages from gentoo repo and these are those who fails: app-emulation/virtualbox-7.0.14-r2 apparently has issues linking. The symptom is: [code] alex@cobalt ~/.VirtualBox $ VirtualBoxVM --startvm "MS-DOS 6.22" VirtualBoxVM: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: dlopen("/usr/lib64/virtualbox/",) failed: /usr/lib64/virtualbox/ undefined symbol: _ZN8QPrinterC1ENS_11PrinterModeE alex@cobalt ~/.VirtualBox $ c++filt _ZN8QPrinterC1ENS_11PrinterModeE QPrinter::QPrinter(QPrinter::PrinterMode) [/code] This issue went away when I disabled use of mold for this application. Just thought you'd want to know. Many thanks, Alex x11-apps/igt-gpu-tools also segment faults in intel_gpu_frequency if linked with mold. Works just fine without mold. Please file individual bugs and have them block this one. (In reply to Sam James from comment #4) > Please file individual bugs and have them block this one. Done, thanks. Filed the following: Found some more issues with mold (2.30.0) with cross compiled GCC. I'll file some bug reports shortly. (In reply to Alex Buell from comment #7) > Found some more issues with mold (2.30.0) with cross compiled GCC. I'll file > some bug reports shortly. Gave up - can't bootstrap an ADA cross compiler anyway. Just add no-mold for the respective packages. If you have an instruction to reproduce the issue with a fresh Gentoo docker image, I'll take a look at it. |