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Bug 630508

Summary: media-gfx/krita fails (many) tests
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) <kentnl>
Component: Current packagesAssignee: Gentoo KDE team <kde>
Severity: normal Keywords: TESTFAILURE
Priority: Normal    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Attachments: LastTest.log

Description Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-09-09 18:10:41 UTC
Created attachment 493578 [details]

All versions seem to fail profusely.

some *may* be trying to connect to a display ( chroot on headless box, so no display )

Maybe it needs virtualX love?

The following tests FAILED:                                                                                
          4 - libs-widgets-zoomcontroller_test (OTHER_FAULT)                                               
          5 - krita-ui-kis_parse_spin_boxes_test (OTHER_FAULT)                                             
          8 - libs-odf-TestKoGenStyles (OTHER_FAULT)                                                       
         15 - libs-odf-kodomtest (OTHER_FAULT)                                                             
         17 - libs-odf-TestNumberStyle (OTHER_FAULT)                                                       
         18 - libs-odf-TestKoElementReference (OTHER_FAULT)                                                
         21 - libs-kritaflake-TestPathTool (OTHER_FAULT)                                                   
         22 - libs-kritaflake-TestShapeAt (OTHER_FAULT)                                                    
         23 - libs-kritaflake-TestShapePainting (OTHER_FAULT)                                              
         25 - libs-kritaflake-TestKoShapeRegistry (OTHER_FAULT) 
<many more>

Comment 1 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-09-09 18:12:05 UTC
Created attachment 493580 [details]

build log attached in case that's also useful, but be aware, its 26MB after decompressing.
Comment 2 Andreas Sturmlechner gentoo-dev 2017-09-10 14:45:00 UTC
Thanks, I've added VIRTUALX_REQUIRED="test" which was clearly missing, but didn't retest myself yet.
Comment 3 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-09-13 07:32:25 UTC
Down to 33 Failures ( 81% pass instead of previous 14% )

The following tests FAILED:                                                                         
         39 - libs-pigment-TestKoColor (Failed)
         43 - libs-pigment-TestKoColorSpaceSanity (Failed)
         52 - krita-image-kis_base_node_test (Failed)  
         57 - krita-image-kis_layer_test (OTHER_FAULT)      
         59 - krita-image-kis_iterator_test (Failed)               
         61 - krita-image-kis_selection_test (Failed)                 
         66 - krita-image-kis_pixel_selection_test (OTHER_FAULT)
         69 - krita-image-kis_adjustment_layer_test (OTHER_FAULT)  
         78 - krita-image-kis_fill_painter_test (Failed)
         80 - krita-image-kis_filter_test (OTHER_FAULT)
         84 - krita-image-kis_gradient_painter_test (OTHER_FAULT)                         
         86 - krita-image-kis_image_test (OTHER_FAULT)
         87 - krita-image-kis_image_signal_router_test (OTHER_FAULT)
         88 - krita-image-kis_iterators_ng_test (Failed)                                    
         91 - krita-image-kis_simple_update_queue_test (OTHER_FAULT)                       
         95 - krita-image-kis_strokes_queue_test (Failed)                                                        
        108 - krita-image-kis_recorded_filter_action_test (OTHER_FAULT)                                              
        114 - krita-image-kis_transparency_mask_test (Failed)                                          
        126 - krita-image-kis_scanline_fill_test (Failed)                            
        128 - krita-image-kis_layer_style_projection_plane_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        133 - krita-image-kis_colorize_mask_test (Failed)
        144 - krita-ui-kis_kra_savexml_visitor_test (OTHER_FAULT)                                                                     
        146 - krita-ui-kis_recorded_action_editor_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        151 - krita-ui-kis_derived_resources_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        153 - krita-ui-kis_file_layer_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        158 - krita-ui-KisModelIndexConverterTest (OTHER_FAULT)
        161 - krita-image-BaseNodeTest (OTHER_FAULT)
        162 - krita-ui-KisKraSaverTest (OTHER_FAULT)
        163 - krita-image-kis_node_view_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        164 - libs-pigment-TestKoLcmsColorProfile (OTHER_FAULT)
        165 - krita-qmic-test (OTHER_FAULT)
        168 - krita-filters-unsharp-kis_unsharp_mask_test (OTHER_FAULT)
        174 - krita-basictools-MoveSelectionStrokeTest (OTHER_FAULT)

Here's the trace from the first failure:

********* Start testing of TestKoColor *********
Config: Using QtTest library 5.7.1, Qt 5.7.1 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 5.4.0)
PASS   : TestKoColor::initTestCase()
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "default"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Inserting color space  "L*a*b* (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"  ( "LABA" ) Model:  "L*a*b*/Alpha" ("LABA" )  Depth:  "16-bit integer/channel" ("U16" )  into the CCS
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Initialise  "LABA"   "U16"   "default"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Inserting color space  "RGB (8-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"  ( "RGBA" ) Model:  "RGB/Alpha" ("RGBA" )  Depth:  "8-bit integer/channel" ("U8" )  into the CCS
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Initialise  "RGBA"   "U8"   "default"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Inserting color space  "RGB (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"  ( "RGBA16" ) Model:  "RGB/Alpha" ("RGBA" )  Depth:  "16-bit integer/channel" ("U16" )  into the CCS
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Initialise  "RGBA"   "U16"   "default"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.plugin: KoJsonTrader will load its plugins from ""
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.plugin: Loading "Calligra/ColorSpace" with checking the config
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.plugin: Loading "Calligra/ColorSpaceExtension" with checking the config
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Loaded the following colorspaces:
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment:     "RGBA16" , "RGB (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment:     "RGBA" , "RGB (8-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment:     "LABA" , "L*a*b* (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged)"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: colorspace count:  0 , adding name:  "RGBA16<comb>default"
        csID "RGBA16"
        profileName "default"
        cs->id() "RGBA16"
        cs->profile()->name() "default"
        pName ""
QWARN  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "Undefined operation in the RGB (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged) color space"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "<color/>\n"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Unknown color space type :  ""
QWARN  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "Undefined operation in the RGB (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged) space"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: colorspace count:  1 , adding name:  "RGBA<comb>default"
        csID "RGBA"
        profileName "default"
        cs->id() "RGBA"
        cs->profile()->name() "default"
        pName ""
QWARN  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "Undefined operation in the RGB (8-bit integer/channel, unmanaged) color space"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "<color/>\n"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Unknown color space type :  ""
FAIL!  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() '*(kc.colorSpace()) == *(kcu.colorSpace())' returned FALSE. (Not identical color space (colorModelId = RGBA depthId = U8) != (colorModelId = RGBA depthId = U16) )
   Loc: [/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/krita-3.2.1/work/krita-3.2.1/libs/pigment/tests/TestKoColor.cpp(58)]
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: colorspace count:  2 , adding name:  "LABA<comb>default"
        csID "LABA"
        profileName "default"
        cs->id() "LABA"
        cs->profile()->name() "default"
        pName ""
QWARN  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "Undefined operation in the L*a*b* (16-bit integer/channel, unmanaged) color space"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: "<color/>\n"
QDEBUG : TestKoColor::testSerialization() krita.lib.pigment: Unknown color space type :  ""
FAIL!  : TestKoColor::testSerialization() '*(kc.colorSpace()) == *(kcu.colorSpace())' returned FALSE. (Not identical color space (colorModelId = LABA depthId = U16) != (colorModelId = RGBA depthId = U16) )
   Loc: [/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/krita-3.2.1/work/krita-3.2.1/libs/pigment/tests/TestKoColor.cpp(58)]
PASS   : TestKoColor::testConversion()
PASS   : TestKoColor::cleanupTestCase()
Totals: 3 passed, 2 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 136ms
********* Finished testing of TestKoColor *********
<end of output>
Test time =   0.16 sec
Test Failed.
Comment 4 Kent Fredric (IRC: kent\n) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2017-09-13 07:33:53 UTC
Created attachment 494302 [details]

Attaching full test output. ( Its much larger now @ 2.2MB )
Comment 5 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2017-11-15 23:28:02 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit c9d65fa295d0138eb1d7d23ad4b020d7876d31a0
Author:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
AuthorDate: 2017-11-15 22:48:36 +0000
Commit:     Andreas Sturmlechner <>
CommitDate: 2017-11-15 23:26:57 +0000

    media-gfx/krita: Restrict tests
    They are obviously broken and won't be fixed for these releases.
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.14, Repoman-2.3.6

 media-gfx/krita/krita-3.1.4.ebuild   | 2 ++
 media-gfx/krita/krita- | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)}
Comment 6 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2018-04-08 16:03:05 UTC
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s):

commit 9d09d9a00988953486e2ae3670f0e2666343045b
Author:     Johannes Huber <>
AuthorDate: 2018-04-08 15:59:08 +0000
Commit:     Johannes Huber <>
CommitDate: 2018-04-08 16:02:40 +0000

    media-gfx/krita: Restrict tests
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.28, Repoman-2.3.9

 media-gfx/krita/krita-9999.ebuild | 3 +++
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)