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Bug 61348

Summary: gkrellkam missing a src_compile section
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Bel Zébute <stephane>
Component: New packagesAssignee: Martin Holzer (RETIRED) <mholzer>
Severity: normal CC: stephane
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Attachments: fixed gkrellkam-2.0.0.ebuild

Description Bel Zébute 2004-08-23 03:04:50 UTC

No one at all tought about adding a src_compile section so that gkrellkam will merge?

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:

src_compile () {
    emake || die
Comment 1 Aaron Walker (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-23 03:51:03 UTC
merges fine here...

FYI, if there is no src_install() then a default from the base eclass is used.
The default just runs econf and emake; read for yourself in /usr/portage/eclass/base.eclass.

Comment 2 Bel Zébute 2004-08-23 18:41:16 UTC
Well, hereit end up with a missing .so (forgot the exact name) that is supposed to be inserted into gkrellm's plugins folder.  With src_compile (which many other gkrellm plugins have anyway), it works.  So, there's a bug somewhere.

I'm reporting the bug.  I've found a fix for me.  I don't have time to learn the entire portage's twists and twirles.  Obviously, there a difference between out systems.

I'm using gkrellm2 and gkrellkam2 (~x86).  Try that and see if it works.  Also, I haven't check, but maybe others are reporting this in the forums.
Comment 3 Marcos González 2004-08-27 09:22:00 UTC
I'm having problems with gkrellkam too. It says "" not found. I think that src_install() is needed. Seems like is looking for files in a directory, "image", that doesn't exist. Had to build by hand and copy the .so file.
Comment 4 Marcos González 2004-08-27 09:38:11 UTC
Created attachment 38312 [details]
fixed gkrellkam-2.0.0.ebuild

I've edited the ebuild and now compiles on my system. Just added the
src_compile() section.
Comment 5 Marcos González 2004-10-13 08:35:08 UTC
If somebody has one free minute, this is a very easily fixable problem. Thanx a lot.
Comment 6 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-06-04 10:24:31 UTC
(In reply to Comment #4)


src_install () {
        exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/gkrellm2/plugins

        doman gkrellkam-list.5
        dodoc README Changelog COPYING example.list Release Todo INSTALL

Considering that econf && emake is the default src_compile(), it don't see a problem here.
