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Bug 608136

Summary: dev-php/composer-1.3.2: version bump
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Guillaume Seren <guillaumeseren>
Component: Current packagesAssignee: Guillaume Seren <guillaumeseren>
Severity: normal CC: hanno, php-bugs, proxy-maint
Priority: Normal    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Guillaume Seren 2017-02-03 15:57:42 UTC
I am working on this version bump, but I will also bump needed dependencies,
so it could be a bit bigger than expected but, most of the related libs are also needed for phpunit, so we will need them in the end.
-       >=dev-php/ca-bundle-1.0.0
-       >=dev-php/cli-prompt-1.0.0
-       >=dev-php/psr-log-1.0.2
-       >=dev-php/json-schema-2.0.0
-       >=dev-php/jsonlint-1.4.0
-       >=dev-php/phar-utils-1.0.0
-       >=dev-php/semver-1.0.0
-       >=dev-php/spdx-licenses-1.0.0
-       >=dev-php/symfony-console-2.7.9
-       >=dev-php/symfony-filesystem-2.7.20
-       >=dev-php/symfony-finder-2.7.20
-       >=dev-php/symfony-process-2.8.12"
+       >=dev-php/justinrainbow-json-schema-4.0
+       >=dev-php/composer-ca-bundle-1.0
+       >=dev-php/composer-semver-1.0
+       >=dev-php/composer-spdx-licenses-1.0
+       >=dev-php/seld-jsonlint-1.4
+       >=dev-php/symfony-console-3.0
+       >=dev-php/symfony-finder-3.0
+       >=dev-php/symfony-process-3.0
+       >=dev-php/symfony-filesystem-3.0
+       >=dev-php/seld-phar-utils-1.0
+       >=dev-php/seld-cli-prompt-1.0
+       >=dev-php/psr-log-1.0"
Comment 1 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-03 16:33:30 UTC
Despite the number of new packages and dependencies bump,
there a real subject about the names.

In the beginning I was trying to stay with simple name like dev-php/jsonlint,
but the name used in composer,json and paquagist is dev-php/seld-jsonlint,
so maybe it would be better to rename them to the composer standard if able ?
Comment 2 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-05 11:12:00 UTC
I worked a bit on composer and get it installable with the last dependencies !


$ composer --version
Composer 1.3.2 2017-01-27 18:23:41

So beside bumping the dependencies I would like to add the test suite, will check it today !

Comment 3 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-05 13:35:00 UTC
So, after delving a bit more into the test suite, I get it working,
there still a small itch with 1 error that is not happening in a composer only version:
There was 1 error:

1) Composer\Test\IO\ConsoleIOTest::testAskAndValidate
Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Component\Console\Question\Question::setValidator() must be callable, string given, called in /home/gseren/phpunit-gentoo/composer-1.3.2-working/src/Composer/IO/ConsoleIO.php online 263 and defined


This error is only happening in my gentoo version, so there must be something bad hidden in it, but it is only a single error, so I decided to disable it for the moment.

I will prepare the PR for the bump.
Comment 4 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2017-02-09 13:36:30 UTC
(In reply to Guillaume Seren from comment #1)
> Despite the number of new packages and dependencies bump,
> there a real subject about the names.
> In the beginning I was trying to stay with simple name like dev-php/jsonlint,
> but the name used in composer,json and paquagist is dev-php/seld-jsonlint,
> so maybe it would be better to rename them to the composer standard if able ?

If possible, stick with the existing names for now. Moving a package is a pain in the butt:

And once you've done it, the old name can never be used again, so there's no going back. Some day we might have a name clash and be forced to do it, but until then I would hold off.
Comment 5 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-09 14:10:25 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #4)
> And once you've done it, the old name can never be used again, so there's no
> going back. Some day we might have a name clash and be forced to do it, but
> until then I would hold off.

Hey Michael ;)
Yes I am holding to that names unless I have no other choices,
nothing is perfect, and it should not be a big problem,
but thanks for the link anyway.

It is nice to see that someone is ready my ramble, but in short I finally get (some clean are still in progress), a version of composer using the last dependencies with the test suite running, I hope I can push it to the tree soon.

It make me 'a pause' in the long work for phpunit, but here also I am near to finish line, but the amount of package is pretty big.
Comment 6 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-18 11:37:39 UTC
So I got all for the bump + add test suite for composer,
here is the list of the pulled packages for a fresh install (no php installed),
and all the test that can run are enable, for the other I restricted them:
dev-php/xdebug-client-2.4.1::gentoo USE="-libedit"
media-libs/t1lib-5.1.2-r1:5::gentoo USE="X -doc -static-libs"
dev-libs/oniguruma-5.9.5::gentoo USE="-combination-explosion-check -crnl-as-line-terminator -static-libs" ABI_X86="
app-eselect/eselect-php-0.9.2::gentoo USE="-apache2 -fpm"
dev-lang/php-5.6.30:5.6::gentoo USE="acl berkdb bzip2 cli crypt ctype curl exif fileinfo filter gd gdbm hash iconv ipv6 json ldap nls opcache pdo phar posix readline session simplexml spell ssl systemd tokenizer truetype unicode xml xmlwriter zlib -apache2 -bcmath -calendar -cdb -cgi -cjk -coverage -debug -embed -enchant (-firebird) -flatfile -fpm -ftp -gmp -imap -inifile -intl -iodbc -kerberos -ldap-sasl -libedit -libmysqlclient (-libressl) -mhash -mssql -mysql -mysqli -oci8-instant-client -odbc -pcntl -postgres -qdbm -recode (-selinux) -sharedmem -snmp -soap -sockets -sqlite -sybase-ct -sysvipc -threads -tidy -vpx -wddx -xmlreader -xmlrpc -xpm -xslt -zip"
dev-php/xdebug-2.4.1::gentoo  PHP_TARGETS="php5-6 (-php7-0)"
dev-php/zetacomponents-base-1.9::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/fedora-autoloader-0.2.1::gentoo USE="{test}"
dev-php/zetacomponents-console-tools-1.7::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/theseer-DirectoryScanner-1.3.1::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-filesystem-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-process-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/theseer-Autoload-1.23.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/json-schema-4.1.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-finder-3.1.10::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/jsonlint-1.4.0::gentoo USE="{-test}"
dev-php/doctrine-instantiator-1.0.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-stopwatch-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-yaml-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-config-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/sebastianbergmann-recursion-context-2.0.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-debug-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-cache-3.1.10::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-expression-language-3.2.3::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/sebastianbergmann-exporter-2.0.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/phpunit-mock-objects-3.4.3::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-dependency-injection-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-event-dispatcher-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-console-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/composer-1.3.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
Comment 7 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-18 11:42:54 UTC
If I cleanup the list to get only package that are not already in gentoo I get:

dev-php/zetacomponents-base-1.9::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/zetacomponents-console-tools-1.7::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/theseer-DirectoryScanner-1.3.1::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-filesystem-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-process-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/theseer-Autoload-1.23.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/json-schema-4.1.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-finder-3.1.10::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/doctrine-instantiator-1.0.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-stopwatch-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-yaml-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-config-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/sebastianbergmann-recursion-context-2.0.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-debug-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-cache-3.1.10::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-expression-language-3.2.3::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/sebastianbergmann-exporter-2.0.0::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/phpunit-mock-objects-3.4.3::GuillaumeSeren USE="{-test}"
dev-php/symfony-dependency-injection-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-event-dispatcher-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/symfony-console-3.2.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
dev-php/composer-1.3.2::GuillaumeSeren USE="{test}"
Comment 8 Guillaume Seren 2017-02-18 14:45:46 UTC
Ok the PR is
Comment 9 Guillaume Seren 2017-03-26 14:40:35 UTC
After talking with orlitzky on the PR I agree that bumping and adding the test at the same time provide a bit too much to review, so I close this issue, and open a new one for bumping *only* to 1.4.1.
Comment 10 Guillaume Seren 2017-03-26 15:00:34 UTC
Here is the new issue