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Bug 575666

Summary: mail-filter/opendkim should have configurable user:group in conf.d
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Oleg Gawriloff <barzog>
Component: Current packagesAssignee: Ralph Seichter <gentoo>
Severity: enhancement CC: klondike, mjo, net-mail+disabled, proxy-maint
Priority: Normal    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Bug Depends on: 606978    
Bug Blocks:    

Description Oleg Gawriloff 2016-02-25 16:17:19 UTC
In init.d/opendkim we have:
                checkpath -q -d -o milter:milter -m 0755 "${PIDDIR}" || return 1

in our case we run opendkim under amavis:amavis, so this should be configurable through /etc/conf.d/opendkim 

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2017-09-04 16:21:30 UTC
I'm going to start filing some bugs about the OpenDKIM init scripts... there are a few problems with this line:

  1. OpenDKIM needs its own user/group; it shouldn't share "milter" with
     other packages. I'm going to suggest "opendkim".

  2. It gives ownership of the PID file directory to an untrusted user,
     and that can be exploited to kill root processes.

However, I don't think that the right way to fix it is to make the user configurable. If you ever change the user, the OpenDKIM daemon will fail to start (the permissions on your OpenDKIM config/keys will be all wrong).

Instead, I think we should hard-code this to a dedicated user like "opendkim".

Why are you running as amavis:amavis? Is it in order to share a socket with amavisd-new? If it is, there's a better way to accomplish the same thing. Assuming we've switched OpenDKIM to use the "opendkim" user, you would create a third, new, group and add both "opendkim" and "amavis" to that group. If you made the new group the *primary* group of the opendkim user, then the socket would be created as that group, and amavis could write to it.

That doesn't require a switchable UserID, and it's much better for security: amavisd-new has no business being able to read your private keys!
Comment 2 Oleg Gawriloff 2017-09-05 06:25:42 UTC
Yes, I'm running it in that way to share common socket with amavis. I see your point and think that you are right, but making third group and changing primary is a bit overkill, so I propose to have a separate user for opendkim (configurable, because it is a 'gentoo' way. if user change it than he takes full responsibility for right permissions on config, it is better then change init.d scripts if it is needed) and primary group like milter or whatever that can be shared amongst all programs that need to access to milter sockets.
Comment 3 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2017-09-05 10:19:23 UTC
It's not too much work once you know the trick:

  $ groupadd dkimsocket
  $ usermod -a -G dkimsocket postfix
  $ usermod -g dkimsocket opendkim
  $ usermod -a -G opendkim opendkim

Afterwards, the socket will be created as opendkim:dkimsocket.

I made some suggestions in bug 629888 and bug 629914. Having a third group like that solves one other problem I ran into, but we could definitely use some better documentation on how to run with a local socket.
Comment 4 Oleg Gawriloff 2017-09-05 12:50:16 UTC
ok, np.
Comment 5 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2019-03-27 17:19:03 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit 1e35c9f5cb7862d43cecc76cf4159bae5b71ff9c
Author:     Michael Orlitzky <>
AuthorDate: 2019-03-27 16:01:33 +0000
Commit:     Michael Orlitzky <>
CommitDate: 2019-03-27 17:18:08 +0000

    mail-filter/opendkim: add an elog about sharing a local socket.
    Sharing a local OpenDKIM socket with an MTA is far too tricky. This
    commit adds an elog with some vague hints, but we really need a decent
    wiki page with some step-by-step instructions. This is progress
    towards bug 575666, but I won't consider that resolved until we have
    a wiki page.
    Signed-off-by: Michael Orlitzky <>
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.62, Repoman-2.3.11

 mail-filter/opendkim/opendkim-2.10.3-r7.ebuild | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)
Comment 6 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-29 19:26:10 UTC
Here is how I share a socket between OpenDKIM and Postfix:

  # /etc/conf.d/opendkim

  # /etc/opendkim/opendkim.conf
  UMask  0117
  UserID opendkim:postfix

  $ ls -l /run/opendkim
  srw-rw---- 1 opendkim postfix 0 Mar 29 19:59 socket=

This way, no additional group is required.
Comment 7 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-29 19:48:07 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #6)
>   UMask  0117
>   UserID opendkim:postfix

That's probably fine for most people, but I hesitate to officially recommend it because it lets everyone in the postfix group read your private DKIM signing keys.

If someone doesn't use a dedicated key for DKIM, then they expose that key to an MTA that now has the power to mess up more than your mail. Or maybe you have some interns in the postfix group to allow them to edit alias maps -- they shouldn't be able to steal your signing keys.

Maybe those examples are far-fetched, but whenever possible I rather tell people the safe thing and let them make their own exceptions for convenience. CYA and all that.
Comment 8 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-29 19:58:36 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #7)

> That's probably fine for most people, but I hesitate to officially recommend
> it because it lets everyone in the postfix group read your private DKIM
> signing keys.
How does having group write access to the shared socket let group members read private key material? I thought that no data transfer beyond the scope of the milter protocol was possible via this socket?
Comment 9 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-29 20:15:05 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #8)
> (In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #7)
> How does having group write access to the shared socket let group members
> read private key material?

It doesn't, I might have jumped the gun. What are the permissions on your key files and the directories that contain them?

One other security goal I'd like to ensure is that only root can modify the keys, but of course OpenDKIM needs to read them. In the new ebuilds, that's accomplished by

  fowners root:opendkim /var/lib/opendkim
  fperms 750 /var/lib/opendkim

in src_install, and then later (these files start out root:root mode 700),

  chgrp opendkim "${ROOT}var/lib/opendkim/${selector}".{private,txt}
  chmod g+r "${ROOT}var/lib/opendkim/${selector}".{private,txt}

in pkg_config. So the important stuff is root:opendkim out of the box, and the only way you can read it is via group membership. If you run the opendkim daemon as group "postfix", I was assuming that group permissions were still being used to allow read access to the key files, meaning that the postfix group could read them.

But maybe you have a better way? Even though I committed this stuff yesterday, it was all written over a year ago so I won't swear that it's 100% correct =)
Comment 10 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-29 20:29:30 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #9)

> What are the permissions on your key files and the directories
> that contain them?
$ ls -al /etc/opendkim
total 48K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root     root     4.0K Sep 23  2018 ./
drwxr-xr-x 7 root     root     4.0K Mar 29 20:37 ../
-r-------- 1 opendkim opendkim 1.7K Feb  3  2018 mumble.key
-r--r--r-- 1 root     root      451 Feb  3  2018

Read access to the private key file can be limited to that single user, no group access is required. Write access is not necessary at all. So, I suggest the following:

  chown opendkim:opendkim mumble.key && chmod 0400 mumble.key
Comment 11 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-29 20:45:26 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #9)

> If you run the opendkim daemon as group "postfix" [...]
Sorry, I forgot to reply to that paragraph.

I do not run OpenDKIM with a group shared by Postfix. I don't even know why anyone would do that. Apart from the shared socket file, Postfix and OpenDKIM are disjunct. Seen from Postfix's perspective, OpenDKIM is just another milter.
Comment 12 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-29 20:53:15 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #10)
> Read access to the private key file can be limited to that single user, no
> group access is required. Write access is not necessary at all. So, I
> suggest the following:
>   chown opendkim:opendkim mumble.key && chmod 0400 mumble.key

Sadly the chmod doesn't really do anything there. The owner of a file can always  chmod it again and then write to it.

The write ability probably only matters if a key is being used for more than one purpose... I guess I could be convinced, I'll mull it over.
Comment 13 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-29 20:56:57 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #11)
> I do not run OpenDKIM with a group shared by Postfix. I don't even know why
> anyone would do that.

Wait, what does this do then?

> UserID opendkim:postfix

Do I need to go read the man page? :(

I presumed that line drops privileges to user=opendkim and group=postfix after starting the daemon. (Which brings up another problem... can the opendkim daemon then read your group=postfix stuff under /etc/postfix?)
Comment 14 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-29 21:09:02 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #12)

> Sadly the chmod doesn't really do anything there. The owner of a file can
> always chmod it again and then write to it.
The chmod is only meant to prevent OpenDKIM from inadvertently opening the key in write mode. Not that that ever happened, I would have noticed it during all the time I use OpenDKIM. ;-)

> The write ability probably only matters if a key is being used for more than
> one purpose...
Personally, I can not imagine a single use case where a private key would be overwritten after the process of generating it. I only ever create keys manually, and in controlled environments. Even the sshd "feature" of generating a fresh set of keys on first startup is suspect to me.

> Wait, what does this do then?
> > UserID opendkim:postfix
Now you made me check the manual page again, and it is good that you did. I thought the above settings only affected the socket file's owner and group, but "The process will be assigned all of the groups and primary group ID of the named userid unless an alternate group is specified."

I just tested a modification here. Launching with "UserID opendkim" and then executing "chgrp postfix /run/opendkim/socket" in start_post() seems to work.
Comment 15 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-30 23:59:38 UTC
Michael and I discussed this, partly in my pull request and partly via email. I will add support for an additional, dedicated group that can be shared between OpenDKIM and an MTA. I'll also update the Wiki accordingly (Michael gave his OK).
Comment 16 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-31 00:20:32 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #15)
> Michael and I discussed this, partly in my pull request and partly via
> email. I will add support for an additional, dedicated group that can be
> shared between OpenDKIM and an MTA. I'll also update the Wiki accordingly
> (Michael gave his OK).

You may just want to punt on modifying the ebuild for a while. I've been thinking about it, and what we'd really like to do is

  1. Create the dedicated "dkimsocket" group.
  2. Create the "opendkim" user with primary group "dkimsocket".
  3. Create the "opendkim" group.
  4. Append the "opendkim" group to the "opendkim" user.

None of those are really possible with our existing user.eclass. The "enewuser" function always creates a group named after the user and assigns it as the primary group (that's bug 512220, still open). And afterwards, the eclass doesn't provide any way to append extra groups to a user or to make one of them the primary group.

And the reason we want to use the eclass is because... the "usermod" program isn't standard. Gentoo runs on systems where the syntax is slightly different, so if we put usermod commands directly into the ebuild, it might crash on those systems.
Comment 17 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-31 01:16:56 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #16)

> You may just want to punt on modifying the ebuild for a while.
Oh well, I only just read this comment of yours, on my way to bed (and after I have pushed a new ebuild version ten minutes ago). :-P

> The "enewuser" function always creates a group named after the user
> and assigns it as the primary group [...]
Is that really a problem here? The line "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket" in opendkim.conf can be used to specify both user and group. Does it really hurt anybody if the OpenDKIM user's secondary group is used there?
Comment 18 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-31 01:50:14 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #17)
> (In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #16)
> > You may just want to punt on modifying the ebuild for a while.
> Oh well, I only just read this comment of yours, on my way to bed (and after
> I have pushed a new ebuild version ten minutes ago). :-P
> > The "enewuser" function always creates a group named after the user
> > and assigns it as the primary group [...]
> Is that really a problem here? The line "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket" in
> opendkim.conf can be used to specify both user and group. Does it really
> hurt anybody if the OpenDKIM user's secondary group is used there?

This makes some kind of difference, but I'm not sure what. When you set "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket", the resulting process runs as only one group, namely dkimsocket. You can check by cat'ing /proc/$pid/status:

  $ cat /proc/26389/status
  Name:	opendkim
  Uid:	108	108	108	108
  Gid:	1007	1007	1007	1007
  FDSize:	64
  Groups:	1007

That's with "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket". When it's set to only "UserID opendkim" and dkimsocket is that user's primary group, it picks up both groups, dkimsocket and opendkim:

  $ cat /proc/26778/status
  Name:	opendkim
  Uid:	108	108	108	108
  Gid:	1007	1007	1007	1007
  FDSize:	64
  Groups:	108 1007

That might prevent the daemon from reading /var/lib/opendkim when using "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket", but I haven't tested it on a real mail server because I'm too tired to fix anything if I break it tonight.
Comment 19 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-31 15:39:42 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #18)

> When you set "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket", the resulting process runs
> as only one group [...] That might prevent the daemon from reading
> /var/lib/opendkim when using "UserID opendkim:dkimsocket"
Which brings us back and me using opendkim:opendkim as the owner of mumble.key.

Operationally that makes sense because nobody but opendkim needs access to the private key. From a security standpoint, if some adversary managed to run code as opendkim, he could read and replace the key data.

Read access is unavoidable so no added concern there. Replacing the key data would mean DKIM signatures don't match DNS data anymore. That is not ideal, but what would the adversary stand to gain from this?

Also, if DMARC is in the mix, the key data switch would be discovered when DMARC forensic/aggregate reports start rolling in, usually within 24 hours after the first signature failure.

I think this is acceptable.
Comment 20 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-31 20:34:32 UTC
(In reply to Ralph Seichter from comment #19)
> Operationally that makes sense because nobody but opendkim needs access to
> the private key.

Would you swear to that? If we restrict readability to the file's owner, then we're painting ourselves into a corner if someone shows up with a weird use case where two users need to be able to read the key.

IMO it makes more sense to use a network daemon in this scenario, but with more than one outgoing MTA, someone might conceivably share the keys between two instances of OpenDKIM running on different machines. If we insist that the key's owner is the only person who can read it, then there's no way to grant both daemons read-access to (for example) an NFS-mounted key.
Comment 21 Ralph Seichter 2019-03-31 20:55:13 UTC
(In reply to Michael Orlitzky from comment #20)
> > Operationally that makes sense because nobody but opendkim
> > needs access to the private key.
> Would you swear to that?
I have never come across a use case where any process other than the one actually generating DKIM signatures has required access to the DKIM private key. What would be the point of having a dedicated signing service but sharing the key around?

> If we restrict readability to the file's owner, then we're painting
> ourselves into a corner if someone shows up with a weird use case
> where two users need to be able to read the key.
Should this situation ever arise, and should the user be able to convince us that it is indeed a valid use case for more people than himself so that is worth actually supporting, we can make changes. Until then, I firmly believe YAGNI [1] applies.

I propose to follow through with what I suggested, because I believe it covers the significant majority of installatios where OpenDKIM is being used.

Comment 22 Larry the Git Cow gentoo-dev 2019-03-31 21:16:38 UTC
The bug has been referenced in the following commit(s):

commit db3f841d797fc4d27befc756e1acf30dbb00035d
Author:     Michael Orlitzky <>
AuthorDate: 2019-03-31 21:11:47 +0000
Commit:     Michael Orlitzky <>
CommitDate: 2019-03-31 21:12:22 +0000

    mail-filter/opendkim: add "UMask 0117" to the config by default.
    Ralph and I have been discussing the best way to handle a local UNIX
    socket. One thing that we both agree on is that, regardless of the
    other details, the daemon should be running with a UMask of 0117 to
    create the socket group-writable but otherwise private. And since the
    opendkim(8) man page says that the UMask is used only for the socket,
    there's no reason we shouldn't add it to the default configuration. In
    other words, it doesn't hurt anything if you're *not* using a local
    socket. This is one fewer thing that we need to document.
    Signed-off-by: Michael Orlitzky <>
    Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.62, Repoman-2.3.11

 mail-filter/opendkim/opendkim-2.10.3-r9.ebuild | 8 +++++++-
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Comment 23 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-03-31 21:25:34 UTC
> I propose to follow through with what I suggested, because I believe it covers the significant majority of installatios where OpenDKIM is being used.

If you're sure, I'll merge it; but everything (pkg_config, both elog messages, permissions on /var/lib/opendkim, the wiki...) needs to be updated again and users will have to migrate their permissions manually for the second time this week. Portage won't alter directory permissions/ownership on its own.
Comment 24 Ralph Seichter 2019-04-01 14:16:35 UTC
I have pondered the current behaviour of only running with the GID specified via "UserID user:group" instead of joining with the primary and supplementary groups defined by the system. Could it be considered a bug, I wondered. I had a look at the source code, but do not yet have a good idea for a fix (see opendkim.c around line 16363).

Anyway, considering ff. I feel like I should probably sit back and not work on a pull request for a while. ;-) Would like to pick up the ball yourself, Michael?
Comment 25 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-04-01 14:28:27 UTC
Klondike is working on bug 669612 soon, so I'll wait until after that. And then I'll give it a few more days, to make sure I don't dream up any more problems with the approach in But then I can do that stuff in a new revision.
Comment 26 Ralph Seichter 2019-04-01 17:50:02 UTC
I opened . Maybe somebody upstream has something to offer.

I will close my existing pull request for now. You merged the first commit which fixed , and that was the original cause for the PR.
Comment 27 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2019-04-24 12:53:58 UTC
This is as good as it's going to get... we have a working local socket example for both systemd and OpenRC now, and the ebuild points you to it:

Moreover, all of this work is being upstreamed. Thanks everyone for your help.