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Bug 46600

Summary: Building apmd 3.0.2-r3 fails due to bug in ebuild script
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Friedhelm Hinrichs <Friedhelm.Hinrichs>
Component: New packagesAssignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers <bug-wranglers>
Severity: normal    
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: x86   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Friedhelm Hinrichs 2004-04-02 07:23:00 UTC
When I try to emerge apmd I get an error about an invalid sed expression.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:

1. emerge apmd

Actual Results:  

>>> emerge (1 of 1) sys-apps/apmd-3.0.2-r3 to /
>>> md5 src_uri ;-) apmd-3.0.2.tar.gz
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking apmd-3.0.2.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/apmd-3.0.2-r3/work
sed: -e expression #2, char 51: Unknown option to `s'
 * Applying apmsleep.c.diff...                                                 
              [ ok ] * Applying apmd.kernel26x.patch...                        
                                  [ ok ]>>> Source unpacked.
install xapm    /bin
install: cannot stat `xapm': No such file or directory
make: *** [xinstall] Error 1
!!! ERROR: sys-apps/apmd-3.0.2-r3 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 50, Exitcode 2
!!! compile problem

Expected Results:  
correct build.

The sed instruction complained about is

-e "s:\(APMD_PROXY_DIR\=\)\(/etc\):\1\$\{DESTDIR\}\2\):\1\$\{D/apm:"

which obviously contain too many ':' signs as separators. Unfortunatelly I have
no idea what the correct instruction should look like. Any help is welcome. This
happend during an 'emerge -e world', which failed due to this error.
Comment 1 Tuan Van (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-02 08:42:25 UTC
Have you synced lately? Mine
# grep -n APMD_PROXY_DIR /usr/portage/sys-apps/apmd/apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild
27:             -e "s:\(APMD_PROXY_DIR\=\)\(/etc\):\1\$\{DESTDIR\}\2/apm:" \
Comment 2 Friedhelm Hinrichs 2004-04-02 11:08:00 UTC
I synced twice this afternoon to check if that is really a bug. Latest sync time was 14:49 CEST (12:49 GMT). I just synced again (oh oh, three today) and it still has this line the ebuild file. Syncing is always done from, as they provide some additional packages, like vdr.

In the ebuild file function src_unpack is defined as:
src_unpack() {
        unpack ${A} ; cd ${S}

        cp Makefile Makefile.orig
        sed -e "s:\(PREFIX=\)\(/usr\):\1\$\{DESTDIR\}\2:" \
                -e "s:\(APMD_PROXY_DIR\=\)\(/etc\):\1\$\{DESTDIR\}\2\):\1\$\{D/apm:" \ 
               -e "97d" \
               -e "s:\(MANDIR\=\${PREFIX}\)\(/man\):\1/share\2:" \
                Makefile.orig > Makefile

        if [ `use X` ] ; then
                echo -e "xinstall:\n\tinstall\txapm\t\${PREFIX}/bin" >> Makefile
                cp Makefile Makefile.orig
                sed -e "/^EXES=/s/xapm//" \
                        -e "/install.*xapm/d" \
                        Makefile.orig > Makefile

        # This closes bug #1472: fixes compilation with recent 2.4 kernels
        epatch ${FILESDIR}/apmsleep.c.diff

        # This closes bug #29636: needs 2.6 patching []
        epatch ${FILESDIR}/apmd.kernel26x.patch
Comment 3 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 10:19:11 UTC
what is the version of the ebuild (thats the third line of the ebuild) and also which mirror are you syncing from?

the apmd ebuild doesn't seem to contain that line that you report
Comment 4 Friedhelm Hinrichs 2004-04-04 10:32:23 UTC
as stated in my original bug report the version is apmd-3.0.2-r3

!!! ERROR: sys-apps/apmd-3.0.2-r3 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 50, Exitcode 2
!!! compile problem

and as stated in comment #3 I always sync from

I synced again about 1 hour ago and the bug is still there. If it not in the original files, why are such errors introduced in the mirrors?????
Comment 5 Friedhelm Hinrichs 2004-04-04 10:43:24 UTC
I just realized, that

md5sum apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild

results in

d388be3f420807db54a21c21f206b63b  apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild

while the Manifest file contains

MD5 735bfad1c82ea58ed38d2f442fdb07a2 ChangeLog 2606
MD5 d4bd98362e92b73b051f4d5fc4ae633e apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild 1805
MD5 39ae67e84a947afd4f708a5500ce5814 apmd-3.2.0.ebuild 1947
MD5 ebdff083a90fec2a8a297776572b367c apmd-3.2.1_p4.ebuild 1565
MD5 c699d919f1c3463ae0e91f2c28c8b687 metadata.xml 184
MD5 bed1c6668552bbf528df267c302a75eb files/apmd-3.2.0.kernel26x.patch 627
MD5 1a2007554d23f0bd5af71b8021915fc0 files/apmd.confd 90
MD5 02fc246d5b2fde52708927cb672239f1 files/apmd.kernel26x.patch 644
MD5 9bf23e9e6a4a2b571f45399c9b6225df files/apmd.rc6 679
MD5 ad21c10734c08e19968e2c8c9560957c files/apmsleep.c.diff 367
MD5 253b79375ab72606e4fdf89109ed2c03 files/apmsleep.c.diff.3.2.0 301
MD5 7bb0220959a949bad3d9726cf05ebcf9 files/digest-apmd-3.0.2-r3 61
MD5 a2b499e3ffda161e88b518f5b830a434 files/digest-apmd-3.2.0 66
MD5 648c4b025de00c2bf42aafaebed2f4ef files/digest-apmd-3.2.1_p4 130

the checksum is obviously not correct. I always thought emerge would check this.  
Why are files with incorrect checksums accepted????
Comment 6 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-04 14:13:07 UTC
i'm talking about the CVS version of the file in question, that is the 3rd line in the ebuild. do:

grep "Header" apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild

any how, your syncing from a corrupted mirror or there's something wrong with your system. either way, its not apmd's problem. let us know which mirror you are syncing of.
Comment 7 Friedhelm Hinrichs 2004-04-04 23:05:21 UTC
The CVS version is 1.15:

# $Header: /home/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/apmd/apmd-3.0.2-r3.ebuild,v 1.15 2004/03/31 16:02:21 tgall Exp $

I talked to somebody else yesterday, who synced the same CVS-version but has no problems. He syncs from another source. This really seems to be a bug in the mirroring process or the guys at tried to 'fix' something. The question remains: why does emerge and/or the morroring mechanism accept files within incorrect checksums in the first place?
Comment 8 Jeffrey Forman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-16 13:47:43 UTC
Works for me, looks like a temporary hiccup in the mirror or ebuild. 

Comment 9 Jeffrey Forman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-16 13:48:17 UTC
Works for me, looks like a temporary hiccup in the mirror/ebuild.
