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Bug 368785

Summary: net-mail/uw-imap-2007e USE=-amd64 - Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch ! * ( /newaches/gentoo/cvs/gentoo-x86/net-mail/uw-imap/files/uw-imap-ldflags.patch )
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Markus Sackmann <markus>
Component: [OLD] ServerAssignee: Net-Mail Packages <net-mail+disabled>
Severity: normal CC: jer
Priority: Normal    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: x86   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---
Attachments: /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/build.log

Description Markus Sackmann 2011-05-26 12:28:33 UTC
emerge uw-imap stops with:
Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch!

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. emerge uw-imap
Actual Results:  
* Package:    net-mail/uw-imap-2007e
 * Repository: gentoo
 * Maintainer:
 * USE:        clearpasswd elibc_glibc ipv6 kernel_linux ssl userland_GNU x86

 * Building uw-imap with cleartext LOGIN allowed. Disable "clearpasswd" USE
 * flag to restrict cleartext LOGIN to SSL/TLS sessions only.

>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking imap-2007e.tar.Z to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/work
 * Applying uw-imap-ldflags.patch ...

 * Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch !
 *  ( /usr/portage/net-mail/uw-imap/files/uw-imap-ldflags.patch )
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/uw-imap-ldflags.patch.out

 * ERROR: net-mail/uw-imap-2007e failed (unpack phase):
 *   Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch!
 * Call stack:
 *, line   56:  Called src_unpack
 *   environment, line 2568:  Called epatch '/usr/portage/net-mail/uw-imap/files/uw-imap-ldflags.patch'
 *   environment, line 1150:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *               die "Failed Patch: ${patchname}!";
 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =net-mail/uw-imap-2007e',
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =net-mail/uw-imap-2007e'.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/environment'.
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/work/imap-2007e'
Comment 1 Alex Legler (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2011-05-31 14:22:39 UTC
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/uw-imap-ldflags.patch.out

 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv
 * The complete build log is located at
 * The ebuild environment file is located at
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/work/imap-2007e'

Comment 2 Markus Sackmann 2011-05-31 14:37:39 UTC
Created attachment 275365 [details]
Comment 3 Markus Sackmann 2011-05-31 14:38:19 UTC
Created attachment 275367 [details]
Comment 4 Markus Sackmann 2011-05-31 14:38:42 UTC
Created attachment 275369 [details]
Comment 5 Eray Aslan gentoo-dev 2011-06-01 21:39:07 UTC
Please reopen if it is still a problem.  Thanks for the bug report.

+*uw-imap-2007e-r1 (01 Jun 2011)
+  01 Jun 2011; Eray Aslan <> +uw-imap-2007e-r1.ebuild:
+  Fix patching - bug #368785. Proper SSL key generation - bug #235227. Tidy up
+  and EAPI bump.
Comment 6 Robert J. Brown 2011-06-02 05:24:49 UTC
I just did an emerge --sync ; emerge net-mail/uw-imap and it still does the same thing:

iidcpac ~ # emerge net-mail/uw-imap
Calculating dependencies... done!

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests

>>> Emerging (1 of 1) net-mail/uw-imap-2007e
 * imap-2007e.tar.Z RMD160 SHA1 SHA256 size ;-) ...                                                    [ ok ]
 * Package:    net-mail/uw-imap-2007e
 * Repository: gentoo
 * Maintainer:
 * USE:        elibc_glibc kernel_linux ssl userland_GNU x86
 * FEATURES:   sandbox

 * Building uw-imap with cleartext LOGIN restricted to SSL/TLS sessions only.
 * Enable "clearpasswd" flag to allow unrestricted cleartext LOGIN.

>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking imap-2007e.tar.Z to /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/work
 * Applying uw-imap-ldflags.patch ...

 * Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch !
 *  ( /usr/portage/net-mail/uw-imap/files/uw-imap-ldflags.patch )
 * Include in your bugreport the contents of:
 *   /var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/uw-imap-ldflags.patch.out

 * ERROR: net-mail/uw-imap-2007e failed (unpack phase):
 *   Failed Patch: uw-imap-ldflags.patch!
 * Call stack:
 *, line   56:  Called src_unpack
 *   environment, line 2572:  Called epatch '/usr/portage/net-mail/uw-imap/files/uw-imap-ldflags.patch'
 *   environment, line 1154:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *               die "Failed Patch: ${patchname}!";
 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =net-mail/uw-imap-2007e',
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =net-mail/uw-imap-2007e'.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/environment'.
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/work/imap-2007e'

>>> Failed to emerge net-mail/uw-imap-2007e, Log file:

>>>  '/var/tmp/portage/net-mail/uw-imap-2007e/temp/build.log'

So it is not fixed yet.  :-(
Comment 7 Eray Aslan gentoo-dev 2011-06-02 05:27:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> So it is not fixed yet.  :-(

You need to try =net-mail/uw-imap-2007e-r1.
Comment 8 Robert J. Brown 2011-06-03 01:27:26 UTC
Thanks, that got it.  When will this go into the mainline distribution?