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Bug 36108

Summary: ghc 6.2 requires haddock 0.6 to build documentation
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Duncan Coutts (RETIRED) <dcoutts>
Component: [OLD] DevelopmentAssignee: Andres Loeh (RETIRED) <kosmikus>
Severity: normal CC: howard_b_golden
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Duncan Coutts (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-19 02:48:55 UTC
emerging ghc 6.2 fails when building library documentation. The failure is due to calling haddock with parameters it doesn't understand.

This is almost certianly due to the fact that I've got haddock 0.5 and the ghc 6.2 build uses haddock 0.6 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. emerge haddock                      (0.4 currently unmasked)
2. ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge ghc   (to get version 6.2)

Actual Results:  
Fails during build on calling haddock

Expected Results:  
ghc 6.2 should depend on haddock 0.6 (at least when USE=doc)

Interestingly, I didn't USE=doc but ghc seems to be building documentation
anyway (as evidenced by the fact that it is calling haddock). So maybe this is
where the fault lies.

BTW can I pass on my gratitude to whomever it is that packages ghc for Gentoo,
especially for their prompt response to new releases. It's so much easier than
fiddling with tarbals.

Portage 2.0.49-r15 (default-x86-1.4, gcc-3.2.3, glibc-2.3.2-r3, 2.4.20-gentoo-r9)
System uname: 2.4.20-gentoo-r9 i686 AMD Athlon(tm)
Gentoo Base System version
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops
-fprefetch-loop-arrays -pipe"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /var/qmail/control /usr/kde/2/share/config
/usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb /usr/kde/3.1/share/config
/usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ /usr/share/texmf/tex/platex/config/
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/env.d"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops
-fprefetch-loop-arrays -pipe"
FEATURES="sandbox ccache autoaddcvs"
USE="x86 oss apm avi crypt cups encode foomaticdb gif jpeg libg++ mad mikmod
mpeg ncurses nls pdflib png quicktime spell truetype xml2 xmms xv zlib gdbm
berkdb slang readline arts tetex aalib bonobo svga tcltk java ruby postgres X
sdl gpm tcpd pam libwww ssl perl python esd imlib oggvorbis gnome gtk motif
opengl mozilla ldap cdr alsa -kde -qt gtk2 apache2 nptl gstreamer"
Comment 1 Andres Loeh (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-19 03:25:24 UTC
I'll take this one.
Comment 2 Andres Loeh (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-19 03:36:46 UTC
You're right, of course.
I've changed the dependency to haddock-0.6 if USE="doc".

It may be that haddock is also called if USE="-doc". I'll run
a few tests and adapt the ebuild accordingly.

Comment 3 Howard B. Golden 2003-12-19 12:02:57 UTC
Andres, ghc-6.2 ebuild is also looking for haddock-0.6 in a different directory than where it's installed. See the ebuild failure message below.

(Note: There is a file /usr/share/doc/haddock-0.6/haddock.css, but not /usr/share/haddock-0.6/haddock.css.)

/usr/bin/haddock -t "Haskell Hierarchical Libraries (base package)" --no-implicit-prelude    -h -o html Control/Arrow.raw-hs Control/Concurrent.raw-hs Control/Concurrent/Chan.raw-hs Control/Concurrent/MVar.raw-hs Control/Concurrent/QSem.raw-hs Control/Concurrent/QSemN.raw-hs Control/Concurrent/SampleVar.raw-hs Control/Exception.raw-hs Control/Monad.raw-hs Control/Monad/Cont.raw-hs Control/Monad/Error.raw-hs Control/Monad/Fix.raw-hs Control/Monad/Identity.raw-hs Control/Monad/List.raw-hs Control/Monad/RWS.raw-hs Control/Monad/Reader.raw-hs Control/Monad/ST.raw-hs Control/Monad/ST/Lazy.raw-hs Control/Monad/ST/Strict.raw-hs Control/Monad/State.raw-hs Control/Monad/Trans.raw-hs Control/Monad/Writer.raw-hs Control/Parallel.raw-hs Data/Array.raw-hs Data/Array/Base.raw-hs Data/Array/Diff.raw-hs Data/Array/IArray.raw-hs Data/Array/IO.raw-hs Data/Array/IO/Internals.raw-hs Data/Array/MArray.raw-hs Data/Array/ST.raw-hs Data/Array/Storable.raw-hs Data/Array/Unboxed.raw-hs Data/Bits.raw-hs Data/Bool.raw-hs Data/Char.raw-hs Data/Complex.raw-hs Data/Dynamic.raw-hs Data/Either.raw-hs Data/FiniteMap.raw-hs Data/Generics.raw-hs Data/Generics/Aliases.raw-hs Data/Generics/Basics.raw-hs Data/Generics/Reify.raw-hs Data/Generics/Schemes.raw-hs Data/Generics/Text.raw-hs Data/Generics/Twins.raw-hs Data/Graph.raw-hs Data/HashTable.raw-hs Data/IORef.raw-hs Data/Int.raw-hs Data/Ix.raw-hs Data/List.raw-hs Data/Maybe.raw-hs Data/Monoid.raw-hs Data/PackedString.raw-hs Data/Ratio.raw-hs Data/STRef.raw-hs Data/STRef/Lazy.raw-hs Data/STRef/Strict.raw-hs Data/Set.raw-hs Data/Tree.raw-hs Data/Tuple.raw-hs Data/Typeable.raw-hs Data/Unique.raw-hs Data/Word.raw-hs Debug/Trace.raw-hs Foreign.raw-hs Foreign/C.raw-hs Foreign/C/Error.raw-hs Foreign/C/String.raw-hs Foreign/C/Types.raw-hs Foreign/Concurrent.raw-hs Foreign/ForeignPtr.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal/Alloc.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal/Array.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal/Error.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal/Pool.raw-hs Foreign/Marshal/Utils.raw-hs Foreign/Ptr.raw-hs Foreign/StablePtr.raw-hs Foreign/Storable.raw-hs GHC/Arr.raw-hs GHC/Base.raw-hs GHC/Conc.raw-hs GHC/Dotnet.raw-hs GHC/Enum.raw-hs GHC/Err.raw-hs GHC/Exception.raw-hs GHC/Exts.raw-hs GHC/Float.raw-hs GHC/ForeignPtr.raw-hs GHC/Handle.raw-hs GHC/IO.raw-hs GHC/IOBase.raw-hs GHC/Int.raw-hs GHC/List.raw-hs GHC/Num.raw-hs GHC/Pack.raw-hs GHC/Ptr.raw-hs GHC/Read.raw-hs GHC/Real.raw-hs GHC/ST.raw-hs GHC/STRef.raw-hs GHC/Show.raw-hs GHC/Stable.raw-hs GHC/Storable.raw-hs GHC/TopHandler.raw-hs GHC/Unicode.raw-hs GHC/Weak.raw-hs GHC/Word.raw-hs Numeric.raw-hs Prelude.raw-hs System/CPUTime.raw-hs System/Cmd.raw-hs System/Console/GetOpt.raw-hs System/Directory.raw-hs System/Environment.raw-hs System/Exit.raw-hs System/IO.raw-hs System/IO/Error.raw-hs System/IO/Unsafe.raw-hs System/Info.raw-hs System/Locale.raw-hs System/Mem.raw-hs System/Mem/StableName.raw-hs System/Mem/Weak.raw-hs System/Posix/Internals.raw-hs System/Posix/Signals.raw-hs System/Posix/Types.raw-hs System/Random.raw-hs System/Time.raw-hs Text/Html.raw-hs Text/Html/BlockTable.raw-hs Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.raw-hs Text/ParserCombinators/ReadPrec.raw-hs Text/PrettyPrint.raw-hs Text/PrettyPrint/HughesPJ.raw-hs Text/Read.raw-hs Text/Read/Lex.raw-hs Text/Regex.raw-hs Text/Regex/Posix.raw-hs Text/Show.raw-hs Text/Show/Functions.raw-hs \
        --package=base \
        --dump-interface=base.haddock \
        --use-index=../doc-index.html --use-contents=../index.html \

Warning: GHC.Err: the following names could not be resolved:
    String Addr# Bool
Warning: in export list of GHC.Base: module not found: GHC.Prim
Warning: GHC.Base: the following names could not be resolved:
    Char# Int# Word# Addr#
Warning: GHC.Ptr: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Data.Tree: the following names could not be resolved:
    Eq Read Show Functor String
Warning: GHC.List: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Data.FiniteMap: the following names could not be resolved:
    Maybe Int#
Warning: GHC.Show: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.Num: the following names could not be resolved:
    Int# ByteArray#
Warning: GHC.ST: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.Arr: the following names could not be resolved:
    Array# MutableArray#
Warning: GHC.Float: the following names could not be resolved:
    Float# Double# Int# ByteArray#
Warning: GHC.Pack: the following names could not be resolved:
    ByteArray# MutableByteArray# Int# Char#
Warning: GHC.STRef: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.IOBase: the following names could not be resolved:
    State# MVar# MutableByteArray# Dynamic
Warning: GHC.Conc: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.Stable: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.Weak: the following names could not be resolved:
    Weak# Array#
Warning: GHC.Word: the following names could not be resolved:
    Word# Word64# Int# Int64# ByteArray#
Warning: GHC.Int: the following names could not be resolved:
    Int# Int64# Word# Word64# ByteArray#
Warning: Data.Generics.Basics: the following names could not be resolved:
    Bool String Int Integer Float Char Show Eq Rational Either
Warning: Data.Generics.Aliases: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Data.Generics.Schemes: the following names could not be resolved:
    Bool Maybe
Warning: Data.Generics.Reify: the following names could not be resolved:
    Bool Int Maybe
Warning: Data.Generics.Twins: the following names could not be resolved:
    Monad Bool Maybe
Warning: Data.Generics.Text: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: GHC.ForeignPtr: the following names could not be resolved:
    ForeignObj# MutableByteArray#
Warning: GHC.IO: the following names could not be resolved:
    commitBuffer' hGetcBuffered
Warning: System.Posix.Signals: the following names could not be resolved:
    IO Maybe Bool String
Warning: GHC.Dotnet: the following names could not be resolved:
    Addr# State#
Warning: Prelude: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Control.Monad.ST.Lazy: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Data.Array.Base: the following names could not be resolved:
    ByteArray# MutableByteArray# Int# Word#
Warning: Data.Graph: the following names could not be resolved:
    Ord Int Bool
Warning: in export list of GHC.Exts: module not found: GHC.Prim
Warning: System.Mem.StableName: the following names could not be resolved:
Warning: Control.Concurrent: the following names could not be resolved:

Fail: does not exist
Action: openFile
Reason: No such file or directory
File: /usr/share/haddock-0.6/haddock.css

make[2]: *** [html/haddock.css] Error 1
make[1]: *** [html] Error 1
make: *** [html] Error 1

!!! ERROR: dev-lang/ghc-6.2 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 105, Exitcode 2
!!! make html failed
Comment 4 Andres Loeh (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-05 13:56:08 UTC
I hope that this is all resolved now. Please complain if you still have problems ;)

Comment 5 Duncan Coutts (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-06 10:29:59 UTC
Yep, works for me now. I used USE="doc -tetex".
Thanks for the fixes.