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Bug 19275

Summary: mjpegtools does not respect USE flags
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Erik Hollensbe <belman>
Component: [OLD] LibraryAssignee: Gentoo Media-video project <media-video>
Severity: critical CC: foser, max, mmihulya
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Erik Hollensbe 2003-04-13 19:49:35 UTC
this is related to bug #19271.

mjpegtools is also having trouble locating the glib and gtk header files, both
of which are not in the standard include path, where the source is looking for
them. glib's is off /usr/include, but mjpegtools is not looking there. gtk's are
in it's directory in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include/, but that is not mentioned in the
makefile as an include path.

An aside note: I have seen this with other ebuilds as well, and it has caused me
tremendous grief in the past. So, this bug could as easily apply to the glib/gtk
packagers as well.
Comment 1 Philip Walls (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-04-18 08:47:40 UTC
Do you have gtk-1.2.x installed? The version of mjpegtools I've tested does not require gtk-2, and you mentioned gtk-2 include paths.

Also can you attach the error, as I've been unable to reproduce this problem locally. Again, it also helps to know which version fo the package you are trying to emerge when you run into this.
Comment 2 Michael N. Mikhulya 2003-07-19 04:31:16 UTC
There are several problems:

1) mjpegtools-1.6.0-r7.ebuild has optional "gtk" use-flag
but actually it is not optional:
This bug is fixed in unstable mjpegtools-1.6.1.ebuild but there is second problem, that problem is common for both ebuilds.

2) on attempt to build mjpegtool without gtk+-1.2 and glib-1.* and with "quicktime" use-flag next happens:
on attempt to (see ebuild)
"cd ${WORKDIR}/quicktime4linux-1.4-patch
  ./configure || die"
it can't find glib:
" * Building quicktime4linux
Configuring libquicktime
MMX:      1
DV:       0
Firewire: 0
 > global_config
gcc -c `./c_flags`  atom.c -o i686/atom.o
make: glib-config: Command not found"
Comment 3 Michael N. Mikhulya 2003-07-19 05:04:36 UTC
when I've add "CFLAGS += -I/usr/include/glib-2.0" into /usr/tmp/portage/mjpegtools-1.6.0-r7/work/quicktime4linux-1.4-patch/configure
next error appears:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:30:24: glibconfig.h: No such file or directory
I have installed glib-2.2.2 and I don't now where is glibconfig.h. Anybody have it?
Comment 4 foser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-24 04:45:36 UTC
please reassign, the gnome team never touched this pack.

The CFLAGS line in #3 is wrong, because it is a gtk/glib1 pack. Including glib/gtk2 headers is bound to fail.
Comment 5 Max Kalika (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-19 09:14:09 UTC
Would you mind trying the version to see if the gtk issues are 
resolved? Please don't add any -I parameters to CFLAGS.  Thanks. 
Comment 6 Michael N. Mikhulya 2003-09-20 01:41:43 UTC
On attempt to "ebuild mjpegtools" with next use flags:
[ebuild  N    ] media-video/mjpegtools-  -gtk +avi -dv +quicktime +sdl -X +3dnow +mmx -sse
at the end of configure stage was shown next parameters:
    - video4linux recording/playback: true
    - software MJPEG playback       : true
    - movtar playback/recording     : true
    - Quicktime playback/recording  : false
    - PNG input support             : true
    - AVI MJPEG playback/recording  : true (always)
    - libDV (digital video) support : true
    - libDV PAL YV12 read support   : false
    - Gtk+ support for glav         : true
    - glibc support for >2GB files  : true
There are next contradictions:
Use flag = "-gtk" but "- Gtk+ support for glav         : true"
Use flag = "+quicktime" but "- Quicktime playback/recording  : false"
Use flag = "-dv" but "- libDV (digital video) support : true"
Comment 7 Patrick Kursawe (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-02 02:53:35 UTC
The ebuild does not properly support all advertised USE flags, and the configure
script behaves extremely poorly when called with options. This will take
some time to fix.
Comment 8 Patrick Kursawe (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-02 07:30:47 UTC
changed summary to reflect current problem
Comment 9 Patrick Kursawe (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-02 08:24:20 UTC
About your quicktime problem, I'd like to see the complete "emerge mjpegtools"
output up to the summary of enabled/disabled packages. Most likely not every
"virtual/quicktime" providing package has "lqt-config" with it. I have tried
to clean up some of the mess and nailed the dependency on libquicktime for
now, please give -r2 a try.

Max, please check if I made it worse :-)