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Bug 133193

Summary: Support for aMule Adunanza
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Gioele Barabucci <dev>
Component: New packagesAssignee: Default Assignee for New Packages <maintainer-wanted>
Severity: enhancement CC: diegoliz, gentoo-bugs, net-p2p, pacho, patrizio.bassi
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Gioele Barabucci 2006-05-13 05:41:03 UTC
aMule Adunanza is a patched version of aMule used by customers of the italian ISP Fastweb.

There is a Debian package for it. The current patch against aMule 2.1.1 can be found at

Is it possible to add a new amule-adunanza app to portage or to add support to the standard aMule via a "adunanza" USE flag?
Comment 1 Patrizio Bassi 2006-05-13 07:05:30 UTC
please do not support such leech mod.
Comment 2 Gioele Barabucci 2006-05-13 13:13:40 UTC
What's wrong with it? aMule Adunanza is meant to be used from inside the Fastweb NAT-ed WAN, it will not hurt other users.
Comment 3 Patrizio Bassi 2006-05-14 02:19:18 UTC
it's not a pure ed2k network client. it has hacks for a "private" network.
it's considered a leech.
Comment 4 Muelli 2007-06-03 15:41:46 UTC
Since the proposed webpage doesn't exist anymore, I assume this bug can be closed as INVALID.
Comment 5 Jisakiel 2007-06-28 15:39:53 UTC Actually it just got moved. 

And about the "leech" thing... The problem is that all clients in the fastweb network (which is mainly fibre), or at least a big chunk of them, are in private networks and only exit to internet through NAT through a transparent proxy, without a public IP (I think it costs something really stupid like 1 euro hour or the like). The alternative is only fairly expensive ADSL. 

Therefore, it is impossible (by design of the network) to get high ID or non-firewalled status. The adunanza patch, as far as I know, only patches the KAD part of emule and changes the default config to accept LAN connections, in order to make the kademlia network work in the private fastweb network. As between the clients the bandwidth is very high, almost any download available is in the 1MB/s download speed range. Nevertheless the client shares with the public edonkey network, just under lowID. 

I don't consider it therefore a leech mod, it's the only alternative for fastweb subscribers. 
Comment 6 Patrizio Bassi 2007-06-29 06:11:55 UTC
no one says "they are leechers and lamers".
they do this for technical problems/configuration.

but from ed2k network point of view, this is not fair.
of course they can use their client, but it's just local stuff ihmo.
i can add that the development of this client mod has almost stopped now.

i would not accept this bug...
Comment 7 Diego Liziero 2007-07-23 20:03:11 UTC
Gioele, even if none would support an official ebuild, it's not so hard to solve this with a local overlay.

1) define PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage" in your /etc/make.conf

2) copy /usr/portage/net-p2p/amule/amule-2.1.3.ebuild to /usr/local/portage/net-p2p/amule/amule-2.1.3.ebuild

3) edit the overlay amule-2.1.3.ebuild adding something like:
src_unpack() {
            unpack ${A}
            cd "${S}"
            epatch "${FILESDIR}"/amuleadunanza3.11b1.patch.gz

4) download amuleadunanza3.11b1.patch.gz into /usr/local/portage/net-p2p/amule/files/

5) ebuild /usr/local/portage/net-p2p/amule/amule-2.1.3.ebuild digest

6) Now aMule Adunanza should be ready to be emerged.

Please, pay attention to these facts:
1: aMule binary will be overwritten by the one of aMule Adunanza.
2: aMule Adunanza is really unstable with current wxGTK: it crashes very often and no one here can help you in solving that.