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Bug 127665

Summary: missing information: 23 suggestions
Product: Documentation Reporter: kevin asher <virginsnow>
Component: [OLD] Developer HandbookAssignee: Gentoo Community Relations Team <comrel>
Severity: normal    
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
URL: ttp://
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description kevin asher 2006-03-26 13:25:46 UTC
I was just reviewing the Gentoo Developer Handbook, looking for some
answers, learning new things, and have some notes which I think may
help to improve the handbook.

I wasn't sure whether submitting 24 separate bug reports (labeled
0 to L) was appropriate, so I've rolled them all into one big list:

0 The Developer Handbook does not specify the inheritance/incremental/
  accumulative behavior of eclass/ebuild variables, i.e. HOMEPAGE,
  Exactly which variables are inherited from parent ebuilds?  Are they
  all exported?  Do the settings in ebuilds replace or add to the
  current settings?  (Depending on how the eclass/ebuild is sourced,
  either of these is technically possible.)
1 Should the flags in IUSE be a comprehensive list?

2 Regarding KEYWORDS, "this variable specifies what architecture the
  ebuild is meant for".  Should this be an exhaustive list which
  specifies each architecture as one of ARCH/~ARCH/-ARCH?  Does having
  "-ARCH" in KEYWORDS mean the same as if ARCH is missing from
  KEYWORDS?  What does "-*" do at the beginning of KEYWORDS?  At the
  end?  In the middle?  (Some ebuilds do these things!)

3 Should state that ebuilds MUST be fully automated and that user
  interaction MUST NOT be required.

4 Doesn't indicate when HOMEPAGE undergoes variable substitution
  (i.e., ${PN}) when a generic HOMEPAGE (cf. sourceforge example)
  setting is inherited from other eclasses.

5 It doesn't mention or describe the function of the PDEPEND variable.

6 Doesn't state whether or not to list only direct dependencies in
  DEPEND.  If:

    foo directly depends on libfoo and
    bar directly depends on both foo and libfoo,

  does DEPEND="foo" or DEPEND="foo libbar"?

  I've seen comments in ebuilds to the effect that some dependency
  libfoo isn't necessary because it's pulled in by dependence on
  foo... which strikes me as a dangerous game.  If the dependencies
  for foo ever change, or foo's dependence upon libfoo becomes
  conditional on USE flags, this could break the bar ebuild, which
  directly depends on that libfoo....

7 It doesn't say *when* the dependencies in REDEPEND and PDEPEND are
  built.  Are they all (DEPEND+RDEPEND+PDEPEND) merged *before* the
  dependent package is built?  Immediately after it's merged?  Or
  maybe just added to the end of the merge queue?

8 "Generally, emerge blows ebuild out of the water"... statements like
  this should be accompanied by a BIG BRIGHT CAVEAT that, in some
  circumstances, portage does not order ebuilds correctly.  To omit
  this is to (even if only implicitly) over-represent what portage is
  technically capable of.  While blanket praise for portage may be
  good propaganda for inclusion in the Gentoo Handbook (user guide),
  developers should be told the whole truth. :)

9 Doesn't state whether DEPEND/RDEPEND/PDEPEND variables are ever
  eval'd or if functions like built_with_use can be used inside of

A Policy concerning circular dependencies.

B There's no documentation on the built_with_use function.

C Description of best_version function does not state whether the
  returned name includes any {_suf{#}}{-r#} suffixes.

D The ebuilds should make clear whether the package being distributed
  is in source, binary, or hybrid source/binary form.  It should make
  clear if a binary/hybrid package is a compiled version of sources
  currently available in the portage tree (typically by using a -bin
  suffix) or if the sources for it are otherwise available (i.e., the
  sources are on an FTP site but have not yet been bundled into an
  ebuild).  Simply seeing an "emake" or the like in the ebuild is not
  sufficient to ascertain this, because some binary/binary-source
  hybrid packages contain makefiles for auxiliary utilities,
  generating documentation, etc.

E It should also be made explicit that bytecodes (such as Java
  bytecode, emacs lisp bytecode, etc.), binary codecs, and firmwares
  are binary formats.

F License filenames should not contain the substring "free-" or
  "-free" unless the licenses really are FOSS, nor contain the string
  "GPL" unless really GPL or LGPL.  For example, the license name
  "SIL-freeware" (a non-free license) is misleading due to this fact.
  A binary-only license named "ZGPL" would similarly be misleading.

G "Your package, when complete and unmasked, is supposed to "just
  work" for the end-user."  Should state that running rc-update from
  an ebuild by default is a big no-no.  State that having to run
  /etc/init.d/initscript start and/or rc-update is okay, but that
  running pkg_config should not be necessary.

H The doc does not provide any policy or guidelines for things like
  adding users or groups, the allocation of UID/GIDs, installation of
  setuid executables, or other kinds of system munging.

I Should contain brief guidance on how to "roll your own
  merge"... that is, how to resolve and order package dependencies on
  your own/manually/without the aid of emerge.

    1. Get an ebuild's package name,
    2. use best_version on it
    3. use depend and fetch (how to pretend an ebuild fetch?)

J The handbook could use a section at or near the end with a BIG FAT
  HEADING saying where to go for information not presented in the
  Developer Handbook:

   (1) If you want information on using catalyst or making your own
       stage tarballs, go to... (where is that info, anyway?)

       This is a kind of developer-ish topic which people might look
       at the Developer Handbook to find out... but it's not in here.
       If use of catalyst is beyond the scope of the Developer
       Handbook, it should gently direct the mistaken reader to a more
       appropriate source.

   (2) If this is all too complicated and you need more basic information
       on Gentoo:
          Gentoo Handbook
	  Gentoo Homepage
	  Gentoo Documentation Project

K No Linux documentation can be complete without containing at least
  one nerdy joke.

L The Developer Handbook doesn't say whether it's preferred to submit
  a separate bug report for each of many bugs found at once, or to
  bundle them all together and treat them as one, big, composite bug.
  (like this one!)
Comment 1 Tim Yamin (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-03-26 14:55:25 UTC
0. Looking at it inherits whatever the last sourced eclass set, i.e. they get replaced. The exceptions to this are IUSE, DEPEND, RDEPEND and PDEPEND which are always concatenated along with the inheritance tree.

1. Yes, IUSE must list *all* USE flags used by your ebuild except arch flags which are special.

2. Order doesn't matter at parsing stage unless things negate each other... and what happens then depends on the Portage code. -ARCH specified and ARCH missing imply different things. One implies the package has not been tested on ARCH (if missing), -ARCH specifically implies that it has been tested, fails to work, and kills bunny rabbits.

4. Normal bash rules apply for substitution if HOMEPAGE is used inside the ebuild. As for whether Portage and external apps that parse ebuilds honor this is another matter. Variable inheritance for HOMEPAGE is no different to that of any other "normal" variable as answered in #0.

6. Yeah, if libxbuttons needs libdrawpretty but your app only needs libxbuttons then you only need to depend on libxbuttons... for all you know the next libxbuttons might need libdrawsuperpretty and your libdrawpretty DEPEND is redundant.

7. RDEPEND is dependant on Portage. It can be before, it can be after. Your app doesn't care so why should you. PDEPEND is explicitly after (man 5 ebuild).

8. emerge is the yin and ebuild is the yang :)

9. Oh dear. No, they must be USE atoms... Otherwise Portage barfs and just generally laughs at you very very hard. USE-based dependencies will eventually be implemented some time, I hope.

B. That's an eutils.eclass feature. Check out portage-manpages.

C. Should do, built_with_use internally runs portageq for its voodoo which should spit out the direct version.

D. And how do you plan on solving this?
F. Is this in policy anywhere? If not it needs to be agreed upon.
G. Hm, that's nasty and more like a QA violation.
H. That's also an eutils.eclass feature.
I. Uhm, why do you want to do that?
J. (1) gentoo-catalyst mailing list
   Yes, it's outside the scope and I'm not sure how catalyst needs to be
   mentioned in there...
   Isn't that implied by the pretty headings to the left of the rendered
   HTML page. Or things on the front page?
K. Um, yes, our appointed jester kinda ran off when we asked him to start doing
   proper work.
L. And that's outside of the scope of the Developer Handbook :)

3., 5., A., E., G., could do with fixing :)
Comment 2 Markos Chandras (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-08-15 21:47:11 UTC
This is a 6 years old bug and rather obsolete. Patches are always welcomed