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Bug 105066

Summary: gaim crashes when i open it
Product: Gentoo Linux Reporter: Stefano Pacella (RETIRED) <so>
Component: Current packagesAssignee: Gaim Bugs Crew <gaim-bugs>
Severity: critical    
Priority: High    
Version: unspecified   
Hardware: All   
OS: Linux   
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Description Stefano Pacella (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-06 14:31:29 UTC
gaim crashes when i open it
gaim 1.5.0
emerge info
Portage (default-linux/x86/2005.0, gcc-3.4.4, glibc-2.3.5-r1, 2.6.8
-gentoo-r3 i686)
System uname: 2.6.8-gentoo-r3 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+
Gentoo Base System version 1.12.0_pre8
dev-lang/python:     2.2.3-r1, 2.3.5, 2.4.1-r1
sys-apps/sandbox:    1.2.7
sys-devel/autoconf:  2.13, 2.59-r7
sys-devel/automake:  1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6
sys-devel/binutils:  2.16.1
sys-devel/libtool:   1.5.20
virtual/os-headers:  2.4.19-r1, 2.6.11-r2
CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe"
CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.1/share/config /usr/kde/
3.2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdow
n /usr/kde/3.4/env /usr/kde/3.4/share/config /usr/kde/3.4/shutdown /usr/kde/3/sh
are/config /usr/lib/X11/xkb /usr/share/config /var/qmail/control"
CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d"
CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe"
FEATURES="autoconfig distlocks sandbox sfperms strict"
USE="x86 X apm arts avi berkdb bitmap-fonts crypt cups curl eds emboss encode es
d fam flac foomaticdb fortran gdbm gif gpm gstreamer gtk gtk2 imagemagick imlib
ipv6 java jpeg kde libg++ libwww mad mikmod motif mp3 mpeg mysql ncurses nls ogg
 oggvorbis opengl oss pam pdflib perl png python qt quicktime readline ruby samb
a sdl slang spell ssl svga tcltk tcpd tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts v
orbis xml2 xmms xv zlib linguas_it userland_GNU kernel_linux elibc_glibc"
Comment 1 Stefano Pacella (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-06 14:36:25 UTC
gaim -d
sound: Initializing sound output drivers.
plugins: registering plugin-load signal
plugins: registering plugin-unload signal
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/encrypt.a
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/icons
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/prefs.xml
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/blist.xml
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/smileys
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/accels
plugins: probing /home/so/.gaim/accounts.xml
plugins: registering plugin-load signal
plugins: registering plugin-unload signal
plugins: registering plugin-load signal
plugins: registering plugin-unload signal
blist import: Reading /home/so/.gaim/blist.xml
blist import: Finished reading /home/so/.gaim/blist.xml
prefs: Reading /home/so/.gaim/prefs.xml
prefs: Finished reading /home/so/.gaim/prefs.xml
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/
plugins: Loading saved plugin /usr/lib/gaim/
pounces: Error reading pounces: Failed to open file '/home/so/.gaim/pounces.xml'
: No such file or directory
status: Error reading statuses: Failed to open file '/home/so/.gaim/status.xml':
 No such file or directory
Session Management: ICE initialized.
Session Management: Connecting with no previous ID
Session Management: Handling new ICE connection... done.
Session Management: Connected to manager (KDE) with client ID 10736f000001126049
Session Management: Using gaim as command
account: Connecting to account 0x81cce50. gc = 0x81e9220
connection: Connecting. gc = 0x81e9220
connection: Calling serv_login
server: gaim 1.5.0 logging in 217574597 using AIM/ICQ
oscar: oscar_login: gc = 0x81e9220
dns: Created new DNS child 16980, there are now 1 children.
account: Connecting to account 0x81cd5e0. gc = 0x814a0e0
connection: Connecting. gc = 0x814a0e0
connection: Calling serv_login
server: gaim 1.5.0 logging in using MSN
msn: new httpconn (0x82ed548)
dns: Created new DNS child 17003, there are now 2 children.
account: Connecting to account 0x81cda80. gc = 0x82eefd8
connection: Connecting. gc = 0x82eefd8
connection: Calling serv_login
server: gaim 1.5.0 logging in using Jabber
dns: DNS query for '' queued
Session Management: Received first save_yourself
dns: Host '' resolved
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
dns: Processing queued DNS query for '' with child 16980
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 16980
Session Management: Received save_complete
dns: Host '' resolved
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
dns: Host '' resolved
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
proxy: Connected.
oscar: Screen name sent, waiting for response
proxy: Connected.
msn: C: NS 000: VER 1 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0
proxy: Connected.
jabber: Sending (ssl): <?xml version='1.0' ?>
jabber: Sending (ssl): <stream:stream to='' xmlns='jabber:client' x
mlns:stream='' version='1.0'>
oscar: inside auth_resp (Screen name: 217574597)
oscar: Reg status: 0
oscar: Email is NULL
oscar: BOSIP:
oscar: Closing auth connection...
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 17003
msn: S: NS 000: VER 1 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0
msn: C: NS 000: CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS sogentoo@kat
dns: Host '' resolved
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
proxy: Connected.
msn: S: NS 000: CVR 2 7.0.0816 7.0.0816 6.2.0205
msn: C: NS 000: USR 3 TWN I
oscar: MOTD: Unknown (5)
msn: S: NS 000: XFR 3 NS 0
dns: Successfully sent DNS request to child 16980
dns: Host '' resolved
proxy: Connecting to with no proxy
proxy: Connect would have blocked.
jabber: Recv (ssl)(187): <?xml version='1.0'?><stream:stream xmlns:stream='http:
//' xmlns='jabber:client' from='' version=
'1.0' id='uvnswxbgygnzfeathvjhu6ikm74uhkabfy3cwesu'>
oscar: ssi: requesting rights and list
proxy: Connected.
msn: C: NS 000: VER 4 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0
jabber: Recv (ssl)(210): <stream:features xmlns:stream='
/streams'><mechanisms xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'><mechanism>DIGEST
jabber: Sending (ssl): <auth xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl' mechanism=
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   sn    =217574597
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   value:
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0xaf 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0x5f 
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   sn    =217574597
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   type  =0x0014
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   length=0x0001
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   value:
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0x18 
oscar: 217574597 0:
oscar: locate rights: max sig len = 2048
oscar: buddy list rights: Max buddies = 600 / Max watchers = 2000
oscar: BOS rights: Max permit = 350 / Max deny = 350
server: allowing NOP
oscar: buddy list loaded
jabber: Recv (ssl)(216): <challenge xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>cmV
jabber: decoded challenge (114): realm="",nonce="43876433c59861f72a
jabber: decoded response (229): username="so",realm="",nonce="43876
jabber: Sending (ssl): <response xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'>dXNlcm
oscar: ssi rights: max type 0x0000=46595, max type 0x0001=13056, max type 0x0002
=32768, max type 0x0003=32768, max type 0x0004=256, max type 0x0005=256, max typ
e 0x0006=12800, max type 0x0007=0, max type 0x0008=0, max type 0x0009=768, max t
ype 0x000a=0, max type 0x000b=0, max type 0x000c=0, max type 0x000d=32768, max t
ype 0x000e=32768, max type 0x000f=5120, max type 0x0010=51200, max type 0x0011=2
56, max type 0x0012=0, max type 0x0013=256, max type 0x0014=3840, max type 0x001
5=256, max type 0x0016=10240, max type 0x0017=0, max type 0x0018=0, max type 0x0
msn: S: NS 000: VER 4 MSNP9 MSNP8 CVR0
msn: C: NS 000: CVR 5 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS sogentoo@kat
oscar: ssi: syncing local list and server list
oscar: ssi: activating server-stored buddy list
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   sn    =217574597
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   value:
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0xaf 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0x5f 
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   sn    =217574597
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   value:
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0xaf 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0x5f 
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo: **warning: unexpected TLV:
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   sn    =217574597
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   type  =0x0022
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   length=0x0002
oscar: 217574597 0: userinfo:   value:
oscar: 217574597 0: 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0xaf 
oscar: 217574597 0: 0x5f 
oscar: 217574597 0: 
jabber: Recv (ssl)(85): <failure xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl'><tempo
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
g_log: xmlnode_get_child_with_namespace: assertion `parent != NULL' failed
msn: S: NS 000: CVR 5 7.0.0816 7.0.0816 6.2.0205
msn: C: NS 000: USR 6 TWN I
account: Disconnecting account 0x81cda80
connection: Disconnecting connection 0x82eefd8
jabber: Sending (ssl): <presence type='unavailable'><status>Logged out</status><
jabber: Sending (ssl): </stream:stream>
connection: Destroying connection 0x82eefd8
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown short capability: {134c}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {e362c1e9-121a-4b94-a626-7a74de24270d}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {178c2d9b-daa5-45bb-8ddb-f3bdbd53a10a}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {67361515-612d-4c07-8f3d-bde6408ea041}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {b99708b5-3a92-4202-b069-f1e757bb2e17}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {1a093c6c-d7fd-4ec5-9d51-a6474e34f5a0}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown short capability: {f002}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown short capability: {f002}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {4b6f7065-7465-2049-4351-2020000a0000}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {4b6f7065-7465-2049-4351-2020000a0000}
oscar: 217574597 0: unknown capability: {563fc809-0b6f-41bd-9f79-422609dfa2f3}
oscar: Received offline message.  Converting to channel 4 ICBM...
oscar: Received a channel 4 message of type 0x01.
oscar: Parsing IM part, charset=0x0000, charsubset=0x0000, datalen=12
mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding
Gaim has segfaulted and attempted to dump a core file.
This is a bug in the software and has happened through
no fault of your own.

It is possible that this bug is already fixed in CVS.
If you can reproduce the crash, please notify the gaim
maintainers by reporting a bug at

Please make sure to specify what you were doing at the time,
and post the backtrace from the core file. If you do not know
how to get the backtrace, please get instructions at If you need further
assistance, please IM either SeanEgn or LSchiere and
they can help you.
so@so ~ $ dns[17003]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!
dns[16980]: Oops, father has gone, wait for me, wait...!
Comment 2 Don Seiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-06 14:39:05 UTC
Looks like you are receiving a message right away and gaim is crashing on that.
 Could be sound related.  To test that, you can launch gaim with 'gaim -a' and
change the preferences to no sound.  You don't happen to use arts do you?
Comment 3 Stefano Pacella (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-06 14:56:09 UTC
with gaim -a and no sound gaim works
in my process table there is artsd, is that the problem?
Comment 4 Don Seiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 07:23:26 UTC
The problem is libao.  By default, gaim uses libao to play sounds with the
various sound daemons.  However there is a known bug in libao when working with
arts.  You can either disable sound, or give a manual command to play sound
through arts, so gaim won't try to use libao.  These are done in gaim sound

Please let me know if this works for you.
Comment 5 Don Seiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 07:26:13 UTC

That entry mentions how to manually set your sound command, so it won't use libao.
Comment 6 Stefano Pacella (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 08:14:01 UTC
it works for me thanks don
Comment 7 Don Seiler (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 08:18:51 UTC
Closing then.  Up-upstream libao bug.  If you're curious the bug (filed by me in
April) is here:

Other than re-assigning it, it hasn't been touched.