ID | Product | Comp | Assignee▲ | Status▲ | Resolution | Summary | Changed |
111011 | Gentoo S | Vulnerab | security | RESO | DUPL | dev-lang/php // dev-php/php <= 4.4.0, <= 5.0.5 File-Upload $GLOBALS Overwrite Vulnerability | 2005-10-31 |
111014 | Gentoo S | Vulnerab | security | RESO | DUPL | dev-lang/php // dev-php/php <= 4.4.0, <= 5.0.5 register_globals Activation Vulnerability in parse_str() | 2005-10-31 |
111015 | Gentoo S | Vulnerab | security | RESO | DUPL | dev-lang/php // dev-php/php <= 4.4.0, <= 5.0.5 Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerability in phpinfo() | 2005-10-31 |
File a new bug in the "Vulnerabilities" component of the "Gentoo Security" product