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[patch] update to latest portage and another feature
emerge_per_package_use.2.patch (text/plain), 992 bytes, created by Max Kalika (RETIRED) on 2003-03-10 12:15:50 UTC
Creator: Max Kalika (RETIRED)
Created: 2003-03-10 12:15:50 UTC
Size: 992 bytes
Actions: View | Diff
Attachments on bug 13616: 7155 | 7156 | 7264 | 7265 | 9218 | 9219 | 10588 | 10589 | 12254 | 12255 | 13752 | 13753 | 14390 | 14678 | 14679 | 14847 | 14873 | 15239 | 15240 | 15241 | 15291 | 15303 | 15304 | 15347 | 15348 | 15349 | 15614 | 15715 | 16609 | 16610 | 16611 | 16768 | 17925 | 17926 | 19128 | 20637 | 20652 | 21575 | 21577