# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit java-pkg-2 eutils versionator java-ant-2 MY_PV=$(replace_all_version_separators _ ) MY_P="${PN}_${MY_PV}" DESCRIPTION="The leading SQL relational database engine written in Java." HOMEPAGE="http://hsqldb.org" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${MY_P}.zip" LICENSE="as-is" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="doc source sqltools" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.4 =dev-java/servletapi-2.3*" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.4 app-arch/unzip dev-java/ant-core source? ( app-arch/zip ) ${RDEPEND}" # doesn't like Java 1.6 due to JDBC changes JAVA_PKG_NV_DEPEND="=dev-java/sun-jdk-1.4* =dev-java/sun-jdk-1.5*" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}" HSQLDB_JAR=/usr/share/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar HSQLDB_HOME=/var/lib/hsqldb pkg_setup() { enewgroup hsqldb enewuser hsqldb -1 /bin/sh /dev/null hsqldb java-pkg-2_pkg_setup } ant_src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S}/lib rm *.jar java-pkg_jar-from servletapi-2.3 cd ${S} sed -i -r \ -e "s/etc\/sysconfig/etc\/conf.d/g" \ bin/hsqldb ant -q -f build/build.xml cleanall > /dev/null || die "failed to clean" epatch ${FILESDIR}/resolve-config-softlinks.patch if use sqltools; then epatch ${FILESDIR}/bundle-all-tools.patch fi mkdir conf sed -e "s/^HSQLDB_JAR_PATH=.*$/HSQLDB_JAR_PATH=${HSQLDB_JAR//\//\\/}/g" \ -e "s/^SERVER_HOME=.*$/SERVER_HOME=\/var\/lib\/hsqldb/g" \ -e "s/^HSQLDB_OWNER=.*$/HSQLDB_OWNER=hsqldb/g" \ -e 's/^#AUTH_FILE=.*$/AUTH_FILE=${SERVER_HOME}\/sqltool.rc/g' \ src/org/hsqldb/sample/sample-hsqldb.cfg > conf/hsqldb cp ${FILESDIR}/server.properties-1.8 conf/server.properties cp ${FILESDIR}/sqltool.rc-1.8 conf/sqltool.rc } src_compile() { eant -f build/build.xml jar jarclient jarsqltool $(use_doc javadocdev) } src_install() { java-pkg_dojar lib/hsql*.jar if use doc; then dodoc doc/*.txt java-pkg_dohtml -r doc/guide java-pkg_dohtml -r doc/src fi use source && java-pkg_dosrc src/* # Install env file for CONFIG_PROTECT support insinto /etc/env.d insopts -m0644 doins ${FILESDIR}/35hsqldb # Put init, configuration and authorization files in /etc doinitd ${FILESDIR}/hsqldb doconfd conf/hsqldb dodir /etc/hsqldb insinto /etc/hsqldb # Change the ownership of server.properties and sqltool.rc # files to hsqldb:hsqldb. (resolves Bug #111963) insopts -m0600 -o hsqldb -g hsqldb doins conf/server.properties insopts -m0600 -o hsqldb -g hsqldb doins conf/sqltool.rc # Install init script dodir ${HSQLDB_HOME}/bin keepdir ${HSQLDB_HOME} exeinto ${HSQLDB_HOME}/bin doexe bin/hsqldb # Create symlinks to authorization files in the server home dir # (required by the hqldb init script) insinto ${HSQLDB_HOME} dosym /etc/hsqldb/server.properties ${HSQLDB_HOME}/server.properties dosym /etc/hsqldb/sqltool.rc ${HSQLDB_HOME}/sqltool.rc # Make sure that files have correct permissions chown -R hsqldb:hsqldb ${D}${HSQLDB_HOME} chmod o-rwx ${D}${HSQLDB_HOME} } pkg_postinst() { ewarn "If you intend to run Hsqldb in Server mode and you want to create" ewarn "additional databases, remember to put correct information in both" ewarn "'server.properties' and 'sqltool.rc' files." ewarn "(read the 'Init script Setup Procedure' section of the 'Chapter 3." ewarn "UNIX Quick Start' in the Hsqldb docs for more information)" echo einfo "Example:" echo einfo "/etc/hsqldb/server.properties" einfo "=============================" einfo "server.database.1=file:xdb/xdb" einfo "server.dbname.1=xdb" einfo "server.urlid.1=xdb" einfo einfo "/etc/hsqldb/sqltool.rc" einfo "======================" einfo "urlid xdb" einfo "url jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/xdb" einfo "username sa" einfo "password " echo einfo "Also note that each hsqldb server can serve only up to 10" einfo "different databases simultaneously (with consecutive {0-9}" einfo "suffixes in the 'server.properties' file)." echo ewarn "For data manipulation use:" ewarn ewarn "# java -classpath ${HSQLDB_JAR} org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager" ewarn "# java -classpath ${HSQLDB_JAR} org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing" ewarn "# java -classpath ${HSQLDB_JAR} org.hsqldb.util.SqlTool \\" ewarn " --rcFile /var/lib/hsqldb/sqltool.rc " echo einfo "The Hsqldb can be run in multiple modes - read 'Chapter 1. Running'" einfo "and Using Hsqldb' in the Hsqldb docs at:" einfo " http://hsqldb.org/web/hsqlDocsFrame.html" einfo "If you intend to run it in the Server mode, it is suggested to add the" einfo "init script to your start-up scripts, this should be done like this:" einfo " \`rc-update add hsqldb default\`" echo # Enable CONFIG_PROTECT for hsqldb env-update einfo "Hsqldb stores its database files in ${HSQLDB_HOME} and this directory" einfo "is added to the CONFIG_PROTECT list. In order to immediately activate" einfo "these settings please do:" einfo " \`env-update && source /etc/profile\`" einfo "Otherwise the settings will become active next time you login" echo } pkg_postrm() { # Disable CONFIG_PROTECT for hsqldb env-update }