* Package: dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0:0 * Repository: gentoo * Maintainer: perl@gentoo.org * USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux * FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox userpriv usersandbox >>> Unpacking source... >>> Unpacking Tk-804.036.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work >>> Source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work >>> Preparing source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036 ... * Applying Tk-804.034-xorg.patch ... [ ok ] * Removing un-needed t/pod.t * Fixing Manifest * Removing bundled: PNG/libpng * Removing bundled: PNG/zlib * Removing bundled: JPEG/jpeg >>> Source prepared. * Modern C testing: this build is using a /etc/portage/bashrc hook (2023-11-30T22:24)! * Modern C testing: see https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Modern_C_porting for more info. >>> Configuring source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036 ... * Using ExtUtils::MakeMaker * perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr INSTALLDIRS=vendor INSTALLMAN3DIR=none DESTDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/image X11ROOT=/usr XFT=1 -I/usr/include/ -l/usr/lib64 /usr/bin/perl is installed in /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux okay PPM for perl5.038002 Test Compiling config/perlrx.c Test Compiling config/pmop.c Test Compiling config/pregcomp2.c Test Compiling config/regexp511.c Test Compiling config/signedchar.c Test Compile/Run config/unsigned.c Test Compiling config/Ksprintf.c Test Compiling config/svtrv.c Test Compiling config/copstashset.c Test Compiling config/tod.c Generic gettimeofday() Using -L/usr/lib64 to find /usr/lib64/libX11.so.6.4.0 Using -I/usr/include to find /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h Using -I/usr/include/freetype2 to find /usr/include/freetype2/freetype/freetype.h xlib='-L/usr/lib64' xinc='-I/usr/include' Test Compile/Run config/xft.c Seem to have -lXft Writing Tk/Config.pm Writing pTk/tkConfig.h Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: build_ptk Please inform the author. 'X11ROOT' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. 'XFT' is not a known MakeMaker parameter name. Generating Dependencies for linux, win_arch=x Test Compiling config/Hstrtoul.c Test Compiling config/Hstrdup.c Test Compiling config/Hstrcasecmp.c Extracting ClientWin.c Extracting default.h Extracting exWinHandle.c Extracting img.h Extracting imgBMP.c Extracting imgInit.c Extracting imgInt.h Extracting imgObj.c Extracting imgUtil.c Extracting imgWindow.c Extracting imgXBM.c Extracting imgXPM.c Extracting ks_names.h Extracting moredefs.h Extracting port.h Extracting stbDItem.c Extracting stbDiStyle.c Extracting tclAsync.c Extracting tclDecls.h Extracting tclEvent.c Extracting tclHash.c Extracting tclIntDecls.h Extracting tclIntPlatDecls.h Extracting tclMath.h Extracting tclNotify.c Extracting tclPlatDecls.h Extracting tclPreserve.c Extracting tclTimer.c Extracting tclUnixEvent.c Extracting tclUnixNotfy.c Extracting tclUnixTime.c Extracting tix.h Extracting tixBitmaps.h Extracting tixCompat.c Extracting tixDItem.c Extracting tixDef.h Extracting tixDiITxt.c Extracting tixDiImg.c Extracting tixDiStyle.c Extracting tixDiText.c Extracting tixDiWin.c Extracting tixError.c Extracting tixForm.c Extracting tixForm.h Extracting tixFormMisc.c Extracting tixGrData.c Extracting tixGrData.h Extracting tixGrFmt.c Extracting tixGrRC.c Extracting tixGrSel.c Extracting tixGrSort.c Extracting tixGrUtl.c Extracting tixGrid.c Extracting tixGrid.h Extracting tixHLCol.c Extracting tixHLHdr.c Extracting tixHLInd.c Extracting tixHList.c Extracting tixHList.h Extracting tixImgCmp.c Extracting tixImgXpm.c Extracting tixImgXpm.h Extracting tixInputO.c Extracting tixInt.h Extracting tixList.c Extracting tixMwm.c Extracting tixNBFrame.c Extracting tixPort.h Extracting tixScroll.c Extracting tixSmpLs.c Extracting tixTList.c Extracting tixTList.h Extracting tixUnixDraw.c Extracting tixUnixInt.h Extracting tixUnixPort.h Extracting tixUnixWm.c Extracting tixUnixXpm.c Extracting tixUtils.c Extracting tk.h Extracting tk3d.c Extracting tk3d.h Extracting tkAtom.c Extracting tkBind.c Extracting tkBitmap.c Extracting tkButton.c Extracting tkButton.h Extracting tkCanvArc.c Extracting tkCanvBmap.c Extracting tkCanvImg.c Extracting tkCanvLine.c Extracting tkCanvPoly.c Extracting tkCanvPs.c Extracting tkCanvText.c Extracting tkCanvUtil.c Extracting tkCanvWind.c Extracting tkCanvas.c Extracting tkCanvas.h Extracting tkClipboard.c Extracting tkCmds.c Extracting tkColor.c Extracting tkColor.h Extracting tkConfig.c Extracting tkCursor.c Extracting tkDecls.h Extracting tkEntry.c Extracting tkError.c Extracting tkEvent.c Extracting tkFileFilter.c Extracting tkFileFilter.h Extracting tkFocus.c Extracting tkFont.c Extracting tkFont.h Extracting tkFrame.c Extracting tkGC.c Extracting tkGeometry.c Extracting tkGet.c Extracting tkGrab.c Extracting tkGrid.c Extracting tkImage.c Extracting tkImgBmap.c Extracting tkImgGIF.c Extracting tkImgPPM.c Extracting tkImgPhoto.c Extracting tkImgUtil.c Extracting tkInitScript.h Extracting tkInt.h Extracting tkIntDecls.h Extracting tkIntPlatDecls.h Extracting tkIntXlibDecls.h Extracting tkListbox.c Extracting tkMacWinMenu.c Extracting tkMenu.c Extracting tkMenu.h Extracting tkMenuDraw.c Extracting tkMenubutton.c Extracting tkMenubutton.h Extracting tkMessage.c Extracting tkObj.c Extracting tkOldConfig.c Extracting tkOption.c Extracting tkPack.c Extracting tkPanedWindow.c Extracting tkPlace.c Extracting tkPlatDecls.h Extracting tkPointer.c Extracting tkPort.h Extracting tkRectOval.c Extracting tkScale.c Extracting tkScale.h Extracting tkScrollbar.c Extracting tkScrollbar.h Extracting tkSelect.c Extracting tkSelect.h Extracting tkSquare.c Extracting tkStubImg.c Extracting tkStyle.c Extracting tkText.c Extracting tkText.h Extracting tkTextBTree.c Extracting tkTextDisp.c Extracting tkTextImage.c Extracting tkTextIndex.c Extracting tkTextMark.c Extracting tkTextTag.c Extracting tkTextWind.c Extracting tkTrig.c Extracting tkUndo.c Extracting tkUndo.h Extracting tkUnix.c Extracting tkUnix3d.c Extracting tkUnixButton.c Extracting tkUnixColor.c Extracting tkUnixConfig.c Extracting tkUnixCursor.c Extracting tkUnixDefault.h Extracting tkUnixDialog.c Extracting tkUnixDraw.c Extracting tkUnixEmbed.c Extracting tkUnixEvent.c Extracting tkUnixFocus.c Extracting tkUnixFont.c Extracting tkUnixInit.c Extracting tkUnixInt.h Extracting tkUnixKey.c Extracting tkUnixMenu.c Extracting tkUnixMenubu.c Extracting tkUnixPort.h Extracting tkUnixScale.c Extracting tkUnixScrlbr.c Extracting tkUnixSelect.c Extracting tkUnixSend.c Extracting tkUnixWm.c Extracting tkUnixXId.c Extracting tkUnixXft.c Extracting tkUtil.c Extracting tkVisual.c Extracting tkWindow.c Extracting xbytes.h Finding dependencies for ClientWin.c Finding dependencies for Lang_f.c Finding dependencies for Xlib_f.c Finding dependencies for XrmOption.c Finding dependencies for imgBMP.c Finding dependencies for imgInit.c Finding dependencies for imgInt_f.c Finding dependencies for imgObj.c Finding dependencies for imgUtil.c Finding dependencies for imgWindow.c Finding dependencies for imgXBM.c Finding dependencies for imgXPM.c Finding dependencies for ptkCanvGrid.c Finding dependencies for ptkCanvGroup.c Finding dependencies for stbDItem.c Finding dependencies for stbDashCustom.c Finding dependencies for stbDiStyle.c Finding dependencies for strGlue.c Finding dependencies for strdup.c Finding dependencies for strtoul.c Finding dependencies for tclAsync.c Finding dependencies for tclDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tclEvent.c Finding dependencies for tclHash.c Finding dependencies for tclNotify.c Finding dependencies for tclPreserve.c Finding dependencies for tclTimer.c Finding dependencies for tclUnixEvent.c Finding dependencies for tclUnixNotfy.c Finding dependencies for tclUnixTime.c Finding dependencies for tixCompat.c Finding dependencies for tixDItem.c Finding dependencies for tixDiITxt.c Finding dependencies for tixDiImg.c Finding dependencies for tixDiStyle.c Finding dependencies for tixDiText.c Finding dependencies for tixDiWin.c Finding dependencies for tixError.c Finding dependencies for tixForm.c Finding dependencies for tixFormMisc.c Finding dependencies for tixGrData.c Finding dependencies for tixGrFmt.c Finding dependencies for tixGrRC.c Finding dependencies for tixGrSel.c Finding dependencies for tixGrSort.c Finding dependencies for tixGrUtl.c Finding dependencies for tixGrid.c Finding dependencies for tixHLCol.c Finding dependencies for tixHLHdr.c Finding dependencies for tixHLInd.c Finding dependencies for tixHList.c Finding dependencies for tixImgCmp.c Finding dependencies for tixImgXpm.c Finding dependencies for tixImgXpm_f.c Finding dependencies for tixInputO.c Finding dependencies for tixInt_f.c Finding dependencies for tixList.c Finding dependencies for tixMwm.c Finding dependencies for tixNBFrame.c Finding dependencies for tixScroll.c Finding dependencies for tixSmpLs.c Finding dependencies for tixTList.c Finding dependencies for tixUnixDraw.c Finding dependencies for tixUnixWm.c Finding dependencies for tixUnixXpm.c Finding dependencies for tixUtils.c Finding dependencies for tixVars.c Finding dependencies for tix_f.c Finding dependencies for tk3d.c Finding dependencies for tkAtom.c Finding dependencies for tkBind.c Finding dependencies for tkBitmap.c Finding dependencies for tkButton.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvArc.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvBmap.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvImg.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvLine.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvPoly.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvPs.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvText.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvUtil.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvWind.c Finding dependencies for tkCanvas.c Finding dependencies for tkClipboard.c Finding dependencies for tkCmds.c Finding dependencies for tkColor.c Finding dependencies for tkConfig.c Finding dependencies for tkCursor.c Finding dependencies for tkDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tkEntry.c Finding dependencies for tkError.c Finding dependencies for tkEvent.c Finding dependencies for tkEvent_f.c Finding dependencies for tkFileFilter.c Finding dependencies for tkFocus.c Finding dependencies for tkFont.c Finding dependencies for tkFrame.c Finding dependencies for tkGC.c Finding dependencies for tkGeometry.c Finding dependencies for tkGet.c Finding dependencies for tkGrab.c Finding dependencies for tkGrid.c Finding dependencies for tkImage.c Finding dependencies for tkImgBmap.c Finding dependencies for tkImgGIF.c Finding dependencies for tkImgPPM.c Finding dependencies for tkImgPhoto.c Finding dependencies for tkImgPhoto_f.c Finding dependencies for tkIntDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tkIntPlatDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tkIntXlibDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tkInt_f.c Finding dependencies for tkListbox.c Finding dependencies for tkMenu.c Finding dependencies for tkMenuDraw.c Finding dependencies for tkMenubutton.c Finding dependencies for tkMessage.c Finding dependencies for tkObj.c Finding dependencies for tkOldConfig.c Finding dependencies for tkOption.c Finding dependencies for tkOption_f.c Finding dependencies for tkPack.c Finding dependencies for tkPanedWindow.c Finding dependencies for tkPlace.c Finding dependencies for tkPlatDecls_f.c Finding dependencies for tkPointer.c Finding dependencies for tkProperty.c Finding dependencies for tkRectOval.c Finding dependencies for tkScale.c Finding dependencies for tkScrollbar.c Finding dependencies for tkSelect.c Finding dependencies for tkSquare.c Finding dependencies for tkStubImg.c Finding dependencies for tkStyle.c Finding dependencies for tkText.c Finding dependencies for tkTextBTree.c Finding dependencies for tkTextDisp.c Finding dependencies for tkTextImage.c Finding dependencies for tkTextIndex.c Finding dependencies for tkTextMark.c Finding dependencies for tkTextTag.c Finding dependencies for tkTextWind.c Finding dependencies for tkTrig.c Finding dependencies for tkUndo.c Finding dependencies for tkUnix.c Finding dependencies for tkUnix3d.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixButton.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixColor.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixConfig.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixCursor.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixDialog.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixDraw.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixEmbed.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixEvent.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixFocus.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixFont.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixInit.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixKey.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixMenu.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixMenubu.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixScale.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixScrlbr.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixSelect.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixSend.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixWm.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixXId.c Finding dependencies for tkUnixXft.c Finding dependencies for tkUtil.c Finding dependencies for tkVisual.c Finding dependencies for tkWindow.c Finding dependencies for tk_f.c Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: LINKTYPE set to '', no longer necessary Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for X.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Xlib.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for WinPhoto.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Pixmap.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for TixGrid.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Text.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for TList.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Scrollbar.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Scale.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Test Compile/Run config/has_png.c Using system's -lpng Finding dependencies for PNG.xs Finding dependencies for imgPNG.c Invalid term: -32768 && INT_MAX == 32767 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 57, line 486. trailing: -32768 && INT_MAX == 32767 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 106, line 486. ignore 'error "libpng requires a signed 16-bit type"' ignore 'error "libpng requires an unsigned 16-bit type"' Invalid term: -2147483646 && INT_MAX > 2147483646 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 57, line 502. trailing: -2147483646 && INT_MAX > 2147483646 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 106, line 502. Invalid term: -2147483646 && LONG_MAX > 2147483646 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 57, line 504. trailing: -2147483646 && LONG_MAX > 2147483646 at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 106, line 504. ignore 'error "libpng requires a signed 32-bit (or more) type"' trailing: U at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 106, line 510. trailing: U at /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/MakeDepend.pm line 106, line 512. ignore 'error "libpng requires an unsigned 32-bit (or more) type"' Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for NBFrame.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Mwm.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Menubutton.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Listbox.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Test Compile/Run config/has_jpeg.c Using system's -ljpeg Finding dependencies for JPEG.xs Finding dependencies for imgJPEG.c Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for InputO.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for IO.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for HList.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Event.xs Finding dependencies for eventWin32Dll.c Finding dependencies for pTkCallback.c Finding dependencies for tclAsync.c Finding dependencies for tclEvent.c Finding dependencies for tclNotify.c Finding dependencies for tclPlatEvent.c Finding dependencies for tclPlatNotfy.c Finding dependencies for tclPlatTime.c Finding dependencies for tclTimer.c Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Entry.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Skip Win32Site on x Warning: LINKTYPE set to '', no longer necessary Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Compound.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Finding dependencies for Canvas.xs Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json Ignoring Finding dependencies for Tk.xs Finding dependencies for chnGlue.c Finding dependencies for encGlue.c Finding dependencies for evtGlue.c Finding dependencies for objGlue.c Finding dependencies for tixGlue.c Finding dependencies for tkGlue.c Finding dependencies for tkGlue_f.c Finding dependencies for tkWin32Dll.c Tests in PNG Tests in JPEG Tests in Event Generating a Unix-style Makefile Writing Makefile for Tk Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json >>> Source configured. '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/temp/clang16-errors.log' -> '/var/tmp/clang/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/clang16-errors.log' '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/temp/clang16-safe.log' -> '/var/tmp/clang/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/clang16-safe.log' >>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036 ... make -j4 'OTHERLDFLAGS=-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0' "/usr/bin/perl" "/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/ExtUtils/xsubpp" -typemap '/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/ExtUtils/typemap' -typemap '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/Tk/typemap' Tk.xs > Tk.xsc Running Mkbootstrap for Tk () x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" chnGlue.c chmod 644 "Tk.bs" cp Tk/Clipboard.pm blib/lib/Tk/Clipboard.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Clipboard.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Clipboard) cp Tk/Pretty.pm blib/lib/Tk/Pretty.pm x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" encGlue.c cp Tk/CmdLine.pm blib/lib/Tk/CmdLine.pm cp Tk/Frame.pm blib/lib/Tk/Frame.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Frame.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Frame) cp Tk/Configure.pm blib/lib/Tk/Configure.pm cp Tk/LabRadio.pm blib/lib/Tk/LabRadio.pm cp Tk/Camel.xpm blib/lib/Tk/Camel.xpm cp Tk/ColorSelect.pm blib/lib/Tk/ColorSelect.pm cp Tk/Label.pm blib/lib/Tk/Label.pm cp Tk/MMutil.pm blib/lib/Tk/MMutil.pm cp Tk/Panedwindow.pm blib/lib/Tk/Panedwindow.pm cp Tk/MainWindow.pm blib/lib/Tk/MainWindow.pm cp Tk/Adjuster.pm blib/lib/Tk/Adjuster.pm cp Tk/FileSelect.pm blib/lib/Tk/FileSelect.pm cp Tk/English.pm blib/lib/Tk/English.pm cp Tk/ROText.pm blib/lib/Tk/ROText.pm cp Tk/Pane.pm blib/lib/Tk/Pane.pm cp Tk/Menubar.pm blib/lib/Tk/Menubar.pm cp Tk/MMtry.pm blib/lib/Tk/MMtry.pm cp Tk/Checkbutton.pm blib/lib/Tk/Checkbutton.pm cp Tk/Radiobutton.pm blib/lib/Tk/Radiobutton.pm cp Tk/MsgBox.pm blib/lib/Tk/MsgBox.pm cp Tk/Optionmenu.pm blib/lib/Tk/Optionmenu.pm cp Tk/Font.pm blib/lib/Tk/Font.pm cp Tk/ProgressBar.pm blib/lib/Tk/ProgressBar.pm cp Tk/IconList.pm blib/lib/Tk/IconList.pm cp Tk/Dialog.pm blib/lib/Tk/Dialog.pm cp Tk/Animation.pm blib/lib/Tk/Animation.pm cp Tk.pod blib/lib/Tk.pod cp Tk/ColorDialog.pm blib/lib/Tk/ColorDialog.pm cp Tk/Derived.pm blib/lib/Tk/Derived.pm cp Tk/Labelframe.pm blib/lib/Tk/Labelframe.pm cp Tk/DummyEncode.pm blib/lib/Tk/DummyEncode.pm cp Tk/FBox.pm blib/lib/Tk/FBox.pm cp Tk/After.pm blib/lib/Tk/After.pm cp Tk/Dirlist.pm blib/lib/Tk/Dirlist.pm cp Tk/ColorEdit.xpm blib/lib/Tk/ColorEdit.xpm cp Tk/Menu.pm blib/lib/Tk/Menu.pm cp Tk/Message.pm blib/lib/Tk/Message.pm cp Tk/README.Adjust blib/lib/Tk/README.Adjust cp Tk/Credits blib/lib/Tk/Credits cp Tk.pm blib/lib/Tk.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk) cp Tk/Button.pm blib/lib/Tk/Button.pm cp Tk/LabEntry.pm blib/lib/Tk/LabEntry.pm cp Tk/Bitmap.pm blib/lib/Tk/Bitmap.pm cp Tk/Stats.pm blib/lib/Tk/Stats.pm cp Tk/Menu/Item.pm blib/lib/Tk/Menu/Item.pm cp Tk/Region.pm blib/lib/Tk/Region.pm cp Tk/MakeDepend.pm blib/lib/Tk/MakeDepend.pm cp Tk/Config.pm blib/arch/Tk/Config.pm cp Tk/ItemStyle.pm blib/lib/Tk/ItemStyle.pm cp Tk/Spinbox.pm blib/lib/Tk/Spinbox.pm cp Tk/Image.pm blib/lib/Tk/Image.pm cp Tk/Photo.pm blib/lib/Tk/Photo.pm cp Tk/ErrorDialog.pm blib/lib/Tk/ErrorDialog.pm cp Tk/ColorEditor.pm blib/lib/Tk/ColorEditor.pm cp Tk/X11Font.pm blib/lib/Tk/X11Font.pm cp Tk/Xcamel.gif blib/lib/Tk/Xcamel.gif cp tkGlue_f.h blib/arch/Tk/tkGlue_f.h cp Tk/Submethods.pm blib/lib/Tk/Submethods.pm cp tkGlue.h blib/arch/Tk/tkGlue.h cp Tk/wintext.xpm blib/lib/Tk/wintext.xpm cp Tk/Widget.pm blib/lib/Tk/Widget.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Widget.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Widget) cp Tk/install.pm blib/lib/Tk/install.pm cp Tk/typemap blib/lib/Tk/typemap cp Tk/win.xbm blib/lib/Tk/win.xbm cp Tk/winfolder.xpm blib/lib/Tk/winfolder.xpm cp Tk/Xrm.pm blib/lib/Tk/Xrm.pm cp Tk/TextEdit.pm blib/lib/Tk/TextEdit.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/TextEdit.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/TextEdit) cp Tk/file.xpm blib/lib/Tk/file.xpm cp Tk/widgets.pm blib/lib/Tk/widgets.pm cp tkGlue.m blib/arch/Tk/tkGlue.m cp Tk/file.xbm blib/lib/Tk/file.xbm cp Tk/license.terms blib/lib/Tk/license.terms cp Tk/cbxarrow.xbm blib/lib/Tk/cbxarrow.xbm cp Tk/Trace.pm blib/lib/Tk/Trace.pm cp Tk/Tiler.pm blib/lib/Tk/Tiler.pm cp Tk/prolog.ps blib/lib/Tk/prolog.ps cp Tk/anim.gif blib/lib/Tk/anim.gif cp Tk/arrowdownwin.xbm blib/lib/Tk/arrowdownwin.xbm cp Tk/Toplevel.pm blib/lib/Tk/Toplevel.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Toplevel.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Toplevel) cp Tk/srcfile.xpm blib/lib/Tk/srcfile.xpm cp ppport.h blib/arch/Tk/ppport.h cp Tk/openfile.xbm blib/lib/Tk/openfile.xbm cp Tk/openfolder.xpm blib/lib/Tk/openfolder.xpm cp Tk/act_folder.xbm blib/lib/Tk/act_folder.xbm cp Tk/TextUndo.pm blib/lib/Tk/TextUndo.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/TextUndo.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/TextUndo) cp tkGlue.def blib/arch/Tk/tkGlue.def cp Tk/icon.gif blib/lib/Tk/icon.gif cp Tk/Wm.pm blib/lib/Tk/Wm.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Wm.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Wm) cp Tk/folder.xbm blib/lib/Tk/folder.xbm cp Tk/folder.xpm blib/lib/Tk/folder.xpm cp vtab.def blib/arch/Tk/vtab.def cp Tk/textfile.xpm blib/lib/Tk/textfile.xpm cp tkGlue.t blib/arch/Tk/tkGlue.t cp TkXSUB.def blib/arch/Tk/TkXSUB.def cp Tk/act_folder.xpm blib/lib/Tk/act_folder.xpm cp Tk/openfolder.xbm blib/lib/Tk/openfolder.xbm cp Tk/Tk.xpm blib/lib/Tk/Tk.xpm cp Tk/Table.pm blib/lib/Tk/Table.pm AutoSplitting blib/lib/Tk/Table.pm (blib/lib/auto/Tk/Table) cp lib/Tie/Watch.pm blib/lib/Tie/Watch.pm cp Tk/tranicon.gif blib/lib/Tk/tranicon.gif cp Tk/Tk.xbm blib/lib/Tk/Tk.xbm x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" evtGlue.c Warning: Found a 'CODE' section which seems to be using 'RETVAL' but no 'OUTPUT' section. in Tk.xs, line 1030 mv Tk.xsc Tk.c x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" objGlue.c chnGlue.c:20:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 20 | Tcl_OpenFileChannel(interp,fileName,modeString,permissions) | ^ chnGlue.c:37:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 37 | Tcl_FSOpenFileChannel(interp, pathPtr, modeString, permissions) | ^ chnGlue.c:61:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 61 | Tcl_Read(chan,bufPtr,toRead) | ^ chnGlue.c:71:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 71 | Tcl_Write(chan, buf, count) | ^ chnGlue.c:105:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 105 | Tcl_Close(interp,chan) | ^ 5 warnings generated. x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" tixGlue.c encGlue.c:47:1: warning: '/*' within block comment [-Wcomment] 47 | /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ | ^ encGlue.c:50:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 50 | Tcl_UtfCharComplete(str, len) | ^ encGlue.c:173:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 173 | Tcl_UniCharToUtfDString(wString, numChars, dsPtr) | ^ encGlue.c:206:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 206 | Tcl_UtfToUniCharDString(string, length, dsPtr) | ^ encGlue.c:246:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 246 | Tcl_UniCharLen(str) | ^ encGlue.c:420:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 420 | Tcl_StringMatch(string, pattern) | ^ encGlue.c:605:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 605 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:605:4: note: '{' token is here 605 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:16: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:605:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 605 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:605:4: note: ')' token is here 605 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:7: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: note: '{' token is here 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: note: '{' token is here 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: note: ')' token is here 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:606:4: note: ')' token is here 606 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv("Tk",0))); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: note: '{' token is here 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: note: '{' token is here 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: note: ')' token is here 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:607:4: note: ')' token is here 607 | XPUSHs(nmsv); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:738:21: warning: passing 'U8 *' (aka 'unsigned char *') to parameter of type 'const char *' converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 738 | sv_setpvn(stmp,s,len); | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/embed.h:696:72: note: expanded from macro 'sv_setpvn' 696 | # define sv_setpvn(a,b,c) Perl_sv_setpvn(aTHX_ a,b,c) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/proto.h:4783:56: note: passing argument to parameter 'ptr' here 4783 | Perl_sv_setpvn(pTHX_ SV * const sv, const char * const ptr, const STRLEN len); | ^ encGlue.c:739:22: warning: passing 'U8 *' (aka 'unsigned char *') to parameter of type 'const char *' converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 739 | if (has_highbit(s,len)) | ^ ./tkGlue.h:65:36: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 65 | extern int has_highbit(CONST char *s,int l); | ^ encGlue.c:744:21: warning: passing 'U8 *' (aka 'unsigned char *') to parameter of type 'const char *' converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 744 | sv_setpvn(stmp,s,len); | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/embed.h:696:72: note: expanded from macro 'sv_setpvn' 696 | # define sv_setpvn(a,b,c) Perl_sv_setpvn(aTHX_ a,b,c) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/proto.h:4783:56: note: passing argument to parameter 'ptr' here 4783 | Perl_sv_setpvn(pTHX_ SV * const sv, const char * const ptr, const STRLEN len); | ^ encGlue.c:747:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 747 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:747:4: note: '{' token is here 747 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:16: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:747:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 747 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:747:4: note: ')' token is here 747 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:7: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: note: '{' token is here 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: note: '{' token is here 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: note: ')' token is here 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:748:4: note: ')' token is here 748 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: note: '{' token is here 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: note: '{' token is here 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: note: ')' token is here 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:749:4: note: ')' token is here 749 | XPUSHs(stmp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: note: '{' token is here 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: note: '{' token is here 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: note: ')' token is here 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:750:4: note: ')' token is here 750 | XPUSHs(quiet); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:864:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 864 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:864:4: note: '{' token is here 864 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:16: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:864:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 864 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:864:4: note: ')' token is here 864 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:7: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: note: '{' token is here 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: note: '{' token is here 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: note: ')' token is here 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:865:4: note: ')' token is here 865 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: note: '{' token is here 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: note: '{' token is here 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: note: ')' token is here 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:869:4: note: ')' token is here 869 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: note: '{' token is here 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: note: '{' token is here 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: note: ')' token is here 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:870:4: note: ')' token is here 870 | XPUSHs(fallback); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:929:2: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 929 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:929:2: note: '{' token is here 929 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:69:16: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 69 | STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:929:2: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 929 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:5: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:929:2: note: ')' token is here 929 | PUSHMARK(sp); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:78:7: note: expanded from macro 'PUSHMARK' 78 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: note: '{' token is here 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: note: '{' token is here 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: note: ')' token is here 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:930:2: note: ')' token is here 930 | XPUSHs(PerlEncObj(encoding)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:19: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: note: '{' token is here 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:30: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: warning: '(' and '{' tokens introducing statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^~~~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5372:31: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_START' 5372 | # define STMT_START (void)( /* gcc supports ``({ STATEMENTS; })'' */ | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: note: '{' token is here 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:404:36: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 404 | # define EXTEND(p,n) STMT_START { \ | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:25: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: note: ')' token is here 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:32: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:410:27: note: expanded from macro 'EXTEND' 410 | } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: warning: '}' and ')' tokens terminating statement expression appear in different macro expansion contexts [-Wcompound-token-split-by-macro] 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:59: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^ encGlue.c:933:2: note: ')' token is here 933 | XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(sv)); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/pp.h:498:61: note: expanded from macro 'XPUSHs' 498 | #define XPUSHs(s) STMT_START { EXTEND(sp,1); *++sp = (s); } STMT_END | ^~~~~~~~ ./ppport.h:5373:25: note: expanded from macro 'STMT_END' 5373 | # define STMT_END ) | ^ objGlue.c:500:26: warning: passing 'char *' to parameter of type 'const U8 *' (aka 'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 500 | if (!is_utf8_string(s,len)) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1168:55: note: expanded from macro 'is_utf8_string' 1168 | #define is_utf8_string(s, len) is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, NULL, NULL) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1408:38: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 1408 | Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el) | ^ objGlue.c:506:26: warning: passing 'char *' to parameter of type 'const U8 *' (aka 'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 506 | if (!is_utf8_string(s,len)) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1168:55: note: expanded from macro 'is_utf8_string' 1168 | #define is_utf8_string(s, len) is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, NULL, NULL) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1408:38: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 1408 | Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el) | ^ objGlue.c:564:26: warning: passing 'char *' to parameter of type 'const U8 *' (aka 'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 564 | if (!is_utf8_string(s,len)) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1168:55: note: expanded from macro 'is_utf8_string' 1168 | #define is_utf8_string(s, len) is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, NULL, NULL) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1408:38: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 1408 | Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el) | ^ objGlue.c:571:28: warning: passing 'char *' to parameter of type 'const U8 *' (aka 'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 571 | if (!is_utf8_string(s,len)) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1168:55: note: expanded from macro 'is_utf8_string' 1168 | #define is_utf8_string(s, len) is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, NULL, NULL) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1408:38: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 1408 | Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el) | ^ objGlue.c:597:26: warning: passing 'char *' to parameter of type 'const U8 *' (aka 'const unsigned char *') converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 597 | if (!is_utf8_string(s,strlen(s))) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1168:55: note: expanded from macro 'is_utf8_string' 1168 | #define is_utf8_string(s, len) is_utf8_string_loclen(s, len, NULL, NULL) | ^ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/inline.h:1408:38: note: passing argument to parameter 's' here 1408 | Perl_is_utf8_string_loclen(const U8 *s, STRLEN len, const U8 **ep, STRLEN *el) | ^ objGlue.c:630:29: warning: incompatible pointer types passing 'int *' to parameter of type 'STRLEN *' (aka 'unsigned long *') [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 630 | return (unsigned char *) SvPV(objPtr, *lengthPtr); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/sv.h:1972:37: note: expanded from macro 'SvPV' 1972 | #define SvPV(sv, len) SvPV_flags(sv, len, SV_GMAGIC) | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/sv.h:1952:31: note: expanded from macro 'SvPV_flags' 1952 | Perl_SvPV_helper(aTHX_ sv, &len, flags, SvPVnormal_type_, \ | ^~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/sv_inline.h:908:33: note: passing argument to parameter 'lp' here 908 | STRLEN * const lp, | ^ objGlue.c:719:43: warning: passing 'unsigned char *' to parameter of type 'const char *' converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 719 | av_store(av,i++,Tcl_NewStringObj(base,(s-base))); | ^~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/embed.h:153:73: note: expanded from macro 'av_store' 153 | # define av_store(a,b,c) Perl_av_store(aTHX_ a,b,c) | ^ objGlue.c:367:31: note: passing argument to parameter 'bytes' here 367 | Tcl_NewStringObj (CONST char *bytes, int length) | ^ objGlue.c:773:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 773 | Tcl_AppendElement(interp, string) | ^ evtGlue.c:54:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 54 | PerlCheckProc(data, flags) | ^ 1 warning generated. objGlue.c:992:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 992 | Tcl_DStringAppendElement(dsPtr, string) | ^ objGlue.c:1065:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1065 | Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objPtr, tablePtr, msg, flags, indexPtr) | ^ objGlue.c:1135:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1135 | Tcl_AppendToObj(objPtr, bytes, length) | ^ objGlue.c:1174:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1174 | Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, objc, objv, message) | ^ objGlue.c:1720:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1720 | LangCopyArg(sv) | ^ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" tkGlue.c 57 warnings generated. x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" tkGlue_f.c x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" tkWin32Dll.c tkGlue.c:56:25: warning: '/*' within block comment [-Wcomment] 56 | /* #define DEBUG_REFCNT /* */ | ^ tkGlue.c:229:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 229 | LangCatArg(out, sv, refs) | ^ tkGlue.c:312:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 312 | LangNull(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:322:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 322 | LangMergeString(argc, args) | ^ tkGlue.c:345:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 345 | LangPrint(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:454:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 454 | MakeReference(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:464:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 464 | Blessed(package, sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:513:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 513 | InterpHv(interp,fatal) | ^ tkGlue.c:573:14: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value] 573 | TagIt(sv,key); | ^~ tkGlue.c:490:25: note: expanded from macro 'TagIt' 490 | #define TagIt(sv,type) (sv) | ^~ tkGlue.c:628:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 628 | Tcl_GetObjResult(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:636:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 636 | Tcl_ResetResult(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:657:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 657 | Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:694:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 694 | Lang_SetBinaryResult(interp, string, len, freeProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:715:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 715 | Tcl_SetResult(interp, string, freeProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:725:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 725 | Tcl_CallWhenDeleted(interp, proc, clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:807:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 807 | Tcl_DeleteInterp(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:825:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 825 | Lang_DeadMainWindow(interp,tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:864:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 864 | struct_sv(ptr,sz) | ^ tkGlue.c:899:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 899 | tilde_magic(hv,sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:948:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 948 | LangSetString(sp, s) | ^ tkGlue.c:972:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 972 | LangSetDefault(sp, s) | ^ tkGlue.c:999:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 999 | LangSetObj(sp, arg) | ^ tkGlue.c:1030:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1030 | LangOldSetArg(sp, arg, file, line) | ^ tkGlue.c:1043:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1043 | LangSetVar(sp,sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:1058:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1058 | LangSetInt(sp, v) | ^ tkGlue.c:1075:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1075 | LangSetDouble(sp, v) | ^ tkGlue.c:1112:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1112 | WindowCommand(sv, hv_ptr, need) | ^ tkGlue.c:1155:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1155 | SVtoWindow(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:1165:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1165 | SVtoHWND(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:1306:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1306 | ObjectRef(interp, path) | ^ tkGlue.c:1322:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1322 | WidgetRef(interp, path) | ^ tkGlue.c:1341:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1341 | TkToWidget(tkwin,pinterp) | ^ tkGlue.c:1370:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1370 | TkToMainWindow(tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:1386:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1386 | LangWidgetObj(interp, tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:1395:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1395 | LangObjectObj(interp, name) | ^ tkGlue.c:1434:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1434 | LangFontObj(interp, tkfont, name) | ^ tkGlue.c:1485:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1485 | Lang_ClearErrorInfo(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:1497:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1497 | Tcl_AddErrorInfo(interp, message) | ^ tkGlue.c:1514:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1514 | Check_Eval(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:1570:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1570 | Set_widget(widget) | ^ tkGlue.c:1608:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1608 | PushObjCallbackArgs(interp, svp ,obj) | ^ tkGlue.c:1763:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1763 | PushCallbackArgs(interp, svp) | ^ tkGlue.c:1783:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1783 | SetTclResult(interp,count) | ^ tkGlue.c:1812:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1812 | PushVarArgs(ap,argc) | ^ tkGlue.c:1959:6: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1959 | void HandleBgErrors(clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:1999:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 1999 | Tcl_BackgroundError(interp) | ^ "/usr/bin/perl" -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e 'cp_nonempty' -- Tk.bs blib/arch/auto/Tk/Tk.bs 644 tkGlue.c:2020:12: warning: expression result unused [-Wunused-value] 2020 | TagIt((SV *) av, "Tcl_BackgroundError"); | ^ ~~ tkGlue.c:490:25: note: expanded from macro 'TagIt' 490 | #define TagIt(sv,type) (sv) | ^~ tkGlue.c:2039:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2039 | Lang_MaybeError(interp,code,why) | ^ tkGlue.c:2054:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2054 | ClearErrorInfo(win) | ^ tkGlue.c:2213:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2213 | Call_Tk(info, items, args) | ^ tkGlue.c:2409:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2409 | SelGetProc(clientData,interp,portion,numItems,format,type,tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:2515:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2515 | isSwitch(s) | ^ x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" Tk.c tkGlue.c:2618:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2618 | InsertArg(mark,posn,sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:2648:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2648 | NameFromCv(cv) | ^ tkGlue.c:2670:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2670 | Tk_MainWindow(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:2687:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 2687 | InfoFromArgs(info,proc,mwcd,items,args) | ^ 13 warnings generated. tkGlue.c:3103:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3103 | Lang_TkCommand(name,proc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3111:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3111 | Lang_TkSubCommand(name,proc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3182:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3182 | LangDeadWindow(interp, tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:3228:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3228 | Tcl_DeleteCommandFromToken(interp, info) | ^ tkGlue.c:3249:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3249 | Lang_DeleteWidget(interp, info) | ^ tkGlue.c:3280:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3280 | Lang_DeleteObject(interp, info) | ^ tkGlue.c:3294:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3294 | Lang_NewMainWindow(interp,tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:3303:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3303 | Lang_CreateWidget(interp, tkwin, proc, clientData, deleteProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3341:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3341 | Lang_CreateObject(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3372:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3372 | Lang_CreateImage(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc, typePtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:3384:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3384 | Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3473:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3473 | Tcl_IsSafe(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:3492:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3492 | Tcl_SetCommandInfo(interp,cmdName,infoPtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:3544:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3544 | Tcl_CreateCommand(interp, cmdName, proc, clientData, deleteProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:3557:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3557 | LangVar2(interp, sv, part2, store) | ^ tkGlue.c:3583:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3583 | Tcl_ObjGetVar2(interp, sv, part2, flags) | ^ tkGlue.c:3618:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3618 | Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, sv, part2, newValue, flags) | ^ tkGlue.c:3637:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3637 | Tcl_SetVarArg(interp, sv, newValue, flags) | ^ tkGlue.c:3652:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3652 | LangCmpOpt(opt,arg,len) | ^ tkGlue.c:3677:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3677 | LangCmpArg(a,b) | ^ cd pTk && make DEFINE="" LIBPERL_A="libperl.a" LINKTYPE="dynamic" OPTIMIZE="-O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing" LD="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc" PREFIX="/usr" PASTHRU_DEFINE=' ' PASTHRU_INC=' -I/usr/include/freetype2 ' tkGlue.c:3878:19: warning: assigning to 'MGVTBL *' (aka 'struct mgvtbl *') from 'const MGVTBL *' (aka 'const struct mgvtbl *') discards qualifiers [-Wincompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers] 3878 | mg->mg_virtual = &PL_vtbl_uvar; | ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tkGlue.c:3791:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3791 | Lang_TraceVar2(interp, sv, part2, flags, tkproc, clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:3889:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3889 | FindTkVarName(varName,flags) | ^ tkGlue.c:3957:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 3957 | Tcl_LinkVar(interp,varName,addr,type) | ^ tkGlue.c:4000:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4000 | Tcl_UnlinkVar(interp,varName) | ^ tkGlue.c:4013:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4013 | Lang_UntraceVar(interp, sv, flags, tkproc, clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:4088:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4088 | Lang_TraceVar(interp, varName, flags, proc, clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:4099:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4099 | LangFindVar(interp, tkwin, name) | ^ tkGlue.c:4131:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4131 | LangStringMatch(string, match) | ^ tkGlue.c:4142:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4142 | LangSaveVar(interp,sv,vp,type) | ^ tkGlue.c:4241:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4241 | LangFreeVar(sv) | ^ tkGlue.c:4277:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4277 | Lang_CallWithArgs(interp, sub, argc, argv) | ^ make[1]: Entering directory '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/pTk' tkGlue.c:4577:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4577 | LangClientMessage(interp, tkwin, event) | ^ tkGlue.c:4653:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4653 | LangEventCallback(cdata, interp, event, tkwin, keySym) | ^ tkGlue.c:4741:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4741 | LangFreeArg(sv, freeProc) | ^ tkGlue.c:4750:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4750 | handle_generic(clientData, eventPtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:4813:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4813 | Perl_GeomRequest(clientData,tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:4835:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4835 | Perl_GeomLostSlave(clientData,tkwin) | ^ tkGlue.c:4896:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4896 | handle_idle(clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:4980:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 4980 | XEvent_Info(obj,s) | ^ tkGlue.c:5023:45: warning: cast to 'void *' from smaller integer type 'int' [-Wint-to-void-pointer-cast] 5023 | sv_setref_pv(eventSv, "DisplayPtr", (void *) number); | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE/embed.h:701:77: note: expanded from macro 'sv_setref_pv' 701 | # define sv_setref_pv(a,b,c) Perl_sv_setref_pv(aTHX_ a,b,c) | ^ tkGlue.c:5084:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5084 | Tk_ChangeScreen(interp, dispName, screenIndex) | ^ tkGlue.c:5096:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5096 | Tcl_TranslateFileName(interp, name, bufferPtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:5120:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5120 | Tcl_PosixError(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:5160:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5160 | Lang_SetErrorCode(interp, code) | ^ tkGlue.c:5174:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5174 | Lang_GetErrorCode(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:5182:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5182 | Lang_GetErrorInfo(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:5190:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5190 | LangBadFile(fd) | ^ tkGlue.c:5197:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5197 | LangEventHook(flags) | ^ tkGlue.c:5234:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5234 | Lang_FreeRegExp(re) | ^ tkGlue.c:5361:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5361 | Tcl_RegExpExec(interp, re, cstring, cstart) | ^ tkGlue.c:5394:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5394 | Tcl_RegExpRange(wrap, index, startPtr, endPtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:5444:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5444 | Tcl_GetAssocData(interp,name,procPtr) | ^ tkGlue.c:5466:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5466 | Tcl_SetAssocData(interp,name,proc,clientData) | ^ tkGlue.c:5495:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5495 | install_vtab(name, table, size) | ^ tkGlue.c:5552:20: warning: incompatible pointer types initializing 'STRLEN *' (aka 'unsigned long *') with an expression of type 'char *' [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 5552 | COP_WARNINGS_TYPE old_warn = PL_curcop->cop_warnings; | ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tkGlue.c:5560:26: warning: incompatible pointer types assigning to 'char *' from 'STRLEN *' (aka 'unsigned long *') [-Wincompatible-pointer-types] 5560 | PL_curcop->cop_warnings = old_warn; | ^ ~~~~~~~~ tkGlue.c:5619:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5619 | Tk_GetUid(key) | ^ tkGlue.c:5637:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5637 | Tcl_FSGetCwd(interp) | ^ tkGlue.c:5665:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 5665 | Tcl_GetCwd(interp, cwdPtr) | ^ "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x imgInt.h Ignoring from imgInt.exc IMGINT "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x imgInt.h "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tclDecls.h Ignoring from imgInt.exc IMGINT Ignoring from tclDecls.exc "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tclDecls.h TCLDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tix.h Ignoring from tclDecls.exc TCLDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tix.h Ignoring from tix.exc 'TIX' in '#ifndef TIX_VERSION' at mkVFunc line 142, line 25. tix.h:46: * so that all EXTERN declarations get DLLEXPORT; when building apps tix.h:47: * using Tix, BUILD_tix should NOT be defined so that all EXTERN tix.h:51: * because the EXTERN declarations in those files need DLLIMPORT. tix.h:396: EXTERN int Tix_GlobalVarEval _ANSI_ARGS_( tix.h:399: EXTERN int Tix_GlobalVarEval _ANSI_ARGS_( tix.h:448: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_CallMethodCmd); tix.h:449: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ChainMethodCmd); tix.h:450: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ClassCmd); tix.h:451: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_DoWhenIdleCmd); tix.h:452: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_DoWhenMappedCmd); tix.h:453: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FalseCmd); tix.h:454: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FileCmd); tix.h:455: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FlushXCmd); tix.h:456: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FormCmd); tix.h:457: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GridCmd); tix.h:458: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GeometryRequestCmd); tix.h:459: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_Get3DBorderCmd); tix.h:460: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetBooleanCmd); tix.h:461: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetIntCmd); tix.h:462: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetMethodCmd); tix.h:463: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_HListCmd); tix.h:464: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_HandleOptionsCmd); tix.h:465: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_InputOnlyCmd); tix.h:466: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ItemStyleCmd); tix.h:467: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ManageGeometryCmd); tix.h:468: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MapWindowCmd); tix.h:469: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MoveResizeWindowCmd); tix.h:470: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_NoteBookFrameCmd); tix.h:471: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_RaiseWindowCmd); tix.h:472: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ShellInputCmd); tix.h:473: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_StringSubCmd); tix.h:474: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_StrEqCmd); tix.h:475: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TListCmd); tix.h:476: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TmpLineCmd); tix.h:477: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TrueCmd); tix.h:478: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_UnmapWindowCmd); tix.h:479: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MwmCmd); tix.h:480: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_CreateWidgetCmd); TIX "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tixImgXpm.h Ignoring from tix.exc 'TIX' in '#ifndef TIX_VERSION' at mkVFunc line 142, line 25. tix.h:46: * so that all EXTERN declarations get DLLEXPORT; when building apps tix.h:47: * using Tix, BUILD_tix should NOT be defined so that all EXTERN tix.h:51: * because the EXTERN declarations in those files need DLLIMPORT. tix.h:396: EXTERN int Tix_GlobalVarEval _ANSI_ARGS_( tix.h:399: EXTERN int Tix_GlobalVarEval _ANSI_ARGS_( tix.h:448: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_CallMethodCmd); tix.h:449: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ChainMethodCmd); tix.h:450: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ClassCmd); tix.h:451: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_DoWhenIdleCmd); tix.h:452: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_DoWhenMappedCmd); tix.h:453: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FalseCmd); tix.h:454: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FileCmd); tix.h:455: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FlushXCmd); tix.h:456: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_FormCmd); tix.h:457: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GridCmd); tix.h:458: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GeometryRequestCmd); tix.h:459: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_Get3DBorderCmd); tix.h:460: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetBooleanCmd); tix.h:461: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetIntCmd); tix.h:462: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_GetMethodCmd); tix.h:463: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_HListCmd); tix.h:464: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_HandleOptionsCmd); tix.h:465: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_InputOnlyCmd); tix.h:466: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ItemStyleCmd); tix.h:467: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ManageGeometryCmd); tix.h:468: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MapWindowCmd); tix.h:469: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MoveResizeWindowCmd); tix.h:470: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_NoteBookFrameCmd); tix.h:471: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_RaiseWindowCmd); tix.h:472: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_ShellInputCmd); tix.h:473: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_StringSubCmd); tix.h:474: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_StrEqCmd); tix.h:475: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TListCmd); tix.h:476: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TmpLineCmd); tix.h:477: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_TrueCmd); tix.h:478: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_UnmapWindowCmd); tix.h:479: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_MwmCmd); tix.h:480: extern TIX_DECLARE_CMD(Tix_CreateWidgetCmd); TIX "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tixImgXpm.h TIXIMGXPM "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tixInt.h TIXIMGXPM Ignoring from tixInt.exc "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tixInt.h tixInt.h:876: * (these are declared with the EXTERN in win/winMain.c but without it TIXINT "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tk.h Ignoring from tixInt.exc tixInt.h:876: * (these are declared with the EXTERN in win/winMain.c but without it TIXINT "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tk.h Ignoring from tk.exc tk.h:22: * For C++ compilers, use extern "C" 'TK' in '#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 63. 'TK' in '#ifndef _TKPORT' at mkVFunc line 142, line 86. 'TK' in '#ifdef TK_USE_INPUT_METHODS' at mkVFunc line 142, line 816. 'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) && defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1560. 'TK' in '#ifndef USE_TK_STUBS' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1693. 'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) || !defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1702. TK "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkDecls.h Ignoring from tk.exc tk.h:22: * For C++ compilers, use extern "C" 'TK' in '#if defined(MAC_TCL) || defined(MAC_OSX_TK)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 63. 'TK' in '#ifndef _TKPORT' at mkVFunc line 142, line 86. 'TK' in '#ifdef TK_USE_INPUT_METHODS' at mkVFunc line 142, line 816. 'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) && defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1560. 'TK' in '#ifndef USE_TK_STUBS' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1693. 'TK' in '#if !defined(USE_TK_STUBS) || !defined(USE_OLD_IMAGE)' at mkVFunc line 142, line 1702. TK "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkDecls.h Ignoring from tkDecls.exc TKDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkInt.h Ignoring from tkDecls.exc TKDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkInt.h Ignoring from tkInt.exc tkInt.h:925: extern void (*tkHandleEventProc) _ANSI_ARGS_(( TKINT "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkIntDecls.h Ignoring from tkInt.exc tkInt.h:925: extern void (*tkHandleEventProc) _ANSI_ARGS_(( TKINT "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkIntDecls.h Ignoring from tkIntDecls.exc TKINTDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkIntPlatDecls.h Ignoring from tkIntDecls.exc TKINTDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkIntPlatDecls.h Ignoring from tkIntPlatDecls.exc TKINTPLATDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkIntXlibDecls.h Ignoring from tkIntPlatDecls.exc TKINTPLATDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkIntXlibDecls.h Ignoring from tkIntXlibDecls.exc TKINTXLIBDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -m x tkPlatDecls.h Tk.xs:576:51: warning: passing 'unsigned char *' to parameter of type 'const char *' converts between pointers to integer types where one is of the unique plain 'char' type and the other is not [-Wpointer-sign] 576 | if (Tk_DefineBitmap(interp, Tk_GetUid(name), data, width, height) !... | ^~~~ ./pTk/tkDecls.h:202:37: note: passing argument to parameter 'source' here 202 | CONST char * name, CONST char * source, | ^ Ignoring from tkIntXlibDecls.exc TKINTXLIBDECLS Ignoring from tkPlatDecls.exc TKPLATDECLS "/usr/bin/perl" mkVFunc -t x tkPlatDecls.h x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I.. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -Ibitmaps -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" ClientWin.c Ignoring from tkPlatDecls.exc TKPLATDECLS x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I.. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -Ibitmaps -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" Lang_f.c ClientWin.c:58:22: warning: passing arguments to 'TryChildren' without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 58 | inf = TryChildren(dpy, win, WM_STATE); | ^ ClientWin.c:37:8: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 37 | Window XmuClientWindow (dpy, win) | ^ ClientWin.c:66:8: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 66 | Window TryChildren (dpy, win, WM_STATE) | ^ ClientWin.c:33:15: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a subsequent definition [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 33 | static Window TryChildren(); | ^ 4 warnings generated. x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I.. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -Ibitmaps -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" Xlib_f.c x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -c -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I.. -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I. -Ibitmaps -I/usr/include/freetype2 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_PERL_RAND_SEED -fwrapv -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -fno-strict-aliasing -DVERSION=\"804.036\" -DXS_VERSION=\"804.036\" -fPIC "-I/usr/lib64/perl5/5.38/x86_64-linux/CORE" XrmOption.c In file included from Xlib_f.c:17: ./Xlib.t:334:14: error: incompatible function pointer types initializing 'KeySym (*)(Display *, unsigned int, int)' (aka 'unsigned long (*)(struct _XDisplay *, unsigned int, int)') with an expression of type 'KeySym (Display *, KeyCode, int)' (aka 'unsigned long (struct _XDisplay *, unsigned char, int)') [-Wincompatible-function-pointer-types] 334 | VFUNC(KeySym,XKeycodeToKeysym,V_XKeycodeToKeysym,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display *... | ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xlib_f.c:15:35: note: expanded from macro 'VFUNC' 15 | #define VFUNC(type,name,mem,args) name, | ^~~~ In file included from Xlib_f.c:17: ./Xlib.t:334:14: warning: 'XKeycodeToKeysym' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h:1686:1: note: 'XKeycodeToKeysym' has been explicitly marked deprecated here 1686 | _X_DEPRECATED | ^ /usr/include/X11/Xfuncproto.h:136:40: note: expanded from macro '_X_DEPRECATED' 136 | # define _X_DEPRECATED __attribute__((deprecated)) | ^ 1 warning and 1 error generated. make[1]: *** [Makefile:866: Xlib_f.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... XrmOption.c:107:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 107 | SetupQuarks(winPtr,depth) | ^ XrmOption.c:172:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 172 | Xrm_GetOption(tkwin, name, className) | ^ XrmOption.c:248:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 248 | Xrm_AddOption(tkwin, name, value, priority) | ^ XrmOption.c:293:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 293 | Xrm_OptionCmd(clientData, interp, argc, args) | ^ XrmOption.c:433:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 433 | XrmOptionDeadWindow(winPtr) | ^ XrmOption.c:475:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 475 | XrmOptionClassChanged(winPtr) | ^ XrmOption.c:512:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 512 | ParsePriority(interp, string) | ^ XrmOption.c:581:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 581 | ReadOptionFile(interp, tkwin, fileName, priority) | ^ XrmOption.c:641:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 641 | OptionInit(mainPtr) | ^ XrmOption.c:740:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 740 | ClearOptionTree(mainPtr) | ^ XrmOption.c:752:1: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype] 752 | Xrm_import(class) | ^ 11 warnings generated. make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036/pTk' make: *** [Makefile:1633: pTk/libpTk.a] Error 2 make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... 1 warning generated. 116 warnings generated. * ERROR: dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0::gentoo failed (compile phase): * emake failed * * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0::gentoo'`, * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0::gentoo'`. * The complete build log is located at '/var/log/portage/dev-perl:Tk-804.36.0:20231204-113950.log'. * For convenience, a symlink to the build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/temp/environment'. * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036' * S: '/var/tmp/portage/dev-perl/Tk-804.36.0/work/Tk-804.036'