To complete installation, you must : ------------------------------------ 1. Copy and paste these instructions to your favorite editor. (they will disappear during step 7) 2. Create a directory to store generated documents : mkdir /var/dolibarr 3. Change owner and group to the web server : chown apache:apache /var/dolibarr 4. Login as root to a mysql prompt : # mysql -u root -p 5. Choose a name for the database : For this example, in the next steps, the name will be "dolibarr". 6. Create the "dolibarr" database using the mysql's prompt : mysql> SET NAMES "latin1"; mysql> CREATE DATABASE dolibarr DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1; 7. Create tables, indexes, keys and data : mysql> use dolibarr mysql> source /usr/share/webapps/dolibarr/${PVR}/sqlscripts/mysql/${PVR}_create.sql 8. Create a user who can modify this database (You must choose and ) : mysql> GRANT SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETE ON dolibarr . * -> TO ''@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '' WITH -> MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0 ; 9. Logout from the prompt : mysql> quit (or ) 10. Finally, point your browser to http://${VHOST_HOSTNAME}${VHOST_APPDIR} to run the dolibarr's internal installation. During this step, you will be asked about the and the of the dolibarr's mysql user created above. And you will create an account for dolibarr's administration. After this, remember to rm -rf the 'install' directory : rm -rf /var/www/${VHOST_HOSTNAME}/htdocs${VHOST_APPDIR}/install