--- a/Source/GmmLib/inc/External/Common/GmmInfo.h	2023-06-06 02:22:05.000000000 -0400
+++ b/Source/GmmLib/inc/External/Common/GmmInfo.h	2023-06-16 20:16:47.051495503 -0400
@@ -627,8 +627,8 @@
         GMM_ADAPTER_INFO *              GetAdapterNode(ADAPTER_BDF sBdf);   // Replacement for GetAdapterIndex, now get adapter node from the linked list
         // Mutexes which protect the below thread unsafe functions
-        GMM_STATUS                      LockMAContextSyncMutex();
-        GMM_STATUS                      UnLockMAContextSyncMutex();
+        GMM_STATUS GMM_STDCALL                      LockMAContextSyncMutex();
+        GMM_STATUS GMM_STDCALL                      UnLockMAContextSyncMutex();
         // thread unsafe functions; these must be protected with LockMAContextSyncMutex
         GMM_ADAPTER_INFO *              GetAdapterNodeUnlocked(ADAPTER_BDF sBdf);