Steps to using this overlay: 1) Make a directory for the overlay. The most popular way to add extra overlays is to put them in the /usr/local/overlays directory, so for this example I wil use: /usr/local/overlays/nx 2) Edit your make.conf file and add this directoy to your overlay line: PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage /usr/local/overlays/nx" You can have as many overlays as you want to have to keep things separate. I have 4 overlays. :P This is for reference. 3) cd to the new overlay directory, here it's: cd /usr/local/overlays/nx 4) Type: svn co svn co now you can emerge any file you want to. :) Whenever the overlay is updated: 5) To update your overlay, cd to it and type: svn up