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Bug 886321
dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1 fails tests: http_repository - catalog_test - dns
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1-LastTest.log (text/plain), 75.71 KB, created by
Agostino Sarubbo
on 2022-12-16 11:43:58 UTC
MIME Type:
Agostino Sarubbo
2022-12-16 11:43:58 UTC
75.71 KB
>Start testing: Dec 16 12:35 CET >---------------------------------------------------------- >1/48 Testing: test_bucket >1/48 Test: test_bucket >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/bucket/test_bucket" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/bucket >"test_bucket" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >[TEST] BNA Airport: -87:1, 36:0 >[TEST] BNA lon: -86.625 >[TEST] BNA lat: 36.0625 >all tests passed OK ><end of output> >Test time = 0.06 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"test_bucket" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"test_bucket" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >2/48 Testing: bvhtest >2/48 Test: bvhtest >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/bvh/bvhtest" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/bvh >"bvhtest" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.05 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"bvhtest" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"bvhtest" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >3/48 Testing: embedded_resources >3/48 Test: embedded_resources >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/embedded_resources/test_embedded_resources" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/embedded_resources >"embedded_resources" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Creating the EmbeddedResourceManager instance and adding a few resources to it >Testing resource fetching methods of EmbeddedResourceManager with a RawEmbeddedResource > >/path/to/resource1 -> RawEmbeddedResource: > compressionType = "none" > rawPtr = 0x55fb8e573fe0 > rawSize = 40 > >Testing EmbeddedResourceManager::getStreambuf() >Testing EmbeddedResourceManager::getIStream() >Testing resource fetching methods of EmbeddedResourceManager with a ZlibEmbeddedResource > >/path/to/resource2 -> ZlibEmbeddedResource: > compressionType = "zlib" > rawPtr = 0x55fb8e577300 > rawSize = 320 > uncompressedSize = 568 > >Resource 2 compression ratio: 1.775 >Testing the behavior of EmbeddedResourceManager when trying to fetch inexistent resources >Testing the behavior of EmbeddedResourceManager when trying to add an already existing resource >Testing the locale-dependency of resource fetching from EmbeddedResourceManager >Testing the getLocale() and selectLocale() methods of EmbeddedResourceManager >Testing the EmbeddedResourceProxy class >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() >Testing EmbeddedResourceProxy::getIStream() ><end of output> >Test time = 0.05 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"embedded_resources" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"embedded_resources" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >9/48 Testing: untar >9/48 Test: untar >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/test_untar" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io >"untar" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed ><end of output> >Test time = 0.05 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"untar" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"untar" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >10/48 Testing: streams >10/48 Test: streams >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams/test_streams" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams >"streams" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Detection of LF works. >Detection of CR works. >Detection of CR/LF works. >Detection of 2 following CR/LF lines works. ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"streams" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"streams" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >11/48 Testing: CharArrayStream >11/48 Test: CharArrayStream >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams/test_CharArrayStream" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams >"CharArrayStream" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Testing basic operations on CharArrayStreambuf >Testing reading and writing from/to CharArrayStreambuf with the largest possible value passed as the 'n' argument for sgetn()/sputn() (number of chars to read or write) >Testing read operations from CharArrayIStream >Testing write operations to CharArrayOStream >Testing read, write, seek, putback... from/to CharArrayIOStream ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"CharArrayStream" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"CharArrayStream" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >13/48 Testing: sgvec4 >13/48 Test: sgvec4 >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math/sgvec4_test" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math >"sgvec4" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >res: 113.882103 ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"sgvec4" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"sgvec4" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >14/48 Testing: math >14/48 Test: math >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math/math_test" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math >"math" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >distance is 2143.73 >course is 65.8921 >lon:-2.03421, lat:0.60418 >Successfully passed all tests! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"math" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"math" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >16/48 Testing: argparse >16/48 Test: argparse >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_argparse" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"argparse" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Testing a mix of short and long options, plus non-option arguments >Testing cases where a single hyphen is used as an option value >Testing around the frontier between options and non-options >Testing options with multiple aliases >Testing passing invalid options and other syntax errors ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"argparse" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"argparse" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >17/48 Testing: CSSBorder >17/48 Test: CSSBorder >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_CSSBorder" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"CSSBorder" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed successfully! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"CSSBorder" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"CSSBorder" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >18/48 Testing: tabbed_values >18/48 Test: tabbed_values >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_tabbed_values" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"tabbed_values" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed successfully! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.04 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"tabbed_values" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"tabbed_values" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >19/48 Testing: strutils >19/48 Test: strutils >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_strutils" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"strutils" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"strutils" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"strutils" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >20/48 Testing: path >20/48 Test: path >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_path" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"path" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >created:Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/temp/foo-qURp6h" >1671190507 >Standard Locations: > - Home: Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/homedir" > - Desktop: Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/homedir/Desktop" > - Downloads: Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/homedir/Downloads" > - Documents: Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/homedir/Documents" > - Pictures: Path "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/homedir/Pictures" >Testing comparisons >Testing the std::hash<SGPath> specialization >all tests passed OK ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"path" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"path" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >21/48 Testing: sg_dir >21/48 Test: sg_dir >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test_sg_dir" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"sg_dir" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"sg_dir" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"sg_dir" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >22/48 Testing: SimpleMarkdown-boost_test >22/48 Test: SimpleMarkdown-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test-simgear_misc-SimpleMarkdown" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"SimpleMarkdown-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"SimpleMarkdown-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"SimpleMarkdown-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >23/48 Testing: SVGpreserveAspectRatio-boost_test >23/48 Test: SVGpreserveAspectRatio-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test-simgear_misc-SVGpreserveAspectRatio" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"SVGpreserveAspectRatio-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"SVGpreserveAspectRatio-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"SVGpreserveAspectRatio-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >24/48 Testing: utf8tolatin1-boost_test >24/48 Test: utf8tolatin1-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc/test-simgear_misc-utf8tolatin1" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/misc >"utf8tolatin1-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"utf8tolatin1-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"utf8tolatin1-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >25/48 Testing: cppbind_ghost-boost_test >25/48 Test: cppbind_ghost-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind/test-simgear_nasal_cppbind-cppbind_ghost" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind >"cppbind_ghost-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 4 test cases... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"cppbind_ghost-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"cppbind_ghost-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >26/48 Testing: cppbind_misc-boost_test >26/48 Test: cppbind_misc-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind/test-simgear_nasal_cppbind-cppbind_misc" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind >"cppbind_misc-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 3 test cases... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"cppbind_misc-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"cppbind_misc-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >27/48 Testing: nasal_gc_test-boost_test >27/48 Test: nasal_gc_test-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind/test-simgear_nasal_cppbind-nasal_gc_test" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind >"nasal_gc_test-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 2 test cases... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"nasal_gc_test-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"nasal_gc_test-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >28/48 Testing: nasal_num-boost_test >28/48 Test: nasal_num-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind/test-simgear_nasal_cppbind-nasal_num" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/nasal/cppbind >"nasal_num-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 2 test cases... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"nasal_num-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"nasal_num-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >29/48 Testing: props >29/48 Test: props >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props/test_props" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props >"props" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- > >Value > >Testing coercion from bool (expect true) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing coercion from int (expect 128) >Bool: true >Int: 128 >Float: 128 >Double: 128 >String: 128 > >Testing coercion from float (expect 1.0/3.0) >Bool: true >Int: 0 >Float: 0.333333 >Double: 0.333333 >String: 0.333333 > >Testing coercion from double (expect 1.0/3.0) >Bool: true >Int: 0 >Float: 0.333333 >Double: 0.333333 >String: 0.3333333333 > >Testing coercion from string (expect 10e4) >Bool: true >Int: 10 >Float: 100000 >Double: 100000 >String: 10e4 > >Testing coercion from unspecified (expect -10e-4) >Bool: true >Int: -10 >Float: -0.001 >Double: -0.001 >String: -10e-4 > >Testing coercion to bool from bool (expect false) >Bool: false >Int: 0 >Float: 0 >Double: 0 >String: false > >Testing coercion to bool from int (expect 1) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing coercion to bool from float (expect 1.1) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing coercion to bool from double (expect 1.1) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing coercion to bool from string (expect 1e10) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing coercion to bool from unspecified (expect 1e10) >Bool: true >Int: 1 >Float: 1 >Double: 1 >String: true > >Testing tying to a pointer (expect 10) >Bool: true >Int: 10 >Float: 10 >Double: 10 >String: 10 > >Changing base variable (expect -5) >Bool: true >Int: -5 >Float: -5 >Double: -5 >String: -5 > >Create a new int value (expect 10) >Bool: true >Int: 10 >Float: 10 >Double: 10 >String: 10 > >Testing tying to static getter (expect 100) >Bool: true >Int: 100 >Float: 100 >Double: 100 >String: 100 > >Try changing value with no setter (expect 100) >Bool: true >Int: 100 >Float: 100 >Double: 100 >String: 100 > >Untie value (expect 100) >Bool: true >Int: 100 >Float: 100 >Double: 100 >String: 100 > >Try changing value (expect 200) >Bool: true >Int: 200 >Float: 200 >Double: 200 >String: 200 > >Create a new int value (expect 10) >Bool: true >Int: 10 >Float: 10 >Double: 10 >String: 10 > >Testing tying to indexed static getter (0.3333...) >Bool: true >Int: 0 >Float: 0.333333 >Double: 0.333333 >String: 0.3333333333 > >Untie value (expect 0.3333...) >Bool: true >Int: 0 >Float: 0.333333 >Double: 0.333333 >String: 0.3333333333 > >Try tying to an object without defaults (expect 199) >Bool: true >Int: 199 >Float: 199 >Double: 199 >String: 199 > >Try untying from object (expect 199) >Bool: true >Int: 199 >Float: 199 >Double: 199 >String: 199 > >Try tying to an indexed method (expect 199) >Bool: true >Int: 199 >Float: 199 >Double: 199 >String: 199 > >Change value (expect 50) >Bool: true >Int: 50 >Float: 50 >Double: 50 >String: 50 > >Try tying to an object with defaults (expect 50) >Bool: true >Int: 50 >Float: 50 >Double: 50 >String: 50 > >Created root node ><?xml version="1.0"?> > ><PropertyList> > <foo> > <bar type="double">100</bar> > <bar n="1" type="double">200</bar> > <bar n="2" type="double">300</bar> > <bar n="3" type="double">400</bar> > </foo> > <hack> > <bar type="double">100</bar> > <bar n="3" type="double">200</bar> > <bar n="1" type="double">300</bar> > <bar n="2" type="double">400</bar> > </hack> ></PropertyList> >Trying path (expect /foo[0]/bar[0]) >Path is /foo[0]/bar[0] > >Looking for all /hack[0]/bar children >There are 4 matches >bar[0] >bar[1] >bar[2] >bar[3] > >Testing addition of a totally empty node ><?xml version="1.0"?> > ><PropertyList> > <foo> > <bar type="double">100</bar> > <bar n="1" type="double">200</bar> > <bar n="2" type="double">300</bar> > <bar n="3" type="double">400</bar> > </foo> > <hack> > <bar type="double">100</bar> > <bar n="3" type="double">200</bar> > <bar n="1" type="double">300</bar> > <bar n="2" type="double">400</bar> > </hack> > <a> > <b> > </b> > </a> ></PropertyList> > >Testing the addChild function >Created root node >Testing appending initial child node ><?xml version="1.0"?> > ><PropertyList> > <test> > <foo> > <child n="1" type="int">1</child> > <child n="2" type="int">2</child> > <child n="4" type="int">4</child> > </foo> > </test> ></PropertyList> > >ADDED: /test[0]/foo[0]/child[5] > >Testing appending child node at first empty index (Skipping 0) >Testing appending child node at first empty index >Testing appending child node >ADDED: /test[0]/foo[0]/first[0] ><?xml version="1.0"?> > ><PropertyList> > <test> > <foo> > <child n="1" type="int">1</child> > <child n="2" type="int">2</child> > <child n="4" type="int">4</child> > <child n="5" type="int">5</child> > <child n="3" type="int">3</child> > <child type="int">0</child> > <first type="string">append first</first> > </foo> > </test> ></PropertyList> >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/engine[2]/starter[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/c[0] >saw value changed for:/velocity[0]/body[0]/y[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/engine[2]/starter[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/pitch[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/yaw[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/gears[0]/gear[1]/locked[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/z[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/engine[3]/starter[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/engines[1]/fuel-cutoff[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/doors[0]/door[2]/position-norm[0] >saw value changed for:/controls[0]/lights[0]/light[3]/foo[0]/state[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/c[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/d[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/z[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/settings[0]/render[0]/foo[0] >saw value changed for:/settings[0]/render[0]/foo[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/a[0] >saw value changed for:/settings[0]/render[0]/foo[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/sub[0]/theta[0] >saw value changed for:/position[0]/body[0]/sub[0]/self-unregister[0] >valueChanged(): calling removeChangeListener() to self-remove ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"props" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"props" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >30/48 Testing: propertyObject >30/48 Test: propertyObject >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props/test_propertyObject" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props >"propertyObject" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"propertyObject" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"propertyObject" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >31/48 Testing: easing_functions >31/48 Test: easing_functions >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props/test_easing_functions" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/props >"easing_functions" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >linear swing easeInSine easeOutSine easeInOutSine easeInQuad easeInCubic easeInQuart easeInQuint easeOutQuad easeOutCubic easeOutQuart easeOutQuint easeInOutQuad easeInOutCubic easeInOutQuart easeInOutQuint easeInExpo easeOutExpo easeInOutExpo easeInCirc easeOutCirc easeInOutCirc easeInBack easeOutBack easeInOutBack easeInElastic easeOutElastic easeInOutElastic easeInBounce easeOutBounce easeInOutBounce >0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 2.22045e-16 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 >0.03125 0.00240764 0.00120454 0.0490677 0.00240764 0.000976562 3.05176e-05 9.53674e-07 2.98023e-08 0.0615234 0.0908508 0.119262 0.146785 0.00195312 0.00012207 7.62939e-06 4.76837e-07 0.00121275 0.194755 0.000753033 0.000488401 0.248039 0.000977518 -0.00157925 0.140754 -0.00299362 0.000158296 0.361156 0.000532474 0.0140991 0.00738525 0.00671387 >0.0625 0.00960736 0.00481527 0.0980171 0.00960736 0.00390625 0.000244141 1.52588e-05 9.53674e-07 0.121094 0.176025 0.227524 0.275804 0.0078125 0.000976562 0.00012207 1.52588e-05 0.00150607 0.35158 0.00116134 0.00195504 0.347985 0.00392163 -0.00598723 0.269496 -0.0106553 0.00106495 0.832177 0.00100575 0.0134277 0.029541 0.019043 >0.09375 0.0215298 0.0108235 0.14673 0.0215298 0.00878906 0.000823975 7.72476e-05 7.24196e-06 0.178711 0.255707 0.325484 0.38872 0.0175781 0.0032959 0.000617981 0.000115871 0.00187032 0.477863 0.00179102 0.00440423 0.422742 0.0088677 -0.0127293 0.386721 -0.0210065 0.00185432 1.19981 -0.000463551 0.00384521 0.0664673 0.0311279 >0.125 0.0380602 0.0192147 0.19509 0.0380602 0.015625 0.00195312 0.000244141 3.05176e-05 0.234375 0.330078 0.413818 0.487091 0.03125 0.0078125 0.00195312 0.000488281 0.00232267 0.579552 0.00276214 0.00784326 0.484123 0.0158771 -0.0213107 0.492925 -0.0320683 0.00201149 1.36412 -0.00276214 0.0380859 0.118164 0.0136719 >0.15625 0.0590394 0.0299687 0.24298 0.0590394 0.0244141 0.0038147 0.000596046 9.31323e-05 0.288086 0.399323 0.493178 0.572369 0.0488281 0.0152588 0.00476837 0.00149012 0.00288443 0.661436 0.0042598 0.0122825 0.536736 0.0250411 -0.0312368 0.5886 -0.0418621 0.00110382 1.33567 -0.00110252 0.0575562 0.184631 0.0487061 >0.1875 0.0842652 0.0430597 0.290285 0.0842652 0.0351562 0.0065918 0.00123596 0.000231743 0.339844 0.463623 0.564194 0.645907 0.0703125 0.0263672 0.0098877 0.00370789 0.00358205 0.727373 0.0065695 0.0177354 0.582961 0.0364876 -0.0420129 0.674243 -0.0484093 -0.000927102 1.19278 0.00568936 0.0622559 0.265869 0.101074 >0.21875 0.113495 0.0584559 0.33689 0.113495 0.0478516 0.0104675 0.00228977 0.000500888 0.389648 0.523163 0.627471 0.708962 0.0957031 0.0418701 0.0183182 0.0080142 0.00444839 0.780468 0.0101316 0.0242191 0.624218 0.0503908 -0.0531444 0.750348 -0.0497311 -0.00352915 1.02865 0.00716409 0.0521851 0.361877 0.123901 >0.25 0.146447 0.0761205 0.382683 0.146447 0.0625 0.015625 0.00390625 0.000976562 0.4375 0.578125 0.683594 0.762695 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.015625 0.00552427 0.823223 0.015625 0.0317542 0.661438 0.0669873 -0.0641366 0.81741 -0.0438488 -0.00552427 0.911612 -0.0078125 0.0273438 0.472656 0.117188 >0.28125 0.182803 0.0960107 0.427555 0.182803 0.0791016 0.0222473 0.00625706 0.0017598 0.483398 0.628693 0.733123 0.808182 0.158203 0.0889893 0.0500565 0.0281568 0.00686036 0.857651 0.024097 0.0403655 0.695269 0.0866014 -0.0744947 0.875922 -0.0287837 -0.00544269 0.868487 -0.023276 0.0228882 0.598206 0.0809326 >0.3125 0.222215 0.118079 0.471397 0.222215 0.0976562 0.0305176 0.00953674 0.00298023 0.527344 0.675049 0.776596 0.84641 0.195312 0.12207 0.0762939 0.0476837 0.00851959 0.885374 0.0371627 0.0500822 0.726184 0.109688 -0.0837242 0.926381 -0.00255713 -0.00220503 0.88928 1.36534e-17 0.0974121 0.738525 0.0151367 >0.34375 0.264302 0.142271 0.514103 0.264302 0.118164 0.0406189 0.0139627 0.00479969 0.569336 0.717377 0.814528 0.878284 0.236328 0.162476 0.111702 0.0767951 0.0105801 0.907698 0.0573128 0.0609388 0.754544 0.136908 -0.0913304 0.96928 0.0368096 0.00404884 0.94381 0.0553599 0.157166 0.893616 0.130737 >0.375 0.308658 0.16853 0.55557 0.308658 0.140625 0.0527344 0.0197754 0.00741577 0.609375 0.755859 0.847412 0.904633 0.28125 0.210938 0.158203 0.118652 0.013139 0.925675 0.0883883 0.0729752 0.780625 0.169281 -0.0968186 1.00511 0.0912952 0.0113787 1 0.0441942 0.202148 0.969727 0.263672 >0.40625 0.354858 0.196792 0.595699 0.354858 0.165039 0.0670471 0.0272379 0.0110654 0.647461 0.79068 0.875716 0.926206 0.330078 0.268188 0.217903 0.177046 0.0163168 0.94015 0.136313 0.086238 0.80465 0.208519 -0.099694 1.03438 0.162878 0.0161772 1.03643 -0.0963882 0.232361 0.896545 0.367065 >0.4375 0.402455 0.22699 0.634393 0.402455 0.191406 0.0837402 0.0366364 0.0160284 0.683594 0.822021 0.899887 0.943686 0.382812 0.334961 0.293091 0.256454 0.0202631 0.951806 0.210224 0.100782 0.826797 0.257939 -0.0994621 1.05757 0.253538 0.0143282 1.04655 -0.182059 0.247803 0.838135 0.440918 >0.46875 0.450991 0.259049 0.671559 0.450991 0.219727 0.102997 0.0482798 0.0226311 0.717773 0.850067 0.920348 0.957685 0.439453 0.411987 0.386238 0.362098 0.0251639 0.961192 0.32421 0.116669 0.847215 0.326007 -0.0956282 1.07518 0.365252 0.00328455 1.03585 0.0839117 0.248474 0.794495 0.485229 >0.5 0.5 0.292893 0.707107 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 0.03125 0.75 0.875 0.9375 0.96875 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.03125 0.96875 0.5 0.133975 0.866025 0.5 -0.0876975 1.0877 0.5 -0.015625 1.01562 0.5 0.234375 0.765625 0.5 >0.53125 0.549009 0.328441 0.740951 0.549009 0.282227 0.149933 0.0796518 0.042315 0.780273 0.897003 0.95172 0.977369 0.560547 0.588013 0.613762 0.637902 0.0388081 0.974836 0.67579 0.152785 0.883331 0.673993 -0.0751755 1.09563 0.634748 -0.035854 0.996715 0.916088 0.205505 0.751526 0.514771 >0.5625 0.597545 0.365607 0.77301 0.597545 0.316406 0.177979 0.100113 0.0563135 0.808594 0.91626 0.963364 0.983972 0.617188 0.665039 0.706909 0.743546 0.0481941 0.979737 0.789776 0.173203 0.899218 0.742061 -0.0575673 1.09946 0.746462 -0.0465519 0.985672 1.18206 0.161865 0.752197 0.559082 >0.59375 0.645142 0.404301 0.803208 0.645142 0.352539 0.20932 0.124284 0.0737935 0.834961 0.932953 0.972762 0.988935 0.669922 0.731812 0.782097 0.822954 0.0598502 0.983683 0.863687 0.19535 0.913762 0.791481 -0.0343785 1.09969 0.837122 -0.0364345 0.983823 1.09639 0.103455 0.767639 0.632935 >0.625 0.691342 0.44443 0.83147 0.691342 0.390625 0.244141 0.152588 0.0953674 0.859375 0.947266 0.980225 0.992584 0.71875 0.789062 0.841797 0.881348 0.0743254 0.986861 0.911612 0.219375 0.927025 0.830719 -0.00511426 1.09682 0.908705 2.73067e-17 0.988621 0.955806 0.0302734 0.797852 0.736328 >0.65625 0.735698 0.485897 0.857729 0.735698 0.430664 0.282623 0.185472 0.121716 0.881836 0.959381 0.986037 0.9952 0.763672 0.837524 0.888298 0.923205 0.0923016 0.98942 0.942687 0.245456 0.939061 0.863092 0.0307201 1.09133 0.96319 0.0561897 0.995951 0.94464 0.106384 0.842834 0.869263 >0.6875 0.777785 0.528603 0.881921 0.777785 0.472656 0.324951 0.223404 0.15359 0.902344 0.969482 0.990463 0.99702 0.804688 0.87793 0.923706 0.952316 0.114626 0.99148 0.962837 0.273816 0.949918 0.890312 0.0736192 1.08372 1.00256 0.11072 1.00221 1 0.261475 0.902588 0.984863 >0.71875 0.817197 0.572445 0.903989 0.817197 0.516602 0.371307 0.266877 0.191818 0.920898 0.977753 0.993743 0.99824 0.841797 0.911011 0.949944 0.971843 0.142349 0.99314 0.975903 0.304731 0.959635 0.913399 0.124078 1.07449 1.02878 0.131513 1.00544 1.02328 0.401794 0.977112 0.919067 >0.75 0.853553 0.617317 0.92388 0.853553 0.5625 0.421875 0.316406 0.237305 0.9375 0.984375 0.996094 0.999023 0.875 0.9375 0.96875 0.984375 0.176777 0.994476 0.984375 0.338562 0.968246 0.933013 0.18259 1.06414 1.04385 0.0883883 1.00552 1.00781 0.527344 0.972656 0.882812 >0.78125 0.886505 0.66311 0.941544 0.886505 0.610352 0.476837 0.372529 0.291038 0.952148 0.989532 0.99771 0.999499 0.904297 0.95813 0.981682 0.991986 0.219532 0.995552 0.989868 0.375782 0.975781 0.949609 0.249652 1.05314 1.04973 -0.0286546 1.00353 0.992836 0.638123 0.947815 0.876099 >0.8125 0.915735 0.709715 0.95694 0.915735 0.660156 0.536377 0.435806 0.354093 0.964844 0.993408 0.998764 0.999768 0.929688 0.973633 0.990112 0.996292 0.272627 0.996418 0.99343 0.417039 0.982265 0.963512 0.325757 1.04201 1.04841 -0.192776 1.00093 0.994311 0.734131 0.937744 0.898926 >0.84375 0.940961 0.75702 0.970031 0.940961 0.711914 0.600677 0.506822 0.427631 0.975586 0.996185 0.999404 0.999907 0.951172 0.984741 0.995232 0.99851 0.338564 0.997116 0.99574 0.463264 0.987718 0.974959 0.4114 1.03124 1.04186 -0.335667 0.998896 1.0011 0.815369 0.942444 0.951294 >0.875 0.96194 0.80491 0.980785 0.96194 0.765625 0.669922 0.586182 0.512909 0.984375 0.998047 0.999756 0.999969 0.96875 0.992188 0.998047 0.999512 0.420448 0.997677 0.997238 0.515877 0.992157 0.984123 0.507075 1.02131 1.03207 -0.364119 0.997989 1.00276 0.881836 0.961914 0.986328 >0.90625 0.97847 0.85327 0.989177 0.97847 0.821289 0.744293 0.674516 0.61128 0.991211 0.999176 0.999923 0.999993 0.982422 0.996704 0.999382 0.999884 0.522137 0.99813 0.998209 0.577258 0.995596 0.991132 0.613279 1.01273 1.02101 -0.199813 0.998146 1.00046 0.933533 0.996155 0.968872 >0.9375 0.990393 0.901983 0.995185 0.990393 0.878906 0.823975 0.772476 0.724196 0.996094 0.999756 0.999985 0.999999 0.992188 0.999023 0.999878 0.999985 0.64842 0.998494 0.998839 0.652015 0.998045 0.996078 0.730504 1.00599 1.01066 0.167823 0.998935 0.998994 0.970459 0.986572 0.980957 >0.96875 0.997592 0.950932 0.998795 0.997592 0.938477 0.909149 0.880738 0.853215 0.999023 0.999969 0.999999 1 0.998047 0.999878 0.999992 1 0.805245 0.998787 0.999247 0.751961 0.999512 0.999022 0.859246 1.00158 1.00299 0.638844 0.999842 0.999468 0.992615 0.985901 0.993286 >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"easing_functions" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"easing_functions" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >32/48 Testing: integer_sequence >32/48 Test: integer_sequence >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/std/test_integer_sequence" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/std >"integer_sequence" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >5 >arg #0: '1', arg #1: '2', arg #2: '3', arg #3: 'hallo', arg #4: '3.4', arg #5: '3.52', ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"integer_sequence" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"integer_sequence" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >33/48 Testing: type_traits >33/48 Test: type_traits >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/std/test_type_traits" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/std >"type_traits" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"type_traits" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"type_traits" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >34/48 Testing: subsystems >34/48 Test: subsystems >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure/test_commands" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure >"subsystems" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17/simgear/structure/test_commands.cxx: All tests passed ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"subsystems" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"subsystems" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >35/48 Testing: state_machine >35/48 Test: state_machine >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure/test_state_machine" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure >"state_machine" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17/simgear/structure/state_machine_test.cxx: All tests passed ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"state_machine" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"state_machine" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >36/48 Testing: expressions >36/48 Test: expressions >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure/test_expressions" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure >"expressions" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17/simgear/structure/expression_test.cxx: All tests passed ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"expressions" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"expressions" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >37/48 Testing: shared_ptr >37/48 Test: shared_ptr >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure/test_shared_ptr" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure >"shared_ptr" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Testing SGSharedPtr and SGReferenced >Testing SGWeakPtr and SGVirtualWeakReferenced ><end of output> >Test time = 0.02 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"shared_ptr" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"shared_ptr" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >38/48 Testing: function_list-boost_test >38/48 Test: function_list-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure/test-simgear_structure-function_list" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/structure >"function_list-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"function_list-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"function_list-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >40/48 Testing: canvas_element-boost_test >40/48 Test: canvas_element-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/elements/test-simgear_canvas_elements-canvas_element" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/elements >"canvas_element-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- > 0.00 [ALRT]:opengl canvas::Image: Missing 'png' image reader > 0.00 [ALRT]:opengl canvas::Text: Missing 'ttf' font reader >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"canvas_element-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"canvas_element-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >41/48 Testing: canvas_event-boost_test >41/48 Test: canvas_event-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/events/test-simgear_canvas_events-canvas_event" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/events >"canvas_event-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Running 1 test case... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"canvas_event-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"canvas_event-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >8/48 Testing: http_repository >8/48 Test: http_repository >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/test_repository" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io >"http_repository" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- > 0.00 [ALRT]:io bind( failed. Errno 98 (Address already in use) >terminate called after throwing an instance of 'sg_error' > what(): Missing file system entry ><end of output> >Test time = 0.05 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Failed. >"http_repository" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"http_repository" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >43/48 Testing: metar >43/48 Test: metar >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/environment/test_metar" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/environment >"metar" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"metar" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"metar" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >44/48 Testing: precipitation >44/48 Test: precipitation >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/environment/test_precipitation" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/environment >"precipitation" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed OK ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"precipitation" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"precipitation" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >42/48 Testing: canvas_layout-boost_test >42/48 Test: canvas_layout-boost_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/layout/test-simgear_canvas_layout-canvas_layout" "--catch_system_error=yes" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/canvas/layout >"canvas_layout-boost_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(128px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=53, max=277) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=16, max=16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=256 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=75 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=75, not_done=1, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=75, not_done=1, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 107 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(128px for 3 items, s.t. min=58, hint=90, max=410) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=16, max=16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=256 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=19 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=38, not_done=2, sum=1, stretch=32, stretch/unit=32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=38, not_done=2, sum=1, stretch=32, stretch/unit=32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=38, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=32, stretch/unit=32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 70 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(128px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=29 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=59, not_done=2, sum=3, stretch=64, stretch/unit=21 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=50, not_done=2, sum=3, stretch=73, stretch/unit=24 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 41 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 82 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(256px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=93 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=187, not_done=2, sum=3, stretch=64, stretch/unit=21 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=136, not_done=2, sum=3, stretch=115, stretch/unit=38 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=40 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=40, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=83, stretch/unit=83 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=0, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=123, stretch/unit=123 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 123 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(512px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=2, num_align=0, space_left=251 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=83, size= 128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=89, size= 128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(512px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=2, num_align=1, space_left=251 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 379 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(512px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=2, num_align=1, space_left=251 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 379 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 128 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(512px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=2, num_align=2, space_left=251 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 253 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 254 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(512px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=261) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=2, num_align=2, space_left=251 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 253 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 254 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(256px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=20003) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=93 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=187, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=94, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=1, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=0, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 126 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 125 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(256px for 2 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=20003) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=93 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=187, not_done=2, sum=2, stretch=64, stretch/unit=32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=94, not_done=2, sum=2, stretch=157, stretch/unit=78 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=1, not_done=2, sum=2, stretch=250, stretch/unit=125 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=1, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=125, stretch/unit=125 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 125 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 126 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(256px for 3 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=0, min=0, hint=0, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=62 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=187, not_done=3, sum=1, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=187, not_done=2, sum=1, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=187, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=0, size= 187 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(256px for 5 items, s.t. min=47, hint=79, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=0, min=0, hint=0, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=10, min=10, hint=10, max=10 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 3) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=9999 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 4) initial=0, min=0, hint=0, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=177, not_done=4, sum=2, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=89, not_done=4, sum=2, stretch=88, stretch/unit=44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=89, not_done=3, sum=2, stretch=88, stretch/unit=44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 3) left=89, not_done=3, sum=2, stretch=88, stretch/unit=44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 4) left=89, not_done=2, sum=2, stretch=88, stretch/unit=44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=1, not_done=2, sum=2, stretch=176, stretch/unit=88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=1, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=88, stretch/unit=88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=1, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=88, stretch/unit=88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 3) left=1, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=88, stretch/unit=88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 4) left=1, not_done=1, sum=1, stretch=88, stretch/unit=88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 88 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=0, size= 10 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 3) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 4) pad=0, size= 89 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(55px for 2 items, s.t. min=39, hint=55, max=87) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=16, max=16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=64 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=7, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(69px for 3 items, s.t. min=58, hint=106, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=3 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=11, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=8, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=5, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=2, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=1, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=0, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 19 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(69px for 3 items, s.t. min=37, hint=69, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) [hidden] > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(69px for 3 items, s.t. min=58, hint=106, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=3 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=11, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=8, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=5, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=2, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=1, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=0, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 19 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(10px for 0 items, s.t. min=0, hint=0, max=0) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Distributing excess space: not_done=0, num_align=0, space_left=10 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(142px for 3 items, s.t. min=94, hint=142, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=42, min=26, hint=42, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=44, min=28, hint=44, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=46, min=30, hint=46, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 42 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 44 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 46 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(45px for 2 items, s.t. min=45, hint=85, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 24 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(85px for 2 items, s.t. min=45, hint=85, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=48, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 48 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(66px for 3 items, s.t. min=66, hint=122, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 24 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(122px for 3 items, s.t. min=66, hint=122, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=48, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 48 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(66px for 3 items, s.t. min=66, hint=122, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 24 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(122px for 3 items, s.t. min=66, hint=122, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=48, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 48 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(66px for 3 items, s.t. min=66, hint=122, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=48, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 16 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 24 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 16 > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [WARN]:gui Adding item to expired or non-refcounted layout > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(122px for 3 items, s.t. min=60, hint=180, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=10, min=10, hint=42, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=96, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=62, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=42, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=22, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=3 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=6, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=3, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=0, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 33 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 47 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 32 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(122px for 3 items, s.t. min=42, hint=108, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=20, min=5, hint=20, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=46, min=11, hint=46, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=32, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=4 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=14, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=10, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=6, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=1 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=2, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=1, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=0, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 25 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 51 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 36 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui Layout::distribute(122px for 3 items, s.t. min=60, hint=180, max=2147483647) > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) initial=10, min=10, hint=42, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) initial=24, min=24, hint=96, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) initial=16, min=16, hint=32, max=2147483647 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=20 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=62, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=42, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=22, not_done=3, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui space/element=3 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) left=6, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) left=3, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) left=0, not_done=2, sum=0, stretch=0, stretch/unit=0 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui distribute: > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 0) pad=0, size= 33 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 1) pad=5, size= 47 > 0.00 [DBUG]:gui 2) pad=5, size= 32 >Running 10 test cases... > >[1;32;49m*** No errors detected >[0;39;49m ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"canvas_layout-boost_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"canvas_layout-boost_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >45/48 Testing: parseBlendFunc >45/48 Test: parseBlendFunc >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/material/test_parseBlendFunc" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/material >"parseBlendFunc" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed successfully! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"parseBlendFunc" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"parseBlendFunc" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >46/48 Testing: animations >46/48 Test: animations >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/model/test_animations" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/model >"animations" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"animations" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"animations" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >48/48 Testing: parse_color >48/48 Test: parse_color >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/util/test_parse_color" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/util >"parse_color" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >all tests passed successfully! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.01 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"parse_color" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"parse_color" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >39/48 Testing: catalog_test >39/48 Test: catalog_test >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/package/catalog_test" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/package >"catalog_test" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- > 0.00 [ALRT]:io bind( failed. Errno 98 (Address already in use) > 0.03 [ALRT]:general catalog download failure:http://localhost:2000/catalogTest1/catalog.xml > 404 >failed: p.exists() > at /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17/simgear/package/CatalogTest.cxx:372 ><end of output> >Test time = 0.03 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Failed. >"catalog_test" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"catalog_test" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >15/48 Testing: geometry >15/48 Test: geometry >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math/geometry_test" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/math >"geometry" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Testing Geometry intersection routines. >Some of these tests can fail due to roundoff problems... >Dont worry if only a few of them fail... >Failed closest point test #15647: not equivalent! >u = 0.778515, v = 0.0767083 >testPoint = [ 0.317366, 0.396066, 0.939157 ], testClosest = [ 0.330748, 0.146179, 0.669375 ], closest = [ 0.330738, 0.146168, 0.669385 ] >triangle: v0 = [ 0.759448, 0.73444, 0.145762 ], v1 = [ 0.250225, 0.0453416, 0.758781 ], v2 = [ 0.338871, 0.0593204, 0.750231 ] >Failed closest point test #66119: not equivalent! >u = 0.0772042, v = 0.634777 >testPoint = [ 1.04972, 0.932422, 0.199692 ], testClosest = [ 0.240249, 0.638029, 0.212277 ], closest = [ 0.240293, 0.637911, 0.212349 ] >triangle: v0 = [ 0.466416, 0.0321944, 0.587426 ], v1 = [ 0.176731, 0.808789, 0.12122 ], v2 = [ 0.145356, 0.892147, 0.0531344 ] >Failed closest point test #78263: not equivalent! >u = 0.485894, v = 0.26686 >testPoint = [ 0.461869, 0.609971, -0.0972598 ], testClosest = [ 0.634772, 0.537093, 0.306911 ], closest = [ 0.635022, 0.537043, 0.306795 ] >triangle: v0 = [ 0.0414984, 0.648636, 0.580824 ], v1 = [ 0.822747, 0.504868, 0.220686 ], v2 = [ 0.842181, 0.492423, 0.210128 ] >Failed ray intersection test #2415: not equivalent! >u = 0.409097, v = 0.541698, t = 1.72704 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.266074, 0.259157, 0.893698 ], v1 = [ 0.0341849, 0.042992, 0.401684 ], v2 = [ 0.124748, 0.565437, 0.138337 ] >ray: origin = [ -0.65008, -0.976067, -0.621438 ], direction = [ 0.43122, 0.760088, 0.523831 ] >Failed ray intersection test #62297: not equivalent! >u = 0.336327, v = 0.24187, t = 1.05575 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.135646, 0.271864, 0.273476 ], v1 = [ 0.0200945, 0.348835, 0.777282 ], v2 = [ 0.334471, 0.424625, 0.848246 ] >ray: origin = [ -0.875787, -0.0486749, -0.34492 ], direction = [ 0.966765, 0.363131, 0.877917 ] >Failed ray intersection test #65378: not equivalent! >u = 0.698505, v = 0.004599, t = 1.40174 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.931936, 0.552563, 0.235164 ], v1 = [ 0.679318, 0.836033, 0.998707 ], v2 = [ 0.728901, 0.744132, 0.800507 ] >ray: origin = [ -0.350676, -0.45943, 0.734907 ], direction = [ 0.788463, 0.863838, 0.0258215 ] >Failed ray intersection test #95183: not equivalent! >u = 0.469009, v = 0.23443, t = 1.97628 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.427468, 0.705437, 0.454699 ], v1 = [ 0.00607604, 0.545431, 0.109616 ], v2 = [ 0.533132, 0.900191, 0.0741269 ] >ray: origin = [ -1.67147, -0.00791651, -1.47631 ], direction = [ 0.974599, 0.346088, 0.850054 ] >Failed ray intersection test #83488: not equivalent! >u = 0.260323, v = 0.405192, t = 1.77637 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.410397, 0.0504535, 0.948902 ], v1 = [ 0.126766, 0.115452, 0.259869 ], v2 = [ 0.665046, 0.370705, 0.976105 ] >ray: origin = [ -0.556679, -0.347401, -0.438469 ], direction = [ 0.560931, 0.306545, 0.686243 ] >Failed line segment intersection test #90353: not equivalent! >u = 0.381911, v = 0.135416, t = 0.876134 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.141525, 0.255598, 0.878091 ], v1 = [ 0.810059, 0.845687, 0.636868 ], v2 = [ 0.932675, 0.818631, 0.964074 ] >line segment: start = [ 0.108437, 0.44778, 0.28127 ], end = [ 0.559901, 0.572673, 0.870608 ] >Failed ray intersection test #90353: not equivalent! >u = 0.381911, v = 0.135416, t = 0.876134 >triangle: v0 = [ 0.141525, 0.255598, 0.878091 ], v1 = [ 0.810059, 0.845687, 0.636868 ], v2 = [ 0.932675, 0.818631, 0.964074 ] >ray: origin = [ 0.108437, 0.44778, 0.28127 ], direction = [ 0.451465, 0.124894, 0.589338 ] >Successfully passed all tests! ><end of output> >Test time = 0.16 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"geometry" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"geometry" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >12/48 Testing: zlibstream >12/48 Test: zlibstream >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams/test_zlibstream" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/iostreams >"zlibstream" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >Compression-decompression cycles using the stream buffer classes directly >Testing basic operations on ZlibDecompressorIStreambuf >Compression-decompression cycles using the std::istream subclasses (many >combinations of buffer sizes and compression parameters tested) >Testing ZlibDecompressorIStream >> std::string >Testing many operations on ZlibDecompressorIStream (read(), putback(), etc. >Testing the unique_ptr-based ZlibCompressorIStream constructor ><end of output> >Test time = 0.21 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"zlibstream" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"zlibstream" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >47/48 Testing: BucketBoxTest >47/48 Test: BucketBoxTest >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/tgdb/BucketBoxTest" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/scene/tgdb >"BucketBoxTest" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 0.52 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"BucketBoxTest" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"BucketBoxTest" time elapsed: 00:00:00 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >5/48 Testing: http >5/48 Test: http >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/test_http" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io >"http" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >testing chunked transfer encoding >done 404 test >done1 >done2 >done3 >testing abrupt close > 0.64 [WARN]:io CURL Result:6 Couldn't resolve host name > 0.64 [WARN]:io HTTP request: set failure:6 reason Couldn't resolve host name > 0.68 [WARN]:io CURL Result:52 Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) > 0.68 [WARN]:io HTTP request: set failure:52 reason Server returned nothing (no headers, no data) >testing proxy close >testing HTTP 1.1 pipelining >http 1.0 multiple requests >testing POST >testing PUT >sending PUT response >testing PUT create >sending create response >zero-length-content-response >cancel request >cancel middle request >redirect test >all tests passed ok ><end of output> >Test time = 3.94 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"http" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"http" time elapsed: 00:00:03 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >6/48 Testing: dns >6/48 Test: dns >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/test_dns" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io >"dns" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >test update without prior pending request >polling.....................done >test existing NAPTR: terrasync.flightgear.org >no results for terrasync.flightgear.org ><end of output> >Test time = 4.20 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Failed. >"dns" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"dns" time elapsed: 00:00:04 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >7/48 Testing: binobj >7/48 Test: binobj >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io/test_binobj" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/io >"binobj" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- ><end of output> >Test time = 5.16 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"binobj" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"binobj" time elapsed: 00:00:05 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >4/48 Testing: emesary >4/48 Test: emesary >Command: "/var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/emesary/test_emesary" >Directory: /var/tmp/portage/dev-games/simgear-2020.3.17-r1/work/simgear-2020.3.17_build/simgear/emesary >"emesary" start time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >Output: >---------------------------------------------------------- >invocations 199960002 >starting thread Notif 0 >starting thread Notif 1 >starting thread Notif 2 >starting thread Notif 3 >starting thread Notif 4 >starting thread Notif 5 >starting thread Notif 6 >starting thread Notif 7 >starting thread Notif 8 >starting thread Notif 9 >starting thread Notif 10 >starting thread Notif 11 >Notif 0 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 0 >Notif 6 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 6 >Notif 9 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 9 >Notif 5 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 5 >Notif 7 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 7 >Notif 4 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 4 >Notif 11 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 11 >Notif 2 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 2 >Notif 1 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 1 >Notif 3 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 3 >Notif 10 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 10 >Notif 8 invocations 9999 >finish thread Notif 8 >all tests passed ><end of output> >Test time = 17.21 sec >---------------------------------------------------------- >Test Passed. >"emesary" end time: Dec 16 12:35 CET >"emesary" time elapsed: 00:00:17 >---------------------------------------------------------- > >End testing: Dec 16 12:35 CET
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bug 886321
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