A quick note when using sudo for ejecting ipod's. Assuming you got access to your ipod by mounting and such it is required to 'eject /dev/ipod' for the 'do not disconnect' message to go away. Changing permissions on /dev/ipod to 777 doesn't seem like the best way, and changing the group on scsi disks doesn't seem to work. gtkpod on default does call eject, but with 'user' permissions that's never going to work. Therefore I patched gtkpod to call eject_ipod.sh instead. This scripts runs sudo eject where 'ipod device' is passed along from gtkpod. So up to here no changes are required. However you want your sudoers file to be setup correctly. Assuming the default gentoo sudoers, all that is required to add is # Ipod ejecting %ipod ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/eject Here %ipod is the group ipod, which I added to the system (and added my user to). This can be replaced by your user for example oliver ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/eject for just one user. The NOPASSWD is key here, we don't want password popups while ejecting our iPod's. For better idea's contact me at oliver@are-b.org