# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-pda/gtkpod/gtkpod-0.99.2.ebuild,v 1.4 2006/01/16 01:27:10 weeve Exp $ inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="GUI for iPod using GTK2" HOMEPAGE="http://gtkpod.sourceforge.net/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~sparc ~x86" IUSE="aac sudo" DEPEND=">=x11-libs/gtk+-2.4.0 >=media-libs/libid3tag-0.15 >=gnome-base/libglade-2 >=media-libs/libgpod-0.3 sudo? ( app-admin/sudo ) aac? ( media-libs/libmp4v2 )" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} # Disable aac forcefully if not enabled cd ${S} use sudo && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-sudo_option.patch #124728 use aac || sed -i -e s/MP4FileInfo/MP4FileInfoDisabled/g configure } src_install() { einstall || die if use sudo; then exeinto /usr/bin doexe "${FILESDIR}"/eject_ipod.sh dodoc README "${FILESDIR}"/sudoeject.README fi dodoc README ${DISTDIR}/Local_Playcounts.README } pkg_postinst() { if use sudo; then ewarn "Make sure you have properly setup your sudoers file." ewarn "Failure to do so will make sudo come up with console" ewarn "based password queries and cause the main application" ewarn "not to close." ewarn "Check sudoeject.README for more information." ewarn "\n" fi }