14:58 <@ferringb> !seen mcummings 14:58 <+glbt> mcummings (n=mcumming@gentoo/developer/mcummings) was last seen quitting from #gentoo-commits 2 days, 6 hours, 19 minutes ago stating ({""HoHoHo""}). 14:58 <@ReJ> lol 14:59 <@ferringb> g-cpan users... curious about the pkg names it generates 14:59 <@ferringb> anyone able to comment if ':' is used as a char in the pkg name? :) 14:59 * Cardoe pokes Battousai 14:59 <@Cardoe> hey seemant 14:59 <@araujo> Merry Christmas everyone! 14:59 <@araujo> Anyone wanna ponche? 14:59 <@ferringb> ponche? 14:59 <@Battousai> ferringb: i think it uses underscores 14:59 <@araujo> ferringb, A ron drink 15:00 <@ferringb> Battousai: don't spose you could verify it please? 15:00 <@Battousai> no 15:00 * Battousai runs 15:00 * Battousai can try 15:00 <@ciaranm> ferringb: : as a package name will break :slot. and certain backwards operating systems 15:00 * ferringb knows 15:00 <@ciaranm> so it's probably not a good idea to allow it if it's not currently used 15:00 <@ferringb> ciaranm: why do you think I'm asking what g-cpan does? 15:00 <@ferringb> :) 15:01 <@lisa> g-cpan++ 15:01 <@ferringb> ciaranm: do I have to respond to the "are portage devs are bitch servants or doing whatever they want" email also? 15:01 <@spb> yes 15:01 <@ferringb> cause it won't be nice if I do, since you're in the same boat as we are. 15:01 <@ferringb> all of you are. 15:01 <@spb> you have to reply to every email on the list 15:01 <@ciaranm> ferringb: difference is, i'm quite happy adding support for things i don't personally care about to packages i maintain 15:01 -!- beejay_ [n=benni@gentoo/user/beejay] has quit [Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)] 15:02 <@spb> ciaranm: selinux support in findutils pls 15:02 * spb hides 15:02 <@ciaranm> if someone sticks in a legit request for something vim / fluxbox / whatever related then i'll go ahead and implement it, even if i personally don't use it 15:02 <@ferringb> ciaranm: I assure you, bug fixing is really something I like to do. 15:02 <@ciaranm> spb: did that three times already :P 15:02 <@spb> well do it again ! 15:02 <@ciaranm> spb: now go send that updated patch upstream 15:02 <@spb> not until it doesn't segfault 15:02 <@lisa> ciaranm: emacs for vim? 15:02 <@ferringb> ciaranm: if you're making the case portage devs only do work they're interested in, bluntly, you're a fool. 15:02 <@ciaranm> spb: 20:19 #gentoo-commits: < CIA-1> pebenito * gentoo-x86/sys-apps/findutils/ (3 files in 2 dirs): 15:03 <@spb> fun 15:03 <@ciaranm> lisa: upstream package? 15:03 <@lisa> ciaranm: just kidding :-) i'm not that bad 15:03 <@spb> i got distracted and stopped paying attention to that 15:03 <@ciaranm> ferringb: no, i'm making the case that you're hurting gentoo by ignoring certain requests 15:03 <@Battousai> ferringb: any particular module you want me to try? 15:04 <@ciaranm> lisa: actually, there is a set of maps that make vim behave like emacs somewhere. they're rather evil 15:04 <@ferringb> ciaranm: case in point? 15:04 <@ciaranm> lisa: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=300 15:04 <@ciaranm> ferringb: :foo[bar] 15:05 <@Tester_> anyone has modular X and dev-util/insight ? 15:05 <@lisa> ciaranm: *shudder* 15:05 * ferringb laughs 15:05 * Tester_ should try modular X 15:05 <@ferringb> ciaranm: your words... 15:05 <@ferringb> Our 'customers' don't always know what's best for 15:05 <@ferringb> them, especially when it comes down to low level issues like this one. 15:05 <@ferringb> ciaranm: implied in that bit of arrogance is that the user doesn't always know what's involved 15:05 <@ferringb> ciaranm: you don't know what's involved to do it in stable portage. 15:05 <@ciaranm> ferringb: except that we, the people who maintain the tree, know far more than you do about what the tree needs from the package manager 15:05 <@ferringb> if it were easy, it would've been done. 15:05 <@ferringb> bullshit. 15:06 <@ferringb> ciaranm: maintaining portage requires quite a bit more knowledge about the tree then you give credit for. 15:06 <@ferringb> that's ignoring the fact I also was doing tree work long before I did portage. 15:06 <@ferringb> so.. stick to the point instead of blanket statements. 15:06 <@ciaranm> ferringb: i'm still amazed at the amount of stuff you and jstubbs don't know 15:06 <@ferringb> pardon, we're not all gods like you. 15:06 * ferringb shrugs 15:06 <@ferringb> course, we also do the work. 15:07 <@ferringb> so.. you're boned unless you help (which you won't). 15:07 -!- beejay [n=benni@gentoo/user/beejay] has joined #gentoo-dev 15:07 -!- mode/#gentoo-dev [+v beejay] by ChanServ 15:07 <@ferringb> ciaranm: get off your ass and replace us with your claimed portage replacement. 15:07 <@ferringb> do something rather then run the mouth effectively. 15:07 <@ciaranm> could do. of course, then i'd have far less time to do tree stuff 15:08 * ferringb thinks you couldn't tbh. 15:08 -!- Lothmir [n=Lothmir@c210-49-68-90.rochd2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #gentoo-dev 15:08 <@ferringb> but that's neither here nor there. 15:08 <@slarti> compnerd: pong 15:09 <@ciaranm> pfff, all i need is uninstall code 15:09 <@ferringb> that's pretty easy to do. 15:09 * ferringb shrugs 15:09 <@ferringb> ciaranm: point is, you're not doing anything to actually help, thus you're on our timeline. 15:09 <@ciaranm> it's also insanely difficult to prove that it works 15:09 -!- codergeek42 [n=peter@adsl-68-125-25-190.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has quit ["leaving"] 15:09 * ferringb doesn't really care about the excuses tbh. 15:09 <@ciaranm> ferringb: i'm helping by maintaining the tree that makes portage relevant 15:10 <@ferringb> yes, the one man army maintaining the entire tree. 15:10 <@ferringb> err, wait, that's not the case. 15:10 <@ferringb> you're reaching, just stop. the point is valid whether you'll acknowledge it or not. 15:10 <@ferringb> it's just plain common sense, which aparently ain't so common. 15:10 <@ciaranm> no, common sense is that portage is there to support our primary product, the tree 15:11 <@ferringb> inverse is the tree is irrevelent without the package manager. your point? 15:11 <@ferringb> it's not a symbiotic relationship (as it should be) due to folk like you who assume we're at your beck and call. 15:11 <@ferringb> or they decide shoving hacks into the tree rather then proper fixes is the right route. 15:11 <@ferringb> end result is y'all have to work around us, and we have to work around you. 15:11 <@ciaranm> hacks go into the tree when we need a solution now rather than in three years 15:12 <@ferringb> heh 15:12 <@ferringb> ciaranm: you've been around 3 years. you've claimed to have written your own portage replacement 15:12 <@ferringb> why the fuck haven't you fixed this? 15:12 <@ferringb> it's more productive then bitching, no? 15:12 <@ferringb> your own admission, this is worth stepping away from the tree for a bit to get it done. 15:12 <@ferringb> so... keep bitching, rather then doing unsavory work. your choice of how to spend your time. 15:12 <@ciaranm> what, delving into the depths of the portage code? at this point i consider fixing portage to be totally pointless 15:13 <@ferringb> ciaranm: you ever _not_ make excuses? 15:13 * ferringb shrugs 15:13 <@ciaranm> ferringb: i'm not the one making excuses for lack of :[] 15:13 <@ferringb> heh, round and round baby. 15:13 <@ferringb> what I'm pointing out is that maintaining portage is a huge job in it's own, beyond feature creep. 15:13 * spb watches in amusement 15:14 <+ajax> devfight! 15:14 <@spb> i think based purely on number of lines ciaranm is winning 15:14 <@ferringb> hah 15:14 <@ferringb> spb: well here's a question. 15:14 <@ferringb> what good does ciaranm winning a debate result in? still no implementation. 15:15 <@spb> the winner gets to win 15:15 <@ferringb> the whole point of that thread is that people are *not* helpless in this manner. they can chip in. 15:15 * spb shrugs 15:15 <@ciaranm> it's not about winning. it's about getting what's best for gentoo 15:16 <@`Kumba> arguing gains no one anything. What ya'll should be doing is manning the AA guns for when that pesky fat man and 9 reindeer flies overhead 15:16 <@ferringb> ... or working on portage code. 15:16 <@Cardoe> Happy Christ-Hanu-Kwanzi-Ka 15:16 <@spb> nope, definitely manning the AA guns 15:16 <+ajax> `Kumba: i parsed that as antialiasing guns 15:16 <@`Kumba> bonus to the first one that gibs Rudolph! :P 15:17 <@vanquirius> Cardoe: Aha, that's the term I have been looking for, ever since that flash animation! 15:17 <@ferringb> ciaranm: lets put it this way ciaranm. your view, we're incompetent tools who don't give a damn about gentoo. your opinion, don't care. you *could* however take a week or two off to work on this feature, no? 15:17 <@Cardoe> vanquirius: glad I could help. 15:17 <@Cardoe> I'm out. 15:17 <@vanquirius> :-) later 15:18 <@ferringb> since short term hacks suck, long term is required. put in the short term work, gain the long term benefits. 15:18 <@ciaranm> ferringb: could do, but were i to do that, i'd just go and rewrite the whole depresolver anyway 15:18 <@ferringb> go for it. 15:18 -!- Cardoe [n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe] has quit ["Leaving"] 15:18 <@ferringb> further gain. 15:18 <@ferringb> ciaranm: users would love it, would benefit gentoo massively having a sane resolver. 15:18 * ferringb waits for the carefully worded "not going to do it" response 15:18 <@`Kumba> ciaranm: didn't you do that already? 15:19 <@ciaranm> then i'd have to go and remove crap like this from the tree: 15:19 <@ciaranm> [n ] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9::gentoo +build! -static 15:19 <@ciaranm> [nr] sys-devel/patch-2.5.9::gentoo -build -static 15:19 <@ciaranm> `Kumba: i have a dep resolver, yeah 15:19 <@`Kumba> but it's in C++, right? 15:19 <@ciaranm> yup 15:19 <@`Kumba> yeah, not very pluggable into current portage atm, heh 15:19 * ferringb nods 15:20 * ferringb shrugs 15:20 <@ferringb> not very useful without source anyways. 15:20 -!- georges [n=georges@lsn-boi-catv-c122-p084.vtx.ch] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 15:20 <@ciaranm> it's really frickin' messy with all the circular deps we have in base, too 15:20 <@ferringb> heh 15:20 <@ferringb> wait, you're making the case for why we have issues as an excuse for not doing the work... 15:20 <@ciaranm> anything using patch or autoconf makes it throw a hissy fit 15:20 <@ciaranm> heh, hardly. i've already done the work on that 15:21 <@ferringb> where. 15:21 <@ciaranm> not anywhere where you can play with it 15:21 <@ferringb> so what use is it to gentoo? 15:21 <@ferringb> you go on about benefiting gentoo, yet sit back talking about your claimed rewrite that fixes everything. 15:21 <@ferringb> put it out there, replace us, benefiting gentoo. 15:22 <@ferringb> why haven't you if you're after gentoo's best interests? 15:22 <@ciaranm> pfff, i never said it fixes everything. if it every fixes everything, i'll open it up 15:22 <@ferringb> you'll never open it up, because its impossible to be perfect. 15:22 <@`Kumba> eh, nothing can fix everything 15:22 <@ferringb> ciaranm: end result is you're not helping in that area 15:22 <@ferringb> even sharing the code is helping, since it can be looked at and have the algo translated into stable. 15:23 <@ferringb> but you prefer to snipe instead, wasting our time plus pissing us off. 15:23 <@ferringb> interest of gentoo? bolsh. 15:24 <@ferringb> ciaranm: portage isn't perfect. this is why release keep coming. 15:24 -!- bobwhoops [n=eric@] has quit [Client Quit] 15:24 <@ferringb> we still have it out there for use, because _someone_ has to do it. 15:24 <@ciaranm> what's the point in replacing one turd with another less familiar turd? 15:24 -!- eddyMul [n=email@c-24-7-30-98.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #gentoo-dev 15:24 <@ferringb> more options then just replacing 15:24 <@ferringb> as I said, translating resolver into stable. 15:24 * ferringb waits for the 'but' 15:25 * mbishop inserts a 'nothing is perfect' 15:25 <@ciaranm> *shrug* i'll tell you the algorithm, if you need one 15:25 <@ferringb> rather see the code. easier to translate. 15:25 <@ciaranm> heh. no it won't be 15:25 <@ferringb> heh 15:26 -!- xmt [n=martin@i577A2014.versanet.de] has quit [Client Quit] 15:26 <+mbishop> so you're saying your code sucks? :P 15:26 <@ferringb> feel free to send the algo our direction. it's probably pretty blindingly obvious to be blunt. 15:26 <@ferringb> if you can chuck all of the existing code out and start from scratch, most of the portage flaws are easy to fix. 15:26 -!- eddyMul [n=email@c-24-7-30-98.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Client Quit] 15:26 <+ajax> heh 15:26 <@ciaranm> mbishop: no, i'm saying i'm making very heavy use of multiple inheritance, templates and multiple dispatch, none of which translate obviously into python 15:27 * ajax used to think the same about X re: chucking 15:27 * ferringb snickers 15:27 <@ferringb> ciaranm: so what, work has to be done. 15:27 <@ciaranm> mbishop: the ebuild.sh interface sucks horribly, i'll quite happily admit that part 15:27 <@ferringb> waah, it might involve some sweat. amazingly people might be willing to improve it.