# Sample SchoolBell configuration file

# web port
# web interface:port
#   Specifies the port number and optionaly a network interface for
#   the web application server to listen on
# Examples:
#   web 8080
#   web

web 7080

# rest port
# rest interface:port
#   Specifies the port number and optionaly a network interface for
#   the RESTive application server to listen on
# Examples:
#   rest 7001
#   rest

rest 7001

# thread-pool-size n
#   Specifies the suggested size for request thread pool
# Default:
#   thread-pool-size 10

# pid-file
#   Specifies the path of a pid file.
# Default: no pidfile
pid-file /var/run/schoolbell.pid

# error-log-file
#   Specifies the path of a log file used for exceptions. Special
#   values STDERR and STDOUT mean standard error and standard output
#   respectively.
#   You can specify more than one log file.  All messages will be duplicated
#   to all the log files.
# Default:
#    error-log-file STDERR
# Examples:
#    error-log-file /var/log/schooltool/error.log
#    error-log-file STDERR
error-log-file /var/log/schoolbell/error.log
# error-log-file STDERR

# web-access-log-file
#   Specifies the path of a file used for an Apache combined format
#   access log of the web application.  Special values STDERR and
#   STDOUT mean standard error and standard output respectively.
#   You can specify more than one log file.  All messages will be duplicated
#   to all the log files.
# Default:
#    web-access-log-file STDOUT
# Examples:
#    web-access-log-file /var/log/schooltool/access.log
#    web-access-log-file STDOUT
web-access-log-file /var/log/schoolbell/web-access.log

# lang
#    Specifies the locale of the messages to be used on the server.
#    If 'auto' is set, the language is chosen according to the user's
#    preference specified in the web browser configuration.
# Default:
#    lang auto
# Examples:
#    lang de_DE
#    lang fr
lang auto

# <zodb>
#   ...
# </zodb>
#   Specifies a ZODB database to use.
#   This section is required.

  # <filestorage>		traditional FileStorage
  #   path filename		required
  #   create yes|no		default: yes
  #   read-only yes|no		default: no
  #   quota size		default: no quota
  # </filestorage>
    path Data.fs

  # <mappingstorage>		in-memory MappingStorage
  #   name storage-name		default: Mapping Storage
  # </mappingstorage>

  # <fullstorage>		BerkeleyDB based storage
  #   ...			XXX
  # </fullstorage>

  # <minimalstorage>		BerkeleyDB based storage, stripped down
  #   ...			see <fullstorage>
  # </minimalstorage>

  # <zeoclient>
  #   server address		one or more; required
  #   cache-size n		default: 20000000 (bytes)
  #   name storage-name		default: address of the server
  #   client x			enables persistent cache for client x
  #   var dirname		directory for persistent cache (default: .)
  #   min-disconnect-poll n	default: 5
  #   max-disconnect-poll n	default: 300
  #   wait yes|no		default: yes
  #   read-only yes|no		default: no
  #   read-only-fallback yes|no	default: no
  #   realm name		authentication realm
  # </zeoclient>

  # <demostorage>		currently broken
  #   name			default: Demo Storage
  #   quota			XXX
  #   ...			another section describing base storage
  # </demostorage>

  # cache-size n
  # Default:
  #   cache-size 5000

  # pool-size n
  # Default:
  #   pool-size 7


# reportlab_fontdir
#   Specifies the path to TrueType fonts (Arial and Times New Roman)
#   for reportlab.
#   Comment out to disable reportlab.
# Examples:
#    reportlab_fontdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts
reportlab_fontdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts