Log of Meson test suite run on 2022-04-19T12:22:39.348885 Inherited environment: SANDBOX_MESSAGE_P@TH=/proc/4/fd/2 SLOT=0/22 SHELL=/bin/bash RUBY_TARGETS='' PORTAGE_INST_UID=0 KERNEL_ABI=sparc64 PORTAGE_PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS='' PORTAGE_FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' ESYSROOT='' LESS='-R -M --shift 5' HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth ROOTPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL='Darwin linux SunOS Winnt' PORTAGE_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.9 PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET='' PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES='ARCH ELIBC IUSE_IMPLICIT KERNEL USERLAND USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND' SANDBOX_ACTIVE=armedandready USERLAND=GNU CPU_FLAGS_X86='' PKG_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_ LUA_TARGETS='' LIBDIR_sparc64=lib64 MULTILIB_STRICT_DIRS='/lib32 /lib /usr/lib32 /usr/lib /usr/kde/*/lib32 /usr/kde/*/lib /usr/qt/*/lib32 /usr/qt/*/lib /usr/X11R6/lib32 /usr/X11R6/lib' PKGUSE='' USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND='BSD GNU' TERMCAP='SC|screen.xterm-256color|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:DO=\E[%dB:LE=\E[%dD:RI=\E[%dC:UP=\E[%dA:bs:bt=\E[Z:cd=\E[J:ce=\E[K:cl=\E[H\E[J:cm=\E[%i%d;%dH:ct=\E[3g:do=^J:nd=\E[C:pt:rc=\E8:rs=\Ec:sc=\E7:st=\EH:up=\EM:le=^H:bl=^G:cr=^M:it#8:ho=\E[H:nw=\EE:ta=^I:is=\E)0:li#66:co#264:am:xn:xv:LP:sr=\EM:al=\E[L:AL=\E[%dL:cs=\E[%i%d;%dr:dl=\E[M:DL=\E[%dM:dc=\E[P:DC=\E[%dP:im=\E[4h:ei=\E[4l:mi:IC=\E[%d@:ks=\E[?1h\E=:ke=\E[?1l\E>:vi=\E[?25l:ve=\E[34h\E[?25h:vs=\E[34l:ti=\E[?1049h:te=\E[?1049l:us=\E[4m:ue=\E[24m:so=\E[3m:se=\E[23m:mb=\E[5m:md=\E[1m:mh=\E[2m:mr=\E[7m:me=\E[m:ms:Co#8:pa#64:AF=\E[3%dm:AB=\E[4%dm:op=\E[39;49m:AX:vb=\Eg:G0:as=\E(0:ae=\E(B:ac=\140\140aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~..--++,,hhII00:po=\E[5i:pf=\E[4i:Z0=\E[?3h:Z1=\E[?3l:Km=\E[<:k0=\E[10~:k1=\EOP:k2=\EOQ:k3=\EOR:k4=\EOS:k5=\E[15~:k6=\E[17~:k7=\E[18~:k8=\E[19~:k9=\E[20~:k;=\E[21~:F1=\E[23~:F2=\E[24~:kB=\E[Z:kh=\E[1~:@1=\E[1~:kH=\E[4~:@7=\E[4~:kN=\E[6~:kP=\E[5~:kI=\E[2~:kD=\E[3~:ku=\EOA:kd=\EOB:kr=\EOC:kl=\EOD:km:' TWISTED_DISABLE_WRITING_OF_PLUGIN_CACHE=1 SANDBOX_ON=1 IUSE_EFFECTIVE='alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos crypt elibc_Cygwin elibc_Darwin elibc_SunOS elibc_Winnt elibc_bionic elibc_glibc elibc_mingw elibc_musl gnome-online-accounts gtk-doc hppa ia64 introspection kernel_Darwin kernel_SunOS kernel_Winnt kernel_linux m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris test userland_BSD userland_GNU vala x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' XDG_DATA_HOME=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir/.local/share EPREFIX='' EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC=src_test CAMERAS='' WINDOW=2 CURL_SSL='' CFLAGS_sparc32='' XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir/.config PORTAGE_IPC_DAEMON=1 LIBDIR_sparc32=lib EBUILD_PHASE=test IUSE_IMPLICIT='prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack' PORTAGE_SIGPIPE_STATUS=141 OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION='' CBUILD=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu DEFAULT_ABI=sparc32 ALSA_CARDS='' ABI_S390='' KERNEL=linux FFLAGS='' EDITOR=/usr/bin/mcedit ED=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/image MULTILIB_STRICT_DENY='64-bit.*shared object' PORTAGE_ARCHLIST='alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm-linux arm64 arm64-linux arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' EBUILD=/usr/portage/dev-libs/libgdata/libgdata-0.18.1.ebuild INHERITED=' gnome.org toolchain-funcs multilib xdg-utils gnome2-utils multiprocessing ninja-utils eapi8-dosym python-utils-r1 meson edos2unix strip-linguas wrapper eutils vala xdg' OPENMPI_RM='' ADA_TARGET='' EBUILD_MASTER_PID=21 PORTAGE_REPO_NAME=gentoo PWD=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1 PORTAGE_RESTRICT='' PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS_SIZE_LIMIT=128 LOGNAME=portage EXEOPTIONS=-m0755 CTARGET_default=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu DEFINED_PHASES=' compile configure install postinst postrm preinst prepare test' GST_INSPECT=/bin/true SANDBOX_VERBOSE=1 PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE=0700 PKGDIR=/usr/portage/packages FILESDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/files DIROPTIONS=-m0755 MAKEOPTS='-j20 -l40' PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/ ENV_UNSET='CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' PM_EBUILD_HOOK_DIR=/etc/portage/env CXXFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=niagara2 -pipe -Wcast-align' PORTAGE_OVERRIDE_EPREFIX='' LDFLAGS_sparc32='' T=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp S=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1 P=libgdata-0.18.1 D=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/image A=libgdata-0.18.1.tar.xz CATEGORY=dev-libs MOTD_SHOWN=pam GST_REGISTRY=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp/registry.xml LD_PRELOAD=libsandbox.so PYTHON_TARGETS='' CALLIGRA_FEATURES='' LDFLAGS='-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed' HOME=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS='' LANG=en_US.UTF-8 WORKDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work QEMU_USER_TARGETS='' LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.cfg=00;32:*.conf=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.ini=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:' INSOPTIONS=-m0644 SANDBOX_LIB=libsandbox.so UWSGI_PLUGINS='' COLUMNS=265 BROOT='' PORTAGE_TMPDIR=/var/tmp PORTAGE_COLORMAP='PORTAGE_COLOR_BAD=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_BRACKET=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_ERR=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_GOOD=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_HILITE=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_INFO=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_LOG=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_NORMAL=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_QAWARN=$'"'"''"'"' PORTAGE_COLOR_WARN=$'"'"''"'"'' SANDBOX_READ=/:/var/tmp/portage LCD_DEVICES='' FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp OPENGL_PROFILE=xorg-x11 PORTAGE_BIN_PATH=/usr/lib/portage/python3.9 CPU_FLAGS_PPC='' _E_INSDESTTREE_='' OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES='' PORTAGE_INTERNAL_CALLER=1 SSH_CONNECTION=' 36140 22' PORTAGE_COMPRESSION_COMMAND=bzip2 QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster PVR=0.18.1 LDFLAGS_sparc64='-m elf64_sparc' PKG_LOGDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp/logging READELF=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-readelf CPU_FLAGS_ARM='' KEYWORDS='~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ppc ppc64 ~riscv sparc x86' CHOST_sparc32=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu PORTAGE_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE_SUFFIXES='css gif htm[l]? jp[e]?g js pdf png' PORTAGE_BUILD_USER=portage OPENMPI_FABRICS='' NGINX_MODULES_MAIL='' USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED=ARCH XDG_CACHE_HOME=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir/.cache MOPREFIX=libgdata _E_EXEDESTTREE_='' FFTOOLS='' OFED_DRIVERS='' LLVM_TARGETS='' FETCHCOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' PROFILE_ARCH=sparc64 PORTAGE_PYM_PATH=/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-3.1.cat:/etc/sgml/dsssl-docbook-stylesheets.cat:/etc/sgml/xml-docbook-4.3.cat:/etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-3.0.cat:/etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-4.2.cat:/etc/sgml/xml-docbook-4.2.cat:/etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-4.4.cat:/etc/sgml/sgml-docbook-4.0.cat:/etc/sgml/xml-docbook-4.1.2.cat:/etc/sgml/xml-simple-docbook- FCFLAGS='' MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT='(perl5|gcc|binutils|eclipse-3|debug|portage|udev|systemd|clang|python-exec|llvm)' LUA_SINGLE_TARGET='' TERM=screen.xterm-256color CTARGET_sparc32=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu BOOTSTRAP_USE='unicode internal-glib pkg-config split-usr xml python_targets_python3_9 multilib' LESSOPEN='|lesspipe %s' EROOT='' PORTAGE_XATTR_EXCLUDE='btrfs.* security.evm security.ima security.selinux system.nfs4_acl user.apache_handler user.Beagle.* user.dublincore.* user.mime_encoding user.xdg.*' PORTAGE_LOG_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp/build.log NOCOLOR=no PORTAGE_DEBUG=0 PORTAGE_PROPERTIES='' SANDBOX_DEBUG=0 PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR=/var/cache/edb/dep L10N='' ALLOW_TEST=network ARCH=sparc NGINX_MODULES_HTTP='' MANPAGER=manpager ROOT='' VIDEO_CARDS='' ROS_MESSAGES='' ABI_X86='' TEMP=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH='alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 ppc64-linux ppc-macos riscv s390 sparc sparc64-solaris sparc-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' INPUT_DEVICES='' SHLVL=1 DISTDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/distdir NM=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu-nm enable_year2038=no PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES='[DEFAULT] auto-sync = yes main-repo = gentoo strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-rcu = false [gentoo] auto-sync = yes location = /usr/portage masters = priority = -1000 strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-path = /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-count = 40 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-exp-base = 2 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-max = 60 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-mult = 4 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-overall-timeout = 1200 sync-openpgp-keyserver = hkps://keys.gentoo.org sync-rcu = false sync-type = rsync sync-uri = rsync://rsync.de.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage/ sync-rsync-verify-max-age = 24 sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest = yes sync-rsync-verify-jobs = 1 sync-rsync-extra-opts = ' APACHE2_MPMS='' PAGER=/usr/bin/less SANDBOX_WRITE=:/dev/console:/dev/fd:/dev/full:/dev/null:/dev/ptmx:/dev/pts/:/dev/pty:/dev/shm:/dev/tts:/dev/tty:/dev/vc/:/dev/zero:/proc/self/fd:/tmp/:/usr/lib/cf:/usr/lib/conftest:/usr/lib32/cf:/usr/lib32/conftest:/usr/lib64/cf:/usr/lib64/conftest:/usr/tmp/:/usr/tmp/cf:/usr/tmp/conftest:/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/portage:/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir/.bash_history CHOST_default=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu GPSD_PROTOCOLS='' LC_MESSAGES=C XTABLES_ADDONS='' CHOST_sparc64=sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu LICENSE=LGPL-2.1+ PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 SYSROOT='' VOICEMAIL_STORAGE='' PV=0.18.1 RESUMECOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' SANDBOX_LOG=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp/sandbox.log PR=r0 COLLECTD_PLUGINS='' PN=libgdata XARGS='xargs -r' SANE_BACKENDS='' USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT='ARCH ELIBC KERNEL USERLAND' PF=libgdata-0.18.1 USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC='bionic Cygwin Darwin glibc mingw musl SunOS Winnt' PORTAGE_BASHRC=/etc/portage/bashrc ACCEPT_LICENSE=LGPL-2.1+ BUILD_PREFIX=/var/tmp/portage LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 MERGE_TYPE=source XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp/run GCC_SPECS='' ABI_MIPS='' CTARGETS_BINUTILS='sparc-unknown-linux-gnu sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu' _E_DOCDESTTREE_='' GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory _E_DESTTREE_=/usr SSH_CLIENT=' 36140 22' PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR=/usr/portage/distfiles CCACHE_DISABLE=1 LIBDIR_default=lib G_HOME=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp SANDBOX_PREDICT=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/homedir:/dev/crypto:/var/cache/man:/var/cache/fontconfig:/ LIBOPTIONS=-m0644 GRUB_PLATFORMS='' SANDBOX_DENY='' LC_COLLATE=C CHOST=sparc-unknown-linux-gnu TMP=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/temp PORTAGE_INST_GID=0 PATH=/usr/lib/portage/python3.9/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.9/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG=/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-debug-4.log PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND=bzip2 PORTAGE_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1 STY=9068.pts-0.castor NGINX_MODULES_STREAM='' USE='crypt elibc_glibc introspection kernel_linux sparc test userland_GNU' PHP_TARGETS='' POSTGRES_TARGETS='' CFLAGS='-O2 -mcpu=niagara2 -pipe -Wcast-align' USE_EXPAND='ABI_MIPS ABI_S390 ABI_X86 ADA_TARGET ALSA_CARDS APACHE2_MODULES APACHE2_MPMS CALLIGRA_FEATURES CAMERAS COLLECTD_PLUGINS CPU_FLAGS_ARM CPU_FLAGS_PPC CPU_FLAGS_X86 CURL_SSL ELIBC FFTOOLS GPSD_PROTOCOLS GRUB_PLATFORMS INPUT_DEVICES KERNEL L10N LCD_DEVICES LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS LLVM_TARGETS LUA_SINGLE_TARGET LUA_TARGETS MONKEYD_PLUGINS NGINX_MODULES_HTTP NGINX_MODULES_MAIL NGINX_MODULES_STREAM OFED_DRIVERS OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION OPENMPI_FABRICS OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES OPENMPI_RM PHP_TARGETS POSTGRES_TARGETS PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET PYTHON_TARGETS QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS QEMU_USER_TARGETS ROS_MESSAGES RUBY_TARGETS SANE_BACKENDS USERLAND UWSGI_PLUGINS VIDEO_CARDS VOICEMAIL_STORAGE XTABLES_ADDONS' SANDBOX_BASHRC=/usr/share/sandbox/sandbox.bashrc MULTILIB_ABIS=sparc32 PORTAGE_GID=250 MAIL=/var/mail/root PORTAGE_BUILD_GROUP=portage SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0 APACHE2_MODULES='' ELIBC=glibc QMAIL_CONTROLDIR=/var/qmail/control EAPI=7 ABI=sparc32 ECLASS_DEPTH=0 PORTAGE_BASHRC_FILES='' OLDPWD=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/empty MONKEYD_PLUGINS='' EMERGE_FROM=ebuild _=/usr/bin/meson 1/13 authorization OK 0.42s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=128 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/authorization ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S2b19a60f81f8839bad1a9f5ff0f25eea # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ 1..17 # Start of authorization-domain tests ok 1 /authorization-domain/properties # End of authorization-domain tests # Start of authorizer tests ok 2 /authorizer/process-request ok 3 /authorizer/is-authorized-for-domain ok 4 /authorizer/refresh-authorization # Start of process-request tests ok 5 /authorizer/process-request/null # End of process-request tests # Start of is-authorized-for-domain tests ok 6 /authorizer/is-authorized-for-domain/null # End of is-authorized-for-domain tests # Start of refresh-authorization tests ok 7 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/error ok 8 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/unimplemented ok 9 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async # Start of cancellation tests ok 10 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/cancellation/unimplemented # End of cancellation tests # Start of async tests ok 11 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/error ok 12 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/cancellation ok 13 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/simulated ok 14 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/unimplemented # Start of error tests ok 15 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/error/simulated # End of error tests # Start of cancellation tests ok 16 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/cancellation/simulated ok 17 /authorizer/refresh-authorization/async/cancellation/unimplemented # End of cancellation tests # End of async tests # End of refresh-authorization tests # End of authorizer tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2/13 documents EXPECTEDFAIL 0.36s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=63 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/documents ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: # random seed: R02S1846801386697fc457179aeb5b8865e7 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..27 # Start of documents tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35021. # < HTTP/1.1 2 No fake hostname record registered for ‘accounts.google.com’. # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363759 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 0 (0x702ee908) # Bail out! libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/documents.c:171:test_authentication: assertion failed: (gdata_oauth2_authorizer_request_authorization (authorizer, authorisation_code, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) stderr: ** libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/documents.c:171:test_authentication: assertion failed: (gdata_oauth2_authorizer_request_authorization (authorizer, authorisation_code, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/13 oauth1-authorizer OK 0.40s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=194 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/oauth1-authorizer ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S33b9fa23571a24441267a7b47ae93315 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ 1..17 # Start of oauth1-authorizer tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ ok 1 /oauth1-authorizer/constructor # Start of constructor tests ok 2 /oauth1-authorizer/constructor/for-domains # End of constructor tests # Start of properties tests ok 3 /oauth1-authorizer/properties/application-name ok 4 /oauth1-authorizer/properties/locale ok 5 /oauth1-authorizer/properties/proxy-resolver ok 6 /oauth1-authorizer/properties/timeout # Start of application-name tests ok 7 /oauth1-authorizer/properties/application-name/fallback # End of application-name tests # End of properties tests # Start of refresh-authorization tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 8 /oauth1-authorizer/refresh-authorization/unauthenticated # End of refresh-authorization tests # Start of process-request tests ok 9 /oauth1-authorizer/process-request/null ok 10 /oauth1-authorizer/process-request/unauthenticated # End of process-request tests # Start of request-authentication-uri tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 11 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/sync # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 12 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/async # Start of sync tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 13 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/sync/multiple-domains # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 14 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/sync/locale # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 15 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/sync/cancellation # End of sync tests # Start of async tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 16 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/async/multiple-domains # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 17 /oauth1-authorizer/request-authentication-uri/async/cancellation # End of async tests # End of request-authentication-uri tests # End of oauth1-authorizer tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4/13 general OK 0.46s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=3 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/general ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S84db9f297825bc53656f6f35bbd10539 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ 1..100 ok 1 /comparable # Start of tests tests ok 2 /tests/xml_comparison # End of tests tests # Start of service tests ok 3 /service/network_error # SKIP Test requires network access # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ ok 4 /service/locale # End of service tests # Start of entry tests ok 5 /entry/get_xml ok 6 /entry/get_json # Unhandled XML in GDataEntry: Test! # Unhandled XML in GDataEntry: # Unhandled XML in GDataEntry: How about some characters‽ ok 7 /entry/parse_xml # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-boolean’ in GDataEntry: false # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-string’ in GDataEntry: "this-is-a-string---sometimes" # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-int’ in GDataEntry: 15 # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-double’ in GDataEntry: 42.420000000000002 # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-object’ in GDataEntry: {"a":true,"b":true} # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-array’ in GDataEntry: [1,2,3] # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-null’ in GDataEntry: null ok 8 /entry/parse_json ok 9 /entry/escaping # Start of parse_xml tests # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=707477 ok 10 /entry/parse_xml/kind_category # End of parse_xml tests # Start of error_handling tests ok 11 /entry/error_handling/xml ok 12 /entry/error_handling/json # End of error_handling tests # Start of links tests ok 13 /entry/links/remove # End of links tests # End of entry tests # Start of feed tests # Unhandled XML in GDataFeed: Test unhandled elements! ok 14 /feed/parse_xml ok 15 /feed/error_handling ok 16 /feed/escaping # End of feed tests # Start of query tests # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 17 /query/categories # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 18 /query/dates # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 19 /query/strict # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 20 /query/pagination # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 21 /query/properties # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=602497 # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 ok 22 /query/unicode # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613529 ok 23 /query/etag # End of query tests # Start of access-rule tests ok 24 /access-rule/get_xml ok 25 /access-rule/error_handling ok 26 /access-rule/escaping # Start of get_xml tests ok 27 /access-rule/get_xml/with_key # End of get_xml tests # End of access-rule tests # Start of color tests ok 28 /color/parsing ok 29 /color/output # End of color tests # Start of atom tests ok 30 /atom/author # Unhandled XML in GDataCategory: # Unhandled XML in GDataCategory: ok 31 /atom/category ok 32 /atom/generator # Unhandled XML in GDataLink: Test Content # Unhandled XML in GDataLink: ok 33 /atom/link # Start of author tests ok 34 /atom/author/error_handling ok 35 /atom/author/escaping # End of author tests # Start of category tests ok 36 /atom/category/error_handling ok 37 /atom/category/escaping # End of category tests # Start of generator tests ok 38 /atom/generator/error_handling # End of generator tests # Start of link tests ok 39 /atom/link/error_handling ok 40 /atom/link/escaping # End of link tests # End of atom tests # Start of app tests ok 41 /app/categories # End of app tests # Start of gd tests ok 42 /gd/email_address ok 43 /gd/im_address ok 44 /gd/name ok 45 /gd/organization ok 46 /gd/phone_number ok 47 /gd/postal_address ok 48 /gd/reminder # Unhandled XML in GDataGDWhen: ok 49 /gd/when ok 50 /gd/where ok 51 /gd/who # Start of email_address tests # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=630350 ok 52 /gd/email_address/escaping ok 53 /gd/email_address/comparison # End of email_address tests # Start of im_address tests ok 54 /gd/im_address/escaping ok 55 /gd/im_address/comparison # End of im_address tests # Start of name tests # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=662290 ok 56 /gd/name/empty_strings ok 57 /gd/name/comparison # End of name tests # Start of organization tests ok 58 /gd/organization/escaping ok 59 /gd/organization/comparison # End of organization tests # Start of phone_number tests ok 60 /gd/phone_number/escaping ok 61 /gd/phone_number/comparison # End of phone_number tests # Start of postal_address tests ok 62 /gd/postal_address/escaping ok 63 /gd/postal_address/comparison # End of postal_address tests # Start of reminder tests ok 64 /gd/reminder/escaping ok 65 /gd/reminder/comparison # End of reminder tests # Start of when tests ok 66 /gd/when/escaping ok 67 /gd/when/comparison # End of when tests # Start of where tests ok 68 /gd/where/escaping ok 69 /gd/where/comparison # End of where tests # Start of who tests ok 70 /gd/who/escaping ok 71 /gd/who/comparison # End of who tests # End of gd tests # Start of media tests ok 72 /media/category ok 73 /media/content ok 74 /media/credit ok 75 /media/thumbnail # Start of category tests ok 76 /media/category/escaping # End of category tests # End of media tests # Start of gcontact tests ok 77 /gcontact/calendar ok 78 /gcontact/event ok 79 /gcontact/external_id ok 80 /gcontact/jot ok 81 /gcontact/language ok 82 /gcontact/relation ok 83 /gcontact/website # Start of calendar tests ok 84 /gcontact/calendar/error_handling ok 85 /gcontact/calendar/escaping # End of calendar tests # Start of event tests ok 86 /gcontact/event/error_handling ok 87 /gcontact/event/escaping # End of event tests # Start of external_id tests ok 88 /gcontact/external_id/error_handling ok 89 /gcontact/external_id/escaping # End of external_id tests # Start of jot tests ok 90 /gcontact/jot/error_handling ok 91 /gcontact/jot/escaping # End of jot tests # Start of language tests ok 92 /gcontact/language/error_handling ok 93 /gcontact/language/escaping # End of language tests # Start of relation tests ok 94 /gcontact/relation/error_handling ok 95 /gcontact/relation/escaping # End of relation tests # Start of website tests # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=659016 ok 96 /gcontact/website/label ok 97 /gcontact/website/error_handling ok 98 /gcontact/website/escaping # End of website tests # End of gcontact tests # Start of documents tests # Start of property tests # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-boolean’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: false # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-string’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: "this-is-a-string---sometimes" # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-int’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: 15 # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-double’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: 42.420000000000002 # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-object’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: {"a":true,"b":true} # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-array’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: [1,2,3] # Unhandled JSON member ‘unhandled-null’ in GDataDocumentsProperty: null ok 99 /documents/property/parse_json ok 100 /documents/property/get_json # End of property tests # End of documents tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/13 picasaweb EXPECTEDFAIL 0.37s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=151 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/picasaweb ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: # random seed: R02S7667e59779d2c6d21766458322272d08 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..42 # Start of picasaweb tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35447. # < HTTP/1.1 2 No fake hostname record registered for ‘accounts.google.com’. # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363759 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 0 (0x702fc130) # Bail out! libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/picasaweb.c:381:test_authentication: assertion failed: (gdata_oauth2_authorizer_request_authorization (authorizer, authorisation_code, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) stderr: ** libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/picasaweb.c:381:test_authentication: assertion failed: (gdata_oauth2_authorizer_request_authorization (authorizer, authorisation_code, NULL, NULL) == TRUE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/13 buffer OK 0.60s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=245 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/buffer ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S9240f3c86be24e0463104f5ac916a977 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ 1..4 # Start of buffer tests ok 1 /buffer/construction ok 2 /buffer/instant-eof # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=769727 ok 3 /buffer/thread-eof ok 4 /buffer/basic # End of buffer tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/13 oauth2-authorizer OK 4.39s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=41 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/oauth2-authorizer ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02Sd695ed1cd0e42127a63e5b9a0bebf68e # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ 1..18 # Start of oauth2-authorizer tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ ok 1 /oauth2-authorizer/constructor # Building an authentication URI gave “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Ftasks&include_granted_scopes=false”. ok 2 /oauth2-authorizer/build-authentication-uri # Start of constructor tests ok 3 /oauth2-authorizer/constructor/for-domains # End of constructor tests # Start of properties tests ok 4 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/client-id ok 5 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/client-secret ok 6 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/redirect-uri ok 7 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/locale ok 8 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/timeout ok 9 /oauth2-authorizer/properties/proxy-resolver # End of properties tests # Start of refresh-authorization tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ok 10 /oauth2-authorizer/refresh-authorization/unauthenticated # End of refresh-authorization tests # Start of process-request tests ok 11 /oauth2-authorizer/process-request/null ok 12 /oauth2-authorizer/process-request/unauthenticated # End of process-request tests # Start of build-authentication-uri tests # Building an authentication URI gave “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Ftasks%20http%3A%2F%2Fpicasaweb.google.com%2Fdata%2F&include_granted_scopes=false”. ok 13 /oauth2-authorizer/build-authentication-uri/multiple-domains # Building an authentication URI gave “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Ftasks&hl=en_GB&include_granted_scopes=false”. ok 14 /oauth2-authorizer/build-authentication-uri/locale # Building an authentication URI gave “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Ftasks&login_hint=test.user%40gmail.com&include_granted_scopes=false”. ok 15 /oauth2-authorizer/build-authentication-uri/hint # Building an authentication URI gave “https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?response_type=code&client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.googleapis.com%2Fauth%2Ftasks&login_hint=test.user%40gmail.com&include_granted_scopes=true”. ok 16 /oauth2-authorizer/build-authentication-uri/incremental # End of build-authentication-uri tests # Start of request-authorization tests # Start of sync tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 46075. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005a1e8), SoupMessage 1 (0x702e6208), SoupSocket 1 (0x702e4270) # > Host: accounts.google.com:46075 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=test&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702e6208) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:41 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1411296464 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x1aceb90) # < Content-Type: application/json # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:47:44 GMT # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.002 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-sync-bad-credentials # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "error" : "invalid_grant" # < } # ok 17 /oauth2-authorizer/request-authorization/sync/bad-credentials # End of sync tests # Start of async tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 38951. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005a148), SoupMessage 1 (0xf550b8c0), SoupSocket 1 (0x702e47c8) # > Host: accounts.google.com:38951 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=test&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf550b8c0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:43 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1411296470 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x1acef50) # < Content-Type: application/json # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 10:47:50 GMT # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.002 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/oauth2-authorizer/oauth2-authorizer-request-authorization-async-bad-credentials # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "error" : "invalid_grant" # < } # ok 18 /oauth2-authorizer/request-authorization/async/bad-credentials # End of async tests # End of request-authorization tests # End of oauth2-authorizer tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/13 perf OK 10.02s 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=70 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/perf ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02Sedcbbc7a408ab187ad83cbd688416baa # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ 1..1 # Start of perf tests # Parsing a feed 10000 times took: # • Total: 9.9411s # • Per iteration: 0.0010s ok 1 /perf/parsing # End of perf tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9/13 youtube FAIL 28.16s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=144 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/youtube ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: # random seed: R02S2b13b02d0c8bba84e2ec494af038ac5f # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..49 # Start of youtube tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 34155. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363762 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069938), SoupMessage 1 (0x702f7130), SoupSocket 1 (0x702f3550) # > Host: accounts.google.com:34155 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=4%2F9qV_LanNEOUOL4sftMwUp4cfa_yeFassB6-ys5EkA5o.4rgOzrZMXgcboiIBeO6P2m-GWLMXmgI&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363762 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702f7130) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:42 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430422927 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x10892b0) # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 19:42:07 GMT # < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="json.txt"; filename*=UTF-8''json.txt # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/authentication # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "access_token" : "ya29.ZQEFwW-NMVSPtnKfaeAAD2Rv7iYNK9206z9iKfN1eP55C3wRHFHgivPnHH_LVv-q0VzlhvuDOwnY3g", # < "token_type" : "Bearer", # < "expires_in" : 3600, # < "refresh_token" : "1/QINzwmWibPyq3xy7OmR1fRGES2Dpxo-DLfuSVlVWTy190RDknAdJa_sgfheVM0XT" # < } # ok 1 /youtube/authentication # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 39881. # > GET /youtube/v3/videoCategories?part=snippet®ionCode=US HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 1 (0x702f7240), SoupSocket 1 (0x702f36a0) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:39881 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702f7240) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:44 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436344205 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x938290) # < Expires: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 08:30:05 GMT # < Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2015 08:30:05 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=86400, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/jUYxq1h23PAd2po_F3Lrni-VNQE" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/categories # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoCategoryListResponse", # < 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Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.136650Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 6 (0x702f75f8), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 6 (0x702f75f8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093966 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x2636c80) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/q2ogXrvARItq0hvpS9slxrLYQ4A" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/q2ogXrvARItq0hvpS9slxrLYQ4A\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.160314Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 7 (0x702f7680), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x702f7680) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093966 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x2636c80) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/EqA7gvCz0SkY8EydbKOk_BRm80Q" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 3 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/EqA7gvCz0SkY8EydbKOk_BRm80Q\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 8 (0x702f7680), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 8 (0x702f7680) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093966 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0x2636aa0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:26 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/3OjiqX4toXqpdPa4f_4_gbG-iSQ" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 4 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/3OjiqX4toXqpdPa4f_4_gbG-iSQ\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.207351Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 9 (0x702f75f8), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 9 (0x702f75f8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 5 (0x26368c0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/NsWaQqdK70alKA2GfnL3DNKVlH8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 5 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/NsWaQqdK70alKA2GfnL3DNKVlH8\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.231083Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 10 (0x702f7570), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0x702f7570) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 6 (0x26368c0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/nY1L0NGz3R_U1BgTl1yRnQe2u0Y" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 6 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/nY1L0NGz3R_U1BgTl1yRnQe2u0Y\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.254692Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 11 (0xf560b868), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 11 (0xf560b868) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x2636aa0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/-2VLRvT2cAu_m7Awy9j1O27zRig" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 7 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/-2VLRvT2cAu_m7Awy9j1O27zRig\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.277060Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 12 (0x702f7460), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 12 (0x702f7460) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 8 (0x2636c80) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/BEX1dm69qvL_Tna2OTyyZ7OGRw8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 8 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/BEX1dm69qvL_Tna2OTyyZ7OGRw8\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.299364Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 13 (0x702f73d8), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 13 (0x702f73d8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 9 (0x2636c80) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/Qt1ofOV4ifQB9b49Nkqw7XqC_pc" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 9 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/Qt1ofOV4ifQB9b49Nkqw7XqC_pc\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Overriding message port to 33999. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.321665Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 14 (0xf560b978), SoupSocket 3 (0x702f3aa8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:33999 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 14 (0xf560b978) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436093967 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0x2636aa0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 10:59:27 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/0CHkQzzYhX8d7aS6uNc9HwUqvlc" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feeds # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 10 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/0CHkQzzYhX8d7aS6uNc9HwUqvlc\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. ok 4 /youtube/query/standard_feeds # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 42909. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A48.349745Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363770 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 15 (0x702f7240), SoupSocket 4 (0x702f38e8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:42909 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363770 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 15 (0x702f7240) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:50 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436094197 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x1f9aaa0) # < Expires: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 11:03:17 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2015 11:03:17 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/iPmj_6ofzM-Mn8nROezanPx9XZ4" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-standard-feed # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#videoListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/iPmj_6ofzM-Mn8nROezanPx9XZ4\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 30, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/wRvhiP8-cRIMdn5iEHkquoDnnWs\"", # < "id": "HAnRtMEDrvU", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-04T10:30:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCF0t9oIvSEc7vzSj8ZF1fbQ", # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. ok 5 /youtube/query/standard_feed # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43459. # > GET /youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&type=video&relatedToVideoId=q1UPMEmCqZo HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363772 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 16 (0x702f7790), SoupSocket 5 (0x702f3780) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:43459 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363772 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 16 (0x702f7790) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:52 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1436004620 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x94baa0) # < Expires: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 10:10:20 GMT # < Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 10:10:20 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=120, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/C9xmN5vdBuNZQjRaf9Wi5Z1YcyY" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/youtube/query-related # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "youtube#searchListResponse", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/C9xmN5vdBuNZQjRaf9Wi5Z1YcyY\"", # < "nextPageToken": "CAUQAA", # < "pageInfo": { # < "totalResults": 89, # < "resultsPerPage": 5 # < }, # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "youtube#searchResult", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/v9umAUUWIUKOJEySwd0NPXIww64\"", # < "id": { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "videoId": "4lyUNs7eNhs" # < }, # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2011-08-24T15:08:06.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCe86XQ4_6qafeBn0kDkeanQ", # < "title": "Escape From City 17 - Part Two", # < "description": "A story about the connection that grows between two people during the battle for city 17. 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Creating long playthroughs is time consuming and expensive and all money donated will aid the production of future playthroughs.\nhttps://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=F9E6WTR2ELLXJ\n\nEmail: bolloxedballs@gmail.com\n\nThanks for watching. Don't forget to like, subscribe and share!", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MEwQPEBpRGE/default.jpg" # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MEwQPEBpRGE/mqdefault.jpg" # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MEwQPEBpRGE/hqdefault.jpg" # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Bolloxed", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none" # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#searchResult", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/3hHD0keCEQlSP9PhT-gcxGine7A\"", # < "id": { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "videoId": "3P6fwCnuSMY" # < }, # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-03-25T03:20:22.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCRNCUBq676nUhXyy8AJzD5w", # < "title": "[Vinesauce] Joel - Brutal Half Life", # < "description": "Brutal Doom, and now Brutal Half Life? Gore galore, enjoy. Lots of asses are kicked in, literally.\nDate streamed: 24 Mar , 2015\nhttp://vinesauce.com\nhttp://www.twitch.tv/vargskelethor\nhttps://twitter.com/vinesauce\n\nFor streaming highlights:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/user/exinthevatican\nFor full streams:\nhttps://www.youtube.com/user/exinthevaticanFULL \n\nLike the stream? Draw something for the Vinebooru!\nhttp://vinesauce.booru.org/", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3P6fwCnuSMY/default.jpg" # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3P6fwCnuSMY/mqdefault.jpg" # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3P6fwCnuSMY/hqdefault.jpg" # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Exinthevatican Uncut: Full Joel Streams", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none" # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#searchResult", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/Gh3qmA4PoeWOc6uaLs4RJAs9FdI\"", # < "id": { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "videoId": "YiKcWZHeMG4" # < }, # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2013-10-03T17:51:03.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCkzRDjtq4ngMADh45j2KsJQ", # < "title": "Half-Life: Raise the Bar [Fan Film]", # < "description": "This film is a fan-made short film inspired by the Half-Life franchise. 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It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/HAnRtMEDrvU/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Telltale Games", # < "tags": [ # < "Minecraft (Award-Winning Work)", # < "Mojang (Video Game Developer)", # < "Telltale Games (Video Game Developer)", # < "Patton Oswalt (TV Producer)", # < "Brian Posehn", # < "Ashley Johnson", # < "Scott Porter", # < "Martha Plimpton", # < "Corey Feldman", # < "Corey Feldman (Celebrity)", # < "Billy West", # < "MineCon", # < "Minecraft: Story Mode", # < "Paul Reubens", # < "PlayStation 3 (Video Game Platform)", # < "PlayStation 4 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox 360 (Video Game Platform)", # < "Xbox Games Store (Video Game Distribution System)", # < "Video Game (Industry)" # < ], # < "categoryId": "20", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Minecraft: Story Mode [Minecon 2015 Trailer]", # < "description": "Minecraft: Story Mode is an adventure game, by Telltale Games, set in a Minecraft world. It is a five-part episodic series that will take you to the Nether, the Farlands, the End, and beyond! You will drive how the story flows through the decisions you make: what you say to people (and how you say it), and what you choose to do in moments of thrilling action. \n\nPlayers will control protagonist Jesse throughout the season, as portrayed by actor Patton Oswalt. Jesse and his group of friends revere the legendary Order of the Stone; four adventurers who slayed an Ender Dragon. The Order is the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect. While at EnderCon, Jesse and his friends discover that something is wrong... something dreadful. Terror is unleashed, and they must set out on a journey to find The Order of the Stone if they are to save their world from oblivion.\n\nAvailable to download soon for PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, compatible iOS devices, and Android." # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/HCzbW9TmGX_tjL-jXsRWjhqrAUQ\"", # < "id": "Y1ndZnfZdZM", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T23:54:50.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCi7GJNg51C3jgmYTUwqoUXA", # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Y1ndZnfZdZM/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Team Coco", # < "tags": [ # < "Conan O'Brien", # < "Conan", # < "Conan (TV Series)", # < "TBS (TV Channel)", # < "Team Coco", # < "Highlights", # < "Comedy Sketches", # < "Magic Mike", # < "Joe Manganiello", # < "Channing Tatum", # < "Sona Movsesian", # < "Remotes" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Conan Crashes A \"Magic Mike XXL\" Girls' Night Out - CONAN on TBS", # < "description": "CONAN Highlight: Conan joins ladies from the office to catch a midnight showing of Channing Tatum & Joe Manganiello's new bump 'n grind hit.\n\nMore CONAN @ http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nTeam Coco is the official YouTube channel of late night host Conan O'Brien, CONAN on TBS & TeamCoco.com. Subscribe now to be updated on the latest videos: http://bit.ly/W5wt5D\n\nFor Full Episodes of CONAN on TBS, visit http://teamcoco.com/video\n\nGet Social With Team Coco:\nOn Facebook: \u202ahttps://www.facebook.com/TeamCoco\u202c\nOn Google+: https://plus.google.com/+TeamCoco/\nOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/TeamCoco\nOn Tumblr: http://teamcoco.tumblr.com\nOn YouTube: http://youtube.com/teamcoco\n\nFollow Conan O'Brien on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ConanOBrien" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/2shteR9RuCUA3Xsopdu4AtKFg-k\"", # < "id": "EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T07:30:01.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCa6vGFO9ty8v5KZJXQxdhaw", # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EctkLeyz8Ks/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Jimmy Kimmel Live", # < "tags": [ # < "jimmy", # < "jimmy kimmel", # < "jimmy kimmel live", # < "late night", # < "talk show", # < "funny", # < "comedic", # < "comedy", # < "clip", # < "comedian", # < "fallon", # < "jimmy fallon", # < "colbert", # < "stephen colbert", # < "mean tweets", # < "Independence Day (Holiday)", # < "july", # < "fourth of july", # < "4th of july", # < "lie witness", # < "charlie brown", # < "katy perry", # < "confederate flag", # < "james van der beek", # < "dawson's creek", # < "nathan fillion", # < "donald trump", # < "joseph gordon-levitt" # < ], # < "categoryId": "23", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Lie Witness News - 4th of July Edition", # < "description": "Independence Day isn’t really about fireworks, it’s a day to remember the history of our country. So we went out on the street with a truckload of misinformation about our country. Among other things, we asked people if they heard the Governor of California had rescheduled the Fourth of July to February and sure enough, lots of people said they did for this special All-American version of #LieWitnessNews.\n\nSUBSCRIBE to get the latest #KIMMEL: http://bit.ly/JKLSubscribe\n\nWatch the latest Halloween Candy Prank: http://bit.ly/KimmelHalloweenCandy\n\nWatch Mean Tweets: http://bit.ly/JKLMeanTweets8\n\nConnect with Jimmy Kimmel Live Online:\n\nVisit the Jimmy Kimmel Live WEBSITE: http://bit.ly/JKLWebsite\nLike Jimmy Kimmel Live on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/JKLFacebook\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/JKLTwitter\nFollow Jimmy Kimmel Live on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/JKLInstagram\n\nAbout Jimmy Kimmel Live:\n\nJimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy-winning \"Jimmy Kimmel Live,\" ABC's late-night talk show.\n \n\"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" is well known for its huge viral video successes with 2.5 billion views on YouTube alone. Some of Kimmel's most popular comedy bits include - Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Jimmy's Twerk Fail Prank, Unnecessary Censorship, YouTube Challenge, The Baby Bachelor, Movie: The Movie, Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel Lie Detective and music videos like \"I (Wanna) Channing All Over Your Tatum\" and a Blurred Lines parody with Robin Thicke, Pharrell, Jimmy and his security guard Guillermo.\n \nNow in its thirteenth season, Kimmel's guests have included: Johnny Depp, Meryl Streep, Tom Cruise, Halle Berry, Harrison Ford, Jennifer Aniston, Will Ferrell, Katy Perry, Tom Hanks, Scarlett Johansson, Channing Tatum, George Clooney, Larry David, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Kobe Bryant, Steve Carell, Hugh Jackman, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Bridges, Jennifer Garner, Ryan Gosling, Bryan Cranston, Jamie Foxx, Amy Poehler, Ben Affleck, Robert Downey Jr., Jake Gyllenhaal, Oprah, and unfortunately Matt Damon.\n\nLie Witness News - 4th of July Edition\nhttps://youtu.be/EctkLeyz8Ks" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ofZUn2TDkcNOzoD7YR3X0yrlqtg\"", # < "id": "dCV6RusogAk", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-03T17:17:15.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCXR2od6-d7g8_F038fCNDDA", # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dCV6RusogAk/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "dizzle521", # < "categoryId": "22", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "Nintendo Playstation Superdisc", # < "description": "" # < } # < } # < }, # < { # < "kind": "youtube#video", # < "etag": "\"Y3xTLFF3RLtHXX85JBgzzgp2Enw/ICjYKf5GE_1y6_A57XpHhaeR-wc\"", # < "id": "E1d_dmKBiiI", # < "snippet": { # < "publishedAt": "2015-07-02T18:19:48.000Z", # < "channelId": "UCW3T8dQVEynwj6-_DArcM7w", # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com.", # < "thumbnails": { # < "default": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/default.jpg", # < "width": 120, # < "height": 90 # < }, # < "medium": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/mqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 320, # < "height": 180 # < }, # < "high": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/hqdefault.jpg", # < "width": 480, # < "height": 360 # < }, # < "standard": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/sddefault.jpg", # < "width": 640, # < "height": 480 # < }, # < "maxres": { # < "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E1d_dmKBiiI/maxresdefault.jpg", # < "width": 1280, # < "height": 720 # < } # < }, # < "channelTitle": "Rumble Viral", # < "tags": [ # < "viral videos", # < "funny videos", # < "funny dogs", # < "dog videos", # < "dog snitches on friend", # < "dog tells on other dog", # < "french bulldog", # < "bull mastiff" # < ], # < "categoryId": "15", # < "liveBroadcastContent": "none", # < "localized": { # < "title": "French Bulldog gets outed by his best friend", # < "description": "When asked who chewed up all the toilet paper this French Bulldog has nothing to say. However, her Bull Mastiff \"friend\" has no problem literally pointing her out. Check out their hilarious reactions!\n\nSource & embed code: https://rumble.com/v2zma4-french-bulldog-outed-by-bull-mastiff.html.\n\nFor licensing, please email licensing@rumble.com." # < } # < } # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. ok 10 /youtube/query/standard_feed/with_query # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43731. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A56.442187Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363778 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 19 (0x702f7460), SoupSocket 8 (0x702f3780) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:43731 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363778 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 19 (0x702f7460) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:58 GMT # < Content-Length: 31 # < # < Invalid parameter ‘foobar’. # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 38375. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A22%3A58.444420Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363780 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 20 (0xf560b868), SoupSocket 9 (0xf5602db0) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:38375 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363780 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 20 (0xf560b868) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:00 GMT # < Content-Length: 50 # < # < Login page wasn't found for no good reason at all. # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 39451. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A23%3A00.457241Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363782 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 21 (0x702f7570), SoupSocket 10 (0x702f3780) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:39451 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363782 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 21 (0x702f7570) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:02 GMT # < Content-Length: 45 # < # < Not allowed to log in at this time, possibly. # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 38669. # > GET /youtube/v3/videos?part=snippet&chart=mostPopular&publishedAfter=2022-04-18T10%3A23%3A02.459265Z HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70069898), SoupMessage 22 (0x702f75f8), SoupSocket 11 (0xf5602f00) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:38669 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 22 (0x702f75f8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:04 GMT # < Content-Length: 7 # < # < Whoops. # ok 11 /youtube/query/standard_feed/error # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 36843. # < HTTP/1.1 7 Socket I/O timed out # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363785 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 0 (0xf560bb98) # ok 12 /youtube/query/standard_feed/timeout # Running normal operation test… # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35647. # < HTTP/1.1 7 Socket I/O timed out # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363787 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 0 (0xf560bc20) # Bail out! libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/youtube.c:396:test_query_standard_feed_async_cb: assertion failed (error == NULL): Cannot connect to the service’s server. (gdata-service-error-quark, 9) stderr: ** libgdata:ERROR:../libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/youtube.c:396:test_query_standard_feed_async_cb: assertion failed (error == NULL): Cannot connect to the service’s server. (gdata-service-error-quark, 9) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/13 calendar TIMEOUT 30.37s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=245 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/calendar ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S8a3c437a16852ed21b6832beab0f6bba # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..32 # Start of calendar tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45427. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061938), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee910), SoupSocket 1 (0x702eb150) # > Host: accounts.google.com:45427 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=4%2FOEX-S1iMbOA_dOnNgUlSYmGWh3TK.QrR73axcNMkWoiIBeO6P2m_su7cwkQI&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee910) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:41 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430947656 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x1d1f290) # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:27:36 GMT # < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="json.txt"; filename*=UTF-8''json.txt # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/authentication # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "access_token" : "ya29.awEMF6KA71utmWG8UXC3SWqF_JypKjJC-lyadkqa3NMq6_YhPB_fmzK3AFB8IcdcusuEBsxxW4t2rg", # < "token_type" : "Bearer", # < "expires_in" : 3600, # < "refresh_token" : "1/BPLUSijlnWFRWfijKd_CU6AkB4xyvtXqaoMV-EfDISA" # < } # ok 1 /calendar/authentication # Start of query tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 38677. # > POST /calendar/v3/calendars HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea20), SoupSocket 1 (0x702eb2a0) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:38677 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"kind":"calendar#calendar","summary":"Test Calendar 1","hidden":false,"backgroundColor":"#7a367a","selected":false} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea20) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:43 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948158 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 25 (0x1e1f0b0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:35:58 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/cnBjtGBXrPYba0jayIgaSUILJIM" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/setup-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendar", # < "etag": "\"pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/cnBjtGBXrPYba0jayIgaSUILJIM\"", # < "id": "b9bd2rombumk4tgesbmejeoa4g@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1" # < } # # Adding a kind category term, 'calendar#calendar', to an entry of kind 'calendar#calendarListEntry'. # Overriding message port to 38677. # > POST /calendar/v3/calendars HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363765 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 2 (0x702eeaa8), SoupSocket 2 (0x702eb310) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:38677 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"kind":"calendar#calendar","summary":"Test Calendar 2","hidden":false,"backgroundColor":"#7a367a","selected":false} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363765 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x702eeaa8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:45 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948162 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 26 (0x1e1f290) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:02 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/X-qSYBJECbfL3lquVEwIFUTSIaQ" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/setup-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendar", # < "etag": "\"pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/X-qSYBJECbfL3lquVEwIFUTSIaQ\"", # < "id": "g0i0o30l2jitvb7tbipi26v94c@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 2" # < } # # Adding a kind category term, 'calendar#calendar', to an entry of kind 'calendar#calendarListEntry'. # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45567. # > GET /calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363767 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 3 (0x702eebb8), SoupSocket 3 (0x702eb4e8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:45567 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363767 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x702eebb8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:47 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430947980 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x1553470) # < Expires: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:33:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:33:00 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/query-all-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarList", # < "etag": "\"1430947978342000\"", # < "nextSyncToken": "00001430947978342000", # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"0\"", # < "id": "libgdata.test@googlemail.com", # < "summary": "libgdata.test@gmail.com", # < "timeZone": "Europe/London", # < "colorId": "17", # < "backgroundColor": "#9a9cff", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [ # < { # < "method": "email", # < "minutes": 10 # < }, # < { # < "method": "popup", # < "minutes": 30 # < } # < ], # < "notificationSettings": { # < "notifications": [ # < { # < "type": "eventCreation", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventChange", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventCancellation", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventResponse", # < "method": "email" # < } # < ] # < }, # < "primary": true # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430947973540000\"", # < "id": "h0g17fas6es1gt2obhhgs8bsro@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "11", # < "backgroundColor": "#fbe983", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430947978342000\"", # < "id": "tulvlm6fiatm3a32l7f3i98bek@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 2", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "16", # < "backgroundColor": "#4986e7", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430947738744000\"", # < "id": "4v0gftqkoct5skn7t3ushbnsfg@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "8", # < "backgroundColor": "#16a765", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430670856222000\"", # < "id": "#contacts@group.v.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Birthdays", # < "description": "Displays birthdays of people in Google Contacts and optionally 'Your Circles' from Google+. Also displays anniversary and other event dates from Google Contacts, if applicable.", # < "timeZone": "Europe/London", # < "colorId": "13", # < "backgroundColor": "#92e1c0", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "reader", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430670855908000\"", # < "id": "en.uk#holiday@group.v.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Holidays in United Kingdom", # < "description": "Holidays and Observances in United Kingdom", # < "timeZone": "Europe/London", # < "colorId": "8", # < "backgroundColor": "#16a765", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "reader", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Unhandled JSON member ‘nextSyncToken’ in GDataCalendarFeed: "00001430947978342000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "17" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [{"method":"email","minutes":10},{"method":"popup","minutes":30}] # Unhandled JSON member ‘notificationSettings’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: {"notifications":[{"type":"eventCreation","method":"email"},{"type":"eventChange","method":"email"},{"type":"eventCancellation","method":"email"},{"type":"eventResponse","method":"email"}]} # Unhandled JSON member ‘primary’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: true # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "11" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "16" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "8" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "13" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "8" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 40095. # > DELETE /calendar/v3/calendars/b9bd2rombumk4tgesbmejeoa4g@group.calendar.google.com HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363769 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 4 (0x702eecc8), SoupSocket 4 (0x702eb638) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:40095 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363769 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0x702eecc8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:49 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948166 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 31 (0x1e1f560) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:06 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/teardown-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # # Overriding message port to 40095. # > DELETE /calendar/v3/calendars/g0i0o30l2jitvb7tbipi26v94c@group.calendar.google.com HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363771 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 5 (0x702eed50), SoupSocket 5 (0x702eb6a8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:40095 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363771 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 5 (0x702eed50) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:51 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948167 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 32 (0x1e1f560) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:07 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/teardown-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # ok 2 /calendar/query/all_calendars # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 44361. # > POST /calendar/v3/calendars HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363773 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 6 (0x702eee60), SoupSocket 6 (0x702eb380) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:44361 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"kind":"calendar#calendar","summary":"Test Calendar 1","hidden":false,"backgroundColor":"#7a367a","selected":false} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363773 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 6 (0x702eee60) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:53 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948158 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 25 (0x1e1f0b0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:35:58 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/cnBjtGBXrPYba0jayIgaSUILJIM" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/setup-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendar", # < "etag": "\"pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/cnBjtGBXrPYba0jayIgaSUILJIM\"", # < "id": "b9bd2rombumk4tgesbmejeoa4g@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1" # < } # # Adding a kind category term, 'calendar#calendar', to an entry of kind 'calendar#calendarListEntry'. # Overriding message port to 44361. # > POST /calendar/v3/calendars HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363775 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 7 (0x702eee60), SoupSocket 7 (0x702eb478) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:44361 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"kind":"calendar#calendar","summary":"Test Calendar 2","hidden":false,"backgroundColor":"#7a367a","selected":false} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363775 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x702eee60) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:55 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948162 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 26 (0x1e1f290) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:02 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/X-qSYBJECbfL3lquVEwIFUTSIaQ" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/setup-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendar", # < "etag": "\"pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/X-qSYBJECbfL3lquVEwIFUTSIaQ\"", # < "id": "g0i0o30l2jitvb7tbipi26v94c@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 2" # < } # # Adding a kind category term, 'calendar#calendar', to an entry of kind 'calendar#calendarListEntry'. # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 39159. # > GET /calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList?minAccessRole=owner HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 8 (0x702eecc8), SoupSocket 8 (0x702eb2a0) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:39159 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 8 (0x702eecc8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:57 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948119 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x1e1f470) # < Expires: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:35:19 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:35:19 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/query-own-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarList", # < "etag": "\"1430948118288000\"", # < "nextSyncToken": "00001430948118288000", # < "items": [ # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"0\"", # < "id": "libgdata.test@googlemail.com", # < "summary": "libgdata.test@gmail.com", # < "timeZone": "Europe/London", # < "colorId": "17", # < "backgroundColor": "#9a9cff", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [ # < { # < "method": "email", # < "minutes": 10 # < }, # < { # < "method": "popup", # < "minutes": 30 # < } # < ], # < "notificationSettings": { # < "notifications": [ # < { # < "type": "eventCreation", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventChange", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventCancellation", # < "method": "email" # < }, # < { # < "type": "eventResponse", # < "method": "email" # < } # < ] # < }, # < "primary": true # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430948114870000\"", # < "id": "nv4r3trfm207gdgnj00h4n0aco@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "12", # < "backgroundColor": "#fad165", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430948118288000\"", # < "id": "nesef3i0vht0bgrm32fnkl4sf4@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 2", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "7", # < "backgroundColor": "#42d692", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < }, # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendarListEntry", # < "etag": "\"1430947738744000\"", # < "id": "4v0gftqkoct5skn7t3ushbnsfg@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Test Calendar 1", # < "timeZone": "UTC", # < "colorId": "8", # < "backgroundColor": "#16a765", # < "foregroundColor": "#000000", # < "selected": true, # < "accessRole": "owner", # < "defaultReminders": [] # < } # < ] # < } # # JSON content type detected. # Unhandled JSON member ‘nextSyncToken’ in GDataCalendarFeed: "00001430948118288000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "17" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [{"method":"email","minutes":10},{"method":"popup","minutes":30}] # Unhandled JSON member ‘notificationSettings’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: {"notifications":[{"type":"eventCreation","method":"email"},{"type":"eventChange","method":"email"},{"type":"eventCancellation","method":"email"},{"type":"eventResponse","method":"email"}]} # Unhandled JSON member ‘primary’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: true # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "12" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "7" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # Unhandled JSON member ‘colorId’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "8" # Unhandled JSON member ‘foregroundColor’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: "#000000" # Unhandled JSON member ‘defaultReminders’ in GDataCalendarCalendar: [] # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35879. # > DELETE /calendar/v3/calendars/b9bd2rombumk4tgesbmejeoa4g@group.calendar.google.com HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 9 (0x702eebb8), SoupSocket 9 (0x702eb788) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:35879 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 9 (0x702eebb8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:59 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948166 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 31 (0x1e1f560) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:06 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/teardown-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # # Overriding message port to 35879. # > DELETE /calendar/v3/calendars/g0i0o30l2jitvb7tbipi26v94c@group.calendar.google.com HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363781 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 10 (0xf530a948), SoupSocket 10 (0xf5302ca8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:35879 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363781 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0xf530a948) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:01 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1430948167 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 32 (0x1e1f560) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 21:36:07 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/teardown-query-calendars # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # ok 3 /calendar/query/own_calendars # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 36345. # > POST /calendar/v3/calendars HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363783 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70061898), SoupMessage 11 (0x702eeaa8), SoupSocket 11 (0xf5302d18) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:36345 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"kind":"calendar#calendar","summary":"Temp Test Calendar","hidden":false,"backgroundColor":"#7a367a","selected":false} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363783 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 11 (0x702eeaa8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:03 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1432766373 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 15 (0xa55470) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Wed, 27 May 2015 22:39:33 GMT # < ETag: "pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/dA-nwMO6Tel1lbt3WcBQAAl9e34" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=1 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/calendar/setup-temp-calendar # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "calendar#calendar", # < "etag": "\"pc4WsFKtK0DPTzlsquzpd-pobYU/dA-nwMO6Tel1lbt3WcBQAAl9e34\"", # < "id": "ndihjbq6agrl249fjqgd535qmk@group.calendar.google.com", # < "summary": "Temp Test Calendar" # < } # # Adding a kind category term, 'calendar#calendar', to an entry of kind 'calendar#calendarListEntry'. # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/13 contacts TIMEOUT 30.36s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=51 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/contacts ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: # random seed: R02S6433b9352fa62ea39c630aadd03032ec # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..41 # Start of contacts tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35361. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078938), SoupMessage 1 (0x70305910), SoupSocket 1 (0x70302150) # > Host: accounts.google.com:35361 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=4%2FOEX-S1iMbOA_dOnNgUlSYmGWh3TK.QrR73axcNMkWoiIBeO6P2m_su7cwkQI&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x70305910) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:41 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489529 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x182f190) # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:09 GMT # < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="json.txt"; filename*=UTF-8''json.txt # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/authentication # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "access_token" : "ya29.uADGgjhB_J0BE91XytCcfZvo9_mpuMXuvZIgekCmnwsm7ibh5nDoFrZg5fsyc8dCR_xSYxaoaD061w", # < "token_type" : "Bearer", # < "expires_in" : 3600, # < "refresh_token" : "1/oPu3xJaZU1U8fZhL9K6ZgvkoisVntA66PE7OuRs3pok" # < } # ok 1 /contacts/authentication # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45565. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/batch HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 1 (0x70305a20), SoupSocket 1 (0x703022a0) # > Host: www.google.com:45565 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # # # Batch operation feed # batch1 # 2022-04-19T10:22:41Z # # Fooish Bar # # 1 # # # Fooish Bar # # # # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363763 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x70305a20) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:43 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490455 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x1ce91c0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:35 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/batch # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/batch/1415490455683000 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.683Z # < Batch operation feed # < # < 1 # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/124aa0c708271161 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.557Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.557Z # < # < Fooish Bar # < # < # < # < # < Fooish Bar # < Fooish # < Bar # < # < # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # Overriding message port to 45565. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/batch HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363765 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 2 (0x70305aa8), SoupSocket 2 (0x70302310) # > Host: www.google.com:45565 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # # # Batch operation feed # batch1 # 2022-04-19T10:22:43Z # # Batch operation query # https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/124aa0c708271161 # 2022-04-19T10:22:43Z # 2 # # # # Brian # # 1 # # # Brian # # # # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363765 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x70305aa8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:45 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490456 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x1ce92b0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:36 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/batch # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # < https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/batch/1415490456062000 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:36.062Z # < Batch operation feed # < # < 2 # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/124aa0c708271161 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.557Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.557Z # < # < Fooish Bar # < # < # < # < # < Fooish Bar # < Fooish # < Bar # < # < # < # < 1 # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/703f874088829e7d # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.938Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35.938Z # < # < Brian # < # < # < # < # < Brian # < Brian # < # < # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # Overriding message port to 45565. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/batch HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363767 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 3 (0x70305b30), SoupSocket 3 (0x70302380) # > Host: www.google.com:45565 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > foobar2Fooish Barhttp://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/124aa0c7082711612014-11-08T23:47:35Z1FooishBarFooish Bar # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363767 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x70305b30) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:47 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490456 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x1ce93a0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:36 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/batch # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 3 # < # < https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/batch/1415490456389000 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:36.389Z # < Batch operation feed # < # < 3 # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/703f874088829e7d # < 2014-11-08T23:47:36.264Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:36.264Z # < # < Toby # < # < # < # < # < Toby # < Brian # < # < # < # < 2 # < # < # < foobar # < # < # < # < 1 # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/124aa0c708271161 # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:35Z # < # < Fooish Bar # < # < Fooish Bar # < Fooish # < Bar # < # < # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: # # Unhandled XML in GDataBatchFeed: ok 2 /contacts/batch # Start of contact tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45303. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363769 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 4 (0x70305c40), SoupSocket 4 (0x703025c8) # > Host: www.google.com:45303 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # # # John Smith # Notes # # # John # Smith # John Smith # # # # # (206)555-1212 # (206)555-1213 # # 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # # # OrgCorp # President # # This is a jot. # Brian Haddock # # # # # # # # http://example.com/ # # # # # Rowing # Big J # J, Big # # Big J Enterprises, Ltd. # This is a server # # A. B. C. # Smith # 12km # Professional bum # # # Jon # Charity work # # # < HTTP/1.1 201 Created # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363769 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0x70305c40) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:49 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489531 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0x182f550) # < ETag: "QHo8cDVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgc." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:11 GMT # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:11 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/contact-insert # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/3d8219568aedc2a9 # < 2014-11-08T23:32:11.478Z # < 2014-11-08T23:32:11.478Z # < # < John Smith # < Notes # < # < # < # < # < John Smith # < John # < Smith # < # < Big J # < A. B. C. # < Jon # < Smith # < # < # < Professional bum # < Big J Enterprises, Ltd. # < 12km # < This is a server # < Charity work # < J, Big # < # < OrgCorp # < President # < # < # < # < # < (206)555-1212 # < (206)555-1213 # < # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < # < # < # < # < # < Brian Haddock # < # < # < # < # < # < # < # < This is a jot. # < Rowing # < http://example.com/ # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDOrganization: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDOrganization: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDOrganization: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDPostalAddress: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDPostalAddress: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDPostalAddress: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGContactEvent: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGContactEvent: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35753. # > DELETE /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/3d8219568aedc2a9 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363771 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 5 (0x70305d50), SoupSocket 5 (0x703024e8) # > Host: www.google.com:35753 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "QHo8cDVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgc." # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363771 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 5 (0x70305d50) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:51 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489532 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 5 (0x182f550) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:12 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-insert # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < Content-Length: 0 # < # ok 3 /contacts/contact/insert # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35939. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363773 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 6 (0x70305e60), SoupSocket 6 (0x70302380) # > Host: www.google.com:35939 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # # # # <category term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact" scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind"/> # <gd:name/> # <gContact:nickname>Test Contact Esq.</gContact:nickname> # </entry> # # < HTTP/1.1 201 Created # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363773 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 6 (0x70305e60) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:53 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490456 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 4 (0x1ce9490) # < ETag: "R3gzezVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEQKQwE." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:36 GMT # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:36 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/setup-temp-contact # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/c8390ec0ef7f98a</id> # < <updated>2014-11-08T23:47:36.683Z</updated> # < <app:edited xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">2014-11-08T23:47:36.683Z</app:edited> # < <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"/> # < <title/> # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact Esq.</gContact:nickname> # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 37353. # > PUT /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363775 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 7 (0x70305e60), SoupSocket 7 (0xf5802d18) # > Host: www.google.com:37353 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "R3gzezVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEQKQwE." # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # > # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363775 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x70305e60) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:55 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489543 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 7 (0x182f370) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:23 GMT # < ETag: "Qnw7fjVSLyt7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgA." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/contact-update # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/c8390ec0ef7f98a</id> # < <updated>2014-11-08T23:32:23.206Z</updated> # < <app:edited xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">2014-11-08T23:32:23.206Z</app:edited> # < <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"/> # < <title>John Wilson # < # < # < # < # < John Wilson # < John # < Wilson # < # < Test Contact Esq. # < value # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 39493. # > GET /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 8 (0x70305d50), SoupSocket 8 (0x70302070) # > Host: www.google.com:39493 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 8 (0x70305d50) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:57 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490478 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 8 (0x1ce9490) # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:58 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:58 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "SX4yeDVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEQKQwM." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-temp-contact # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/c8390ec0ef7f98a # < 2014-11-08T23:47:58.090Z # < 2014-11-08T23:47:58.090Z # < # < # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact Esq.</gContact:nickname> # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # Overriding message port to 39493. # > DELETE /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/c8390ec0ef7f98a HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 9 (0xf4410b60), SoupSocket 8 (0x70302070) # > Host: www.google.com:39493 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "SX4yeDVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEQKQwM." # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 9 (0xf4410b60) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:57 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415490478 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 9 (0x1ce93a0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:47:58 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-temp-contact # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < Content-Length: 0 # < # ok 4 /contacts/contact/update ok 5 /contacts/contact/properties ok 6 /contacts/contact/escaping ok 7 /contacts/contact/id # Start of parser tests # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=580330 ok 8 /contacts/contact/parser/minimal ok 9 /contacts/contact/parser/normal ok 10 /contacts/contact/parser/error_handling # End of parser tests # End of contact tests # Start of query tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 34299. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 10 (0xf580bb68), SoupSocket 9 (0x70302380) # > Host: www.google.com:34299 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gContact="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> # <title type="text"/> # <category term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact" scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind"/> # <gd:name/> # <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 1</gContact:nickname> # </entry> # # < HTTP/1.1 201 Created # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0xf580bb68) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:59 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489568 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 33 (0x182f550) # < ETag: "SXszcTVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:48 GMT # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:48 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/setup-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/1fb657e58c9a2eb9</id> # < <updated>2014-11-08T23:32:48.589Z</updated> # < <app:edited xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">2014-11-08T23:32:48.589Z</app:edited> # < <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"/> # < <title/> # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/1fb657e58c9a2eb9"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/1fb657e58c9a2eb9"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/1fb657e58c9a2eb9"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 1</gContact:nickname> # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # Overriding message port to 34299. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363781 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 11 (0x70305b30), SoupSocket 10 (0xf5802d88) # > Host: www.google.com:34299 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gContact="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> # <title type="text"/> # <category term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact" scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind"/> # <gd:name/> # <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 2</gContact:nickname> # </entry> # # < HTTP/1.1 201 Created # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363781 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 11 (0x70305b30) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:01 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489569 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 34 (0x182f460) # < ETag: "SXY_fjVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:49 GMT # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:49 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/setup-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/10ba35c58c59d676</id> # < <updated>2014-11-08T23:32:48.846Z</updated> # < <app:edited xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">2014-11-08T23:32:48.846Z</app:edited> # < <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"/> # < <title/> # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/10ba35c58c59d676"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/10ba35c58c59d676"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/10ba35c58c59d676"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 2</gContact:nickname> # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # Overriding message port to 34299. # > POST /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363783 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 12 (0x70305aa8), SoupSocket 11 (0x70302558) # > Host: www.google.com:34299 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Content-Type: application/atom+xml # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gContact="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app"> # <title type="text"/> # <category term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact" scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind"/> # <gd:name/> # <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 3</gContact:nickname> # </entry> # # < HTTP/1.1 201 Created # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 12 (0x70305aa8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:03 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489569 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 35 (0x182f370) # < ETag: "SHo5fTVSLSt7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8 # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:49 GMT # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:49 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/setup-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 3 # < # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/5997be300d23115b</id> # < <updated>2014-11-08T23:32:49.425Z</updated> # < <app:edited xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">2014-11-08T23:32:49.425Z</app:edited> # < <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008#contact"/> # < <title/> # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/5997be300d23115b"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/5997be300d23115b"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/5997be300d23115b"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 3</gContact:nickname> # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 33099. # > GET /m8/feeds/contacts/default/full HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 13 (0x70305910), SoupSocket 12 (0x703026a8) # > Host: www.google.com:33099 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 13 (0x70305910) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:06 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489550 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 13 (0x182f280) # < Expires: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:30 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:30 GMT # < Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate, no-transform # < ETag: "QXk_cDVSLyt7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgE." # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml; 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C. # < Jon # < Smith # < # < # < Professional bum # < Big J Enterprises, Ltd. # < 12km # < This is a server # < Charity work # < J, Big # < # < OrgCorp # < President # < # < # < # < # < (206)555-1212 # < (206)555-1213 # < # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < # < # < # < # < # < Brian Haddock # < # < # < # < # < # < # < # < This is a jot. # < Rowing # < http://example.com/ # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/1fe897fa0c51ed2c # < 2014-11-08T23:32:11.077Z # < 2014-11-08T23:32:11.077Z # < # < Toby # < # < # < # < # < Toby # < Brian # < # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/2f943d4789cb93a9 # < 2014-03-15T21:25:43.388Z # < 2014-03-15T21:25:43.388Z # < # < AAA # < # < # < # < # < AAA # < AAA # < # < AAA # < # < # < FALSE # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/3531fe820d6801f3 # < 2014-03-15T21:23:18.169Z # < 2014-03-15T21:23:18.169Z # < # < AAAA # < # < # < # < # < AAAA # < AAAA # < # < # < # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/37c76f0508bed31f # < 2014-11-08T23:22:14.824Z # < 2014-11-08T23:22:14.824Z # < # < John Smith # < Notes # < # < # < # < # < John Smith # < John # < Smith # < # < Big J # < A. B. C. # < Jon # < Smith # < # < # < Professional bum # < Big J Enterprises, Ltd. # < 12km # < This is a server # < Charity work # < J, Big # < # < OrgCorp # < President # < # < # < # < # < (206)555-1212 # < (206)555-1213 # < # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View # < # < # < # < # < # < Brian Haddock # < # < # < # < # < # < # < # < This is a jot. # < Rowing # < http://example.com/ # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/3b0b0e8c8d6c81ef # < 2014-03-15T21:26:07.500Z # < 2014-03-15T21:26:07.500Z # < # < AAAAA # < # < # < # < # < AAAAA # < AAAAA # < # < # < # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/415b6675090874ea # < 2014-11-08T23:26:54.532Z # < 2014-11-08T23:26:54.532Z # < # < Toby # < # < # < # < # < Toby # < Brian # < # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/505ad8890cd2744a # < 2014-11-08T23:22:13.936Z # < 2014-11-08T23:22:13.936Z # < # < Toby # < # < # < # < # < Toby # < Brian # < # < # < # < http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/5210ae648a3eda72 # < 2014-11-08T23:32:24.173Z # < 2014-11-08T23:32:24.173Z # < # < # < <link rel="http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#photo" type="image/*" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/5210ae648a3eda72"/> # < <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/5210ae648a3eda72"/> # < <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/5210ae648a3eda72"/> # < <gContact:nickname>Test Contact 1</gContact:nickname> # < </entry> # < <entry gd:etag=""RXk_ezVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgA.""> # < <id>http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/base/55877e440b373bc7</id> # < 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GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataGDName: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataContactsContact: # # Unhandled XML in GDataFeed: # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45027. # > DELETE /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/1fb657e58c9a2eb9 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 14 (0x70305910), SoupSocket 13 (0xf5802ed8) # > Host: www.google.com:45027 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "SXszcTVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 14 (0x70305910) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:08 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489575 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 37 (0x182f280) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:55 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < Content-Length: 0 # < # # Overriding message port to 45027. # > DELETE /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/10ba35c58c59d676 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 15 (0xf580ba58), SoupSocket 13 (0xf5802ed8) # > Host: www.google.com:45027 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "SXY_fjVSLit7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 15 (0xf580ba58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:08 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489575 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 38 (0x182f190) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:55 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 2 # < Content-Length: 0 # < # # Overriding message port to 45027. # > DELETE /m8/feeds/contacts/libgdata.test%40googlemail.com/full/5997be300d23115b HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70078898), SoupMessage 16 (0x70305aa8), SoupSocket 13 (0xf5802ed8) # > Host: www.google.com:45027 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 3 # > If-Match: "SHo5fTVSLSt7I2A9XRdWFEUDQgI." # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 16 (0x70305aa8) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:08 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1415489576 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 39 (0x182f0a0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 23:32:56 GMT # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: Referer # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/atom+xml # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alternate-Protocol: 443:quic,p=0.01 # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/contacts/teardown-query-all-contacts # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 3 # < Content-Length: 0 # < # ok 11 /contacts/query/all_contacts # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 1 ok 12 /contacts/query/uri # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 1 # Bug Reference: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=613529 ok 13 /contacts/query/etag # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 0 # _gdata_query_set_pagination_type: Pagination type set to 1 ok 14 /contacts/query/properties # Start of all_contacts tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created stderr: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag feed line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag feed line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag name line 1 le.com/g/2005'>BrianToby ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag feed line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ueTest Contact Esq. ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag entry line 1 ://schemas.google.com/contact/2008" xmlns:gd="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag feed line 1 emas.google.com/g/2005" xmlns:openSearch="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/"> ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : StartTag: invalid element name ^ Entity: line 1: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document ^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/13 tasks TIMEOUT 30.18s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=232 /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/tasks ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S0b52058bdec145cc7d655a681799856a # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ‘gio-vfs’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ 1..20 # Start of tasks tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 38991. # > POST /o/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363762 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f288), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee110), SoupSocket 1 (0x702e9990) # > Host: accounts.google.com:38991 # > Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > client_id=352818697630-nqu2cmt5quqd6lr17ouoqmb684u84l1f.apps.googleusercontent.com&client_secret=-fA4pHQJxR3zJ-FyAMPQsikg&code=4%2FOEX-S1iMbOA_dOnNgUlSYmGWh3TK.QrR73axcNMkWoiIBeO6P2m_su7cwkQI&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob&grant_type=authorization_code # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363762 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee110) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:42 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730774 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x131f2b0) # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:34 GMT # < Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="json.txt"; filename*=UTF-8''json.txt # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < Server: ESF # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/authentication # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "access_token" : "ya29.GlsFBJx008-sd93Ckqzj71RIMcP83j1mmvfHl_1_6oB8vqc2i11RsH_HKGC0VB_mCi2uolnHetQgPbL_XnehqiNFm-JFSU7qZFI79OJCCK7ufHbKucgrylmvCkTO", # < "expires_in" : 3600, # < "refresh_token" : "1/ny71llUbIQVsuTzoZtb-to8_LKqxmShpU68BtoFqWAKXnGYZidnhF1Q1bTeIwDbH", # < "token_type" : "Bearer" # < } # ok 1 /tasks/authentication # Start of tasklist tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43849. # > POST /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee220), SoupSocket 1 (0x702e9ae0) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:43849 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"title":"My list of things","kind":"tasks#taskList"} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee220) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:44 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730776 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x131f490) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:36 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/4m_WbuINWz2JNZDVeTXaKpxeWLc" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/tasklist-insert # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "tasks#taskList", # < "id": "MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTM1MDkwMDMwNTow", # < "etag": "\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/4m_WbuINWz2JNZDVeTXaKpxeWLc\"", # < "title": "My list of things", # < "updated": "2017-03-05T16:19:36.000Z", # < "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTM1MDkwMDMwNTow" # < } # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 46873. # > DELETE /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTM1MDkwMDMwNTow HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363766 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 2 (0x702ee330), SoupSocket 2 (0x702e9cb8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:46873 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > If-Match: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/4m_WbuINWz2JNZDVeTXaKpxeWLc" # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363766 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x702ee330) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:46 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730776 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0x131f490) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:36 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/teardown-insert-tasklist # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # ok 2 /tasks/tasklist/insert # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 37517. # > POST /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 3 (0x702ee440), SoupSocket 3 (0x702e9e08) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:37517 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"title":"Tasklist 1","kind":"tasks#taskList"} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x702ee440) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730778 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 3 (0x131f2b0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:38 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/snoTsKOMEHobrczhuzP9In_lbE4" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/setup-list-tasklist # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "tasks#taskList", # < "id": "MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTk3Mjg3NzkzOTow", # < "etag": "\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/snoTsKOMEHobrczhuzP9In_lbE4\"", # < "title": "Tasklist 1", # < "updated": "2017-03-05T16:19:38.000Z", # < "selfLink": 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Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"title":"Some tasklist","kind":"tasks#taskList"} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363782 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0x702ee440) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:02 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730785 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 (0x131f0d0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:45 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/uRmDyHNfZl69OIU8kwgXBupweok" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/setup-update-tasklist # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "tasks#taskList", # < "id": "MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow", # < "etag": "\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/uRmDyHNfZl69OIU8kwgXBupweok\"", # < "title": "Some tasklist", # < "updated": "2017-03-05T16:19:45.000Z", # < "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow" # < } # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45061. # > PUT /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 11 (0xf540e110), SoupSocket 11 (0x702e9a00) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:45061 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > If-Match: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/uRmDyHNfZl69OIU8kwgXBupweok" # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"title":"New Title!","id":"MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow","updated":"2017-03-05T16:19:45Z","kind":"tasks#taskList","etag":"\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/uRmDyHNfZl69OIU8kwgXBupweok\"","selfLink":"https://www.googleapis.com/tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow"} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 11 (0xf540e110) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:04 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 11 (0x131f0d0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:46 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/xFFBY7L13eQepjexhIo98Mh79SU" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/tasklist-update # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "tasks#taskList", # < "id": "MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow", # < "etag": "\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/xFFBY7L13eQepjexhIo98Mh79SU\"", # < "title": "New Title!", # < "updated": "2017-03-05T16:19:45.000Z", # < "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow" # < } # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 40919. # > DELETE /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MTU4NzE3ODk3MDow HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 12 (0x702ee110), SoupSocket 12 (0x702e9e08) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:40919 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > If-Match: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/xFFBY7L13eQepjexhIo98Mh79SU" # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 12 (0x702ee110) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:06 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 12 (0x131f2b0) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:46 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/vyGp6PvFo4RvsFtPoIWeCReyIC8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/teardown-update-tasklist # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # ok 4 /tasks/tasklist/update # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45045. # > POST /tasks/v1/users/@me/lists HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x7005f148), SoupMessage 13 (0xf3612170), SoupSocket 13 (0x702e9cb8) # > Host: www.googleapis.com:45045 # > Authorization: dummy # > GData-Version: 2 # > Content-Type: application/json # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > # > {"title":"Some tasklist","kind":"tasks#taskList"} # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363788 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 13 (0xf3612170) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:08 GMT # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1488730789 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 13 (0x131f490) # < Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate # < Pragma: no-cache # < Expires: Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT # < Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2017 16:19:49 GMT # < ETag: "NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/FGjS7DYKYr6UbyOOfOp6rMeFdO8" # < Vary: Origin # < Vary: X-Origin # < Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 # < Content-Encoding: gzip # < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff # < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN # < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block # < Server: GSE # < Alt-Svc: quic=":443"; ma=2592000; v="36,35,34" # < Transfer-Encoding: chunked # < X-Mock-Trace-File: file:///var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests/traces/tasks/setup-delete-tasklist # < X-Mock-Trace-File-Offset: 1 # < # < { # < "kind": "tasks#taskList", # < "id": "MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MzUwMTc2NDY3OjA", # < "etag": "\"NEVtLf5Q_dTURZbE3E-zlPpPgGk/FGjS7DYKYr6UbyOOfOp6rMeFdO8\"", # < "title": "Some tasklist", # < "updated": "2017-03-05T16:19:48.000Z", # < "selfLink": "https://www.googleapis.com/tasks/v1/users/@me/lists/MTY4ODYzMjk0OTkzNDgxODY2Njk6MzUwMTc2NDY3OjA" # < } # # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/13 streams TIMEOUT 30.23s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 10:22:39 G_TEST_SRCDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1/gdata/tests MALLOC_PERTURB_=223 G_TEST_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests /var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/libgdata-0.18.1/work/libgdata-0.18.1-build/gdata/tests/streams ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- # random seed: R02S596a373f0e25d2419351b0d089a89741 # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gnutls (GTlsBackendGnutls) for ‘gio-tls-backend’ 1..46 # Start of download-stream tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation memory (GMemorySettingsBackend) for ‘gsettings-backend’ # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation libproxy (GLibproxyResolver) for ‘gio-proxy-resolver’ # Overriding message port to 33621. # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363761 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068898), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee8c0), SoupSocket 1 (0x70063320) # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363762 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee8c0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:41 GMT # < Content-Type: text/plain # < Content-Length: 3894 # ok 1 /download-stream/download_content_length # Start of download_seek tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45941. # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068938), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee948), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a062d8) # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Range: bytes=20- # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363764 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee948) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:44 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # ok 2 /download-stream/download_seek/before_start # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 33275. # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363766 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x700689d8), SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee9d0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a058a0) # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363766 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702ee9d0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:46 GMT # < Content-Length: 3894 # ok 3 /download-stream/download_seek/after_start_forwards # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 41865. # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8) # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Length: 3894 # # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8), restarted # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > Range: bytes=20- # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # # < HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8), restarted # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > Range: bytes=20- # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # # < HTTP/1.1 1 Cancelled # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8), restarted # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > Range: bytes=20- # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # # < HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8), restarted # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > Range: bytes=20- # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # # < HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # # > GET / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068a78), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8), restarted # > Host: # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > Connection: Keep-Alive # > Range: bytes=20- # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # # < HTTP/1.1 1 Cancelled # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363768 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eea58) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:48 GMT # < Content-Range: bytes 20-3893/3894 # < Content-Length: 3874 # ok 4 /download-stream/download_seek/after_start_backwards # End of download_seek tests # End of download-stream tests # Start of upload-stream tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43805. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363770 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068b18), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeae0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a05980) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > Transfer-Encoding: chunked # > Content-Type: text/plain # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363770 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeae0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:50 GMT # < Content-Type: text/plain # < Content-Length: 13 # ok 5 /upload-stream/upload_no_entry_content_length # Start of resumable tests # Start of content-only tests # Start of initial-error tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 37839. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363772 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068bb8), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeb68), SoupSocket 1 (0xf56028f0) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 416768 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363772 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeb68) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:52 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 6 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/initial-error/416768 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 37791. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363774 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068c58), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eebf0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a05a60) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 524288 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363774 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eebf0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:54 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 7 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/initial-error/524288 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 35393. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068cf8), SoupMessage 1 (0xf560ac28), SoupSocket 1 (0xf56029d0) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 681984 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363777 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf560ac28) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:57 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 8 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/initial-error/681984 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43079. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068d98), SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeb68), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a059f0) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 1048576 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363779 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0x702eeb68) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:22:59 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 9 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/initial-error/1048576 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 34301. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363782 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068e38), SoupMessage 1 (0xf560aba0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a05bb0) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 1049600 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363782 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf560aba0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:02 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 10 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/initial-error/1049600 # End of initial-error tests # Start of subsequent-error tests # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 43063. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068e38), SoupMessage 1 (0xf560aba0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a05910) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 416768 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf560aba0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:04 GMT # < Location: # < Content-Length: 0 # # Overriding message port to 43063. # > PUT /1 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068e38), SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463bc0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a05910) # > Host: # > Content-Type: text/plain # > Content-Length: 416768 # > Content-Range: bytes 0-416767/416768 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363784 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463bc0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:04 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 11 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/subsequent-error/416768 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 37703. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068d98), SoupMessage 1 (0xf560adc0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 524288 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf560adc0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:06 GMT # < Location: # < Content-Length: 0 # # Overriding message port to 37703. # > PUT /1 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068d98), SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463c48), SoupSocket 1 (0xf4a063b8) # > Host: # > Content-Type: text/plain # > Content-Length: 524288 # > Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/524288 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363786 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463c48) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:06 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 12 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/subsequent-error/524288 # GLib-DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created # Overriding message port to 45947. # > POST / HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363789 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068cf8), SoupMessage 1 (0xf560a870), SoupSocket 1 (0xf5602ab0) # > Host: # > Slug: slug # > X-Upload-Content-Type: text/plain # > X-Upload-Content-Length: 681984 # > Content-Length: 0 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 200 OK # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363789 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 1 (0xf560a870) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:09 GMT # < Location: # < Content-Length: 0 # # Overriding message port to 45947. # > PUT /1 HTTP/1.1 # > Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363789 # > Soup-Debug: SoupSession 1 (0x70068cf8), SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463cd0), SoupSocket 1 (0xf5602ab0) # > Host: # > Content-Type: text/plain # > Content-Length: 524288 # > Content-Range: bytes 0-524287/681984 # > GData-Version: 2 # > Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate # > User-Agent: libgdata/0.18.1 - gzip # > Connection: Keep-Alive # # < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized # < Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1650363789 # < Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 2 (0xf3463cd0) # < Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2022 10:23:09 GMT # < Content-Length: 176 # ok 13 /upload-stream/resumable/content-only/subsequent-error/681984 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Failures: 9/13 youtube FAIL 28.16s killed by signal 6 SIGABRT 10/13 calendar TIMEOUT 30.37s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 11/13 contacts TIMEOUT 30.36s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 12/13 tasks TIMEOUT 30.18s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM 13/13 streams TIMEOUT 30.23s killed by signal 15 SIGTERM Ok: 6 Expected Fail: 2 Fail: 1 Unexpected Pass: 0 Skipped: 0 Timeout: 4