#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2022 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 command="/usr/bin/php" depend() { need net after postgresql mysql } PID_DIR="/run/ttrssd" LOG_DIR=${LOG_DIR:-"/var/log/ttrssd"} TTRSSD_USER=${TTRSSD_USER:-"ttrssd"} list_instance_dirs() { if [ -z "${INSTANCE_DIRS}" ]; then cut -d" " -f4 /var/db/webapps/tt-rss/*/installs 2>/dev/null else printf "%s\n" ${INSTANCE_DIRS} fi } instance_dir_to_name() { local name name=${1#/} printf %s "${name}" | awk '{ gsub("/", "--"); print $0; }' } start_pre() { mkdir -p "${PID_DIR}" "${LOG_DIR}" || return 1 chown "${TTRSSD_USER}":ttrssd "${LOG_DIR}" || return 1 } start() { local instance_dir instance_name ret=1 IFS=$(printf "\n" "") for instance_dir in $(list_instance_dirs); do if [ -d "${instance_dir}" ]; then if [ ! -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php ]; then ewarn "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} has no update_daemon2.php script" elif [ ! -f "${instance_dir}"/config.php ]; then eerror "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} is not configured" else instance_name=$(instance_dir_to_name "${instance_dir}") ebegin "Starting TT-RSS update daemon in ${instance_dir}" start-stop-daemon --start --user "${TTRSSD_USER}":ttrssd \ --background --wait 2000 \ --stdout "${LOG_DIR}/${instance_name}.log" \ --stderr "${LOG_DIR}/${instance_name}.log" \ --make-pidfile --pidfile "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" \ --exec /usr/bin/php -- -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php \ -- ${TTRSSD_OPTS} eend $? && ret=0 fi else eerror "TT-RSS instance in ${instance_dir} is missing" fi done unset IFS # Succeed if at least one started. return ${ret} } stop() { local instance_dir instance_name IFS=$(printf "\n" "") for instance_dir in $(list_instance_dirs); do instance_name=$(instance_dir_to_name "${instance_dir}") [ -f "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" ] || [ -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php ] || continue ebegin "Stopping TT-RSS update daemon in ${instance_dir}" start-stop-daemon --stop --retry 5 --pidfile "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" \ --exec /usr/bin/php -- -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php \ -- ${TTRSSD_OPTS} eend $? rm -f "${instance_dir}"/lock/*.lock done unset IFS # Always succeed. return 0 } status() { local instance_dir instance_name pid IFS=$(printf "\n" "") for instance_dir in $(list_instance_dirs); do instance_name=$(instance_dir_to_name "${instance_dir}") [ -f "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid" ] || [ -f "${instance_dir}"/update_daemon2.php ] || continue pid=$(cat "${PID_DIR}/${instance_name}.pid") if kill -0 "${pid}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # At least one instance is running return 0 fi done unset IFS # No instances are running return 1 }