# here is where to define which server start. #> Additional parameters to be passed to mysqld at startup may be added here, #> these one will override the ones in "my.cnf". # # Below are described some suggested parameters to use # The parameters not recognized will be passed through to the mysqld daemon # To avoid starting a server just comment it's definition # Last but not least, spaces are NOT allowed inside the parameters # # Parameter : description # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # nice : integer [-20 .. 19 ] default 0 # : change the priority of the server -20 (high) to 19 (low) # : see "man nice 1" for description # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # mycnf : string [full path to my.cnf] # : specify the path to my.cnf file to be used # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # startup_timeout : integer [seconds] default 5 # : time to wait for mysqld up and running, after this it's # : marked as failed # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # # Additional parameters # Parameter : description # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # server-id : integer [1 .. 255] # : Uniquely identifies the server instance in the community # : of replication partners. # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # port : integer [1025 .. 65535] default 3306 # : Port number to use for connection. # : loose any meaning if skip-networking is set. # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # skip-networking : NULL, Don't allow connection with TCP/IP. # log-bin : string [name of the binlog files] # : Log update queries in binary format. Optional (but # : strongly recommended to avoid replication problems if # : server's hostname changes) argument should be the chosen # : location for the binary log files. # ----------------+----------------------------------------------------------- # Additionally the following variables are recognized: # # Be more verbose accept values from 1 to 4 #DEBUG=4 # # The default location for the "master" pid file #MYSQL_GLOB_PID_FILE="/var/run/svc-started-mysqld" # # The timeout for a failed attempt to stop a server # STOPTIMEOUT=120 # ## Examples: # # start a default server with default options: #mysql_slot_0=() # # start MySQL 7.5.x reniced, overriding some start parameters #mysql_slot_705=( # "nice=-5" # "server-id=123" # "log-bin="myhost" # "port=3307" #) # # start another server, same version, different my.cnf #mysql_slot_705_1=( # "mycnf=/home/test/my.cnf" # "server-id=124" #) #