# Set up the port we want to listen on # NameVirtualHost *:6969 # ServerName is important if you're running other vhosts # ServerName trackers.virtualhost.name # If you want to serve static files off of the tracker as well, put a DocumentRoot here to override the default vhost # DocumentRoot /var/www/localhost/htdocs # HTML scrape handler on / SetHandler modbt-root # If you use TrackerRootInclude, you need SSI enabled. Options +Includes SetOutputFilter INCLUDES # Tracker URL on /announce SetHandler modbt-announce # If we have mod_perl, use the LeechNuker example module to shun peers that don't upload anything PerlFixupHandler Apache::ModBT::LeechNuker # If we have mod_rewrite, there's some more fun we can have with shielding... # # RewriteEngine On # Enable this if you don't want people to be able to set shield mode themselves #RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^.*shield=1 #RewriteRule (.*) - [F] # Activate shield mode on IPs that are known to be stable seeds # ... unless they've activated it already # RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !^.*shield=1 # A good IP # RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^ [OR] # Another good IP - make sure there's no [OR] on the last one # RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^ # Append "sheild=1" to the URL arguments and call /announce # RewriteRule (.*) /announce?shield=1 [PT,L,QSA,NE,NS] # # Scrape URL SetHandler modbt-scrape # Register URL SetHandler modbt-register # Set up some access credentials here if you want to restrict registration.. # AuthUserFile, IP-based Authorization, your own mod_perl authentication module, whatever # Default permissioning is access only from localhost Order Allow,Deny Allow from # Details URL SetHandler modbt-details # Default permissioning is access only from localhost Order Allow,Deny Allow from