$ thunderbird No running windows found Type Manifest File: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/xpti.dat nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins. nsNativeComponentLoader: SelfRegisterDll(libgfx_gtk.so) Load FAILED with error: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_x_list_subfonts nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded nNCL: registering deferred (0) WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp, line 51 No Persistent Registry Found. WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp, line 51 Type Manifest File: /home/antiher0/.thunderbird/dvue7jqz.default/xpti.dat nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins. *** Registering nsMailModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering docshell_provider components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering XRemoteServiceModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering JavaScript_Debugger components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering application components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering xpconnect components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering xpconnect_test components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering necko_core_and_primary_protocols components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsLayoutModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsChromeModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering XRemoteClientModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsRDFModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsSampleModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsWalletViewerModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsMorkModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsImportServiceModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsLDAPProtocolModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsUConvModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsJarModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering Browser_Embedding_Module components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering necko_secondary_protocols components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsGfxPSModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsComposerModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering BOOT components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsWidgetGtk2Module components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsFindComponent components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering embedcomponents components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering mozMySpellModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsWalletModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering MyService components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsTestDynamicModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsWebServicesModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsSecurityManagerModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering mozgnome components (all right -- a generic module!) nsNativeComponentLoader: SelfRegisterDll(libgfx_gtk.so) Load FAILED with error: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_x_list_subfonts *** Registering nsEditorModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsPrefModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsTransactionManagerModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering mozSpellCheckerModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsI18nModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsXMLExtrasModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsImageLib2Module components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsFileViewModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsMsgSMIMEModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering xpcomObsoleteModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering WSPProxyTestModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsParserModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering appshell components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering NSS components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsAccessibilityModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering PKI components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsSoftwareUpdate components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsGfxXprintModule components (all right -- a generic module!) *** Registering nsMailCompsModule components (all right -- a generic module!) nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp, line 51 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp, line 51 *** Deferring registration of sample JS components *** Registering smime account manager extension. *** Registering mdn account manager extension. *** Registering LDAP datasource components (all right -- a JavaScript module!) nNCL: registering deferred (0) *** Registering sample JS components nNCL: registering deferred (0) nNCL: registering deferred (0) nNCL: registering deferred (0) WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) failed, file nsINIParser.cpp, line 51 nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering begins. nsNativeComponentLoader: SelfRegisterDll(libgfx_gtk.so) Load FAILED with error: /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/libgfx_gtk.so: undefined symbol: pango_x_list_subfonts nsNativeComponentLoader: autoregistering succeeded nNCL: registering deferred (0) WARNING: dependent window created without a parent, file nsWindowCreator.cpp, line 128 ++WEBSHELL == 1 ++DOMWINDOW == 1 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aRequestingLocation) failed, file nsMsgContentPolicy.cpp, line 179 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDeviceContext) failed, file nsDocShell.cpp, line 4678 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(NS_SUCCEEDED(EnsureDeviceContext())) failed, file nsDocShell.cpp, line 5114 ###!!! ASSERTION: no script global object: 'mScriptGlobalObject != nsnull', file nsXULDocument.cpp, line 3311 Break: at file nsXULDocument.cpp, line 3311 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(context) failed, file nsEventListenerManager.cpp, line 1147 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(global) failed, file nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 900 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(presShell) failed, file nsDocumentViewer.cpp, line 2773 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aDeviceContext) failed, file nsPresContext.cpp, line 595 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aDeviceContext) failed, file nsPresContext.cpp, line 595 WARNING: no preshell for window, file nsGlobalWindow.cpp, line 4627 Program /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird-bin (pid = 23388) received signal 11. Stack: nsProfileLock::FatalSignalHandler(int)+0x00000139 [/usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird-bin +0x0001E919] __kernel_sigreturn+0x00000000 [ +0x00000420] nsWindow::OnExposeEvent(_GtkWidget*, _GdkEventExpose*)+0x00000133 [/usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/libwidget_gtk2.so +0x00026203] UNKNOWN [/usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/components/libwidget_gtk2.so +0x000282BB] Sleeping for 5 minutes. Type 'gdb /usr/lib/mozilla-thunderbird/thunderbird-bin 23388' to attach your debugger to this thread.