Log of Meson test suite run on 2021-06-01T14:54:59.025121 Inherited environment: SANDBOX_MESSAGE_P@TH=/proc/4/fd/2 PORTAGE_NONFATAL=1 SLOT=0 RUBY_TARGETS='' PORTAGE_INST_UID=0 KERNEL_ABI=x86 PORTAGE_PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS='' PORTAGE_FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs binpkg-multi-instance collision-protect config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch parallel-install pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms split-elog split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' ESYSROOT='' LESS='-R -M --shift 5' ROOTPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL='AIX Darwin FreeBSD freemint HPUX linux NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS Winnt' PORTAGE_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8 PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET='' PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES='ARCH ELIBC IUSE_IMPLICIT KERNEL USERLAND USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND' PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp/python3.9/pkgconfig SANDBOX_ACTIVE=armedandready USERLAND=GNU CPU_FLAGS_X86='' PKG_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_ LUA_TARGETS='' PKGUSE='' USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND='BSD GNU' TWISTED_DISABLE_WRITING_OF_PLUGIN_CACHE=1 SANDBOX_ON=1 IUSE_EFFECTIVE='abi_x86_32 alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos cairo elibc_AIX elibc_Cygwin elibc_Darwin elibc_DragonFly elibc_FreeBSD elibc_HPUX elibc_Interix elibc_NetBSD elibc_OpenBSD elibc_SunOS elibc_Winnt elibc_bionic elibc_glibc elibc_mingw elibc_mintlib elibc_musl elibc_uclibc examples gtk hppa ia64 kernel_AIX kernel_Darwin kernel_FreeBSD kernel_HPUX kernel_NetBSD kernel_OpenBSD kernel_SunOS kernel_Winnt kernel_freemint kernel_linux m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack readline riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris sysprof test userland_BSD userland_GNU x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' EPREFIX='' EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC=src_test CAMERAS='' EPYTHON=python3.9 CURL_SSL='' PORTAGE_IPC_DAEMON=1 PROPERTIES='' EBUILD_PHASE=test IUSE_IMPLICIT='abi_x86_32 prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack' PORTAGE_SIGPIPE_STATUS=141 OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION='' CBUILD=i686-pc-linux-gnu DEFAULT_ABI=x86 ALSA_CARDS='' ABI_S390='' KERNEL=linux FFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches' EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim ED=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/image PORTAGE_ARCHLIST='alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm-linux arm64 arm64-linux arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' EBUILD=/var/db/repos/gentoo/gnome-extra/cjs/cjs-4.8.2.ebuild INHERITED=' multiprocessing ninja-utils toolchain-funcs multilib python-utils-r1 meson pax-utils python-any-r1 virtualx' OPENMPI_RM='' ADA_TARGET='' EBUILD_MASTER_PID=21 PORTAGE_REPO_NAME=gentoo PWD=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2 PORTAGE_RESTRICT='' PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS_SIZE_LIMIT=128 LOGNAME=portage EXEOPTIONS=-m0755 CTARGET_default=i686-pc-linux-gnu DEFINED_PHASES=' compile configure install prepare setup test' SANDBOX_VERBOSE=1 PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE=0700 PKGDIR=/var/cache/binpkgs FILESDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/files DIROPTIONS=-m0755 MAKEOPTS='-j16 -l10' PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/ ENV_UNSET='CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' PM_EBUILD_HOOK_DIR=/etc/portage/env CXXFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches' PORTAGE_OVERRIDE_EPREFIX='' XAUTHORITY='' ABI_PPC='' T=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp S=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2 P=cjs-4.8.2 D=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/image container=lxc A=cjs-4.8.2.tar.gz CATEGORY=gnome-extra LD_PRELOAD=libsandbox.so PYTHON_TARGETS='' CALLIGRA_FEATURES='' LDFLAGS='-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0' HOME=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/homedir LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS='' LANG=C.UTF8 WORKDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work QEMU_USER_TARGETS='' LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.cfg=00;32:*.conf=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.ini=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:' INSOPTIONS=-m0644 SANDBOX_LIB=libsandbox.so UWSGI_PLUGINS='' COLUMNS=100 CHOST_x86=i686-pc-linux-gnu BROOT='' PORTAGE_TMPDIR=/var/tmp PORTAGE_NICENESS=19 PORTAGE_COLORMAP='GOOD=$'"'"''"'"' WARN=$'"'"''"'"' BAD=$'"'"''"'"' HILITE=$'"'"''"'"' BRACKET=$'"'"''"'"' NORMAL=$'"'"''"'"'' SANDBOX_READ=/:/var/tmp/portage LCD_DEVICES='' FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs binpkg-multi-instance collision-protect config-protect-if-modified distlocks ebuild-locks fixlafiles ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch parallel-install pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms split-elog split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp PORTAGE_BIN_PATH=/usr/lib/portage/python3.8 CPU_FLAGS_PPC='' _E_INSDESTTREE_='' OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES='' PORTAGE_INTERNAL_CALLER=1 PORTAGE_COMPRESSION_COMMAND=bzip2 PVR=4.8.2 PORTAGE_VERBOSE=1 PKG_LOGDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp/logging READELF=i686-pc-linux-gnu-readelf CPU_FLAGS_ARM='' KEYWORDS='~amd64 ~arm64 ~x86' PORTAGE_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE_SUFFIXES='css gif htm[l]? jp[e]?g js pdf png' PORTAGE_BUILD_USER=portage OPENMPI_FABRICS='' NGINX_MODULES_MAIL='' USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED=ARCH MOPREFIX=cjs _E_EXEDESTTREE_='' FFTOOLS='' OFED_DRIVERS='' LLVM_TARGETS='' FETCHCOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' PORTAGE_PYM_PATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages FCFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches' LUA_SINGLE_TARGET='' TERM=xterm BOOTSTRAP_USE='unicode internal-glib pkg-config split-usr python_targets_python3_8' EROOT='' LESSOPEN='|lesspipe %s' PORTAGE_XATTR_EXCLUDE='btrfs.* security.evm security.ima security.selinux system.nfs4_acl user.apache_handler user.Beagle.* user.dublincore.* user.mime_encoding user.xdg.*' PORTAGE_LOG_FILE=/var/tmp/portage/vbslogs/build/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2:20210601-145442.log NOCOLOR=true PORTAGE_DEBUG=0 PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.9 RESTRICT='' SANDBOX_DEBUG=0 PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR=/var/cache/edb/dep L10N='' ARCH=x86 NGINX_MODULES_HTTP='' MANPAGER=manpager ROOT='' VIDEO_CARDS='' ROS_MESSAGES='' ABI_X86=32 TEMP=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH='alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 ppc64-linux ppc-macos riscv s390 sparc sparc64-solaris sparc-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' INPUT_DEVICES='' DISPLAY=:1 SHLVL=1 DISTDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/distdir NM=i686-pc-linux-gnu-nm PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES='[DEFAULT] auto-sync = yes main-repo = gentoo strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-rcu = false [gentoo] auto-sync = yes location = /var/db/repos/gentoo masters = priority = -1000 strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-path = /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-count = 40 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-exp-base = 2 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-max = 60 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-mult = 4 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-overall-timeout = 1200 sync-openpgp-keyserver = hkps://keys.gentoo.org sync-rcu = false sync-type = rsync sync-uri = rsync://rsync.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage sync-rsync-extra-opts = sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest = no sync-rsync-verify-max-age = 24 sync-rsync-verify-jobs = 1 ' APACHE2_MPMS='' PAGER=/usr/bin/less SANDBOX_WRITE=:/dev/console:/dev/fd:/dev/full:/dev/null:/dev/ptmx:/dev/pts/:/dev/pty:/dev/shm:/dev/tts:/dev/tty:/dev/vc/:/dev/zero:/proc/self/fd:/tmp/:/usr/lib/cf:/usr/lib/conftest:/usr/lib32/cf:/usr/lib32/conftest:/usr/lib64/cf:/usr/lib64/conftest:/usr/tmp/:/usr/tmp/cf:/usr/tmp/conftest:/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/portage:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/homedir/.bash_history CHOST_default=i686-pc-linux-gnu GPSD_PROTOCOLS='' LC_MESSAGES=C XTABLES_ADDONS='' LICENSE='MIT || ( MPL-1.1 LGPL-2+ GPL-2+ )' PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 SYSROOT='' VOICEMAIL_STORAGE='' PV=4.8.2 RESUMECOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' SANDBOX_LOG=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp/sandbox.log PR=r0 COLLECTD_PLUGINS='' PN=cjs XARGS='xargs -r' SANE_BACKENDS='' USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT='ARCH ELIBC KERNEL USERLAND' PF=cjs-4.8.2 USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC='AIX bionic Cygwin Darwin DragonFly FreeBSD glibc HPUX Interix mingw mintlib musl NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS uclibc Winnt' PORTAGE_BASHRC=/etc/portage/bashrc ACCEPT_LICENSE='GPL-2+ LGPL-2+ MIT MPL-1.1' BUILD_PREFIX=/var/tmp/portage MERGE_TYPE=source GCC_SPECS='' ABI_MIPS='' _E_DOCDESTTREE_='' _E_DESTTREE_=/usr PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR=/var/cache/distfiles CCACHE_DISABLE=1 LIBDIR_default=lib SANDBOX_PREDICT=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/homedir:/dev/crypto:/var/cache/man:/var/cache/fontconfig:/ LIBOPTIONS=-m0644 GRUB_PLATFORMS='' SANDBOX_DENY='' LC_COLLATE=C CHOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu TMP=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp PORTAGE_INST_GID=0 PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp/python3.9/bin:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG=/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-debug-4.log PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND=bzip2 PORTAGE_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2 NGINX_MODULES_STREAM='' USE='abi_x86_32 cairo elibc_glibc kernel_linux readline test userland_GNU x86' PHP_TARGETS='' POSTGRES_TARGETS='' CFLAGS='-march=native -O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches' USE_EXPAND='ABI_MIPS ABI_PPC ABI_S390 ABI_X86 ADA_TARGET ALSA_CARDS APACHE2_MODULES APACHE2_MPMS CALLIGRA_FEATURES CAMERAS COLLECTD_PLUGINS CPU_FLAGS_ARM CPU_FLAGS_PPC CPU_FLAGS_X86 CURL_SSL ELIBC FFTOOLS GPSD_PROTOCOLS GRUB_PLATFORMS INPUT_DEVICES KERNEL L10N LCD_DEVICES LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS LLVM_TARGETS LUA_SINGLE_TARGET LUA_TARGETS MONKEYD_PLUGINS NGINX_MODULES_HTTP NGINX_MODULES_MAIL NGINX_MODULES_STREAM OFED_DRIVERS OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION OPENMPI_FABRICS OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES OPENMPI_RM PHP_TARGETS POSTGRES_TARGETS PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET PYTHON_TARGETS QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS QEMU_USER_TARGETS ROS_MESSAGES RUBY_TARGETS SANE_BACKENDS USERLAND UWSGI_PLUGINS VIDEO_CARDS VOICEMAIL_STORAGE XTABLES_ADDONS' SANDBOX_BASHRC=/usr/share/sandbox/sandbox.bashrc MULTILIB_ABIS=x86 LIBDIR_x86=lib PORTAGE_GID=250 PORTAGE_BUILD_GROUP=portage APACHE2_MODULES='' COMMON_FLAGS='-O2 -march=i686 -pipe' ELIBC=glibc EAPI=7 ABI=x86 ECLASS_DEPTH=0 PORTAGE_BASHRC_FILES=/var/db/repos/gentoo/profiles/arch/x86/profile.bashrc OLDPWD=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/homedir MONKEYD_PLUGINS='' EMERGE_FROM=ebuild _=/usr/bin/meson 1/54 cjs:JS / self OK 0.06s 2 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=133 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testself.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..2 ok 1 Test harness internal consistency ok 2 SpiderMonkey features check Intl API was compiled into SpiderMonkey stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f3a260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f3a260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f3a260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f3a260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 65 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2/54 cjs:JS / Format OK 0.07s 12 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=27 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testFormat.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..12 ok 1 imports.format escapes % with another % character ok 2 imports.format formats a single string argument ok 3 imports.format formats two string arguments ok 4 imports.format formats two swapped string arguments ok 5 imports.format formats a number in base 10 ok 6 imports.format formats a number in base 16 ok 7 imports.format formats a floating point number with no precision ok 8 imports.format formats a floating point number with precision 2 ok 9 imports.format pads with zeroes ok 10 imports.format pads with spaces ok 11 imports.format throws an error when given incorrect modifiers for the conversion type ok 12 imports.format throws an error when incorrectly instructed to swap arguments stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f55260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f55260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f55260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f55260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'format' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_format' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_format' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: Importing module _format succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 '_format' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_format' JS IMPORT: Importing module format succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455960 'format' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'format' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 68 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 6 JS MEMORY: ns = 2 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/54 cjs:JS / ByteArray OK 0.08s 11 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=219 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testByteArray.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..11 ok 1 Byte array can be created from a string ok 2 Byte array can be encoded from a string ok 3 Byte array encodes as UTF-8 by default ok 4 Byte array can be converted to a string of ASCII characters ok 5 Byte array can be converted to a string of UTF-8 characters even if it ends with a 0 ok 6 Byte array can be converted to a string of encoded characters even with a 0 byte ok 7 Byte array stops converting to a string at an embedded 0 byte ok 8 Byte array deals gracefully with a 0-length array ok 9 Byte array deals gracefully with a non Uint8Array ok 10 Byte array legacy toString() behavior is preserved when created from a string ok 11 Byte array legacy toString() behavior is preserved when marshalled from GI stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f50260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f50260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f50260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f50260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'GIMarshallingTests' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIMarshallingTests' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method get_size in prototype for GLib.Bytes JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xf251ac68 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bytearray_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 71 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 2 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 56 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 2 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4/54 cjs:JS / Fundamental OK 0.08s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=74 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testFundamental.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..1 ok 1 Fundamental type support can marshal a subtype of a custom fundamental type into a GValue stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f24260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f24260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f24260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f24260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2506320 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455960 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455aa0 class 0xf7f260c8 in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462520, JSClass 0xf7f24520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'Regress' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'Regress' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Regress' 0xf2462540 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestFundamentalSubObject' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestFundamentalObject' in namespace 'Regress' JS G FNDMTL: Defined class for TestFundamentalObject (RegressTestFundamentalObject), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f242c0, in object 0xf2462540 JS G FNDMTL: Fundamental type 'Regress.TestFundamentalObject' apparently has accessible fields. Gjs has no support for this yet, ignoring these. JS G FNDMTL: Defined class for TestFundamentalSubObject (RegressTestFundamentalSubObject), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f242c0, in object 0xf2462540 JS G FNDMTL: Fundamental type 'Regress.TestFundamentalSubObject' apparently has accessible fields. Gjs has no support for this yet, ignoring these. JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdup_value_contents' in namespace 'GObject' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 93 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 70 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 2 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 7 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/54 cjs:JS / Gettext OK 0.08s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=68 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGettext.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..1 ok 1 Gettext module setlocale returns a locale stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ee9260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ee9260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ee9260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ee9260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'gettext' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_gettext' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_gettext' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'LocaleCategory' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALL (fixed from all) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value COLLATE (fixed from collate) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CTYPE (fixed from ctype) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGES (fixed from messages) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MONETARY (fixed from monetary) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NUMERIC (fixed from numeric) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIME (fixed from time) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining CjsPrivate.LocaleCategory as 0xf2406410 JS IMPORT: Importing module _gettext succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 '_gettext' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gettext' JS IMPORT: Importing module gettext succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355960 'gettext' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gettext' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'setlocale' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 69 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 53 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 6 JS MEMORY: ns = 2 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/54 cjs:JS / Exceptions OK 0.10s 19 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=82 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testExceptions.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..19 ok 1 Exceptions are thrown from property setter ok 2 Exceptions are thrown from property getter ok 3 Exceptions are logged from constructor ok 4 Exceptions are logged from property setter with binding ok 5 Exceptions are logged from property getter with binding ok 6 logError logs a warning for a GError ok 7 logError logs a warning with a message if given ok 8 logError also logs an error for a created GError that is not thrown ok 9 logError logs an error created with the GLib.Error constructor ok 10 logError logs the quark for a JS-created GError type ok 11 logError logs with stack for a GError created from a C struct ok 12 logError logs an error with a prefix if given ok 13 logError logs an error with prefix and message ok 14 logError logs a SyntaxError ok 15 Exception from function with too few arguments contains the full function name ok 16 Exception from function with too few arguments contains the full method name ok 17 thrown GError is an instance of error enum type ok 18 thrown GError matches error domain and code ok 19 thrown GError has properties for domain and code stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'GIMarshallingTests' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIMarshallingTests' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362280 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355aa0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355a60 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355ae0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355a20 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf23559e0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2407698 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355d20 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355ce0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355de0 class 0xf7eda0c8 in object 0xf23622a0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362560, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf23622a0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf23622a0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2362580, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf23625c0, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf2362600, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2362640, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2362680, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf23626c0, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf2362700, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf239c300, JSClass 0xf7ed8480, in object 0xf2362260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2362760, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf23627c0, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf2362260 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf2362800, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xf240ad88 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_string' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57de8828 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_Foo (Gjs_Foo), prototype 0xf2362860, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57de8878 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_Bar (Gjs_Bar), prototype 0xf23628a0, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xf2416390 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G OBJ: Defining method notify in prototype for GObject (GObject.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_property in prototype for GObject (GObject.Object) JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'BindingFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEFAULT (fixed from default) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BIDIRECTIONAL (fixed from bidirectional) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SYNC_CREATE (fixed from sync_create) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVERT_BOOLEAN (fixed from invert_boolean) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.BindingFlags as 0xf2416e88 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Binding' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Binding (GBinding), prototype 0xf2362900, JSClass 0xf7ed8520, in object 0xf23622a0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'file_new_for_path' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'IOErrorEnum' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Error' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Error (GError), prototype 0xf23629a0, JSClass 0xf7ed8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G ERR: Defined class for IOErrorEnum (GError), prototype 0xf23a7ae0, JSClass 0xf7ed8360, in object 0xf2362260 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_FOUND (fixed from not_found) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXISTS (fixed from exists) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IS_DIRECTORY (fixed from is_directory) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_DIRECTORY (fixed from not_directory) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_EMPTY (fixed from not_empty) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_REGULAR_FILE (fixed from not_regular_file) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK (fixed from not_symbolic_link) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE (fixed from not_mountable_file) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILENAME_TOO_LONG (fixed from filename_too_long) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILENAME (fixed from invalid_filename) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_LINKS (fixed from too_many_links) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SPACE (fixed from no_space) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGUMENT (fixed from invalid_argument) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERMISSION_DENIED (fixed from permission_denied) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTED (fixed from not_mounted) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALREADY_MOUNTED (fixed from already_mounted) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CLOSED (fixed from closed) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANCELLED (fixed from cancelled) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PENDING (fixed from pending) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ_ONLY (fixed from read_only) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANT_CREATE_BACKUP (fixed from cant_create_backup) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRONG_ETAG (fixed from wrong_etag) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_RECURSE (fixed from would_recurse) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BUSY (fixed from busy) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_BLOCK (fixed from would_block) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_NOT_FOUND (fixed from host_not_found) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_MERGE (fixed from would_merge) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED_HANDLED (fixed from failed_handled) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES (fixed from too_many_open_files) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_INITIALIZED (fixed from not_initialized) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PARTIAL_INPUT (fixed from partial_input) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_DATA (fixed from invalid_data) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DBUS_ERROR (fixed from dbus_error) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_UNREACHABLE (fixed from host_unreachable) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NETWORK_UNREACHABLE (fixed from network_unreachable) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_REFUSED (fixed from connection_refused) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_FAILED (fixed from proxy_failed) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_AUTH_FAILED (fixed from proxy_auth_failed) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NEED_AUTH (fixed from proxy_need_auth) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED (fixed from proxy_not_allowed) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BROKEN_PIPE (fixed from broken_pipe) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_CLOSED (fixed from connection_closed) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_CONNECTED (fixed from not_connected) 45 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE (fixed from message_too_large) 46 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'quark_from_string' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'get_locale_variants' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method matches in prototype for GLib.Error JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'io_error_quark' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 238 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 5 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 8 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 166 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 9 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 1 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 5 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 16 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 11 JS MEMORY: param = 2 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/54 cjs:JS / GObjectClass ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes MALLOC_PERTURB_=91 TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObjectClass.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355b40 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355b00 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355b80 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355ac0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355a80 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2407828 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355dc0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355d80 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355e80 class 0xf7eac0c8 in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362540, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2362280 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2362560, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf23625a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf23625e0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2362620, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2362660, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf23626a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf23626e0, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf239f3a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2362740, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf23627a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf23627e0, JSClass 0xf7eaa520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 (process:254): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.121: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObjectClass.js:7:13 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/54 cjs:JS / GObject OK 0.10s 3 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes MALLOC_PERTURB_=91 TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObject.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..3 ok 1 GObject overrides GObject.set() ok 2 GObject overrides Signal alternative syntax handler is called with the right object ok 3 GObject overrides Signal alternative syntax disconnected handler is not called stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ee4260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ee4260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ee4260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ee4260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2406320 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559e0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355960 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355aa0 class 0xf7ee60c8 in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362520, JSClass 0xf7ee4520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xf2408cd0 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'MAXINT32' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_int' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt 'int' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57247070 type GParamInt JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_string' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'string' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x572470c0 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_TestObj (Gjs_TestObj), prototype 0xf2362560, JSClass 0xf7ee4520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'SignalFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_FIRST (fixed from run_first) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_LAST (fixed from run_last) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_CLEANUP (fixed from run_cleanup) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_RECURSE (fixed from no_recurse) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DETAILED (fixed from detailed) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ACTION (fixed from action) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_HOOKS (fixed from no_hooks) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MUST_COLLECT (fixed from must_collect) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 256 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.SignalFlags as 0xf24093e0 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G OBJ: Defining method notify in prototype for GObject (GObject.Object) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_disconnect' in namespace 'GObject' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 102 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 77 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 7 JS MEMORY: ns = 3 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 3 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 2 JS MEMORY: param = 2 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9/54 cjs:Scripts / Warnings OK 0.15s 3 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=143 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/scripts/testWarnings.sh ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ok 1 - overwriting method with Signals.addSignalMethods() should warn ok 2 - passing too many arguments to a GI function should warn ok 3 - file and line number are logged for syntax errors 1..3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/54 cjs:JS / GLib OK 0.13s 27 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes MALLOC_PERTURB_=171 TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGLib.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..27 ok 1 GVariant constructor constructs a string variant ok 2 GVariant constructor constructs a string variant (backwards compatible API) ok 3 GVariant constructor constructs a struct variant ok 4 GVariant constructor constructs a maybe variant ok 5 GVariant constructor constructs a byte array variant ok 6 GVariant constructor constructs a byte array variant from a string ok 7 GVariant constructor 0-terminates a byte array variant constructed from a string ok 8 GVariant constructor does not 0-terminate a byte array variant constructed from a Uint8Array ok 9 GVariant unpack preserves type information if the unpacked object contains variants ok 10 GVariant unpack recursive leaves no variants in the unpacked object ok 11 GVariantDict lookup returns the unpacked variant ok 12 GVariantDict lookup returns null if the key isn't present ok 13 GLib string function overrides GLib.str_hash errors when marshalling null to a not-nullable parameter ok 14 GLib string function overrides GLib.stpcpy ok 15 GLib string function overrides GLib.strstr_len ok 16 GLib string function overrides GLib.strrstr ok 17 GLib string function overrides GLib.strrstr_len ok 18 GLib string function overrides GLib.strup ok 19 GLib string function overrides GLib.strdown ok 20 GLib string function overrides GLib.strreverse ok 21 GLib string function overrides GLib.ascii_dtostr ok 22 GLib string function overrides GLib.ascii_formatd ok 23 GLib string function overrides GLib.strchug ok 24 GLib string function overrides GLib.strchomp ok 25 GLib string function overrides GLib.strstrip ok 26 GLib string function overrides GLib.strdelimit ok 27 GLib string function overrides GLib.strcanon stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xe9762020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xe9762040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xe9762060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9762080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xe97620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xe97620e0 in 0xe9762040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9800600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xe9762100, JSClass 0xf7ece260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xe9762120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xe9755180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xe9762160, JSClass 0xf7ece260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xe97621a0, JSClass 0xf7ece260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xe97620c0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xe97621e0, JSClass 0xf7ece260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method get_string in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method classify in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method equal in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantType' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantType (GVariantType), prototype 0xe9762380, JSClass 0xf7ece260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method n_children in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_child_value in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_variant in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method is_of_type in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_uint32 in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_maybe in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_data_as_bytes in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method insert_value in prototype for GLib.VariantDict JS G BXD: Defining method lookup_value in prototype for GLib.VariantDict JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'str_hash' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xe9829b50 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'STR_DELIMITERS' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 230 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 140 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 5 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 77 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/54 cjs:JS / Introspection ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=195 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testIntrospection.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7eb5260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7eb5260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7eb5260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7eb5260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded (process:328): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.148: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gdk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gdk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testIntrospection.js:5:40 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/54 cjs:JS / GTypeClass OK 0.13s 10 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=252 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGTypeClass.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..10 ok 1 Looking up param specs works ok 2 Looking up param specs gives the correct name ok 3 Looking up param specs gives the default value if present ok 4 GType object has a name ok 5 GType object has a read-only name ok 6 GType object has an undeletable name ok 7 GType object has a string representation ok 8 GType marshalling marshals the invalid GType object into JS null ok 9 GType prototype object has no name ok 10 GType prototype object has a string representation stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a20 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a60 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455960 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25075f8 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455ca0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455c60 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455d60 class 0xf7f360c8 in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf24625e0, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462620, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462660, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626a0, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf24626e0, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf249b280, JSClass 0xf7f34480, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462740, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627a0, JSClass 0xf7f34260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf24627e0, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ThemedIcon' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ThemedIcon (GThemedIcon), prototype 0xf2462820, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'name' on GThemedIcon with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57644828 type GParamString JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'SimpleAction' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for SimpleAction (GSimpleAction), prototype 0xf2462860, JSClass 0xf7f34520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamBoolean 'enabled' on GSimpleAction with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57645878 type GParamBoolean JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'name' on GThemedIcon with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57644828 type GParamString JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamBoolean 'enabled' on GSimpleAction with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57645878 type GParamBoolean JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'name' on GThemedIcon with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57644828 type GParamString JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamBoolean 'enabled' on GSimpleAction with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57645878 type GParamBoolean JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_parent' in namespace 'GObject' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 201 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 7 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 157 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 1 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 10 JS MEMORY: param = 6 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/54 cjs:JS / GObjectInterface OK 0.15s 25 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=69 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObjectInterface.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..25 ok 1 GObject interface cannot be instantiated ok 2 GObject interface has a name ok 3 GObject interface reports its type name ok 4 GObject interface can be implemented by a GObject class ok 5 GObject interface is implemented by a GObject class with the correct class object ok 6 GObject interface can have its required function implemented ok 7 GObject interface must have its required function implemented ok 8 GObject interface doesn't have to have its optional function implemented ok 9 GObject interface can have its optional function deferred to by the implementation ok 10 GObject interface can have its function chained up to ok 11 GObject interface can require another interface ok 12 GObject interface can chain up to another interface ok 13 GObject interface defers to the last interface's optional function ok 14 GObject interface must be implemented by a class that implements all required interfaces ok 15 GObject interface must be implemented by a class that implements required interfaces in correct order ok 16 GObject interface can require an interface from C ok 17 GObject interface can connect class signals on the implementing class ok 18 GObject interface can connect interface signals on the implementing class ok 19 GObject interface can define properties on the implementing class ok 20 GObject interface must have its properties overridden ok 21 GObject interface can have introspected properties overriden ok 22 GObject interface can be implemented by a class as well as its parent class ok 23 GObject interface can be reimplemented by a subclass of a class that already implements it ok 24 GObject interface has a toString() defintion ok 25 Specific class and interface checks Gio.AsyncInitable must implement vfunc_async_init stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355b60 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355b20 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355ba0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355ae0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355aa0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2407660 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355de0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355da0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355ea0 class 0xf7eaa0c8 in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362540, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2362280 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2362560, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf23625a0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf23625e0, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2362620, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2362660, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf23626a0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf23626e0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf239c3c0, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2362740, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf23627a0, JSClass 0xf7ea8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf23627e0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xf240ad88 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_string' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58412828 type GParamString JS G IFACE: Defined class for ArbitraryGTypeName (ArbitraryGTypeName), prototype 0xf239cb40, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'SignalFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_FIRST (fixed from run_first) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_LAST (fixed from run_last) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value RUN_CLEANUP (fixed from run_cleanup) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_RECURSE (fixed from no_recurse) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DETAILED (fixed from detailed) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ACTION (fixed from action) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_HOOKS (fixed from no_hooks) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MUST_COLLECT (fixed from must_collect) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 256 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.SignalFlags as 0xf240b028 JS G IFACE: Defined class for Gjs_InterfaceRequiringGObjectInterface (Gjs_InterfaceRequiringGObjectInterface), prototype 0xf239cba0, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2400360 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413388 type GParamOverride JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'class-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58412878 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_GObjectImplementingGObjectInterface (Gjs_GObjectImplementingGObjectInterface), prototype 0xf2362880, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413830 type GParamOverride JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_MinimalImplementationOfAGObjectInterface (Gjs_MinimalImplementationOfAGObjectInterface), prototype 0xf23628c0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413878 type GParamOverride JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_ImplementationOfTwoInterfaces (Gjs_ImplementationOfTwoInterfaces), prototype 0xf2362900, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Action' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Action (GAction), prototype 0xf239cea0, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'enabled' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413908 type GParamOverride JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'name' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413950 type GParamOverride JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'state' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413998 type GParamOverride JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'state-type' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x584139e0 type GParamOverride JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'parameter-type' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413a28 type GParamOverride JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_ImplementationOfIntrospectedInterface (Gjs_ImplementationOfIntrospectedInterface), prototype 0xf2362960, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413a70 type GParamOverride JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_BadObject (Gjs_BadObject), prototype 0xf23629a0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamOverride 'interface-prop' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x58413ab8 type GParamOverride JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_MinimalImplementationOfTwoInterfaces (Gjs_MinimalImplementationOfTwoInterfaces), prototype 0xf23629e0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Initable' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Initable (GInitable), prototype 0xf23b2a40, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G IFACE: Defined class for Gjs_InitableInterface (Gjs_InitableInterface), prototype 0xf23b2a80, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'source_remove' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xf24366e8 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_MyNaughtyObject (Gjs_MyNaughtyObject), prototype 0xf2362a60, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_SubObject (Gjs_SubObject), prototype 0xf2362aa0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_SubImplementer (Gjs_SubImplementer), prototype 0xf2362ae0, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'AsyncInitable' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for AsyncInitable (GAsyncInitable), prototype 0xf23bf100, JSClass 0xf7ea8480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_BadAsyncInitable (Gjs_BadAsyncInitable), prototype 0xf2362b40, JSClass 0xf7ea8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 254 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 7 JS MEMORY: closure = 3 JS MEMORY: function = 170 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 7 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 18 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 18 JS MEMORY: param = 12 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/54 cjs:JS / Gio OK 0.17s 16 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes MALLOC_PERTURB_=40 TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGio.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..16 ok 1 ListStore iterator ListStore iterates ok 2 Gio.Settings overrides doesn't crash when forgetting to specify a schema ID ok 3 Gio.Settings overrides doesn't crash when specifying a schema ID that isn't installed ok 4 Gio.Settings overrides doesn't crash when forgetting to specify a schema path ok 5 Gio.Settings overrides doesn't crash when specifying conflicting schema paths ok 6 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when resetting a nonexistent key ok 7 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when checking a nonexistent key ok 8 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when setting a nonexistent key ok 9 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when checking writable for a nonexistent key ok 10 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when getting the user value for a nonexistent key ok 11 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when getting the default value for a nonexistent key ok 12 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when binding a nonexistent key ok 13 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when creating actions for a nonexistent key ok 14 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when checking info about a nonexistent key ok 15 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema doesn't crash when getting a nonexistent sub-schema ok 16 Gio.Settings overrides with existing schema still works with correct keys stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a60 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a20 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455aa0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf24559a0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25075f8 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455ce0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455ca0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455da0 class 0xf7f650c8 in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf24625e0, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462620, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462660, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626a0, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf24626e0, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf249b2c0, JSClass 0xf7f63480, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462740, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627a0, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf24627e0, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xf250ace8 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_boolean' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamBoolean 'boolval' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x56e25388 type GParamBoolean JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_Foo (Gjs_Foo), prototype 0xf2462840, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf2500360 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G OBJ: Defining method append in prototype for GListStore (Gio.ListStore) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_n_items in prototype for GListStore (Gio.ListStore) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_item in prototype for GListStore (Gio.ListStore) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchemaSource' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchemaSource (GSettingsSchemaSource), prototype 0xf2462880, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method lookup in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchemaSource JS G BXD: Defining method get_path in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G BXD: Defining method get_id in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G BXD: Defining method list_keys in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'SettingsBindFlags' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEFAULT (fixed from default) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value GET (fixed from get) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SET (fixed from set) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SENSITIVITY (fixed from no_sensitivity) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value GET_NO_CHANGES (fixed from get_no_changes) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVERT_BOOLEAN (fixed from invert_boolean) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.SettingsBindFlags as 0xf2505778 JS G BXD: Defining method has_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G BXD: Defining method classify in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method n_children in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_child_value in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_int32 in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G OBJ: Defining method notify in prototype for GObject (GObject.Object) JS G OBJ: Defined class for GSettingsAction (GSettingsAction), prototype 0xf2462ee0, JSClass 0xf7f63520, in object 0xf24576c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchemaKey' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchemaKey (GSettingsSchemaKey), prototype 0xf2462f60, JSClass 0xf7f63260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 382 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 53 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 9 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 169 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 1 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 121 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 10 JS MEMORY: param = 1 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/54 cjs:JS / Importer OK 0.12s 32 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=192 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testImporter.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..32 ok 1 GI importer can import GI modules ok 2 GI importer on failure throws an exception when the overrides file can't be imported ok 3 GI importer on failure throws an exception when the overrides import throws one ok 4 GI importer on failure throws an exception when the overrides _init throws one ok 5 GI importer on failure throws an exception when the overrides _init isn't a function ok 6 Importer exists ok 7 Importer has a toString representation ok 8 Importer throws an import error when trying to import a nonexistent module ok 9 Importer throws an error when evaluating the module file throws an error ok 10 Importer can import a module ok 11 Importer can import a module with a toString property ok 12 Importer makes deleting the import a no-op ok 13 Importer gives the same object when importing a second time ok 14 Importer can import a submodule ok 15 Importer imports modules with a toString representation ok 16 Importer does not share the same object for a module on a different path ok 17 Importer gives the same object when importing a submodule a second time ok 18 Importer has no meta properties on the toplevel importer ok 19 Importer sets the names of imported modules ok 20 Importer gives a module the importer object as parent module ok 21 Importer gives a submodule the module as parent module ok 22 Importer does not make a separate copy of a module imported in two places ok 23 Importer evaluates an __init__.js file in an imported directory ok 24 Importer accesses a class defined in an __init__.js file ok 25 Importer can import a file encoded in UTF-8 ok 26 Importer properties defined in the module's lexical scope will log a compatibility warning when accessed ok 27 Importer properties defined in the module's lexical scope can be accessed ok 28 Importer properties defined in the module's lexical scope does not leak module properties into the global scope ok 29 Importer enumerating modules gets all of them ok 30 Importer enumerating modules includes modules that throw on import ok 31 Importer enumerating modules does not include meta properties ok 32 Importer doesn't crash when resolving a non-string property stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7f10260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7f10260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7f10260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7f10260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'MAJOR_VERSION' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Cleaning up from failed import of 'WarnLib' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'WarnLib' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS IMPORT: Cleaning up from failed import of 'GIMarshallingTests' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIMarshallingTests' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS IMPORT: Importing module Regress succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2390860 'Regress' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Regress' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2390940 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing module foobar succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2390be0 'foobar' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'foobar' JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/subA' to child importer 'subA' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'subA' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23622e0 'subA' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'subA' 0xf23622e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'subA' JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/subA/subB' to child importer 'subB' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'subB' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23622e0 of 0xf2362300 'subB' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'subB' 0xf2362300 in 0xf23622e0 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'subB' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: Importing module foobar succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362300 of 0xf2390c80 'foobar' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'foobar' JS IMPORT: JS import 'nonexistentModuleName' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules JS IMPORT: Cleaning up from failed import of 'alwaysThrows' JS IMPORT: Cleaning up from failed import of 'alwaysThrows' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/mutualImport' to child importer 'mutualImport' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'mutualImport' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362320 'mutualImport' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'mutualImport' 0xf2362320 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'mutualImport' JS IMPORT: Importing module b succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362320 of 0xf23a0960 'b' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'b' JS IMPORT: Importing module a succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362320 of 0xf23a0920 'a' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'a' JS IMPORT: Importing module modunicode succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23a0ae0 'modunicode' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'modunicode' JS IMPORT: Importing module lexicalScope succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23a0b60 'lexicalScope' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lexicalScope' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xf2431530 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 87 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 55 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 5 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 16 JS MEMORY: ns = 5 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/54 cjs:JS / Lang OK 0.12s 9 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build MALLOC_PERTURB_=243 GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLang.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..9 ok 1 Lang module counts properties with Lang.countProperties() ok 2 Lang module copies properties from one object to another with Lang.copyProperties() ok 3 Lang module copies properties without an underscore with Lang.copyPublicProperties() ok 4 Lang module copies property getters and setters ok 5 Lang module bind() calls the bound function with the supplied this-object ok 6 Lang module bind() throws an error when no function supplied ok 7 Lang module bind() throws an error when this-object undefined ok 8 Lang module bind() supplies extra arguments to the function ok 9 Lang module bind() appends the extra arguments to any arguments passed stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f86260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f86260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f86260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f86260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455960 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 67 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 6 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/54 cjs:JS / LegacyByteArray OK 0.12s 14 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=229 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyByteArray.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..14 ok 1 Legacy byte array has length 0 for empty array ok 2 Legacy byte array initially sized to 10 has length 10 ok 3 Legacy byte array initially sized to 10 is initialized to zeroes ok 4 Legacy byte array assigns values correctly ok 5 Legacy byte array assignment past end implicitly lengthens the array ok 6 Legacy byte array assignment past end implicitly creates zero bytes ok 7 Legacy byte array changes the length when assigning to length property ok 8 Legacy byte array conversions gives a byte 5 when assigning 5 ok 9 Legacy byte array conversions gives a byte 0 when assigning null ok 10 Legacy byte array conversions gives a byte 0 when assigning undefined ok 11 Legacy byte array conversions rounds off when assigning a double ok 12 Legacy byte array can be created from an array ok 13 Legacy byte array can be converted to a string of ASCII characters ok 14 Legacy byte array can be passed in with transfer none stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f61260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f61260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f61260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f61260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'GIMarshallingTests' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIMarshallingTests' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bytearray_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 67 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 53 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 2 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/54 cjs:JS / GIMarshalling OK 0.20s 350 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=84 GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGIMarshalling.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..386 ok 1 Boolean true marshals as a return value ok 2 Boolean true marshals as an in parameter ok 3 Boolean true marshals as an out parameter ok 4 Boolean true marshals as an inout parameter ok 5 Boolean false marshals as a return value ok 6 Boolean false marshals as an in parameter ok 7 Boolean false marshals as an out parameter ok 8 Boolean false marshals as an inout parameter ok 9 Integer int8-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 10 Integer int8-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 11 Integer int8-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 12 Integer int8-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 13 Integer int8-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 14 Integer int8-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 15 Integer int8-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 16 Integer int8-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 17 Integer int16-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 18 Integer int16-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 19 Integer int16-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 20 Integer int16-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 21 Integer int16-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 22 Integer int16-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 23 Integer int16-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 24 Integer int16-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 25 Integer int32-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 26 Integer int32-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 27 Integer int32-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 28 Integer int32-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 29 Integer int32-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 30 Integer int32-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 31 Integer int32-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 32 Integer int32-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 33 Integer int64-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 34 Integer int64-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 35 Integer int64-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 36 Integer int64-typed marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 37 Integer int64-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 38 Integer int64-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 39 Integer int64-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 40 Integer int64-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 41 Integer short-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 42 Integer short-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 43 Integer short-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 44 Integer short-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 45 Integer short-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 46 Integer short-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 47 Integer short-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 48 Integer short-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 49 Integer int-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 50 Integer int-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 51 Integer int-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 52 Integer int-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 53 Integer int-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 54 Integer int-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 55 Integer int-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 56 Integer int-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 57 Integer long-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 58 Integer long-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 59 Integer long-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 60 Integer long-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 61 Integer long-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 62 Integer long-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 63 Integer long-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 64 Integer long-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 65 Integer ssize-typed marshals signed value as a return value ok 66 Integer ssize-typed marshals signed value as an in parameter ok 67 Integer ssize-typed marshals signed value as an out parameter ok 68 Integer ssize-typed marshals as an inout parameter ok 69 Integer ssize-typed marshals unsigned value as a return value ok 70 Integer ssize-typed marshals unsigned value as an in parameter ok 71 Integer ssize-typed marshals unsigned value as an out parameter ok 72 Integer ssize-typed marshals unsigned value as an inout parameter ok 73 Floating point float-typed marshals value as a return value ok 74 Floating point float-typed marshals as an in parameter ok 75 Floating point float-typed marshals value as an out parameter ok 76 Floating point float-typed marshals value as an inout parameter ok 77 Floating point double-typed marshals value as a return value ok 78 Floating point double-typed marshals as an in parameter ok 79 Floating point double-typed marshals value as an out parameter ok 80 Floating point double-typed marshals value as an inout parameter ok 81 time_t marshals as a return value ok 82 time_t marshals as an in parameter ok 83 time_t marshals as an out parameter ok 84 time_t marshals as an inout parameter ok 85 GType void marshals as a return value ok 86 GType void marshals as an in parameter ok 87 GType void marshals as an out parameter ok 88 GType void marshals as an inout parameter ok 89 GType string marshals as a return value ok 90 GType string marshals as an in parameter ok 91 GType string marshals as an out parameter ok 92 GType can be implicitly converted from a GObject type alias ok 93 GType can be implicitly converted from a JS type ok 94 UTF-8 string with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 95 UTF-8 string with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 96 UTF-8 string with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 97 UTF-8 string with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 98 UTF-8 string with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 99 UTF-8 string with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 100 UTF-8 string with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 101 UTF-8 string marshals value as a byte array ok 102 UTF-8 string makes a default out value for a broken C function ok 103 In-out array in the style of gtk_init() marshals null ok 104 In-out array in the style of gtk_init() marshals an inout empty array # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/88 ok 105 In-out array in the style of gtk_init() marshals an inout array # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/88 ok 106 Fixed-size C array of ints marshals as a return value ok 107 Fixed-size C array of ints marshals as an in parameter ok 108 Fixed-size C array of ints marshals as an inout parameter ok 109 Fixed-size C array of shorts marshals as a return value ok 110 Fixed-size C array of shorts marshals as an in parameter ok 111 Fixed-size C array marshals a struct array as an out parameter ok 112 C array with length marshals as a return value ok 113 C array with length marshals as an in parameter ok 114 C array with length marshals as an out parameter ok 115 C array with length marshals as an inout parameter ok 116 C array with length can be returned along with other arguments ok 117 C array with length can be passed to a function with its length parameter before it ok 118 C array with length can be passed to a function with zero terminator ok 119 C array with length of strings marshals as an in parameter ok 120 C array with length marshals a byte array as an in parameter ok 121 C array with length of signed 64-bit ints marshals as an in parameter ok 122 C array with length of unsigned 64-bit ints marshals as an in parameter ok 123 C array with length of unichars marshals as an in parameter ok 124 C array with length of unichars marshals as an out parameter ok 125 C array with length of unichars marshals from an array of codepoints ok 126 C array with length of booleans marshals as an in parameter ok 127 C array with length of booleans marshals as an out parameter ok 128 C array with length of booleans marshals from an array of numbers ok 129 C array with length of boxed structs marshals as an in parameter ok 130 C array with length of boxed structs passed by value marshals as an in parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 131 C array with length of simple structs marshals as an in parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 132 C array with length marshals two arrays with the same length parameter ok 133 C array with length copies correctly on transfer full ok 134 C array with length of enums marshals as an in parameter ok 135 C array with length marshals an array with a 64-bit length parameter ok 136 C array with length marshals an array with an 8-bit length parameter ok 137 C array with length can be an out argument along with other arguments ok 138 C array with length can be an in-out argument along with other arguments ok 139 C array with length does not interpret an unannotated integer as a length parameter ok 140 Zero-terminated C array of strings marshals as a return value ok 141 Zero-terminated C array of strings marshals as an in parameter ok 142 Zero-terminated C array of strings marshals as an out parameter ok 143 Zero-terminated C array of strings marshals as an inout parameter ok 144 Zero-terminated C array marshals null as a zero-terminated array return value ok 145 Zero-terminated C array marshals an array of structs as a return value ok 146 Zero-terminated C array marshals an array of unichars as a return value ok 147 Zero-terminated C array of GLib.Variants marshals as a transfer-none in and out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/269 ok 148 Zero-terminated C array of GLib.Variants marshals as a transfer-container in and out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/269 ok 149 Zero-terminated C array of GLib.Variants marshals as a transfer-full in and out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/269 ok 150 GArray of ints with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 151 GArray of ints with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 152 GArray marshals int64s as a transfer-none return value ok 153 GArray of strings with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 154 GArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 155 GArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 156 GArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 157 GArray of strings with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 158 GArray of strings with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 159 GArray of strings with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 160 GArray of strings with transfer container marshals as a return value ok 161 GArray of strings with transfer container marshals as an out parameter ok 162 GArray of strings with transfer container marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 163 GArray of strings marshals as a transfer-full caller-allocated out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/106 ok 164 GArray of strings marshals as a transfer-full caller-allocated out parameter throws errors ok 165 GArray of booleans with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 166 GArray of unichars can be passed in with transfer none ok 167 GPtrArray of strings with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 168 GPtrArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 169 GPtrArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 170 GPtrArray of strings with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 171 GPtrArray of strings with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 172 GPtrArray of strings with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 173 GPtrArray of strings with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 174 GPtrArray of strings with transfer container marshals as a return value ok 175 GPtrArray of strings with transfer container marshals as an out parameter ok 176 GPtrArray of strings with transfer container marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 177 GByteArray marshals as a return value ok 178 GByteArray can be passed in with transfer none ok 179 GBytes marshals as a transfer-full return value ok 180 GBytes can be created from an array and passed in ok 181 GBytes can be created by returning from a function and passed in ok 182 GBytes can be implicitly converted from a ByteArray ok 183 GBytes can be created from a string and is encoded in UTF-8 ok 184 GBytes turns into a GByteArray on assignment ok 185 GBytes cannot be passed to a function expecting a byte array ok 186 GStrv marshals as a return value ok 187 GStrv marshals as an in parameter ok 188 GStrv marshals as an out parameter ok 189 GStrv marshals as an inout parameter ok 190 GList of ints with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 191 GList of ints with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 192 GList of unsigned 32-bit ints with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 193 GList of unsigned 32-bit ints with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 194 GList of strings with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 195 GList of strings with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 196 GList of strings with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 197 GList of strings with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 198 GList of strings with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 199 GList of strings with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 200 GList of strings with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 201 GList of strings with transfer container marshals as a return value ok 202 GList of strings with transfer container marshals as an out parameter ok 203 GList of strings with transfer container marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 204 GSList of ints with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 205 GSList of ints with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 206 GSList of strings with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 207 GSList of strings with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 208 GSList of strings with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 209 GSList of strings with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 210 GSList of strings with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 211 GSList of strings with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 212 GSList of strings with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 213 GSList of strings with transfer container marshals as a return value ok 214 GSList of strings with transfer container marshals as an out parameter ok 215 GSList of strings with transfer container marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 216 GHashTable with integer values marshals as a return value ok 217 GHashTable with integer values marshals as an in parameter ok 218 GHashTable with string values with transfer none marshals as a return value ok 219 GHashTable with string values with transfer none marshals as an in parameter ok 220 GHashTable with string values with transfer none marshals as an out parameter ok 221 GHashTable with string values with transfer none marshals as an inout parameter ok 222 GHashTable with string values with transfer full marshals as a return value ok 223 GHashTable with string values with transfer full marshals as an out parameter ok 224 GHashTable with string values with transfer full marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 225 GHashTable with string values with transfer container marshals as a return value ok 226 GHashTable with string values with transfer container marshals as an out parameter ok 227 GHashTable with string values with transfer container marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/44 ok 228 GHashTable with double values marshals as an in parameter ok 229 GHashTable with float values marshals as an in parameter ok 230 GHashTable with 64-bit int values marshals as an in parameter ok 231 GHashTable with unsigned 64-bit int values marshals as an in parameter ok 232 GValue marshals as a return value ok 233 GValue marshals as an in parameter ok 234 GValue marshals as an out parameter ok 235 GValue marshals as an inout parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 236 GValue marshals as an int64 in parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 237 GValue type objects can be converted from primitive-like types ok 238 GValue can be passed into a function and modified ok 239 GValue enum can be passed into a function and packed # SKIP GJS doesn't support native enum types ok 240 GValue marshals as an int64 out parameter ok 241 GValue marshals as a caller-allocated out parameter ok 242 GValue array can be passed into a function and packed ok 243 GValue array can be passed as an out argument and unpacked ok 244 GValue array can roundtrip with GValues intact # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/272 ok 245 GValue can have its type inferred from primitive values ok 246 GValue can have its type inferred as a GObject type ok 247 GValue can have its type inferred as a superclass ok 248 GValue can have its type inferred as an interface that it implements ok 249 GValue can have its type inferred as a boxed type ok 250 GValue can have its type inferred as GVariant ok 251 GValue can have its type inferred as a GParamSpec ok 252 Callback GClosure marshals as an in parameter ok 253 Callback GClosure marshals a GClosure as a return value # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/80 ok 254 Callback marshals a return value ok 255 Callback marshals one out parameter ok 256 Callback marshals multiple out parameters ok 257 Callback marshals a return value and one out parameter ok 258 Callback marshals a return value and multiple out parameters ok 259 Callback marshals an array out parameter # SKIP Function not added to gobject-introspection test suite yet ok 260 Raw pointers can be roundtripped at least if the pointer is null # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/merge_requests/46 ok 261 Registered enum type marshals as a return value ok 262 Registered enum type marshals as an in parameter ok 263 Registered enum type marshals as an out parameter ok 264 Registered enum type marshals as an inout parameter ok 265 Bare enum type marshals as a return value ok 266 Bare enum type marshals as an in parameter ok 267 Bare enum type marshals as an out parameter ok 268 Bare enum type marshals as an inout parameter ok 269 Registered flags type marshals as a return value ok 270 Registered flags type marshals as an in parameter ok 271 Registered flags type marshals as an out parameter ok 272 Registered flags type marshals as an inout parameter ok 273 Bare flags type marshals as a return value ok 274 Bare flags type marshals as an in parameter ok 275 Bare flags type marshals as an out parameter ok 276 Bare flags type marshals as an inout parameter ok 277 Simple struct marshals as a return value ok 278 Simple struct marshals as the this-argument of a method ok 279 Pointer struct marshals as a return value ok 280 Pointer struct marshals as the this-argument of a method ok 281 Boxed struct marshals as a return value ok 282 Boxed struct marshals as the this-argument of a method ok 283 Boxed struct marshals as an out parameter ok 284 Boxed struct marshals as an inout parameter ok 285 Union marshals as a return value # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/273 ok 286 GObject has a static method that can be called ok 287 GObject has a method that can be called ok 288 GObject has an overridden method that can be called ok 289 GObject can be created from a static constructor ok 290 GObject can have a static constructor that fails ok 291 GObject method marshals an int array as an in parameter ok 292 GObject method marshals an int array as an out parameter ok 293 GObject method marshals an int array as an inout parameter ok 294 GObject method marshals an int array as a return value ok 295 GObject method with default implementation can be called ok 296 GObject marshals as a return parameter with transfer none ok 297 GObject marshals as a out parameter with transfer none ok 298 GObject marshals as an inout parameter with transfer none ok 299 GObject marshals as a return parameter with transfer full ok 300 GObject marshals as a out parameter with transfer full ok 301 GObject marshals as an inout parameter with transfer full ok 302 GObject marshals as a this value with transfer none ok 303 Virtual function marshals a return value ok 304 Virtual function marshals one out parameter ok 305 Virtual function marshals multiple out parameters ok 306 Virtual function marshals a return value and one out parameter ok 307 Virtual function marshals a return value and multiple out parameters ok 308 Virtual function marshals one inout parameter ok 309 Virtual function marshals multiple inout parameters ok 310 Virtual function marshals a return value and one inout parameter ok 311 Virtual function marshals a return value and multiple inout parameters ok 312 Virtual function marshals an array out parameter ok 313 Virtual function marshals a caller-allocated GValue out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/74 ok 314 Virtual function marshals an error out parameter when no error ok 315 Virtual function marshals an error out parameter with a JavaScript exception ok 316 Virtual function marshals an error out parameter with a GError exception ok 317 Virtual function marshals an enum return value ok 318 Virtual function marshals an enum out parameter ok 319 Virtual function marshals an object return parameter with transfer none ok 320 Virtual function marshals an object return parameter with transfer full ok 321 Virtual function marshals an object out parameter with transfer none ok 322 Virtual function marshals an object out parameter with transfer full ok 323 Virtual function marshals an object in parameter with transfer none ok 324 Virtual function marshals an object in parameter with transfer full # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/275 ok 325 Wrong virtual functions marshals a return value # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/311 ok 326 Wrong virtual functions marshals one out parameter # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/311 ok 327 Wrong virtual functions marshals multiple out parameters ok 328 Wrong virtual functions marshals a return value and one out parameter ok 329 Wrong virtual functions marshals a return value and multiple out parameters ok 330 Wrong virtual functions marshals an array out parameter ok 331 Wrong virtual functions marshals an enum return value ok 332 Wrong virtual functions marshals an enum out parameter ok 333 Inherited GObject SubObject has a parent method that can be called ok 334 Inherited GObject SubObject has a method that can be called ok 335 Inherited GObject SubObject has an overridden method that can be called ok 336 Inherited GObject SubObject has a method with default implementation can be called ok 337 Inherited GObject SubSubObject has a parent method that can be called ok 338 Inherited GObject SubSubObject has a method that can be called ok 339 Inherited GObject SubSubObject has an overridden method that can be called ok 340 Inherited GObject SubSubObject has a method with default implementation can be called ok 341 Interface can be returned ok 342 Interface can call an interface vfunc in C ok 343 Interface can implement a C interface ok 344 Interface can implement a C interface with a vfunc ok 345 Configurations of return values can handle two out parameters ok 346 Configurations of return values can handle three in and three out parameters ok 347 Configurations of return values can handle a return value and an out parameter ok 348 Configurations of return values can handle four in parameters, two of which are nullable ok 349 Configurations of return values can handle three in parameters, one of which is nullable and one not ok 350 Configurations of return values can handle an array in parameter and two nullable in parameters ok 351 Configurations of return values can handle an array in parameter and two nullable in parameters, mixed with the array length ok 352 GError marshals a GError** signature as an exception ok 353 GError marshals a GError** at the end of the signature as an exception ok 354 GError marshals a GError** elsewhere in the signature as an out parameter ok 355 GError marshals a GError** elsewhere in the signature as an out parameter with transfer none ok 356 GError marshals GError as a return value ok 357 Overrides can add constants ok 358 Overrides can override a struct method ok 359 Overrides can override an object constructor ok 360 Overrides can override an object method ok 361 Filename marshals as a return value ok 362 GObject.ParamSpec marshals as an in parameter ok 363 GObject.ParamSpec marshals as a return value ok 364 GObject.ParamSpec marshals as an out parameter ok 365 GObject properties gets and sets a boolean property ok 366 GObject properties gets and sets a char property ok 367 GObject properties gets and sets a uchar property ok 368 GObject properties gets and sets a int property ok 369 GObject properties gets and sets a uint property ok 370 GObject properties gets and sets a long property ok 371 GObject properties gets and sets a ulong property ok 372 GObject properties gets and sets a int64 property ok 373 GObject properties gets and sets a uint64 property ok 374 GObject properties gets and sets a float property ok 375 GObject properties gets and sets a double property ok 376 GObject properties gets and sets a strv property ok 377 GObject properties gets and sets a boxed_struct property ok 378 GObject properties gets and sets a boxed_glist property ok 379 GObject properties gets and sets a gvalue property ok 380 GObject properties gets and sets a variant property ok 381 GObject properties gets and sets a object property ok 382 GObject properties gets and sets a flags property ok 383 GObject properties gets and sets a enum property ok 384 GObject properties gets and sets a byte_array property # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/276 ok 385 GObject properties gets a read-only property ok 386 GObject properties throws when setting a read-only property stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xe9762020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xe9762040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xe9762060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9762080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xe97620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xe97620e0 in 0xe9762040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9800600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xe9762100, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xe9762120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xe9755180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xe9762160, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xe97621a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xe97620c0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xe97621e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: Importing module GIMarshallingTests succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755980 'GIMarshallingTests' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'OVERRIDES_CONSTANT' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'OverridesStruct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defined class for OverridesStruct (GIMarshallingTestsOverridesStruct), prototype 0xe9762260, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe9762240 JS G BXD: Defining method method in prototype for GIMarshallingTests.OverridesStruct JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'OverridesObject' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS IMPORT: JS import 'GObject' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/overrides JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98064e0 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/overrides JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xe97622c0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755a60 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755aa0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755a20 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xe9755b60 class 0xf7eba0c8 in object 0xe97622a0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xe9762580, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97622a0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xe97622a0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for OverridesObject (GIMarshallingTestsOverridesObject), prototype 0xe97625a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defining method method in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsOverridesObject (GIMarshallingTests.OverridesObject) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' 0xe9762240 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'Gio' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit/modules/overrides JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755f60 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755fa0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755f20 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755ee0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xe9762600, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xe9762640, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xe9762680, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xe97626c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xe9762700, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xe9762740, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97622c0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xe9762780, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xe97a63a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8480, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xe97627e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9800360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xe9762840, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xe9762880, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xe97625e0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SIZEOF_LONG' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SIZEOF_SSIZE_T' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'BoxedStruct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defined class for BoxedStruct (GIMarshallingTestsBoxedStruct), prototype 0xe97628c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe9762240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SimpleStruct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defined class for SimpleStruct (void), prototype 0xe9762900, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe9762240 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'Enum' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining GIMarshallingTests.Enum as 0xe983db08 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'GEnum' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining GIMarshallingTests.GEnum as 0xe9835388 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'Flags' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MASK (fixed from mask) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MASK2 (fixed from mask2) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining GIMarshallingTests.Flags as 0xe98386f0 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'NoTypeFlags' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MASK (fixed from mask) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MASK2 (fixed from mask2) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining GIMarshallingTests.NoTypeFlags as 0xe983a158 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GIMarshallingTestsObject), prototype 0xe9762960, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_VFuncTester (Gjs_VFuncTester), prototype 0xe97629c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9757530 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_VFuncTesterInOut (Gjs_VFuncTesterInOut), prototype 0xe9762a00, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9757530 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_WrongVFuncTester (Gjs_WrongVFuncTester), prototype 0xe9762a40, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9757530 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xe9861658 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_boolean' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamBoolean 'mybool' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x583b7388 type GParamBoolean JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_return_true' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_in_true' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_out_true' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_inout_true_false' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_return_false' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_in_false' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_out_false' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boolean_inout_false_true' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int8_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint8_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint8_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint8_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint8_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int16_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint16_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint16_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint16_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint16_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int32_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint32_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint32_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint32_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint32_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int64_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xe9841818 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_assert_expected_messages_internal' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int64_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int64_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int64_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint64_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint64_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'short_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ushort_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ushort_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ushort_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ushort_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'uint_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'long_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ulong_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ulong_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ulong_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ulong_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_return_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_return_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_in_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_in_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_out_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_out_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_inout_max_min' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ssize_inout_min_max' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'size_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'size_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'size_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'size_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'float_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'float_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'float_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'float_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'double_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'double_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'double_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'double_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'time_t_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'time_t_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'time_t_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'time_t_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_string_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_string_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gtype_string_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_none_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_none_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_full_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_as_uint8array_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'utf8_dangling_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'init_function' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_int_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_int_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_short_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_short_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_fixed_out_struct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_return_etc' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_len_before' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_len_zero_terminated' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_string_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_uint8_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_int64_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_uint64_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_unichar_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_unichar_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_bool_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_bool_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_struct_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'multi_array_key_value_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.146: JS WARNING: [/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGIMarshalling.js 425]: Too many arguments to function GIMarshallingTests.multi_array_key_value_in: expected 1, got 2 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_struct_take_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_enum_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_guint64_len' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_guint8_len' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_out_etc' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_inout_etc' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_nonzero_nonlen' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_return_null' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_return_struct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_zero_terminated_return_unichar' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_int_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_int_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_uint64_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_none_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_none_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_full_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_container_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_container_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_utf8_full_out_caller_allocated' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Failed to define info 'garray_utf8_full_out_caller_allocated' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_bool_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'garray_unichar_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bytearray_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bytearray_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gbytes_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gbytes_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gstrv_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gstrv_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gstrv_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gstrv_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_int_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_int_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_uint32_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_uint32_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_none_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_none_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_full_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_container_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'glist_utf8_container_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_int_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_int_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_none_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_none_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_full_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_container_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gslist_utf8_container_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_int_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_int_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_none_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_none_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_none_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_none_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_full_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_full_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_container_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_utf8_container_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_double_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_float_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_int64_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ghashtable_uint64_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_in_with_type' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_in_with_modification' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_int64_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_out_caller_allocates' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gvalue_flat_array' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'return_gvalue_flat_array' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'SimpleAction' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for SimpleAction (GSimpleAction), prototype 0xe9762c40, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'KeyFile' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for KeyFile (GKeyFile), prototype 0xe9762c80, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_string' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'my-param' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x583b6918 type GParamString JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gclosure_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'callback_return_value_only' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'callback_one_out_parameter' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'callback_multiple_out_parameters' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'callback_return_value_and_one_out_parameter' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'callback_return_value_and_multiple_out_parameters' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'genum_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'genum_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'genum_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'genum_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'enum_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'enum_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'enum_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'enum_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'flags_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'flags_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'flags_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'flags_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'no_type_flags_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'no_type_flags_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'no_type_flags_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'no_type_flags_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'simple_struct_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defining method inv in prototype for GIMarshallingTests.SimpleStruct JS G BXD: Defining method method in prototype for GIMarshallingTests.SimpleStruct JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'pointer_struct_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'PointerStruct' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defined class for PointerStruct (void), prototype 0xe9762d00, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe9762240 JS G BXD: Defining method inv in prototype for GIMarshallingTests.PointerStruct JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boxed_struct_returnv' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G BXD: Defining method inv in prototype for GIMarshallingTests.BoxedStruct JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boxed_struct_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'boxed_struct_inout' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G OBJ: Defining method method in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method overridden_method in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Error' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Error (GError), prototype 0xe9762dc0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G OBJ: Defining method method_array_in in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method method_array_out in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method method_array_inout in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method method_array_return in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method method_with_default_implementation in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method none_in in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_value_only in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_one_out_parameter in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_multiple_out_parameters in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_value_and_one_out_parameter in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_value_and_multiple_out_parameters in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_one_inout_parameter in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_multiple_inout_parameters in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_value_and_one_inout_parameter in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_value_and_multiple_inout_parameters in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_array_out_parameter in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_meth_with_error in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'IOErrorEnum' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ERR: Defined class for IOErrorEnum (GError), prototype 0xe92a8140, JSClass 0xf7eb8360, in object 0xe97625e0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_FOUND (fixed from not_found) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXISTS (fixed from exists) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IS_DIRECTORY (fixed from is_directory) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_DIRECTORY (fixed from not_directory) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_EMPTY (fixed from not_empty) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_REGULAR_FILE (fixed from not_regular_file) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK (fixed from not_symbolic_link) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE (fixed from not_mountable_file) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILENAME_TOO_LONG (fixed from filename_too_long) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILENAME (fixed from invalid_filename) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_LINKS (fixed from too_many_links) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SPACE (fixed from no_space) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGUMENT (fixed from invalid_argument) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERMISSION_DENIED (fixed from permission_denied) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTED (fixed from not_mounted) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALREADY_MOUNTED (fixed from already_mounted) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CLOSED (fixed from closed) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANCELLED (fixed from cancelled) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PENDING (fixed from pending) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ_ONLY (fixed from read_only) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANT_CREATE_BACKUP (fixed from cant_create_backup) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRONG_ETAG (fixed from wrong_etag) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_RECURSE (fixed from would_recurse) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BUSY (fixed from busy) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_BLOCK (fixed from would_block) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_NOT_FOUND (fixed from host_not_found) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_MERGE (fixed from would_merge) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED_HANDLED (fixed from failed_handled) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES (fixed from too_many_open_files) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_INITIALIZED (fixed from not_initialized) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PARTIAL_INPUT (fixed from partial_input) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_DATA (fixed from invalid_data) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DBUS_ERROR (fixed from dbus_error) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_UNREACHABLE (fixed from host_unreachable) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NETWORK_UNREACHABLE (fixed from network_unreachable) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_REFUSED (fixed from connection_refused) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_FAILED (fixed from proxy_failed) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_AUTH_FAILED (fixed from proxy_auth_failed) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NEED_AUTH (fixed from proxy_need_auth) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED (fixed from proxy_not_allowed) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BROKEN_PIPE (fixed from broken_pipe) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_CLOSED (fixed from connection_closed) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_CONNECTED (fixed from not_connected) 45 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE (fixed from message_too_large) 46 JS G BXD: Defining method matches in prototype for GLib.Error JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'SpawnError' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ERR: Defined class for SpawnError (GError), prototype 0xe92a8200, JSClass 0xf7eb8360, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FORK (fixed from fork) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ (fixed from read) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CHDIR (fixed from chdir) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ACCES (fixed from acces) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERM (fixed from perm) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_BIG (fixed from too_big) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value 2BIG (fixed from 2big) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOEXEC (fixed from noexec) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NAMETOOLONG (fixed from nametoolong) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOENT (fixed from noent) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOMEM (fixed from nomem) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOTDIR (fixed from notdir) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LOOP (fixed from loop) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TXTBUSY (fixed from txtbusy) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IO (fixed from io) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NFILE (fixed from nfile) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MFILE (fixed from mfile) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVAL (fixed from inval) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ISDIR (fixed from isdir) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LIBBAD (fixed from libbad) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 19 JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_return_enum in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method vfunc_out_enum in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_ref_info_for_vfunc_return_object_transfer_none in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_ref_info_for_vfunc_return_object_transfer_full in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_ref_info_for_vfunc_out_object_transfer_none in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_ref_info_for_vfunc_out_object_transfer_full in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_ref_info_for_vfunc_in_object_transfer_none in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsObject (GIMarshallingTests.Object) JS G FUNC: JSObject type 'undefined' is neither null nor an object JS G FUNC: JSObject type 'undefined' is neither null nor an object JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'SubObject' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G OBJ: Defined class for SubObject (GIMarshallingTestsSubObject), prototype 0xe9762f00, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defining method sub_method in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsSubObject (GIMarshallingTests.SubObject) JS G OBJ: Defining method overwritten_method in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsSubObject (GIMarshallingTests.SubObject) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'InterfaceImpl' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G OBJ: Defined class for InterfaceImpl (GIMarshallingTestsInterfaceImpl), prototype 0xe9762f40, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_as_interface in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsInterfaceImpl (GIMarshallingTests.InterfaceImpl) JS G OBJ: Defining method test_int8_in in prototype for GIMarshallingTestsInterfaceImpl (GIMarshallingTests.InterfaceImpl) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_interface_test_int8_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Interface2' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Interface2 (GIMarshallingTestsInterface2), prototype 0xe92a8860, JSClass 0xf7eb8480, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_I2Impl (Gjs_I2Impl), prototype 0xe9762fa0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9757530 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Interface3' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Interface3 (GIMarshallingTestsInterface3), prototype 0xe92a88e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8480, in object 0xe9762240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_I3Impl (Gjs_I3Impl), prototype 0xe92c3020, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9757530 JS G BXD: Defining method classify in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_string in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_int32 in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_out_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_three_in_three_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_return_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_two_in_utf8_two_in_with_allow_none' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'int_one_in_utf8_two_in_one_allows_none' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_utf8_two_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'array_in_utf8_two_in_out_of_order' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror_array_in' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror_out_transfer_none' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'gerror_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'filename_list_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_in_bool' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_return' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'test-param' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x583b6968 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_value_type' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_out' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'test-param' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x583b69b8 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'PropertiesObject' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G OBJ: Defined class for PropertiesObject (GIMarshallingTestsPropertiesObject), prototype 0xe92c31c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xe9762240 JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 769 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 64 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 13 JS MEMORY: closure = 35 JS MEMORY: function = 513 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 4 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 2 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 3 JS MEMORY: module = 12 JS MEMORY: ns = 5 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 92 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 19 JS MEMORY: param = 4 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/54 cjs:JS / LegacyGObject ERROR 0.11s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=8 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyGObject.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455c80 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455c40 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455cc0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455c00 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455bc0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2507878 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455f00 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455ec0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455fc0 class 0xf7f990c8 in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf24625e0, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462620, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462660, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626a0, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf24626e0, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf24a04e0, JSClass 0xf7f97480, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462740, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627a0, JSClass 0xf7f97260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf24627e0, JSClass 0xf7f97520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 (process:382): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.200: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyGObject.js:9:13 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/54 cjs:JS / LegacyClass OK 0.14s 62 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=111 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyClass.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..62 ok 1 A metaclass has its constructor called each time a class is created with it ok 2 A metaclass is an instance of Lang.Class ok 3 A metaclass produces instances that are instances of itself and Lang.Class ok 4 A metaclass can dynamically define properties in its constructor ok 5 A metaclass instance gets all the properties from its class and metaclass ok 6 A metaclass instance gets dynamically defined properties from metaclass ok 7 A metaclass can be instantiated with Lang.Class but still get the appropriate metaclass ok 8 A metaclass can be detected with Lang.getMetaClass ok 9 Class framework calls _init constructors ok 10 Class framework calls parent constructors ok 11 Class framework sets the right constructor properties ok 12 Class framework sets up instanceof correctly ok 13 Class framework has a name ok 14 Class framework reports a sensible value for toString() ok 15 Class framework allows overriding toString() ok 16 Class framework is not configurable ok 17 Class framework allows accessors for properties ok 18 Class framework raises an exception when creating an abstract class ok 19 Class framework inherits properties from abstract base classes ok 20 Class framework inherits constructors from abstract base classes ok 21 Class framework allows ES6 classes to inherit from abstract base classes ok 22 Class framework lets methods call other methods without clobbering __caller__ ok 23 Class framework allows custom return values from constructors ok 24 Class framework allows symbol-named methods ok 25 An interface is an instance of Lang.Interface ok 26 An interface has a name ok 27 An interface cannot be instantiated ok 28 An interface can be implemented by a class ok 29 An interface can be implemented by a class's superclass ok 30 An interface doesn't disturb a class's constructor ok 31 An interface can have its required method implemented ok 32 An interface must have a name ok 33 An interface must have its required methods implemented ok 34 An interface does not have to have its optional methods implemented ok 35 An interface can have its optional method deferred to by the implementation ok 36 An interface can be chained up to by a class ok 37 An interface can include arguments when being chained up to by a class ok 38 An interface can have its property getter deferred to ok 39 An interface can have its property setter deferred to ok 40 An interface can have its property getter overridden ok 41 An interface can have its property setter overridden ok 42 An interface can require another interface ok 43 An interface can have empty requires ok 44 An interface can chain up to another interface ok 45 An interface can be chained up to with a generic ok 46 An interface can chain up to another interface with a generic ok 47 An interface has its optional function defer to that of the last interface ok 48 An interface must have all its required interfaces implemented ok 49 An interface must have all its required interfaces implemented in the correct order ok 50 An interface can have its implementation on a parent class ok 51 An interface can require its implementor to be a subclass of some class ok 52 An interface must be implemented by an object which subclasses the required class ok 53 An interface can have methods that call others of its methods ok 54 An interface is implemented by a subclass of a class that implements it ok 55 An interface can be reimplemented by a subclass of a class that implements it ok 56 An interface tells what it is with toString() ok 57 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class calls a static method on the parent class ok 58 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class calls a method on the parent class ok 59 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class passes arguments to the parent class's constructor ok 60 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class chains up to a method on the parent class ok 61 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class overrides a method on the parent class ok 62 ES6 class inheriting from Lang.Class sets and gets a property from the parent class stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7edd260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7edd260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7edd260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7edd260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559e0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 68 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 53 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 6 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/54 cjs:JS / Namespace OK 0.11s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp MALLOC_PERTURB_=11 GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testNamespace.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..1 ok 1 GI repository namespace supplies a name stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7eaa260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'Regress' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'Regress' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Regress' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 66 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 2 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22/54 cjs:JS / Package OK 0.12s 20 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=230 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testPackage.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..20 ok 1 Package module finds an existing library ok 2 Package module doesn't find a non-existent library ok 3 Package module finds a function ok 4 Package module doesn't find a non-existent function ok 5 Package module finds a class ok 6 Package module doesn't find a non-existent class ok 7 Package module finds a property ok 8 Package module doesn't find a non-existent property ok 9 Package module finds a static function ok 10 Package module doesn't find a non-existent static function ok 11 Package module finds a method ok 12 Package module doesn't find a non-existent method ok 13 Package module finds an interface ok 14 Package module doesn't find a non-existent interface ok 15 Package module finds an interface method ok 16 Package module doesn't find a non-existent interface method ok 17 Package module finds an enum value ok 18 Package module doesn't find a non-existent enum value ok 19 Package module finds a constant ok 20 Package module doesn't find a non-existent constant stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xe9862020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xe9862040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe99001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xe9862060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9862080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xe98620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe98620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xe98620e0 in 0xe9862040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9900600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe98620e0 of 0xe9855100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xe9862100, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe98620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xe9862120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xe9855180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xe9862160, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe98620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xe98621a0, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe98620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xe98620c0 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xe98621e0, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe98620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe98550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'package' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'GIRepository' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIRepository' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIRepository' 0xe9862240 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xe9862280 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855a60 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855a20 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855aa0 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe98559e0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe98620e0 of 0xe98559a0 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe99076d0 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855ce0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe98620e0 of 0xe9855ca0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xe9855da0 class 0xf7f840c8 in object 0xe98622a0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xe9862560, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe98622a0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xe98622a0 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xe9862580, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xe98625c0, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862260 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xe9862600, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe9862260 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xe9862640, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe9862260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xe9862680, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xe98626c0, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xe9862700, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862260 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xe989c2c0, JSClass 0xf7f82480, in object 0xe9862260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xe9862760, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9900360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xe98627c0, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe9862260 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xe9862800, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862260 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xe9862260 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS IMPORT: Importing 'system' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'system' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe990adc0 'system' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'system' JS IMPORT: JS import 'gettext' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_gettext' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_gettext' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'LocaleCategory' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALL (fixed from all) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value COLLATE (fixed from collate) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CTYPE (fixed from ctype) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGES (fixed from messages) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MONETARY (fixed from monetary) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NUMERIC (fixed from numeric) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIME (fixed from time) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining CjsPrivate.LocaleCategory as 0xe990afd8 JS IMPORT: Importing module _gettext succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe989ca00 '_gettext' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gettext' JS IMPORT: Importing module gettext succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe989c9c0 'gettext' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gettext' JS IMPORT: Importing module package succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9862040 of 0xe9855960 'package' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'package' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS IMPORT: JS import 'Regress' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'Regress' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Regress' 0xe9862860 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'get_variant' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestObj' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defined class for TestObj (RegressTestObj), prototype 0xe9862880, JSClass 0xf7f82520, in object 0xe9862860 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_is_a' in namespace 'GObject' JS IMPORT: JS import 'GIMarshallingTests' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'GIMarshallingTests' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' 0xe98628c0 in GIRepository 0xe9862080 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Interface' in namespace 'GIMarshallingTests' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Interface (GIMarshallingTestsInterface), prototype 0xe98a4ec0, JSClass 0xf7f82480, in object 0xe98628c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_default_interface_ref' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TypeInterface' in namespace 'GObject' JS G BXD: Defined class for TypeInterface (void), prototype 0xe9862900, JSClass 0xf7f82260, in object 0xe98622a0 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'TestEnum' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) -1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE4 (fixed from value4) 48 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE5 (fixed from value5) 49 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestEnum as 0xe9920f20 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'BOOL_CONSTANT' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 211 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 2 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 8 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 165 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 2 JS MEMORY: module = 14 JS MEMORY: ns = 7 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 9 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23/54 cjs:JS / Print OK 0.10s 4 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes MALLOC_PERTURB_=245 TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testPrint.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..4 ok 1 print can be spied upon ok 2 printerr can be spied upon ok 3 log can be spied upon ok 4 logError can be spied upon stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f8f260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f8f260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f8f260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f8f260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 65 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 4 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24/54 cjs:JS / ParamSpec OK 0.12s 25 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=77 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testParamSpec.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..25 ok 1 GObject.ParamSpec.string has the correct name strings ok 2 GObject.ParamSpec.string has the correct flags ok 3 GObject.ParamSpec.string has the correct default value ok 4 GObject.ParamSpec.int has the correct name strings ok 5 GObject.ParamSpec.int has the correct flags ok 6 GObject.ParamSpec.int has the correct default value ok 7 GObject.ParamSpec.uint has the correct name strings ok 8 GObject.ParamSpec.uint has the correct flags ok 9 GObject.ParamSpec.uint has the correct default value ok 10 GObject.ParamSpec.int64 has the correct name strings ok 11 GObject.ParamSpec.int64 has the correct flags ok 12 GObject.ParamSpec.int64 has the correct default value ok 13 GObject.ParamSpec.uint64 has the correct name strings ok 14 GObject.ParamSpec.uint64 has the correct flags ok 15 GObject.ParamSpec.uint64 has the correct default value ok 16 GObject.ParamSpec.enum has the correct name strings ok 17 GObject.ParamSpec.enum has the correct flags ok 18 GObject.ParamSpec.enum has the correct default value ok 19 GObject.ParamSpec.flags has the correct name strings ok 20 GObject.ParamSpec.flags has the correct flags ok 21 GObject.ParamSpec.flags has the correct default value ok 22 GObject.ParamSpec.object has the correct name strings ok 23 GObject.ParamSpec.object has the correct flags ok 24 GObject.ParamSpec.object has the correct default value ok 25 GObject.ParamSpec object doesn't crash when resolving a non-string property stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xe9762020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xe9762040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xe9762060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9762080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xe97620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xe97620e0 in 0xe9762040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9800600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xe9762100, JSClass 0xf7ed7260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xe9762120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xe9755180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xe9762160, JSClass 0xf7ed7260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xe97621a0, JSClass 0xf7ed7260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xe97620c0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xe97621e0, JSClass 0xf7ed7260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'Regress' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'Regress' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Regress' 0xe9762240 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98063d0 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xe9762280 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97559a0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97559e0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755960 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xe9755aa0 class 0xf7ed90c8 in object 0xe9762260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xe9762540, JSClass 0xf7ed7520, in object 0xe9762260 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xe9762260 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'ParamFlags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READWRITE (fixed from readwrite) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT (fixed from construct) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONSTRUCT_ONLY (fixed from construct_only) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LAX_VALIDATION (fixed from lax_validation) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NAME (fixed from static_name) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PRIVATE (fixed from private) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_NICK (fixed from static_nick) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STATIC_BLURB (fixed from static_blurb) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXPLICIT_NOTIFY (fixed from explicit_notify) 1073741824 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DEPRECATED (fixed from deprecated) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining GObject.ParamFlags as 0xe9808a90 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'TestEnum' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) -1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE4 (fixed from value4) 48 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE5 (fixed from value5) 49 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestEnum as 0xe980d240 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'TestFlags' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG1 (fixed from flag1) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG2 (fixed from flag2) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG3 (fixed from flag3) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestFlags as 0xe980e0f0 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_string' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b070 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b0c0 type GParamString JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_get_flags' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b110 type GParamString JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_int' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b160 type GParamInt JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b1b0 type GParamInt JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b200 type GParamInt JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_uint' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b250 type GParamUInt JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b2a0 type GParamUInt JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b2f0 type GParamUInt JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_int64' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b23428 type GParamInt64 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b23480 type GParamInt64 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b234d8 type GParamInt64 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_uint64' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b23530 type GParamUInt64 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b23588 type GParamUInt64 JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamUInt64 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x57b235e0 type GParamUInt64 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_enum' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamEnum 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c0b8 type GParamEnum JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamEnum 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c100 type GParamEnum JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamEnum 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c148 type GParamEnum JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_flags' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamFlags 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c190 type GParamFlags JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamFlags 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c1d8 type GParamFlags JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamFlags 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797c220 type GParamFlags JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'param_spec_object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamObject 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5796c718 type GParamObject JS G OBJ: Defining method get_name in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_nick in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G OBJ: Defining method get_blurb in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamObject 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5796cc60 type GParamObject JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamObject 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5796cce0 type GParamObject JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GObject.ParamSpec JS G PRM: Wrapping GParamString 'foo-property' on (null) with JSObject JS G PRM: JSObject created with param instance 0x5797b340 type GParamString JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 156 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 111 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 7 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: param = 25 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 25/54 cjs:JS / Signals OK 0.10s 14 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp MALLOC_PERTURB_=233 GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testSignals.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..14 ok 1 Legacy object with signals calls a signal handler when a signal is emitted ok 2 Legacy object with signals does not call a signal handler after the signal is disconnected ok 3 Legacy object with signals can disconnect a signal handler during signal emission ok 4 Legacy object with signals distinguishes multiple signals ok 5 Legacy object with signals determines if a signal is connected on a JS object ok 6 Legacy object with signals with exception in signal handler does not affect other callbacks ok 7 Legacy object with signals with exception in signal handler does not disconnect the callback ok 8 Object with signals added calls a signal handler when a signal is emitted ok 9 Object with signals added does not call a signal handler after the signal is disconnected ok 10 Object with signals added can disconnect a signal handler during signal emission ok 11 Object with signals added distinguishes multiple signals ok 12 Object with signals added determines if a signal is connected on a JS object ok 13 Object with signals added with exception in signal handler does not affect other callbacks ok 14 Object with signals added with exception in signal handler does not disconnect the callback stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xe9762020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xe9762040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe98001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xe9762060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9762080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xe97620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xe97620e0 in 0xe9762040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9800600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe97620e0 of 0xe9755100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xe9762100, JSClass 0xf7ee0260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xe9762120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xe9755180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xe9762160, JSClass 0xf7ee0260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xe97621a0, JSClass 0xf7ee0260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xe97620c0 in GIRepository 0xe9762080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xe97621e0, JSClass 0xf7ee0260, in object 0xe97620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97559a0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755960 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe9755a20 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xe9762040 of 0xe97559e0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xe981a2a8 JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 70 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 53 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 8 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26/54 cjs:JS / System OK 0.11s 7 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' MALLOC_PERTURB_=88 LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testSystem.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..7 ok 1 System.addressOf() gives different results for different objects ok 2 System.version gives a plausible number ok 3 System.refcount() gives the correct number ok 4 System.addressOfGObject() gives different results for different objects ok 5 System.addressOfGObject() throws for non GObject objects ok 6 System.gc() does not crash the application ok 7 System.dumpHeap() throws but does not crash when given a nonexistent path stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ee8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ee8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ee8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ee8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: Importing 'system' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'system' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24062b8 'system' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'system' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2406450 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559e0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355960 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355aa0 class 0xf7eea0c8 in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362520, JSClass 0xf7ee8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 74 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 55 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 7 JS MEMORY: ns = 3 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27/54 cjs:JS / Cairo ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=201 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testCairo.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ec1260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ec1260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ec1260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ec1260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'cairo' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_cairo' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_cairo' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _cairo succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 '_cairo' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_cairo' JS IMPORT: Importing 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'cairoNative' JS CTX: Initialized class Region prototype 0xf2355a20 JS CTX: Initialized class Context prototype 0xf2355a40 JS CTX: Initialized class Surface prototype 0xf2355a60 JS CTX: Initialized class ImageSurface prototype 0xf2355a80 JS CTX: Initialized class Path prototype 0xf2355aa0 JS CTX: Initialized class PSSurface prototype 0xf2355ac0 JS CTX: Initialized class PDFSurface prototype 0xf2355ae0 JS CTX: Initialized class SVGSurface prototype 0xf2355b00 JS CTX: Initialized class Pattern prototype 0xf2355b20 JS CTX: Initialized class Gradient prototype 0xf2355b40 JS CTX: Initialized class LinearGradient prototype 0xf2355b60 JS CTX: Initialized class RadialGradient prototype 0xf2355b80 JS CTX: Initialized class SurfacePattern prototype 0xf2355ba0 JS CTX: Initialized class SolidPattern prototype 0xf2355bc0 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2406450 'cairoNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'cairoNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module cairo succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355960 'cairo' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'cairo' (process:549): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.281: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gdk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gdk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testCairo.js:5:55 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28/54 cjs:JS / Tweener OK 0.11s 17 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=142 GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testTweener.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..17 ok 1 Tweener runs a simple tween ok 2 Tweener calls callbacks during the tween ok 3 Tweener can pause tweens ok 4 Tweener can remove tweens ok 5 Tweener overrides a tween with another one acting on the same object and property at the same time ok 6 Tweener does not override a tween with another one acting not at the same time ok 7 Tweener can pause and resume all tweens ok 8 Tweener can remove all tweens ok 9 Tweener runs a tween with a time of 0 immediately ok 10 Tweener can call a callback a certain number of times ok 11 Tweener can count the number of tweens on an object ok 12 Tweener can register special properties ok 13 Tweener can register special modifiers for properties ok 14 Tweener can split properties into more than one special property ok 15 Tweener calls an overwrite callback when a tween is replaced ok 16 Tweener can still overwrite a tween after it has started ok 17 Tweener stays within min and max values stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f9c260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f9c260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f9c260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f9c260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'tweener' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/tweener' to child importer 'tweener' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'tweener' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462240 'tweener' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'tweener' 0xf2462240 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'tweener' JS IMPORT: Importing module tweenList succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462240 of 0xf24559c0 'tweenList' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'tweenList' JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455ac0 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a80 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455b00 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a40 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module tweener succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462240 of 0xf2455960 'tweener' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'tweener' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS IMPORT: Importing module equations succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462240 of 0xf24968a0 'equations' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'equations' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 73 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 1 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 4 JS MEMORY: closure = 0 JS MEMORY: function = 52 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 3 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 1 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29/54 cjs:JS / WarnLib OK 0.11s 2 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=15 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testWarnLib.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..2 ok 1 WarnLib bug 689482 ok 2 WarnLib calls vfuncs with unnamed parameters stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a20 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a60 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455960 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25075f8 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455ca0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455c60 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455d60 class 0xf7f400c8 in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf24625e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462620, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462660, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf24626e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf249b280, JSClass 0xf7f3e480, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462740, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf24627e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'WarnLib' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'WarnLib' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'WarnLib' 0xf2462820 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Whatever' in namespace 'WarnLib' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Whatever (WarnLibWhatever), prototype 0xf249ba00, JSClass 0xf7f3e480, in object 0xf2462820 JS G OBJ: Defined class for Gjs_WhateverImpl (Gjs_WhateverImpl), prototype 0xf2462880, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2500360 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'throw_unpaired' in namespace 'WarnLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Error' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Error (GError), prototype 0xf24628c0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method matches in prototype for GLib.Error JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'IOErrorEnum' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ERR: Defined class for IOErrorEnum (GError), prototype 0xf249be60, JSClass 0xf7f3e360, in object 0xf2462240 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_FOUND (fixed from not_found) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXISTS (fixed from exists) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IS_DIRECTORY (fixed from is_directory) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_DIRECTORY (fixed from not_directory) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_EMPTY (fixed from not_empty) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_REGULAR_FILE (fixed from not_regular_file) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK (fixed from not_symbolic_link) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE (fixed from not_mountable_file) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILENAME_TOO_LONG (fixed from filename_too_long) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILENAME (fixed from invalid_filename) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_LINKS (fixed from too_many_links) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SPACE (fixed from no_space) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGUMENT (fixed from invalid_argument) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERMISSION_DENIED (fixed from permission_denied) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTED (fixed from not_mounted) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALREADY_MOUNTED (fixed from already_mounted) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CLOSED (fixed from closed) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANCELLED (fixed from cancelled) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PENDING (fixed from pending) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ_ONLY (fixed from read_only) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANT_CREATE_BACKUP (fixed from cant_create_backup) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRONG_ETAG (fixed from wrong_etag) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_RECURSE (fixed from would_recurse) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BUSY (fixed from busy) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_BLOCK (fixed from would_block) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_NOT_FOUND (fixed from host_not_found) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_MERGE (fixed from would_merge) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED_HANDLED (fixed from failed_handled) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES (fixed from too_many_open_files) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_INITIALIZED (fixed from not_initialized) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PARTIAL_INPUT (fixed from partial_input) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_DATA (fixed from invalid_data) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DBUS_ERROR (fixed from dbus_error) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_UNREACHABLE (fixed from host_unreachable) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NETWORK_UNREACHABLE (fixed from network_unreachable) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_REFUSED (fixed from connection_refused) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_FAILED (fixed from proxy_failed) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_AUTH_FAILED (fixed from proxy_auth_failed) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NEED_AUTH (fixed from proxy_need_auth) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED (fixed from proxy_not_allowed) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BROKEN_PIPE (fixed from broken_pipe) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_CLOSED (fixed from connection_closed) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_CONNECTED (fixed from not_connected) 45 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE (fixed from message_too_large) 46 JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 198 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 2 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 8 JS MEMORY: closure = 2 JS MEMORY: function = 153 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 2 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 5 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 2 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 9 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 30/54 cjs:JS / Regress OK 0.15s 225 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=1 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testRegress.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..245 ok 1 Life, the Universe and Everything includes null return value ok 2 Life, the Universe and Everything includes booleans ok 3 Life, the Universe and Everything includes 8-bit integers ok 4 Life, the Universe and Everything includes unsigned 8-bit integers ok 5 Life, the Universe and Everything includes 16-bit integers ok 6 Life, the Universe and Everything includes unsigned 16-bit integers ok 7 Life, the Universe and Everything includes 32-bit integers ok 8 Life, the Universe and Everything includes unsigned 32-bit integers ok 9 Life, the Universe and Everything includes 64-bit integers ok 10 Life, the Universe and Everything includes unsigned 64-bit integers ok 11 Life, the Universe and Everything includes shorts ok 12 Life, the Universe and Everything includes ints ok 13 Life, the Universe and Everything includes longs ok 14 Life, the Universe and Everything includes ssizes ok 15 Life, the Universe and Everything includes floats ok 16 Life, the Universe and Everything includes doubles ok 17 Life, the Universe and Everything includes ushorts ok 18 Life, the Universe and Everything includes uints ok 19 Life, the Universe and Everything includes ulongs ok 20 Life, the Universe and Everything includes sizes ok 21 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for uint8 ok 22 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for uint16 ok 23 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for uint32 ok 24 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for uint64 ok 25 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for uint ok 26 Life, the Universe and Everything No implicit conversion to unsigned for size ok 27 Life, the Universe and Everything includes wide characters ok 28 Life, the Universe and Everything includes time_t ok 29 Life, the Universe and Everything includes GTypes ok 30 Life, the Universe and Everything closures ok 31 Life, the Universe and Everything closures with one argument ok 32 Life, the Universe and Everything closure with GLib.Variant argument ok 33 Life, the Universe and Everything GValue marshalling integer in ok 34 Life, the Universe and Everything GValue marshalling integer out ok 35 Life, the Universe and Everything integer GLib.Variant ok 36 Life, the Universe and Everything string GLib.Variant ok 37 Life, the Universe and Everything dictionary GLib.Variant ok 38 Life, the Universe and Everything variant GLib.Variant ok 39 Life, the Universe and Everything string array GLib.Variant ok 40 Life, the Universe and Everything UTF-8 strings as return types ok 41 Life, the Universe and Everything UTF-8 strings as in parameters ok 42 Life, the Universe and Everything UTF-8 strings as out parameters ok 43 Life, the Universe and Everything UTF-8 strings as in-out parameters # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 44 Life, the Universe and Everything return values in filename encoding ok 45 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments in after out ok 46 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments multiple number args ok 47 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments multiple string out parameters ok 48 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments strings as return value and output parameter ok 49 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments nullable string in parameter ok 50 Life, the Universe and Everything Various configurations of arguments nullable string out parameter ok 51 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of int in ok 52 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of gint8 in ok 53 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of gint16 in ok 54 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of gint32 in ok 55 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of gint64 in ok 56 Life, the Universe and Everything implicit conversions from strings to int arrays ok 57 Life, the Universe and Everything out arrays of integers ok 58 Life, the Universe and Everything inout arrays of integers # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gobject-introspection/issues/192 ok 59 Life, the Universe and Everything String arrays marshalling in ok 60 Life, the Universe and Everything String arrays marshalling out ok 61 Life, the Universe and Everything String arrays marshalling return value with container transfer ok 62 Life, the Universe and Everything String arrays marshalling out parameter with container transfer ok 63 Life, the Universe and Everything GType arrays ok 64 Life, the Universe and Everything Fixed arrays of integers marshals as an in parameter ok 65 Life, the Universe and Everything Fixed arrays of integers marshals as an out parameter ok 66 Life, the Universe and Everything Fixed arrays of integers marshals as a return value ok 67 Life, the Universe and Everything string array that's const in C ok 68 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of integers with length parameter marshals as a return value with transfer full ok 69 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of integers with length parameter marshals as a return value with transfer none ok 70 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of integers with length parameter marshalls as a nullable in parameter ok 71 Life, the Universe and Everything arrays of integers with length parameter marshals as a nullable return value ok 72 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types return with transfer-none ok 73 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types return with transfer-container ok 74 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types return with transfer-full ok 75 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types in with transfer-none ok 76 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types nullable in ok 77 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types nullable out ok 78 Life, the Universe and Everything glist types in with transfer-container # SKIP Function not added to gobject-introspection test suite yet ok 79 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types return with transfer-none ok 80 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types return with transfer-container ok 81 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types return with transfer-full ok 82 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types in with transfer-none ok 83 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types nullable in ok 84 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types nullable out ok 85 Life, the Universe and Everything gslist types in with transfer-container # SKIP Function not added to gobject-introspection test suite yet ok 86 Life, the Universe and Everything GList of GTypes in with transfer container ok 87 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type null GHash out ok 88 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type out GHash ok 89 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type with GValue value type out ok 90 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type with GValue value type in # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/272 ok 91 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type marshals as a return value with transfer container ok 92 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type marshals as a return value with transfer full ok 93 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type null GHash in ok 94 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type null GHashTable out ok 95 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type in GHash ok 96 Life, the Universe and Everything GHash type nested GHash ok 97 Life, the Universe and Everything GArray marshals as a return value with transfer container ok 98 Life, the Universe and Everything GArray marshals as a return value with transfer full ok 99 Life, the Universe and Everything enum parameter ok 100 Life, the Universe and Everything unsigned enum parameter ok 101 Life, the Universe and Everything flags parameter ok 102 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct sets fields correctly ok 103 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct can clone ok 104 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct can be modified by a method ok 105 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct constructors "copies" an object from a hash of field values ok 106 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct constructors catches bad field names ok 107 Life, the Universe and Everything Simple introspected struct constructors copies an object from another object of the same type ok 108 Life, the Universe and Everything out arrays of structs ok 109 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected nested struct sets fields correctly ok 110 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected nested struct can clone ok 111 Life, the Universe and Everything Struct with non-basic member sets fields correctly # SKIP pending ok 112 Life, the Universe and Everything Struct with annotated fields sets fields correctly # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/83 ok 113 Life, the Universe and Everything Struct with array of anonymous unions sets fields correctly # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/273 ok 114 Life, the Universe and Everything Struct with const/volatile members sets fields correctly # SKIP pending ok 115 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct sets fields correctly ok 116 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct can be passed to a method ok 117 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct can be returned from a method ok 118 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct constructors "copies" an object from a hash of field values ok 119 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct constructors catches bad field names ok 120 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected simple boxed struct constructors copies an object from another object of the same type ok 121 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed nested struct reads fields and nested fields ok 122 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed nested struct assigns nested struct field from an instance ok 123 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed nested struct assigns nested struct field directly from a hash of field values ok 124 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed nested struct constructors constructs with a nested hash of field values ok 125 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed nested struct constructors copies an object from another object of the same type ok 126 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque constructs from a default constructor ok 127 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque sets fields correctly ok 128 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque constructs from a static constructor ok 129 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque constructs from a static constructor with different args ok 130 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque constructs from a static constructor with differently typed args ok 131 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque constructs from a another object of the same type ok 132 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque ensures methods are named correctly ok 133 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Opaque ensures static methods are named correctly ok 134 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Simple sets fields correctly ok 135 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Simple constructs from a static constructor ok 136 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Simple constructs from another object of the same type ok 137 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Simple constructs in backwards compatibility mode ok 138 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Refcounted constructs from a default constructor ok 139 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Refcounted constructs from another object of the same type ok 140 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Private constructs using a custom constructor ok 141 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Private constructs from another object of the same type ok 142 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected boxed types Private does not construct with a default constructor ok 143 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed function does not accept a GObject of the wrong type ok 144 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed function does not accept a GBoxed of the wrong type ok 145 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed function does accept a GBoxed of the correct type ok 146 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed method cannot be called on a GObject ok 147 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed method cannot be called on a GBoxed of the wrong type ok 148 Life, the Universe and Everything wrong type for GBoxed method can be called on correct GBoxed type ok 149 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject can access fields with simple types ok 150 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject cannot access fields with complex types (GI limitation) ok 151 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject throws when setting a read-only field ok 152 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject has normal Object methods ok 153 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject constructs from constructors annotated with (constructor) ok 154 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject static methods ok 155 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object-valued GProperty marshals correctly in the getter ok 156 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object-valued GProperty marshals correctly when inherited ok 157 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object-valued GProperty marshals into setter function ok 158 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object-valued GProperty marshals null ok 159 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection calls correct handlers with correct arguments ok 160 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection throws errors for invalid signals ok 161 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal handler with static scope arg gets arg passed by reference ok 162 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal with object gets correct arguments ok 163 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal with int64 gets correct value # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 164 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal with uint64 gets correct value # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/271 ok 165 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal with array len parameter is not passed correct array and no length arg ok 166 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection can pass parameter to signal with array len parameter via emit # SKIP Not yet implemented ok 167 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection can pass null to signal with array len parameter # SKIP Not yet implemented ok 168 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Signal connection signal with int in-out parameter # SKIP Not yet implemented ok 169 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject can call an instance method ok 170 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject can call a transfer-full instance method ok 171 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject can call a static method ok 172 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject can call a method annotated with (method) ok 173 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object torture signature 0 ok 174 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object torture signature 1 fail ok 175 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Object torture signature 1 success ok 176 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over instance parameters of methods ok 177 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over out and GError parameters ok 178 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length does not skip over inout parameters ok 179 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over return value annotated with skip # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/59 ok 180 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over parameters annotated with skip # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/59 ok 181 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over out parameters annotated with skip # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/59 ok 182 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over inout parameters annotated with skip # SKIP https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gjs/issues/59 ok 183 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length gives number of arguments for static methods ok 184 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject Introspected function length skips over destroy-notify and user-data parameters ok 185 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject virtual function ok 186 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject function does not accept a GObject of the wrong type ok 187 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject function does not accept a GBoxed instead of GObject ok 188 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject function does not accept returned GObject of the wrong type ok 189 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject function accepts GObject of subclass of expected type ok 190 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject method cannot be called on a GObject of the wrong type ok 191 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject method cannot be called on a GBoxed ok 192 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject wrong type for GObject method can be called on a GObject of subclass of expected type ok 193 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject marshals a null object in ok 194 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject marshals a null object out ok 195 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject marshals a gpointer with a type annotation in ok 196 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject marshals a gpointer with an element-type annotation in ok 197 Life, the Universe and Everything Introspected GObject resolves properties when they are shadowed by methods ok 198 Life, the Universe and Everything marshals a fixed-size array of objects out ok 199 Life, the Universe and Everything Inherited GObject can read fields from a parent class ok 200 Life, the Universe and Everything Inherited GObject can be constructed from a static constructor ok 201 Life, the Universe and Everything Inherited GObject can call an instance method that overrides the parent class ok 202 Life, the Universe and Everything Fundamental type constructs a subtype of a fundamental type ok 203 Life, the Universe and Everything Fundamental type constructs a subtype of a hidden (no introspection data) fundamental type ok 204 Life, the Universe and Everything callbacks ok 205 Life, the Universe and Everything null / undefined callback ok 206 Life, the Universe and Everything callback called more than once ok 207 Life, the Universe and Everything null callback called more than once ok 208 Life, the Universe and Everything array callbacks ok 209 Life, the Universe and Everything null array callback ok 210 Life, the Universe and Everything callback with inout array # SKIP Temporarily disabled with xit ok 211 Life, the Universe and Everything simple callback ok 212 Life, the Universe and Everything null simple callback ok 213 Life, the Universe and Everything noptr callback ok 214 Life, the Universe and Everything null simple callback ok 215 Life, the Universe and Everything callback with user data ok 216 Life, the Universe and Everything callback with transfer-full return value ok 217 Life, the Universe and Everything callback with destroy-notify ok 218 Life, the Universe and Everything callback with destroy-notify and no user data # SKIP Callback with destroy-notify and no user data not currently supported ok 219 Life, the Universe and Everything async callback ok 220 Life, the Universe and Everything Gio.AsyncReadyCallback ok 221 Life, the Universe and Everything instance method taking a callback ok 222 Life, the Universe and Everything constructor taking a callback ok 223 Life, the Universe and Everything hash table passed to callback ok 224 Life, the Universe and Everything GError callback ok 225 Life, the Universe and Everything null GError callback ok 226 Life, the Universe and Everything owned GError callback ok 227 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject with nonstandard prefix sets and gets properties ok 228 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject with nonstandard prefix constructs via a static constructor ok 229 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject with nonstandard prefix calls methods ok 230 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject with nonstandard prefix calls a static method ok 231 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject.InitiallyUnowned constructs ok 232 Life, the Universe and Everything GObject.InitiallyUnowned constructs via a static constructor ok 233 Life, the Universe and Everything torture signature 0 ok 234 Life, the Universe and Everything torture signature 1 fail ok 235 Life, the Universe and Everything torture signature 1 success ok 236 Life, the Universe and Everything torture signature 2 ok 237 Life, the Universe and Everything GValue boxing and unboxing date in ok 238 Life, the Universe and Everything GValue boxing and unboxing strv in ok 239 Life, the Universe and Everything GValue boxing and unboxing correctly converts a NULL strv in a GValue to an empty array ok 240 Life, the Universe and Everything code coverage for documentation tests that don't do anything ok 241 Life, the Universe and Everything marshals an aliased type ok 242 Life, the Universe and Everything deals with a fixed-size array in a struct ok 243 Life, the Universe and Everything marshals a fixed-size int array as a gpointer ok 244 Life, the Universe and Everything deals with a fixed-size and also zero-terminated array in a struct ok 245 Life, the Universe and Everything marshals a transfer-floating GLib.Variant stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'Regress' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'Regress' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Regress' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a20 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a60 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559a0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455960 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2507668 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455ca0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455c60 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455d60 class 0xf7f8d0c8 in object 0xf24622a0 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf24622a0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf24622a0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462580, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625c0, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf2462600, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462640, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462680, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626c0, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf2462700, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf24a6280, JSClass 0xf7f8b480, in object 0xf2462260 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462760, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627c0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462260 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf2462800, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'TestFlags' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG1 (fixed from flag1) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG2 (fixed from flag2) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG3 (fixed from flag3) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestFlags as 0xf2527398 JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'TestEnum' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE3 (fixed from value3) -1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE4 (fixed from value4) 48 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE5 (fixed from value5) 49 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestEnum as 0xf25273f0 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_return_allow_none' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_return_nullable' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_boolean' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_boolean_true' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_boolean_false' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int8' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_uint8' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int16' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_uint16' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int32' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_uint32' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int64' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_uint64' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_short' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_long' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ssize' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_float' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_double' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ushort' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_uint' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ulong' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_size' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_unichar' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_timet' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gtype' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_closure' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_closure_one_arg' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_closure_variant' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defining method classify in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_string in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int_value_arg' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_value_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gvariant_i' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defining method get_type_string in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_int32 in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gvariant_s' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gvariant_asv' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defining method is_of_type in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantType' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantType (GVariantType), prototype 0xf2462980, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method n_children in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_child_value in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_variant in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gvariant_v' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gvariant_as' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_const_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_nonconst_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_const_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_filename_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_int_out_utf8' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_multi_double_args' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_out_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_out_nonconst_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_utf8_null_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_gint8_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_gint16_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_gint32_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_gint64_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_out_container' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_outarg' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_gtype_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'SimpleAction' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for SimpleAction (GSimpleAction), prototype 0xf2462c00, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'Icon' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for Icon (GIcon), prototype 0xf1a20500, JSClass 0xf7f8b480, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_fixed_size_int_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_fixed_size_int_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_fixed_size_int_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_out_c' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_full_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_none_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_int_null_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_nothing_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_nothing_return2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_container_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_everything_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_nothing_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_nothing_in2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_null_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_nothing_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_nothing_return2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_container_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_everything_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_nothing_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_nothing_in2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gslist_null_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_glist_gtype_container_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestObj' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defined class for TestObj (RegressTestObj), prototype 0xf2462c60, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestSubObj' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defined class for TestSubObj (RegressTestSubObj), prototype 0xf2462ca0, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_null_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nothing_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nothing_return2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_gvalue_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_container_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_everything_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_null_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nothing_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nothing_in2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nested_everything_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_ghash_nested_everything_return2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_garray_container_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_garray_full_return' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_enum_param' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_unsigned_enum_param' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'TestEnumUnsigned' in namespace 'Regress' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE1 (fixed from value1) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value VALUE2 (fixed from value2) 2147483648 JS G ENUM: Defining Regress.TestEnumUnsigned as 0xf253f2f0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'global_get_flags_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestStructA' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestStructA (void), prototype 0xf2462d00, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method clone in prototype for Regress.TestStructA JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_struct_out' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestStructB' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestStructB (void), prototype 0xf2462dc0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method clone in prototype for Regress.TestStructB JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestSimpleBoxedA' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestSimpleBoxedA (RegressTestSimpleBoxedA), prototype 0xf2462e80, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method equals in prototype for Regress.TestSimpleBoxedA JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestSimpleBoxedB' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestSimpleBoxedB (RegressTestSimpleBoxedB), prototype 0xf2462ee0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestBoxed' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestBoxed (RegressTestBoxed), prototype 0xf1a370c0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method equals in prototype for Regress.TestBoxed JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_boxeds_not_a_method' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_boxeds_not_a_static' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestBoxedB' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestBoxedB (RegressTestBoxedB), prototype 0xf1a37160, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestBoxedC' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestBoxedC (RegressTestBoxedC), prototype 0xf1a371e0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestBoxedD' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestBoxedD (RegressTestBoxedD), prototype 0xf1a37220, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_magic in prototype for Regress.TestBoxedD JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'KeyFile' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for KeyFile (GKeyFile), prototype 0xf1a372a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method copy in prototype for Regress.TestSimpleBoxedA JS G OBJ: Defining method set_bare in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method unset_bare in prototype for RegressTestSubObj (Regress.TestSubObj) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_disconnect' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defining method emit_sig_with_obj in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'source_remove' in namespace 'GLib' JS G OBJ: Defining method emit_sig_with_array_len_prop in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method instance_method in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method instance_method_full in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method forced_method in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method torture_signature_0 in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method torture_signature_1 in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'IOErrorEnum' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Error' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Error (GError), prototype 0xf1a373a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G ERR: Defined class for IOErrorEnum (GError), prototype 0xf1a33a40, JSClass 0xf7f8b360, in object 0xf2462260 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_FOUND (fixed from not_found) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXISTS (fixed from exists) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IS_DIRECTORY (fixed from is_directory) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_DIRECTORY (fixed from not_directory) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_EMPTY (fixed from not_empty) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_REGULAR_FILE (fixed from not_regular_file) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK (fixed from not_symbolic_link) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE (fixed from not_mountable_file) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILENAME_TOO_LONG (fixed from filename_too_long) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILENAME (fixed from invalid_filename) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_LINKS (fixed from too_many_links) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SPACE (fixed from no_space) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGUMENT (fixed from invalid_argument) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERMISSION_DENIED (fixed from permission_denied) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTED (fixed from not_mounted) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALREADY_MOUNTED (fixed from already_mounted) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CLOSED (fixed from closed) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANCELLED (fixed from cancelled) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PENDING (fixed from pending) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ_ONLY (fixed from read_only) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANT_CREATE_BACKUP (fixed from cant_create_backup) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRONG_ETAG (fixed from wrong_etag) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_RECURSE (fixed from would_recurse) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BUSY (fixed from busy) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_BLOCK (fixed from would_block) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_NOT_FOUND (fixed from host_not_found) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_MERGE (fixed from would_merge) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED_HANDLED (fixed from failed_handled) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES (fixed from too_many_open_files) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_INITIALIZED (fixed from not_initialized) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PARTIAL_INPUT (fixed from partial_input) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_DATA (fixed from invalid_data) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DBUS_ERROR (fixed from dbus_error) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_UNREACHABLE (fixed from host_unreachable) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NETWORK_UNREACHABLE (fixed from network_unreachable) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_REFUSED (fixed from connection_refused) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_FAILED (fixed from proxy_failed) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_AUTH_FAILED (fixed from proxy_auth_failed) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NEED_AUTH (fixed from proxy_need_auth) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED (fixed from proxy_not_allowed) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BROKEN_PIPE (fixed from broken_pipe) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_CLOSED (fixed from connection_closed) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_CONNECTED (fixed from not_connected) 45 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE (fixed from message_too_large) 46 JS G OBJ: Defining method skip_return_val in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method do_matrix in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'func_obj_null_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'This JS object wrapper isn't wrapping a GObject. If this is a custom subclass, are you sure you chained up to the parent _init properly?' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'This JS object wrapper isn't wrapping a GObject. If this is a custom subclass, are you sure you chained up to the parent _init properly?' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'This JS object wrapper isn't wrapping a GObject. If this is a custom subclass, are you sure you chained up to the parent _init properly?' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'This JS object wrapper isn't wrapping a GObject. If this is a custom subclass, are you sure you chained up to the parent _init properly?' JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'This JS object wrapper isn't wrapping a GObject. If this is a custom subclass, are you sure you chained up to the parent _init properly?' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'func_obj_nullable_in' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defining method not_nullable_typed_gpointer_in in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G OBJ: Defining method not_nullable_element_typed_gpointer_in in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_fixed_out_objects' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defining method instance_method in prototype for RegressTestSubObj (Regress.TestSubObj) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestFundamentalSubObject' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestFundamentalObject' in namespace 'Regress' JS G FNDMTL: Defined class for TestFundamentalObject (RegressTestFundamentalObject), prototype 0xf1a37460, JSClass 0xf7f8b2c0, in object 0xf2462240 JS G FNDMTL: Fundamental type 'Regress.TestFundamentalObject' apparently has accessible fields. Gjs has no support for this yet, ignoring these. JS G FNDMTL: Defined class for TestFundamentalSubObject (RegressTestFundamentalSubObject), prototype 0xf1a374a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b2c0, in object 0xf2462240 JS G FNDMTL: Fundamental type 'Regress.TestFundamentalSubObject' apparently has accessible fields. Gjs has no support for this yet, ignoring these. JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_create_fundamental_hidden_class_instance' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_multi_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_array_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_simple_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_noptr_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_user_data' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_return_full' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_destroy_notify' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_thaw_notifications' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_async' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_callback_thaw_async' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_async_ready_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'SimpleAsyncResult' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for SimpleAsyncResult (GSimpleAsyncResult), prototype 0xf1a37520, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G OBJ: Defining method instance_method_callback in prototype for RegressTestObj (Regress.TestObj) JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_hash_table_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_gerror_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'io_error_quark' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_null_gerror_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_owned_gerror_callback' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestWi8021x' in namespace 'Regress' JS G OBJ: Defined class for TestWi8021x (RegressTestWi8021x), prototype 0xf1a375a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_testbool in prototype for RegressTestWi8021x (Regress.TestWi8021x) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_testbool in prototype for RegressTestWi8021x (Regress.TestWi8021x) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'TestFloating' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'InitiallyUnowned' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for InitiallyUnowned (GInitiallyUnowned), prototype 0xf1a37600, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf24622a0 JS G OBJ: Defined class for TestFloating (RegressTestFloating), prototype 0xf1a37640, JSClass 0xf7f8b520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_torture_signature_0' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_torture_signature_1' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_torture_signature_2' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_date_in_gvalue' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Date' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Date (GDate), prototype 0xf1a376a0, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method get_year in prototype for GLib.Date JS G BXD: Defining method get_month in prototype for GLib.Date JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'DateMonth' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BAD_MONTH (fixed from bad_month) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value JANUARY (fixed from january) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FEBRUARY (fixed from february) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MARCH (fixed from march) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value APRIL (fixed from april) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MAY (fixed from may) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value JUNE (fixed from june) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value JULY (fixed from july) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value AUGUST (fixed from august) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SEPTEMBER (fixed from september) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value OCTOBER (fixed from october) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOVEMBER (fixed from november) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DECEMBER (fixed from december) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.DateMonth as 0xf25031a0 JS G BXD: Defining method get_day in prototype for GLib.Date JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_strv_in_gvalue' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_null_strv_in_gvalue' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_multiline_doc_comments' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_nested_parameter' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_versioning' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'aliased_caller_alloc' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'TestStructFixedArray' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for TestStructFixedArray (void), prototype 0xf1a37720, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method frob in prototype for Regress.TestStructFixedArray JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'has_parameter_named_attrs' in namespace 'Regress' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'LikeXklConfigItem' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defined class for LikeXklConfigItem (void), prototype 0xf1a37740, JSClass 0xf7f8b260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method set_name in prototype for Regress.LikeXklConfigItem JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'get_variant' in namespace 'Regress' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 684 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 139 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 21 JS MEMORY: closure = 3 JS MEMORY: function = 379 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 2 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 2 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 4 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 2 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 5 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 97 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 15 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 31/54 cjs:JS / Gtk3 ERROR 0.10s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=183 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a40 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a00 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a80 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559c0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455980 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2507638 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455cc0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455c80 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455d80 class 0xf7f400c8 in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462280 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2462560, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf24625a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf24625e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2462620, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2462660, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf24626a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf24626e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf249c2a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e480, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2462740, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2500360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf24627a0, JSClass 0xf7f3e260, in object 0xf2462240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf24627e0, JSClass 0xf7f3e520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 (process:561): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.313: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGtk3.js:4:35 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32/54 cjs:JS / GObjectDestructionAccess ERROR 0.10s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=26 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObjectDestructionAccess.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ebe260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ebe260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ebe260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ebe260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded (process:572): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.309: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGObjectDestructionAccess.js:5:13 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 33/54 cjs:JS / LegacyGtk ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=68 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyGtk.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7ec6260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7ec6260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7ec6260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7ec6260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded (process:592): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.319: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testLegacyGtk.js:7:13 (test program exited with status code -5) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 34/54 cjs:JS / Mainloop OK 0.22s 8 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=68 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testMainloop.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..8 ok 1 Mainloop.timeout_add() runs a timeout function ok 2 Mainloop.timeout_add() runs a timeout function until it returns false ok 3 Mainloop.timeout_add() runs a timeout function after an initial timeout ok 4 Mainloop.idle_add() runs an idle function ok 5 Mainloop.idle_add() continues to run idle functions that return true ok 6 Mainloop.idle_add() does not run idle functions if removed ok 7 Mainloop.idle_add() can remove idle functions while they are being invoked ok 8 Mainloop.idle_add() does not leak idle callbacks stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2462020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2462040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf25001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2462060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2462080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf24620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf24620e0 in 0xf2462040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2500600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf2455100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2462100, JSClass 0xf7f7d260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2462120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2455180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2462160, JSClass 0xf7f7d260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf24621a0, JSClass 0xf7f7d260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf24620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf24621e0, JSClass 0xf7f7d260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'mainloop' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2506388 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2462260 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf24559e0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455a20 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf24620e0 of 0xf24559a0 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2455ae0 class 0xf7f7f0c8 in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2462520, JSClass 0xf7f7d520, in object 0xf2462240 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2462240 in GIRepository 0xf2462080 JS IMPORT: Importing module mainloop succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2462040 of 0xf2455960 'mainloop' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'mainloop' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_source_new' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Source' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Source (GSource), prototype 0xf2462540, JSClass 0xf7f7d260, in object 0xf24620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'source_set_closure' in namespace 'GObject' JS G BXD: Defining method attach in prototype for GLib.Source JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'source_remove' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_source_new' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 110 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 10 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 5 JS MEMORY: closure = 1 JS MEMORY: function = 79 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 0 JS MEMORY: module = 8 JS MEMORY: ns = 3 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 1 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35/54 cjs:Debugger / breakpoint command OK 0.08s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=142 GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/breakpoint.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/breakpoint.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36/54 cjs:Debugger / backtrace command OK 0.09s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=160 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/backtrace.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/backtrace.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 37/54 cjs:Debugger / continue command OK 0.08s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' MALLOC_PERTURB_=42 LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/continue.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/continue.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 38/54 cjs:Debugger / delete command OK 0.09s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=207 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/delete.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/delete.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39/54 cjs:Debugger / detach command OK 0.08s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' MALLOC_PERTURB_=70 LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/detach.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/detach.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 40/54 cjs:Debugger / down-up command OK 0.07s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=82 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/down-up.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/down-up.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41/54 cjs:Debugger / finish command OK 0.07s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=174 GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/finish.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/finish.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 42/54 cjs:dbus / GDBus OK 0.13s 32 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=20 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/:/usr/lib:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/temp/python3.9/bin:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /usr/bin/dbus-run-session --config-file /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/../../test/test-bus.conf -- installed-tests/js/minijasmine /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/js/testGDBus.js ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: 1..32 ok 1 Exported DBus object can call a remote method ok 2 Exported DBus object can call a remote method when not using makeProxyWrapper ok 3 Exported DBus object can handle an exception thrown by a remote method ok 4 Exported DBus object can still destructure the return value when an exception is thrown ok 5 Exported DBus object throws an exception when trying to call a method that does not exist ok 6 Exported DBus object can pass a parameter to a remote method that is not a JSON object ok 7 Exported DBus object can call a remote method with no in parameter ok 8 Exported DBus object can call a remote method with multiple in parameters ok 9 Exported DBus object can call a remote method with no return value ok 10 Exported DBus object can emit a DBus signal ok 11 Exported DBus object can call a remote method with multiple return values ok 12 Exported DBus object does not coalesce one array into the array of return values ok 13 Exported DBus object does not coalesce an array of arrays into the array of return values ok 14 Exported DBus object can return multiple arrays from a remote method ok 15 Exported DBus object handles a bad signature by throwing an exception ok 16 Exported DBus object can call a remote method that is implemented asynchronously ok 17 Exported DBus object can send and receive bytes from a remote method ok 18 Exported DBus object can call a remote method that returns an array of structs ok 19 Exported DBus object can send and receive dicts from a remote method ok 20 Exported DBus object can call a remote method with a Unix FD ok 21 Exported DBus object can call an asynchronously implemented remote method with a Unix FD ok 22 Exported DBus object can call a remote method that returns a Unix FD ok 23 Exported DBus object can call an asynchronously implemented remote method that returns a Unix FD ok 24 Exported DBus object throws an exception when not passing a Gio.UnixFDList to a method that requires one ok 25 Exported DBus object throws an exception when passing a handle out of range of a Gio.UnixFDList ok 26 Exported DBus object Has defined properties ok 27 Exported DBus object reading readonly property works ok 28 Exported DBus object reading readwrite property works ok 29 Exported DBus object reading writeonly throws an error ok 30 Exported DBus object Setting a readwrite property works ok 31 Exported DBus object Setting a writeonly property works ok 32 Exported DBus object Setting a readonly property throws an error stderr: JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'gi' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'cairoNative' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'system' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module 'console' JS NATIVE: Registered native JS module '_print' JS CTX: Enabling JIT JS CTX: Initialized class GjsFileImporter prototype 0xf2362020 JS IMPORT: Defining parent (nil) of 0xf2362040 'imports' is mod 0 JS IMPORT: Importing '_print' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_print' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24001a0 '_print' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_print' JS IMPORT: Importing 'gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepository prototype 0xf2362060 JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2362080 'gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'gi' JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryNamespace prototype 0xf23620a0 JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'overrides' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Adding directory 'resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides' to child importer 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Importing directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23620e0 'overrides' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: Defined importer 'overrides' 0xf23620e0 in 0xf2362040 JS IMPORT: successfully imported directory 'overrides' JS IMPORT: JS import 'byteArray' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing '_byteArrayNative' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2400600 '_byteArrayNative' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_byteArrayNative' JS IMPORT: Importing module byteArray succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355140 'byteArray' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'byteArray' JS IMPORT: Importing module GLib succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355100 'GLib' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Variant' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Variant (GVariant), prototype 0xf2362100, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryGType prototype 0xf2362120 JS CTX: Initialized class GIRepositoryFunction prototype 0xf2355180 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Bytes' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Bytes (GBytes), prototype 0xf2362160, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantDict' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantDict (GVariantDict), prototype 0xf23621a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'stpcpy' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strrstr_len' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strup' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdown' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strreverse' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_dtostr' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'ascii_formatd' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchug' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strchomp' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strdelimit' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'strcanon' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GLib' 0xf23620c0 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_REMOVE' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'SOURCE_CONTINUE' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module jasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355780 'jasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'jasmine' JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainLoop' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainLoop (GMainLoop), prototype 0xf23621e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'getenv' in namespace 'GLib' JS IMPORT: Importing module minijasmine succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23550c0 'minijasmine' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'minijasmine' JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS IMPORT: JS import 'CjsPrivate' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/core/overrides JS CTX: Ignoring second exception: 'No property 'CjsPrivate' in GI repository object (or it was not an object)' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'CjsPrivate' 0xf2362260 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS IMPORT: JS import 'signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import 'lang' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_legacy' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: Importing module _legacy succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355a20 '_legacy' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_legacy' JS IMPORT: Importing module lang succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559e0 'lang' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'lang' JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_signals' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355a60 '_signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module signals succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf23559a0 'signals' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'signals' JS IMPORT: Importing module Gio succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355960 'Gio' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_finish' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_get_sync' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_own_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unown_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_watch_name_on_connection' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'bus_unwatch_name' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusConnection' in namespace 'Gio' JS IMPORT: Importing '_gi' JS NATIVE: Defining native module '_gi' JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf24076d8 '_gi' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_gi' JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gjs/jsunit JS IMPORT: JS import '_common' not found in resource:///org/gnome/gjs/modules/script/ JS IMPORT: Importing module _common succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf2362040 of 0xf2355ca0 '_common' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module '_common' JS IMPORT: Importing module GObject succeeded JS IMPORT: Defining parent 0xf23620e0 of 0xf2355c60 'GObject' is mod 1 JS IMPORT: successfully imported module 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'type_from_name' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ParamSpec' in namespace 'GObject' JS G PRM: Defined class ParamSpec prototype is 0xf2355d60 class 0xf7eba0c8 in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Object' in namespace 'GObject' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Object (GObject), prototype 0xf2362540, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362280 JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handler_find' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_block_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_unblock_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'signal_handlers_disconnect_matched' in namespace 'GObject' JS G NS: Defined namespace 'GObject' 0xf2362280 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusConnection (GDBusConnection), prototype 0xf2362560, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusProxy' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusProxy (GDBusProxy), prototype 0xf23625a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method init_async in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusNodeInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusNodeInfo (GDBusNodeInfo), prototype 0xf23625e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusInterfaceInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusInterfaceInfo (GDBusInterfaceInfo), prototype 0xf2362620, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusImplementation' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusInterfaceSkeleton' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusInterfaceSkeleton (GDBusInterfaceSkeleton), prototype 0xf2362660, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusImplementation (GjsDBusImplementation), prototype 0xf23626a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362260 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'ListStore' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for ListStore (GListStore), prototype 0xf23626e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type INTERFACE for 'File' in namespace 'Gio' JS G IFACE: Defined class for File (GFile), prototype 0xf239d280, JSClass 0xf7eb8480, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for GLocalFile (GLocalFile), prototype 0xf2362740, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2400360 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'SettingsSchema' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for SettingsSchema (GSettingsSchema), prototype 0xf23627a0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_key in prototype for Gio.SettingsSchema JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Settings' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Settings (GSettings), prototype 0xf23627e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method apply in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method bind_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method create_action in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method delay in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_child in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_default_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_has_unapplied in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_mapped in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_range in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_user_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method is_writable in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_children in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method list_keys in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method range_check in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method reset in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method revert in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_boolean in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_double in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_enum in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_flags in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_int64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_string in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_strv in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_uint64 in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_value in prototype for GSettings (Gio.Settings) JS G NS: Defined namespace 'Gio' 0xf2362240 in GIRepository 0xf2362080 JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'idle_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type CONSTANT for 'PRIORITY_DEFAULT' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defining method run in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G BXD: Defining method cache_build in prototype for Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo JS G OBJ: Defining method export in prototype for GDBusInterfaceSkeleton (Gio.DBusInterfaceSkeleton) JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'BusType' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value STARTER (fixed from starter) -1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NONE (fixed from none) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SYSTEM (fixed from system) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SESSION (fixed from session) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.BusType as 0xf2417d50 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'BusNameOwnerFlags' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NONE (fixed from none) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALLOW_REPLACEMENT (fixed from allow_replacement) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value REPLACE (fixed from replace) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DO_NOT_QUEUE (fixed from do_not_queue) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.BusNameOwnerFlags as 0xf2417da8 Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.343: JS LOG: Acquired name [object instance wrapper GIName:Gio.DBusConnection jsobj@0xf23628e0 native@0x57d10840] JS G BXD: Defining method quit in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'DBusProxyFlags' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NONE (fixed from none) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES (fixed from do_not_load_properties) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS (fixed from do_not_connect_signals) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DO_NOT_AUTO_START (fixed from do_not_auto_start) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value GET_INVALIDATED_PROPERTIES (fixed from get_invalidated_properties) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DO_NOT_AUTO_START_AT_CONSTRUCTION (fixed from do_not_auto_start_at_construction) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.DBusProxyFlags as 0xf2417f00 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusSignalInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusSignalInfo (GDBusSignalInfo), prototype 0xf2362960, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusMethodInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusMethodInfo (GDBusMethodInfo), prototype 0xf23629c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusArgInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusArgInfo (GDBusArgInfo), prototype 0xf2362cc0, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'DBusPropertyInfo' in namespace 'Gio' JS G BXD: Defined class for DBusPropertyInfo (GDBusPropertyInfo), prototype 0xf23ab160, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'DBusPropertyInfoFlags' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NONE (fixed from none) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READABLE (fixed from readable) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRITABLE (fixed from writable) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.DBusPropertyInfoFlags as 0xf241c758 JS G BXD: Defining method lookup_property in prototype for Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Task' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Task (GTask), prototype 0xf23ab2c0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method init_finish in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'VariantType' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for VariantType (GVariantType), prototype 0xf23ab340, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G OBJ: Defining method call_with_unix_fd_list in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusMethodInvocation' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusMethodInvocation (GDBusMethodInvocation), prototype 0xf23ab400, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_message in prototype for GDBusMethodInvocation (Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'DBusMessage' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for DBusMessage (GDBusMessage), prototype 0xf23ab460, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method get_unix_fd_list in prototype for GDBusMessage (Gio.DBusMessage) JS G BXD: Defining method classify in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method n_children in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_child_value in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method is_of_type in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method lookup_method in prototype for Gio.DBusInterfaceInfo JS G OBJ: Defining method return_value_with_unix_fd_list in prototype for GDBusMethodInvocation (Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) JS G OBJ: Defining method call_with_unix_fd_list_finish in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G BXD: Defining method get_string in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_variant in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'test_expect_message' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'LogLevelFlags' in namespace 'GLib' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_RECURSION (fixed from flag_recursion) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FLAG_FATAL (fixed from flag_fatal) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_ERROR (fixed from level_error) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_CRITICAL (fixed from level_critical) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_WARNING (fixed from level_warning) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MESSAGE (fixed from level_message) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_INFO (fixed from level_info) 64 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_DEBUG (fixed from level_debug) 128 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LEVEL_MASK (fixed from level_mask) -4 JS G ENUM: Defining GLib.LogLevelFlags as 0xf2429790 JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'Error' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for Error (GError), prototype 0xf23b0460, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G OBJ: Defining method return_dbus_error in prototype for GDBusMethodInvocation (Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'IOErrorEnum' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ERR: Defined class for IOErrorEnum (GError), prototype 0xf23a7f20, JSClass 0xf7eb8360, in object 0xf2362240 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_FOUND (fixed from not_found) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value EXISTS (fixed from exists) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IS_DIRECTORY (fixed from is_directory) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_DIRECTORY (fixed from not_directory) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_EMPTY (fixed from not_empty) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_REGULAR_FILE (fixed from not_regular_file) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SYMBOLIC_LINK (fixed from not_symbolic_link) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTABLE_FILE (fixed from not_mountable_file) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILENAME_TOO_LONG (fixed from filename_too_long) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILENAME (fixed from invalid_filename) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_LINKS (fixed from too_many_links) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SPACE (fixed from no_space) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGUMENT (fixed from invalid_argument) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PERMISSION_DENIED (fixed from permission_denied) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_MOUNTED (fixed from not_mounted) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALREADY_MOUNTED (fixed from already_mounted) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CLOSED (fixed from closed) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANCELLED (fixed from cancelled) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PENDING (fixed from pending) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value READ_ONLY (fixed from read_only) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CANT_CREATE_BACKUP (fixed from cant_create_backup) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WRONG_ETAG (fixed from wrong_etag) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_RECURSE (fixed from would_recurse) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BUSY (fixed from busy) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_BLOCK (fixed from would_block) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_NOT_FOUND (fixed from host_not_found) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value WOULD_MERGE (fixed from would_merge) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED_HANDLED (fixed from failed_handled) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES (fixed from too_many_open_files) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_INITIALIZED (fixed from not_initialized) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PARTIAL_INPUT (fixed from partial_input) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_DATA (fixed from invalid_data) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DBUS_ERROR (fixed from dbus_error) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value HOST_UNREACHABLE (fixed from host_unreachable) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NETWORK_UNREACHABLE (fixed from network_unreachable) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_REFUSED (fixed from connection_refused) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_FAILED (fixed from proxy_failed) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_AUTH_FAILED (fixed from proxy_auth_failed) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NEED_AUTH (fixed from proxy_need_auth) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROXY_NOT_ALLOWED (fixed from proxy_not_allowed) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BROKEN_PIPE (fixed from broken_pipe) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value CONNECTION_CLOSED (fixed from connection_closed) 44 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_CONNECTED (fixed from not_connected) 45 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE (fixed from message_too_large) 46 Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.355: JS LOG: Missing handler for DBus method thisDoesNotExist JS G OBJ: Defining method return_gerror in prototype for GDBusMethodInvocation (Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) JS G NS: Found info type ENUM for 'DBusError' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ERR: Defined class for DBusError (GError), prototype 0xf23b31e0, JSClass 0xf7eb8360, in object 0xf2362240 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FAILED (fixed from failed) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_MEMORY (fixed from no_memory) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SERVICE_UNKNOWN (fixed from service_unknown) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NAME_HAS_NO_OWNER (fixed from name_has_no_owner) 3 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_REPLY (fixed from no_reply) 4 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value IO_ERROR (fixed from io_error) 5 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value BAD_ADDRESS (fixed from bad_address) 6 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NOT_SUPPORTED (fixed from not_supported) 7 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value LIMITS_EXCEEDED (fixed from limits_exceeded) 8 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ACCESS_DENIED (fixed from access_denied) 9 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value AUTH_FAILED (fixed from auth_failed) 10 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_SERVER (fixed from no_server) 11 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMEOUT (fixed from timeout) 12 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_NETWORK (fixed from no_network) 13 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADDRESS_IN_USE (fixed from address_in_use) 14 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value DISCONNECTED (fixed from disconnected) 15 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_ARGS (fixed from invalid_args) 16 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILE_NOT_FOUND (fixed from file_not_found) 17 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value FILE_EXISTS (fixed from file_exists) 18 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value UNKNOWN_METHOD (fixed from unknown_method) 19 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value TIMED_OUT (fixed from timed_out) 20 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MATCH_RULE_NOT_FOUND (fixed from match_rule_not_found) 21 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value MATCH_RULE_INVALID (fixed from match_rule_invalid) 22 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_EXEC_FAILED (fixed from spawn_exec_failed) 23 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_FORK_FAILED (fixed from spawn_fork_failed) 24 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_CHILD_EXITED (fixed from spawn_child_exited) 25 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_CHILD_SIGNALED (fixed from spawn_child_signaled) 26 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_FAILED (fixed from spawn_failed) 27 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_SETUP_FAILED (fixed from spawn_setup_failed) 28 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_CONFIG_INVALID (fixed from spawn_config_invalid) 29 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_SERVICE_INVALID (fixed from spawn_service_invalid) 30 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_SERVICE_NOT_FOUND (fixed from spawn_service_not_found) 31 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_PERMISSIONS_INVALID (fixed from spawn_permissions_invalid) 32 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_FILE_INVALID (fixed from spawn_file_invalid) 33 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SPAWN_NO_MEMORY (fixed from spawn_no_memory) 34 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value UNIX_PROCESS_ID_UNKNOWN (fixed from unix_process_id_unknown) 35 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_SIGNATURE (fixed from invalid_signature) 36 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value INVALID_FILE_CONTENT (fixed from invalid_file_content) 37 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value SELINUX_SECURITY_CONTEXT_UNKNOWN (fixed from selinux_security_context_unknown) 38 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ADT_AUDIT_DATA_UNKNOWN (fixed from adt_audit_data_unknown) 39 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value OBJECT_PATH_IN_USE (fixed from object_path_in_use) 40 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value UNKNOWN_OBJECT (fixed from unknown_object) 41 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value UNKNOWN_INTERFACE (fixed from unknown_interface) 42 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value UNKNOWN_PROPERTY (fixed from unknown_property) 43 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value PROPERTY_READ_ONLY (fixed from property_read_only) 44 JS G BXD: Defining method get_int32 in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G OBJ: Defining method emit_signal in prototype for GjsDBusImplementation (CjsPrivate.DBusImplementation) JS G OBJ: Defining method return_value in prototype for GDBusMethodInvocation (Gio.DBusMethodInvocation) JS G BXD: Defining method get_byte in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G BXD: Defining method get_double in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'timeout_add' in namespace 'GLib' JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'open_bytes' in namespace 'CjsPrivate' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'UnixFDList' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for UnixFDList (GUnixFDList), prototype 0xf23e8dc0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'Cancellable' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for Cancellable (GCancellable), prototype 0xf23e8e20, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G BXD: Defining method get_handle in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G OBJ: Defining method get_length in prototype for GUnixFDList (Gio.UnixFDList) JS G OBJ: Defining method get in prototype for GUnixFDList (Gio.UnixFDList) JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'UnixInputStream' in namespace 'Gio' JS G NS: Found info type OBJECT for 'InputStream' in namespace 'Gio' JS G OBJ: Defined class for InputStream (GInputStream), prototype 0xf23e8f60, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defined class for UnixInputStream (GUnixInputStream), prototype 0xf23e8fa0, JSClass 0xf7eb8520, in object 0xf2362240 JS G OBJ: Defining method read_bytes in prototype for GInputStream (Gio.InputStream) JS G BXD: Defining method get_data_as_bytes in prototype for GLib.Variant JS G NS: Found info type FUNCTION for 'source_remove' in namespace 'GLib' JS G OBJ: Defining method read_bytes_async in prototype for GInputStream (Gio.InputStream) JS G OBJ: Defining method read_bytes_finish in prototype for GInputStream (Gio.InputStream) JS G OBJ: Defining method get_cached_property in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method set_cached_property in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G OBJ: Defining method call in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS G NS: Found info type FLAGS for 'DBusCallFlags' in namespace 'Gio' JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NONE (fixed from none) 0 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value NO_AUTO_START (fixed from no_auto_start) 1 JS G ENUM: Defining enum value ALLOW_INTERACTIVE_AUTHORIZATION (fixed from allow_interactive_authorization) 2 JS G ENUM: Defining Gio.DBusCallFlags as 0xf24211e8 JS G BXD: Defining method get_context in prototype for GLib.MainLoop JS G NS: Found info type STRUCT for 'MainContext' in namespace 'GLib' JS G BXD: Defined class for MainContext (GMainContext), prototype 0xf23edc80, JSClass 0xf7eb8260, in object 0xf23620c0 JS G BXD: Defining method iteration in prototype for GLib.MainContext JS G OBJ: Defining method call_finish in prototype for GDBusProxy (Gio.DBusProxy) JS CTX: Script evaluation succeeded JS CTX: Script returned integer code 0 JS MEMORY: Memory report: before destroying context JS MEMORY: 1094 objects currently alive JS MEMORY: boxed_instance = 710 JS MEMORY: boxed_prototype = 14 JS MEMORY: closure = 9 JS MEMORY: function = 224 JS MEMORY: fundamental_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: fundamental_prototype = 0 JS MEMORY: gerror_instance = 5 JS MEMORY: gerror_prototype = 2 JS MEMORY: importer = 2 JS MEMORY: interface = 1 JS MEMORY: module = 11 JS MEMORY: ns = 4 JS MEMORY: object_instance = 96 JS MEMORY: object_prototype = 15 JS MEMORY: param = 0 JS MEMORY: repo = 1 JS MEMORY: union_instance = 0 JS MEMORY: union_prototype = 0 JS CTX: JS shutdown sequence JS CTX: Stopping profiler JS CTX: Shutting down toggle queue JS CTX: Notifying reference holders of GjsContext dispose JS CTX: Checking unhandled promise rejections JS CTX: Releasing cached JS wrappers JS CTX: Final triggered GC JS CTX: Destroying JS context JS CTX: Releasing all native objects JS CTX: Disabling auto GC JS CTX: Ending trace on global object JS CTX: Freeing allocated resources JS CTX: JS context destroyed JS MEMORY: Memory report: after destroying context JS MEMORY: 0 objects currently alive ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43/54 cjs:Debugger / frame command OK 0.07s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' MALLOC_PERTURB_=239 LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/frame.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/frame.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44/54 cjs:Debugger / keys command OK 0.06s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=8 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/keys.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/keys.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 45/54 cjs:Debugger / next command OK 0.06s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=139 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/next.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/next.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 46/54 cjs:Debugger / print command OK 0.05s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=160 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/print.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/print.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 47/54 cjs:Debugger / quit command OK 0.05s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=229 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/quit.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/quit.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 48/54 cjs:Debugger / return command OK 0.04s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory MALLOC_PERTURB_=214 G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/return.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/return.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49/54 cjs:Debugger / set command OK 0.04s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=137 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/set.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/set.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 50/54 cjs:Debugger / step command OK 0.03s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=207 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/step.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/step.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 51/54 cjs:Debugger / throw command OK 0.03s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=142 GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/throw.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/throw.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52/54 cjs:Debugger / until command OK 0.03s 1 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build MALLOC_PERTURB_=86 GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger-test.sh /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/until.debugger ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- 1..1 ok 1 - /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/../cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/debugger/until.debugger ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53/54 cjs:Scripts / CommandLine FAIL 0.68s 39/40 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' MALLOC_PERTURB_=170 LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/scripts/testCommandLine.sh ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: ok 1 - Invalid option should exit with failure (exit code 1) ok 2 - Invalid option should print a relevant message ok 3 - System.exit(0) should exit successfully ok 4 - System.exit(42) should exit with the correct exit code # VALGRIND = ok 5 - System.exit() should still exit across an FFI boundary ok 6 - Basic unicode encoding (accents, etc) should be functioning properly for ARGV and imports. ok 7 - Unicode encoding for symbols should be functioning properly for ARGV and imports. ok 8 - --help should succeed ok 9 - --help should print something ok 10 - should succeed when --help is not first arg ok 11 - should print something when --help is not first arg ok 12 - --help should succeed before a script file ok 13 - --help should print something before a script file ok 14 - --help should succeed before -c ok 15 - --help should print something before -c ok 16 - --help after script file should be passed to script ok 17 - --help after script file should not print anything ok 18 - --help after -c should be passed to script ok 19 - --help after -c should not print anything ok 20 - -I after script should succeed but give a warning ok 21 - --coverage-prefix after script should succeed but give a warning ok 22 - --coverage-output after script should succeed but give a warning ok 23 - --version should work ok 24 - --version should print something ok 25 - --version after -c should be passed to script ok 26 - --version after -c should not print anything ok 27 - --jsversion should work ok 28 - --jsversion should print something ok 29 - --jsversion after -c should be passed to script ok 30 - --jsversion after -c should not print anything ok 31 - no profiling data should be dumped without --profile ok 32 - --profile should dump profiling data to the default file name # SKIP profiler is disabled ok 33 - --profile with argument should dump profiling data to the named file # SKIP profiler is disabled ok 34 - GJS_ENABLE_PROFILER=1 should enable the profiler # SKIP profiler is disabled ok 35 - interpreter should exit with the correct exit code from a queued promise job ok 36 - interpreter should run queued promise jobs before finishing ok 37 - interpreter should stop running jobs when one calls System.exit() ok 38 - unhandled promise rejection should be reported ok 39 - catching an await expression should not cause unhandled rejection ok 40 - main program exceptions are not swallowed by queued promise jobs ok 41 - object unref from other thread after shutdown should not race not ok 42 - avoid crashing when GTK vfuncs are called on context destroy ok 43 - coverage prefix is treated as an absolute path 1..43 stderr: (cjs-console:1079): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.683: JS ERROR: Error: Requiring Gtk, version 3.0: Typelib file for namespace 'Gtk', version '3.0' not found @:2:26 (cjs-console:1079): Cjs-CRITICAL **: 14:54:59.683: Script threw an exception Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.707: Wrote coverage statistics to /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/coverage.lcov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54/54 cjs:C / API tests OK 1.41s 85 subtests passed 14:54:59 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js GJS_USE_UNINSTALLED_FILES=1 GI_TYPELIB_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build:/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/installed-tests/js MALLOC_PERTURB_=222 G_FILENAME_ENCODING=latin1 LC_ALL=C.utf8 ENABLE_GTK=yes TOP_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build GJS_PATH='' LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=23,suppressions=/var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2/installed-tests/extra/lsan.supp GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory G_DEBUG=fatal-warnings,fatal-criticals NO_AT_BRIDGE=1 /var/tmp/portage/gnome-extra/cjs-4.8.2/work/cjs-4.8.2-build/test/gjs-tests --tap --keep-going --verbose ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: # random seed: R02Sd28e278089eacafdd1e6806ac7d78d7c 1..86 # Start of gjs tests # Start of context tests ok 1 /gjs/context/exit # Start of construct tests ok 2 /gjs/context/construct/destroy ok 3 /gjs/context/construct/eval # End of construct tests # Start of eval tests ok 4 /gjs/context/eval/non-zero-terminated # End of eval tests # End of context tests # Start of gobject tests # GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs? ok 5 /gjs/gobject/js_defined_type ok 6 /gjs/gobject/without_introspection # End of gobject tests # Start of profiler tests # Cjs-MESSAGE: Profiler is disabled. Recompile with it enabled to use. # MESSAGE: Temp profiler file not deleted ok 7 /gjs/profiler/start_stop # End of profiler tests # Start of jsapi tests # Start of util tests # Start of error tests ok 8 /gjs/jsapi/util/error/throw # End of error tests # Start of string tests ok 9 /gjs/jsapi/util/string/utf8-nchars-to-js ok 10 /gjs/jsapi/util/string/char16_data ok 11 /gjs/jsapi/util/string/to_ucs4 # Start of js tests # Start of string tests ok 12 /gjs/jsapi/util/string/js/string/utf8 # End of string tests # End of js tests # End of string tests # Start of debug_string tests ok 13 /gjs/jsapi/util/debug_string/valid-utf8 ok 14 /gjs/jsapi/util/debug_string/invalid-utf8 # SKIP SpiderMonkey doesn't validate UTF-8 after encoding it ok 15 /gjs/jsapi/util/debug_string/object-with-complicated-to-string # End of debug_string tests # Start of gi tests # Start of args tests # Start of safe-integer tests ok 16 /gjs/jsapi/util/gi/args/safe-integer/max ok 17 /gjs/jsapi/util/gi/args/safe-integer/min # End of safe-integer tests # End of args tests # End of gi tests # End of util tests # End of jsapi tests # Start of coverage tests # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.anAPWu/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 18 /gjs/coverage/file_duplicated_into_output_path # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.f10u4y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 19 /gjs/coverage/file_duplicated_full_resource_path # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.rALXCw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 20 /gjs/coverage/contents_preserved_accumulate_mode # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.VkyDty/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 21 /gjs/coverage/new_contents_appended_accumulate_mode # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.3ItGKy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 22 /gjs/coverage/expected_source_file_name_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.zlOqsy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 23 /gjs/coverage/entry_not_written_for_nonexistent_file # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.cqvmnx/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 24 /gjs/coverage/single_branch_coverage_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.YJyEaw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 25 /gjs/coverage/multiple_branch_coverage_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.Zc3x7y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 26 /gjs/coverage/branches_for_multiple_case_statements_fallthrough # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.VDzGLv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 27 /gjs/coverage/not_hit_branch_point_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.NsAS5u/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 28 /gjs/coverage/function_names_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.6pHq1x/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 29 /gjs/coverage/function_lines_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.UBVzkv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 30 /gjs/coverage/function_hit_counts_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.8YYN5w/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 31 /gjs/coverage/big_function_hit_counts_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.sLJS0y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 32 /gjs/coverage/little_function_hit_counts_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.D7IYcy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 33 /gjs/coverage/total_function_coverage_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.8Q5zew/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 34 /gjs/coverage/single_line_hit_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.Eoz5xx/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 35 /gjs/coverage/hits_on_multiline_if_cond # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.d8wqHv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 36 /gjs/coverage/full_line_tally_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.g0XEow/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 37 /gjs/coverage/no_hits_for_unexecuted_file # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.NKkK6w/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 38 /gjs/coverage/end_of_record_section_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.b6Jhvz/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 39 /gjs/coverage/multiple_source_file_records_written_to_coverage_data # Cjs-MESSAGE: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.e6rTlw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ok 40 /gjs/coverage/correct_line_coverage_data_written_for_both_sections # End of coverage tests # End of gjs tests # Start of util tests # Start of misc tests # Start of strv tests # Start of concat tests ok 41 /util/misc/strv/concat/null ok 42 /util/misc/strv/concat/pointers # End of concat tests # End of strv tests # End of misc tests # End of util tests # Start of callargs tests ok 43 /callargs/no-args-works ok 44 /callargs/no-args-fails-on-extra-args ok 45 /callargs/no-args-ignores-trailing ok 46 /callargs/too-many-args-fails ok 47 /callargs/too-many-args-fails-when-more-than-optional ok 48 /callargs/too-few-args-fails ok 49 /callargs/too-few-args-fails-with-optional ok 50 /callargs/args-ignores-trailing ok 51 /callargs/one-of-each-type-works ok 52 /callargs/optional-args-work-when-passing-all-args ok 53 /callargs/optional-args-work-when-passing-only-required-args ok 54 /callargs/enum-types-work ok 55 /callargs/signed-enum-types-work ok 56 /callargs/one-of-each-nullable-type-works ok 57 /callargs/passing-no-arguments-when-all-optional ok 58 /callargs/passing-some-arguments-when-all-optional ok 59 /callargs/passing-all-arguments-when-all-optional ok 60 /callargs/allocated-args-are-freed-on-error ok 61 /callargs/nullable-bool-is-invalid ok 62 /callargs/nullable-int-is-invalid ok 63 /callargs/nullable-unsigned-is-invalid ok 64 /callargs/nullable-int64-is-invalid ok 65 /callargs/nullable-double-is-invalid ok 66 /callargs/invalid-bool-type ok 67 /callargs/invalid-int-type ok 68 /callargs/invalid-unsigned-type ok 69 /callargs/invalid-int64-type ok 70 /callargs/invalid-double-type ok 71 /callargs/invalid-autochar-type ok 72 /callargs/invalid-autojschar-type ok 73 /callargs/invalid-object-type ok 74 /callargs/invalid-boolean ok 75 /callargs/invalid-object # End of callargs tests # Start of rooting tests # Start of maybe-owned tests ok 76 /rooting/maybe-owned/rooted-flag-set-when-rooted ok 77 /rooting/maybe-owned/rooted-flag-not-set-when-not-rooted ok 78 /rooting/maybe-owned/rooted-keeps-alive-across-gc ok 79 /rooting/maybe-owned/rooted-is-collected-after-reset ok 80 /rooting/maybe-owned/weak-pointer-is-collected-by-gc ok 81 /rooting/maybe-owned/heap-rooted-keeps-alive-across-gc ok 82 /rooting/maybe-owned/switching-mode-keeps-same-value ok 83 /rooting/maybe-owned/switch-to-rooted-prevents-collection ok 84 /rooting/maybe-owned/switch-to-unrooted-allows-collection ok 85 /rooting/maybe-owned/notify-callback-called-on-context-destroy ok 86 /rooting/maybe-owned/object-destroyed-after-notify # End of maybe-owned tests # End of rooting tests stderr: Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.188: Profiler is disabled. Recompile with it enabled to use. ** Message: 14:54:59.190: Temp profiler file not deleted ** This is an exception 42 Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.375: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.anAPWu/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.417: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.f10u4y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.435: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.rALXCw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.452: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.VkyDty/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.468: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.3ItGKy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.484: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.zlOqsy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.504: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.cqvmnx/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.521: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.YJyEaw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.539: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.Zc3x7y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.556: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.VDzGLv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.574: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.NsAS5u/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.591: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.6pHq1x/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.609: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.UBVzkv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.626: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.8YYN5w/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.644: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.sLJS0y/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.661: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.D7IYcy/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.677: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.8Q5zew/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.693: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.Eoz5xx/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.709: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.d8wqHv/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.725: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.g0XEow/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.740: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.NKkK6w/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.771: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.b6Jhvz/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov Cjs-Message: 14:54:59.801: Wrote coverage statistics to /tmp/gjs_coverage_tmp.e6rTlw/gjs_coverage_test_coverage/coverage.lcov ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Failures: 7/54 cjs:JS / GObjectClass ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 11/54 cjs:JS / Introspection ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 19/54 cjs:JS / LegacyGObject ERROR 0.11s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 27/54 cjs:JS / Cairo ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 31/54 cjs:JS / Gtk3 ERROR 0.10s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 32/54 cjs:JS / GObjectDestructionAccess ERROR 0.10s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 33/54 cjs:JS / LegacyGtk ERROR 0.09s killed by signal 5 SIGTRAP 53/54 cjs:Scripts / CommandLine FAIL 0.68s 39/40 subtests passed Ok: 46 Expected Fail: 0 Fail: 8 Unexpected Pass: 0 Skipped: 0 Timeout: 0