Log of Meson test suite run on 2021-05-28T09:41:21.562327 Inherited environment: SANDBOX_MESSAGE_P@TH=/proc/4/fd/2 PORTAGE_NONFATAL=1 ABI=x86 SLOT=0 SHELL=/bin/bash SESSION_MANAGER=local/principale:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/2613873,unix/principale:/tmp/.ICE-unix/2613873 WINDOWID=1 RUBY_TARGETS='' CFLAGS_x32=-mx32 PORTAGE_INST_UID=0 KERNEL_ABI=amd64 PORTAGE_PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS='' PORTAGE_FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs cgroup compress-build-logs config-protect-if-modified distcc distlocks ebuild-locks ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms split-elog split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' COLORTERM=truecolor ESYSROOT='' XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=/etc/xdg _abi_saved_AR=/usr/bin/gcc-ar LESS='-R -M --shift 5' XDG_SESSION_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session7 SUDO_GID=1000 ROOTPATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin CFLAGS_x86=-m32 JDK_HOME=/home/paolo/.gentoo/java-config-2/current-user-vm USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL='AIX Darwin FreeBSD freemint HPUX linux NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS Winnt' PORTAGE_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8 PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET='' PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES='ARCH ELIBC IUSE_IMPLICIT KERNEL USERLAND USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND' DISTCC_VERBOSE=0 SYMLINK_LIB=no PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/share/pkgconfig SANDBOX_ACTIVE=armedandready LANGUAGE=it USERLAND=GNU CPU_FLAGS_X86='' PKG_TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_ LUA_TARGETS='' LDFLAGS_x86='-m elf_i386' MULTILIB_STRICT_DIRS='/lib32 /lib /usr/lib32 /usr/lib /usr/kde/*/lib32 /usr/kde/*/lib /usr/qt/*/lib32 /usr/qt/*/lib /usr/X11R6/lib32 /usr/X11R6/lib' PKGUSE=abi_x86_32 USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND='BSD GNU' JAVA_HOME=/home/paolo/.gentoo/java-config-2/current-user-vm VDPAU_DRIVER=r600 TWISTED_DISABLE_WRITING_OF_PLUGIN_CACHE=1 SANDBOX_ON=1 SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-XXXXXXUTVl51/agent.1071699 IUSE_EFFECTIVE='X abi_mips_n32 abi_mips_n64 abi_mips_o32 abi_s390_32 abi_s390_64 abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 abi_x86_x32 alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos doc elibc_AIX elibc_Cygwin elibc_Darwin elibc_DragonFly elibc_FreeBSD elibc_HPUX elibc_Interix elibc_NetBSD elibc_OpenBSD elibc_SunOS elibc_Winnt elibc_bionic elibc_glibc elibc_mingw elibc_mintlib elibc_musl elibc_uclibc hppa ia64 kernel_AIX kernel_Darwin kernel_FreeBSD kernel_HPUX kernel_NetBSD kernel_OpenBSD kernel_SunOS kernel_Winnt kernel_freemint kernel_linux m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris static-libs test userland_BSD userland_GNU wayland x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' EPREFIX='' CCACHE_SIZE=2G STRINGS=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-strings EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC=src_test CAMERAS='' WINDOW=0 SHELL_SESSION_ID=bd076b08a4b1494c9c7981514cfe5e46 EPYTHON=python3.8 CURL_SSL='' PORTAGE_IPC_DAEMON=1 PROPERTIES='' EBUILD_PHASE=test IUSE_IMPLICIT='abi_x86_64 prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack' _abi_saved_CHOST=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu DISTCC_DIR=/var/tmp/portage/.distcc ANT_HOME=/usr/share/ant SUDO_COMMAND='/usr/bin/emerge -uN1Da @world' PORTAGE_SIGPIPE_STATUS=141 OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION='' DESKTOP_SESSION=/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland SSH_AGENT_PID=1071700 CBUILD=i686-pc-linux-gnu LDFLAGS_amd64='-m elf_x86_64' SUDO_USER=paolo GTK_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk/gtkrc:/home/paolo/.gtkrc:/home/paolo/.config/gtkrc DEFAULT_ABI=amd64 XCURSOR_SIZE=24 ALSA_CARDS='' GPG_TTY=/dev/pts/5 _abi_saved_PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/python3.8/pkgconfig ABI_S390='' KERNEL=linux FFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -march=amdfam10 -flto=6' EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim ED=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/image MULTILIB_STRICT_DENY='64-bit.*shared object' PORTAGE_ARCHLIST='alpha amd64 amd64-linux arm arm-linux arm64 arm64-linux arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux riscv s390 sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' EBUILD=/usr/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon/libxkbcommon-1.3.0.ebuild XDG_SEAT=seat0 INHERITED=' multiprocessing ninja-utils toolchain-funcs multilib python-utils-r1 meson multibuild multilib-build multilib-minimal python-any-r1 virtualx' SEARCH_DIRS_MASK=/usr/lib/cups/filter OPENMPI_RM='' ADA_TARGET='' EBUILD_MASTER_PID=21 PORTAGE_REPO_NAME=gentoo PWD=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 PORTAGE_RESTRICT='' PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS_SIZE_LIMIT=128 XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP=KDE LOGNAME=portage EXEOPTIONS=-m0755 DISTCC_SOCKS_PROXY=/var/tmp/portage/.portage.2796214.net.sock CTARGET_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu DEFINED_PHASES=' compile configure install setup test' XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland LIBDIR_amd64=lib64 DISTCC_TCP_CORK='' SANDBOX_VERBOSE=1 PORTAGE_WORKDIR_MODE=0700 PKGDIR=/usr/portage/packages FILESDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/files DIROPTIONS=-m0755 MAKEOPTS='-j12 -l6' PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT=/ ENV_UNSET='CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR' PM_EBUILD_HOOK_DIR=/etc/portage/env CXX='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-g++ -m32' CXXFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -march=amdfam10 -flto=6' PORTAGE_OVERRIDE_EPREFIX='' XAUTHORITY='' ABI_PPC='' T=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp S=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 P=libxkbcommon-1.3.0 UNCACHED_ERR_FD='' D=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/image A=libxkbcommon-1.3.0.tar.xz CATEGORY=x11-libs LDFLAGS_x32='-m elf32_x86_64' MOTD_SHOWN=pam LD_PRELOAD=libsandbox.so XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL=pc105 PYTHON_TARGETS='' GTK2_RC_FILES=/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:/home/paolo/.gtkrc-2.0:/home/paolo/.config/gtkrc-2.0 ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES='' CALLIGRA_FEATURES='' LDFLAGS='-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--sort-common -flto=6' HOME=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/homedir LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS='' SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/bin/ksshaskpass LANG=it_IT.UTF-8 CFLAGS_amd64=-m64 _abi_saved_NM=/usr/bin/gcc-nm WORKDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work QEMU_USER_TARGETS='' LS_COLORS='rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.webp=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.cfg=00;32:*.conf=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.ini=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:' XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE INSOPTIONS=-m0644 KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE=:1.124 SANDBOX_LIB=libsandbox.so UWSGI_PLUGINS='' COLUMNS=132 CHOST_x86=i686-pc-linux-gnu BROOT='' PORTAGE_TMPDIR=/var/tmp WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-0 LINGUAS='it it_IT' PORTAGE_COLORMAP='GOOD=$'"'"''"'"' WARN=$'"'"''"'"' BAD=$'"'"''"'"' HILITE=$'"'"''"'"' BRACKET=$'"'"''"'"' NORMAL=$'"'"''"'"'' SANDBOX_READ=/:/var/tmp/portage LCD_DEVICES='' KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION=/Sessions/1 PROFILEHOME='' _abi_saved_CBUILD=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu FEATURES='assume-digests binpkg-docompress binpkg-dostrip binpkg-logs cgroup compress-build-logs config-protect-if-modified distcc distlocks ebuild-locks ipc-sandbox merge-sync multilib-strict network-sandbox news parallel-fetch pid-sandbox preserve-libs protect-owned qa-unresolved-soname-deps sandbox sfperms split-elog split-log strict test unknown-features-warn unmerge-logs unmerge-orphans userfetch userpriv usersandbox usersync xattr' TMPDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp XDG_SEAT_PATH=/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0 PORTAGE_BIN_PATH=/usr/lib/portage/python3.8 CPU_FLAGS_PPC='' _E_INSDESTTREE_='' DISTCC_FALLBACK=1 LD='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-ld -m elf_i386' INVOCATION_ID=da68ecb49ff8422ea336abe2758cb3bf OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES='' DCC_EMAILLOG_WHOM_TO_BLAME='' PORTAGE_INTERNAL_CALLER=1 PORTAGE_COMPRESSION_COMMAND=bzip2 KONSOLE_VERSION=201203 PVR=1.3.0 MANAGERPID=2613743 PKG_LOGDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/logging PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/pkgconfig READELF=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-readelf CPU_FLAGS_ARM='' KEYWORDS='~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86' PORTAGE_COMPRESS_EXCLUDE_SUFFIXES='css gif htm[l]? jp[e]?g js pdf png' PORTAGE_BUILD_USER=portage KDE_SESSION_UID=1000 OPENMPI_FABRICS='' NGINX_MODULES_MAIL='' USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED=ARCH PORT_LOGDIR=/var/log/portage MOPREFIX=libxkbcommon CHOST_amd64=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu _E_EXEDESTTREE_='' MOZ_GMP_PATH=/usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins/gmp-gmpopenh264/system-installed FFTOOLS='' XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT=it OFED_DRIVERS='' LLVM_TARGETS='' LIRC_DEVICES='' FETCHCOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' JAVAC=/home/paolo/.gentoo/java-config-2/current-user-vm/bin/javac PORTAGE_PYM_PATH=/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages FCFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -march=amdfam10 -flto=6' XDG_SESSION_CLASS=user MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT='(perl5|gcc|binutils|eclipse-3|debug|portage|udev|systemd|clang|python-exec|llvm)' LUA_SINGLE_TARGET='' TERM=screen.xterm-256color F77='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran -m32' BOOTSTRAP_USE='unicode internal-glib pkg-config split-usr python_targets_python3_8 multilib systemd udev' LESSOPEN='|lesspipe %s' EROOT='' PORTAGE_XATTR_EXCLUDE='btrfs.* security.evm security.ima security.selinux system.nfs4_acl user.apache_handler user.Beagle.* user.dublincore.* user.mime_encoding user.xdg.*' PORTAGE_LOG_FILE=/var/log/portage/build/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0:20210528-074024.log.gz NOCOLOR=no PORTAGE_DEBUG=0 PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.8 COLORFGBG='0;15' RESTRICT='' PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING=1 SANDBOX_DEBUG=0 PORTAGE_DEPCACHEDIR=/var/cache/edb/dep L10N='' AR=/usr/bin/gcc-ar KDE_SESSION_VERSION=5 ARCH=amd64 PAM_KWALLET5_LOGIN=/run/user/1000/kwallet5.socket NGINX_MODULES_HTTP='' MANPAGER=manpager QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI=96 ROOT='' VIDEO_CARDS='' ROS_MESSAGES='' ABI_X86='64 32' TEMP=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH='alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 arm64-macos hppa ia64 m68k mips ppc ppc64 ppc64-linux ppc-macos riscv s390 sparc sparc64-solaris sparc-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-solaris x86-winnt' LIBDIR_x32=libx32 INPUT_DEVICES='' DISPLAY=:7 SHLVL=1 DISTCC_SAVE_TEMPS=0 DISTDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/distdir NM=/usr/bin/gcc-nm PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES='[DEFAULT] auto-sync = yes main-repo = gentoo strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-rcu = false [gentoo] auto-sync = yes location = /usr/portage masters = priority = -1000 strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-path = /usr/share/openpgp-keys/gentoo-release.asc sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-count = 40 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-exp-base = 2 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-max = 60 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-delay-mult = 4 sync-openpgp-key-refresh-retry-overall-timeout = 1200 sync-openpgp-keyserver = hkps://keys.gentoo.org sync-rcu = false sync-type = rsync sync-uri = rsync://rsync.europe.gentoo.org/gentoo-portage sync-rsync-verify-jobs = 1 sync-rsync-verify-max-age = 24 sync-rsync-extra-opts = sync-rsync-verify-metamanifest = yes [x-portage] auto-sync = yes location = /usr/local/portage masters = gentoo priority = 0 strict-misc-digests = true sync-allow-hardlinks = true sync-openpgp-key-refresh = true sync-rcu = false ' APACHE2_MPMS='' PAGER=/usr/bin/less SANDBOX_WRITE=:/dev/console:/dev/fd:/dev/full:/dev/null:/dev/ptmx:/dev/pts/:/dev/pty:/dev/shm:/dev/tts:/dev/tty:/dev/vc/:/dev/zero:/proc/self/fd:/tmp/:/usr/lib/cf:/usr/lib/conftest:/usr/lib32/cf:/usr/lib32/conftest:/usr/lib64/cf:/usr/lib64/conftest:/usr/tmp/:/usr/tmp/cf:/usr/tmp/conftest:/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/portage:/var/tmp/portage/.distcc:/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/homedir/.bash_history CHOST_default=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu DISTCC_SSH='' XFCE_PLUGINS='' GPSD_PROTOCOLS='' LC_MESSAGES=C XDG_VTNR=10 XTABLES_ADDONS='' XDG_SESSION_ID=15269 LICENSE=MIT PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 SYSROOT='' VOICEMAIL_STORAGE='' PV=1.3.0 RESUMECOMMAND_SSH='bash -c "x=\${2#ssh://} ; host=\${x%%/*} ; port=\${host##*:} ; host=\${host%:*} ; [[ \${host} = \${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\"ssh \${port:+-p\${port}} \${3}\" -avP \"\${host}:/\${x#*/}\" \"\$1\"" rsync "${DISTDIR}/${FILE}" "${URI}" "${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}"' SANDBOX_LOG=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/sandbox.log PR=r0 COLLECTD_PLUGINS='' PN=libxkbcommon XARGS='xargs -r' SANE_BACKENDS='' USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT='ARCH ELIBC KERNEL USERLAND' PF=libxkbcommon-1.3.0 USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC='AIX bionic Cygwin Darwin DragonFly FreeBSD glibc HPUX Interix mingw mintlib musl NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS uclibc Winnt' PORTAGE_BASHRC=/etc/portage/bashrc ACCEPT_LICENSE=MIT BUILD_PREFIX=/var/tmp/portage MERGE_TYPE=source GCC_SPECS='' ABI_MIPS='' _E_DOCDESTTREE_='' GSETTINGS_BACKEND=dconf _E_DESTTREE_=/usr PORTAGE_SOCKS5_PROXY=/var/tmp/portage/.portage.2796214.net.sock PORTAGE_ACTUAL_DISTDIR=/usr/portage/distfiles CCACHE_DISABLE=1 LIBDIR_default=lib DISTCC_ENABLE_DISCREPANCY_EMAIL='' _DEFAULT_ABI_SAVED=true SANDBOX_PREDICT=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/homedir:/dev/crypto:/var/cache/man:/dev/random:/proc/self/coredump_filter:/dev/random:/proc/self/coredump_filter:/var/cache/fontconfig:/ FC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gfortran -m32' LIBOPTIONS=-m0644 GRUB_PLATFORMS='' PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib:/usr/lib SANDBOX_DENY='' XKB_DEFAULT_VARIANT=nodeadkeys STRIP=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-strip QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=0 JOURNAL_STREAM=8:144958428 LC_COLLATE=C XCURSOR_THEME=Breeze_Snow XDG_DATA_DIRS=/usr/local/share:/usr/share KDE_FULL_SESSION=true CHOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu TMP=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp PORTAGE_INST_GID=0 OBJDUMP=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-objdump PATH=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/python3.8/bin:/usr/lib/distcc/bin:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin SANDBOX_DEBUG_LOG=/var/log/sandbox/sandbox-debug-4.log STY=2618275.pts-2.principale PORTAGE_BUILDDIR=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND=bzip2 VBOX_APP_HOME=/usr/lib64/virtualbox CHOST_x32=x86_64-pc-linux-gnux32 NGINX_MODULES_STREAM='' USE='X abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc kernel_linux test userland_GNU wayland' PHP_TARGETS='' CC='x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc -m32' POSTGRES_TARGETS='' _abi_saved_READELF=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-readelf CFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -march=amdfam10 -flto=6' USE_EXPAND='ABI_MIPS ABI_PPC ABI_S390 ABI_X86 ADA_TARGET ALSA_CARDS APACHE2_MODULES APACHE2_MPMS CALLIGRA_FEATURES CAMERAS COLLECTD_PLUGINS CPU_FLAGS_ARM CPU_FLAGS_PPC CPU_FLAGS_X86 CURL_SSL ELIBC ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES FFTOOLS GPSD_PROTOCOLS GRUB_PLATFORMS INPUT_DEVICES KERNEL L10N LCD_DEVICES LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS LIRC_DEVICES LLVM_TARGETS LUA_SINGLE_TARGET LUA_TARGETS MONKEYD_PLUGINS NGINX_MODULES_HTTP NGINX_MODULES_MAIL NGINX_MODULES_STREAM OFED_DRIVERS OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION OPENMPI_FABRICS OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES OPENMPI_RM PHP_TARGETS POSTGRES_TARGETS PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET PYTHON_TARGETS QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS QEMU_USER_TARGETS ROS_MESSAGES RUBY_TARGETS SANE_BACKENDS USERLAND UWSGI_PLUGINS VIDEO_CARDS VOICEMAIL_STORAGE XFCE_PLUGINS XTABLES_ADDONS' SANDBOX_BASHRC=/usr/share/sandbox/sandbox.bashrc SUDO_UID=1000 MULTILIB_ABIS='amd64 x86' LIBDIR_x86=lib KDE_APPLICATIONS_AS_SCOPE=1 PORTAGE_GID=250 MAIL=/var/mail/paolo PORTAGE_BUILD_GROUP=portage APACHE2_MODULES='' COMMON_FLAGS='-O2 -pipe -frecord-gcc-switches -march=amdfam10 -flto=6' ELIBC=glibc XKB_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp EAPI=7 PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include RANLIB=/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib ECLASS_DEPTH=0 PORTAGE_BASHRC_FILES=/usr/portage/profiles/default/linux/amd64/17.1/profile.bashrc OLDPWD=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MONKEYD_PLUGINS='' EMERGE_FROM=ebuild PKG_CONFIG=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-pkg-config KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW=/Windows/1 _abi_saved_RANLIB=/usr/bin/gcc-ranlib _=/usr/bin/meson 1/21 libxkbcommon / log OK 0.04s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MALLOC_PERTURB_=226 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-log ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- warning: first warning: 87 error: first error: 115415 warning: first verbose 5 warning: second warning: 87 debug: second debug: hello world info: second info error: second error: 115415 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2/21 libxkbcommon / utf8 OK 0.03s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=229 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-utf8 ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/21 libxkbcommon / keysym OK 0.12s 07:41:21 MALLOC_PERTURB_=91 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-keysym ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: Expected string Undo -> ff65 Received string Undo -> ff65 Expected string ThisKeyShouldNotExist -> 0 Received string ThisKeyShouldNotExist -> 0 Expected string XF86_Switch_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Received string XF86_Switch_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Expected string VoidSymbol -> ffffff Received string VoidSymbol -> ffffff Expected string U4567 -> 1004567 Received string U4567 -> 1004567 Expected string U+4567 -> 0 Received string U+4567 -> 0 Expected string U+4567ffff -> 0 Received string U+4567ffff -> 0 Expected string U+4567ffffff -> 0 Received string U+4567ffffff -> 0 Expected string U 4567 -> 0 Received string U 4567 -> 0 Expected string U +4567 -> 0 Received string U +4567 -> 0 Expected string 0x10203040 -> 10203040 Received string 0x10203040 -> 10203040 Expected string 0x102030400 -> 0 Received string 0x102030400 -> 0 Expected string 0x010203040 -> 0 Received string 0x010203040 -> 0 Expected string 0x+10203040 -> 0 Received string 0x+10203040 -> 0 Expected string 0x 10203040 -> 0 Received string 0x 10203040 -> 0 Expected string 0x +10203040 -> 0 Received string 0x +10203040 -> 0 Expected string 0x-10203040 -> 0 Received string 0x-10203040 -> 0 Expected string a -> 61 Received string a -> 61 Expected string A -> 41 Received string A -> 41 Expected string ch -> fea0 Received string ch -> fea0 Expected string Ch -> fea1 Received string Ch -> fea1 Expected string CH -> fea2 Received string CH -> fea2 Expected string THORN -> de Received string THORN -> de Expected string Thorn -> de Received string Thorn -> de Expected string thorn -> fe Received string thorn -> fe Expected string 0xffffffff -> ffffffff Received string 0xffffffff -> ffffffff Expected string 0x100000000 -> 0 Received string 0x100000000 -> 0 Expected keysym 0x1008ff56 -> XF86Close Received keysym 0x1008ff56 -> XF86Close Expected keysym 0 -> NoSymbol Received keysym 0 -> NoSymbol Expected keysym 0x1008fe20 -> XF86Ungrab Received keysym 0x1008fe20 -> XF86Ungrab Expected keysym 0x1001234 -> U1234 Received keysym 0x1001234 -> U1234 Expected keysym 0x10002de -> U02DE Received keysym 0x10002de -> U02DE Expected keysym 0x101f4a9 -> U0001F4A9 Received keysym 0x101f4a9 -> U0001F4A9 Expected casestring Undo -> ff65 Received casestring Undo -> ff65 Expected casestring UNDO -> ff65 Received casestring UNDO -> ff65 Expected casestring A -> 61 Received casestring A -> 61 Expected casestring a -> 61 Received casestring a -> 61 Expected casestring ThisKeyShouldNotExist -> 0 Received casestring ThisKeyShouldNotExist -> 0 Expected casestring XF86_Switch_vT_5 -> 1008fe05 Received casestring XF86_Switch_vT_5 -> 1008fe05 Expected casestring xF86_SwitcH_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Received casestring xF86_SwitcH_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Expected casestring xF86SwiTch_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Received casestring xF86SwiTch_VT_5 -> 1008fe05 Expected casestring xF86Switch_vt_5 -> 1008fe05 Received casestring xF86Switch_vt_5 -> 1008fe05 Expected casestring VoidSymbol -> ffffff Received casestring VoidSymbol -> ffffff Expected casestring vOIDsymBol -> ffffff Received casestring vOIDsymBol -> ffffff Expected casestring U4567 -> 1004567 Received casestring U4567 -> 1004567 Expected casestring u4567 -> 1004567 Received casestring u4567 -> 1004567 Expected casestring 0x10203040 -> 10203040 Received casestring 0x10203040 -> 10203040 Expected casestring 0X10203040 -> 10203040 Received casestring 0X10203040 -> 10203040 Expected casestring THORN -> fe Received casestring THORN -> fe Expected casestring Thorn -> fe Received casestring Thorn -> fe Expected casestring thorn -> fe Received casestring thorn -> fe Expected string -> 0 Received string -> 0 Expected casestring -> 0 Received casestring -> 0 Expected keysym 0x79 -> y (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x79 -> y (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0x75 -> u (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x75 -> u (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0x6d -> m (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x6d -> m (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0x6cd -> м (2 bytes) Received keysym 0x6cd -> м (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0x6d5 -> у (2 bytes) Received keysym 0x6d5 -> у (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0x21 -> ! (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x21 -> ! (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xf8 -> ø (2 bytes) Received keysym 0xf8 -> ø (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0xce0 -> א (2 bytes) Received keysym 0xce0 -> א (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0x5d4 -> ش (2 bytes) Received keysym 0x5d4 -> ش (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0x20 -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x20 -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff80 -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff80 -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff08 ->  (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff08 ->  (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff1b ->  (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff1b ->  (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffac -> , (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffac -> , (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffae -> . (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffae -> . (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff09 -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff09 -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff89 -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff89 -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xad -> ­ (2 bytes) Received keysym 0xad -> ­ (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff0a -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff0a -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff0d -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff0d -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xff8d -> (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xff8d -> (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffbd -> = (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffbd -> = (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0x39 -> 9 (1 bytes) Received keysym 0x39 -> 9 (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffb9 -> 9 (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffb9 -> 9 (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffaa -> * (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffaa -> * (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0xffad -> - (1 bytes) Received keysym 0xffad -> - (1 bytes) Expected keysym 0x10005d0 -> א (2 bytes) Received keysym 0x10005d0 -> א (2 bytes) Expected keysym 0x110ffff -> 􏿿 (4 bytes) Received keysym 0x110ffff -> 􏿿 (4 bytes) Code point 0x79: expected keysym: y, actual: y Code point 0x75: expected keysym: u, actual: u Code point 0x6d: expected keysym: m, actual: m Code point 0x43c: expected keysym: Cyrillic_em, actual: Cyrillic_em Code point 0x443: expected keysym: Cyrillic_u, actual: Cyrillic_u Code point 0x21: expected keysym: exclam, actual: exclam Code point 0xf8: expected keysym: oslash, actual: oslash Code point 0x5d0: expected keysym: hebrew_aleph, actual: hebrew_aleph Code point 0x634: expected keysym: Arabic_sheen, actual: Arabic_sheen Code point 0x1f609: expected keysym: U0001F609, actual: U0001F609 Code point 0x8: expected keysym: BackSpace, actual: BackSpace Code point 0x9: expected keysym: Tab, actual: Tab Code point 0xa: expected keysym: Linefeed, actual: Linefeed Code point 0xb: expected keysym: Clear, actual: Clear Code point 0xd: expected keysym: Return, actual: Return Code point 0x1b: expected keysym: Escape, actual: Escape Code point 0x7f: expected keysym: Delete, actual: Delete Code point 0x20: expected keysym: space, actual: space Code point 0x2c: expected keysym: comma, actual: comma Code point 0x2e: expected keysym: period, actual: period Code point 0x3d: expected keysym: equal, actual: equal Code point 0x39: expected keysym: 9, actual: 9 Code point 0x2a: expected keysym: asterisk, actual: asterisk Code point 0xd7: expected keysym: multiply, actual: multiply Code point 0x2d: expected keysym: minus, actual: minus Code point 0x10fffd: expected keysym: U0010FFFD, actual: U0010FFFD Code point 0xfdd0: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xfdef: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xfffe: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xffff: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0x7fffe: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0x7ffff: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xafffe: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xaffff: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0x110000: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol Code point 0xdeadbeef: expected keysym: NoSymbol, actual: NoSymbol ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4/21 libxkbcommon / keymap OK 0.12s 07:41:21 MALLOC_PERTURB_=15 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-keymap ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'garbage', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+garbage+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: garbage:9:37: unrecognized keysym "keysym_is_garbage" xkbcommon: WARNING: garbage:13:37: unrecognized keysym "keysym_is_garbage" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc104', layout 'us,ru', variant '(null)', options 'grp:menu_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+ru:2+inet(evdev)+group(menu_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5/21 libxkbcommon / filecomp OK 0.11s 07:41:21 MALLOC_PERTURB_=175 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-filecomp ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/basic.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Geometry sections are not supported; ignoring xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwerty)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "locking" field in symbol interpretation is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "pc_us_inet(evdev)_ctrl(nocaps)_compose(rwin)_terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/comprehensive-plus-geom.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "locking" field in symbol interpretation is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: WARNING: The type "ONE_LEVEL" for key '' group 1 was not previously defined; Using the default type xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/no-types.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Geometry sections are not supported; ignoring xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "empty_aliases(qwerty)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "locking" field in symbol interpretation is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "unknown" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key <> not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key <> not found in keycodes; Modifier map entry for Mod2 not updated Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/quartz.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwerty)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "pc_us_inet(evdev)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/no-aliases.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: ERROR: Cannot divide by zero: 1 / 0 xkbcommon: ERROR: Value of x field must be of type integer; Action MovePtr definition ignored xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile xkb_compatibility xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap Failed to compile path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/divide-by-zero.xkb xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: ERROR: Required section xkb_keycodes missing from keymap xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap Failed to compile path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/bad.xkb xkbcommon: ERROR: (unknown file):1105:9: syntax error xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to parse input xkb file Failed to compile path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/syntax-error.xkb xkbcommon: ERROR: (unknown file):4:17: syntax error xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to parse input xkb file Failed to compile path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/syntax-error2.xkb Failed to open path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/does not exist xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: no file specified xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: unsupported keymap format: 0 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: unsupported keymap format: -1 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: unsupported keymap format: 1234 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: unrecognized flags: 0xffffffff xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_file: unrecognized flags: 0x4d2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6/21 libxkbcommon / context OK 0.10s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MALLOC_PERTURB_=100 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-context ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: ¡NONSENSE! (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.ZQXpvv xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /usr/share/X11/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.RFVZQv/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.RFVZQv/.xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /usr/share/X11/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.sZcKJu/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/homedir/.xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /usr/share/X11/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.1FJb9v/.config/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.1FJb9v/.xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /usr/share/X11/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.PpuAps/xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.PpuAps/.xkb xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /etc/xkb (No such file or directory) xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /tmp/xkbcommon-test.PpuAps/xkbroot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7/21 libxkbcommon / rules-file OK 0.10s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=109 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-rules-file ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data Checking : simple my_model my_layout my_variant my_option Expecting: my_keycodes my_types my_compat|some:compat my_symbols+extra_variant Received : my_keycodes my_types my_compat|some:compat my_symbols+extra_variant Checking : simple Expecting: default_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols Received : default_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols Checking : groups pc104 foo Expecting: something(pc104) default_types default_compat default_symbols Received : something(pc104) default_types default_compat default_symbols Checking : groups foo ar bar Expecting: default_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols+(bar) Received : default_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols+(bar) Checking : simple (null) my_layout,second_layout my_variant my_option Expecting: FAILURE xkbcommon: ERROR: No components returned from XKB rules "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/rules/simple" Received : FAILURE Checking : index br,al,cn,az some:opt Expecting: default_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols+extra:1+extra:2+extra:3+extra:4 Received : default_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols+extra:1+extra:2+extra:3+extra:4 Checking : multiple-options my_model my_layout my_variant option3,option1,colon:opt,option11 Expecting: my_keycodes my_types my_compat+some:compat+group(bla) my_symbols+extra_variant+compose(foo)+keypad(bar)+altwin(menu) Received : my_keycodes my_types my_compat+some:compat+group(bla) my_symbols+extra_variant+compose(foo)+keypad(bar)+altwin(menu) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8/21 libxkbcommon / rules-file-includes OK 0.09s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 MALLOC_PERTURB_=213 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-rules-file-includes ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data Checking : inc-src-simple my_model my_layout Expecting: my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols Received : my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols Checking : inc-src-nested my_model my_layout Expecting: my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols Received : my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols Checking : inc-src-looped my_model my_layout Expecting: FAILURE xkbcommon: ERROR: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/rules/inc-src-looped:1:11: maximum include depth (5) exceeded; maybe there is an include loop? xkbcommon: ERROR: No components returned from XKB rules "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/rules/inc-src-looped" Received : FAILURE Checking : inc-src-before-after before_model my_layout Expecting: my_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols Received : my_keycodes default_types default_compat default_symbols Checking : inc-src-options my_model my_layout my_variant option11,my_option,colon:opt,option111 Expecting: my_keycodes default_types default_compat+substring+group(bla)|some:compat my_symbols+extra_variant+altwin(menu) Received : my_keycodes default_types default_compat+substring+group(bla)|some:compat my_symbols+extra_variant+altwin(menu) Checking : inc-src-loop-twice my_model my_layout Expecting: my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols xkbcommon: ERROR: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/rules/inc-dst-loop-twice:20:11: maximum include depth (5) exceeded; maybe there is an include loop? Received : my_keycodes default_types default_compat my_symbols ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9/21 libxkbcommon / stringcomp OK 0.08s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=177 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-stringcomp ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(input string)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwerty)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete_caps(caps_lock)_4_misc(assign_shift_left_action)_4_level5(level5_lock)_4" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "pc_us_ru_2_ca(multix)_3_de(neo)_4_inet(evdev)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to parse input xkb string Failed to compile string xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'ru,ca,de,us', variant ',multix,neo,intl', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete+caps(caps_lock):3+misc(assign_shift_left_action):3+level5(level5_lock):3', symbols 'pc+ru+ca(multix):2+de(neo):3+us(intl):4+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Mod5 xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod2, ignoring Mod4 xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(input string)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_buffer: unsupported keymap format: 0 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_buffer: unsupported keymap format: -1 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_buffer: unsupported keymap format: 2 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_buffer: unrecognized flags: 0xffffffff xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_buffer: unrecognized flags: 0x586 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_get_as_string: unsupported keymap format: 0 xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_get_as_string: unsupported keymap format: 4893 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10/21 libxkbcommon / buffercomp OK 0.07s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=249 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-buffercomp ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(input string)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwerty)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete_caps(caps_lock)_4_misc(assign_shift_left_action)_4_level5(level5_lock)_4" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "pc_us_ru_2_ca(multix)_3_de(neo)_4_inet(evdev)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to parse input xkb string Failed to compile keymap from memory buffer xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'ru,ca,de,us', variant ',multix,neo,intl', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete+caps(caps_lock):3+misc(assign_shift_left_action):3+level5(level5_lock):3', symbols 'pc+ru+ca(multix):2+de(neo):3+us(intl):4+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Mod5 xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod2, ignoring Mod4 xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 4 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(input string)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11/21 libxkbcommon / atom OK 0.12s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 MALLOC_PERTURB_=239 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-atom ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12/21 libxkbcommon / state OK 0.11s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=3 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-state ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc104', layout 'us,ru', variant '(null)', options 'grp:menu_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+ru:2+inet(evdev)+group(menu_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for dumping state for LCtrl down: group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Control (2): effective depressed dumping state for LCtrl + RAlt down: group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Control (2): effective depressed mod Mod1 (3): effective depressed dumping state for RAlt down: group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Mod1 (3): effective depressed dumping state for Caps Lock: group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Lock (1): effective locked led Caps Lock (0): active dumping state for Caps Lock + Num Lock: group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Lock (1): effective locked mod Mod2 (4): effective locked led Caps Lock (0): active led Num Lock (1): active dumping state for Alt-Shift-+ group English (US) (0): effective depressed latched locked mod Shift (0): effective depressed mod Mod1 (3): effective depressed xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'ch', variant 'fr', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+ch(fr)+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using ONE_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/21 libxkbcommon / keyseq OK 0.12s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 MALLOC_PERTURB_=183 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-keyseq ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'evdev', layout 'us,il,ru,de', variant ',,phonetic,neo', options 'grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp:menu_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete+caps(caps_lock):4+misc(assign_shift_left_action):4+level5(level5_lock):4', symbols 'pc+us+il:2+ru(phonetic):3+de(neo):4+inet(evdev)+group(menu_toggle)+group(alt_shift_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Mod5 xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod2, ignoring Mod4 xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [e] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [l] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [l] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [l] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [O] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [O] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [e] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 45: [hebrew_lamed] got 1 syms for keycode 41: [hebrew_kaph] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [H] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [O] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [e] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [E] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [L] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [O] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [e] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [l] got 1 syms for keycode 46: [l] got 1 syms for keycode 32: [o] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_End] got 1 syms for keycode 77: [Num_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_1] got 1 syms for keycode 88: [KP_2] got 1 syms for keycode 77: [Num_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 88: [KP_Down] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 10: [1] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [Cyrillic_ya] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 10: [exclam] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [Cyrillic_YA] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Cyrillic_zhe] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 10: [1] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Cyrillic_ZHE] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Cyrillic_zhe] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Cyrillic_ZHE] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 10: [1] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [x] got 1 syms for keycode 79: [KP_7] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 10: [degree] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [X] got 1 syms for keycode 79: [U2714] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 15: [6] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [S] got 1 syms for keycode 89: [KP_3] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 15: [cent] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [ellipsis] got 1 syms for keycode 79: [U2195] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 14: [malesymbol] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [Greek_lamda] got 1 syms for keycode 65: [nobreakspace] got 1 syms for keycode 80: [intersection] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [p] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'de', variant 'neo', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwertz)', types 'complete', compat 'complete+caps(caps_lock)+misc(assign_shift_left_action)+level5(level5_lock)', symbols 'pc+de(neo)+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple interpretations of "ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all)"; Using last definition for duplicate fields xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 5/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 5/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 5/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 5/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using EIGHT_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Mod5 xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod2, ignoring Mod4 xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Num_Lock" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod2 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 14: [periodcentered] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [Up] got 1 syms for keycode 65: [KP_0] got 1 syms for keycode 80: [KP_Up] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 0 syms for keycode 14: [] got 1 syms for keycode 17: [ISO_Left_Tab] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [Up] got 1 syms for keycode 65: [KP_0] got 1 syms for keycode 80: [KP_Up] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 14: [U2221] got 1 syms for keycode 26: [Greek_LAMDA] got 1 syms for keycode 65: [U202F] got 1 syms for keycode 80: [U22C2] got 1 syms for keycode 9: [Escape] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Shift_R] got 1 syms for keycode 23: [ISO_Level5_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Greek_pi] got 1 syms for keycode 62: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [asciitilde] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [p] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level5_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 55: [Return] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,il,ru', variant '(null)', options 'grp:alt_shift_toggle_bidir,grp:menu_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+il:2+ru:3+inet(evdev)+group(menu_toggle)+group(alt_shift_toggle_bidir)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [Cyrillic_er] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [ISO_Prev_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [Cyrillic_er] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,il,ru', variant '(null)', options 'grp:switch,grp:lswitch,grp:menu_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+il:2+ru:3+inet(evdev)+group(switch)+group(lswitch)+group(menu_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [Cyrillic_er] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [Cyrillic_er] got 1 syms for keycode 135: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [Cyrillic_er] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Mode_switch] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [hebrew_yod] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant 'euro', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us(euro)+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using ONE_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 14: [5] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 14: [EuroSign] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] xkbcommon: WARNING: No map in include statement, but "(unknown file)" contains several; Using first defined map, "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwertz)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "complete" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "locking" field in symbol interpretation is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "pc_de_inet(evdev)_group(menu_toggle)_ctrl(nocaps)" xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Successfully compiled path: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/keymaps/unbound-vmod.xkb ---- got 1 syms for keycode 43: [h] got 1 syms for keycode 52: [y] got 1 syms for keycode 20: [ssharp] got 1 syms for keycode 52: [y] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'applealu_ansi', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options 'terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete+numpad(mac)', compat 'complete', symbols 'macintosh_vndr/apple(alukbd)+macintosh_vndr/us+inet(evdev)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions of the KEYPAD key type; Earlier definition ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions of the FOUR_LEVEL_KEYPAD key type; Earlier definition ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Overlays not supported; Ignoring overlay specification for key xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" has 4 levels, but has 5 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Num_Lock" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod2 not updated ---- got 1 syms for keycode 14: [5] got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_1] got 1 syms for keycode 77: [Clear] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_1] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_1] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 87: [KP_1] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Caps_Lock] got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14/21 libxkbcommon / utils OK 0.09s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MALLOC_PERTURB_=122 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-utils ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15/21 libxkbcommon / compose OK 0.09s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MALLOC_PERTURB_=45 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-compose ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: this compose sequence is a prefix of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: a sequence already exists which is a prefix of this sequence; overriding xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: this compose sequence already exists; overriding xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: this compose sequence already exists; overriding xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):2:24: this compose sequence already exists; overriding xkbcommon: DEBUG: created compose table from locale blabla with path /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/compose/en_US.UTF-8/Compose xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):12:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):13:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):14:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):15:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):16:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):17:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):18:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):19:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):20:21: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):21:26: this compose sequence is a duplicate of another; skipping line xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):1:3: unrecognized modifier "None" xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):2:3: unrecognized modifier "Foo" xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):3:6: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):4:3: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):5:5: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):6:3: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):7:8: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):8:19: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):9:19: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):10:6: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):11:21: unexpected token xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):11:21: too many errors xkbcommon: ERROR: (input string):11:21: failed to parse file xkbcommon: WARNING: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data/compose/en_US.UTF-8/Compose:33:43: this compose sequence already exists; overriding xkbcommon: WARNING: (input string):3:35: this compose sequence already exists; overriding ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16/21 libxkbcommon / x11 OK 0.08s 07:41:21 MALLOC_PERTURB_=111 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-x11 ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stdout: xkb_keymap { xkb_keycodes "evdev_aliases(qwerty)" { minimum = 8; maximum = 255; = 9; = 10; = 11; = 12; = 13; = 14; = 15; = 16; = 17; = 18; = 19; = 20; = 21; = 22; = 23; = 24; = 25; = 26; = 27; = 28; = 29; = 30; = 31; = 32; = 33; = 34; = 35; = 36; = 37; = 38; = 39; = 40; = 41; = 42; = 43; = 44; = 45; = 46; = 47; = 48; = 49; = 50; = 51; = 52; = 53; = 54; = 55; = 56; = 57; = 58; = 59; = 60; = 61; = 62; = 63; = 64; = 65; = 66; = 67; = 68; = 69; = 70; = 71; = 72; = 73; = 74; = 75; = 76; = 77; = 78; = 79; = 80; = 81; = 82; = 83; = 84; = 85; = 86; = 87; = 88; = 89; = 90; = 91; = 92; = 94; = 95; = 96; = 97; = 98; = 99; = 100; = 101; = 102; = 103; = 104; = 105; = 106; = 107; = 108; = 109; = 110; = 111; = 112; = 113; = 114; = 115; = 116; = 117; = 118; = 119; = 120; = 121; = 122; = 123; = 124; = 125; = 126; = 127; = 128; = 129; = 130; = 131; = 132; = 133; = 134; = 135; = 136; = 137; = 138; = 139; = 140; = 141; = 142; = 143; = 144; = 145; = 146; = 147; = 148; = 149; = 150; = 151; = 152; = 153; = 154; = 155; = 156; = 157; = 158; = 159; = 160; = 161; = 162; = 163; = 164; = 165; = 166; = 167; = 168; = 169; = 170; = 171; = 172; = 173; = 174; = 175; = 176; = 177; = 178; = 179; = 180; = 181; = 182; = 183; = 184; = 185; = 186; = 187; = 188; = 189; = 190; = 191; = 192; = 193; = 194; = 195; = 196; = 197; = 198; = 199; = 200; = 201; = 202; = 203; = 204; = 205; = 206; = 207; = 208; = 209; = 210; = 211; = 212; = 213; = 214; = 215; = 216; = 217; = 218; = 219; = 220; = 221; = 222; = 223; = 224; = 225; = 226; = 227; = 228; = 229; = 230; = 231; = 232; = 233; = 234; = 235; = 236; = 237; = 238; = 239; = 240; = 241; = 242; = 243; = 244; = 245; = 246; = 247; = 248; = 249; = 250; = 251; = 252; = 253; = 254; = 255; indicator 1 = "Caps Lock"; indicator 2 = "Num Lock"; indicator 3 = "Scroll Lock"; indicator 4 = "Compose"; indicator 5 = "Kana"; indicator 6 = "Sleep"; indicator 7 = "Suspend"; indicator 8 = "Mute"; indicator 9 = "Misc"; indicator 10 = "Mail"; indicator 11 = "Charging"; indicator 12 = "Shift Lock"; indicator 13 = "Group 2"; indicator 14 = "Mouse Keys"; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; alias = ; }; xkb_types "complete" { virtual_modifiers NumLock,Alt,LevelThree,LAlt,RAlt,RControl,LControl,ScrollLock,LevelFive,AltGr,Meta,Super,Hyper; type "ONE_LEVEL" { modifiers= none; level_name[1]= "Any"; }; type "TWO_LEVEL" { modifiers= Shift; map[Shift]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; }; type "ALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Caps"; }; type "KEYPAD" { modifiers= Shift+NumLock; map[Shift]= 2; map[NumLock]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Number"; }; type "SHIFT+ALT" { modifiers= Shift+Alt; map[Shift+Alt]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift+Alt"; }; type "PC_SUPER_LEVEL2" { modifiers= Mod4; map[Mod4]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Super"; }; type "PC_CONTROL_LEVEL2" { modifiers= Control; map[Control]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Control"; }; type "PC_LCONTROL_LEVEL2" { modifiers= LControl; map[LControl]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "LControl"; }; type "PC_RCONTROL_LEVEL2" { modifiers= RControl; map[RControl]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "RControl"; }; type "PC_ALT_LEVEL2" { modifiers= Alt; map[Alt]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Alt"; }; type "PC_LALT_LEVEL2" { modifiers= LAlt; map[LAlt]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "LAlt"; }; type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" { modifiers= RAlt; map[RAlt]= 2; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "RAlt"; }; type "CTRL+ALT" { modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; preserve[Shift]= Shift; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; preserve[Shift+LevelThree]= Shift; map[Control+Alt]= 5; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "Ctrl+Alt"; }; type "LOCAL_EIGHT_LEVEL" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+Control+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Control]= 5; map[Shift+Lock+Control]= 5; map[Shift+Control]= 6; map[Lock+Control]= 6; map[Control+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+Lock+Control+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+Control+LevelThree]= 8; map[Lock+Control+LevelThree]= 8; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Level3"; level_name[4]= "Shift Level3"; level_name[5]= "Ctrl"; level_name[6]= "Shift Ctrl"; level_name[7]= "Level3 Ctrl"; level_name[8]= "Shift Level3 Ctrl"; }; type "THREE_LEVEL" { modifiers= Shift+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 3; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Level3"; }; type "EIGHT_LEVEL" { modifiers= Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+LevelFive]= 6; map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "X"; level_name[6]= "X Shift"; level_name[7]= "X Alt Base"; level_name[8]= "X Shift Alt"; }; type "EIGHT_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 3; map[LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+LevelFive]= 6; map[Lock+LevelFive]= 6; map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "X"; level_name[6]= "X Shift"; level_name[7]= "X Alt Base"; level_name[8]= "X Shift Alt"; }; type "EIGHT_LEVEL_LEVEL_FIVE_LOCK" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+LevelFive]= 6; preserve[Shift+LevelFive]= Shift; map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[NumLock]= 5; map[Shift+NumLock]= 6; preserve[Shift+NumLock]= Shift; map[NumLock+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= 8; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelFive]= 2; map[NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 3; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 4; map[Shift+Lock]= 2; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= 6; preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= Shift; map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[Lock+NumLock]= 5; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock]= 6; preserve[Shift+Lock+NumLock]= Shift; map[Lock+NumLock+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree]= 8; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelFive]= 2; map[Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 3; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 4; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "X"; level_name[6]= "X Shift"; level_name[7]= "X Alt Base"; level_name[8]= "X Shift Alt"; }; type "EIGHT_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC_LEVEL_FIVE_LOCK" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+LevelFive]= 6; preserve[Shift+LevelFive]= Shift; map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[NumLock]= 5; map[Shift+NumLock]= 6; preserve[Shift+NumLock]= Shift; map[NumLock+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= 8; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelFive]= 2; map[NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 3; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 4; map[Lock]= 2; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= 6; map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[Lock+NumLock]= 5; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock]= 6; map[Lock+NumLock+LevelThree]= 7; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree]= 8; map[Lock+NumLock+LevelFive]= 2; map[Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 4; map[Shift+Lock+NumLock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 3; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "X"; level_name[6]= "X Shift"; level_name[7]= "X Alt Base"; level_name[8]= "X Shift Alt"; }; type "EIGHT_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 4; preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Lock; map[LevelFive]= 5; map[Shift+LevelFive]= 6; map[Lock+LevelFive]= 6; preserve[Lock+LevelFive]= Lock; map[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= 6; preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelFive]= Lock; map[LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; map[Shift+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; map[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 7; preserve[Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Lock; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= 8; preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree+LevelFive]= Lock; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "X"; level_name[6]= "X Shift"; level_name[7]= "X Alt Base"; level_name[8]= "X Shift Alt"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL" { modifiers= Shift+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 3; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 4; preserve[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= Lock; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_MIXED_KEYPAD" { modifiers= Shift+NumLock+LevelThree; map[NumLock]= 2; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[NumLock+LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= 4; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Number"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_X" { modifiers= Shift+Control+Alt+LevelThree; map[LevelThree]= 2; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 3; map[Control+Alt]= 4; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Alt Base"; level_name[3]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[4]= "Ctrl+Alt"; }; type "SEPARATE_CAPS_AND_SHIFT_ALPHABETIC" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[Lock]= 4; preserve[Lock]= Lock; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; preserve[Lock+LevelThree]= Lock; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 3; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "AltGr Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift AltGr"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_PLUS_LOCK" { modifiers= Shift+Lock+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[Lock]= 5; map[Shift+Lock]= 2; map[Lock+LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+Lock+LevelThree]= 4; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Shift"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Shift Alt"; level_name[5]= "Lock"; }; type "FOUR_LEVEL_KEYPAD" { modifiers= Shift+NumLock+LevelThree; map[Shift]= 2; map[NumLock]= 2; map[LevelThree]= 3; map[Shift+LevelThree]= 4; map[NumLock+LevelThree]= 4; map[Shift+NumLock+LevelThree]= 3; level_name[1]= "Base"; level_name[2]= "Number"; level_name[3]= "Alt Base"; level_name[4]= "Alt Number"; }; }; xkb_compatibility "complete" { virtual_modifiers NumLock,Alt,LevelThree,LAlt,RAlt,RControl,LControl,ScrollLock,LevelFive,AltGr,Meta,Super,Hyper; interpret.useModMapMods= AnyLevel; interpret.repeat= False; interpret ISO_Level2_Latch+Exactly(Shift) { useModMapMods=level1; action= LatchMods(modifiers=Shift,clearLocks,latchToLock); }; interpret Shift_Lock+AnyOf(Shift+Lock) { action= LockMods(modifiers=Shift); }; interpret Num_Lock+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= NumLock; action= LockMods(modifiers=NumLock); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelThree; useModMapMods=level1; action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Latch+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelThree; useModMapMods=level1; action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks,latchToLock); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Lock+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelThree; useModMapMods=level1; action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree); }; interpret Alt_L+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Alt; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Alt_R+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Alt; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Meta_L+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Meta; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Meta_R+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Meta; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Super_L+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Super; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Super_R+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Super; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Hyper_L+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Hyper; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Hyper_R+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= Hyper; action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; interpret Scroll_Lock+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= ScrollLock; action= LockMods(modifiers=modMapMods); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Shift+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelFive; useModMapMods=level1; action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Latch+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelFive; useModMapMods=level1; action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks,latchToLock); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOf(all) { virtualModifier= LevelFive; useModMapMods=level1; action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelFive); }; interpret Mode_switch+AnyOfOrNone(all) { virtualModifier= AltGr; useModMapMods=level1; action= SetGroup(group=+1); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Shift+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelThree,clearLocks,latchToLock); }; interpret ISO_Level3_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelThree); }; interpret ISO_Group_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) { virtualModifier= AltGr; useModMapMods=level1; action= LatchGroup(group=2); }; interpret ISO_Next_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) { virtualModifier= AltGr; useModMapMods=level1; action= LockGroup(group=+1); }; interpret ISO_Prev_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) { virtualModifier= AltGr; useModMapMods=level1; action= LockGroup(group=-1); }; interpret ISO_First_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockGroup(group=1); }; interpret ISO_Last_Group+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockGroup(group=2); }; interpret KP_1+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=+1); }; interpret KP_End+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=+1); }; interpret KP_2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+0,y=+1); }; interpret KP_Down+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+0,y=+1); }; interpret KP_3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=+1); }; interpret KP_Next+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=+1); }; interpret KP_4+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=+0); }; interpret KP_Left+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=+0); }; interpret KP_6+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=+0); }; interpret KP_Right+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=+0); }; interpret KP_7+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=-1); }; interpret KP_Home+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=-1); }; interpret KP_8+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+0,y=-1); }; interpret KP_Up+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+0,y=-1); }; interpret KP_9+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=-1); }; interpret KP_Prior+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=-1); }; interpret KP_5+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= PtrBtn(button=default); }; interpret KP_Begin+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= PtrBtn(button=default); }; interpret KP_F2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=1); }; interpret KP_Divide+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=1); }; interpret KP_F3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=2); }; interpret KP_Multiply+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=2); }; interpret KP_F4+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=3); }; interpret KP_Subtract+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=3); }; interpret KP_Separator+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= PtrBtn(button=default,count=2); }; interpret KP_Add+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= PtrBtn(button=default,count=2); }; interpret KP_0+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=lock); }; interpret KP_Insert+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=lock); }; interpret KP_Decimal+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=unlock); }; interpret KP_Delete+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=unlock); }; interpret F25+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=1); }; interpret F26+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=2); }; interpret F27+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=-1); }; interpret F29+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=-1); }; interpret F31+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= PtrBtn(button=default); }; interpret F33+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=-1,y=+1); }; interpret F35+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= MovePtr(x=+1,y=+1); }; interpret Pointer_Button_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=default); }; interpret Pointer_Button1+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=1); }; interpret Pointer_Button2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=2); }; interpret Pointer_Button3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=3); }; interpret Pointer_DblClick_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=default,count=2); }; interpret Pointer_DblClick1+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=1,count=2); }; interpret Pointer_DblClick2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=2,count=2); }; interpret Pointer_DblClick3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= PtrBtn(button=3,count=2); }; interpret Pointer_Drag_Dflt+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockPtrBtn(button=default,affect=both); }; interpret Pointer_Drag1+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockPtrBtn(button=1,affect=both); }; interpret Pointer_Drag2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockPtrBtn(button=2,affect=both); }; interpret Pointer_Drag3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockPtrBtn(button=3,affect=both); }; interpret Pointer_EnableKeys+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeys); }; interpret Pointer_Accelerate+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeysAccel); }; interpret Pointer_DfltBtnNext+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=+1); }; interpret Pointer_DfltBtnPrev+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetPtrDflt(affect=button,button=-1); }; interpret AccessX_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=AccessXKeys); }; interpret AccessX_Feedback_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=AccessXFeedback); }; interpret RepeatKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=RepeatKeys); }; interpret SlowKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=SlowKeys); }; interpret BounceKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=BounceKeys); }; interpret StickyKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=StickyKeys); }; interpret MouseKeys_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeys); }; interpret MouseKeys_Accel_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=MouseKeysAccel); }; interpret Overlay1_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=none); }; interpret Overlay2_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=none); }; interpret AudibleBell_Enable+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockControls(controls=AudibleBell); }; interpret Terminate_Server+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= Terminate(); }; interpret Alt_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Alt,clearLocks); }; interpret Alt_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Alt,clearLocks); }; interpret Meta_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Meta,clearLocks); }; interpret Meta_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Meta,clearLocks); }; interpret Super_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Super,clearLocks); }; interpret Super_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Super,clearLocks); }; interpret Hyper_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Hyper,clearLocks); }; interpret Hyper_R+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Hyper,clearLocks); }; interpret Shift_L+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=Shift,clearLocks); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_1+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=1,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_2+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=2,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_3+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=3,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_4+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=4,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_5+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=5,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_6+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=6,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_7+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=7,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_8+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=8,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_9+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=9,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_10+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=10,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_11+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=11,!same); }; interpret XF86Switch_VT_12+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= SwitchScreen(screen=12,!same); }; interpret XF86LogGrabInfo+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x50,data[1]=0x72,data[2]=0x47,data[3]=0x72,data[4]=0x62,data[5]=0x73,data[6]=0x00); }; interpret XF86LogWindowTree+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x50,data[1]=0x72,data[2]=0x57,data[3]=0x69,data[4]=0x6e,data[5]=0x73,data[6]=0x00); }; interpret XF86Next_VMode+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x2b,data[1]=0x56,data[2]=0x4d,data[3]=0x6f,data[4]=0x64,data[5]=0x65,data[6]=0x00); }; interpret XF86Prev_VMode+AnyOfOrNone(all) { repeat= True; action= Private(type=0x86,data[0]=0x2d,data[1]=0x56,data[2]=0x4d,data[3]=0x6f,data[4]=0x64,data[5]=0x65,data[6]=0x00); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Shift+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Latch+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LatchMods(modifiers=LevelFive,clearLocks,latchToLock); }; interpret ISO_Level5_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockMods(modifiers=LevelFive); }; interpret Caps_Lock+AnyOfOrNone(all) { action= LockMods(modifiers=Lock); }; interpret Any+Exactly(Lock) { action= LockMods(modifiers=Lock); }; interpret Any+AnyOf(all) { action= SetMods(modifiers=modMapMods,clearLocks); }; indicator "Caps Lock" { whichModState= locked; modifiers= Lock; }; indicator "Num Lock" { whichModState= locked; modifiers= NumLock; }; indicator "Scroll Lock" { whichModState= locked; modifiers= ScrollLock; }; indicator "Shift Lock" { whichModState= locked; modifiers= Shift; }; indicator "Group 2" { groups= 0xfe; }; indicator "Mouse Keys" { controls= MouseKeys; }; }; xkb_symbols "pc_us_inet(evdev)" { name[Group1]="English (US)"; key { [ Escape ] }; key { [ 1, exclam ] }; key { [ 2, at ] }; key { [ 3, numbersign ] }; key { [ 4, dollar ] }; key { [ 5, percent ] }; key { [ 6, asciicircum ] }; key { [ 7, ampersand ] }; key { [ 8, asterisk ] }; key { [ 9, parenleft ] }; key { [ 0, parenright ] }; key { [ minus, underscore ] }; key { [ equal, plus ] }; key { [ BackSpace, BackSpace ] }; key { [ Tab, ISO_Left_Tab ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ q, Q ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ w, W ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ e, E ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ r, R ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ t, T ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ y, Y ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ u, U ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ i, I ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ o, O ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ p, P ] }; key { [ bracketleft, braceleft ] }; key { [ bracketright, braceright ] }; key { [ Return ] }; key { [ Control_L ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ a, A ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ s, S ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ d, D ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ f, F ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ g, G ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ h, H ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ j, J ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ k, K ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ l, L ] }; key { [ semicolon, colon ] }; key { [ apostrophe, quotedbl ] }; key { [ grave, asciitilde ] }; key { [ Shift_L ] }; key { [ backslash, bar ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ z, Z ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ x, X ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ c, C ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ v, V ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ b, B ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ n, N ] }; key { type= "ALPHABETIC", symbols[Group1]= [ m, M ] }; key { [ comma, less ] }; key { [ period, greater ] }; key { [ slash, question ] }; key { [ Shift_R ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, KP_Multiply, XF86ClearGrab ] }; key { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] }; key { [ space ] }; key { [ Caps_Lock ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F1, F1, F1, F1, XF86Switch_VT_1 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F2, F2, F2, F2, XF86Switch_VT_2 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F3, F3, F3, F3, XF86Switch_VT_3 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F4, F4, F4, F4, XF86Switch_VT_4 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F5, F5, F5, F5, XF86Switch_VT_5 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F6, F6, F6, F6, XF86Switch_VT_6 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F7, F7, F7, F7, XF86Switch_VT_7 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F8, F8, F8, F8, XF86Switch_VT_8 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F9, F9, F9, F9, XF86Switch_VT_9 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F10, F10, F10, F10, XF86Switch_VT_10 ] }; key { [ Num_Lock ] }; key { [ Scroll_Lock ] }; key { [ KP_Home, KP_7 ] }; key { [ KP_Up, KP_8 ] }; key { [ KP_Prior, KP_9 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, KP_Subtract, XF86Prev_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_Left, KP_4 ] }; key { [ KP_Begin, KP_5 ] }; key { [ KP_Right, KP_6 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, KP_Add, XF86Next_VMode ] }; key { [ KP_End, KP_1 ] }; key { [ KP_Down, KP_2 ] }; key { [ KP_Next, KP_3 ] }; key { [ KP_Insert, KP_0 ] }; key { [ KP_Delete, KP_Decimal ] }; key { [ ISO_Level3_Shift ] }; key { type= "FOUR_LEVEL", symbols[Group1]= [ less, greater, bar, brokenbar ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F11, F11, F11, F11, XF86Switch_VT_11 ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ F12, F12, F12, F12, XF86Switch_VT_12 ] }; key { [ Katakana ] }; key { [ Hiragana ] }; key { [ Henkan_Mode ] }; key { [ Hiragana_Katakana ] }; key { [ Muhenkan ] }; key { [ KP_Enter ] }; key { [ Control_R ] }; key { type= "CTRL+ALT", symbols[Group1]= [ KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, KP_Divide, XF86Ungrab ] }; key { type= "PC_ALT_LEVEL2", symbols[Group1]= [ Print, Sys_Req ] }; key { type= "TWO_LEVEL", symbols[Group1]= [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] }; key { [ Linefeed ] }; key { [ Home ] }; key { [ Up ] }; key { [ Prior ] }; key { [ Left ] }; key { [ Right ] }; key { [ End ] }; key { [ Down ] }; key { [ Next ] }; key { [ Insert ] }; key { [ Delete ] }; key { [ XF86AudioMute ] }; key { [ XF86AudioLowerVolume ] }; key { [ XF86AudioRaiseVolume ] }; key { [ XF86PowerOff ] }; key { [ KP_Equal ] }; key { [ plusminus ] }; key { type= "PC_CONTROL_LEVEL2", symbols[Group1]= [ Pause, Break ] }; key { [ XF86LaunchA ] }; key { [ KP_Decimal, KP_Decimal ] }; key { [ Hangul ] }; key { [ Hangul_Hanja ] }; key { [ Super_L ] }; key { [ Super_R ] }; key { [ Menu ] }; key { [ Cancel ] }; key { [ Redo ] }; key { [ SunProps ] }; key { [ Undo ] }; key { [ SunFront ] }; key { [ XF86Copy ] }; key { [ XF86Open ] }; key { [ XF86Paste ] }; key { [ Find ] }; key { [ XF86Cut ] }; key { [ Help ] }; key { [ XF86MenuKB ] }; key { [ XF86Calculator ] }; key { [ XF86Sleep ] }; key { [ XF86WakeUp ] }; key { [ XF86Explorer ] }; key { [ XF86Send ] }; key { [ XF86Xfer ] }; key { [ XF86Launch1 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch2 ] }; key { [ XF86WWW ] }; key { [ XF86DOS ] }; key { [ XF86ScreenSaver ] }; key { [ XF86RotateWindows ] }; key { [ XF86TaskPane ] }; key { [ XF86Mail ] }; key { [ XF86Favorites ] }; key { [ XF86MyComputer ] }; key { [ XF86Back ] }; key { [ XF86Forward ] }; key { [ XF86Eject ] }; key { [ XF86Eject, XF86Eject ] }; key { [ XF86AudioNext ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioPause ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPrev ] }; key { [ XF86AudioStop, XF86Eject ] }; key { [ XF86AudioRecord ] }; key { [ XF86AudioRewind ] }; key { [ XF86Phone ] }; key { [ XF86Tools ] }; key { [ XF86HomePage ] }; key { [ XF86Reload ] }; key { [ XF86Close ] }; key { [ XF86ScrollUp ] }; key { [ XF86ScrollDown ] }; key { [ parenleft ] }; key { [ parenright ] }; key { [ XF86New ] }; key { [ Redo ] }; key { [ XF86Tools ] }; key { [ XF86Launch5 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch6 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch7 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch8 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch9 ] }; key { [ XF86AudioMicMute ] }; key { [ XF86TouchpadToggle ] }; key { [ XF86TouchpadOn ] }; key { [ XF86TouchpadOff ] }; key { [ Mode_switch ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, Alt_L ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, Meta_L ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, Super_L ] }; key { [ NoSymbol, Hyper_L ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPlay ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPause ] }; key { [ XF86Launch3 ] }; key { [ XF86Launch4 ] }; key { [ XF86LaunchB ] }; key { [ XF86Suspend ] }; key { [ XF86Close ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPlay ] }; key { [ XF86AudioForward ] }; key { [ Print ] }; key { [ XF86WebCam ] }; key { [ XF86AudioPreset ] }; key { [ XF86Mail ] }; key { [ XF86Messenger ] }; key { [ XF86Search ] }; key { [ XF86Go ] }; key { [ XF86Finance ] }; key { [ XF86Game ] }; key { [ XF86Shop ] }; key { [ Cancel ] }; key { [ XF86MonBrightnessDown ] }; key { [ XF86MonBrightnessUp ] }; key { [ XF86AudioMedia ] }; key { [ XF86Display ] }; key { [ XF86KbdLightOnOff ] }; key { [ XF86KbdBrightnessDown ] }; key { [ XF86KbdBrightnessUp ] }; key { [ XF86Send ] }; key { [ XF86Reply ] }; key { [ XF86MailForward ] }; key { [ XF86Save ] }; key { [ XF86Documents ] }; key { [ XF86Battery ] }; key { [ XF86Bluetooth ] }; key { [ XF86WLAN ] }; key { [ XF86MonBrightnessCycle ] }; key { [ XF86WWAN ] }; key { [ XF86RFKill ] }; modifier_map Shift { , }; modifier_map Lock { }; modifier_map Control { , }; modifier_map Mod1 { , , }; modifier_map Mod2 { }; modifier_map Mod4 { , , , }; modifier_map Mod5 { , }; }; }; stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17/21 libxkbcommon / rulescomp OK 0.12s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=217 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-rulescomp ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,il,ru,ca', variant ',,,multix', options 'grp:alts_toggle,ctrl:nocaps,compose:rwin' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+il:2+ru:3+ca(multix):4+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):1+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):4+group(alts_toggle)+ctrl(nocaps)+compose(rwin)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 3 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "" added to modifier map for multiple modifiers; Using Mod3, ignoring Mod5 xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 4 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring ONE_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_LALT_LEVEL2, ignoring PC_ALT_LEVEL2 xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Caps_Lock" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Lock not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Super_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod4 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled 'evdev' 'pc105' 'us,il,ru,ca' ',,,multix' 'grp:alts_toggle,ctrl:nocaps,compose:rwin' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 24: [q] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [slash] got 1 syms for keycode 50: [Shift_L] got 1 syms for keycode 24: [Q] got 1 syms for keycode 134: [Multi_key] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,in', variant '(null)', options 'grp:alts_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+in:2+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):1+group(alts_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 2 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_LALT_LEVEL2, ignoring PC_ALT_LEVEL2 xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled 'evdev' 'pc105' 'us,in' '' 'grp:alts_toggle' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 38: [U094B] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant 'intl', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us(intl)+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using ONE_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled 'evdev' 'pc105' 'us' 'intl' '' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 49: [dead_grave] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'evdev', layout 'us', variant 'intl', options 'grp:alts_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us(intl)+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle)+group(alts_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using ONE_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring ONE_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_LALT_LEVEL2, ignoring PC_ALT_LEVEL2 xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled 'evdev' 'evdev' 'us' 'intl' 'grp:alts_toggle' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 49: [dead_grave] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us:20', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us:20+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: ERROR: Cannot set explicit group to 20 - must be between 1..4; Ignoring group number xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Compiled 'evdev' '' 'us:20' '' '' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,,ca', variant '(null)', options 'grp:alts_toggle' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+:2+ca:3+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):1+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):3+group(alts_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 3 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring ONE_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_LALT_LEVEL2, ignoring PC_ALT_LEVEL2 xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled 'evdev' '' 'us,,ca' '' 'grp:alts_toggle' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 48: [dead_grave] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Compiled '' '' '' '' '' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'does-not-exist', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn't find file "rules/does-not-exist" in include paths xkbcommon: ERROR: 1 include paths searched: xkbcommon: ERROR: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn't look up rules 'does-not-exist', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' Failed to compile RMLVO: 'does-not-exist', '', '', '', '' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options 'ctrl:nocaps' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+inet(evdev)+ctrl(nocaps)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Caps_Lock" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Lock not updated Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 66: [Control_L] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us,ca', variant ',,,multix', options 'grp:alts_toggle' xkbcommon: ERROR: Unrecognized RMLVO variant "multix" was ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+ca:2+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):1+level3(ralt_switch_for_alts_toggle):2+group(alts_toggle)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 2 type of key ; Using PC_ALT_LEVEL2, ignoring ONE_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using PC_LALT_LEVEL2, ignoring PC_ALT_LEVEL2 xkbcommon: WARNING: Symbol map for key redefined; Using first definition for conflicting fields xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "PC_RALT_LEVEL2" has 2 levels, but has 3 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Next_Group] got 1 syms for keycode 108: [ISO_Level3_Shift] got 1 syms for keycode 64: [Alt_L] got 1 syms for keycode 49: [numbersign] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'broken', model 'what-on-earth', layout 'invalid', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn't find file "rules/broken" in include paths xkbcommon: ERROR: 1 include paths searched: xkbcommon: ERROR: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn't look up rules 'broken', model 'what-on-earth', layout 'invalid', variant '(null)', options '(null)' Failed to compile RMLVO: '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)', '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'base', model 'empty', layout 'empty', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'empty+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'empty(basic)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Attempt to alias to non-existent key ; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Caps Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Num Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Scroll Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 0 syms for keycode 38: [] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'cz', variant 'bksl', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwertz)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+cz(bksl)+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: cz:76:19: unknown escape sequence in string literal xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 4/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 2/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 3/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple definitions for group 1 type of key ; Using ONE_LEVEL, ignoring TWO_LEVEL xkbcommon: WARNING: Multiple symbols for level 1/group 1 on key ; Using from, ignoring to xkbcommon: WARNING: Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but has 2 levels; Ignoring extra symbols xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Alt_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated xkbcommon: WARNING: Key "Meta_R" not found in symbol map; Modifier map entry for Mod1 not updated Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules 'evdev', model 'pc105', layout 'us', variant '(null)', options '(null)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes 'evdev+aliases(qwerty)', types 'complete', compat 'complete', symbols 'pc+us+inet(evdev)' xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator xkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)" xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: WARNING: Key not found in keycodes; Symbols ignored xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for xkbcommon: INFO: No symbols defined for Compiled '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' '(null)' ---- got 1 syms for keycode 38: [a] xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_names: unrecognized flags: 0xffffffff xkbcommon: ERROR: xkb_keymap_new_from_names: unrecognized flags: 0x154d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18/21 libxkbcommon:python-tests / symbols-leak-test OK 0.09s 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 MALLOC_PERTURB_=121 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/symbols-leak-test.py ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19/21 libxkbcommon / registry OK 0.08s 07:41:21 MALLOC_PERTURB_=71 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/test-registry ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20/21 libxkbcommon:python-tests / keysym-test-XF86Macro23 OK 0.12s 07:41:21 XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data PATH=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/:/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/python3.8/bin:/usr/lib/distcc/bin:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.8/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin MALLOC_PERTURB_=140 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/test-keysym.py XF86Macro23 --tool ./xkbcli-compile-keymap ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21/21 libxkbcommon:python-tests / tool-option-parsing FAIL 1.27s exit status 1 07:41:21 XKB_LOG_VERBOSITY=10 XKB_LOG_LEVEL=debug HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_WAYLAND=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_LIST=1 MALLOC_PERTURB_=248 top_builddir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_X11=1 HAVE_XKBCLI_INTERACTIVE_EVDEV=1 top_srcdir=/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0 /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py ----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------- stderr: DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --verbose DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rmlvo DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --verbose --rmlvo .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --include . --include-defaults DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --include /tmp --include-defaults .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --include /proc/version DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --include /tmp/does/not/exist DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --include /tmp .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --layout=ch --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --layout=ch --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --rules=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --rules=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --layout=ch --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --layout=ch DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --layout=ch --rules=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --rules=evdev --model=pc104 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --model=pc104 --rules=evdev .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli --help DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --help DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --help DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --help DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-interactive-x11 --help DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-interactive-wayland --help sDEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type 123 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type 0x123 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type 0123 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --layout=ch --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --layout=ch --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --rules=evdev 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --options=eurosign:5 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --model=pc104 --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --layout=ch --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --rules=evdev 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --model=pc104 --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --rules=evdev --layout=ch --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --rules=evdev --layout=ch 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --model=pc104 --layout=ch --rules=evdev 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --rules=evdev --model=pc104 0x1234 DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --options=eurosign:5 --layout=ch --model=pc104 --rules=evdev 0x1234 .sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss..DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli --foobar DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --foobar DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-how-to-type --foobar DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-compile-keymap --foobar DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-interactive-x11 --foobar DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-interactive-wayland --foobar sDEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --verbose DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list -v DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --verbose --load-exotic DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --load-exotic DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --ruleset=evdev DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --ruleset=base .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list /tmp/ .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list /proc/version .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli-list --skip-default-paths /tmp .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a .DEBUG:test:run command: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0-abi_x86_32.x86/xkbcli --version . ====================================================================== FAIL: test_how_to_type (__main__.TestXkbcli) (args=['123']) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 234, in test_how_to_type self.xkbcli_how_to_type.run_command_success(args) File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 103, in run_command_success assert rc == 0, (stdout, stderr) AssertionError: ('', 'xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb (No such file or directory)\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules \'evdev\', model \'pc105\', layout \'it\', variant \'nodeadkeys\', options \'compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes \'evdev+aliases(qwerty)\', types \'complete\', compat \'complete\', symbols \'pc+it(nodeadkeys)+inet(evdev)+compose(menu)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn\'t find file "symbols/it" in include paths\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 2 include paths searched:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 1 include paths could not be added:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Abandoning symbols file "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile xkb_symbols\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap\nFailed to create XKB keymap\n') ====================================================================== FAIL: test_how_to_type (__main__.TestXkbcli) (args=['0x123']) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 234, in test_how_to_type self.xkbcli_how_to_type.run_command_success(args) File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 103, in run_command_success assert rc == 0, (stdout, stderr) AssertionError: ('', 'xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb (No such file or directory)\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules \'evdev\', model \'pc105\', layout \'it\', variant \'nodeadkeys\', options \'compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes \'evdev+aliases(qwerty)\', types \'complete\', compat \'complete\', symbols \'pc+it(nodeadkeys)+inet(evdev)+compose(menu)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn\'t find file "symbols/it" in include paths\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 2 include paths searched:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 1 include paths could not be added:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Abandoning symbols file "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile xkb_symbols\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap\nFailed to create XKB keymap\n') ====================================================================== FAIL: test_how_to_type (__main__.TestXkbcli) (args=['0123']) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 234, in test_how_to_type self.xkbcli_how_to_type.run_command_success(args) File "/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/tool-option-parsing.py", line 103, in run_command_success assert rc == 0, (stdout, stderr) AssertionError: ('', 'xkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path failed: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb (No such file or directory)\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Include path added: /var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from RMLVO: rules \'evdev\', model \'pc105\', layout \'it\', variant \'nodeadkeys\', options \'compose:menu,terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling from KcCGST: keycodes \'evdev+aliases(qwerty)\', types \'complete\', compat \'complete\', symbols \'pc+it(nodeadkeys)+inet(evdev)+compose(menu)+terminate(ctrl_alt_bksp)\'\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_keycodes "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_types "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_compatibility "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "group" statement in compat is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "indicatorDrivesKeyboard" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: The "allowExplicit" field in indicator statements is unsupported; Ignored\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Shift Lock" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Group 2" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Indicator name "Mouse Keys" was not declared in the keycodes section; Adding new indicator\nxkbcommon: DEBUG: Compiling xkb_symbols "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Couldn\'t find file "symbols/it" in include paths\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 2 include paths searched:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/work/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/test/data\nxkbcommon: ERROR: 1 include paths could not be added:\nxkbcommon: ERROR: \t/var/tmp/portage/x11-libs/libxkbcommon-1.3.0/temp/tmpijizn3o3/xkb\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Abandoning symbols file "(unnamed)"\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile xkb_symbols\nxkbcommon: ERROR: Failed to compile keymap\nFailed to create XKB keymap\n') ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 18 tests in 1.111s FAILED (failures=3, skipped=31) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary of Failures: 21/21 libxkbcommon:python-tests / tool-option-parsing FAIL 1.27s exit status 1 Ok: 20 Expected Fail: 0 Fail: 1 Unexpected Pass: 0 Skipped: 0 Timeout: 0