# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ #doc: Add extra documentation #gcov: Support for gcov (test coverage program) #gprof: Support for gprof (GNU Profiler) #no-verbose: Disable Verbose-Mode-Support (verbose + buffer_verbose) #X: use the X window system; also enables compilation of gnee (the gui part). IUSE="doc gcov gprof no-verbose X" DESCRIPTION="Xnee can record and replay user sessions in the X Windows System environment." HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/xnee/www/index.html" SRC_URI="mirror://gnu/${PN}/Xnee-${PV}.tar.gz" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" inherit eutils # This docs disabled because of access violation! # if app-office/dia is installed you get an acces violation #dia --nosplash -e xngener.eps xngener.dia #ACCESS DENIED mkdir: /root/.dia #posible fix: # - dia: teach it to use HOME not /root # - ebuild: mkdir -p -p ${T}/home/.dia # HOME=${T}/home emake #DEPEND="doc? (app-text/ghostscript # app-text/tetex # app-text/texi2html)" DEPEND="X? (virtual/x11)" S=${WORKDIR}/Xnee-${PV} src_compile() { econf `use_enable gprof` \ `use_enable gcov` \ `use_enable no-verbose xosd` \ `use_enable no-verbose verbose` \ `use_enable no-verbose buffer_verbose` \ `use_enable X gui` \ `use_with X x` \ --disable-doc \ --enable-lib \ --enable-cli \ || die "ERROR:econf failed" emake || die "ERROR:emake failed" # Build documentation einfo "Building documentation" emake man || die "ERROR: 'emake txt' failed" if use doc; then ewarn "You compiled with doc enabled." ewarn "Doc useflag is diabled because of make errors." ewarn "You should use the doc found at the project page:" ewarn "${HOMEPAGE}" sleep 5 fi } src_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install || die "ERROR: 'make install' failed" # Install documentation dodoc ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README sessions/example1.xns doman cnee/src/cnee.1 # For compatibility with older versions ewarn "The command line interface is no longer called 'xnee'." ewarn "It's now called 'cnee'!" ewarn "There's a symlink that still allows using 'xnee'," ewarn "but from now on 'cnee' should be used instead of 'xnee'!" dosym /usr/bin/cnee /usr/bin/xnee sleep 5 make_desktop_entry gnee "gnee" "" "Development;GTK" }