.text .file "messages.c" .file 1 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../bin/default/librpc/gen_ndr/messaging.h" .file 2 "/usr/include" "tevent.h" .file 3 "/usr/include/bits" "types.h" .file 4 "/usr/include/bits" "stdint-uintn.h" .file 5 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages.c" .file 6 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "./librpc/gen_ndr/server_id.h" .file 7 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/data_blob.h" .file 8 "/usr/lib/llvm/11/bin/../../../../lib/clang/11.0.0/include" "stddef.h" .file 9 "/usr/include/bits" "stdint-intn.h" .file 10 "/usr/include" "talloc.h" .file 11 "/usr/include" "stdint.h" .globl messaging_rec_create # -- Begin function messaging_rec_create .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_rec_create,@function messaging_rec_create: # @messaging_rec_create .Lfunc_begin0: .loc 5 139 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:139:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r9 pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %r13 pushq %r12 pushq %rbx subq $120, %rsp .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- $rdi .Ltmp0: .loc 5 144 14 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:144:14 cmpq $127, %r9 .Ltmp1: .loc 5 144 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:144:6 ja .LBB0_1 .Ltmp2: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $ecx .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 movq %r9, %r13 .Ltmp3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 movq %r8, %r12 .Ltmp4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 movl %ecx, %r14d .Ltmp5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $r14d movq %rdx, %r15 .Ltmp6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 movl %esi, %ebx .Ltmp7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $ebx movq %rdi, -160(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 148 11 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:148:11 movq %rdx, %rdi movl %ecx, %esi callq iov_buflen@PLT .Ltmp9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- $rax .loc 5 149 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:149:13 cmpq $-1, %rax .Ltmp10: .loc 5 149 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:149:6 je .LBB0_1 .Ltmp11: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $ebx .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 movl %ebx, -140(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill .Ltmp12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movq %rax, -136(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movq %rax, %rbx .loc 5 152 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:152:8 leaq .L.str(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %esi movq -160(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- $rdi movl %ebx, %edx callq _talloc_array@PLT .Ltmp15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- $rax .loc 5 153 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:153:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp16: .loc 5 153 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:153:6 je .LBB0_1 .Ltmp17: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 156 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:156:2 movq %r15, %rdi movl %r14d, %esi movq %rax, -152(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movq %rax, %rdx movq %rbx, %rcx callq iov_buf@PLT .Ltmp19: .loc 5 160 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:160:3 movq %rsp, %rdi movq %rbx, %r14 .Ltmp20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx movq %rsp, %rbx leaq 15(,%r13,8), %rax andq $-16, %rax subq %rax, %rbx cmpq %rsp, %rbx jl .LBB0_6 .Ltmp21: .LBB0_5: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq $0, (%rsp) subq $4096, %rsp # imm = 0x1000 cmpq %rsp, %rbx jge .LBB0_5 .Ltmp22: .LBB0_6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] movq %rbx, %rsp .Ltmp23: #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 .loc 5 163 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:14 testq %r13, %r13 .Ltmp24: .loc 5 163 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:3 je .LBB0_18 .Ltmp25: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi cmpq $4, %r13 jae .LBB0_11 .Ltmp26: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %eax, %eax jmp .LBB0_17 .Ltmp27: .LBB0_1: xorl %r14d, %r14d .LBB0_26: movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq -48(%rbp), %rax jne .LBB0_29 # %bb.27: .loc 5 180 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:180:1 movq %r14, %rax leaq -40(%rbp), %rsp popq %rbx popq %r12 popq %r13 popq %r14 popq %r15 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .LBB0_11: .cfi_def_cfa %rbp, 16 .Ltmp28: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 163 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:3 movq %r13, %rax andq $-4, %rax leaq -4(%rax), %rcx movq %rcx, %rdx shrq $2, %rdx addq $1, %rdx testq %rcx, %rcx je .LBB0_28 .Ltmp29: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq %rdx, %rsi andq $-2, %rsi negq %rsi xorl %ecx, %ecx .Ltmp30: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB0_13: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 164 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:15 movq (%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero movq 8(%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pcmpgtd %xmm0, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm2[0],xmm0[1],xmm2[1] pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm2[0],xmm1[1],xmm2[1] .loc 5 164 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:13 movdqa %xmm0, (%rbx,%rcx,8) movdqa %xmm1, 16(%rbx,%rcx,8) .loc 5 164 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:15 movq 16(%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero movq 24(%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pcmpgtd %xmm0, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm2[0],xmm0[1],xmm2[1] pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm2[0],xmm1[1],xmm2[1] .loc 5 164 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:13 movdqa %xmm0, 32(%rbx,%rcx,8) movdqa %xmm1, 48(%rbx,%rcx,8) .Ltmp31: .loc 5 163 25 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:25 addq $8, %rcx addq $2, %rsi jne .LBB0_13 .Ltmp32: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi testb $1, %dl je .LBB0_16 .Ltmp33: .LBB0_15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 164 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:15 movq (%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero movq 8(%r12,%rcx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm0, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm3[0],xmm0[1],xmm3[1] pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm2[0],xmm1[1],xmm2[1] .loc 5 164 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:13 movdqa %xmm0, (%rbx,%rcx,8) movdqa %xmm1, 16(%rbx,%rcx,8) .Ltmp34: .LBB0_16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 163 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:3 cmpq %r13, %rax je .LBB0_18 .Ltmp35: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB0_17: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- $rax .loc 5 164 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:15 movslq (%r12,%rax,4), %rcx .loc 5 164 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:164:13 movq %rcx, (%rbx,%rax,8) .Ltmp36: .loc 5 163 25 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:25 addq $1, %rax .Ltmp37: #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- $rax .loc 5 163 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:14 cmpq %rax, %r13 .Ltmp38: .loc 5 163 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:3 jne .LBB0_17 .Ltmp39: .LBB0_18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 leaq 40(%rbp), %rcx .loc 5 169 24 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:169:24 movq 16(%rcx), %rax movq %rax, -80(%rbp) movups (%rcx), %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, -96(%rbp) leaq 16(%rbp), %rax .loc 5 169 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:169:11 movups (%rax), %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, -128(%rbp) movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -112(%rbp) .Ltmp40: #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b .loc 5 167 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:167:9 movl -63(%rbp), %eax movl -60(%rbp), %ecx movl %eax, -56(%rbp) movl %ecx, -53(%rbp) .Ltmp41: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx .loc 5 979 36 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:979:36 movzbl %r13b, %r12d .Ltmp42: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 shlq $3, %r12 .Ltmp43: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 .loc 5 0 36 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:36 movq -136(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp44: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- $r8 .loc 5 982 32 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:982:32 addq %r12, %r8 .Ltmp45: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:payload_len <- $r8 .loc 5 983 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:983:6 jae .LBB0_20 .Ltmp46: # %bb.19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:payload_len <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 xorl %r14d, %r14d .Ltmp47: jmp .LBB0_25 .Ltmp48: .LBB0_20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:payload_len <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq %r14, %r15 .Ltmp49: #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx movq %rdi, -136(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .loc 5 988 11 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:988:11 leaq .L.str.87(%rip), %rdx movl $104, %esi movq -160(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl $2, %ecx callq _talloc_pooled_object@PLT .Ltmp50: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rax .loc 5 990 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:990:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp51: .loc 5 990 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:990:6 je .LBB0_23 .Ltmp52: # %bb.21: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp53: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $r14 .loc 5 993 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:993:12 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rax) movl $2, 16(%rax) movl -140(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload .Ltmp54: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- $eax movl %eax, 20(%r14) movaps -96(%rbp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%r14) movq -80(%rbp), %rax .Ltmp55: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi movq %rax, 40(%r14) movaps -128(%rbp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 48(%r14) movq -112(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, 64(%r14) movq -152(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp56: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- $rsi movq %rsi, 72(%r14) movq %r15, 80(%r14) movb %r13b, 88(%r14) movl -56(%rbp), %eax movl -53(%rbp), %ecx movl %eax, 89(%r14) movl %ecx, 92(%r14) movq %rbx, 96(%r14) .loc 5 997 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:997:21 leaq .L.str.88(%rip), %rcx movq %r14, %rdi movq %r15, %rdx callq _talloc_memdup@PLT .Ltmp57: .loc 5 997 19 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:997:19 movq %rax, 72(%r14) .loc 5 1000 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1000:14 movq $0, 96(%r14) .Ltmp58: .loc 5 1001 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1001:22 cmpb $0, 88(%r14) .Ltmp59: .loc 5 1001 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1001:6 je .LBB0_24 .Ltmp60: # %bb.22: #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1002 17 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1002:17 leaq .L.str.89(%rip), %rcx movq %r14, %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi movq %r12, %rdx callq _talloc_memdup@PLT .Ltmp61: .loc 5 1002 15 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1002:15 movq %rax, 96(%r14) jmp .LBB0_24 .Ltmp62: .LBB0_23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:15 xorl %r14d, %r14d .Ltmp63: .LBB0_24: #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 704 8] $r13b #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 640 64] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 768 64] $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 160, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 160 32] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus, DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 576 64] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 128 32] 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq -136(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp64: .LBB0_25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:result <- $r14 .loc 5 175 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:175:2 movq %rdi, %rsp .Ltmp65: .loc 5 177 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:177:2 leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movq -152(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp66: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB0_26 .Ltmp67: .LBB0_28: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buf <- [DW_OP_constu 152, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:buflen <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 140, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iov <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:num_fds <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds64 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_create:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi xorl %ecx, %ecx .Ltmp68: .loc 5 163 25 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:163:25 testb $1, %dl jne .LBB0_15 jmp .LBB0_16 .Ltmp69: .LBB0_29: .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp70: .Lfunc_end0: .size messaging_rec_create, .Lfunc_end0-messaging_rec_create .cfi_endproc .file 12 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../lib/util/iov_buf.h" .file 13 "/usr/include/bits/types" "struct_iovec.h" # -- End function .globl messaging_init # -- Begin function messaging_init .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_init,@function messaging_init: # @messaging_init .Lfunc_begin1: .loc 5 625 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:625:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $rsi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $104, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 160 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsi, %r13 movq %rdi, %r12 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 96(%rsp) .Ltmp71: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:pmsg_ctx <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ev <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:mem_ctx <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ctx <- [DW_OP_deref] undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 494 2 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:494:2 callq sec_init@PLT .Ltmp72: .loc 5 496 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:496:23 leaq .L.str.38(%rip), %rdi callq _talloc_tos@PLT .Ltmp73: .loc 5 496 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:496:13 leaq .L.str.5(%rip), %rsi movq %rax, %rdi callq lock_path@PLT .Ltmp74: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rax .loc 5 497 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:497:15 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp75: .loc 5 497 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:497:6 je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp76: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp77: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx .loc 5 502 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:502:12 callq sec_initial_uid@PLT .Ltmp78: .loc 5 501 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:501:7 movq %rbx, %rdi movl %eax, %esi movl $493, %edx # imm = 0x1ED callq directory_create_or_exist_strict@PLT .Ltmp79: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 504 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:504:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB1_12 .Ltmp80: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 473 25 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:25 leaq .L.str.57(%rip), %rdi callq _talloc_tos@PLT .Ltmp81: movq %rax, %rbp .loc 5 473 48 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:48 callq lp_private_dir@PLT .Ltmp82: .loc 5 473 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:9 leaq .L.str.58(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.6(%rip), %rcx .Ltmp83: #DEBUG_VALUE: private_path:name <- $rcx movq %rbp, %rdi movq %rax, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq talloc_asprintf@PLT .Ltmp84: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rax .loc 5 511 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:511:16 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp85: .loc 5 511 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:511:6 je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp86: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rbp .Ltmp87: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 515 51 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:515:51 callq sec_initial_uid@PLT .Ltmp88: .loc 5 515 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:515:7 movq %rbp, %rdi movl %eax, %esi movl $448, %edx # imm = 0x1C0 callq directory_create_or_exist_strict@PLT .Ltmp89: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 517 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:517:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB1_16 .Ltmp90: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 523 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:523:10 leaq .L.str.43(%rip), %rdi callq _talloc_stackframe@PLT .Ltmp91: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- $rax .loc 5 524 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:524:12 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp92: .loc 5 524 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:524:6 je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp93: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- $rax .loc 5 528 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:528:8 leaq .L.str.44(%rip), %rdx movl $104, %esi movq %rax, 32(%rsp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp94: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] .loc 5 0 8 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:8 movq %rax, %rdi .loc 5 528 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:528:8 callq _talloc_zero@PLT .Ltmp95: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $rax .loc 5 529 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:529:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp96: .loc 5 529 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:529:6 je .LBB1_21 .Ltmp97: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r15 .Ltmp98: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 .loc 5 535 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:535:10 callq getpid@PLT .Ltmp99: cltq .loc 5 534 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:534:12 movq %rax, (%r15) movabsq $-4294967296, %rax # imm = 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 movq %rax, 8(%r15) movq $0, 16(%r15) .loc 5 538 17 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:538:17 movq %r13, 24(%r15) .loc 5 540 32 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:540:32 leaq .L.str.45(%rip), %rdx xorl %r14d, %r14d movq %r15, %rdi xorl %esi, %esi callq talloc_named_const@PLT .Ltmp100: .loc 5 540 30 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:540:30 movq %rax, 96(%r15) .Ltmp101: .loc 5 541 34 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:541:34 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp102: .loc 5 541 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:541:6 je .LBB1_25 .Ltmp103: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 546 7 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:546:7 movq %r15, %rdi movq %r13, %rsi callq messaging_register_event_context .Ltmp104: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] undef .loc 5 547 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:547:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB1_21 .Ltmp105: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %r15, %rdx addq $16, %rdx .loc 5 554 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:554:8 movq 24(%r15), %rsi .loc 5 553 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:553:8 movq 96(%r15), %rdi .Ltmp106: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp .loc 5 0 8 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:8 leaq 44(%rsp), %rax .loc 5 552 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:552:8 movq %rax, 8(%rsp) movq %r15, (%rsp) leaq messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %r9 movq %rbp, %rcx movq %rbx, %r8 callq messaging_dgm_ref@PLT .Ltmp107: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ref <- $rax .loc 5 561 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:561:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp108: .loc 5 561 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:561:6 je .LBB1_22 .Ltmp109: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ref <- $rax .loc 5 566 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:566:2 leaq messaging_context_destructor(%rip), %rsi .Ltmp110: #DEBUG_VALUE: _talloc_destructor_fn <- $rsi movq %r15, %rdi callq _talloc_set_destructor@PLT .Ltmp111: .loc 5 588 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:588:16 callq get_my_vnn@PLT .Ltmp112: .loc 5 588 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:588:14 movl %eax, 12(%r15) .loc 5 592 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:592:8 callq lp_lock_directory@PLT .Ltmp113: .loc 5 590 18 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:590:18 movq 16(%r15), %rcx movq %rcx, 16(%rsp) movups (%r15), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) movq %r15, %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %edx, %edx movl $2049, %ecx # imm = 0x801 callq server_id_db_init@PLT .Ltmp114: .loc 5 590 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:590:16 movq %rax, 88(%r15) .Ltmp115: .loc 5 595 20 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:595:20 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp116: .loc 5 595 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:595:6 je .LBB1_24 .Ltmp117: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 601 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:601:2 leaq ping_message(%rip), %rcx movq %r15, %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $2, %edx callq messaging_register@PLT .Ltmp118: .loc 5 605 31 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:605:31 movq 96(%r15), %rdi .loc 5 605 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:605:2 movq %r15, %rsi callq register_msg_pool_usage@PLT .Ltmp119: .loc 5 606 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:606:2 movq %r15, %rdi callq register_dmalloc_msgs@PLT .Ltmp120: .loc 5 607 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:607:2 movq %r15, %rdi callq debug_register_msgs@PLT .Ltmp121: .loc 5 611 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:611:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp122: cmpl $10, %eax jge .LBB1_31 .Ltmp123: .LBB1_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 614 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:614:14 leaq .L.str.51(%rip), %rdx movq %r12, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi callq _talloc_steal_loc@PLT .Ltmp124: movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp125: #DEBUG_VALUE: __talloc_steal_ret <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:status <- 0 .loc 5 0 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:14 jmp .LBB1_25 .Ltmp126: .LBB1_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 505 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:505:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp127: cmpl $10, %eax jl .LBB1_17 .Ltmp128: # %bb.13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx leaq .L.str.39(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp129: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp130: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp131: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp132: # %bb.15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx callq __errno_location@PLT .Ltmp133: movl (%rax), %edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp134: leaq .L.str.40(%rip), %rdi jmp .LBB1_30 .Ltmp135: .LBB1_16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 518 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:518:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp136: cmpl $10, %eax jge .LBB1_27 .Ltmp137: .LBB1_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:status <- undef .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 96(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB1_39 .Ltmp138: # %bb.18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 637 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:637:1 xorl %eax, %eax .Ltmp139: .LBB1_19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 addq $104, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .Ltmp140: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .Ltmp141: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB1_21: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 160 .Ltmp142: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp xorl %r14d, %r14d .Ltmp143: .LBB1_25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:status <- undef #DEBUG_LABEL: messaging_init_internal:done .loc 5 618 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:618:2 leaq .L.str.52(%rip), %rsi movq 32(%rsp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp144: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- $rdi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp145: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:status <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 96(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB1_39 .Ltmp146: # %bb.26: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 632 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:632:6 movq %r14, %rax jmp .LBB1_19 .Ltmp147: .LBB1_22: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ref <- $rax .loc 5 562 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:562:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp148: cmpl $2, %eax jge .LBB1_34 .Ltmp149: .LBB1_23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 563 35 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:563:35 movl 44(%rsp), %edi .Ltmp150: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- $edi .loc 5 563 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:563:12 callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp151: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:status <- undef .loc 5 0 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:12 xorl %r14d, %r14d jmp .LBB1_25 .Ltmp152: .LBB1_24: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp xorl %r14d, %r14d .Ltmp153: .loc 5 596 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:596:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp154: cmpl $10, %eax jl .LBB1_25 .Ltmp155: # %bb.36: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp leaq .L.str.47(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rcx xorl %r14d, %r14d movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp156: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_25 .Ltmp157: # %bb.37: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rsi xorl %r14d, %r14d xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp158: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_25 .Ltmp159: # %bb.38: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp leaq .L.str.48(%rip), %rdi xorl %r14d, %r14d xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp160: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB1_25 .Ltmp161: .LBB1_27: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 518 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:518:3 leaq .L.str.41(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp162: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp163: # %bb.28: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp164: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_17 .Ltmp165: # %bb.29: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp callq __errno_location@PLT .Ltmp166: movl (%rax), %edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp167: leaq .L.str.42(%rip), %rdi .Ltmp168: .LBB1_30: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp169: jmp .LBB1_17 .Ltmp170: .LBB1_31: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 611 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:611:3 leaq .L.str.49(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp171: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_11 .Ltmp172: # %bb.32: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp173: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_11 .Ltmp174: # %bb.33: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp movq 16(%r15), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%r15), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq 48(%rsp), %rdi callq server_id_str_buf@PLT .Ltmp175: leaq .L.str.50(%rip), %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp176: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB1_11 .Ltmp177: .LBB1_34: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp .loc 5 562 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:562:3 leaq .L.str.46(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_init_internal(%rip), %rcx movl $2, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp178: testb %al, %al je .LBB1_23 .Ltmp179: # %bb.35: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:frame <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 32] [$rsp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 44, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:lck_path <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:priv_path <- $rbp movl 44(%rsp), %edi .Ltmp180: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init_internal:ret <- $edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp181: leaq .L.str.8(%rip), %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp182: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB1_23 .Ltmp183: .LBB1_39: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_init:mem_ctx <- $r12 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp184: .Lfunc_end1: .size messaging_init, .Lfunc_end1-messaging_init .cfi_endproc .file 14 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../libcli/util/ntstatus.h" .file 15 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../lib/util/server_id.h" .file 16 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/include/proto.h" .file 17 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/talloc_stack.h" .file 18 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/util_path.h" .file 19 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/samba_util.h" .file 20 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "./source3/param/param_proto.h" .file 21 "/usr/include" "unistd.h" .file 22 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages_dgm_ref.h" .file 23 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/util_procid.h" .file 24 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../lib/util/server_id_db.h" .file 25 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/debug_s3.h" .file 26 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/debug.h" # -- End function .globl messaging_server_id # -- Begin function messaging_server_id .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_server_id,@function messaging_server_id: # @messaging_server_id .Lfunc_begin2: .loc 5 640 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:640:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_server_id:msg_ctx <- $rsi movq %rdi, %rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_server_id:msg_ctx <- $rsi .Ltmp185: .loc 5 641 18 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:641:18 movq 16(%rsi), %rcx movq %rcx, 16(%rdi) movups (%rsi), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rdi) .loc 5 641 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:641:2 retq .Ltmp186: .Lfunc_end2: .size messaging_server_id, .Lfunc_end2-messaging_server_id .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_reinit # -- Begin function messaging_reinit .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_reinit,@function messaging_reinit: # @messaging_reinit .Lfunc_begin3: .loc 5 648 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:648:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rdi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdi, %rbx movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) .Ltmp187: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 653 2 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:653:2 movq 96(%rdi), %rdi testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp188: .loc 5 653 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:653:2 je .LBB3_2 .Ltmp189: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 653 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:653:2 leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp190: movq $0, 96(%rbx) .Ltmp191: .LBB3_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 655 36 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:655:36 leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdx movq %rbx, %rdi xorl %esi, %esi callq talloc_named_const@PLT .Ltmp192: .loc 5 655 34 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:655:34 movq %rax, 96(%rbx) movl $-1073741801, %ebp # imm = 0xC0000017 .Ltmp193: .loc 5 656 38 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:656:38 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp194: .loc 5 656 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:656:6 je .LBB3_17 .Ltmp195: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 661 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:661:10 callq getpid@PLT .Ltmp196: cltq .loc 5 660 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:660:16 movq %rax, (%rbx) movl $0, 8(%rbx) movq $0, 16(%rbx) .loc 5 664 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:664:23 leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rdi callq _talloc_tos@PLT .Ltmp197: .loc 5 664 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:664:13 leaq .L.str.5(%rip), %rsi movq %rax, %rdi callq lock_path@PLT .Ltmp198: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $rax .loc 5 665 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:665:15 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp199: .loc 5 665 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:665:6 je .LBB3_17 .Ltmp200: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp201: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 leaq 16(%rbx), %r15 .loc 5 671 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:671:12 movq 24(%rbx), %r12 .loc 5 670 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:670:12 movq 96(%rbx), %r13 .Ltmp202: .loc 5 473 25 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:25 leaq .L.str.57(%rip), %rdi callq _talloc_tos@PLT .Ltmp203: movq %rax, %rbp .loc 5 473 48 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:48 callq lp_private_dir@PLT .Ltmp204: .loc 5 473 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:473:9 leaq .L.str.58(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.6(%rip), %rcx .Ltmp205: #DEBUG_VALUE: private_path:name <- $rcx movq %rbp, %rdi movq %rax, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq talloc_asprintf@PLT .Ltmp206: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp .loc 5 0 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:9 leaq 12(%rsp), %rbp .Ltmp207: .loc 5 669 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:669:8 leaq messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %r9 movq %r13, %rdi movq %r12, %rsi movq %r15, %rdx movq %rax, %rcx movq %r14, %r8 pushq %rbp .Ltmp208: .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 pushq %rbx .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 callq messaging_dgm_ref@PLT .Ltmp209: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ref <- $rax addq $16, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16 .Ltmp210: .loc 5 679 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:679:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp211: .loc 5 679 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:679:6 je .LBB3_5 .Ltmp212: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ref <- $rax .loc 5 684 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:684:6 callq lp_clustering@PLT .Ltmp213: .loc 5 684 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:684:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB3_16 .Ltmp214: # %bb.11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 687 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:687:13 movq 24(%rbx), %r14 .Ltmp215: .loc 5 686 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:686:13 movq 96(%rbx), %r15 .loc 5 688 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:688:4 callq lp_ctdbd_socket@PLT .Ltmp216: .loc 5 0 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 movq %rbp, %r12 .loc 5 688 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:688:4 movq %rax, %rbp .loc 5 689 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:689:4 callq lp_ctdb_timeout@PLT .Ltmp217: .loc 5 690 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:690:16 movq 16(%rbx), %r8 .Ltmp218: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ret <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp .loc 5 685 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:685:9 leaq messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %r9 movq %r15, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi movq %rbp, %rdx movl %eax, %ecx pushq %r12 .Ltmp219: .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 pushq %rbx .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 callq messaging_ctdb_ref@PLT .Ltmp220: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ref <- $rax addq $16, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16 .Ltmp221: .loc 5 694 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:694:11 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp222: .loc 5 694 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:694:7 je .LBB3_12 .Ltmp223: .LBB3_16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 701 31 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:701:31 movq 88(%rbx), %rdi .loc 5 701 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:701:2 subq $32, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 32 movq 16(%rbx), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rbx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) callq server_id_db_reinit@PLT .Ltmp224: addq $32, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -32 .loc 5 702 35 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:702:35 movq 96(%rbx), %rdi .loc 5 702 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:702:2 movq %rbx, %rsi callq register_msg_pool_usage@PLT .Ltmp225: .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ebp, %ebp jmp .LBB3_17 .Ltmp226: .LBB3_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ref <- $rax .loc 5 680 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:680:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp227: cmpl $2, %eax jl .LBB3_9 .Ltmp228: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx leaq .L.str.7(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit(%rip), %rcx movl $2, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp229: testb %al, %al je .LBB3_9 .Ltmp230: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:lck_path <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx movl 12(%rsp), %edi .Ltmp231: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ret <- $edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp232: leaq .L.str.8(%rip), %rdi .Ltmp233: .LBB3_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp234: jmp .LBB3_9 .Ltmp235: .LBB3_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ref <- $rax .loc 5 695 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:695:4 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp236: cmpl $3, %eax jge .LBB3_13 .Ltmp237: .LBB3_9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movl 12(%rsp), %edi .Ltmp238: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ret <- $edi callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp239: movl %eax, %ebp .Ltmp240: .LBB3_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 16(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB3_19 .Ltmp241: # %bb.18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 705 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:705:1 movl %ebp, %eax addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .Ltmp242: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB3_13: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .Ltmp243: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 695 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:695:4 leaq .L.str.9(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit(%rip), %rcx movl $3, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp244: testb %al, %al je .LBB3_9 .Ltmp245: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp246: testb %al, %al je .LBB3_9 .Ltmp247: # %bb.15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx movl 12(%rsp), %edi .Ltmp248: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:ret <- $edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp249: leaq .L.str.11(%rip), %rdi jmp .LBB3_8 .Ltmp250: .LBB3_19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_reinit:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp251: .Lfunc_end3: .size messaging_reinit, .Lfunc_end3-messaging_reinit .cfi_endproc .file 27 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/cluster_support.h" .file 28 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages_ctdb_ref.h" # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_recv_cb .type messaging_recv_cb,@function messaging_recv_cb: # @messaging_recv_cb .Lfunc_begin4: .loc 5 389 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:389:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:private_data <- $r9 pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %r13 pushq %r12 pushq %rbx subq $200, %rsp .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 movq %r8, %r14 movq %rcx, %r12 movq %rdx, %r13 movq %rsi, %r15 movq %rdi, -224(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:private_data <- $r9 .Ltmp252: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 390 38 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:390:38 leaq .L.str.44(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.59(%rip), %rdx movq %r9, %rdi .Ltmp253: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:private_data <- $rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp254: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax .loc 5 0 38 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:38 movq %rsp, -232(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .loc 5 394 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:394:16 cmpq $127, %r14 movl $127, %ecx cmovbq %r14, %rcx .loc 5 394 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:394:2 leaq 15(,%rcx,8), %rcx andq $-16, %rcx movq %rsp, %rsi subq %rcx, %rsi cmpq %rsp, %rsi jl .LBB4_3 .Ltmp255: .LBB4_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax movq $0, (%rsp) subq $4096, %rsp # imm = 0x1000 cmpq %rsp, %rsi jge .LBB4_2 .Ltmp256: .LBB4_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] movq %rsi, %rsp .Ltmp257: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:__vla_expr0 <- undef .loc 5 397 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:397:14 cmpq $51, %r13 .Ltmp258: .loc 5 397 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:397:6 ja .LBB4_8 .Ltmp259: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax .loc 5 398 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:398:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp260: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB4_5 .Ltmp261: .LBB4_29: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 #DEBUG_LABEL: messaging_recv_cb:close_fail .loc 5 439 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:439:14 testq %r14, %r14 jne .LBB4_34 jmp .LBB4_37 .Ltmp262: .LBB4_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax .loc 5 402 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:402:14 cmpq $127, %r14 .Ltmp263: .loc 5 402 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:402:6 jbe .LBB4_9 .Ltmp264: # %bb.30: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax .loc 5 403 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:403:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp265: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB4_31 .Ltmp266: .LBB4_34: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp267: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB4_35: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- $rbx .loc 5 440 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:440:9 movl (%r12,%rbx,4), %edi .loc 5 440 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:440:3 callq close@PLT .Ltmp268: .loc 5 439 26 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:439:26 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp269: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- $rbx .loc 5 439 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:439:14 cmpq %rbx, %r14 jne .LBB4_35 .Ltmp270: .LBB4_37: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 0 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:14 movq -232(%rbp), %rsp # 8-byte Reload movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq -48(%rbp), %rax jne .LBB4_39 .Ltmp271: # %bb.38: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 442 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:442:1 leaq -40(%rbp), %rsp popq %rbx popq %r12 .Ltmp272: popq %r13 popq %r14 .Ltmp273: popq %r15 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Ltmp274: .LBB4_9: .cfi_def_cfa %rbp, 16 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 411 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:14 testq %r14, %r14 .Ltmp275: .loc 5 411 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:2 je .LBB4_20 .Ltmp276: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 cmpq $3, %r14 ja .LBB4_12 .Ltmp277: # %bb.11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ecx, %ecx jmp .LBB4_19 .Ltmp278: .LBB4_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 411 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:2 movq %r14, %rcx andq $-4, %rcx leaq -4(%rcx), %rdx movq %rdx, %rbx shrq $2, %rbx addq $1, %rbx testq %rdx, %rdx je .LBB4_13 .Ltmp279: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 movq %rbx, %rdi andq $-2, %rdi negq %rdi xorl %edx, %edx pcmpeqd %xmm0, %xmm0 .Ltmp280: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB4_15: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 412 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:14 movq (%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero movq 8(%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm2 # xmm2 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm3[0],xmm1[1],xmm3[1] pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm2, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm2 # xmm2 = xmm2[0],xmm3[0],xmm2[1],xmm3[1] .loc 5 412 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:12 movdqa %xmm1, (%rsi,%rdx,8) movdqa %xmm2, 16(%rsi,%rdx,8) .loc 5 413 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:413:10 movdqu %xmm0, (%r12,%rdx,4) .loc 5 412 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:14 movq 16(%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero movq 24(%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm2 # xmm2 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm3[0],xmm1[1],xmm3[1] pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm2, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm2 # xmm2 = xmm2[0],xmm3[0],xmm2[1],xmm3[1] .loc 5 412 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:12 movdqa %xmm1, 32(%rsi,%rdx,8) movdqa %xmm2, 48(%rsi,%rdx,8) .loc 5 413 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:413:10 movdqu %xmm0, 16(%r12,%rdx,4) .Ltmp281: .loc 5 411 26 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:26 addq $8, %rdx addq $2, %rdi jne .LBB4_15 .Ltmp282: # %bb.16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 testb $1, %bl je .LBB4_18 .Ltmp283: .LBB4_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 412 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:14 movq (%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero movq 8(%r12,%rdx,4), %xmm1 # xmm1 = mem[0],zero pxor %xmm2, %xmm2 pxor %xmm3, %xmm3 pcmpgtd %xmm0, %xmm3 punpckldq %xmm3, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm3[0],xmm0[1],xmm3[1] pcmpgtd %xmm1, %xmm2 punpckldq %xmm2, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0],xmm2[0],xmm1[1],xmm2[1] .loc 5 412 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:12 movdqa %xmm0, (%rsi,%rdx,8) movdqa %xmm1, 16(%rsi,%rdx,8) .loc 5 413 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:413:10 pcmpeqd %xmm0, %xmm0 movdqu %xmm0, (%r12,%rdx,4) .Ltmp284: .LBB4_18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 .loc 5 411 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:2 cmpq %r14, %rcx je .LBB4_20 .Ltmp285: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB4_19: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- $rcx .loc 5 412 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:14 movslq (%r12,%rcx,4), %rdx .loc 5 412 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:412:12 movq %rdx, (%rsi,%rcx,8) .loc 5 413 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:413:10 movl $-1, (%r12,%rcx,4) .Ltmp286: .loc 5 411 26 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:26 addq $1, %rcx .Ltmp287: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- $rcx .loc 5 411 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:14 cmpq %rcx, %r14 .Ltmp288: .loc 5 411 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:2 jne .LBB4_19 .Ltmp289: .LBB4_20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %rax, -216(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp290: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 216, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 418 45 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:418:45 leaq 52(%r15), %rcx .loc 5 419 25 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:419:25 addq $-52, %r13 .Ltmp291: .loc 5 416 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:416:8 pxor %xmm0, %xmm0 movdqa %xmm0, -208(%rbp) movl $2, -192(%rbp) leaq -188(%rbp), %rdi leaq -184(%rbp), %rdx leaq -160(%rbp), %rbx movdqu %xmm0, -188(%rbp) movdqu %xmm0, -172(%rbp) movdqu %xmm0, -156(%rbp) movl $0, -140(%rbp) movq %rcx, -136(%rbp) movq %r13, -128(%rbp) movb %r14b, -120(%rbp) movl -103(%rbp), %ecx movl -100(%rbp), %eax movl %ecx, -119(%rbp) movl %eax, -116(%rbp) movq %rsi, -112(%rbp) .loc 5 424 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:424:2 movq %rbx, %rsi .Ltmp292: movq %r15, %rcx callq message_hdr_get@PLT .Ltmp293: .loc 5 426 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:426:2 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp294: cmpl $10, %eax jge .LBB4_21 .Ltmp295: .LBB4_24: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 216, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 430 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:430:6 movq %rbx, %rdi movq -216(%rbp), %rbx # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp296: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx movq %rbx, %rsi callq server_id_same_process@PLT .Ltmp297: .loc 5 430 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:430:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB4_36 .Ltmp298: # %bb.25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 431 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:431:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp299: cmpl $10, %eax jl .LBB4_29 .Ltmp300: # %bb.26: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.66(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp301: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_29 .Ltmp302: # %bb.27: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp303: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_29 .Ltmp304: # %bb.28: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.67(%rip), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp305: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB4_29 .Ltmp306: .LBB4_36: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq -208(%rbp), %rdx .loc 5 435 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:435:2 movq %rbx, %rdi movq -224(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload callq messaging_dispatch_rec .Ltmp307: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB4_37 .Ltmp308: .LBB4_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds64 <- [$rsi+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:i <- 0 xorl %edx, %edx .Ltmp309: .loc 5 411 26 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:411:26 testb $1, %bl jne .LBB4_17 jmp .LBB4_18 .Ltmp310: .LBB4_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 398 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:398:3 leaq .L.str.60(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp311: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_29 .Ltmp312: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp313: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_29 .Ltmp314: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.61(%rip), %rdi movq %r13, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp315: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB4_29 .Ltmp316: .LBB4_31: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 403 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:403:3 leaq .L.str.62(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp317: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_34 .Ltmp318: # %bb.32: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp319: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_34 .Ltmp320: # %bb.33: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_len <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.63(%rip), %rdi movq %r14, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp321: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB4_34 .Ltmp322: .LBB4_21: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 216, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 426 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:426:2 leaq .L.str.64(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp323: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_24 .Ltmp324: # %bb.22: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 216, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp325: testb %al, %al je .LBB4_24 .Ltmp326: # %bb.23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_constu 216, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movl -188(%rbp), %r15d .Ltmp327: movq -128(%rbp), %r13 subq $32, %rsp movq 16(%rbx), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movdqu (%rbx), %xmm0 movdqu %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq -96(%rbp), %rdi callq server_id_str_buf@PLT .Ltmp328: addq $32, %rsp leaq .L.str.65(%rip), %rdi movl %r15d, %esi movq %r13, %rdx movq %r14, %rcx movq %rax, %r8 xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp329: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB4_24 .Ltmp330: .LBB4_39: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:num_fds <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:fds <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_recv_cb:ev <- [DW_OP_constu 224, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp331: .Lfunc_end4: .size messaging_recv_cb, .Lfunc_end4-messaging_recv_cb .cfi_endproc .file 29 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages_util.h" # -- End function .globl messaging_register # -- Begin function messaging_register .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_register,@function messaging_register: # @messaging_register .Lfunc_begin5: .loc 5 720 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:720:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $edx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $rcx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset %rbx, -48 .cfi_offset %r12, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rcx, %r14 movl %edx, %ebp movq %rsi, %r12 movq %rdi, %r15 .Ltmp332: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 .loc 5 723 2 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:723:2 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp333: cmpl $5, %eax jge .LBB5_1 .Ltmp334: .LBB5_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- undef .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq 32(%r15), %rbx .Ltmp335: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx jmp .LBB5_4 .Ltmp336: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB5_11: # in Loop: Header=BB5_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- undef movq 8(%rbx), %rbx .Ltmp337: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx .LBB5_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 731 35 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:731:35 testq %rbx, %rbx .Ltmp338: .loc 5 731 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:731:2 je .LBB5_12 .Ltmp339: # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB5_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 738 20 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:738:20 cmpl %ebp, 16(%rbx) .loc 5 738 32 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:738:32 jne .LBB5_11 .Ltmp340: # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB5_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 738 48 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:738:48 cmpq %r12, 32(%rbx) .Ltmp341: .loc 5 738 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:738:7 jne .LBB5_11 .Ltmp342: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 0 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:7 xorl %r15d, %r15d .Ltmp343: .loc 5 739 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:739:4 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp344: cmpl $5, %eax jge .LBB5_8 .Ltmp345: .LBB5_10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 741 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:741:11 movq %r14, 24(%rbx) .loc 5 742 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:742:21 movq %r12, 32(%rbx) jmp .LBB5_18 .Ltmp346: .LBB5_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 747 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:747:13 leaq .L.str.16(%rip), %rdx movl $40, %esi movq %r15, %rdi callq talloc_named_const@PLT .Ltmp347: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax .loc 5 747 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:747:11 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp348: .loc 5 747 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:747:6 je .LBB5_13 .Ltmp349: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 751 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:751:15 movl %ebp, 16(%rax) .loc 5 752 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:752:9 movq %r14, 24(%rax) .loc 5 753 19 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:753:19 movq %r12, 32(%rax) .Ltmp350: .loc 5 755 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:755:2 movq 32(%r15), %rcx testq %rcx, %rcx .Ltmp351: .loc 5 755 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:755:2 je .LBB5_15 .Ltmp352: # %bb.16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 755 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:755:2 movq (%rcx), %rdx movq %rdx, (%rax) movq %rax, (%rcx) movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movq %rax, 32(%r15) jmp .LBB5_17 .Ltmp353: .LBB5_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movl $-1073741801, %r15d # imm = 0xC0000017 .Ltmp354: jmp .LBB5_18 .Ltmp355: .LBB5_15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 755 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:755:2 movq %rax, 32(%r15) movq %rax, (%rax) movq $0, 8(%rax) .Ltmp356: .LBB5_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %r15d, %r15d .Ltmp357: .LBB5_18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 757 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:757:1 movl %r15d, %eax popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r12 .Ltmp358: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .Ltmp359: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .Ltmp360: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB5_1: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .Ltmp361: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 723 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:723:2 leaq .L.str.12(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_register(%rip), %rcx movl $5, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp362: testb %al, %al je .LBB5_3 .Ltmp363: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp leaq .L.str.13(%rip), %rdi movl %ebp, %esi movq %r12, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp364: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB5_3 .Ltmp365: .LBB5_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 739 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:739:4 leaq .L.str.14(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_register(%rip), %rcx movl $5, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp366: testb %al, %al je .LBB5_10 .Ltmp367: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:fn <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register:msg_type <- $ebp leaq .L.str.15(%rip), %rdi movl %ebp, %esi movq %r12, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp368: .loc 5 0 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 jmp .LBB5_10 .Ltmp369: .Lfunc_end5: .size messaging_register, .Lfunc_end5-messaging_register .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .rodata.cst16,"aM",@progbits,16 .p2align 4 # -- Begin function messaging_deregister .LCPI6_0: .zero 16 .text .globl messaging_deregister .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_deregister,@function messaging_deregister: # @messaging_deregister .Lfunc_begin6: .loc 5 764 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:764:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $rdi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 .loc 5 767 17 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:767:17 movq 32(%rdi), %r13 .Ltmp370: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r13 .loc 5 767 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:767:2 testq %r13, %r13 je .LBB6_23 .Ltmp371: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $esi .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %rdx, %rbx .Ltmp372: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx movl %esi, %ebp .Ltmp373: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp movq %rdi, %r14 .Ltmp374: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 leaq .L.str.19(%rip), %r15 jmp .LBB6_2 .Ltmp375: .LBB6_21: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 774 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:774:4 movq %r12, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp376: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- 0 .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB6_22: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r13 .loc 5 767 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:767:2 testq %r13, %r13 je .LBB6_23 .Ltmp377: .LBB6_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %r13, %r12 .Ltmp378: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 .loc 5 768 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:768:14 movq 8(%r13), %r13 .Ltmp379: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 .loc 5 769 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:769:21 cmpl %ebp, 16(%r12) .loc 5 770 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:770:7 jne .LBB6_22 .Ltmp380: # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 770 28 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:770:28 cmpq %rbx, 32(%r12) .Ltmp381: .loc 5 769 7 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:769:7 jne .LBB6_22 .Ltmp382: # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 771 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:771:4 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp383: cmpl $5, %eax jge .LBB6_5 .Ltmp384: .LBB6_7: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq 32(%r14), %rax cmpq %rax, %r12 .Ltmp385: .loc 5 773 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_8 .Ltmp386: # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq (%r12), %rcx testq %rax, %rax je .LBB6_15 .Ltmp387: # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp testq %rcx, %rcx je .LBB6_15 .Ltmp388: # %bb.13: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp cmpq (%rax), %r12 .Ltmp389: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_14 .Ltmp390: .LBB6_15: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 testq %rcx, %rcx .Ltmp391: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_17 .Ltmp392: # %bb.16: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq 8(%r12), %rdx movq %rdx, 8(%rcx) .Ltmp393: .LBB6_17: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq 8(%r12), %rdx testq %rdx, %rdx .Ltmp394: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_19 .Ltmp395: # %bb.18: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq %rcx, (%rdx) .Ltmp396: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 cmpq %rax, %r12 jne .LBB6_20 jmp .LBB6_21 .Ltmp397: .LBB6_8: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq 8(%r12), %rax testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp398: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_10 .Ltmp399: # %bb.9: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq (%r12), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) .Ltmp400: .LBB6_10: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq %rax, 32(%r14) .Ltmp401: .LBB6_19: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 cmpq %rax, %r12 .Ltmp402: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 je .LBB6_21 .Ltmp403: .LBB6_20: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%r12) jmp .LBB6_21 .Ltmp404: .LBB6_14: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 movq $0, 8(%rcx) movq %rcx, (%rax) .Ltmp405: .loc 5 773 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:773:4 cmpq %rax, %r12 jne .LBB6_20 jmp .LBB6_21 .Ltmp406: .LBB6_5: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp .loc 5 771 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:771:4 movl $5, %edi xorl %esi, %esi leaq .L.str.17(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister(%rip), %rcx callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp407: testb %al, %al je .LBB6_7 .Ltmp408: # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB6_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:msg_type <- $ebp leaq .L.str.18(%rip), %rdi movl %ebp, %esi movq %rbx, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp409: .loc 5 0 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 jmp .LBB6_7 .Ltmp410: .LBB6_23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister:cb <- $r13 .loc 5 777 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:777:1 addq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .Ltmp411: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp412: .Lfunc_end6: .size messaging_deregister, .Lfunc_end6-messaging_deregister .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_send # -- Begin function messaging_send .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_send,@function messaging_send: # @messaging_send .Lfunc_begin7: .loc 5 785 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:785:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $rdx pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 subq $80, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 .cfi_offset %rbx, -16 leaq 96(%rsp), %rax movq %fs:40, %rcx movq %rcx, 72(%rsp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rdi .Ltmp413: .loc 5 786 15 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:786:15 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, 48(%rsp) .Ltmp414: .loc 5 788 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:788:11 testq %rdx, %rdx .Ltmp415: .loc 5 788 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:788:6 je .LBB7_2 .Ltmp416: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $esi .loc 5 789 24 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:24 movups (%rdx), %xmm0 .loc 5 789 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:16 movaps %xmm0, 48(%rsp) .Ltmp417: .LBB7_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 48, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 897 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:897:8 movq 16(%rax), %rcx movq %rcx, 40(%rsp) movups (%rax), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 16(%rdi), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rdi), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) xorl %ebx, %ebx leaq 48(%rsp), %rdx .Ltmp418: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx movl $1, %ecx xorl %r8d, %r8d xorl %r9d, %r9d callq messaging_send_iov_from@PLT .Ltmp419: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax .loc 5 899 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp420: .loc 5 899 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:6 je .LBB7_4 .Ltmp421: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 48, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 .loc 5 900 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:900:10 movl %eax, %edi callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp422: movl %eax, %ebx .Ltmp423: .LBB7_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 48, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 72(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB7_6 .Ltmp424: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx .loc 5 794 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:794:1 movl %ebx, %eax addq $80, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp425: .LBB7_6: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 48, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp426: .Lfunc_end7: .size messaging_send, .Lfunc_end7-messaging_send .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_send_iov # -- Begin function messaging_send_iov .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_send_iov,@function messaging_send_iov: # @messaging_send_iov .Lfunc_begin8: .loc 5 894 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:894:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- $r9 subq $56, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp427: .loc 5 897 8 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:897:8 movq 80(%rsp), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movaps 64(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 16(%rdi), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rdi), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $esi callq messaging_send_iov_from@PLT .Ltmp428: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax .loc 5 899 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp429: .loc 5 899 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:6 je .LBB8_1 .Ltmp430: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 900 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:900:10 movl %eax, %edi addq $56, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 .Ltmp431: jmp map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp432: .LBB8_1: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 903 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:903:1 xorl %eax, %eax .Ltmp433: addq $56, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp434: .Lfunc_end8: .size messaging_send_iov, .Lfunc_end8-messaging_send_iov .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_send_buf # -- Begin function messaging_send_buf .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_send_buf,@function messaging_send_buf: # @messaging_send_buf .Lfunc_begin9: .loc 5 799 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:799:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:buf <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:len <- $rcx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 subq $80, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 .cfi_offset %rbx, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movl %esi, %r14d movq %rdi, %rbp movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 72(%rsp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:len <- $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:buf <- $rdx .Ltmp435: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp .loc 5 800 19 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:800:19 movq %rdx, %rdi .Ltmp436: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:buf <- $rdi movq %rcx, %rsi .Ltmp437: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:len <- $rsi callq data_blob_const@PLT .Ltmp438: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:blob <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:blob <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] $rax .loc 5 789 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:16 movq %rax, 56(%rsp) .loc 5 790 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:790:15 movq %rdx, 64(%rsp) .Ltmp439: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 56, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp .loc 5 897 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:897:8 movq 128(%rsp), %rax .Ltmp440: movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movaps 112(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rbp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) xorl %ebx, %ebx leaq 56(%rsp), %rdx .Ltmp441: movq %rbp, %rdi movl %r14d, %esi .Ltmp442: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_type <- $esi movl $1, %ecx xorl %r8d, %r8d xorl %r9d, %r9d callq messaging_send_iov_from@PLT .Ltmp443: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax .loc 5 899 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp444: .loc 5 899 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:6 je .LBB9_2 .Ltmp445: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 56, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 900 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:900:10 movl %eax, %edi callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp446: movl %eax, %ebx .Ltmp447: .LBB9_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 56, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 72(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB9_4 .Ltmp448: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp .loc 5 802 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:802:1 movl %ebx, %eax addq $80, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .Ltmp449: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB9_4: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 .Ltmp450: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 56, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp451: .Lfunc_end9: .size messaging_send_buf, .Lfunc_end9-messaging_send_buf .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_send_iov_from # -- Begin function messaging_send_iov_from .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_send_iov_from,@function messaging_send_iov_from: # @messaging_send_iov_from .Lfunc_begin10: .loc 5 835 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:835:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r9 pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %r13 pushq %r12 pushq %rbx subq $104, %rsp .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 movq %r9, %r15 movq %r8, -128(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl %ecx, %r12d movq %rdx, -136(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl %esi, -116(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq %rdi, %r14 .Ltmp452: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 movq %rsp, -144(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill leaq 40(%rbp), %rdi movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) .Ltmp453: .loc 5 838 26 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:838:26 leal 1(%r12), %r13d .loc 5 838 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:838:2 movq %rsp, %rbx movq %r13, %rax shlq $4, %rax subq %rax, %rbx cmpq %rsp, %rbx jl .LBB10_3 .Ltmp454: .LBB10_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movq $0, (%rsp) subq $4096, %rsp # imm = 0x1000 cmpq %rsp, %rbx jge .LBB10_2 .Ltmp455: .LBB10_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] movq %rbx, %rsp .Ltmp456: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:__vla_expr0 <- undef .loc 5 840 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:840:6 callq server_id_is_disconnected@PLT .Ltmp457: movl %eax, %ecx movl $22, %eax cmpq $127, %r15 .Ltmp458: .loc 5 840 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:840:6 ja .LBB10_13 .Ltmp459: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] testb %cl, %cl jne .LBB10_13 .Ltmp460: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 leaq 40(%rbp), %rdi .Ltmp461: .loc 5 848 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:848:6 movq %r14, %rsi callq server_id_equal@PLT .Ltmp462: .loc 5 854 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:854:2 subq $48, %rsp leaq 40(%rbp), %rcx .loc 5 848 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:848:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB10_7 .Ltmp463: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 849 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:849:9 movq 16(%rcx), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movups (%rcx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) leaq 16(%rbp), %rcx movq 16(%rcx), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rcx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) movq %r14, %rdi movl -116(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movq -136(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movl %r12d, %ecx movq -128(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movq %r15, %r9 callq messaging_post_self .Ltmp464: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $eax addq $48, %rsp jmp .LBB10_13 .Ltmp465: .LBB10_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 854 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:854:2 movq 16(%rcx), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movups (%rcx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) leaq 16(%rbp), %rcx movq 16(%rcx), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rcx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq -112(%rbp), %rdi movl -116(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload callq message_hdr_put@PLT .Ltmp466: addq $48, %rsp .loc 5 855 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:855:12 leaq -112(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, (%rbx) movq $52, 8(%rbx) .loc 5 856 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:856:10 movq %rbx, %rdi addq $16, %rdi .loc 5 856 24 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:856:24 movslq %r12d, %rdx .loc 5 856 31 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:856:31 shlq $4, %rdx movq -136(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload .loc 5 856 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:856:2 callq memcpy@PLT .Ltmp467: .loc 5 858 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:858:10 leaq 40(%rbp), %rax movl 12(%rax), %edi .loc 5 858 14 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:858:14 cmpl 12(%r14), %edi .Ltmp468: .loc 5 858 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:858:6 jne .LBB10_8 .Ltmp469: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 867 31 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:867:31 leaq 40(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi .loc 5 867 8 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:867:8 movq %rbx, %rsi movl %r13d, %edx movq -128(%rbp), %r12 # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp470: movq %r12, %rcx movq %r15, %r8 callq messaging_dgm_send@PLT .Ltmp471: movl %eax, %r14d .Ltmp472: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $r14d .loc 5 869 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:869:10 cmpl $13, %eax .Ltmp473: .loc 5 869 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:869:6 jne .LBB10_12 .Ltmp474: # %bb.11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 870 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:870:3 callq become_root@PLT .Ltmp475: .loc 5 871 32 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:871:32 leaq 40(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi .loc 5 871 9 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:871:9 movq %rbx, %rsi movl %r13d, %edx movq %r12, %rcx movq %r15, %r8 callq messaging_dgm_send@PLT .Ltmp476: movl %eax, %r14d .Ltmp477: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $r14d .loc 5 873 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:873:3 callq unbecome_root@PLT .Ltmp478: .LBB10_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $r14d .loc 5 876 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:876:10 cmpl $111, %r14d movl $2, %eax .Ltmp479: .loc 5 876 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:876:6 cmovnel %r14d, %eax .Ltmp480: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $eax .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 jmp .LBB10_13 .Ltmp481: .LBB10_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] movl $38, %eax .Ltmp482: .loc 5 859 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:859:15 testq %r15, %r15 .Ltmp483: .loc 5 859 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:859:7 jne .LBB10_13 .Ltmp484: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iovlen <- $r12d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 863 42 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:863:42 leaq 40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rsi .loc 5 863 9 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:863:9 movq %rbx, %rdx movl %r13d, %ecx callq messaging_ctdb_send@PLT .Ltmp485: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:ret <- $eax .LBB10_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 0 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:9 movq -144(%rbp), %rsp # 8-byte Reload movq %fs:40, %rcx cmpq -48(%rbp), %rcx jne .LBB10_15 .Ltmp486: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 888 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:888:1 leaq -40(%rbp), %rsp popq %rbx .Ltmp487: popq %r12 popq %r13 popq %r14 popq %r15 .Ltmp488: popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Ltmp489: .LBB10_15: .cfi_def_cfa %rbp, 16 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:num_fds <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov2 <- [$rbx+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:msg_type <- [DW_OP_constu 116, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:iov <- [DW_OP_constu 136, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov_from:fds <- [DW_OP_constu 128, DW_OP_minus] [$rbp+0] .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp490: .Lfunc_end10: .size messaging_send_iov_from, .Lfunc_end10-messaging_send_iov_from .cfi_endproc .file 30 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages_dgm.h" .file 31 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/messages_ctdb.h" # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_post_self .type messaging_post_self,@function messaging_post_self: # @messaging_post_self .Lfunc_begin11: .loc 5 809 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:809:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- $r9 pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $56, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdi, %rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- $esi .Ltmp491: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 813 8 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:813:8 movq 152(%rsp), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movups 136(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 128(%rsp), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movaps 112(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- $esi callq messaging_rec_create@PLT .Ltmp492: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $rax .loc 5 815 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:815:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp493: .loc 5 815 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:815:6 je .LBB11_1 .Ltmp494: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp495: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 351 23 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:351:23 movq 48(%rbx), %rdi callq talloc_get_size@PLT .Ltmp496: movq %rax, %rcx movabsq $-6148914691236517205, %rdx # imm = 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB mulq %rdx .Ltmp497: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- undef .loc 5 353 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:353:13 cmpq $24, %rcx .Ltmp498: .loc 5 353 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:353:2 jae .LBB11_3 .Ltmp499: .LBB11_10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 .loc 5 825 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq 40(%rbx), %rax testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp500: .loc 5 825 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 je .LBB11_11 .Ltmp501: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq (%rax), %rcx testq %rcx, %rcx .Ltmp502: .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 je .LBB11_13 .Ltmp503: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq %rcx, (%r14) movq (%rax), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rdx movq %rdx, 8(%r14) movq %r14, 8(%rcx) .Ltmp504: .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq 8(%r14), %rcx testq %rcx, %rcx .Ltmp505: .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 je .LBB11_16 .Ltmp506: # %bb.15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq %r14, (%rcx) .Ltmp507: .LBB11_16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq %r14, (%rax) jmp .LBB11_17 .Ltmp508: .LBB11_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movl $12, %eax .Ltmp509: jmp .LBB11_18 .Ltmp510: .LBB11_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx movq %rdx, %r15 shrq $4, %r15 .Ltmp511: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 movl $16, %r12d xorl %r13d, %r13d leaq .L.str.78(%rip), %rbp jmp .LBB11_4 .Ltmp512: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB11_7: # in Loop: Header=BB11_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 375 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:375:4 leaq messaging_post_sub_event_context(%rip), %rdx movq %rbx, %rcx leaq .L.str.77(%rip), %r8 movq %rbp, %r9 .Ltmp513: .LBB11_8: # in Loop: Header=BB11_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq _tevent_schedule_immediate@PLT .Ltmp514: .LBB11_9: # in Loop: Header=BB11_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 353 35 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:353:35 addq $1, %r13 .Ltmp515: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 .loc 5 0 35 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:35 addq $24, %r12 cmpq %r15, %r13 .Ltmp516: .loc 5 353 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:353:2 jae .LBB11_10 .Ltmp517: .LBB11_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 .loc 5 354 47 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:354:47 movq 48(%rbx), %rax .Ltmp518: #DEBUG_VALUE: reg <- undef .loc 5 356 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:356:21 cmpq $0, (%rax,%r12) .Ltmp519: .loc 5 356 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:356:7 je .LBB11_9 .Ltmp520: # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB11_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx #DEBUG_VALUE: reg <- undef .loc 5 369 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:369:12 movq -16(%rax,%r12), %rsi .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq -8(%rax,%r12), %rdi .loc 5 369 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:369:15 cmpq 24(%rbx), %rsi .Ltmp521: .loc 5 369 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:369:7 jne .LBB11_7 .Ltmp522: # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB11_4 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:i <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_alert_event_contexts:ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 370 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:370:4 leaq messaging_post_main_event_context(%rip), %rdx movq %rbx, %rcx leaq .L.str.75(%rip), %r8 leaq .L.str.76(%rip), %r9 jmp .LBB11_8 .Ltmp523: .LBB11_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq %r14, 40(%rbx) movq %r14, (%r14) movq $0, 8(%r14) jmp .LBB11_17 .Ltmp524: .LBB11_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 825 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:825:2 movq %rcx, (%r14) movq %r14, (%rax) movq %rax, 8(%r14) movq %r14, 40(%rbx) .Ltmp525: .LBB11_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:ok <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %eax, %eax .Ltmp526: .LBB11_18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:num_fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r9 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:fds <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iov <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_self:iovlen <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $ecx .loc 5 828 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:828:1 addq $56, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .Ltmp527: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp528: .Lfunc_end11: .size messaging_post_self, .Lfunc_end11-messaging_post_self .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_send_all # -- Begin function messaging_send_all .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_send_all,@function messaging_send_all: # @messaging_send_all .Lfunc_begin12: .loc 5 934 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:934:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- $rcx pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 subq $48, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -16 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- $rdi .Ltmp529: .loc 5 935 32 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:935:32 movq %rdi, 8(%rsp) movl %esi, 16(%rsp) movq %rdx, 24(%rsp) movq %rcx, 32(%rsp) .loc 5 968 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:968:8 leaq send_all_fn(%rip), %rdi .Ltmp530: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 8 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:8 leaq 8(%rsp), %rsi .Ltmp531: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 968 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:968:8 callq messaging_dgm_forall@PLT .Ltmp532: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $eax .loc 5 969 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:969:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp533: .loc 5 969 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:969:6 je .LBB12_5 .Ltmp534: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movl %eax, %ebx .Ltmp535: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $ebx .loc 5 970 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:970:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp536: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB12_2 .Ltmp537: .LBB12_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 40(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB12_7 .Ltmp538: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 973 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:973:1 addq $48, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp539: .LBB12_2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 970 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:970:3 leaq .L.str.20(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_send_all(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp540: testb %al, %al je .LBB12_5 .Ltmp541: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_send_all(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp542: testb %al, %al je .LBB12_5 .Ltmp543: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movl %ebx, %edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp544: leaq .L.str.21(%rip), %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp545: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB12_5 .Ltmp546: .LBB12_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:buf <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:len <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_all:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp547: .Lfunc_end12: .size messaging_send_all, .Lfunc_end12-messaging_send_all .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function send_all_fn .type send_all_fn,@function send_all_fn: # @send_all_fn .Lfunc_begin13: .loc 5 913 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:913:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $edi #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rsi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $136, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 176 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsi, %rbx movl %edi, %r14d movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 128(%rsp) .Ltmp548: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d .loc 5 917 13 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:917:13 callq getpid@PLT .Ltmp549: .loc 5 917 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:917:10 cmpl %r14d, %eax .Ltmp550: .loc 5 917 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:917:6 jne .LBB13_5 .Ltmp551: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx .loc 5 918 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:918:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp552: cmpl $10, %eax jl .LBB13_11 .Ltmp553: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx leaq .L.str.83(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.send_all_fn(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp554: testb %al, %al je .LBB13_11 .Ltmp555: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.send_all_fn(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp556: testb %al, %al je .LBB13_11 .Ltmp557: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx leaq .L.str.84(%rip), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp558: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB13_11 .Ltmp559: .LBB13_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx .loc 5 922 37 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:922:37 movq (%rbx), %rbp leaq 56(%rsp), %rdi .loc 5 922 46 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:922:46 movl %r14d, %esi callq pid_to_procid@PLT .Ltmp560: .loc 5 923 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:923:16 movl 8(%rbx), %r15d .loc 5 923 33 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:923:33 movq 16(%rbx), %rdi .loc 5 923 45 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:923:45 movq 24(%rbx), %rsi movq 72(%rsp), %rax movq %rax, 96(%rsp) movups 56(%rsp), %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, 80(%rsp) .Ltmp561: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:len <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:buf <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp .loc 5 800 19 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:800:19 callq data_blob_const@PLT .Ltmp562: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:blob <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 64 64] $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:blob <- [DW_OP_LLVM_fragment 0 64] $rax .loc 5 789 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:16 movq %rax, 112(%rsp) .loc 5 790 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:790:15 movq %rdx, 120(%rsp) .Ltmp563: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 112, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp .loc 5 897 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:897:8 movq 96(%rsp), %rax .Ltmp564: movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movaps 80(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rbp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq 112(%rsp), %rdx .Ltmp565: movq %rbp, %rdi movl %r15d, %esi movl $1, %ecx xorl %r8d, %r8d xorl %r9d, %r9d callq messaging_send_iov_from@PLT .Ltmp566: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax .loc 5 899 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp567: .loc 5 899 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:6 je .LBB13_11 .Ltmp568: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_type <- $r15d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 112, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_buf:msg_ctx <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 900 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:900:10 movl %eax, %edi callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp569: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $eax .loc 5 924 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:924:7 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp570: .loc 5 924 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:924:6 jne .LBB13_7 .Ltmp571: .LBB13_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 128(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB13_13 .Ltmp572: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d .loc 5 930 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:930:1 xorl %eax, %eax addq $136, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .Ltmp573: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB13_7: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 176 .Ltmp574: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $eax .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movl %eax, %ebp .Ltmp575: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $ebp .loc 5 925 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:925:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp576: cmpl $3, %eax jl .LBB13_11 .Ltmp577: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $ebp leaq .L.str.85(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.send_all_fn(%rip), %rcx movl $3, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp578: testb %al, %al je .LBB13_11 .Ltmp579: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $ebp leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.send_all_fn(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp580: testb %al, %al je .LBB13_11 .Ltmp581: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:private_data <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:status <- $ebp movslq %r14d, %rbx .Ltmp582: movl %ebp, %edi callq nt_errstr@PLT .Ltmp583: leaq .L.str.86(%rip), %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi movq %rax, %rdx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp584: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB13_11 .Ltmp585: .LBB13_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: send_all_fn:pid <- $r14d callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp586: .Lfunc_end13: .size send_all_fn, .Lfunc_end13-send_all_fn .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_filtered_read_send # -- Begin function messaging_filtered_read_send .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_filtered_read_send,@function messaging_filtered_read_send: # @messaging_filtered_read_send .Lfunc_begin14: .loc 5 1028 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1028:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rcx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r8 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 subq $16, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -48 .cfi_offset %r12, -40 .cfi_offset %r13, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %r8, %r12 movq %rcx, %rbx movq %rdx, %r15 movq %rsi, %r14 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 8(%rsp) .Ltmp587: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi .loc 5 1034 8 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1034:8 leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %rcx leaq .L.str.23(%rip), %r8 movq %rsp, %rsi movl $56, %edx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi callq _tevent_req_create@PLT .Ltmp588: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $rax .loc 5 1036 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1036:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp589: .loc 5 1036 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1036:6 je .LBB14_1 .Ltmp590: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r13 .Ltmp591: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 .loc 5 1039 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1039:2 movq (%rsp), %rax .Ltmp592: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- $rax .loc 5 1039 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1039:12 movq %r14, (%rax) .loc 5 1040 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1040:2 movq (%rsp), %rax .Ltmp593: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- $rax .loc 5 1040 17 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1040:17 movq %r15, 8(%rax) .loc 5 1041 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1041:16 movq %rbx, 32(%rax) .loc 5 1042 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1042:22 movq %r12, 40(%rax) .loc 5 1048 40 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1048:40 movq (%rax), %rsi .loc 5 1048 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1048:2 movq %r13, %rdi callq tevent_req_defer_callback@PLT .Ltmp594: .loc 5 1050 53 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1050:53 movq (%rsp), %rdi .Ltmp595: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- undef .loc 5 1050 15 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1050:15 movq %r14, %rsi callq messaging_dgm_register_tevent_context@PLT .Ltmp596: .loc 5 1050 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1050:2 movq (%rsp), %rcx .Ltmp597: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- $rcx .loc 5 1050 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1050:13 movq %rax, 16(%rcx) .Ltmp598: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- undef .loc 5 1051 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1051:6 leaq .L.str.24(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi movq %r13, %rsi callq _tevent_req_nomem@PLT .Ltmp599: .loc 5 1051 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1051:6 testb %al, %al jne .LBB14_11 .Ltmp600: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1055 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1055:6 callq lp_clustering@PLT .Ltmp601: .loc 5 1055 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1055:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB14_5 .Ltmp602: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1057 43 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1057:43 movq (%rsp), %rdi .Ltmp603: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- undef .loc 5 1057 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1057:4 movq %r14, %rsi callq messaging_ctdb_register_tevent_context@PLT .Ltmp604: .loc 5 1056 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1056:3 movq (%rsp), %rcx .Ltmp605: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- $rcx .loc 5 1056 22 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1056:22 movq %rax, 24(%rcx) .Ltmp606: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- undef .loc 5 1058 7 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1058:7 leaq .L.str.25(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi movq %r13, %rsi callq _tevent_req_nomem@PLT .Ltmp607: .loc 5 1058 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1058:7 testb %al, %al jne .LBB14_11 .Ltmp608: .LBB14_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1071 20 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1071:20 movq 56(%r15), %rdi callq talloc_get_size@PLT .Ltmp609: shrq $3, %rax .Ltmp610: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:new_waiters_len <- $rax .loc 5 1073 34 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1073:34 movq 64(%r15), %rcx .loc 5 1073 22 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1073:22 cmpq %rcx, %rax .Ltmp611: .loc 5 1073 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1073:6 jne .LBB14_6 .Ltmp612: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:new_waiters_len <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1076 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1076:9 movq 56(%r15), %rsi addl $1, %eax .Ltmp613: leaq .L.str.26(%rip), %r8 movl $8, %edx movq %r15, %rdi movl %eax, %ecx callq _talloc_realloc_array@PLT .Ltmp614: movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp615: #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rbx .loc 5 1078 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1078:7 leaq .L.str.27(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi movq %r13, %rsi callq _tevent_req_nomem@PLT .Ltmp616: .loc 5 1078 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1078:7 testb %al, %al jne .LBB14_11 .Ltmp617: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rbx .loc 5 1081 24 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1081:24 movq %rbx, 56(%r15) .Ltmp618: .loc 5 1084 32 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1084:32 movq 64(%r15), %rcx jmp .LBB14_9 .Ltmp619: .LBB14_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 32 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:32 xorl %r13d, %r13d jmp .LBB14_12 .Ltmp620: .LBB14_6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:filter <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:new_waiters_len <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1084 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1084:11 movq 56(%r15), %rbx .Ltmp621: .LBB14_9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1084 49 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1084:49 movq %r13, (%rbx,%rcx,8) .loc 5 1085 27 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1085:27 addq $1, %rcx movq %rcx, 64(%r15) .loc 5 1086 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1086:2 leaq messaging_filtered_read_cleanup(%rip), %rsi movq %r13, %rdi callq tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn@PLT .Ltmp622: .loc 5 1088 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1088:7 movq %r15, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi callq messaging_register_event_context .Ltmp623: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 1089 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1089:6 testb %al, %al jne .LBB14_12 .Ltmp624: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1090 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1090:3 leaq .L.str.28(%rip), %rsi movq %r13, %rdi callq _tevent_req_oom@PLT .Ltmp625: .LBB14_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:req <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %r13, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi callq tevent_req_post@PLT .Ltmp626: movq %rax, %r13 .Ltmp627: .LBB14_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 8(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB14_14 .Ltmp628: # %bb.13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1095 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1095:1 movq %r13, %rax addq $16, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r12 .Ltmp629: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp630: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .Ltmp631: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp632: .LBB14_14: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:private_data <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp633: .Lfunc_end14: .size messaging_filtered_read_send, .Lfunc_end14-messaging_filtered_read_send .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_filtered_read_cleanup .type messaging_filtered_read_cleanup,@function messaging_filtered_read_cleanup: # @messaging_filtered_read_cleanup .Lfunc_begin15: .loc 5 1099 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1099:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- $esi pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r12, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rdi, %r12 .Ltmp634: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 .loc 5 1100 48 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1100:48 callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp635: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.92(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp636: movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp637: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 .loc 5 1102 45 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1102:45 movq 8(%rax), %r15 .Ltmp638: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 .loc 5 1106 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1106:2 movq %r12, %rdi xorl %esi, %esi callq tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn@PLT .Ltmp639: .loc 5 1108 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1108:2 movq 16(%r14), %rdi testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp640: .loc 5 1108 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1108:2 je .LBB15_2 .Ltmp641: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 1108 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1108:2 leaq .L.str.93(%rip), %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp642: movq $0, 16(%r14) .Ltmp643: .LBB15_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 1109 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1109:2 movq 24(%r14), %rdi testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp644: .loc 5 1109 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1109:2 je .LBB15_4 .Ltmp645: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 1109 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1109:2 leaq .L.str.94(%rip), %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp646: movq $0, 24(%r14) .Ltmp647: .LBB15_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 1111 58 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1111:58 movq (%r14), %rbx .Ltmp648: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx .loc 5 248 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:248:23 movq 48(%r15), %rdi callq talloc_get_size@PLT .Ltmp649: movq %rax, %rcx movabsq $-6148914691236517205, %rdx # imm = 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB mulq %rdx .Ltmp650: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:num_event_contexts <- undef .loc 5 250 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:250:13 cmpq $24, %rcx .Ltmp651: .loc 5 250 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:250:2 jb .LBB15_22 .Ltmp652: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 shrq $4, %rdx .Ltmp653: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $rdx movq 48(%r15), %rax .Ltmp654: .loc 5 250 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:250:2 cmpq $1, %rdx movl $1, %ecx cmovaq %rdx, %rcx addq $16, %rax jmp .LBB15_6 .Ltmp655: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB15_21: # in Loop: Header=BB15_6 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:i <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 1, DW_OP_stack_value] undef .loc 5 250 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:250:13 addq $24, %rax addq $-1, %rcx .Ltmp656: .loc 5 250 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:250:2 je .LBB15_22 .Ltmp657: .LBB15_6: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:i <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: reg <- undef .loc 5 253 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:253:12 movq (%rax), %rdx .loc 5 253 21 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:253:21 testq %rdx, %rdx .Ltmp658: .loc 5 253 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:253:7 je .LBB15_21 .Ltmp659: # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB15_6 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: reg <- undef .loc 5 257 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:257:15 cmpq %rbx, -16(%rax) .Ltmp660: .loc 5 257 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:257:7 jne .LBB15_21 .Ltmp661: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:i <- undef .loc 5 260 22 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:260:22 addq $-1, %rdx .Ltmp662: .loc 5 258 18 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:258:18 movq %rdx, (%rax) .loc 5 260 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:260:8 jne .LBB15_15 .Ltmp663: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 268 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:268:5 movq 24(%r15), %rsi cmpq %rbx, %rsi .Ltmp664: .loc 5 268 5 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:268:5 je .LBB15_10 .Ltmp665: # %bb.14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 275 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:275:13 movq $0, -16(%rax) .loc 5 285 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:285:5 movq -8(%rax), %rdi leaq .L.str.103(%rip), %r8 leaq .L.str.104(%rip), %r9 xorl %edx, %edx xorl %ecx, %ecx callq _tevent_schedule_immediate@PLT .Ltmp666: .LBB15_15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- 0 .loc 5 1124 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1124:23 movq 80(%r15), %rax .loc 5 1124 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1124:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp667: .loc 5 1124 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1124:2 je .LBB15_19 .Ltmp668: # %bb.16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq 72(%r15), %rcx xorl %edx, %edx .Ltmp669: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB15_17: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- undef .loc 5 1125 27 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1125:27 cmpq %r12, (%rcx,%rdx,8) je .LBB15_25 .Ltmp670: # %bb.18: # in Loop: Header=BB15_17 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 addq $1, %rdx .Ltmp671: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- $rdx .loc 5 1124 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1124:13 cmpq %rax, %rdx .Ltmp672: .loc 5 1124 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1124:2 jb .LBB15_17 .Ltmp673: .LBB15_19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- 0 .loc 5 1131 23 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1131:23 movq 64(%r15), %rax .loc 5 1131 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1131:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp674: .loc 5 1131 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1131:2 je .LBB15_26 .Ltmp675: # %bb.20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq 56(%r15), %rcx xorl %edx, %edx .Ltmp676: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB15_24: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- undef .loc 5 1132 31 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1132:31 cmpq %r12, (%rcx,%rdx,8) .Ltmp677: .loc 5 1132 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1132:7 je .LBB15_25 .Ltmp678: # %bb.23: # in Loop: Header=BB15_24 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 addq $1, %rdx .Ltmp679: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- $rdx .loc 5 1131 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1131:13 cmpq %rax, %rdx jb .LBB15_24 jmp .LBB15_26 .Ltmp680: .LBB15_25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:i <- $rdx .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq $0, (%rcx,%rdx,8) .Ltmp681: .LBB15_26: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 1137 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1137:1 addq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r12 .Ltmp682: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp683: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .Ltmp684: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp685: .LBB15_22: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:ok <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] -1 .loc 5 1113 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1113:3 callq abort@PLT .Ltmp686: .LBB15_10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi .loc 5 268 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:268:5 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp687: testl %eax, %eax js .LBB15_13 .Ltmp688: # %bb.11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi leaq .L.str.95(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister_event_context(%rip), %rcx xorl %edi, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp689: testb %al, %al je .LBB15_13 .Ltmp690: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi leaq .L.str.96(%rip), %rdi leaq .L.str.97(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.98(%rip), %rcx movl $268, %edx # imm = 0x10C xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp691: .LBB15_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:state <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_deregister_event_context:ev <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_cleanup:req_state <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $esi leaq .L.str.99(%rip), %rdi callq smb_panic@PLT .Ltmp692: .Lfunc_end15: .size messaging_filtered_read_cleanup, .Lfunc_end15-messaging_filtered_read_cleanup .cfi_endproc .file 32 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/../lib/util/fault.h" # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_register_event_context .type messaging_register_event_context,@function messaging_register_event_context: # @messaging_register_event_context .Lfunc_begin16: .loc 5 184 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:184:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $rsi pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 subq $16, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -48 .cfi_offset %r12, -40 .cfi_offset %r13, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rsi, %r13 movq %rdi, %r14 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 8(%rsp) .Ltmp693: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 189 23 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:189:23 movq 48(%rdi), %rdi callq talloc_get_size@PLT .Ltmp694: movq %rax, %rcx movabsq $-6148914691236517205, %rdx # imm = 0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB mulq %rdx movq %rdx, %r15 shrq $4, %r15 .Ltmp695: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 .loc 5 191 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:191:13 cmpq $24, %rcx .Ltmp696: .loc 5 191 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:191:2 jae .LBB16_1 .Ltmp697: .LBB16_9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: im <- 0 .loc 5 217 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:217:8 leaq .L.str.90(%rip), %rsi movq %r14, %rdi callq _tevent_create_immediate@PLT .Ltmp698: #DEBUG_VALUE: im <- $rax .loc 5 217 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:217:6 movq %rax, (%rsp) .Ltmp699: .loc 5 218 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:218:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp700: .loc 5 218 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:218:7 je .LBB16_11 .Ltmp701: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: im <- $rax .loc 5 222 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:222:9 movq 48(%r14), %rsi leal 1(%r15), %ecx leaq .L.str.91(%rip), %r8 movl $24, %edx movq %r14, %rdi callq _talloc_realloc_array@PLT .Ltmp702: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:tmp <- $rax .loc 5 225 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:225:11 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp703: .loc 5 225 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:225:7 je .LBB16_11 .Ltmp704: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:tmp <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r12 .Ltmp705: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:tmp <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:tmp <- $r12 .loc 5 228 23 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:228:23 movq %rax, 48(%r14) .loc 5 230 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:230:15 leaq (%r15,%r15,2), %r14 .Ltmp706: leaq (%rax,%r14,8), %rbx .Ltmp707: #DEBUG_VALUE: im <- [DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 0 15 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:15 movq %rsp, %rsi .loc 5 231 18 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:231:18 movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_move@PLT .Ltmp708: .loc 5 231 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:231:16 movq %rax, 8(%r12,%r14,8) jmp .LBB16_13 .Ltmp709: .LBB16_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- 0 .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq 48(%r14), %rax .Ltmp710: .loc 5 191 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:191:2 cmpq $1, %r15 movl $1, %ecx cmovaq %r15, %rcx xorl %ebx, %ebx jmp .LBB16_2 .Ltmp711: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB16_3: # in Loop: Header=BB16_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp712: .loc 5 195 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:195:16 testq %rsi, %rsi .Ltmp713: .loc 5 195 8 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:195:8 jne .LBB16_4 .Ltmp714: .LBB16_7: # in Loop: Header=BB16_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:i <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 1, DW_OP_stack_value] undef .loc 5 191 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:191:13 addq $24, %rax addq $-1, %rcx .Ltmp715: .loc 5 191 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:191:2 je .LBB16_8 .Ltmp716: .LBB16_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:i <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: reg <- undef .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq (%rax), %rsi .Ltmp717: .loc 5 194 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:194:12 movq 16(%rax), %rdx .loc 5 194 21 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:194:21 testq %rdx, %rdx .Ltmp718: .loc 5 194 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:194:7 je .LBB16_3 .Ltmp719: # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB16_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 208 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:208:15 cmpq %r13, %rsi .Ltmp720: .loc 5 208 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:208:7 jne .LBB16_7 .Ltmp721: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 209 18 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:209:18 addq $1, %rdx movq %rdx, 16(%rax) jmp .LBB16_14 .Ltmp722: .LBB16_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 .loc 5 0 18 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:18 xorl %eax, %eax jmp .LBB16_15 .Ltmp723: .LBB16_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 214 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:214:15 testq %rbx, %rbx .Ltmp724: .loc 5 214 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:214:6 je .LBB16_9 .Ltmp725: .LBB16_13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 237 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:237:15 movq %r13, (%rbx) .loc 5 238 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:238:21 movq $1, 16(%rbx) .Ltmp726: .LBB16_14: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:free_reg <- $rbx .loc 5 0 21 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:21 movb $1, %al .Ltmp727: .LBB16_15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 movq %fs:40, %rcx cmpq 8(%rsp), %rcx jne .LBB16_17 .Ltmp728: # %bb.16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax .loc 5 241 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:241:1 addq $16, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r13 .Ltmp729: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .Ltmp730: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB16_4: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp731: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 .loc 5 196 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:196:5 callq abort@PLT .Ltmp732: .LBB16_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:num_event_contexts <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_register_event_context:ev <- $r13 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp733: .Lfunc_end16: .size messaging_register_event_context, .Lfunc_end16-messaging_register_event_context .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_filtered_read_recv # -- Begin function messaging_filtered_read_recv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_filtered_read_recv,@function messaging_filtered_read_recv: # @messaging_filtered_read_recv .Lfunc_begin17: .loc 5 1154 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1154:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $rdx pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r12, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rdx, %r15 movq %rsi, %r14 movq %rdi, %rbx movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) .Ltmp734: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $rbx .loc 5 1155 48 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1155:48 callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp735: leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.29(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp736: movq %rax, %r12 .Ltmp737: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $r12 .loc 5 0 48 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:48 leaq 12(%rsp), %rsi .Ltmp738: .loc 5 1159 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1159:6 movq %rbx, %rdi callq tevent_req_is_unix_error@PLT .Ltmp739: .loc 5 1159 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1159:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB17_2 .Ltmp740: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $rbx .loc 5 1160 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1160:3 movq %rbx, %rdi callq tevent_req_received@PLT .Ltmp741: .loc 5 1161 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1161:10 movl 12(%rsp), %ebx .Ltmp742: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- $ebx .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 jmp .LBB17_4 .Ltmp743: .LBB17_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $rbx xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp744: .loc 5 1163 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1163:14 testq %r15, %r15 .Ltmp745: .loc 5 1163 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1163:6 je .LBB17_4 .Ltmp746: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp .loc 5 1164 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1164:14 addq $48, %r12 .Ltmp747: movq %r14, %rdi movq %r12, %rsi callq _talloc_move@PLT .Ltmp748: .loc 5 1164 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1164:12 movq %rax, (%r15) .Ltmp749: .LBB17_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 0 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:12 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 16(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB17_6 .Ltmp750: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 1167 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1167:1 movl %ebx, %eax addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp751: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .Ltmp752: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB17_6: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp753: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp754: .Lfunc_end17: .size messaging_filtered_read_recv, .Lfunc_end17-messaging_filtered_read_recv .cfi_endproc .file 33 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../lib/util/tevent_unix.h" # -- End function .globl messaging_read_send # -- Begin function messaging_read_send .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_read_send,@function messaging_read_send: # @messaging_read_send .Lfunc_begin18: .loc 5 1182 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1182:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg_type <- $ecx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movl %ecx, %ebp movq %rdx, %r15 movq %rsi, %r14 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) .Ltmp755: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi .loc 5 1186 8 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1186:8 leaq .L.str.30(%rip), %rcx leaq .L.str.31(%rip), %r8 leaq 8(%rsp), %rsi movl $16, %edx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- $rdi callq _tevent_req_create@PLT .Ltmp756: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rax .loc 5 1188 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1188:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp757: .loc 5 1188 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1188:6 je .LBB18_1 .Ltmp758: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp759: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rbx .loc 5 1191 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1191:2 movq 8(%rsp), %rdi .Ltmp760: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:state <- $rdi .loc 5 1191 18 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1191:18 movl %ebp, (%rdi) .Ltmp761: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:state <- undef .loc 5 1193 11 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1193:11 leaq messaging_read_filter(%rip), %rcx movq %r14, %rsi movq %r15, %rdx movq %rdi, %r8 callq messaging_filtered_read_send@PLT .Ltmp762: movq %rax, %rbp .Ltmp763: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:subreq <- $rbp .loc 5 1195 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1195:6 leaq .L.str.32(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi callq _tevent_req_nomem@PLT .Ltmp764: .loc 5 1195 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1195:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB18_4 .Ltmp765: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:subreq <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1196 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1196:10 movq %rbx, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi callq tevent_req_post@PLT .Ltmp766: movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp767: .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 jmp .LBB18_5 .Ltmp768: .LBB18_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:state <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg_type <- $ebp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi xorl %ebx, %ebx jmp .LBB18_5 .Ltmp769: .LBB18_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:subreq <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1198 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1198:2 leaq messaging_read_done(%rip), %rsi movq %rbp, %rdi movq %rbx, %rdx callq tevent_req_set_callback@PLT .Ltmp770: .LBB18_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 16(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB18_7 .Ltmp771: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1200 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1200:1 movq %rbx, %rax addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .Ltmp772: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .Ltmp773: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp774: .LBB18_7: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:msg <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_send:mem_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp775: .Lfunc_end18: .size messaging_read_send, .Lfunc_end18-messaging_read_send .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_read_filter .type messaging_read_filter,@function messaging_read_filter: # @messaging_read_filter .Lfunc_begin19: .loc 5 1204 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1204:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:rec <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:private_data <- $rsi pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbx, -16 movq %rsi, %rax movq %rdi, %rbx .Ltmp776: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:private_data <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1205 39 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1205:39 leaq .L.str.30(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.105(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi .Ltmp777: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:private_data <- $rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp778: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:state <- $rax .loc 5 1208 19 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1208:19 cmpb $0, 88(%rbx) .Ltmp779: .loc 5 1208 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1208:6 je .LBB19_2 .Ltmp780: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:state <- $rax .loc 5 0 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 xorl %eax, %eax .Ltmp781: # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax .loc 5 1213 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1213:1 popq %rbx .Ltmp782: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB19_2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .Ltmp783: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:state <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_filter:state <- $rax .loc 5 1212 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1212:14 movl 20(%rbx), %ecx .loc 5 1212 23 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1212:23 cmpl (%rax), %ecx sete %al .Ltmp784: # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax .loc 5 1213 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1213:1 popq %rbx .Ltmp785: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp786: .Lfunc_end19: .size messaging_read_filter, .Lfunc_end19-messaging_read_filter .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_read_done .type messaging_read_done,@function messaging_read_done: # @messaging_read_done .Lfunc_begin20: .loc 5 1216 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1216:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- $rdi pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r12, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rdi, %r12 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) .Ltmp787: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- $r12 .loc 5 1217 27 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1217:27 callq _tevent_req_callback_data@PLT .Ltmp788: leaq .L.str.106(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.107(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp789: movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp790: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 1219 39 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1219:39 movq %rax, %rdi callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp791: leaq .L.str.30(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.108(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp792: movq %rax, %r15 .Ltmp793: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_stack_value] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:state <- $r15 .loc 5 1155 48 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1155:48 movq %r12, %rdi callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp794: leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.29(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp795: movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp796: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $rbx .loc 5 0 48 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:48 leaq 12(%rsp), %rsi .Ltmp797: .loc 5 1159 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1159:6 movq %r12, %rdi callq tevent_req_is_unix_error@PLT .Ltmp798: .loc 5 1159 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1159:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB20_2 .Ltmp799: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_stack_value] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $rbx .loc 5 1160 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1160:3 movq %r12, %rdi callq tevent_req_received@PLT .Ltmp800: .loc 5 1161 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1161:10 movslq 12(%rsp), %r15 .Ltmp801: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- undef #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:ret <- undef .loc 5 1224 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224:2 testq %r12, %r12 .Ltmp802: .loc 5 1224 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224:2 jne .LBB20_4 jmp .LBB20_5 .Ltmp803: .LBB20_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_stack_value] $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:req <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_recv:presult <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 8, DW_OP_stack_value] $r15 .loc 5 1164 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1164:14 addq $48, %rbx .Ltmp804: movq %r15, %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi callq _talloc_move@PLT .Ltmp805: .loc 5 1164 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1164:12 movq %rax, 8(%r15) xorl %r15d, %r15d .Ltmp806: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:ret <- undef .loc 5 1224 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224:2 testq %r12, %r12 .Ltmp807: .loc 5 1224 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224:2 je .LBB20_5 .Ltmp808: .LBB20_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- $r12 .loc 5 1224 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224:2 leaq .L.str.109(%rip), %rsi movq %r12, %rdi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp809: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:subreq <- 0 .LBB20_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 1225 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1225:6 leaq .L.str.110(%rip), %rdx movq %r14, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi callq _tevent_req_error@PLT .Ltmp810: .loc 5 1225 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1225:6 testb %al, %al jne .LBB20_7 .Ltmp811: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 1228 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1228:2 leaq .L.str.111(%rip), %rsi movq %r14, %rdi callq _tevent_req_done@PLT .Ltmp812: .LBB20_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 16(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB20_9 .Ltmp813: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 1229 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1229:1 addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp814: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB20_9: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp815: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_done:req <- $r14 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp816: .Lfunc_end20: .size messaging_read_done, .Lfunc_end20-messaging_read_done .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_read_recv # -- Begin function messaging_read_recv .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_read_recv,@function messaging_read_recv: # @messaging_read_recv .Lfunc_begin21: .loc 5 1233 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1233:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:req <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $rdx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdx, %r15 movq %rsi, %r14 movq %rdi, %rbp movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) .Ltmp817: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:req <- $rbp .loc 5 1234 39 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1234:39 callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp818: leaq .L.str.30(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.33(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp819: movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp820: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:state <- $rbx .loc 5 0 39 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:39 leaq 12(%rsp), %rsi .Ltmp821: .loc 5 1238 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1238:6 movq %rbp, %rdi callq tevent_req_is_unix_error@PLT .Ltmp822: .loc 5 1238 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1238:6 testb %al, %al je .LBB21_2 .Ltmp823: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:req <- $rbp .loc 5 1239 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1239:10 movl 12(%rsp), %ebp .Ltmp824: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:err <- $ebp .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 jmp .LBB21_4 .Ltmp825: .LBB21_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:state <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:req <- $rbp xorl %ebp, %ebp .Ltmp826: .loc 5 1241 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1241:14 testq %r15, %r15 .Ltmp827: .loc 5 1241 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1241:6 je .LBB21_4 .Ltmp828: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:err <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 12, DW_OP_deref] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:state <- $rbx .loc 5 1242 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1242:14 addq $8, %rbx .Ltmp829: movq %r14, %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi callq _talloc_move@PLT .Ltmp830: .loc 5 1242 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1242:12 movq %rax, (%r15) .Ltmp831: .LBB21_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 0 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:12 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 16(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB21_6 .Ltmp832: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 1245 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1245:1 movl %ebp, %eax addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .Ltmp833: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .Ltmp834: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB21_6: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp835: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:presult <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_read_recv:mem_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp836: .Lfunc_end21: .size messaging_read_recv, .Lfunc_end21-messaging_read_recv .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init # -- Begin function messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init,@function messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init: # @messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init .Lfunc_begin22: .loc 5 1417 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1417:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- $rdi pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 subq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset %rbx, -24 .cfi_offset %r14, -16 movq %rdi, %rbx .Ltmp837: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1421 13 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1421:13 movq 24(%rdi), %r14 .loc 5 1422 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1422:3 leaq .L.str.34(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.35(%rip), %rdx movl $-1, %edi movl $900, %ecx # imm = 0x384 callq lp_parm_int@PLT .Ltmp838: movslq %eax, %r9 .loc 5 1420 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1420:8 leaq mess_parent_dgm_cleanup(%rip), %rax movq %rbx, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi movq %rbx, %rdx movl $0, %ecx movl $0, %r8d pushq %rbx .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 pushq %rax .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 callq background_job_send@PLT .Ltmp839: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:req <- $rax addq $16, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16 .Ltmp840: .loc 5 1425 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1425:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp841: .loc 5 1425 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1425:6 je .LBB22_1 .Ltmp842: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:req <- $rax .loc 5 1429 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1429:2 leaq mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done(%rip), %rsi movq %rax, %rdi movq %rbx, %rdx callq tevent_req_set_callback@PLT .Ltmp843: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movb $1, %bl .Ltmp844: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi jmp .LBB22_6 .Ltmp845: .LBB22_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:req <- $rax xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp846: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1426 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1426:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp847: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB22_2 .Ltmp848: .LBB22_6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1431 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1431:1 movl %ebx, %eax addq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp849: .LBB22_2: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1426 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1426:3 leaq .L.str.36(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init(%rip), %rcx xorl %ebx, %ebx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp850: testb %al, %al je .LBB22_6 .Ltmp851: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi leaq .L.str.10(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init(%rip), %rsi xorl %ebx, %ebx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp852: testb %al, %al je .LBB22_6 .Ltmp853: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init:msg <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi leaq .L.str.37(%rip), %rdi xorl %ebx, %ebx xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp854: .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 jmp .LBB22_6 .Ltmp855: .Lfunc_end22: .size messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init, .Lfunc_end22-messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init .cfi_endproc .file 34 "/var/tmp/portage/net-fs/samba-4.12.9-r1/work/samba-4.12.9-abi_x86_64.amd64/bin/default" "../../source3/lib/background.h" # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function mess_parent_dgm_cleanup .type mess_parent_dgm_cleanup,@function mess_parent_dgm_cleanup: # @mess_parent_dgm_cleanup .Lfunc_begin23: .loc 5 1434 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1434:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- $rdi pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbx, -16 .loc 5 1437 8 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1437:8 callq messaging_dgm_wipe@PLT .Ltmp856: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movl %eax, %ebx .Ltmp857: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx .loc 5 1438 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1438:2 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp858: cmpl $10, %eax jge .LBB23_1 .Ltmp859: .LBB23_6: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1440 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1440:9 leaq .L.str.34(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.35(%rip), %rdx movl $-1, %edi movl $900, %ecx # imm = 0x384 popq %rbx .Ltmp860: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 jmp lp_parm_int@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp861: .LBB23_1: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1438 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1438:2 leaq .L.str.112(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup(%rip), %rcx movl $10, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp862: testb %al, %al je .LBB23_6 .Ltmp863: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi testl %ebx, %ebx je .LBB23_3 .Ltmp864: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movl %ebx, %edi callq strerror@PLT .Ltmp865: movq %rax, %rsi jmp .LBB23_5 .Ltmp866: .LBB23_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 leaq .L.str.114(%rip), %rsi .Ltmp867: .LBB23_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:ret <- $ebx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1438 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1438:2 leaq .L.str.113(%rip), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp868: .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB23_6 .Ltmp869: .Lfunc_end23: .size mess_parent_dgm_cleanup, .Lfunc_end23-mess_parent_dgm_cleanup .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done .type mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done,@function mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done: # @mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done .Lfunc_begin24: .loc 5 1445 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1445:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rdi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset %rbx, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdi, %rbp .Ltmp870: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rbp .loc 5 1446 34 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1446:34 callq _tevent_req_callback_data@PLT .Ltmp871: leaq .L.str.44(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.115(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp872: movq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp873: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1450 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1450:11 movq %rbp, %rdi callq background_job_recv@PLT .Ltmp874: movl %eax, %r14d .Ltmp875: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d .loc 5 1451 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1451:2 testq %rbp, %rbp .Ltmp876: .loc 5 1451 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1451:2 je .LBB24_2 .Ltmp877: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rbp .loc 5 1451 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1451:2 leaq .L.str.116(%rip), %rsi movq %rbp, %rdi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp878: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- 0 .LBB24_2: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1452 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1452:2 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp879: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB24_3 .Ltmp880: .LBB24_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1456 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1456:13 movq 24(%rbx), %rbp .loc 5 1457 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1457:3 leaq .L.str.34(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.35(%rip), %rdx movl $-1, %edi movl $900, %ecx # imm = 0x384 callq lp_parm_int@PLT .Ltmp881: movslq %eax, %r9 .loc 5 1455 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1455:8 leaq mess_parent_dgm_cleanup(%rip), %rax movq %rbx, %rdi movq %rbp, %rsi movq %rbx, %rdx movl $0, %ecx movl $0, %r8d pushq %rbx .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 pushq %rax .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8 callq background_job_send@PLT .Ltmp882: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rax addq $16, %rsp .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -16 .Ltmp883: .loc 5 1460 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1460:10 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp884: .loc 5 1460 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1460:6 je .LBB24_6 .Ltmp885: # %bb.9: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rax .loc 5 1464 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1464:2 leaq mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done(%rip), %rsi movq %rax, %rdi movq %rbx, %rdx popq %rbx .Ltmp886: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp887: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 .Ltmp888: jmp tevent_req_set_callback@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp889: .LBB24_6: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:req <- $rax .loc 5 1461 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1461:3 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp890: testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB24_7 .Ltmp891: .LBB24_10: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1465 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1465:1 popq %rbx .Ltmp892: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp893: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB24_3: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .Ltmp894: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1452 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1452:2 leaq .L.str.117(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp895: testb %al, %al je .LBB24_5 .Ltmp896: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx movl %r14d, %edi callq nt_errstr@PLT .Ltmp897: leaq .L.str.118(%rip), %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp898: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB24_5 .Ltmp899: .LBB24_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx .loc 5 1461 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1461:3 leaq .L.str.119(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp900: testb %al, %al je .LBB24_10 .Ltmp901: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:status <- $r14d #DEBUG_VALUE: mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done:msg <- $rbx leaq .L.str.37(%rip), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax popq %rbx .Ltmp902: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp903: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 .Ltmp904: jmp dbgtext@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp905: .Lfunc_end24: .size mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done, .Lfunc_end24-mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_cleanup # -- Begin function messaging_cleanup .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_cleanup,@function messaging_cleanup: # @messaging_cleanup .Lfunc_begin25: .loc 5 1468 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1468:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:pid <- $esi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:pid <- $esi .loc 5 1471 10 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1471:10 testl %esi, %esi .Ltmp906: .loc 5 1471 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1471:6 je .LBB25_1 .Ltmp907: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:pid <- $esi .loc 5 1474 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1474:9 movl %esi, %edi .Ltmp908: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:msg_ctx <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi jmp messaging_dgm_cleanup@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp909: .LBB25_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_cleanup:pid <- $esi .loc 5 1472 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1472:9 jmp messaging_dgm_wipe@PLT # TAILCALL .Ltmp910: .Lfunc_end25: .size messaging_cleanup, .Lfunc_end25-messaging_cleanup .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_tevent_context # -- Begin function messaging_tevent_context .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_tevent_context,@function messaging_tevent_context: # @messaging_tevent_context .Lfunc_begin26: .loc 5 1482 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1482:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_tevent_context:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_tevent_context:msg_ctx <- $rdi .loc 5 1483 18 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1483:18 movq 24(%rdi), %rax .loc 5 1483 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1483:2 retq .Ltmp911: .Lfunc_end26: .size messaging_tevent_context, .Lfunc_end26-messaging_tevent_context .cfi_endproc # -- End function .globl messaging_names_db # -- Begin function messaging_names_db .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_names_db,@function messaging_names_db: # @messaging_names_db .Lfunc_begin27: .loc 5 1487 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1487:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_names_db:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_names_db:msg_ctx <- $rdi .loc 5 1488 18 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1488:18 movq 88(%rdi), %rax .loc 5 1488 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1488:2 retq .Ltmp912: .Lfunc_end27: .size messaging_names_db, .Lfunc_end27-messaging_names_db .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_context_destructor .type messaging_context_destructor,@function messaging_context_destructor: # @messaging_context_destructor .Lfunc_begin28: .loc 5 445 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:445:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $rdi pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 subq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 .cfi_offset %rbx, -24 .cfi_offset %r14, -16 movq %rdi, %r14 .Ltmp913: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 448 19 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:19 movq 64(%rdi), %rax .loc 5 448 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp914: .loc 5 448 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:2 je .LBB28_5 .Ltmp915: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ebx, %ebx jmp .LBB28_2 .Ltmp916: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB28_4: # in Loop: Header=BB28_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 448 37 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:37 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp917: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 448 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:13 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp918: .loc 5 448 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:2 jae .LBB28_5 .Ltmp919: .LBB28_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 449 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:449:12 movq 56(%r14), %rcx .loc 5 449 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:449:7 movq (%rcx,%rbx,8), %rdi .loc 5 449 27 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:449:27 testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp920: .loc 5 449 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:449:7 je .LBB28_4 .Ltmp921: # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB28_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 450 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:450:4 xorl %esi, %esi callq tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn@PLT .Ltmp922: .loc 5 451 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:451:9 movq 56(%r14), %rax .loc 5 451 24 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:451:24 movq $0, (%rax,%rbx,8) .Ltmp923: .loc 5 448 19 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:448:19 movq 64(%r14), %rax jmp .LBB28_4 .Ltmp924: .LBB28_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- 0 .loc 5 454 19 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:19 movq 80(%r14), %rax .loc 5 454 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp925: .loc 5 454 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:2 je .LBB28_10 .Ltmp926: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ebx, %ebx jmp .LBB28_7 .Ltmp927: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB28_9: # in Loop: Header=BB28_7 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 454 33 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:33 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp928: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 454 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:13 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp929: .loc 5 454 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:2 jae .LBB28_10 .Ltmp930: .LBB28_7: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 455 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:455:12 movq 72(%r14), %rcx .loc 5 455 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:455:7 movq (%rcx,%rbx,8), %rdi .loc 5 455 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:455:23 testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp931: .loc 5 455 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:455:7 je .LBB28_9 .Ltmp932: # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB28_7 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:i <- $rbx .loc 5 456 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:456:4 xorl %esi, %esi callq tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn@PLT .Ltmp933: .loc 5 457 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:457:9 movq 72(%r14), %rax .loc 5 457 20 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:457:20 movq $0, (%rax,%rbx,8) .Ltmp934: .loc 5 454 19 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:454:19 movq 80(%r14), %rax jmp .LBB28_9 .Ltmp935: .LBB28_10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 466 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:466:2 movq 48(%r14), %rdi testq %rdi, %rdi .Ltmp936: .loc 5 466 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:466:2 je .LBB28_12 .Ltmp937: # %bb.11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 466 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:466:2 leaq .L.str.53(%rip), %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp938: movq $0, 48(%r14) .Ltmp939: .LBB28_12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_context_destructor:ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 468 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:468:2 xorl %eax, %eax addq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r14 .Ltmp940: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp941: .Lfunc_end28: .size messaging_context_destructor, .Lfunc_end28-messaging_context_destructor .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function ping_message .type ping_message,@function ping_message: # @ping_message .Lfunc_begin29: .loc 5 125 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:125:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- $edx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $rcx pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 subq $160, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 192 .cfi_offset %rbx, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rcx, %r14 movq %rdi, %rbx leaq 192(%rsp), %r15 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, 152(%rsp) .Ltmp942: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 128 2 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:128:2 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp943: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx testl %eax, %eax jg .LBB29_1 .Ltmp944: .LBB29_3: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq 16(%r15), %rax movq %rax, 64(%rsp) movups (%r15), %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, 48(%rsp) .Ltmp945: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx .loc 5 786 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:786:15 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movaps %xmm0, 80(%rsp) .Ltmp946: .loc 5 788 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:788:11 testq %r14, %r14 .Ltmp947: .loc 5 788 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:788:6 je .LBB29_5 .Ltmp948: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 789 24 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:24 movups (%r14), %xmm0 .loc 5 789 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:789:16 movaps %xmm0, 80(%rsp) .Ltmp949: .LBB29_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 80, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 .loc 5 897 8 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:897:8 movq 64(%rsp), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movaps 48(%rsp), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 16(%rbx), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%rbx), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq 80(%rsp), %rdx movq %rbx, %rdi movl $3, %esi movl $1, %ecx xorl %r8d, %r8d xorl %r9d, %r9d callq messaging_send_iov_from@PLT .Ltmp950: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax .loc 5 899 10 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:10 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp951: .loc 5 899 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:899:6 je .LBB29_7 .Ltmp952: # %bb.6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 80, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:ret <- $eax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 900 10 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:900:10 movl %eax, %edi callq map_nt_error_from_unix@PLT .Ltmp953: .LBB29_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 80, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 0 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:10 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq 152(%rsp), %rax jne .LBB29_9 .Ltmp954: # %bb.8: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 133 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:133:1 addq $160, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %rbx .Ltmp955: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp956: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp957: .LBB29_1: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 192 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx .loc 5 128 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:128:2 leaq .L.str.54(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.ping_message(%rip), %rcx movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp958: testb %al, %al je .LBB29_3 .Ltmp959: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx movq 16(%r15), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups (%r15), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq 104(%rsp), %rdi callq server_id_str_buf@PLT .Ltmp960: movl 8(%r14), %edx movq (%r14), %rsi testq %rsi, %rsi leaq .L.str.56(%rip), %rcx cmovneq %rsi, %rcx leaq .L.str.55(%rip), %rdi movq %rax, %rsi xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp961: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB29_3 .Ltmp962: .LBB29_9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:data <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iov <- [DW_OP_plus_uconst 80, DW_OP_stack_value] $rsp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_ctx <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:num_fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:fds <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:iovlen <- 1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send_iov:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_send:msg_type <- 3 #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:private_data <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: ping_message:msg_type <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $edx callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp963: .Lfunc_end29: .size ping_message, .Lfunc_end29-ping_message .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_dispatch_rec .type messaging_dispatch_rec,@function messaging_dispatch_rec: # @messaging_dispatch_rec .Lfunc_begin30: .loc 5 1360 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1360:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $rdx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %r13 pushq %r12 pushq %rbx subq $24, %rsp .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 movq %rdx, %r12 movq %rsi, %r15 movq %rdi, %r14 movq %fs:40, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) .Ltmp964: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 .loc 5 1364 9 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1364:9 cmpq %rsi, 24(%rdi) .Ltmp965: .loc 5 1364 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1364:6 je .LBB30_1 .Ltmp966: .LBB30_11: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1371 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1371:13 movq %r14, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi movq %r12, %rdx callq messaging_dispatch_waiters .Ltmp967: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 1372 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1372:6 testb %al, %al jne .LBB30_9 .Ltmp968: # %bb.12: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 1376 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1376:9 cmpq %r15, 24(%r14) .Ltmp969: .loc 5 1376 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1376:6 je .LBB30_29 .Ltmp970: # %bb.13: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 1378 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1378:3 movq %rsp, %r15 .Ltmp971: .loc 5 1378 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1378:16 movzbl 88(%r12), %eax .Ltmp972: .loc 5 1378 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1378:3 leal 15(,%rax,4), %eax andl $-16, %eax movq %rsp, %r8 subq %rax, %r8 cmpq %rsp, %r8 jl .LBB30_16 .Ltmp973: .LBB30_15: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 movq $0, (%rsp) subq $4096, %rsp # imm = 0x1000 cmpq %rsp, %r8 jge .LBB30_15 .Ltmp974: .LBB30_16: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] movq %r8, %rsp .Ltmp975: #DEBUG_VALUE: __vla_expr0 <- undef .loc 5 1387 27 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1387:27 movdqu 72(%r12), %xmm0 .loc 5 1387 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1387:16 movdqa %xmm0, -64(%rbp) .Ltmp976: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 1390 20 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:20 movzbl 88(%r12), %r9d testq %r9, %r9 .Ltmp977: .loc 5 1390 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:3 je .LBB30_17 .Ltmp978: # %bb.18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq 96(%r12), %rax .Ltmp979: .loc 5 1390 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:3 cmpq $1, %r9 movl $1, %ecx cmovaq %r9, %rcx cmpq $4, %rcx jae .LBB30_21 .Ltmp980: # %bb.19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %edx, %edx jmp .LBB30_20 .Ltmp981: .LBB30_1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1280 21 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1280:21 leaq 32(%r14), %rax .Ltmp982: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- undef .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB30_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq (%rax), %r13 .Ltmp983: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 .loc 5 1280 35 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1280:35 testq %r13, %r13 .Ltmp984: .loc 5 1280 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1280:2 je .LBB30_11 .Ltmp985: # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB30_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1283 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1283:14 leaq 8(%r13), %rax .Ltmp986: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:next <- undef .loc 5 1284 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:11 movl 16(%r13), %edx .loc 5 1284 20 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:20 cmpl 20(%r12), %edx .Ltmp987: .loc 5 1284 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:7 jne .LBB30_2 .Ltmp988: # %bb.4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- 0 .loc 5 1291 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:15 cmpb $0, 88(%r12) .Ltmp989: .loc 5 1291 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:3 je .LBB30_8 .Ltmp990: # %bb.5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- 0 .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp991: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB30_6: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbx .loc 5 1292 18 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1292:18 movq 96(%r12), %rax .loc 5 1292 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1292:13 movl (%rax,%rbx,8), %edi .Ltmp992: #DEBUG_VALUE: fd <- $edi .loc 5 1293 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1293:4 callq close@PLT .Ltmp993: .loc 5 1291 32 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:32 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp994: #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbx .loc 5 1291 22 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:22 movzbl 88(%r12), %eax .loc 5 1291 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:15 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp995: .loc 5 1291 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:3 jb .LBB30_6 .Ltmp996: # %bb.7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbx .loc 5 1298 42 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:42 movl 20(%r12), %edx .Ltmp997: .LBB30_8: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1295 16 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1295:16 movb $0, 88(%r12) .loc 5 1296 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1296:12 movq $0, 96(%r12) .loc 5 1298 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:23 movq 32(%r13), %rsi .loc 5 1299 26 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1299:26 leaq 72(%r12), %rcx .loc 5 1298 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:3 subq $32, %rsp movq 64(%r12), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups 48(%r12), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) movq %r14, %rdi callq *24(%r13) .Ltmp998: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] 0 addq $32, %rsp jmp .LBB30_9 .Ltmp999: .LBB30_17: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %r9d, %r9d jmp .LBB30_28 .Ltmp1000: .LBB30_21: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 1390 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:3 movl %ecx, %edx andl $-4, %edx leaq -4(%rdx), %rsi movq %rsi, %rbx shrq $2, %rbx addq $1, %rbx testq %rsi, %rsi je .LBB30_22 .Ltmp1001: # %bb.23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 movq %rbx, %rsi andq $-2, %rsi negq %rsi xorl %edi, %edi .Ltmp1002: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB30_24: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 1391 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:13 movdqu (%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm0 movdqu 16(%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm1 pshufd $232, %xmm0, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0,2,2,3] pshufd $232, %xmm1, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0,2,2,3] .loc 5 1391 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:11 punpcklqdq %xmm1, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm1[0] movdqa %xmm0, (%r8,%rdi,4) .loc 5 1391 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:13 movdqu 32(%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm0 movdqu 48(%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm1 pshufd $232, %xmm0, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0,2,2,3] pshufd $232, %xmm1, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0,2,2,3] .loc 5 1391 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:11 punpcklqdq %xmm1, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm1[0] movdqa %xmm0, 16(%r8,%rdi,4) .Ltmp1003: .loc 5 1390 30 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:30 addq $8, %rdi addq $2, %rsi jne .LBB30_24 .Ltmp1004: # %bb.25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 testb $1, %bl jne .LBB30_26 jmp .LBB30_27 .Ltmp1005: .LBB30_22: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 30 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:30 xorl %edi, %edi .loc 5 1390 30 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:30 testb $1, %bl je .LBB30_27 .Ltmp1006: .LBB30_26: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 1391 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:13 movdqu (%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm0 movdqu 16(%rax,%rdi,8), %xmm1 pshufd $232, %xmm0, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0,2,2,3] pshufd $232, %xmm1, %xmm1 # xmm1 = xmm1[0,2,2,3] .loc 5 1391 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:11 punpcklqdq %xmm1, %xmm0 # xmm0 = xmm0[0],xmm1[0] movdqa %xmm0, (%r8,%rdi,4) jmp .LBB30_27 .Ltmp1007: .LBB30_9: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 0 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:11 movq %fs:40, %rax cmpq -48(%rbp), %rax jne .LBB30_33 .Ltmp1008: # %bb.10: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1411 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1411:1 leaq -40(%rbp), %rsp popq %rbx popq %r12 .Ltmp1009: popq %r13 popq %r14 .Ltmp1010: popq %r15 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .LBB30_33: .cfi_def_cfa %rbp, 16 .Ltmp1011: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 callq __stack_chk_fail@PLT .Ltmp1012: .LBB30_20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- $rdx .loc 5 1391 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:13 movl (%rax,%rdx,8), %esi .loc 5 1391 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1391:11 movl %esi, (%r8,%rdx,4) .Ltmp1013: .loc 5 1390 30 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:30 addq $1, %rdx .Ltmp1014: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- $rdx .LBB30_27: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] .loc 5 0 0 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 cmpq %rdx, %rcx .loc 5 1390 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1390:3 jne .LBB30_20 .Ltmp1015: .LBB30_28: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: fds <- [$r8+0] .loc 5 1395 39 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1395:39 movl 20(%r12), %esi .loc 5 1394 9 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1394:9 subq $48, %rsp movq 40(%r12), %rax movq %rax, 40(%rsp) movups 24(%r12), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 24(%rsp) movq 64(%r12), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups 48(%r12), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) leaq -64(%rbp), %rdx movq %r14, %rdi movl $1, %ecx callq messaging_post_self .Ltmp1016: #DEBUG_VALUE: ret <- $eax addq $48, %rsp .Ltmp1017: .loc 5 1397 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1397:11 testl %eax, %eax .Ltmp1018: .loc 5 1400 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1400:2 movq %r15, %rsp je .LBB30_9 .Ltmp1019: .LBB30_29: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 1405 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:14 cmpb $0, 88(%r12) .Ltmp1020: .loc 5 1405 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:2 je .LBB30_32 .Ltmp1021: # %bb.30: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp1022: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB30_31: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- $rbx .loc 5 1406 17 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1406:17 movq 96(%r12), %rax .loc 5 1406 12 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1406:12 movl (%rax,%rbx,8), %edi .Ltmp1023: #DEBUG_VALUE: fd <- $edi .loc 5 1407 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1407:3 callq close@PLT .Ltmp1024: .loc 5 1405 31 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:31 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp1025: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:i <- $rbx .loc 5 1405 21 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:21 movzbl 88(%r12), %eax .loc 5 1405 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:14 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp1026: .loc 5 1405 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1405:2 jb .LBB30_31 .Ltmp1027: .LBB30_32: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_rec:rec <- $r12 .loc 5 1409 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1409:15 movb $0, 88(%r12) .loc 5 1410 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1410:11 movq $0, 96(%r12) jmp .LBB30_9 .Ltmp1028: .Lfunc_end30: .size messaging_dispatch_rec, .Lfunc_end30-messaging_dispatch_rec .cfi_endproc # -- End function .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function messaging_dispatch_waiters .type messaging_dispatch_waiters,@function messaging_dispatch_waiters: # @messaging_dispatch_waiters .Lfunc_begin31: .loc 5 1310 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1310:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $rdi pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdx, %rbx movq %rsi, %r15 movq %rdi, %r12 .Ltmp1029: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 1249 31 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1249:31 cmpq $0, 64(%rdi) .Ltmp1030: .loc 5 1249 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1249:6 je .LBB31_4 .Ltmp1031: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1253 6 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1253:6 movq 72(%r12), %rdi callq talloc_get_size@PLT .Ltmp1032: shrq $3, %rax .loc 5 1254 39 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1254:39 movq 64(%r12), %rdx .loc 5 1254 16 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1254:16 movq 80(%r12), %rsi .loc 5 1254 28 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1254:28 leaq (%rdx,%rsi), %rcx .loc 5 1253 44 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1253:44 cmpq %rcx, %rax .Ltmp1033: .loc 5 1253 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1253:6 jae .LBB31_5 .Ltmp1034: # %bb.2: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1256 9 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1256:9 movq 72(%r12), %rsi leaq .L.str.26(%rip), %r8 movl $8, %edx movq %r12, %rdi # kill: def $ecx killed $ecx killed $rcx callq _talloc_realloc_array@PLT .Ltmp1035: #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rax .loc 5 1259 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1259:11 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp1036: .loc 5 1259 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1259:7 je .LBB31_17 .Ltmp1037: # %bb.3: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rax .loc 5 1263 20 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1263:20 movq %rax, 72(%r12) .Ltmp1038: .loc 5 1267 48 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1267:48 movq 64(%r12), %rdx .loc 5 1266 36 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1266:36 movq 80(%r12), %rsi jmp .LBB31_6 .Ltmp1039: .LBB31_4: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1318 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:22 movq 80(%r12), %rdx .Ltmp1040: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- 0 .loc 5 1318 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:11 testq %rdx, %rdx .loc 5 1318 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:2 jne .LBB31_7 jmp .LBB31_15 .Ltmp1041: .LBB31_5: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1266 19 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1266:19 movq 72(%r12), %rax .Ltmp1042: .LBB31_6: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 1266 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1266:10 leaq (%rax,%rsi,8), %rdi .loc 5 1266 59 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1266:59 movq 56(%r12), %rsi .loc 5 1267 37 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1267:37 shlq $3, %rdx .loc 5 1266 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1266:2 callq memcpy@PLT .Ltmp1043: .loc 5 1269 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1269:23 movq 80(%r12), %rdx addq 64(%r12), %rdx movq %rdx, 80(%r12) .loc 5 1270 27 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1270:27 movq $0, 64(%r12) .Ltmp1044: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- 0 .loc 5 1318 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:11 testq %rdx, %rdx .loc 5 1318 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:2 je .LBB31_15 .Ltmp1045: .LBB31_7: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- 0 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %rbx, (%rsp) # 8-byte Spill .Ltmp1046: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- [$rsp+0] xorl %r14d, %r14d leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %r13 leaq .L.str.68(%rip), %rbp jmp .LBB31_9 .Ltmp1047: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB31_8: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1348 5 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1348:5 addq $1, %r14 .Ltmp1048: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 .loc 5 1318 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:22 movq 80(%r12), %rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 .loc 5 1318 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:11 cmpq %r14, %rdx .loc 5 1318 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:2 jbe .LBB31_15 .Ltmp1049: .LBB31_9: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 .loc 5 1322 18 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1322:18 movq 72(%r12), %rax .loc 5 1322 9 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1322:9 movq (%rax,%r14,8), %rbx .Ltmp1050: #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1323 11 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1323:11 testq %rbx, %rbx .Ltmp1051: .loc 5 1323 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1323:7 je .LBB31_12 .Ltmp1052: # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1340 11 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1340:11 movq %rbx, %rdi callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp1053: movq %rax, %rdi movq %r13, %rsi movq %rbp, %rdx callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp1054: #DEBUG_VALUE: state <- $rax .loc 5 1342 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1342:11 cmpq %r15, (%rax) .loc 5 1342 25 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1342:25 jne .LBB31_8 .Ltmp1055: # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: state <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: state <- $rax .loc 5 1343 33 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1343:33 movq 40(%rax), %rsi movq (%rsp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp1056: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rdi .loc 5 1343 7 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1343:7 callq *32(%rax) .Ltmp1057: .loc 5 1342 7 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1342:7 testb %al, %al je .LBB31_8 jmp .LBB31_20 .Ltmp1058: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB31_12: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1330 33 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1330:33 leaq -1(%rdx), %rcx .loc 5 1330 10 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1330:10 cmpq %rcx, %r14 .Ltmp1059: .loc 5 1330 8 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1330:8 jae .LBB31_14 .Ltmp1060: # %bb.13: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 leaq (%rax,%r14,8), %rdi .Ltmp1061: .loc 5 1332 7 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1332:7 leaq (%rax,%r14,8), %rsi addq $8, %rsi .loc 5 1334 36 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1334:36 movq %r14, %rax notq %rax addq %rax, %rdx .loc 5 1333 34 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1333:34 shlq $3, %rdx .loc 5 1331 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1331:5 callq memmove@PLT .Ltmp1062: .loc 5 1336 25 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1336:25 movq 80(%r12), %rcx addq $-1, %rcx .Ltmp1063: .LBB31_14: # in Loop: Header=BB31_9 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx movq %rcx, 80(%r12) .Ltmp1064: .loc 5 1318 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:22 movq %rcx, %rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 .loc 5 1318 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:11 cmpq %r14, %rdx .loc 5 1318 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1318:2 ja .LBB31_9 .Ltmp1065: .LBB31_15: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 xorl %ebp, %ebp .Ltmp1066: .LBB31_16: .loc 5 1352 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1352:1 movl %ebp, %eax addq $8, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .LBB31_17: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 .Ltmp1067: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: tmp <- $rax .loc 5 0 1 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:1 xorl %ebp, %ebp .Ltmp1068: .loc 5 1260 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1260:4 xorl %edi, %edi callq debuglevel_get_class@PLT .Ltmp1069: testl %eax, %eax jle .LBB31_16 .Ltmp1070: # %bb.18: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx leaq .L.str.69(%rip), %rdx leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters(%rip), %rcx xorl %ebp, %ebp movl $1, %edi xorl %esi, %esi callq dbghdrclass@PLT .Ltmp1071: testb %al, %al je .LBB31_16 .Ltmp1072: # %bb.19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_append_new_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:rec <- $rbx leaq .L.str.70(%rip), %rdi leaq .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters(%rip), %rsi xorl %ebp, %ebp xorl %eax, %eax callq dbgtext@PLT .Ltmp1073: .loc 5 0 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 jmp .LBB31_16 .Ltmp1074: .LBB31_20: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:ev <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:i <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_waiters:msg_ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- [$rsp+0] .loc 5 1142 48 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1142:48 movq %rbx, %rdi callq _tevent_req_data@PLT .Ltmp1075: leaq .L.str.22(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.71(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp1076: movq %rax, %r15 .Ltmp1077: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 .loc 5 0 48 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:48 movq (%rsp), %r14 # 8-byte Reload .Ltmp1078: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 .loc 5 979 43 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:979:43 movzbl 88(%r14), %r12d .Ltmp1079: .loc 5 979 36 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:979:36 shlq $3, %r12 .Ltmp1080: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 .loc 5 0 36 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:36 movq 80(%r14), %r8 .loc 5 982 32 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:982:32 addq %r12, %r8 .Ltmp1081: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:payload_len <- $r8 .loc 5 983 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:983:6 jb .LBB31_25 .Ltmp1082: # %bb.22: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:payload_len <- $r8 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 988 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:988:11 leaq .L.str.87(%rip), %rdx movl $104, %esi movq %r15, %rdi movl $2, %ecx callq _talloc_pooled_object@PLT .Ltmp1083: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rax .loc 5 990 13 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:990:13 testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp1084: .loc 5 990 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:990:6 je .LBB31_25 .Ltmp1085: # %bb.23: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rax .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %rbp .Ltmp1086: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rbp .loc 5 993 12 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:993:12 movq 96(%r14), %rax movq %rax, 96(%rbp) movups 80(%r14), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 80(%rbp) movups 64(%r14), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, 64(%rbp) movups (%r14), %xmm0 movups 16(%r14), %xmm1 movups 32(%r14), %xmm2 movups 48(%r14), %xmm3 movups %xmm3, 48(%rbp) movups %xmm2, 32(%rbp) movups %xmm1, 16(%rbp) movups %xmm0, (%rbp) .loc 5 997 21 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:997:21 movq 72(%r14), %rsi movq 80(%r14), %rdx leaq .L.str.88(%rip), %rcx movq %rbp, %rdi callq _talloc_memdup@PLT .Ltmp1087: .loc 5 997 19 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:997:19 movq %rax, 72(%rbp) .loc 5 1000 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1000:14 movq $0, 96(%rbp) .Ltmp1088: .loc 5 1001 22 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1001:22 cmpb $0, 88(%rbp) .Ltmp1089: .loc 5 1001 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1001:6 je .LBB31_26 .Ltmp1090: # %bb.24: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:result <- $rbp .loc 5 1002 17 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1002:17 movq 96(%r14), %rsi leaq .L.str.89(%rip), %rcx movq %rbp, %rdi movq %r12, %rdx callq _talloc_memdup@PLT .Ltmp1091: .loc 5 1002 15 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1002:15 movq %rax, 96(%rbp) jmp .LBB31_26 .Ltmp1092: .LBB31_25: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:mem_ctx <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_rec_dup:fds_size <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 0 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:15 xorl %ebp, %ebp .Ltmp1093: .LBB31_26: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1145 13 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1145:13 movq %rbp, 48(%r15) .Ltmp1094: .loc 5 1146 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1146:6 leaq .L.str.72(%rip), %rdx movq %rbp, %rdi movq %rbx, %rsi callq _tevent_req_nomem@PLT .Ltmp1095: .loc 5 0 6 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:6 movb $1, %bpl .Ltmp1096: .loc 5 1146 6 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1146:6 testb %al, %al jne .LBB31_16 .Ltmp1097: # %bb.27: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:state <- $r15 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:rec <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_filtered_read_done:req <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: req <- $rbx .loc 5 1149 2 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1149:2 leaq .L.str.73(%rip), %rsi movq %rbx, %rdi callq _tevent_req_done@PLT .Ltmp1098: .loc 5 0 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 jmp .LBB31_16 .Ltmp1099: .Lfunc_end31: .size messaging_dispatch_waiters, .Lfunc_end31-messaging_dispatch_waiters .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .rodata.cst16,"aM",@progbits,16 .p2align 4 # -- Begin function messaging_post_main_event_context .LCPI32_0: .zero 16 .text .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_post_main_event_context,@function messaging_post_main_event_context: # @messaging_post_main_event_context .Lfunc_begin32: .loc 5 298 0 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:298:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:private_data <- $rdx pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 subq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 .cfi_offset %rbx, -56 .cfi_offset %r12, -48 .cfi_offset %r13, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rdx, %rdi .Ltmp1100: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:private_data <- $rdi .loc 5 299 34 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:299:34 leaq .L.str.44(%rip), %rsi .Ltmp1101: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi leaq .L.str.79(%rip), %rdx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:private_data <- $rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp1102: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $rax .loc 5 302 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:14 movq 40(%rax), %r13 .loc 5 302 26 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:26 testq %r13, %r13 .loc 5 302 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:2 je .LBB32_19 .Ltmp1103: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:0 movq %rax, %r14 .Ltmp1104: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 movq %rax, %r12 addq $32, %r12 leaq .L.str.80(%rip), %r15 jmp .LBB32_2 .Ltmp1105: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB32_13: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1295 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1295:16 movb $0, 88(%r13) .loc 5 1296 12 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1296:12 movq $0, 96(%r13) .loc 5 1298 23 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:23 movq 32(%rbx), %rsi .loc 5 1299 26 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1299:26 leaq 72(%r13), %rcx .loc 5 1298 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:3 movq 64(%r13), %rax movq %rax, 16(%rsp) movups 48(%r13), %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rsp) movq %r14, %rdi callq *24(%rbx) .Ltmp1106: .LBB32_18: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 322 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:322:3 movq %r13, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp1107: #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- 0 .loc 5 302 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:14 movq 40(%r14), %r13 .loc 5 302 26 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:26 testq %r13, %r13 .loc 5 302 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:302:2 je .LBB32_19 .Ltmp1108: .LBB32_2: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB32_7 Depth 2 # Child Loop BB32_11 Depth 2 # Child Loop BB32_17 Depth 2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 .loc 5 306 3 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 movq 8(%r13), %rax testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp1109: .loc 5 306 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 je .LBB32_4 .Ltmp1110: # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 306 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 movq (%r13), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) .Ltmp1111: .LBB32_4: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 306 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 movq %rax, 40(%r14) .Ltmp1112: .loc 5 306 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 cmpq %rax, %r13 .Ltmp1113: .loc 5 306 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 je .LBB32_6 .Ltmp1114: # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 306 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:306:3 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%r13) .Ltmp1115: .LBB32_6: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- undef .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 movq %r12, %rax .Ltmp1116: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB32_7: # Parent Loop BB32_2 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi movq (%rax), %rbx .Ltmp1117: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx .loc 5 1280 35 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1280:35 testq %rbx, %rbx .Ltmp1118: .loc 5 1280 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1280:2 je .LBB32_14 .Ltmp1119: # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB32_7 Depth=2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1283 14 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1283:14 leaq 8(%rbx), %rax .Ltmp1120: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:next <- undef .loc 5 1284 11 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:11 movl 16(%rbx), %edx .loc 5 1284 20 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:20 cmpl 20(%r13), %edx .Ltmp1121: .loc 5 1284 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1284:7 jne .LBB32_7 .Ltmp1122: # %bb.9: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- 0 .loc 5 1291 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:15 cmpb $0, 88(%r13) .Ltmp1123: .loc 5 1291 3 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:3 je .LBB32_13 .Ltmp1124: # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:3 xorl %ebp, %ebp .Ltmp1125: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB32_11: # Parent Loop BB32_2 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbp .loc 5 1292 18 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1292:18 movq 96(%r13), %rax .loc 5 1292 13 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1292:13 movl (%rax,%rbp,8), %edi .Ltmp1126: #DEBUG_VALUE: fd <- $edi .loc 5 1293 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1293:4 callq close@PLT .Ltmp1127: .loc 5 1291 32 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:32 addq $1, %rbp .Ltmp1128: #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbp .loc 5 1291 22 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:22 movzbl 88(%r13), %eax .loc 5 1291 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:15 cmpq %rax, %rbp .Ltmp1129: .loc 5 1291 3 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1291:3 jb .LBB32_11 .Ltmp1130: # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:msg_ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_dispatch_classic:cb <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: j <- $rbp #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 1298 42 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:1298:42 movl 20(%r13), %edx jmp .LBB32_13 .Ltmp1131: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB32_14: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] 0 .loc 5 311 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:311:15 movq 24(%r14), %rsi .loc 5 310 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:310:15 movq %r14, %rdi movq %r13, %rdx callq messaging_dispatch_waiters .Ltmp1132: #DEBUG_VALUE: consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al .loc 5 314 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:314:7 testb %al, %al jne .LBB32_18 .Ltmp1133: # %bb.15: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 .loc 5 317 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:15 cmpb $0, 88(%r13) .Ltmp1134: .loc 5 317 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:4 je .LBB32_18 .Ltmp1135: # %bb.16: # in Loop: Header=BB32_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] $al #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- 0 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 0 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 xorl %ebx, %ebx .Ltmp1136: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB32_17: # Parent Loop BB32_2 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ctx <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: rec <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- $rbx .loc 5 318 16 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:318:16 movq 96(%r13), %rax .loc 5 318 11 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:318:11 movl (%rax,%rbx,8), %edi .loc 5 318 5 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:318:5 callq close@PLT .Ltmp1137: .loc 5 317 31 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:31 addq $1, %rbx .Ltmp1138: #DEBUG_VALUE: i <- $rbx .loc 5 317 21 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:21 movzbl 88(%r13), %eax .loc 5 317 15 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:15 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp1139: .loc 5 317 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:317:4 jb .LBB32_17 jmp .LBB32_18 .Ltmp1140: .LBB32_19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_main_event_context:ev <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rdi .loc 5 324 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:324:1 addq $24, %rsp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 56 popq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp1141: .Lfunc_end32: .size messaging_post_main_event_context, .Lfunc_end32-messaging_post_main_event_context .cfi_endproc # -- End function .section .rodata.cst16,"aM",@progbits,16 .p2align 4 # -- Begin function messaging_post_sub_event_context .LCPI33_0: .zero 16 .text .p2align 4, 0x90 .type messaging_post_sub_event_context,@function messaging_post_sub_event_context: # @messaging_post_sub_event_context .Lfunc_begin33: .loc 5 329 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:329:0 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $rdi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:private_data <- $rdx pushq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 pushq %r14 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 pushq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 pushq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 pushq %rbx .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 .cfi_offset %rbx, -48 .cfi_offset %r12, -40 .cfi_offset %r13, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 .cfi_offset %r15, -16 movq %rdx, %rax movq %rdi, %r14 .Ltmp1142: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:private_data <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 .loc 5 330 34 prologue_end # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:330:34 leaq .L.str.44(%rip), %rsi .Ltmp1143: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi leaq .L.str.81(%rip), %rdx movq %rax, %rdi .Ltmp1144: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:private_data <- $rdi callq _talloc_get_type_abort@PLT .Ltmp1145: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $rax .loc 5 334 18 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:334:18 movq 40(%rax), %rbx .Ltmp1146: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 334 35 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:334:35 testq %rbx, %rbx .Ltmp1147: .loc 5 334 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:334:2 je .LBB33_19 .Ltmp1148: # %bb.1: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $rax #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 0 2 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:2 movq %rax, %r12 .Ltmp1149: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 leaq .L.str.82(%rip), %r15 jmp .LBB33_2 .Ltmp1150: .p2align 4, 0x90 .LBB33_17: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 342 4 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:342:4 movq %rbx, %rdi movq %r15, %rsi callq _talloc_free@PLT .Ltmp1151: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- 0 .LBB33_18: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $r13 .loc 5 0 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:0:4 movq %r13, %rbx .loc 5 334 35 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:334:35 testq %r13, %r13 .Ltmp1152: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 334 2 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:334:2 je .LBB33_19 .Ltmp1153: .LBB33_2: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx .loc 5 337 15 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:337:15 movq 8(%rbx), %r13 .Ltmp1154: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 .loc 5 339 14 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:339:14 movq %r12, %rdi movq %r14, %rsi movq %rbx, %rdx callq messaging_dispatch_waiters .Ltmp1155: #DEBUG_VALUE: consumed <- [DW_OP_LLVM_convert 1 7, DW_OP_LLVM_convert 8 7, DW_OP_stack_value] undef .loc 5 340 7 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:340:7 testb %al, %al je .LBB33_18 .Ltmp1156: # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq 40(%r12), %rax cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp1157: .loc 5 341 4 is_stmt 0 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_4 .Ltmp1158: # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq (%rbx), %rcx testq %rax, %rax je .LBB33_11 .Ltmp1159: # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi testq %rcx, %rcx je .LBB33_11 .Ltmp1160: # %bb.9: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi cmpq (%rax), %rbx .Ltmp1161: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_10 .Ltmp1162: .LBB33_11: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 testq %rcx, %rcx .Ltmp1163: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_13 .Ltmp1164: # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq 8(%rbx), %rdx movq %rdx, 8(%rcx) .Ltmp1165: .LBB33_13: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq 8(%rbx), %rdx testq %rdx, %rdx .Ltmp1166: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_15 .Ltmp1167: # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq %rcx, (%rdx) .Ltmp1168: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 cmpq %rax, %rbx jne .LBB33_16 jmp .LBB33_17 .Ltmp1169: .LBB33_4: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq 8(%rbx), %rax testq %rax, %rax .Ltmp1170: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_6 .Ltmp1171: # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq (%rbx), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) .Ltmp1172: .LBB33_6: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq %rax, 40(%r12) .Ltmp1173: .LBB33_15: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 cmpq %rax, %rbx .Ltmp1174: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 je .LBB33_17 .Ltmp1175: .LBB33_16: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 xorps %xmm0, %xmm0 movups %xmm0, (%rbx) jmp .LBB33_17 .Ltmp1176: .LBB33_10: # in Loop: Header=BB33_2 Depth=1 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:next <- $r13 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ctx <- $r12 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 movq $0, 8(%rcx) movq %rcx, (%rax) .Ltmp1177: .loc 5 341 4 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:341:4 cmpq %rax, %rbx jne .LBB33_16 jmp .LBB33_17 .Ltmp1178: .LBB33_19: #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:ev <- $r14 #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:rec <- $rbx #DEBUG_VALUE: messaging_post_sub_event_context:im <- [DW_OP_LLVM_entry_value 1] $rsi .loc 5 345 1 is_stmt 1 # ../../source3/lib/messages.c:345:1 popq %rbx .Ltmp1179: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 40 popq %r12 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 popq %r13 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 24 popq %r14 .Ltmp1180: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 popq %r15 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8 retq .Ltmp1181: .Lfunc_end33: .size messaging_post_sub_event_context, .Lfunc_end33-messaging_post_sub_event_context .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "uint8_t" .size .L.str, 8 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:177" .size .L.str.1, 33 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:653" .size .L.str.2, 33 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .L.str.3: .asciz "talloc_new: ../../source3/lib/messages.c:655" .size .L.str.3, 45 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:664" .size .L.str.4, 33 .type .L.str.5,@object # @.str.5 .L.str.5: .asciz "msg.lock" .size .L.str.5, 9 .type .L.str.6,@object # @.str.6 .L.str.6: .asciz "msg.sock" .size .L.str.6, 9 .type .L.str.7,@object # @.str.7 .L.str.7: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:680" .size .L.str.7, 33 .type .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit,@object # @__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit: .asciz "messaging_reinit" .size .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_reinit, 17 .type .L.str.8,@object # @.str.8 .L.str.8: .asciz "messaging_dgm_ref failed: %s\n" .size .L.str.8, 30 .type .L.str.9,@object # @.str.9 .L.str.9: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:696" .size .L.str.9, 33 .type .L.str.10,@object # @.str.10 .L.str.10: .asciz "%s: " .size .L.str.10, 5 .type .L.str.11,@object # @.str.11 .L.str.11: .asciz "messaging_ctdb_ref failed: %s\n" .size .L.str.11, 31 .type .L.str.12,@object # @.str.12 .L.str.12: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:725" .size .L.str.12, 33 .type .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_register,@object # @__FUNCTION__.messaging_register .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_register: .asciz "messaging_register" .size .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_register, 19 .type .L.str.13,@object # @.str.13 .L.str.13: .asciz "Registering messaging pointer for type %u - private_data=%p\n" .size .L.str.13, 61 .type .L.str.14,@object # @.str.14 .L.str.14: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:740" .size .L.str.14, 33 .type .L.str.15,@object # @.str.15 .L.str.15: .asciz "Overriding messaging pointer for type %u - private_data=%p\n" .size .L.str.15, 60 .type .L.str.16,@object # @.str.16 .L.str.16: .asciz "struct messaging_callback" .size .L.str.16, 26 .type .L.str.17,@object # @.str.17 .L.str.17: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:772" .size .L.str.17, 33 .type .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister,@object # @__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister: .asciz "messaging_deregister" .size .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister, 21 .type .L.str.18,@object # @.str.18 .L.str.18: .asciz "Deregistering messaging pointer for type %u - private_data=%p\n" .size .L.str.18, 63 .type .L.str.19,@object # @.str.19 .L.str.19: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:774" .size .L.str.19, 33 .type .L.str.20,@object # @.str.20 .L.str.20: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:971" .size .L.str.20, 33 .type .L__func__.messaging_send_all,@object # @__func__.messaging_send_all .L__func__.messaging_send_all: .asciz "messaging_send_all" .size .L__func__.messaging_send_all, 19 .type .L.str.21,@object # @.str.21 .L.str.21: .asciz "messaging_dgm_forall failed: %s\n" .size .L.str.21, 33 .type .L.str.22,@object # @.str.22 .L.str.22: .asciz "struct messaging_filtered_read_state" .size .L.str.22, 37 .type .L.str.23,@object # @.str.23 .L.str.23: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1035" .size .L.str.23, 34 .type .L.str.24,@object # @.str.24 .L.str.24: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1051" .size .L.str.24, 34 .type .L.str.25,@object # @.str.25 .L.str.25: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1058" .size .L.str.25, 34 .type .L.str.26,@object # @.str.26 .L.str.26: .asciz "struct tevent_req *" .size .L.str.26, 20 .type .L.str.27,@object # @.str.27 .L.str.27: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1078" .size .L.str.27, 34 .type .L.str.28,@object # @.str.28 .L.str.28: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1090" .size .L.str.28, 34 .type .L.str.29,@object # @.str.29 .L.str.29: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1156" .size .L.str.29, 34 .type .L.str.30,@object # @.str.30 .L.str.30: .asciz "struct messaging_read_state" .size .L.str.30, 28 .type .L.str.31,@object # @.str.31 .L.str.31: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1187" .size .L.str.31, 34 .type .L.str.32,@object # @.str.32 .L.str.32: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1195" .size .L.str.32, 34 .type .L.str.33,@object # @.str.33 .L.str.33: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1235" .size .L.str.33, 34 .type .L.str.34,@object # @.str.34 .L.str.34: .asciz "messaging" .size .L.str.34, 10 .type .L.str.35,@object # @.str.35 .L.str.35: .asciz "messaging dgm cleanup interval" .size .L.str.35, 31 .type .L.str.36,@object # @.str.36 .L.str.36: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1426" .size .L.str.36, 34 .type .L__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init,@object # @__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init .L__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init: .asciz "messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init" .size .L__func__.messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init, 34 .type .L.str.37,@object # @.str.37 .L.str.37: .asciz "background_job_send failed\n" .size .L.str.37, 28 .type .L.str.38,@object # @.str.38 .L.str.38: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:496" .size .L.str.38, 33 .type .L.str.39,@object # @.str.39 .L.str.39: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:506" .size .L.str.39, 33 .type .L__func__.messaging_init_internal,@object # @__func__.messaging_init_internal .L__func__.messaging_init_internal: .asciz "messaging_init_internal" .size .L__func__.messaging_init_internal, 24 .type .L.str.40,@object # @.str.40 .L.str.40: .asciz "Could not create lock directory: %s\n" .size .L.str.40, 37 .type .L.str.41,@object # @.str.41 .L.str.41: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:519" .size .L.str.41, 33 .type .L.str.42,@object # @.str.42 .L.str.42: .asciz "Could not create msg directory: %s\n" .size .L.str.42, 36 .type .L.str.43,@object # @.str.43 .L.str.43: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:523" .size .L.str.43, 33 .type .L.str.44,@object # @.str.44 .L.str.44: .asciz "struct messaging_context" .size .L.str.44, 25 .type .L.str.45,@object # @.str.45 .L.str.45: .asciz "talloc_new: ../../source3/lib/messages.c:540" .size .L.str.45, 45 .type .L.str.46,@object # @.str.46 .L.str.46: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:562" .size .L.str.46, 33 .type .L.str.47,@object # @.str.47 .L.str.47: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:596" .size .L.str.47, 33 .type .L.str.48,@object # @.str.48 .L.str.48: .asciz "server_id_db_init failed\n" .size .L.str.48, 26 .type .L.str.49,@object # @.str.49 .L.str.49: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:611" .size .L.str.49, 33 .type .L.str.50,@object # @.str.50 .L.str.50: .asciz "my id: %s\n" .size .L.str.50, 11 .type .L.str.51,@object # @.str.51 .L.str.51: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:614" .size .L.str.51, 33 .type .L.str.52,@object # @.str.52 .L.str.52: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:618" .size .L.str.52, 33 .type .L.str.53,@object # @.str.53 .L.str.53: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:466" .size .L.str.53, 33 .type .L.str.54,@object # @.str.54 .L.str.54: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:130" .size .L.str.54, 33 .type .L__FUNCTION__.ping_message,@object # @__FUNCTION__.ping_message .L__FUNCTION__.ping_message: .asciz "ping_message" .size .L__FUNCTION__.ping_message, 13 .type .L.str.55,@object # @.str.55 .L.str.55: .asciz "INFO: Received PING message from PID %s [%.*s]\n" .size .L.str.55, 48 .type .L.str.56,@object # @.str.56 .L.str.56: .zero 1 .size .L.str.56, 1 .type .L.str.57,@object # @.str.57 .L.str.57: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:473" .size .L.str.57, 33 .type .L.str.58,@object # @.str.58 .L.str.58: .asciz "%s/%s" .size .L.str.58, 6 .type .L.str.59,@object # @.str.59 .L.str.59: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:391" .size .L.str.59, 33 .type .L.str.60,@object # @.str.60 .L.str.60: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:398" .size .L.str.60, 33 .type .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb,@object # @__func__.messaging_recv_cb .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb: .asciz "messaging_recv_cb" .size .L__func__.messaging_recv_cb, 18 .type .L.str.61,@object # @.str.61 .L.str.61: .asciz "message too short: %zu\n" .size .L.str.61, 24 .type .L.str.62,@object # @.str.62 .L.str.62: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:403" .size .L.str.62, 33 .type .L.str.63,@object # @.str.63 .L.str.63: .asciz "too many fds: %zu\n" .size .L.str.63, 19 .type .L.str.64,@object # @.str.64 .L.str.64: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:428" .size .L.str.64, 33 .type .L.str.65,@object # @.str.65 .L.str.65: .asciz "Received message 0x%x len %zu (num_fds:%zu) from %s\n" .size .L.str.65, 53 .type .L.str.66,@object # @.str.66 .L.str.66: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:431" .size .L.str.66, 33 .type .L.str.67,@object # @.str.67 .L.str.67: .asciz "Ignoring self-send\n" .size .L.str.67, 20 .type .L.str.68,@object # @.str.68 .L.str.68: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1341" .size .L.str.68, 34 .type .L.str.69,@object # @.str.69 .L.str.69: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1260" .size .L.str.69, 34 .type .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters,@object # @__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters: .asciz "messaging_append_new_waiters" .size .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_append_new_waiters, 29 .type .L.str.70,@object # @.str.70 .L.str.70: .asciz "%s: talloc failed\n" .size .L.str.70, 19 .type .L.str.71,@object # @.str.71 .L.str.71: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1143" .size .L.str.71, 34 .type .L.str.72,@object # @.str.72 .L.str.72: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1146" .size .L.str.72, 34 .type .L.str.73,@object # @.str.73 .L.str.73: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1149" .size .L.str.73, 34 .type .L.str.75,@object # @.str.75 .L.str.75: .asciz "messaging_post_main_event_context" .size .L.str.75, 34 .type .L.str.76,@object # @.str.76 .L.str.76: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:373" .size .L.str.76, 33 .type .L.str.77,@object # @.str.77 .L.str.77: .asciz "messaging_post_sub_event_context" .size .L.str.77, 33 .type .L.str.78,@object # @.str.78 .L.str.78: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:378" .size .L.str.78, 33 .type .L.str.79,@object # @.str.79 .L.str.79: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:300" .size .L.str.79, 33 .type .L.str.80,@object # @.str.80 .L.str.80: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:322" .size .L.str.80, 33 .type .L.str.81,@object # @.str.81 .L.str.81: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:331" .size .L.str.81, 33 .type .L.str.82,@object # @.str.82 .L.str.82: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:342" .size .L.str.82, 33 .type .L.str.83,@object # @.str.83 .L.str.83: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:918" .size .L.str.83, 33 .type .L__func__.send_all_fn,@object # @__func__.send_all_fn .L__func__.send_all_fn: .asciz "send_all_fn" .size .L__func__.send_all_fn, 12 .type .L.str.84,@object # @.str.84 .L.str.84: .asciz "Skip ourselves in messaging_send_all\n" .size .L.str.84, 38 .type .L.str.85,@object # @.str.85 .L.str.85: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:926" .size .L.str.85, 33 .type .L.str.86,@object # @.str.86 .L.str.86: .asciz "messaging_send_buf to %ju failed: %s\n" .size .L.str.86, 38 .type .L.str.87,@object # @.str.87 .L.str.87: .asciz "struct messaging_rec" .size .L.str.87, 21 .type .L.str.88,@object # @.str.88 .L.str.88: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:998" .size .L.str.88, 33 .type .L.str.89,@object # @.str.89 .L.str.89: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1002" .size .L.str.89, 34 .type .L.str.90,@object # @.str.90 .L.str.90: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:217" .size .L.str.90, 33 .type .L.str.91,@object # @.str.91 .L.str.91: .asciz "struct messaging_registered_ev" .size .L.str.91, 31 .type .L.str.92,@object # @.str.92 .L.str.92: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1101" .size .L.str.92, 34 .type .L.str.93,@object # @.str.93 .L.str.93: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1108" .size .L.str.93, 34 .type .L.str.94,@object # @.str.94 .L.str.94: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1109" .size .L.str.94, 34 .type .L.str.95,@object # @.str.95 .L.str.95: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:268" .size .L.str.95, 33 .type .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister_event_context,@object # @__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister_event_context .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister_event_context: .asciz "messaging_deregister_event_context" .size .L__FUNCTION__.messaging_deregister_event_context, 35 .type .L.str.96,@object # @.str.96 .L.str.96: .asciz "PANIC: assert failed at %s(%d): %s\n" .size .L.str.96, 36 .type .L.str.97,@object # @.str.97 .L.str.97: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c" .size .L.str.97, 29 .type .L.str.98,@object # @.str.98 .L.str.98: .asciz "ev != ctx->event_ctx" .size .L.str.98, 21 .type .L.str.99,@object # @.str.99 .L.str.99: .asciz "assert failed: ev != ctx->event_ctx" .size .L.str.99, 36 .type .L.str.103,@object # @.str.103 .L.str.103: .asciz "NULL" .size .L.str.103, 5 .type .L.str.104,@object # @.str.104 .L.str.104: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:287" .size .L.str.104, 33 .type .L.str.105,@object # @.str.105 .L.str.105: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1206" .size .L.str.105, 34 .type .L.str.106,@object # @.str.106 .L.str.106: .asciz "struct tevent_req" .size .L.str.106, 18 .type .L.str.107,@object # @.str.107 .L.str.107: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1218" .size .L.str.107, 34 .type .L.str.108,@object # @.str.108 .L.str.108: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1220" .size .L.str.108, 34 .type .L.str.109,@object # @.str.109 .L.str.109: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1224" .size .L.str.109, 34 .type .L.str.110,@object # @.str.110 .L.str.110: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1225" .size .L.str.110, 34 .type .L.str.111,@object # @.str.111 .L.str.111: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1228" .size .L.str.111, 34 .type .L.str.112,@object # @.str.112 .L.str.112: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1439" .size .L.str.112, 34 .type .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup,@object # @__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup: .asciz "mess_parent_dgm_cleanup" .size .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup, 24 .type .L.str.113,@object # @.str.113 .L.str.113: .asciz "messaging_dgm_wipe returned %s\n" .size .L.str.113, 32 .type .L.str.114,@object # @.str.114 .L.str.114: .asciz "ok" .size .L.str.114, 3 .type .L.str.115,@object # @.str.115 .L.str.115: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1447" .size .L.str.115, 34 .type .L.str.116,@object # @.str.116 .L.str.116: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1451" .size .L.str.116, 34 .type .L.str.117,@object # @.str.117 .L.str.117: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1453" .size .L.str.117, 34 .type .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done,@object # @__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done: .asciz "mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done" .size .L__FUNCTION__.mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done, 29 .type .L.str.118,@object # @.str.118 .L.str.118: .asciz "messaging dgm cleanup job ended with %s\n" .size .L.str.118, 41 .type .L.str.119,@object # @.str.119 .L.str.119: .asciz "../../source3/lib/messages.c:1461" .size .L.str.119, 34 .file 35 "/usr/include" "stdio.h" .file 36 "/usr/include/sys" "types.h" .section .debug_loc,"",@progbits .Ldebug_loc0: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp14-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 224 # -160 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp15-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc1: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp7-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp12-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp12-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 244 # -140 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp54-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 244 # -140 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp54-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp55-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp55-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp62-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp62-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp63-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 244 # -140 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 244 # -140 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc2: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp6-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp6-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp49-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp49-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc3: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp5-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp5-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp20-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp20-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc4: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp4-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp42-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp42-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc5: .quad .Lfunc_begin0-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp3-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .quad .Ltmp3-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc6: .quad .Ltmp9-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp13-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp13-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 248 # -136 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp44-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 248 # -136 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp44-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp45-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 248 # -136 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc7: .quad .Ltmp15-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp18-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp18-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 232 # -152 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp56-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 232 # -152 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp56-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp57-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp62-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp63-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 232 # -152 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp66-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 232 # -152 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc8: .quad .Ltmp22-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 115 # DW_OP_breg3 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 115 # DW_OP_breg3 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 115 # DW_OP_breg3 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc9: .quad .Ltmp23-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp35-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp35-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp39-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc10: .quad .Ltmp23-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp27-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp69-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc11: .quad .Ltmp41-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 224 # -160 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc12: .quad .Ltmp43-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc13: .quad .Ltmp45-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp50-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc14: .quad .Ltmp50-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp53-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp53-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp62-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp62-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp63-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc15: .quad .Ltmp64-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp67-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc16: .quad .Lfunc_begin1-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp71-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp71-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp140-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc17: .quad .Lfunc_begin1-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp71-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp71-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp141-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc18: .quad .Ltmp74-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp77-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp77-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp137-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp146-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp183-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc19: .quad .Ltmp79-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp81-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp89-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp91-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp127-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp135-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp136-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc20: .quad .Ltmp83-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp84-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc21: .quad .Ltmp84-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp87-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp87-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp135-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp137-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp146-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp168-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp170-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp183-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc22: .quad .Ltmp91-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp94-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp94-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 32 # 32 .quad .Ltmp142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp144-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 32 # 32 .quad .Ltmp144-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp145-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp145-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp146-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp161-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 32 # 32 .quad .Ltmp170-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp183-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 32 # 32 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc23: .quad .Ltmp95-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp98-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp98-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp161-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp170-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp183-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc24: .quad .Ltmp106-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 44 # 44 .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp149-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 44 # 44 .quad .Ltmp150-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp151-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp152-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp161-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 44 # 44 .quad .Ltmp170-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp180-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 44 # 44 .quad .Ltmp180-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp181-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc25: .quad .Ltmp107-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp111-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp147-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp148-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc26: .quad .Ltmp110-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp111-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc27: .quad .Ltmp125-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc28: .quad .Ltmp125-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp126-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc29: .quad .Lfunc_begin3-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp187-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp187-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp242-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp243-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end3-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc30: .quad .Ltmp198-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp201-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp201-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp215-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp226-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp233-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc31: .quad .Ltmp205-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp206-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc32: .quad .Ltmp206-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp208-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad .Ltmp218-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp219-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad .Ltmp231-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp232-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp238-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp239-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp248-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp249-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc33: .quad .Ltmp209-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp213-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp220-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp223-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp226-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp227-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp235-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp236-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc34: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end4-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 160 # -224 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc35: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp261-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp262-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp266-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp295-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp327-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc36: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp261-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp262-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp266-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp291-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp322-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc37: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp272-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end4-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc38: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp252-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp273-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end4-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc39: .quad .Lfunc_begin4-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp253-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .quad .Ltmp253-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp254-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc40: .quad .Ltmp254-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp260-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp262-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp265-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp290-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp290-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp296-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 168 # -216 .byte 126 # .quad .Ltmp296-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp310-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp322-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp330-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 168 # -216 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc41: .quad .Ltmp256-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp260-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 116 # DW_OP_breg4 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp262-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp265-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 116 # DW_OP_breg4 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp292-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 116 # DW_OP_breg4 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp310-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 116 # DW_OP_breg4 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc42: .quad .Ltmp261-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp262-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp267-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp270-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp274-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp285-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp285-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp289-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp308-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp310-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc43: .quad .Lfunc_begin5-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp343-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp346-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp354-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp355-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp357-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp361-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp365-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc44: .quad .Lfunc_begin5-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp358-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp361-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end5-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc45: .quad .Lfunc_begin5-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # super-register DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp360-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp361-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end5-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc46: .quad .Lfunc_begin5-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp332-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp359-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp361-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end5-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc47: .quad .Ltmp335-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp336-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp337-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp347-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp347-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp357-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp365-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end5-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc48: .quad .Lfunc_begin6-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp374-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp374-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc49: .quad .Lfunc_begin6-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp373-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp373-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc50: .quad .Lfunc_begin6-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp372-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp372-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc51: .quad .Ltmp370-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp375-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp375-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp376-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp376-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp378-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp378-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp411-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc52: .quad .Ltmp375-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp377-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp379-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp410-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc53: .quad .Lfunc_begin7-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc54: .quad .Lfunc_begin7-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc55: .quad .Lfunc_begin7-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp418-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp418-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc56: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc57: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc58: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp424-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 48 # 48 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp425-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 48 # 48 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc59: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp424-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp425-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc60: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp424-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp425-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc61: .quad .Ltmp417-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp424-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp425-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc62: .quad .Ltmp419-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp422-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc63: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc64: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc65: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc66: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc67: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc68: .quad .Lfunc_begin8-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc69: .quad .Ltmp428-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp433-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc70: .quad .Lfunc_begin9-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp435-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp435-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp449-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc71: .quad .Lfunc_begin9-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp435-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp435-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp442-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp442-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp443-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc72: .quad .Lfunc_begin9-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp436-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp436-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp438-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc73: .quad .Lfunc_begin9-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp437-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp437-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp438-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc74: .quad .Ltmp438-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc75: .quad .Ltmp438-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc76: .quad .Ltmp438-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp440-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 6 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .quad .Ltmp440-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp441-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 5 # Loc expr size .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc77: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc78: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc79: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc80: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 56 # 56 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 56 # 56 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc81: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc82: .quad .Ltmp439-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp448-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp450-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc83: .quad .Ltmp443-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp446-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc84: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp472-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp481-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp485-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc85: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 140 # -116 .byte 127 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc86: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 248 # -136 .byte 126 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc87: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp470-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # super-register DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp481-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp485-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # super-register DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc88: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 118 # DW_OP_breg6 .byte 128 # -128 .byte 127 # .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc89: .quad .Lfunc_begin10-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .quad .Ltmp452-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp488-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp489-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc90: .quad .Ltmp455-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp487-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 115 # DW_OP_breg3 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp489-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 115 # DW_OP_breg3 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc91: .quad .Ltmp464-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp465-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp472-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp480-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp480-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp481-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc92: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp491-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp491-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp527-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc93: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc94: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc95: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc96: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc97: .quad .Lfunc_begin11-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 89 # DW_OP_reg9 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc98: .quad .Ltmp492-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp495-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp495-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp508-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp508-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp509-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp510-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp526-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc99: .quad .Ltmp495-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp499-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp510-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp523-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc100: .quad .Ltmp497-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp499-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp510-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp512-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp512-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp523-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc101: .quad .Ltmp511-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp523-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc102: .quad .Ltmp499-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp508-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 49 # DW_OP_lit1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp523-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp526-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 49 # DW_OP_lit1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc103: .quad .Lfunc_begin12-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp530-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp530-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end12-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc104: .quad .Lfunc_begin12-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp531-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp531-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end12-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc105: .quad .Lfunc_begin12-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp532-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp532-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end12-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc106: .quad .Lfunc_begin12-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp532-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp532-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end12-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc107: .quad .Ltmp532-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp535-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp535-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp537-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp539-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp546-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc108: .quad .Lfunc_begin13-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp548-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp548-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp573-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp574-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end13-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc109: .quad .Lfunc_begin13-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp548-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp548-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp574-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp582-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc110: .quad .Ltmp559-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp574-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp582-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc111: .quad .Ltmp561-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp562-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc112: .quad .Ltmp561-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp562-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc113: .quad .Ltmp561-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # super-register DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc114: .quad .Ltmp561-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc115: .quad .Ltmp562-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # super-register DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc116: .quad .Ltmp562-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc117: .quad .Ltmp562-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp564-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 6 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .quad .Ltmp564-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp565-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 5 # Loc expr size .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .byte 147 # DW_OP_piece .byte 8 # 8 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc118: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc119: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc120: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc121: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 240 # 112 .byte 0 # .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc122: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # super-register DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc123: .quad .Ltmp563-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc124: .quad .Ltmp566-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp569-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc125: .quad .Ltmp569-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp571-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp574-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp575-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp575-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp585-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc126: .quad .Lfunc_begin14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp588-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp588-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end14-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc127: .quad .Lfunc_begin14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp630-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp632-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end14-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc128: .quad .Lfunc_begin14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp631-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp632-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end14-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc129: .quad .Lfunc_begin14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp615-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp619-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp621-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc130: .quad .Lfunc_begin14-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp629-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp632-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end14-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc131: .quad .Ltmp587-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp592-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp592-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp594-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp597-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp598-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp605-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp606-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp619-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp620-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc132: .quad .Ltmp588-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp591-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp591-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp619-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp619-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp620-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp620-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp627-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc133: .quad .Ltmp610-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp613-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp620-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp621-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc134: .quad .Ltmp615-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp619-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc135: .quad .Ltmp623-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp625-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc136: .quad .Lfunc_begin15-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp634-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp634-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp682-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp682-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp685-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp685-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc137: .quad .Lfunc_begin15-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp635-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp635-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc138: .quad .Ltmp637-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp683-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp685-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc139: .quad .Ltmp638-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp684-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp685-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc140: .quad .Ltmp648-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp666-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp686-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc141: .quad .Ltmp648-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp666-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp686-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc142: .quad .Ltmp650-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp655-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc143: .quad .Ltmp653-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp655-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc144: .quad .Ltmp666-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp686-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 6 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 32 # DW_OP_not .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc145: .quad .Ltmp666-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp669-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp671-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp673-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp673-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp676-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp679-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp681-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc146: .quad .Lfunc_begin16-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp693-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp693-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp706-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp725-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp731-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp732-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc147: .quad .Lfunc_begin16-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp693-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp693-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp729-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp731-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end16-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc148: .quad .Ltmp693-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp697-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp707-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp711-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp711-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp712-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp714-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp722-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp723-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp727-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc149: .quad .Ltmp695-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp697-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp711-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc150: .quad .Ltmp695-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp730-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp731-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end16-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc151: .quad .Ltmp697-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp698-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp698-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp702-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp707-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc152: .quad .Ltmp702-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp705-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp705-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp709-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc153: .quad .Lfunc_begin17-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp742-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp743-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp744-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc154: .quad .Lfunc_begin17-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp751-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp753-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end17-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc155: .quad .Lfunc_begin17-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp734-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp752-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp753-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end17-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc156: .quad .Ltmp737-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp742-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad .Ltmp742-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp743-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp743-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp749-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc157: .quad .Ltmp737-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp747-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc158: .quad .Lfunc_begin18-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp756-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp756-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end18-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc159: .quad .Lfunc_begin18-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp772-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp774-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end18-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc160: .quad .Lfunc_begin18-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp773-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp774-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end18-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc161: .quad .Lfunc_begin18-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # super-register DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp763-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp768-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp769-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc162: .quad .Ltmp755-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp760-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 8 # 8 .quad .Ltmp760-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp761-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp768-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp769-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 8 # 8 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc163: .quad .Ltmp756-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp759-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp759-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp767-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp768-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp769-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp769-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp770-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc164: .quad .Ltmp763-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp768-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp769-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp770-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc165: .quad .Lfunc_begin19-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp776-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp776-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp782-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp783-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp785-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc166: .quad .Lfunc_begin19-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp776-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp776-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp777-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp777-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp778-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc167: .quad .Ltmp778-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp781-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp783-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp784-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc168: .quad .Lfunc_begin20-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp787-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp787-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp809-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc169: .quad .Ltmp790-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp814-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp815-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end20-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc170: .quad .Ltmp793-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp808-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc171: .quad .Ltmp793-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp801-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 127 # DW_OP_breg15 .byte 8 # 8 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp803-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp806-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 127 # DW_OP_breg15 .byte 8 # 8 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc172: .quad .Ltmp793-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp801-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp803-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp806-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc173: .quad .Ltmp793-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp801-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp803-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp806-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc174: .quad .Ltmp796-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp801-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad .Ltmp803-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp808-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc175: .quad .Ltmp796-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp804-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc176: .quad .Lfunc_begin21-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp824-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp825-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp826-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc177: .quad .Lfunc_begin21-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp833-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp835-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end21-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc178: .quad .Lfunc_begin21-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp817-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp834-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp835-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end21-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc179: .quad .Ltmp820-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp824-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad .Ltmp824-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp825-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # super-register DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp825-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp831-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 12 # 12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc180: .quad .Ltmp820-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp829-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc181: .quad .Lfunc_begin22-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp837-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp837-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp844-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp844-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp845-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp845-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp846-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp846-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end22-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc182: .quad .Ltmp839-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp843-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp845-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp847-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc183: .quad .Lfunc_begin23-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp856-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp856-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end23-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc184: .quad .Ltmp857-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp860-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp861-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end23-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # super-register DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc185: .quad .Lfunc_begin24-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp870-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp870-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp878-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad .Ltmp882-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp890-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc186: .quad .Ltmp873-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp886-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp889-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp892-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp894-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp902-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc187: .quad .Ltmp875-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp887-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp889-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp893-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp894-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp903-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # super-register DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc188: .quad .Lfunc_begin25-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp908-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp908-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp909-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp909-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp910-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc189: .quad .Lfunc_begin25-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp910-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # super-register DW_OP_reg4 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc190: .quad .Lfunc_begin28-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp913-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp913-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp940-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc191: .quad .Ltmp913-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp916-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp916-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp924-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp924-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp927-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp927-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp935-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc192: .quad .Lfunc_begin29-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp942-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp942-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp955-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp957-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc193: .quad .Lfunc_begin29-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp943-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp943-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc194: .quad .Lfunc_begin29-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp943-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # super-register DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp943-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 81 # super-register DW_OP_reg1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc195: .quad .Lfunc_begin29-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp942-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 82 # DW_OP_reg2 .quad .Ltmp942-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp956-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp957-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc196: .quad .Ltmp945-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc197: .quad .Ltmp945-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 51 # DW_OP_lit3 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 51 # DW_OP_lit3 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc198: .quad .Ltmp945-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc199: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc200: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 51 # DW_OP_lit3 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 51 # DW_OP_lit3 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc201: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 208 # 80 .byte 0 # .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 208 # 80 .byte 0 # .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc202: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 3 # Loc expr size .byte 17 # DW_OP_consts .byte 1 # 1 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc203: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc204: .quad .Ltmp949-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp954-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp962-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc205: .quad .Ltmp950-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp953-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc206: .quad .Lfunc_begin30-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1010-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp1011-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end30-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc207: .quad .Lfunc_begin30-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp971-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp981-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc208: .quad .Lfunc_begin30-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp964-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1009-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp1011-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end30-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc209: .quad .Ltmp967-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp972-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp998-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 5 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc210: .quad .Ltmp974-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp981-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 120 # DW_OP_breg8 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1007-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 120 # DW_OP_breg8 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp1012-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1016-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 120 # DW_OP_breg8 .byte 0 # 0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc211: .quad .Ltmp976-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp981-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1007-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1012-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1014-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp1019-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1022-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1022-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1027-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc212: .quad .Ltmp981-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc213: .quad .Ltmp981-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc214: .quad .Ltmp983-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp999-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc215: .quad .Ltmp988-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp991-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp991-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp997-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc216: .quad .Ltmp992-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp993-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc217: .quad .Ltmp1016-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1019-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # super-register DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc218: .quad .Ltmp1023-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1024-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc219: .quad .Lfunc_begin31-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1066-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp1067-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1079-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc220: .quad .Lfunc_begin31-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1066-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad .Ltmp1067-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1077-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc221: .quad .Lfunc_begin31-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1046-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp1046-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1047-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp1056-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1057-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp1067-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1074-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc222: .quad .Lfunc_begin31-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp1029-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1039-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp1041-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1045-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad .Ltmp1067-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1074-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc223: .quad .Ltmp1035-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1039-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp1067-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1069-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc224: .quad .Ltmp1040-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1041-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1044-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1047-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1047-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1065-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp1074-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1078-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc225: .quad .Ltmp1047-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1049-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp1050-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1065-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp1074-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end31-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc226: .quad .Ltmp1054-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1057-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc227: .quad .Ltmp1074-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1078-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 119 # DW_OP_breg7 .byte 0 # 0 .quad .Ltmp1078-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end31-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc228: .quad .Ltmp1077-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end31-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc229: .quad .Ltmp1078-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1093-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc230: .quad .Ltmp1078-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1093-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 95 # DW_OP_reg15 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc231: .quad .Ltmp1080-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1093-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc232: .quad .Ltmp1081-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1083-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 88 # DW_OP_reg8 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc233: .quad .Ltmp1083-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1086-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp1086-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1092-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc234: .quad .Lfunc_begin32-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1100-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp1100-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end32-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc235: .quad .Lfunc_begin32-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1101-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp1101-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end32-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc236: .quad .Lfunc_begin32-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1100-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp1100-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1102-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc237: .quad .Ltmp1102-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1104-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp1104-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1140-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc238: .quad .Ltmp1105-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1106-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad .Ltmp1115-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1131-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc239: .quad .Ltmp1105-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1106-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp1115-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1131-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc240: .quad .Ltmp1105-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1107-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp1107-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1108-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1108-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1140-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc241: .quad .Ltmp1105-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1106-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp1117-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1131-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc242: .quad .Ltmp1122-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1125-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1125-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1131-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 86 # DW_OP_reg6 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc243: .quad .Ltmp1126-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1127-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # super-register DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc244: .quad .Ltmp1131-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1132-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 5 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1132-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1136-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 10 # Loc expr size .byte 112 # DW_OP_breg0 .byte 0 # 0 .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 255 # 255 .byte 1 # .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 16 # DW_OP_constu .byte 1 # 1 .byte 26 # DW_OP_and .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc245: .quad .Ltmp1133-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1136-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 2 # Loc expr size .byte 48 # DW_OP_lit0 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad .Ltmp1136-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1140-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc246: .quad .Lfunc_begin33-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1142-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad .Ltmp1142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1180-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 94 # DW_OP_reg14 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc247: .quad .Lfunc_begin33-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1143-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .quad .Ltmp1143-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Lfunc_end33-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 4 # Loc expr size .byte 243 # DW_OP_GNU_entry_value .byte 1 # 1 .byte 84 # DW_OP_reg4 .byte 159 # DW_OP_stack_value .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc248: .quad .Lfunc_begin33-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1142-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 81 # DW_OP_reg1 .quad .Ltmp1142-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1144-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp1144-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1145-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 85 # DW_OP_reg5 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc249: .quad .Ltmp1145-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1149-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 80 # DW_OP_reg0 .quad .Ltmp1149-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1178-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 92 # DW_OP_reg12 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc250: .quad .Ltmp1146-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1151-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad .Ltmp1151-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1152-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp1152-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1179-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 83 # DW_OP_reg3 .quad 0 .quad 0 .Ldebug_loc251: .quad .Ltmp1150-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1153-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad .Ltmp1154-.Lfunc_begin0 .quad .Ltmp1178-.Lfunc_begin0 .short 1 # Loc expr size .byte 93 # DW_OP_reg13 .quad 0 .quad 0 .section .debug_abbrev,"",@progbits .byte 1 # Abbreviation Code .byte 17 # DW_TAG_compile_unit .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 37 # DW_AT_producer .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 19 # DW_AT_language .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 16 # DW_AT_stmt_list .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 27 # DW_AT_comp_dir .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 2 # Abbreviation Code .byte 4 # DW_TAG_enumeration_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 3 # Abbreviation Code .byte 40 # DW_TAG_enumerator .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 28 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 15 # DW_FORM_udata .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 4 # Abbreviation Code .byte 36 # DW_TAG_base_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 62 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 5 # Abbreviation Code .byte 4 # DW_TAG_enumeration_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 6 # Abbreviation Code .byte 15 # DW_TAG_pointer_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 7 # Abbreviation Code .byte 22 # DW_TAG_typedef .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 8 # Abbreviation Code .byte 15 # DW_TAG_pointer_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 9 # Abbreviation Code .byte 19 # DW_TAG_structure_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 10 # Abbreviation Code .byte 13 # DW_TAG_member .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 56 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 11 # Abbreviation Code .byte 21 # DW_TAG_subroutine_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 12 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 13 # Abbreviation Code .byte 19 # DW_TAG_structure_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 14 # Abbreviation Code .byte 22 # DW_TAG_typedef .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 15 # Abbreviation Code .byte 19 # DW_TAG_structure_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 16 # Abbreviation Code .byte 13 # DW_TAG_member .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 56 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 17 # Abbreviation Code .byte 21 # DW_TAG_subroutine_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 18 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 32 # DW_AT_inline .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 19 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 20 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 21 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 22 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 23 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 24 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 25 # Abbreviation Code .byte 11 # DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 85 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 26 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 27 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 52 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 28 # Abbreviation Code .byte 29 # DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 88 # DW_AT_call_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 89 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 87 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 29 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 30 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 31 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 32 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\211\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 33 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\211\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 34 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\212\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\221B" # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 35 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 36 # Abbreviation Code .byte 38 # DW_TAG_const_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 37 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 38 # Abbreviation Code .byte 38 # DW_TAG_const_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 39 # Abbreviation Code .byte 10 # DW_TAG_label .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 40 # Abbreviation Code .byte 11 # DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 41 # Abbreviation Code .byte 19 # DW_TAG_structure_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 42 # Abbreviation Code .byte 1 # DW_TAG_array_type .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 43 # Abbreviation Code .byte 33 # DW_TAG_subrange_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 55 # DW_AT_count .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 44 # Abbreviation Code .byte 36 # DW_TAG_base_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 11 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 62 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 45 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 46 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 47 # Abbreviation Code .byte 29 # DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 85 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 88 # DW_AT_call_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 89 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 87 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 48 # Abbreviation Code .byte 10 # DW_TAG_label .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 49 # Abbreviation Code .byte 29 # DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 88 # DW_AT_call_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 89 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 87 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 50 # Abbreviation Code .byte 11 # DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 51 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 52 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 53 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 54 # Abbreviation Code .byte 24 # DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 55 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 56 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 57 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 58 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 59 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 23 # DW_FORM_sec_offset .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 60 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 61 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 62 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 63 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 64 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 52 # DW_AT_artificial .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 65 # Abbreviation Code .byte 10 # DW_TAG_label .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 66 # Abbreviation Code .byte 52 # DW_TAG_variable .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 67 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\211\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .ascii "\223B" # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_target .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 68 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 69 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 32 # DW_AT_inline .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 70 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 71 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 72 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\211\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .ascii "\225B" # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 73 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 74 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 32 # DW_AT_inline .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 75 # Abbreviation Code .byte 5 # DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 76 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 60 # DW_AT_declaration .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 63 # DW_AT_external .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .ascii "\207\001" # DW_AT_noreturn .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 77 # Abbreviation Code .ascii "\211\202\001" # DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 49 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .ascii "\225B" # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 78 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 17 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 1 # DW_FORM_addr .byte 18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 6 # DW_FORM_data4 .byte 64 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 24 # DW_FORM_exprloc .ascii "\227B" # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 79 # Abbreviation Code .byte 46 # DW_TAG_subprogram .byte 1 # DW_CHILDREN_yes .byte 3 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_FORM_strp .byte 58 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 59 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 5 # DW_FORM_data2 .byte 39 # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 25 # DW_FORM_flag_present .byte 32 # DW_AT_inline .byte 11 # DW_FORM_data1 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 80 # Abbreviation Code .byte 33 # DW_TAG_subrange_type .byte 0 # DW_CHILDREN_no .byte 73 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 55 # DW_AT_count .byte 19 # DW_FORM_ref4 .byte 0 # EOM(1) .byte 0 # EOM(2) .byte 0 # EOM(3) .section .debug_info,"",@progbits .Lcu_begin0: .long .Ldebug_info_end0-.Ldebug_info_start0 # Length of Unit .Ldebug_info_start0: .short 4 # DWARF version number .long .debug_abbrev # Offset Into Abbrev. Section .byte 8 # Address Size (in bytes) .byte 1 # Abbrev [1] 0xb:0x3d5e DW_TAG_compile_unit .long .Linfo_string0 # DW_AT_producer .short 12 # DW_AT_language .long .Linfo_string1 # DW_AT_name .long .Lline_table_start0 # DW_AT_stmt_list .long .Linfo_string2 # DW_AT_comp_dir .quad .Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end33-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 2 # Abbrev [2] 0x2a:0x22a DW_TAG_enumeration_type .long 596 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string84 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 19 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x36:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string4 # DW_AT_name .byte 1 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x3c:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string5 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x42:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string6 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x48:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string7 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x4e:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string8 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x54:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string9 # DW_AT_name .byte 6 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x5a:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string10 # DW_AT_name .byte 7 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x60:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string11 # DW_AT_name .byte 8 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x66:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string12 # DW_AT_name .byte 9 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x6c:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string13 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x72:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string14 # DW_AT_name .byte 11 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x78:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string15 # DW_AT_name .byte 12 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x7e:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string16 # DW_AT_name .byte 13 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x84:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string17 # DW_AT_name .byte 15 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x8a:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string18 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x90:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string19 # DW_AT_name .byte 33 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x96:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string20 # DW_AT_name .byte 49 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x9c:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string21 # DW_AT_name .byte 50 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xa2:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string22 # DW_AT_name .byte 51 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xa8:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string23 # DW_AT_name .byte 52 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xae:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string24 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\201\002" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xb5:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string25 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\002" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xbc:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string26 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\203\002" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xc3:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string27 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xca:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string28 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\203\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xd1:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string29 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\204\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xd8:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string30 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\205\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xdf:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string31 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\206\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xe6:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string32 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\207\004" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xed:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string33 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xf4:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string34 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\206\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0xfb:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string35 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\212\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x102:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string36 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\213\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x109:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string37 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\214\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x110:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string38 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\215\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x117:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string39 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\216\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x11e:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string40 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\217\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x125:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string41 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\220\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x12c:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string42 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\223\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x133:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string43 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\224\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x13a:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string44 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\225\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x141:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string45 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\226\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x148:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string46 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\227\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x14f:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string47 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\230\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x156:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string48 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\231\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x15d:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string49 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\232\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x164:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string50 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\233\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x16b:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string51 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\234\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x172:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string52 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\235\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x179:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string53 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\236\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x180:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string54 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\237\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x187:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string55 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\240\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x18e:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string56 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\241\006" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x195:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string57 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\201\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x19c:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string58 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1a3:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string59 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\203\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1aa:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string60 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\204\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1b1:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string61 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\205\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1b8:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string62 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\206\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1bf:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string63 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\207\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1c6:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string64 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\210\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1cd:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string65 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\211\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1d4:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string66 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\212\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1db:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string67 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\213\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1e2:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string68 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\214\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1e9:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string69 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\215\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1f0:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string70 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\216\b" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1f7:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string71 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\200\f" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x1fe:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string72 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\201\f" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x205:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string73 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\200\016" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x20c:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string74 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\201\016" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x213:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string75 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\016" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x21a:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string76 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\203\016" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x221:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string77 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\204\016" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x228:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string78 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\200\020" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x22f:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string79 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\201\020" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x236:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string80 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\202\020" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x23d:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string81 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\203\020" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x244:0x7 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string82 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\243\037" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x24b:0x8 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string83 # DW_AT_name .ascii "\200\340\003" # DW_AT_const_value .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x254:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string3 # DW_AT_name .byte 7 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # Abbrev [5] 0x25b:0x38 DW_TAG_enumeration_type .long 596 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string92 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 732 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x268:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string85 # DW_AT_name .byte 0 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x26e:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string86 # DW_AT_name .byte 1 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x274:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string87 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x27a:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string88 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x280:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string89 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x286:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string90 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 3 # Abbrev [3] 0x28c:0x6 DW_TAG_enumerator .long .Linfo_string91 # DW_AT_name .byte 6 # DW_AT_const_value .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x293:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 664 # DW_AT_type .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x298:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 675 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string95 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 24 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x2a3:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 686 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string94 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 38 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x2ae:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string93 # DW_AT_name .byte 8 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 8 # Abbrev [8] 0x2b5:0x1 DW_TAG_pointer_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x2b6:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 699 # DW_AT_type .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x2bb:0x45 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string147 # DW_AT_name .byte 40 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 70 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x2c3:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string96 # DW_AT_name .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 71 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x2cf:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string97 # DW_AT_name .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 71 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x2db:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 72 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x2e7:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string101 # DW_AT_name .long 790 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 73 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 24 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x2f3:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 76 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 32 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x300:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 779 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string100 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x30b:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 596 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string99 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 42 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x316:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 795 # DW_AT_type .byte 11 # Abbrev [11] 0x31b:0x1b DW_TAG_subroutine_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x31c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x321:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x326:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x32b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x330:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1372 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x336:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 827 # DW_AT_type .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x33b:0x8d DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string145 # DW_AT_name .byte 104 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 85 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x343:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string102 # DW_AT_name .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 86 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x34f:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string111 # DW_AT_name .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 87 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 24 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x35b:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string113 # DW_AT_name .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 88 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 32 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x367:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string114 # DW_AT_name .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 90 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 40 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x373:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string130 # DW_AT_name .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 92 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 48 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x37f:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string136 # DW_AT_name .long 1335 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 94 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 56 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x38b:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string138 # DW_AT_name .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 95 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 64 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x397:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string139 # DW_AT_name .long 1335 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 97 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 72 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3a3:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string140 # DW_AT_name .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 98 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 80 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3af:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string141 # DW_AT_name .long 1350 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 100 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 88 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3bb:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string143 # DW_AT_name .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 102 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 96 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x3c8:0x39 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string110 # DW_AT_name .byte 24 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 6 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3d0:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string103 # DW_AT_name .long 1025 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3dc:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string107 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 17 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3e8:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string108 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 18 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 12 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x3f4:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string109 # DW_AT_name .long 1025 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 19 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x401:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1036 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string106 # DW_AT_name .byte 4 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x40c:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string105 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 45 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x417:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string104 # DW_AT_name .byte 7 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 8 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x41e:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1059 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x423:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string112 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x428:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1069 # DW_AT_type .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x42d:0x75 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string129 # DW_AT_name .byte 104 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 188 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x435:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string96 # DW_AT_name .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 189 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x441:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string97 # DW_AT_name .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 190 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x44d:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string115 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 191 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x459:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .long 42 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 192 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 20 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x465:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string116 # DW_AT_name .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 193 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 24 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x471:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string117 # DW_AT_name .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 194 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 48 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x47d:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .long 1186 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 195 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 72 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x489:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .long 664 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 196 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 88 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x495:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .long 1241 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 197 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 96 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x4a2:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1197 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string123 # DW_AT_name .byte 7 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 41 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x4ad:0x21 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string122 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 7 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 38 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x4b5:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string119 # DW_AT_name .long 659 # DW_AT_type .byte 7 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 39 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x4c1:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string120 # DW_AT_name .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 7 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 40 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x4ce:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string121 # DW_AT_name .byte 8 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 46 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x4d9:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1246 # DW_AT_type .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x4de:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1257 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string128 # DW_AT_name .byte 9 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x4e9:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1268 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string127 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 44 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x4f4:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string126 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 8 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x4fb:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1280 # DW_AT_type .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x500:0x2d DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string135 # DW_AT_name .byte 24 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 79 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x508:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 80 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x514:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string132 # DW_AT_name .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 81 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x520:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string134 # DW_AT_name .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 82 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x52d:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1330 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x532:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string133 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x537:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x53c:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1345 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x541:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string137 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x546:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1355 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x54b:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string142 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x550:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1365 # DW_AT_type .byte 14 # Abbrev [14] 0x555:0x7 DW_TAG_typedef .long .Linfo_string144 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 76 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x55c:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1186 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x561:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1382 # DW_AT_type .byte 15 # Abbrev [15] 0x566:0x65 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string156 # DW_AT_name .byte 56 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1008 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x56f:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1009 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x57c:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1010 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x589:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string149 # DW_AT_name .long 1483 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1011 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x596:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string151 # DW_AT_name .long 1493 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1012 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 24 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x5a3:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string153 # DW_AT_name .long 1503 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1014 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 32 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x5b0:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1015 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 40 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x5bd:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1017 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 48 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x5cb:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1488 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x5d0:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string150 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x5d5:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1498 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # Abbrev [13] 0x5da:0x5 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string152 # DW_AT_name # DW_AT_declaration .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x5df:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1508 # DW_AT_type .byte 17 # Abbrev [17] 0x5e4:0x10 DW_TAG_subroutine_type .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x5e9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x5ee:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x5f4:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string154 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x5fb:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1536 # DW_AT_type .byte 15 # Abbrev [15] 0x600:0x24 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string157 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1169 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x609:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1170 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x616:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1171 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x624:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1577 # DW_AT_type .byte 17 # Abbrev [17] 0x629:0xb DW_TAG_subroutine_type .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x62e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x634:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string158 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x63b:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1600 # DW_AT_type .byte 4 # Abbrev [4] 0x640:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string159 # DW_AT_name .byte 6 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 1 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x647:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string160 # DW_AT_name .byte 11 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 90 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x652:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1629 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string162 # DW_AT_name .byte 11 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 102 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x65d:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string161 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 73 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0x668:0x4a DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string163 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 975 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x675:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 975 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x681:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 976 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x68d:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string165 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 979 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x699:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string166 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 980 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x6a5:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string167 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 978 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 21 # Abbrev [21] 0x6b2:0x215 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end0-.Lfunc_begin0 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 86 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string293 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 135 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1064 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x6cb:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc0 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 136 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 23 # Abbrev [23] 0x6da:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 16 .long .Linfo_string117 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 136 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 23 # Abbrev [23] 0x6e8:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 40 .long .Linfo_string232 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 136 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x6f6:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc1 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 137 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x705:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc2 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 137 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x714:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc3 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string234 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 137 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x723:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc4 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 138 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 7213 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x732:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc5 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 138 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x741:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc6 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string323 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 140 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15527 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x750:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc7 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 141 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 659 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x75f:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc15 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string167 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 142 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x76e:0x8d DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges0 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 26 # Abbrev [26] 0x773:0x1e DW_TAG_variable .byte 18 # DW_AT_location .byte 147 .byte 24 .byte 145 .ascii "\240\177" .byte 147 .byte 24 .byte 145 .ascii "\200\177" .byte 147 .byte 24 .byte 147 .byte 17 .byte 145 .byte 72 .byte 147 .byte 7 .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 159 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1069 # DW_AT_type .byte 27 # Abbrev [27] 0x791:0xd DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc10 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string327 # DW_AT_name .long 1047 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_artificial .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x79e:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc8 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string326 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 160 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15549 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x7ad:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc9 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 161 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 28 # Abbrev [28] 0x7bc:0x3e DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 1640 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp41 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp62-.Ltmp41 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .byte 174 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 12 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x7d0:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc11 # DW_AT_location .long 1653 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0x7d9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1665 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x7de:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc12 # DW_AT_location .long 1677 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x7e7:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc13 # DW_AT_location .long 1689 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x7f0:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc14 # DW_AT_location .long 1701 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x7fb:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2247 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp9 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x808:0x22 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2312 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp15 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x815:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x81b:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\340~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x824:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x82a:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2361 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp19 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x837:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x83d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x843:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x84a:0x22 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2398 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp50 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x857:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 50 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x85c:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\340~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x865:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .byte 104 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x86c:0x23 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2436 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp57 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x879:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x87f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x885:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\350~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x88f:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2436 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp61 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x89c:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x8a2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x8a8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x8af:0x17 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp66 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x8bc:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\350~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x8c7:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string168 # DW_AT_name .byte 12 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1268 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x8d2:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x8d7:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x8dd:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 2274 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x8e2:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 2279 # DW_AT_type .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0x8e7:0x21 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string171 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 13 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x8ef:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string169 # DW_AT_name .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 28 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0x8fb:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string170 # DW_AT_name .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 13 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x908:0x21 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string172 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1161 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x914:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x919:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x91e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x923:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x929:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 2350 # DW_AT_type .byte 38 # Abbrev [38] 0x92e:0x1 DW_TAG_const_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x92f:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 2356 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x934:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 1600 # DW_AT_type .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x939:0x20 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string173 # DW_AT_name .byte 12 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1268 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x944:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x949:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x94e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2393 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x953:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x959:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 686 # DW_AT_type .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x95e:0x26 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string174 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 895 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x96a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x96f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x974:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x979:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x97e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x984:0x21 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string175 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 712 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x990:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x995:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x99a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x99f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x9a5:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string176 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 237 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x9b0:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x9b5:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0x9bb:0xc4 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string177 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 476 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x9c8:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 476 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x9d4:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 477 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x9e0:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string180 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 478 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2715 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x9ec:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string181 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 484 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x9f8:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string182 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 487 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa04:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string183 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 485 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa10:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string184 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 480 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa1c:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 481 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa28:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 483 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa34:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string187 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 486 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa40:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string188 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 482 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2687 # DW_AT_type .byte 39 # Abbrev [39] 0xa4c:0x8 DW_TAG_label .long .Linfo_string189 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 617 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0xa54:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa55:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string190 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 566 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2720 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0xa62:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa63:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string191 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 610 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2736 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0xa70:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xa71:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string194 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 614 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0xa7f:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 2698 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string179 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 35 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 41 # Abbrev [41] 0xa8a:0x11 DW_TAG_structure_type .byte 4 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 14 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 35 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0xa8e:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string178 # DW_AT_name .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 14 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 35 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0xa9b:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0xaa0:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 2725 # DW_AT_type .byte 17 # Abbrev [17] 0xaa5:0xb DW_TAG_subroutine_type .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xaaa:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 9 # Abbrev [9] 0xab0:0x15 DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string193 # DW_AT_name .byte 48 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 10 # Abbrev [10] 0xab8:0xc DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .long 2757 # DW_AT_type .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 42 # Abbrev [42] 0xac5:0xc DW_TAG_array_type .long 1600 # DW_AT_type .byte 43 # Abbrev [43] 0xaca:0x6 DW_TAG_subrange_type .long 2769 # DW_AT_type .byte 48 # DW_AT_count .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 44 # Abbrev [44] 0xad1:0x7 DW_TAG_base_type .long .Linfo_string192 # DW_AT_name .byte 8 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 7 # DW_AT_encoding .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0xad8:0x1a DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string195 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 471 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0xae5:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string196 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 471 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0xaf2:0x478 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin1 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end1-.Lfunc_begin1 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string294 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 623 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 822 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0xb0c:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc16 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 623 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0xb1c:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc17 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 624 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xb2c:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 626 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0xb38:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string188 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 627 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2687 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0xb44:0xcd DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 2491 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges1 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 629 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 11 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0xb51:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2504 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0xb56:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2516 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0xb5b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2528 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb60:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc18 # DW_AT_location .long 2540 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb69:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc19 # DW_AT_location .long 2552 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb72:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc21 # DW_AT_location .long 2564 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb7b:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc22 # DW_AT_location .long 2576 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb84:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc23 # DW_AT_location .long 2588 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb8d:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc24 # DW_AT_location .long 2600 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb96:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc25 # DW_AT_location .long 2612 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xb9f:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc28 # DW_AT_location .long 2624 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 48 # Abbrev [48] 0xba8:0xd DW_TAG_label .long 2636 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp143 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0xbb5:0x1f DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 2776 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp80 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp84-.Ltmp80 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 510 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 14 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0xbca:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc20 # DW_AT_location .long 2789 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0xbd4:0x17 DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp109 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp111-.Ltmp109 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xbe1:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc26 # DW_AT_location .long 2645 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0xbeb:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges2 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 51 # Abbrev [51] 0xbf0:0x8 DW_TAG_variable .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 48 .long 2659 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0xbf9:0x17 DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp123 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp126-.Ltmp123 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0xc06:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc27 # DW_AT_location .long 2673 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc11:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3946 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp72 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc1e:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3954 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp73 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc2b:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3971 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp74 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc38:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3993 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp78 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xc45:0x1b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4005 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp79 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xc52:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\355\003" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xc59:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc60:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3954 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp81 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc6d:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4033 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp82 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xc7a:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4045 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp84 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xc87:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xc8e:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3993 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp88 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xc9b:0x1b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4005 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp89 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xca8:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\300\003" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xcaf:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xcb6:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4069 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp91 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xcc3:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4086 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp95 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xcd0:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .byte 104 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xcd7:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4114 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp99 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xce4:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4126 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp100 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xcf1:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xcf6:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xcfd:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4154 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp104 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd0a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd10:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xd17:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4392 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp107 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd24:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd2a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xd31:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4501 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp111 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd3e:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xd45:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4520 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp112 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xd52:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4531 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp113 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xd5f:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4542 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp114 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd6c:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\201\020" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd73:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd78:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xd7f:0x1e DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4579 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp118 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd8c:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 50 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd91:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xd96:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xd9d:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4850 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp119 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xdaa:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xdb1:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4869 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp120 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xdbe:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xdc5:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4882 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp121 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xdd2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xdd9:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp122 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xde6:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xdec:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4912 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp124 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xdf9:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xdff:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe06:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp127 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe13:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe19:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp129 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe26:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe2b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xe31:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp131 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe3e:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp136 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe4b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe51:0x16 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp145 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe5e:0x8 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 4 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 32 .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe67:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp148 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe74:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xe7a:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp151 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe87:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp154 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xe94:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xe9a:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp156 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xea7:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xeac:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xeb2:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp158 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xebf:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp160 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xecc:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp162 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xed9:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xede:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xee4:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp164 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xef1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp169 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xefe:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp171 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xf0b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xf10:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xf16:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp173 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xf23:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5007 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp175 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xf30:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xf37:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp176 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0xf44:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp178 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xf51:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0xf56:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 50 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0xf5c:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp182 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 52 # Abbrev [52] 0xf6a:0x8 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string197 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 459 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0xf72:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string198 # DW_AT_name .byte 17 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 56 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xf7d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0xf83:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string199 # DW_AT_name .byte 18 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1595 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xf8e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xf93:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 53 # Abbrev [53] 0xf99:0xc DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string200 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 460 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 596 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0xfa5:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string201 # DW_AT_name .byte 19 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 454 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xfb1:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xfb6:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xfbb:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 53 # Abbrev [53] 0xfc1:0xc DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string202 # DW_AT_name .byte 20 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 318 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2351 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0xfcd:0x18 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string203 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1588 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1595 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xfd9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xfde:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 54 # Abbrev [54] 0xfe3:0x1 DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0xfe5:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string204 # DW_AT_name .byte 17 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 48 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0xff0:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0xff6:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string205 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 609 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1002:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1007:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x100c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 53 # Abbrev [53] 0x1012:0xc DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string206 # DW_AT_name .byte 21 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 640 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x101e:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string207 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 492 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x102a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x102f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1034:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 55 # Abbrev [55] 0x103a:0xee DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin16 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end16-.Lfunc_begin16 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string306 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 182 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x1053:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc146 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 182 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x1062:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc147 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 183 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x1071:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc148 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string339 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 186 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x1080:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc149 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 185 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x108f:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc150 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string247 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 185 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x109e:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc152 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string191 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 187 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x10ad:0x11 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges7 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 56 # Abbrev [56] 0x10b2:0xb DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string248 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 192 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x10be:0x15 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges8 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 24 # Abbrev [24] 0x10c3:0xf DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc151 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string132 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 215 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x10d3:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp694 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x10e0:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11255 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp698 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x10ed:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x10f4:0x1f DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10659 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp702 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1101:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1107:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 72 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x110c:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 1 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1113:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11278 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp708 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1120:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x1128:0x34 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string208 # DW_AT_name .byte 22 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1133:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1138:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x113d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4444 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1142:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1147:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x114c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4449 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1151:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1156:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4496 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x115c:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1161:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 4454 # DW_AT_type .byte 11 # Abbrev [11] 0x1166:0x20 DW_TAG_subroutine_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1167:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x116c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4486 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1171:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1176:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4496 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x117b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1180:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1186:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 4491 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x118b:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 686 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1190:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x1195:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string209 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 367 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x119d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11a2:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1572 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x11a8:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string210 # DW_AT_name .byte 23 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 32 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 596 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x11b3:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string211 # DW_AT_name .byte 20 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 208 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2351 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x11be:0x25 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string212 # DW_AT_name .byte 24 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 28 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1350 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11c9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11ce:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11d3:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11d8:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x11dd:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x11e3:0x10f DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin5 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end5-.Lfunc_begin5 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string298 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 712 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x11fd:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc43 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 712 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x120d:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc44 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 713 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x121d:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc45 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 714 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x122d:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc46 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string101 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 715 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 790 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x123d:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc47 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string288 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 721 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x124d:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp333 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x125a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1260:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp344 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x126d:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1273:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4126 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp347 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1280:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1286:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .byte 40 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x128d:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp362 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x129a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x129f:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 53 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x12a5:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp364 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12b2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12b8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x12bf:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp366 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12cc:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12d1:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 53 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x12d7:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp368 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12e4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x12ea:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x12f2:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string213 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 270 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x12fa:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x12ff:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 60 # Abbrev [60] 0x1305:0xd DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string214 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 68 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x130c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 60 # Abbrev [60] 0x1312:0xd DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string215 # DW_AT_name .byte 25 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 25 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1319:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x131f:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string216 # DW_AT_name .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 176 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x132a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x1330:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string217 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 368 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x133c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1341:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1346:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x134c:0x20 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string218 # DW_AT_name .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 47 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1357:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x135c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1361:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1366:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x136c:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string219 # DW_AT_name .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 46 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1377:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 54 # Abbrev [54] 0x137c:0x1 DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x137e:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string220 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 76 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2698 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1389:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x138f:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string221 # DW_AT_name .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 33 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1595 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x139a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x139f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 5029 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x13a5:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 2736 # DW_AT_type .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x13aa:0x29 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin2 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end2-.Lfunc_begin2 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string295 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 639 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 968 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x13c4:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 639 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15564 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x13d3:0x200 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin3 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end3-.Lfunc_begin3 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string296 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 647 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x13ed:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc29 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 647 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x13fd:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc30 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string181 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 650 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1595 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x140d:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc32 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 649 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x141d:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc33 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string187 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 651 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x142d:0x1f DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 2776 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp202 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp207-.Ltmp202 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 673 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 3 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1442:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc31 # DW_AT_location .long 2789 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x144c:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp190 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1459:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4126 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp192 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1466:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x146b:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1472:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4114 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp196 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x147f:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3954 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp197 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x148c:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3971 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp198 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1499:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 3954 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp203 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x14a6:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4033 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp204 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x14b3:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4045 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp206 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x14c0:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x14c7:0x26 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4392 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp209 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x14d4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x14da:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x14e0:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x14e6:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x14ed:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5587 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp213 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x14fa:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5598 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp216 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1507:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp217 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1514:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5620 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp220 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1521:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1527:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x152d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1534:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5672 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp224 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1541:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4850 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp225 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x154e:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1555:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp227 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1562:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1568:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp229 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1575:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x157a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 50 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1580:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp234 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x158d:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp236 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x159a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x15a0:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp239 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x15ad:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp244 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x15ba:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x15bf:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 51 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x15c5:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp246 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x15d3:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string222 # DW_AT_name .byte 20 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 68 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x15de:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string223 # DW_AT_name .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 21 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2351 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x15e9:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string224 # DW_AT_name .byte 20 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 77 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x15f4:0x34 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string225 # DW_AT_name .byte 28 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 26 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x15ff:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1604:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1609:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x160e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1613:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1618:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4449 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x161d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1622:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4496 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 60 # Abbrev [60] 0x1628:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string226 # DW_AT_name .byte 24 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 32 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x162f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1350 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1634:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x163a:0x2b2 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin4 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end4-.Lfunc_begin4 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 86 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string297 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 385 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1650:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc34 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 385 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1660:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc35 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string329 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 386 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 9405 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1670:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc36 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string330 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 386 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1680:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc37 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 387 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 4496 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1690:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc38 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 387 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x16a0:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc39 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 388 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 63 # Abbrev [63] 0x16b0:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .ascii "\240\177" .long .Linfo_string328 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 392 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2736 # DW_AT_type .byte 63 # Abbrev [63] 0x16c0:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .ascii "\260~" .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 393 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1069 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x16d0:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc40 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 390 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 64 # Abbrev [64] 0x16e0:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string327 # DW_AT_name .long 1047 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_artificial .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x16e9:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc41 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string326 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 394 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15574 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x16f9:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc42 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 395 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 65 # Abbrev [65] 0x1709:0x10 DW_TAG_label .long .Linfo_string331 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 438 # DW_AT_decl_line .quad .Ltmp261 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1719:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp254 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1726:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 89 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x172e:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp260 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x173b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1741:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp265 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x174e:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1754:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6408 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp268 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1761:0x28 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6426 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp293 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x176e:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1774:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x177a:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\310~" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1781:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\304~" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1789:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp294 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1796:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x179c:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6464 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp297 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x17a9:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x17af:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x17b6:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp299 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x17c3:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x17c9:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp301 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x17d6:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x17db:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x17e1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp303 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x17ee:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp305 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x17fb:0x24 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6496 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp307 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1808:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\240~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1811:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1817:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\260~" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x181f:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp311 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x182c:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1831:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1837:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp313 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1844:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp315 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1851:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1858:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp317 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1865:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x186a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1870:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp319 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x187d:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp321 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x188a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1891:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp323 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x189e:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x18a3:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x18a9:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp325 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x18b6:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5007 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp328 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x18c3:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\240\177" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x18cb:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp329 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x18d8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x18de:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x18e4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x18ec:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string227 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 780 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x18f8:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x18fd:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1902:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x1908:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string228 # DW_AT_name .byte 21 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 353 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1914:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 60 # Abbrev [60] 0x191a:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string229 # DW_AT_name .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1921:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6454 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1926:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6459 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x192b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6459 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1930:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4486 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1936:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x193b:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x1940:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string230 # DW_AT_name .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x194b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6486 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x1950:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6486 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1956:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 6491 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x195b:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x1960:0x199 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin30 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end30-.Lfunc_begin30 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 86 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string319 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1357 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1976:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc206 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1357 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1986:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc207 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1358 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1996:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc208 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1359 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x19a6:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc209 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string341 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1361 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x19b6:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc211 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1362 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x19c6:0x64 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 14175 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp981 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp999-.Ltmp981 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1365 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 14 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x19db:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc212 # DW_AT_location .long 14188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x19e4:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc213 # DW_AT_location .long 14200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x19ed:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc214 # DW_AT_location .long 14212 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 66 # Abbrev [66] 0x19f6:0x5 DW_TAG_variable .long 14224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x19fb:0x2e DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp985 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp999-.Ltmp985 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x1a08:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc215 # DW_AT_location .long 14237 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x1a11:0x17 DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp991 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp993-.Ltmp991 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x1a1e:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc216 # DW_AT_location .long 14250 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x1a2a:0x3e DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges10 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 63 # Abbrev [63] 0x1a2f:0xf DW_TAG_variable .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 64 .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1377 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2279 # DW_AT_type .byte 64 # Abbrev [64] 0x1a3e:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string327 # DW_AT_name .long 1047 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_artificial .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1a47:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc210 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1378 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15705 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1a57:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc217 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1379 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x1a68:0x1e DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp1022 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp1024-.Ltmp1022 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1a75:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc218 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string290 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1406 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1a86:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 14265 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp967 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1a93:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1a99:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1a9f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1aa6:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6408 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp993 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 67 # Abbrev [67] 0x1ab3:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_target .byte 93 .quad .Ltmp998 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1abe:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ac4:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .asciz "\310" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1acc:0x1f DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8492 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1016 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ad9:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ade:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ae4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 64 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1aeb:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6408 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1024 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 68 # Abbrev [68] 0x1af9:0xc6 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin6 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end6-.Lfunc_begin6 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string299 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 762 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1b0f:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc48 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 762 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1b1f:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc49 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 762 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1b2f:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc50 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 763 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1b3f:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc51 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string288 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 765 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1b4f:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc52 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string97 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 765 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1b5f:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp376 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1b6c:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1b72:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1b79:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp383 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1b86:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1b8c:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp407 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1b99:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1b9e:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 53 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1ba4:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp409 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1bb1:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1bb7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 69 # Abbrev [69] 0x1bbf:0x6e DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string231 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 890 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1bcc:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 890 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1bd8:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string232 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 891 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1be4:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 891 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1bf0:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 892 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1bfc:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string234 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 892 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1c08:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 893 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 7213 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1c14:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 893 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x1c20:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 895 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1c2d:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 7218 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x1c32:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 70 # Abbrev [70] 0x1c37:0xc5 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin7 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end7-.Lfunc_begin7 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long 8047 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c4a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc53 # DW_AT_location .long 8060 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x1c53:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\340" .long 8072 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c5c:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc54 # DW_AT_location .long 8084 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c65:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc55 # DW_AT_location .long 8096 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 51 # Abbrev [51] 0x1c6e:0x8 DW_TAG_variable .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 48 .long 8108 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x1c76:0x55 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 7103 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp417 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp423-.Ltmp417 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 793 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c8b:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc56 # DW_AT_location .long 7116 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c94:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc57 # DW_AT_location .long 7140 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1c9d:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc58 # DW_AT_location .long 7152 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1ca6:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc59 # DW_AT_location .long 7164 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1caf:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc60 # DW_AT_location .long 7176 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1cb8:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc61 # DW_AT_location .long 7188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x1cc1:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc62 # DW_AT_location .long 7200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1ccb:0x23 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 7420 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp419 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1cd8:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1cdd:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ce2:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ce7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1cee:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp422 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x1cfc:0x1d2 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin10 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end10-.Lfunc_begin10 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 86 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string300 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 830 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d16:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc84 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 830 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x1d26:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 16 .long .Linfo_string117 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 831 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x1d35:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 40 .long .Linfo_string232 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 831 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d44:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc85 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 832 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d54:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc86 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 833 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d64:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc87 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string234 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 833 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d74:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc88 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 834 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 7213 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x1d84:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc89 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 834 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 63 # Abbrev [63] 0x1d94:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .ascii "\220\177" .long .Linfo_string332 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 837 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15589 # DW_AT_type .byte 64 # Abbrev [64] 0x1da4:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string327 # DW_AT_name .long 1047 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_artificial .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1dad:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc90 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string333 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 838 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15601 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x1dbd:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc91 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 836 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1dcd:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8453 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp457 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1dda:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8470 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp462 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1de7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ded:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 40 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1df4:0x3b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8492 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp464 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e01:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e07:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\200\177" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e10:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e16:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\370~" .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e1f:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\214\177" .byte 148 .byte 4 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e28:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1e2f:0x1e DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8813 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp466 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e3c:0x9 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 5 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\214\177" .byte 148 .byte 4 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e45:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .ascii "\220\177" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1e4d:0x26 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8841 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp471 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e5a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e60:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e66:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e6c:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1e73:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8878 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp475 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1e80:0x26 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8841 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp476 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e8d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e93:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e99:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1e9f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x1ea6:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8886 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp478 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1eb3:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8894 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp485 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ec0:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1ec6:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 70 # Abbrev [70] 0x1ece:0xa1 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin8 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end8-.Lfunc_begin8 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long 7103 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1ee1:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc63 # DW_AT_location .long 7116 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x1eea:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\300" .long 7128 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1ef3:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc64 # DW_AT_location .long 7140 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1efc:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc65 # DW_AT_location .long 7152 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1f05:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc66 # DW_AT_location .long 7164 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1f0e:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc67 # DW_AT_location .long 7176 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1f17:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc68 # DW_AT_location .long 7188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x1f20:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc69 # DW_AT_location .long 7200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x1f29:0x38 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 7420 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp428 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f36:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f3d:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 84 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f44:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 81 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f4b:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 82 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f52:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 88 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x1f59:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 89 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 72 # Abbrev [72] 0x1f61:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp432 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 69 # Abbrev [69] 0x1f6f:0x4a DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string235 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 782 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1f7c:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 782 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1f88:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string236 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 783 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1f94:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 783 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x1fa0:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string119 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 784 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 8121 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x1fac:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 786 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2279 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x1fb9:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 8126 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x1fbe:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 1186 # DW_AT_type .byte 70 # Abbrev [70] 0x1fc3:0x12c DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin9 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end9-.Lfunc_begin9 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long 9319 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1fd6:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc70 # DW_AT_location .long 9332 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x1fdf:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\360" .long 9344 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1fe8:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc71 # DW_AT_location .long 9356 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1ff1:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc72 # DW_AT_location .long 9368 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x1ffa:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc73 # DW_AT_location .long 9380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2003:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc76 # DW_AT_location .long 9392 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x200c:0x8a DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 8047 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp438 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp447-.Ltmp438 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 801 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2021:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc75 # DW_AT_location .long 8060 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x202a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc74 # DW_AT_location .long 8084 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0x2033:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 8096 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 51 # Abbrev [51] 0x2038:0x8 DW_TAG_variable .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 56 .long 8108 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x2040:0x55 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 7103 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp439 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp447-.Ltmp439 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 793 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2055:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc82 # DW_AT_location .long 7116 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x205e:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc81 # DW_AT_location .long 7140 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2067:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc80 # DW_AT_location .long 7152 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2070:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc79 # DW_AT_location .long 7164 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2079:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc78 # DW_AT_location .long 7176 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2082:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc77 # DW_AT_location .long 7188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x208b:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc83 # DW_AT_location .long 7200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2096:0x1c DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8431 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp438 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20a3:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 82 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20aa:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 81 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x20b2:0x2f DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 7420 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp443 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20bf:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20c4:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20c9:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20ce:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20d4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x20da:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 56 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x20e1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp446 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x20ef:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string237 # DW_AT_name .byte 7 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 116 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1197 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x20fa:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x20ff:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x2105:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string238 # DW_AT_name .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 49 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2110:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6486 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x2116:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string239 # DW_AT_name .byte 15 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 32 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2121:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6486 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2126:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6486 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x212c:0x141 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin11 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end11-.Lfunc_begin11 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string301 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 804 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2146:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc92 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 804 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x2156:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\360" .long .Linfo_string117 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 805 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x2166:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .ascii "\210\001" .long .Linfo_string232 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 805 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2176:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc93 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 806 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2186:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc94 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string233 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 807 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2196:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc95 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string234 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 807 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x21a6:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc96 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string125 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 808 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 7213 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x21b6:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc97 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string124 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 808 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x21c6:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc98 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 810 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x21d6:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc102 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string182 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 811 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0x21e6:0x34 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 8926 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges3 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 819 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 7 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x21f3:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc99 # DW_AT_location .long 8939 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x21fc:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc100 # DW_AT_location .long 8951 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2205:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc101 # DW_AT_location .long 8963 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x220e:0xb DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges4 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 66 # Abbrev [66] 0x2213:0x5 DW_TAG_variable .long 8976 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x221a:0x38 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 1714 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp492 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2227:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x222e:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 84 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2235:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 81 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x223c:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 82 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2243:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 88 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x224a:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 89 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2252:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp496 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x225f:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 9008 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp514 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 60 # Abbrev [60] 0x226d:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string240 # DW_AT_name .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 27 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2274:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2393 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2279:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x227e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2283:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x2289:0x25 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string241 # DW_AT_name .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 40 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2294:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2299:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x229e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22a3:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 7213 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22a8:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 52 # Abbrev [52] 0x22ae:0x8 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string242 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1004 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 52 # Abbrev [52] 0x22b6:0x8 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string243 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1005 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x22be:0x20 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string244 # DW_AT_name .byte 31 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 34 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22c9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22ce:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22d3:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2269 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x22d8:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0x22de:0x40 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string245 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 347 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x22eb:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 347 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x22f7:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 349 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x2303:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string247 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 349 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0x230f:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x2310:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string248 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 354 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x231e:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string249 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1071 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1047 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x232a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x2330:0x27 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string250 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 304 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2338:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x233d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2342:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 9047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2347:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x234c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2351:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x2357:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 9052 # DW_AT_type .byte 11 # Abbrev [11] 0x235c:0x11 DW_TAG_subroutine_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x235d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2362:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2367:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 68 # Abbrev [68] 0x236d:0xcf DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin12 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end12-.Lfunc_begin12 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string302 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 932 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2383:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc103 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 932 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2393:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc104 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 933 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x23a3:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc105 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 933 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x23b3:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc106 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string253 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 933 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 63 # Abbrev [63] 0x23c3:0xf DW_TAG_variable .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 8 .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 935 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15616 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x23d2:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc107 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 939 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x23e2:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 9276 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp532 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x23ef:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 8 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x23f6:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp536 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2403:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2409:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp540 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2416:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x241b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2421:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp542 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x242e:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp545 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x243c:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string251 # DW_AT_name .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 45 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2447:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 9298 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x244c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x2452:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 9303 # DW_AT_type .byte 17 # Abbrev [17] 0x2457:0x10 DW_TAG_subroutine_type .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x245c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2461:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 69 # Abbrev [69] 0x2467:0x56 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string252 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 796 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2687 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2474:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 796 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2480:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string236 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 797 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x248c:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 797 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2498:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 798 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 9405 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x24a4:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string253 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 798 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x24b0:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string254 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 800 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1186 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x24bd:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 9410 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x24c2:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 664 # DW_AT_type .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x24c7:0x248 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin13 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end13-.Lfunc_begin13 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string303 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 912 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x24e1:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc108 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string103 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 912 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15678 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x24f1:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc109 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 912 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2501:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc110 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 914 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15700 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2511:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc125 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string188 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 915 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2687 # DW_AT_type .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x2521:0xd7 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 9319 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp561 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp569-.Ltmp561 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 922 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 11 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2536:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc114 # DW_AT_location .long 9332 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x253f:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\320" .long 9344 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2548:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc113 # DW_AT_location .long 9356 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2551:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc112 # DW_AT_location .long 9368 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x255a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc111 # DW_AT_location .long 9380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2563:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc117 # DW_AT_location .long 9392 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x256c:0x8b DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 8047 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp562 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp569-.Ltmp562 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 801 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2581:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc116 # DW_AT_location .long 8060 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x258a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc115 # DW_AT_location .long 8084 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 30 # Abbrev [30] 0x2593:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 8096 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 51 # Abbrev [51] 0x2598:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\360" .long 8108 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x25a1:0x55 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 7103 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp563 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp569-.Ltmp563 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 793 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25b6:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc123 # DW_AT_location .long 7116 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25bf:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc122 # DW_AT_location .long 7140 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25c8:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc121 # DW_AT_location .long 7152 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25d1:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc120 # DW_AT_location .long 7164 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25da:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc119 # DW_AT_location .long 7176 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x25e3:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc118 # DW_AT_location .long 7188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x25ec:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc124 # DW_AT_location .long 7200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x25f8:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4114 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp549 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2605:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp552 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2612:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2618:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp554 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2625:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x262a:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2630:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp556 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x263d:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp558 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x264a:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 9999 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp560 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2657:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x265d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 56 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2664:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8431 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp562 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2671:0x30 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 7420 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp566 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x267e:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2683:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2688:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x268d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2693:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2699:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .asciz "\360" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x26a1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp569 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x26ae:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp576 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x26bb:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x26c1:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp578 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x26ce:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x26d3:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 51 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x26d9:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp580 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x26e6:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10016 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp583 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x26f3:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x26fa:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp584 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2707:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x270f:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string255 # DW_AT_name .byte 23 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 33 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 968 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x271a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x2720:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string256 # DW_AT_name .byte 14 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 108 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2351 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x272b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2698 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x2731:0x1f1 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin14 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end14-.Lfunc_begin14 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string304 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1023 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1340 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x274b:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc126 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1024 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x275b:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc127 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1024 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x276b:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc128 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1025 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x277b:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc129 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string153 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1026 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1503 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x278b:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc130 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1027 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x279b:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc131 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1030 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1377 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x27ab:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc132 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1029 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x27bb:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc133 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string337 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1031 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x27cb:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc135 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string182 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1032 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x27db:0x1e DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp612 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp618-.Ltmp612 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x27e8:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc134 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string191 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1074 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1335 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x27f9:0x21 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10530 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp588 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2806:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .byte 56 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x280c:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2812:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x281a:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10568 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp594 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2827:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x282e:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10587 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp596 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x283b:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2842:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp599 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x284f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2856:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5587 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp601 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2863:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10637 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp604 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2870:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2877:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp607 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2884:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x288b:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp609 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2898:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10659 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp614 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28a5:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28ab:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 56 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x28b1:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp616 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28be:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x28c5:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10697 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp622 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28d2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x28d9:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4154 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp623 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28e6:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x28ec:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x28f3:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10733 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp625 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2900:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2907:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10752 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp626 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2914:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x291a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2922:0x26 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string257 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1039 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1340 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x292e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2933:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2938:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x293d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2942:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x2948:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string258 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1266 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2950:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2955:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x295b:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string259 # DW_AT_name .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 49 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1483 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2966:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x296b:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2971:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string260 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1168 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x297d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2982:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2987:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x298d:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string261 # DW_AT_name .byte 31 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 38 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1493 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2998:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x299d:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x29a3:0x26 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string262 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1283 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29af:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29b4:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29b9:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29be:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 596 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29c3:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x29c9:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string263 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1009 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29d1:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29d6:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 10716 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x29dc:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 10721 # DW_AT_type .byte 11 # Abbrev [11] 0x29e1:0xc DW_TAG_subroutine_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29e2:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29e7:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 603 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x29ed:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string264 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1183 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29f5:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x29fa:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2a00:0x17 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string265 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1224 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1340 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2a0c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2a11:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 74 # Abbrev [74] 0x2a17:0x46 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string266 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 243 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 75 # Abbrev [75] 0x2a23:0xb DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 243 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 75 # Abbrev [75] 0x2a2e:0xb DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 244 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 56 # Abbrev [56] 0x2a39:0xb DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 246 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 56 # Abbrev [56] 0x2a44:0xb DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string247 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 246 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0x2a4f:0xd DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 56 # Abbrev [56] 0x2a50:0xb DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string248 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 251 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1275 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x2a5d:0x17b DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin15 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end15-.Lfunc_begin15 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string305 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1097 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2a73:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc136 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1097 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2a83:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc137 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string338 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1098 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 603 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2a93:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc138 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1100 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1377 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2aa3:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc139 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1102 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2ab3:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc144 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string182 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1104 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2ac3:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc145 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1103 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0x2ad3:0x3d DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 10775 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges5 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1111 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 7 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2ae0:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc140 # DW_AT_location .long 10787 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2ae9:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc141 # DW_AT_location .long 10798 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2af2:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc142 # DW_AT_location .long 10809 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2afb:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc143 # DW_AT_location .long 10820 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x2b04:0xb DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges6 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 66 # Abbrev [66] 0x2b09:0x5 DW_TAG_variable .long 10832 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2b10:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp635 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b1d:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2b25:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp636 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2b32:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10697 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp639 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b3f:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b44:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2b4b:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp642 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2b58:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp646 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2b65:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp649 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2b72:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 9008 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp666 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b7f:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b84:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2b8a:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp687 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2b97:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2b9d:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp689 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2baa:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2baf:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2bb5:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp691 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2bc2:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\214\002" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2bca:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11242 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp692 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2bd8:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string267 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 850 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2be4:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 76 # Abbrev [76] 0x2bea:0xd DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string268 # DW_AT_name .byte 32 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 54 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external # DW_AT_noreturn .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2bf1:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2bf7:0x17 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string269 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 281 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1325 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2c03:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2c08:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x2c0e:0x17 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string270 # DW_AT_name .byte 10 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 427 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2c1a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2c1f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2345 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 70 # Abbrev [70] 0x2c25:0xab DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin17 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end17-.Lfunc_begin17 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long 11909 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2c38:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc153 # DW_AT_location .long 11922 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2c41:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc154 # DW_AT_location .long 11934 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2c4a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc155 # DW_AT_location .long 11946 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2c53:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc156 # DW_AT_location .long 11958 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2c5c:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc157 # DW_AT_location .long 11970 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2c65:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp735 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2c72:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2c7a:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp736 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2c87:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11472 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp739 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2c94:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2c9a:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 12 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2ca1:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11494 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp741 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2cae:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2cb5:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11278 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp748 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2cc2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2cc8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x2cd0:0x16 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string271 # DW_AT_name .byte 33 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2cdb:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2ce0:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 4496 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x2ce6:0xe DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string272 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1349 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2cee:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x2cf4:0x10d DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin18 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end18-.Lfunc_begin18 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string307 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1178 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1340 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2d0e:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc158 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1178 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2d1e:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc159 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1179 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2d2e:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc160 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string329 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1180 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2d3e:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc161 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1181 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2d4e:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc162 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1184 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1531 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2d5e:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc163 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1183 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2d6e:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc164 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string340 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1183 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2d7e:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10530 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp756 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2d8b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 64 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2d90:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 8 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2d96:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2d9e:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10033 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp762 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2dab:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2db1:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2db8:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp764 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2dc5:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2dcc:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10752 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp766 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2dd9:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2ddf:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2de6:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11777 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp770 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2df3:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2df9:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x2e01:0x18 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string273 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 792 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2e09:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2e0e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 11801 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2e13:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x2e19:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 11806 # DW_AT_type .byte 11 # Abbrev [11] 0x2e1e:0x7 DW_TAG_subroutine_type # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x2e1f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x2e25:0x60 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin19 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end19-.Lfunc_begin19 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string308 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1202 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2e3f:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc165 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1202 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2e4f:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc166 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1203 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2e5f:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc167 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1205 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1531 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2e6f:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp778 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2e7c:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 84 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 69 # Abbrev [69] 0x2e85:0x4a DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string274 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1152 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2e92:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1152 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2e9e:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1152 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x2eaa:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string276 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1153 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 11983 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x2eb6:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string277 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1157 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x2ec2:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1155 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1377 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x2ecf:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x2ed4:0x175 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin20 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end20-.Lfunc_begin20 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string309 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1215 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x2eea:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc168 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string340 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1215 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2efa:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc169 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1217 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x2f0a:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc173 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1219 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1531 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x2f1a:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1221 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0x2f26:0x3b DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 11909 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges9 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1223 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2f33:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc170 # DW_AT_location .long 11922 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2f3c:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc172 # DW_AT_location .long 11934 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x2f45:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc171 # DW_AT_location .long 11946 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2f4e:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc174 # DW_AT_location .long 11958 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x2f57:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc175 # DW_AT_location .long 11970 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2f61:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12361 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp788 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2f6e:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2f76:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp789 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2f83:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp791 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2f90:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp792 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2f9d:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp794 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2faa:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x2fb1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp795 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2fbe:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11472 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp798 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2fcb:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2fd1:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 12 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2fd8:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11494 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp800 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2fe5:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x2fec:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11278 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp805 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2ff9:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x2fff:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3006:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp809 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3013:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x301a:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12379 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp810 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3027:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x302d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3034:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12407 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp812 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3041:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x3049:0x12 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string279 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 815 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 693 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3055:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x305b:0x1c DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string280 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1140 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3067:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x306c:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3071:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 57 # Abbrev [57] 0x3077:0x13 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string281 # DW_AT_name .byte 2 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1100 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x307f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3084:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x308a:0xc1 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin21 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end21-.Lfunc_begin21 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string310 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1231 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x30a4:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc176 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1231 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x30b4:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc177 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string164 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1231 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1360 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x30c4:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc178 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string276 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1232 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 11983 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x30d4:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc179 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string277 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1236 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x30e4:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc180 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1234 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1531 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x30f4:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp818 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3101:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3109:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp819 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3116:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11472 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp822 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3123:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3129:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 12 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3130:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11278 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp830 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x313d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3143:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x314b:0xd9 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin22 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end22-.Lfunc_begin22 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string311 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1416 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3165:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc181 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string329 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1416 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3175:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc182 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1418 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3185:0x1b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12836 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp838 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3192:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\204\007" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3199:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 32 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x31a0:0x2a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12869 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp839 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31ad:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31b2:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31b7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31bd:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31c3:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x31ca:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11777 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp843 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31d7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x31de:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp847 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31eb:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x31f1:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp850 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x31fe:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3203:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3209:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp852 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3216:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp854 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 37 # Abbrev [37] 0x3224:0x21 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string282 # DW_AT_name .byte 16 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 781 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3230:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3235:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x323a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 2351 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x323f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x3245:0x34 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string283 # DW_AT_name .byte 34 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 29 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1340 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3250:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3255:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x325a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x325f:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 6454 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3264:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1047 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3269:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1268 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x326e:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1572 # DW_AT_type .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3273:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x3279:0x9b DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin23 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end23-.Lfunc_begin23 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string312 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1433 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3293:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc183 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1433 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x32a3:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc184 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1435 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x32b3:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 13076 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp856 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x32c0:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp858 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x32cd:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 77 # Abbrev [77] 0x32d3:0x1b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12836 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp861 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x32e0:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\204\007" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x32e7:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 32 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x32ee:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp862 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x32fb:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3300:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 58 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3306:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp868 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 58 # Abbrev [58] 0x3314:0xb DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string284 # DW_AT_name .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 44 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x331f:0x16e DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin24 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end24-.Lfunc_begin24 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string313 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1444 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3335:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc185 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1444 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3345:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc186 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string329 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1446 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3355:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc187 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string188 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1448 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2687 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3365:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12361 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp871 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3372:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 85 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x337a:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp872 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3387:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 13453 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp874 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3394:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x339b:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp878 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33a8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x33af:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp879 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33bc:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x33c2:0x1b DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12836 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp881 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33cf:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .ascii "\204\007" .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33d6:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 32 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x33dd:0x2a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12869 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp882 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33ea:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33ef:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33f4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x33fa:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3400:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 77 # Abbrev [77] 0x3407:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11777 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp889 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3414:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x341b:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp890 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3428:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x342e:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp895 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x343b:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3440:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3446:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10016 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp897 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3453:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x345a:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp898 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3467:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp900 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3474:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3479:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 72 # Abbrev [72] 0x347f:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp905 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x348d:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string285 # DW_AT_name .byte 34 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 37 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 2698 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x3498:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x349e:0x61 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin25 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end25-.Lfunc_begin25 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string314 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1467 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x34b8:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc188 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1467 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x34c8:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc189 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string103 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1467 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 15678 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x34d8:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string186 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1469 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 72 # Abbrev [72] 0x34e4:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 13567 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp909 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 72 # Abbrev [72] 0x34f1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 13076 # DW_AT_abstract_origin # DW_AT_GNU_tail_call .quad .Ltmp910 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 35 # Abbrev [35] 0x34ff:0x11 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string286 # DW_AT_name .byte 30 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 43 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_declaration # DW_AT_external .byte 12 # Abbrev [12] 0x350a:0x5 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x3510:0x29 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin26 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end26-.Lfunc_begin26 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string315 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1480 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1054 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x352a:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1481 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 45 # Abbrev [45] 0x3539:0x29 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin27 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end27-.Lfunc_begin27 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string316 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1486 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1350 # DW_AT_type # DW_AT_external .byte 61 # Abbrev [61] 0x3553:0xe DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1486 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x3562:0x6e DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin28 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end28-.Lfunc_begin28 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string317 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 444 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x357c:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc190 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 444 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x358c:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc191 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 446 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x359c:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10697 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp922 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x35a9:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x35af:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10697 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp933 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x35bc:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x35c2:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp938 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 78 # Abbrev [78] 0x35d0:0x18f DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin29 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end29-.Lfunc_begin29 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string318 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 120 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x35e5:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc192 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 120 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x35f4:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc193 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 121 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x3603:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc194 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 122 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 768 # DW_AT_type .byte 23 # Abbrev [23] 0x3612:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .ascii "\300\001" .long .Linfo_string117 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 123 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 968 # DW_AT_type .byte 22 # Abbrev [22] 0x3621:0xf DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc195 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string119 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 124 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1372 # DW_AT_type .byte 26 # Abbrev [26] 0x3630:0xf DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\350" .long .Linfo_string328 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 126 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 2736 # DW_AT_type .byte 28 # Abbrev [28] 0x363f:0x96 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 8047 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp945 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp953-.Ltmp945 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .byte 132 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 2 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3653:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc198 # DW_AT_location .long 8060 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x365c:0x8 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 2 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .byte 48 .long 8072 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3664:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc197 # DW_AT_location .long 8084 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x366d:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc196 # DW_AT_location .long 8096 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 51 # Abbrev [51] 0x3676:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .byte 3 # DW_AT_location .byte 145 .asciz "\320" .long 8108 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x367f:0x55 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 7103 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp949 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp953-.Ltmp949 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 793 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 9 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3694:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc199 # DW_AT_location .long 7116 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x369d:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc200 # DW_AT_location .long 7140 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x36a6:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc201 # DW_AT_location .long 7152 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x36af:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc202 # DW_AT_location .long 7164 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x36b8:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc203 # DW_AT_location .long 7176 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x36c1:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc204 # DW_AT_location .long 7188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x36ca:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc205 # DW_AT_location .long 7200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x36d5:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp943 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x36e2:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x36e8:0x2f DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 7420 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp950 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x36f5:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 89 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x36fa:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 88 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x36ff:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3704:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 51 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3709:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x370f:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .asciz "\320" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3717:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp953 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3724:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp958 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3731:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3736:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x373c:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 5007 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp960 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3749:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .asciz "\350" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3751:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp961 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0x375f:0x5a DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string287 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1275 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x376c:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1275 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x3778:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1276 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x3784:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string288 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1278 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x3790:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string97 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1278 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 694 # DW_AT_type .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0x379c:0x1c DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x379d:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string289 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1281 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0x37a9:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x37aa:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string290 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1292 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 73 # Abbrev [73] 0x37b9:0x255 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin31 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end31-.Lfunc_begin31 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string320 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1307 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x37d3:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc219 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1307 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x37e3:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc220 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1308 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x37f3:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc221 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1309 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3803:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc224 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1311 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1230 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0x3813:0x26 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 14862 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges11 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1313 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 7 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3820:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc222 # DW_AT_location .long 14875 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x3829:0xf DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges12 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x382e:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc223 # DW_AT_location .long 14888 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x3839:0x98 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges13 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x383e:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc225 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1319 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x384e:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc226 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1320 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1377 # DW_AT_type .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x385e:0x72 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 14902 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1074 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp1099-.Ltmp1074 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1344 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 4 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 71 # Abbrev [71] 0x3873:0x7 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 83 .long 14911 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x387a:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc227 # DW_AT_location .long 14923 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x3883:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc228 # DW_AT_location .long 14935 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 49 # Abbrev [49] 0x388c:0x43 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 1640 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1078 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp1092-.Ltmp1078 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 1145 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 15 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x38a1:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc230 # DW_AT_location .long 1653 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x38aa:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc229 # DW_AT_location .long 1665 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x38b3:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc231 # DW_AT_location .long 1677 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x38bc:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc232 # DW_AT_location .long 1689 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x38c5:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc233 # DW_AT_location .long 1701 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x38d1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 8990 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1032 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x38de:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10659 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1035 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x38eb:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x38f1:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 56 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x38f7:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1053 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3904:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x390b:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1054 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3918:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x391e:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 67 # Abbrev [67] 0x3925:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_target .byte 80 .quad .Ltmp1057 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3930:0x8 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 4 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 145 .byte 0 .byte 148 .byte 8 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3939:0x13 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4895 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1069 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3946:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x394c:0x18 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4940 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1071 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3959:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 48 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x395e:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 49 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3964:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 4972 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1073 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3971:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 11224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1075 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x397e:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3985:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1076 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3992:0x1f DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2398 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1083 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x399f:0x5 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 50 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39a4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39aa:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 16 .byte 104 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x39b1:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2436 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1087 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39be:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x39c5:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2436 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1091 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39d2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39d8:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x39df:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 10609 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1095 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39ec:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x39f2:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 118 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x39f9:0x14 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 12407 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1098 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3a06:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 18 # Abbrev [18] 0x3a0e:0x28 DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string291 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1247 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x3a1b:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1247 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 40 # Abbrev [40] 0x3a27:0xe DW_TAG_lexical_block .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x3a28:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string191 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1255 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1335 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 79 # Abbrev [79] 0x3a36:0x2e DW_TAG_subprogram .long .Linfo_string292 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1139 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 1 # DW_AT_inline .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x3a3f:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string275 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1139 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1340 # DW_AT_type .byte 19 # Abbrev [19] 0x3a4b:0xc DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1140 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x3a57:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string278 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 1142 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1377 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x3a64:0x16b DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin32 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end32-.Lfunc_begin32 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string321 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 295 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3a7a:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc234 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 295 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3a8a:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc235 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string132 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 296 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3a9a:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc236 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 297 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3aaa:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc237 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 299 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x3aba:0x98 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges16 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3abf:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc240 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 303 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3acf:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc244 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string341 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 304 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 47 # Abbrev [47] 0x3adf:0x54 DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine .long 14175 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .long .Ldebug_ranges14 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 5 # DW_AT_call_file .short 308 # DW_AT_call_line .byte 14 # DW_AT_call_column .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3aec:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc238 # DW_AT_location .long 14188 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 29 # Abbrev [29] 0x3af5:0x9 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc239 # DW_AT_location .long 14200 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x3afe:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc241 # DW_AT_location .long 14212 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 66 # Abbrev [66] 0x3b07:0x5 DW_TAG_variable .long 14224 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x3b0c:0x26 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges15 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x3b11:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc242 # DW_AT_location .long 14237 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x3b1a:0x17 DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp1125 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp1127-.Ltmp1125 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 31 # Abbrev [31] 0x3b27:0x9 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc243 # DW_AT_location .long 14250 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 50 # Abbrev [50] 0x3b33:0x1e DW_TAG_lexical_block .quad .Ltmp1133 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Ltmp1140-.Ltmp1133 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3b40:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc245 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string246 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 315 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 664 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3b52:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1102 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3b5f:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 81 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 67 # Abbrev [67] 0x3b67:0x19 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .byte 1 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_target .byte 83 .quad .Ltmp1106 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3b72:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3b78:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 82 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .asciz "\310" .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3b80:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1107 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3b8d:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3b93:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3b9a:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6408 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1127 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3ba7:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 14265 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1132 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3bb4:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 125 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3bba:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 32 # Abbrev [32] 0x3bc1:0xd DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6408 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1137 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 62 # Abbrev [62] 0x3bcf:0xd8 DW_TAG_subprogram .quad .Lfunc_begin33 # DW_AT_low_pc .long .Lfunc_end33-.Lfunc_begin33 # DW_AT_high_pc .byte 1 # DW_AT_frame_base .byte 87 # DW_AT_GNU_all_call_sites .long .Linfo_string322 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 326 # DW_AT_decl_line # DW_AT_prototyped .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3be5:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc246 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string131 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 326 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1054 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3bf5:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc247 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string132 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 327 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1325 # DW_AT_type .byte 46 # Abbrev [46] 0x3c05:0x10 DW_TAG_formal_parameter .long .Ldebug_loc248 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string146 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 328 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 693 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3c15:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc249 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string185 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 330 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3c25:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc250 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string155 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 332 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 59 # Abbrev [59] 0x3c35:0x10 DW_TAG_variable .long .Ldebug_loc251 # DW_AT_location .long .Linfo_string97 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 332 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1064 # DW_AT_type .byte 25 # Abbrev [25] 0x3c45:0x12 DW_TAG_lexical_block .long .Ldebug_ranges17 # DW_AT_ranges .byte 20 # Abbrev [20] 0x3c4a:0xc DW_TAG_variable .long .Linfo_string341 # DW_AT_name .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 335 # DW_AT_decl_line .long 1524 # DW_AT_type .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3c57:0x15 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 6380 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1145 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c64:0x7 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 3 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 243 .byte 1 .byte 81 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3c6c:0x1a DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 2469 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1151 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c79:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 127 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c7f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 33 # Abbrev [33] 0x3c86:0x20 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site .long 14265 # DW_AT_abstract_origin .quad .Ltmp1155 # DW_AT_low_pc .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c93:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 81 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 115 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c99:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 84 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 126 .byte 0 .byte 34 # Abbrev [34] 0x3c9f:0x6 DW_TAG_GNU_call_site_parameter .byte 1 # DW_AT_location .byte 85 .byte 2 # DW_AT_GNU_call_site_value .byte 124 .byte 0 .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x3ca7:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 15538 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string325 # DW_AT_name .byte 35 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 77 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 7 # Abbrev [7] 0x3cb2:0xb DW_TAG_typedef .long 1268 # DW_AT_type .long .Linfo_string324 # DW_AT_name .byte 3 # DW_AT_decl_file .byte 194 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 42 # Abbrev [42] 0x3cbd:0xf DW_TAG_array_type .long 1246 # DW_AT_type .byte 80 # Abbrev [80] 0x3cc2:0x9 DW_TAG_subrange_type .long 2769 # DW_AT_type .long 1937 # DW_AT_count .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 6 # Abbrev [6] 0x3ccc:0x5 DW_TAG_pointer_type .long 15569 # DW_AT_type .byte 36 # Abbrev [36] 0x3cd1:0x5 DW_TAG_const_type .long 827 # DW_AT_type .byte 42 # Abbrev [42] 0x3cd6:0xf DW_TAG_array_type .long 1246 # DW_AT_type .byte 80 # Abbrev [80] 0x3cdb:0x9 DW_TAG_subrange_type .long 2769 # DW_AT_type .long 5856 # DW_AT_count .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 42 # Abbrev [42] 0x3ce5:0xc DW_TAG_array_type .long 664 # DW_AT_type .byte 43 # Abbrev [43] 0x3cea:0x6 DW_TAG_subrange_type .long 2769 # DW_AT_type .byte 52 # DW_AT_count .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 42 # Abbrev [42] 0x3cf1:0xf DW_TAG_array_type .long 2279 # DW_AT_type .byte 80 # Abbrev [80] 0x3cf6:0x9 DW_TAG_subrange_type .long 2769 # DW_AT_type .long 7588 # DW_AT_count .byte 0 # End Of Children Mark .byte 15 # Abbrev [15] 0x3d00:0x3e DW_TAG_structure_type .long .Linfo_string334 # DW_AT_name .byte 32 # DW_AT_byte_size .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 905 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x3d09:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string148 # DW_AT_name .long 822 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 906 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 0 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x3d16:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string98 # DW_AT_name .long 1588 # DW_AT_type .byte 5 # DW_AT_decl_file .short 907 # DW_AT_decl_line .byte 8 # DW_AT_data_member_location .byte 16 # Abbrev [16] 0x3d23:0xd DW_TAG_member .long .Linfo_string118 # DW_AT_name .long 2345 # 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string offset=3034 .Linfo_string197: .asciz "sec_init" # string offset=3039 .Linfo_string198: .asciz "_talloc_tos" # string offset=3048 .Linfo_string199: .asciz "lock_path" # string offset=3060 .Linfo_string200: .asciz "sec_initial_uid" # string offset=3070 .Linfo_string201: .asciz "directory_create_or_exist_strict" # string offset=3086 .Linfo_string202: .asciz "lp_private_dir" # string offset=3119 .Linfo_string203: .asciz "talloc_asprintf" # string offset=3134 .Linfo_string204: .asciz "_talloc_stackframe" # string offset=3150 .Linfo_string205: .asciz "_talloc_zero" # string offset=3169 .Linfo_string206: .asciz "getpid" # string offset=3182 .Linfo_string207: .asciz "talloc_named_const" # string offset=3189 .Linfo_string208: .asciz "messaging_dgm_ref" # string offset=3208 .Linfo_string209: .asciz "_talloc_set_destructor" # string offset=3226 .Linfo_string210: .asciz "get_my_vnn" # string offset=3249 .Linfo_string211: .asciz "lp_lock_directory" # string offset=3260 .Linfo_string212: .asciz "server_id_db_init" # string offset=3278 .Linfo_string213: .asciz "register_msg_pool_usage" # string offset=3296 .Linfo_string214: .asciz "register_dmalloc_msgs" # string offset=3320 .Linfo_string215: .asciz "debug_register_msgs" # string offset=3342 .Linfo_string216: .asciz "debuglevel_get_class" # string offset=3362 .Linfo_string217: .asciz "_talloc_steal_loc" # string offset=3383 .Linfo_string218: .asciz "dbghdrclass" # string offset=3401 .Linfo_string219: .asciz "dbgtext" # string offset=3413 .Linfo_string220: .asciz "map_nt_error_from_unix" # string offset=3421 .Linfo_string221: .asciz "server_id_str_buf" # string offset=3444 .Linfo_string222: .asciz "lp_clustering" # string offset=3462 .Linfo_string223: .asciz "lp_ctdbd_socket" # string offset=3476 .Linfo_string224: .asciz "lp_ctdb_timeout" # string offset=3492 .Linfo_string225: .asciz "messaging_ctdb_ref" # string offset=3508 .Linfo_string226: .asciz "server_id_db_reinit" # string offset=3527 .Linfo_string227: .asciz "_talloc_get_type_abort" # string offset=3547 .Linfo_string228: .asciz "close" # string offset=3570 .Linfo_string229: .asciz "message_hdr_get" # string offset=3576 .Linfo_string230: .asciz "server_id_same_process" # string offset=3592 .Linfo_string231: .asciz "messaging_send_iov" # string offset=3615 .Linfo_string232: .asciz "dst" # string offset=3634 .Linfo_string233: .asciz "iov" # string offset=3638 .Linfo_string234: .asciz "iovlen" # string offset=3642 .Linfo_string235: .asciz "messaging_send" # string offset=3649 .Linfo_string236: .asciz "server" # string offset=3664 .Linfo_string237: .asciz "data_blob_const" # string offset=3671 .Linfo_string238: .asciz "server_id_is_disconnected" # string offset=3687 .Linfo_string239: .asciz "server_id_equal" # string offset=3713 .Linfo_string240: .asciz "message_hdr_put" # string offset=3729 .Linfo_string241: .asciz "messaging_dgm_send" # string offset=3745 .Linfo_string242: .asciz "become_root" # string offset=3764 .Linfo_string243: .asciz "unbecome_root" # string offset=3776 .Linfo_string244: .asciz "messaging_ctdb_send" # string offset=3790 .Linfo_string245: .asciz "messaging_alert_event_contexts" # string offset=3810 .Linfo_string246: .asciz "i" # string offset=3841 .Linfo_string247: .asciz "num_event_contexts" # string offset=3843 .Linfo_string248: .asciz "reg" # string offset=3862 .Linfo_string249: .asciz "talloc_get_size" # string offset=3866 .Linfo_string250: .asciz "_tevent_schedule_immediate" # string offset=3882 .Linfo_string251: .asciz "messaging_dgm_forall" # string offset=3909 .Linfo_string252: .asciz "messaging_send_buf" # string offset=3930 .Linfo_string253: .asciz "len" # string offset=3949 .Linfo_string254: .asciz "blob" # string offset=3953 .Linfo_string255: .asciz "pid_to_procid" # string offset=3958 .Linfo_string256: .asciz "nt_errstr" # string offset=3972 .Linfo_string257: .asciz "_tevent_req_create" # string offset=3982 .Linfo_string258: .asciz "tevent_req_defer_callback" # string offset=4001 .Linfo_string259: .asciz "messaging_dgm_register_tevent_context" # string offset=4027 .Linfo_string260: .asciz "_tevent_req_nomem" # string offset=4065 .Linfo_string261: .asciz "messaging_ctdb_register_tevent_context" # string offset=4083 .Linfo_string262: .asciz "_talloc_realloc_array" # string offset=4122 .Linfo_string263: .asciz "tevent_req_set_cleanup_fn" # string offset=4144 .Linfo_string264: .asciz "_tevent_req_oom" # string offset=4170 .Linfo_string265: .asciz "tevent_req_post" # string offset=4186 .Linfo_string266: .asciz "messaging_deregister_event_context" # string offset=4202 .Linfo_string267: .asciz "_tevent_req_data" # string offset=4237 .Linfo_string268: .asciz "smb_panic" # string offset=4254 .Linfo_string269: .asciz "_tevent_create_immediate" # string offset=4264 .Linfo_string270: .asciz "_talloc_move" # string offset=4289 .Linfo_string271: .asciz "tevent_req_is_unix_error" # string offset=4302 .Linfo_string272: .asciz "tevent_req_received" # string offset=4327 .Linfo_string273: .asciz "tevent_req_set_callback" # string offset=4347 .Linfo_string274: .asciz "messaging_filtered_read_recv" # string offset=4371 .Linfo_string275: .asciz "req" # string offset=4400 .Linfo_string276: .asciz "presult" # string offset=4404 .Linfo_string277: .asciz "err" # string offset=4412 .Linfo_string278: .asciz "state" # string offset=4416 .Linfo_string279: .asciz "_tevent_req_callback_data" # string offset=4422 .Linfo_string280: .asciz "_tevent_req_error" # string offset=4448 .Linfo_string281: .asciz "_tevent_req_done" # string offset=4466 .Linfo_string282: .asciz "lp_parm_int" # string offset=4483 .Linfo_string283: .asciz "background_job_send" # string offset=4495 .Linfo_string284: .asciz "messaging_dgm_wipe" # string offset=4515 .Linfo_string285: .asciz "background_job_recv" # string offset=4534 .Linfo_string286: .asciz "messaging_dgm_cleanup" # string offset=4554 .Linfo_string287: .asciz "messaging_dispatch_classic" # string offset=4576 .Linfo_string288: .asciz "cb" # string offset=4603 .Linfo_string289: .asciz "j" # string offset=4606 .Linfo_string290: .asciz "fd" # string offset=4608 .Linfo_string291: .asciz "messaging_append_new_waiters" # string offset=4611 .Linfo_string292: .asciz "messaging_filtered_read_done" # string offset=4640 .Linfo_string293: .asciz "messaging_rec_create" # string offset=4669 .Linfo_string294: .asciz "messaging_init" # string offset=4690 .Linfo_string295: .asciz "messaging_server_id" # string offset=4705 .Linfo_string296: .asciz "messaging_reinit" # string offset=4725 .Linfo_string297: .asciz "messaging_recv_cb" # string offset=4742 .Linfo_string298: .asciz "messaging_register" # string offset=4760 .Linfo_string299: .asciz "messaging_deregister" # string offset=4779 .Linfo_string300: .asciz "messaging_send_iov_from" # string offset=4800 .Linfo_string301: .asciz "messaging_post_self" # string offset=4824 .Linfo_string302: .asciz "messaging_send_all" # string offset=4844 .Linfo_string303: .asciz "send_all_fn" # string offset=4863 .Linfo_string304: .asciz "messaging_filtered_read_send" # string offset=4875 .Linfo_string305: .asciz "messaging_filtered_read_cleanup" # string offset=4904 .Linfo_string306: .asciz "messaging_register_event_context" # string offset=4936 .Linfo_string307: .asciz "messaging_read_send" # string offset=4969 .Linfo_string308: .asciz "messaging_read_filter" # string offset=4989 .Linfo_string309: .asciz "messaging_read_done" # string offset=5011 .Linfo_string310: .asciz "messaging_read_recv" # string offset=5031 .Linfo_string311: .asciz "messaging_parent_dgm_cleanup_init" # string offset=5051 .Linfo_string312: .asciz "mess_parent_dgm_cleanup" # string offset=5085 .Linfo_string313: .asciz "mess_parent_dgm_cleanup_done" # string offset=5109 .Linfo_string314: .asciz "messaging_cleanup" # string offset=5138 .Linfo_string315: .asciz "messaging_tevent_context" # string offset=5156 .Linfo_string316: .asciz "messaging_names_db" # string offset=5181 .Linfo_string317: .asciz "messaging_context_destructor" # string offset=5200 .Linfo_string318: .asciz "ping_message" # string offset=5229 .Linfo_string319: .asciz "messaging_dispatch_rec" # string offset=5242 .Linfo_string320: .asciz "messaging_dispatch_waiters" # string offset=5265 .Linfo_string321: .asciz "messaging_post_main_event_context" # string offset=5292 .Linfo_string322: .asciz "messaging_post_sub_event_context" # string offset=5326 .Linfo_string323: .asciz "buflen" # string offset=5359 .Linfo_string324: .asciz "__ssize_t" # string offset=5366 .Linfo_string325: .asciz "ssize_t" # string offset=5376 .Linfo_string326: .asciz "fds64" # string offset=5384 .Linfo_string327: .asciz "__vla_expr0" # string offset=5390 .Linfo_string328: .asciz "idbuf" # string offset=5402 .Linfo_string329: .asciz "msg" # string offset=5408 .Linfo_string330: .asciz "msg_len" # string offset=5412 .Linfo_string331: .asciz "close_fail" # string offset=5420 .Linfo_string332: .asciz "hdr" # string offset=5431 .Linfo_string333: .asciz "iov2" # string offset=5435 .Linfo_string334: .asciz "send_all_state" # string offset=5440 .Linfo_string335: .asciz "__pid_t" # string offset=5455 .Linfo_string336: .asciz "pid_t" # string offset=5463 .Linfo_string337: .asciz "new_waiters_len" # string offset=5469 .Linfo_string338: .asciz "req_state" # string offset=5485 .Linfo_string339: .asciz "free_reg" # string offset=5495 .Linfo_string340: .asciz "subreq" # string offset=5504 .Linfo_string341: .asciz "consumed" # string offset=5511 .ident "clang version 11.0.0" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .section .debug_line,"",@progbits .Lline_table_start0: