declare -x ABI="amd64" declare -x ABI_MIPS="" declare -x ABI_PPC="" declare -x ABI_RISCV="" declare -x ABI_S390="" declare -x ABI_X86="64" declare -x ADA_TARGET="" declare -a ALL_AUTOTOOLS_MACROS=([0]="AC_PROG_LIBTOOL" [1]="AM_PROG_LIBTOOL" [2]="LT_INIT" [3]="LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR" [4]="AC_CONFIG_HEADERS" [5]="AC_CONFIG_HEADER" [6]="AM_CONFIG_HEADERS" [7]="AM_CONFIG_HEADER" [8]="AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS" [9]="AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR" [10]="AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR" [11]="AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE" [12]="AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" [13]="AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION" [14]="AM_GNU_GETTEXT_REQUIRE_VERSION" [15]="AC_PROG_INTLTOOL" [16]="IT_PROG_INTLTOOL" [17]="GTK_DOC_CHECK" [18]="GNOME_DOC_INIT") declare -x ALSA_CARDS="" declare -x ANT_HOME="/usr/share/ant" declare -x APACHE2_MODULES="" declare -x APACHE2_MPMS="" declare -x ARCH="amd64" declare -- AT_M4DIR="" declare -- AT_SYS_M4DIR="" declare -- AUTOTOOLS_AUTO_DEPEND="yes" declare -- AUTOTOOLS_DEPEND="|| ( >=sys-devel/automake-1.16.1:1.16 >=sys-devel/automake-1.15.1:1.15 ) >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.69 >=sys-devel/libtool-2.4" declare -x AWS_ELB_HOME="/opt/aws-elb-tools" declare BDEPEND=" sys-devel/autoconf-archive sys-devel/gettext virtual/pkgconfig >=app-portage/elt-patches-20170815 || ( >=sys-devel/automake-1.16.1:1.16 >=sys-devel/automake-1.15.1:1.15 ) >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.69 >=sys-devel/libtool-2.4 virtual/pkgconfig virtual/pkgconfig" declare -x BOOTSTRAP_USE="unicode internal-glib pkg-config split-usr python_targets_python3_7 python_targets_python2_7 multilib" declare -x CALLIGRA_FEATURES="" declare -x CAMERAS="" declare -x CARGO_TERM_COLOR="never" declare -x CATKIN_PREFIX_PATH="/usr" declare -x CBUILD="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -Wformat -Werror=format-security" declare -x CFLAGS_amd64="-m64" declare -x CFLAGS_default declare -x CFLAGS_x32="-mx32" declare -x CFLAGS_x86="-m32" declare -x CHOST="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CHOST_amd64="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CHOST_default="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CHOST_x32="x86_64-pc-linux-gnux32" declare -x CHOST_x86="i686-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x COLLECTD_PLUGINS="" declare -x CPU_FLAGS_ARM="" declare -x CPU_FLAGS_PPC="" declare -x CPU_FLAGS_X86="" declare -x CTARGET_default="x86_64-pc-linux-gnu" declare -x CURL_SSL="" declare -x CXXFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color -Wformat -Werror=format-security" declare -x DEFAULT_ABI="amd64" declare -x DEFINED_PHASES=" compile configure install postinst prepare setup test" declare DEPEND=" gphoto2? ( >=media-libs/libgphoto2-[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_canon_pp? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dc210? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dc240? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dell1600n_net? ( >=media-libs/tiff-3.9.7-r1:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_escl? ( || ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] net-dns/avahi[gtk] net-dns/avahi[gtk2] ) net-dns/avahi[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] net-misc/curl[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_hpsj5s? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_mustek_pp? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_pixma? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp:0= ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0= ) usb? ( >=virtual/libusb-1-r1:1=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) v4l? ( >=media-libs/libv4l-0.9.5[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd ) zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.31-r2[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) dev-libs/libxml2 v4l? ( sys-kernel/linux-headers ) " declare DESCRIPTION="Scanner Access Now Easy - Backends" declare -x DIROPTIONS="-m0755" declare -x EAPI="7" declare -x EGO_BUILD_FLAGS="-p 1" declare -x ELIBC="glibc" declare -x ENLIGHTENMENT_MODULES="" declare -x ENV_UNSET="CARGO_HOME DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS DISPLAY GOBIN GOPATH PERL5LIB PERL5OPT PERLPREFIX PERL_CORE PERL_MB_OPT PERL_MM_OPT XAUTHORITY XDG_CACHE_HOME XDG_CONFIG_HOME XDG_DATA_HOME XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" declare -- EPOCHREALTIME="1603176768.344166" declare -- EPOCHSECONDS="1603176768" declare -x EXEOPTIONS="-m0755" declare -x FCFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color" declare -x FETCHCOMMAND_SSH="bash -c \"x=\\\${2#ssh://} ; host=\\\${x%%/*} ; port=\\\${host##*:} ; host=\\\${host%:*} ; [[ \\\${host} = \\\${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\\\"ssh \\\${port:+-p\\\${port}} \\\${3}\\\" -avP \\\"\\\${host}:/\\\${x#*/}\\\" \\\"\\\$1\\\"\" rsync \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\" \"\${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}\"" declare -x FFLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native -fno-diagnostics-color" declare -x FFTOOLS="" declare -- GBACKEND="xerox_mfp" declare -x GCC_COLORS="" declare -x GCC_SPECS="" declare -x GO19CONCURRENTCOMPILATION="0" declare -x GOMAXPROCS="1" declare -x GPSD_PROTOCOLS="" declare -x GRUB_PLATFORMS="" declare HOMEPAGE="" declare -x INHERITED=" toolchain-funcs multilib libtool autotools edos2unix l10n wrapper eutils flag-o-matic multibuild multilib-build multilib-minimal optfeature systemd udev user-info user" declare -x INPUT_DEVICES="" declare -x INSOPTIONS="-m0644" declare IUSE="gphoto2 ipv6 snmp systemd threads usb v4l xinetd +zeroconf +sane_backends_abaton +sane_backends_agfafocus +sane_backends_apple +sane_backends_artec +sane_backends_artec_eplus48u +sane_backends_as6e +sane_backends_avision +sane_backends_bh +sane_backends_canon +sane_backends_canon630u +sane_backends_canon_dr sane_backends_canon_pp +sane_backends_cardscan +sane_backends_coolscan +sane_backends_coolscan2 +sane_backends_coolscan3 +sane_backends_dc210 +sane_backends_dc240 +sane_backends_dc25 +sane_backends_dell1600n_net +sane_backends_dmc +sane_backends_epjitsu +sane_backends_epson +sane_backends_epson2 +sane_backends_escl +sane_backends_fujitsu +sane_backends_genesys +sane_backends_gt68xx +sane_backends_hp +sane_backends_hp3500 +sane_backends_hp3900 +sane_backends_hp4200 +sane_backends_hp5400 +sane_backends_hp5590 +sane_backends_hpljm1005 sane_backends_hpsj5s +sane_backends_hs2p +sane_backends_ibm +sane_backends_kodak +sane_backends_kodakaio +sane_backends_kvs1025 +sane_backends_kvs20xx sane_backends_kvs40xx +sane_backends_leo +sane_backends_lexmark +sane_backends_ma1509 +sane_backends_magicolor +sane_backends_matsushita +sane_backends_microtek +sane_backends_microtek2 +sane_backends_mustek sane_backends_mustek_pp +sane_backends_mustek_usb sane_backends_mustek_usb2 +sane_backends_nec +sane_backends_net +sane_backends_niash +sane_backends_p5 +sane_backends_pie +sane_backends_pixma +sane_backends_plustek +sane_backends_plustek_pp sane_backends_pnm +sane_backends_qcam +sane_backends_ricoh +sane_backends_ricoh2 +sane_backends_rts8891 +sane_backends_s9036 +sane_backends_sceptre +sane_backends_sharp +sane_backends_sm3600 +sane_backends_sm3840 +sane_backends_snapscan +sane_backends_sp15c +sane_backends_st400 +sane_backends_stv680 +sane_backends_tamarack +sane_backends_teco1 +sane_backends_teco2 +sane_backends_teco3 +sane_backends_test +sane_backends_u12 +sane_backends_umax +sane_backends_umax1220u +sane_backends_umax_pp +sane_backends_xerox_mfp abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 abi_x86_x32 abi_mips_n32 abi_mips_n64 abi_mips_o32 abi_s390_32 abi_s390_64" declare -x IUSE_EFFECTIVE="abi_mips_n32 abi_mips_n64 abi_mips_o32 abi_s390_32 abi_s390_64 abi_x86_32 abi_x86_64 abi_x86_x32 alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 elibc_AIX elibc_Cygwin elibc_Darwin elibc_DragonFly elibc_FreeBSD elibc_HPUX elibc_Interix elibc_NetBSD elibc_OpenBSD elibc_SunOS elibc_Winnt elibc_bionic elibc_glibc elibc_mingw elibc_mintlib elibc_musl elibc_uclibc gphoto2 hppa ia64 ipv6 kernel_AIX kernel_Darwin kernel_FreeBSD kernel_HPUX kernel_NetBSD kernel_OpenBSD kernel_SunOS kernel_Winnt kernel_freemint kernel_linux m68k m68k-mint mips ppc ppc-aix ppc-macos ppc64 ppc64-linux prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack riscv s390 sane_backends_abaton sane_backends_agfafocus sane_backends_apple sane_backends_artec sane_backends_artec_eplus48u sane_backends_as6e sane_backends_avision sane_backends_bh sane_backends_canon sane_backends_canon630u sane_backends_canon_dr sane_backends_canon_pp sane_backends_cardscan sane_backends_coolscan sane_backends_coolscan2 sane_backends_coolscan3 sane_backends_dc210 sane_backends_dc240 sane_backends_dc25 sane_backends_dell1600n_net sane_backends_dmc sane_backends_epjitsu sane_backends_epson sane_backends_epson2 sane_backends_escl sane_backends_fujitsu sane_backends_genesys sane_backends_gt68xx sane_backends_hp sane_backends_hp3500 sane_backends_hp3900 sane_backends_hp4200 sane_backends_hp5400 sane_backends_hp5590 sane_backends_hpljm1005 sane_backends_hpsj5s sane_backends_hs2p sane_backends_ibm sane_backends_kodak sane_backends_kodakaio sane_backends_kvs1025 sane_backends_kvs20xx sane_backends_kvs40xx sane_backends_leo sane_backends_lexmark sane_backends_ma1509 sane_backends_magicolor sane_backends_matsushita sane_backends_microtek sane_backends_microtek2 sane_backends_mustek sane_backends_mustek_pp sane_backends_mustek_usb sane_backends_mustek_usb2 sane_backends_nec sane_backends_net sane_backends_niash sane_backends_p5 sane_backends_pie sane_backends_pixma sane_backends_plustek sane_backends_plustek_pp sane_backends_pnm sane_backends_qcam sane_backends_ricoh sane_backends_ricoh2 sane_backends_rts8891 sane_backends_s9036 sane_backends_sceptre sane_backends_sharp sane_backends_sm3600 sane_backends_sm3840 sane_backends_snapscan sane_backends_sp15c sane_backends_st400 sane_backends_stv680 sane_backends_tamarack sane_backends_teco1 sane_backends_teco2 sane_backends_teco3 sane_backends_test sane_backends_u12 sane_backends_umax sane_backends_umax1220u sane_backends_umax_pp sane_backends_xerox_mfp snmp sparc sparc-solaris sparc64-solaris systemd threads usb userland_BSD userland_GNU v4l x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-cygwin x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-macos x86-solaris x86-winnt xinetd zeroconf" declare -x IUSE_IMPLICIT="abi_x86_64 prefix prefix-guest prefix-stack" declare -- IUSE_SANE_BACKENDS=" abaton agfafocus apple artec artec_eplus48u as6e avision bh canon canon630u canon_dr canon_pp cardscan coolscan coolscan2 coolscan3 dc210 dc240 dc25 dell1600n_net dmc epjitsu epson epson2 escl fujitsu genesys gt68xx hp hp3500 hp3900 hp4200 hp5400 hp5590 hpljm1005 hpsj5s hs2p ibm kodak kodakaio kvs1025 kvs20xx kvs40xx leo lexmark ma1509 magicolor matsushita microtek microtek2 mustek mustek_pp mustek_usb mustek_usb2 nec net niash p5 pie pixma plustek plustek_pp pnm qcam ricoh ricoh2 rts8891 s9036 sceptre sharp sm3600 sm3840 snapscan sp15c st400 stv680 tamarack teco1 teco2 teco3 test u12 umax umax1220u umax_pp xerox_mfp" declare -x JAVAC="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm/bin/javac" declare -x JAVA_HOME="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm" declare -x JDK_HOME="/etc/java-config-2/current-system-vm" declare -x KERNEL="linux" declare -x KERNEL_ABI="amd64" declare -x KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux" declare -x L10N="" declare -x LADSPA_PATH="/usr/lib64/ladspa" declare -x LANG="en_US.UTF-8" declare -x LCD_DEVICES="" declare -x LC_COLLATE="C" declare -x LC_MESSAGES="C" declare -x LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1 -Wl,--as-needed -Wl,--defsym=__gentoo_check_ldflags__=0" declare -x LDFLAGS_amd64="-m elf_x86_64" declare -x LDFLAGS_default declare -x LDFLAGS_x32="-m elf32_x86_64" declare -x LDFLAGS_x86="-m elf_i386" declare -x LIBDIR_amd64="lib64" declare -x LIBDIR_default="lib" declare -x LIBDIR_x32="libx32" declare -x LIBDIR_x86="lib" declare -x LIBOPTIONS="-m0644" declare -x LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS="" declare -x LICENSE="GPL-2 public-domain" declare -x LIRC_DEVICES="" declare -x LLVM_TARGETS="" declare -x LUA_SINGLE_TARGET="" declare -x LUA_TARGETS="" declare -x MAKEOPTS="-j1" declare -x MANPAGER="manpager" declare -x MONKEYD_PLUGINS="" declare -x MULTILIB_ABIS="amd64" declare -a MULTILIB_CHOST_TOOLS=([0]="/usr/bin/sane-config") declare -x MULTILIB_STRICT_DENY="64-bit.*shared object" declare -x MULTILIB_STRICT_DIRS="/lib32 /lib /usr/lib32 /usr/lib /usr/kde/*/lib32 /usr/kde/*/lib /usr/qt/*/lib32 /usr/qt/*/lib /usr/X11R6/lib32 /usr/X11R6/lib" declare -x MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT="(perl5|gcc|binutils|eclipse-3|debug|portage|udev|systemd|clang|python-exec|llvm)" declare -- MULTILIB_USEDEP="abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?" declare -- MY_P="backends-1.0.30" declare -- MY_PN="backends" declare -x NGINX_MODULES_HTTP="" declare -x NGINX_MODULES_MAIL="" declare -x NGINX_MODULES_STREAM="" declare -x NINJAFLAGS="-j1" declare -x OCAML_COLOR="never" declare -x OFED_DRIVERS="" declare -x OFFICE_IMPLEMENTATION="" declare -x OMP_DYNAMIC="FALSE" declare -x OMP_NESTED="FALSE" declare -x OMP_NUM_THREADS="1" declare -x OPENMPI_FABRICS="" declare -x OPENMPI_OFED_FEATURES="" declare -x OPENMPI_RM="" declare -a PATCHES=([0]="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/files/sane-backends-1.0.24-saned_pidfile_location.patch" [1]="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/files/sane-backends-1.0.27-disable-usb-tests.patch" [2]="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/files/sane-backends-1.0.30-missing-stdint-include.patch" [3]="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/files/sane-backends-1.0.30-add_hpaio_epkowa_dll.conf.patch" [4]="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/files/sane-backends-1.0.30-bigendian-depth.patch") declare -x PATH="/usr/lib/portage/python3.7/ebuild-helpers/xattr:/usr/lib/portage/python3.7/ebuild-helpers:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/bin:/opt/aws-elb-tools/bin" declare -x PAX_MARKINGS="none" declare PDEPEND="" declare -x PHP_TARGETS="" declare -x PORTAGE_COMPRESSION_COMMAND="bzip2" declare -a PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS=([0]="/usr/share/doc" [1]="/usr/share/info" [2]="/usr/share/man") declare -x PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS_SIZE_LIMIT="128" declare -a PORTAGE_DOCOMPRESS_SKIP=([0]="/usr/share/doc/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/html") declare -a PORTAGE_DOSTRIP=([0]="/") declare -a PORTAGE_DOSTRIP_SKIP=() declare -x PORTAGE_TMPFS="/dev/shm" declare -x PORT_LOGDIR="/var/log/portage" declare -x POSTGRES_TARGETS="" declare -x PROFILE_ONLY_VARIABLES="ARCH ELIBC IUSE_IMPLICIT KERNEL USERLAND USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND" declare -x PROPERTIES="" declare -x PYTEST_ADDOPTS="--color=no" declare -x PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE="1" declare -x PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="" declare -x PYTHON_TARGETS="" declare -x PY_FORCE_COLOR="0" declare -x QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS="" declare -x QEMU_USER_TARGETS="" declare RDEPEND=" gphoto2? ( >=media-libs/libgphoto2-[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_canon_pp? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dc210? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dc240? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_dell1600n_net? ( >=media-libs/tiff-3.9.7-r1:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_escl? ( || ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] net-dns/avahi[gtk] net-dns/avahi[gtk2] ) net-dns/avahi[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] net-misc/curl[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_hpsj5s? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_mustek_pp? ( >=sys-libs/libieee1284-0.2.11-r3[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) sane_backends_pixma? ( >=virtual/jpeg-0-r2:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp:0= ) systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd:0= ) usb? ( >=virtual/libusb-1-r1:1=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) v4l? ( >=media-libs/libv4l-0.9.5[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) xinetd? ( sys-apps/xinetd ) zeroconf? ( >=net-dns/avahi-0.6.31-r2[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] ) " declare REPOSITORY declare REQUIRED_USE=" sane_backends_escl? ( zeroconf ) sane_backends_kvs40xx? ( threads ) sane_backends_mustek_usb2? ( threads ) " declare -x RESTRICT="" declare -x RESUMECOMMAND_SSH="bash -c \"x=\\\${2#ssh://} ; host=\\\${x%%/*} ; port=\\\${host##*:} ; host=\\\${host%:*} ; [[ \\\${host} = \\\${port} ]] && port= ; exec rsync --rsh=\\\"ssh \\\${port:+-p\\\${port}} \\\${3}\\\" -avP \\\"\\\${host}:/\\\${x#*/}\\\" \\\"\\\$1\\\"\" rsync \"\${DISTDIR}/\${FILE}\" \"\${URI}\" \"\${PORTAGE_SSH_OPTS}\"" declare -x ROS_MESSAGES="" declare -x ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="/usr/share/ros_packages" declare -x ROS_ROOT="/usr/share/ros" declare -x RUBY_TARGETS="" declare -x RUSTFLAGS="-C codegen-units=1" declare -x RUST_TEST_TASKS="1" declare -x RUST_TEST_THREADS="1" declare -x S="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/work/backends-1.0.30" declare -x SANDBOX_DEBUG="0" declare -x SANDBOX_DENY="" declare -x SANDBOX_PREDICT="/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/homedir:/dev/crypto:/var/cache/man:/dev/random:/proc/self/coredump_filter:/dev/random:/proc/self/coredump_filter:/var/cache/fontconfig" declare -x SANDBOX_READ="/:/var/tmp/portage" declare -x SANDBOX_VERBOSE="1" declare -x SANDBOX_WRITE=":/dev/console:/dev/fd:/dev/full:/dev/null:/dev/ptmx:/dev/pts/:/dev/pty:/dev/shm:/dev/tts:/dev/tty:/dev/vc/:/dev/zero:/proc/self/fd:/tmp/:/usr/lib/cf:/usr/lib/conftest:/usr/lib32/cf:/usr/lib32/conftest:/usr/lib64/cf:/usr/lib64/conftest:/usr/tmp/cf:/usr/tmp/conftest:/var/tmp/:/var/tmp/portage:/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends-1.0.30-r2/homedir/.bash_history" declare -x SANE_BACKENDS="st400 umax1220u dell1600n_net sm3600 as6e kvs1025 mustek hp5590 tamarack dc240 coolscan2 canon_dr microtek pie sm3840 gt68xx leo rts8891 ibm dc25 kodak plustek_pp pixma ricoh2 agfafocus hp4200 genesys matsushita teco1 artec_eplus48u test escl umax stv680 mustek_usb avision sharp canon630u magicolor artec hp3500 qcam sp15c canon coolscan3 lexmark coolscan microtek2 teco2 epson u12 teco3 epjitsu fujitsu ricoh s9036 hs2p net niash epson2 p5 hp3900 kvs20xx kodakaio snapscan plustek dmc cardscan hp bh nec umax_pp apple dc210 hpljm1005 xerox_mfp ma1509 hp5400 abaton sceptre" declare -x SHELL="/bin/bash" declare -x SLOT="0" declare SRC_URI="" declare -x SYMLINK_LIB="no" declare -x TERMINFO="/etc/terminfo" declare -x TWISTED_DISABLE_WRITING_OF_PLUGIN_CACHE="1" declare -x USE="abi_x86_64 amd64 elibc_glibc ipv6 kernel_linux sane_backends_abaton sane_backends_agfafocus sane_backends_apple sane_backends_artec sane_backends_artec_eplus48u sane_backends_as6e sane_backends_avision sane_backends_bh sane_backends_canon sane_backends_canon630u sane_backends_canon_dr sane_backends_cardscan sane_backends_coolscan sane_backends_coolscan2 sane_backends_coolscan3 sane_backends_dc210 sane_backends_dc240 sane_backends_dc25 sane_backends_dell1600n_net sane_backends_dmc sane_backends_epjitsu sane_backends_epson sane_backends_epson2 sane_backends_escl sane_backends_fujitsu sane_backends_genesys sane_backends_gt68xx sane_backends_hp sane_backends_hp3500 sane_backends_hp3900 sane_backends_hp4200 sane_backends_hp5400 sane_backends_hp5590 sane_backends_hpljm1005 sane_backends_hs2p sane_backends_ibm sane_backends_kodak sane_backends_kodakaio sane_backends_kvs1025 sane_backends_kvs20xx sane_backends_leo sane_backends_lexmark sane_backends_ma1509 sane_backends_magicolor sane_backends_matsushita sane_backends_microtek sane_backends_microtek2 sane_backends_mustek sane_backends_mustek_usb sane_backends_nec sane_backends_net sane_backends_niash sane_backends_p5 sane_backends_pie sane_backends_pixma sane_backends_plustek sane_backends_plustek_pp sane_backends_qcam sane_backends_ricoh sane_backends_ricoh2 sane_backends_rts8891 sane_backends_s9036 sane_backends_sceptre sane_backends_sharp sane_backends_sm3600 sane_backends_sm3840 sane_backends_snapscan sane_backends_sp15c sane_backends_st400 sane_backends_stv680 sane_backends_tamarack sane_backends_teco1 sane_backends_teco2 sane_backends_teco3 sane_backends_test sane_backends_u12 sane_backends_umax sane_backends_umax1220u sane_backends_umax_pp sane_backends_xerox_mfp userland_GNU zeroconf" declare -x USERLAND="GNU" declare -x USE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT="ARCH ELIBC KERNEL USERLAND" declare -x USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED="ARCH" declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH="alpha amd64 amd64-fbsd amd64-linux arm arm64 hppa ia64 m68k m68k-mint mips ppc ppc64 ppc64-linux ppc-aix ppc-macos riscv s390 sparc sparc64-solaris sparc-solaris x64-cygwin x64-macos x64-solaris x64-winnt x86 x86-cygwin x86-fbsd x86-linux x86-macos x86-solaris x86-winnt" declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC="AIX bionic Cygwin Darwin DragonFly FreeBSD glibc HPUX Interix mingw mintlib musl NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS uclibc Winnt" declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL="AIX Darwin FreeBSD freemint HPUX linux NetBSD OpenBSD SunOS Winnt" declare -x USE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND="BSD GNU" declare -x UWSGI_PLUGINS="" declare -x VIDEO_CARDS="" declare -x VOICEMAIL_STORAGE="" declare -x WANT_AUTOCONF="2.5" declare -x WANT_AUTOMAKE="1.16" declare -x WANT_LIBTOOL="latest" declare -x XERCESC_NLS_HOME="/usr/share/xerces-c/msg" declare -x XFCE_PLUGINS="" declare -x XTABLES_ADDONS="" declare -- _AUTOTOOLS_ECLASS="1" declare -- _EUTILS_ECLASS="1" declare -x _E_DESTTREE_="/usr" declare -x _E_DOCDESTTREE_="" declare -x _E_EXEDESTTREE_="" declare -x _E_INSDESTTREE_="" declare -- _FLAG_O_MATIC_ECLASS="1" declare -- _L10N_ECLASS="1" declare -a _LATEST_AUTOMAKE=([0]="1.16.1:1.16" [1]="1.15.1:1.15") declare -- _LIBTOOL_ECLASS="1" declare -- _MULTIBUILD="1" declare -- _MULTILIB_BUILD="1" declare -- _MULTILIB_ECLASS="1" declare -a _MULTILIB_FLAGS=([0]="abi_x86_32:x86,x86_fbsd,x86_freebsd,x86_linux,x86_macos,x86_solaris" [1]="abi_x86_64:amd64,amd64_fbsd,x64_freebsd,amd64_linux,x64_macos,x64_solaris" [2]="abi_x86_x32:x32" [3]="abi_mips_n32:n32" [4]="abi_mips_n64:n64" [5]="abi_mips_o32:o32" [6]="abi_s390_32:s390" [7]="abi_s390_64:s390x") declare -- _OPTFEATURE_ECLASS="1" declare -- _TOOLCHAIN_FUNCS_ECLASS="1" declare -- _UDEV_ECLASS="1" declare -- _USER_ECLASS="1" declare -- _USER_INFO_ECLASS="1" declare -- _WRAPPER_ECLASS="1" declare -- __AUTOTOOLS_AUTO_DEPEND="yes" declare -- _libtool_atom=">=sys-devel/libtool-2.4" __eapi6_src_install () { if [[ -f Makefile || -f GNUmakefile || -f makefile ]]; then emake DESTDIR="${D}" install; fi; einstalldocs } __eapi6_src_prepare () { if ___is_indexed_array_var PATCHES; then [[ ${#PATCHES[@]} -gt 0 ]] && eapply "${PATCHES[@]}"; else if [[ -n ${PATCHES} ]]; then eapply ${PATCHES}; fi; fi; eapply_user } __eapi7_ver_compare () { local va=${1} vb=${2} a an al as ar b bn bl bs br re LC_ALL=C; re="^([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)([a-z]?)((_(alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[0-9]*)*)(-r[0-9]+)?$"; [[ ${va} =~ ${re} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: invalid version: ${va}"; an=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; al=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}; as=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}; ar=${BASH_REMATCH[7]}; [[ ${vb} =~ ${re} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: invalid version: ${vb}"; bn=${BASH_REMATCH[1]}; bl=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}; bs=${BASH_REMATCH[4]}; br=${BASH_REMATCH[7]}; __eapi7_ver_compare_int "${an%%.*}" "${bn%%.*}" || return; while [[ ${an} == *.* && ${bn} == *.* ]]; do an=${an#*.}; bn=${bn#*.}; a=${an%%.*}; b=${bn%%.*}; if [[ ${a} == 0* || ${b} == 0* ]]; then [[ ${a} =~ 0+$ ]] && a=${a%"${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"}; [[ ${b} =~ 0+$ ]] && b=${b%"${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"}; [[ ${a} > ${b} ]] && return 3; [[ ${a} < ${b} ]] && return 1; else __eapi7_ver_compare_int "${a}" "${b}" || return; fi; done; [[ ${an} == *.* ]] && return 3; [[ ${bn} == *.* ]] && return 1; [[ ${al} > ${bl} ]] && return 3; [[ ${al} < ${bl} ]] && return 1; as=${as#_}${as:+_}; bs=${bs#_}${bs:+_}; while [[ -n ${as} && -n ${bs} ]]; do a=${as%%_*}; b=${bs%%_*}; if [[ ${a%%[0-9]*} == "${b%%[0-9]*}" ]]; then __eapi7_ver_compare_int "${a##*[a-z]}" "${b##*[a-z]}" || return; else [[ ${a%%[0-9]*} == p ]] && return 3; [[ ${b%%[0-9]*} == p ]] && return 1; [[ ${a} > ${b} ]] && return 3 || return 1; fi; as=${as#*_}; bs=${bs#*_}; done; if [[ -n ${as} ]]; then [[ ${as} == p[_0-9]* ]] && return 3 || return 1; else if [[ -n ${bs} ]]; then [[ ${bs} == p[_0-9]* ]] && return 1 || return 3; fi; fi; __eapi7_ver_compare_int "${ar#-r}" "${br#-r}" || return; return 2 } __eapi7_ver_compare_int () { local a=$1 b=$2 d=$(( ${#1}-${#2} )); if [[ ${d} -gt 0 ]]; then printf -v b "%0${d}d%s" 0 "${b}"; else if [[ ${d} -lt 0 ]]; then printf -v a "%0$(( -d ))d%s" 0 "${a}"; fi; fi; [[ ${a} > ${b} ]] && return 3; [[ ${a} == "${b}" ]] } __eapi7_ver_parse_range () { local range=${1}; local max=${2}; [[ ${range} == [0-9]* ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: range must start with a number"; start=${range%-*}; [[ ${range} == *-* ]] && end=${range#*-} || end=${start}; if [[ -n ${end} ]]; then [[ ${start} -le ${end} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: end of range must be >= start"; [[ ${end} -le ${max} ]] || end=${max}; else end=${max}; fi } __eapi7_ver_split () { local v=${1} LC_ALL=C; comp=(); local s c; while [[ -n ${v} ]]; do s=${v%%[a-zA-Z0-9]*}; v=${v:${#s}}; [[ ${v} == [0-9]* ]] && c=${v%%[^0-9]*} || c=${v%%[^a-zA-Z]*}; v=${v:${#c}}; comp+=("${s}" "${c}"); done } _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase () { case ${EBUILD_PHASE} in setup | preinst | postinst | prerm | postrm) ;; *) eerror "'$1()' called from '${EBUILD_PHASE}' phase which is not OK:"; eerror "You may only call from pkg_{setup,{pre,post}{inst,rm}} functions."; eerror "Package fails at QA and at life. Please file a bug."; die "Bad package! $1 is only for use in some pkg_* functions!" ;; esac } _at_uses_autoheader () { _at_uses_pkg A{C,M}_CONFIG_HEADER{S,} } _at_uses_automake () { _at_uses_pkg AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE } _at_uses_gettext () { _at_uses_pkg AM_GNU_GETTEXT_{,REQUIRE_}VERSION } _at_uses_glibgettext () { _at_uses_pkg AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT } _at_uses_gnomedoc () { _at_uses_pkg GNOME_DOC_INIT } _at_uses_gtkdoc () { _at_uses_pkg GTK_DOC_CHECK } _at_uses_intltool () { _at_uses_pkg {AC,IT}_PROG_INTLTOOL } _at_uses_libltdl () { _at_uses_pkg LT_CONFIG_LTDL_DIR } _at_uses_libtool () { _at_uses_pkg A{C,M}_PROG_LIBTOOL LT_INIT } _at_uses_pkg () { if [[ -n $(autotools_check_macro "$@") ]]; then return 0; else local macro args=(); for macro in "$@"; do args+=(-e "^[[:space:]]*${macro}\>"); done; egrep -q "${args[@]}" configure.??; fi } _automake_version () { autotools_run_tool --at-output automake --version 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e '1{s:.*(GNU automake) ::p;q}' } _autotools_m4dir_include () { local x include_opts flag; [[ ${WANT_AUTOCONF} == "2.1" ]] && flag="l" || flag="I"; for x in "$@"; do case ${x} in -${flag}) ;; *) [[ ! -d ${x} ]] && ewarn "autotools.eclass: '${x}' does not exist"; include_opts+=" -${flag} ${x}" ;; esac; done; echo ${include_opts} } _clang_fullversion () { local ver="$1"; shift; set -- $($(tc-getCPP "$@") -E -P - <<<"__clang_major__ __clang_minor__ __clang_patchlevel__"); eval echo "$ver" } _eapply_patch () { local f=${1}; local prefix=${2}; ebegin "${prefix:-Applying }${f##*/}"; local all_opts=(-p1 -f -g0 --no-backup-if-mismatch "${patch_options[@]}"); if ${patch_cmd} "${all_opts[@]}" --dry-run -s -F0 < "${f}" &> /dev/null; then all_opts+=(-s -F0); fi; ${patch_cmd} "${all_opts[@]}" < "${f}"; failed=${?}; if ! eend "${failed}"; then __helpers_die "patch -p1 ${patch_options[*]} failed with ${f}"; fi } _elibtoolize () { local LIBTOOLIZE=${LIBTOOLIZE:-$(type -P glibtoolize > /dev/null && echo glibtoolize || echo libtoolize)}; if [[ $1 == "--auto-ltdl" ]]; then shift; _at_uses_libltdl && set -- "$@" --ltdl; fi; [[ -f || -f ]] && set -- "$@" --automake; autotools_run_tool ${LIBTOOLIZE} "$@" } _enewgroup_next_gid () { if [[ ${egid} == *[!0-9]* ]]; then for ((egid = 999; egid >= 101; egid--)) do [[ -z $(egetent group ${egid}) ]] && break; done; [[ ${egid} -ge 101 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no free GID found"; fi } _filter-hardened () { local f; for f in "$@"; do case "${f}" in -fPIC | -fpic | -fPIE | -fpie | -Wl,pie | -pie) gcc-specs-pie || continue; if ! is-flagq -nopie && ! is-flagq -no-pie; then if test-flags -nopie > /dev/null; then append-flags -nopie; else append-flags -no-pie; fi; fi ;; -fstack-protector) gcc-specs-ssp || continue; is-flagq -fno-stack-protector || append-flags $(test-flags -fno-stack-protector) ;; -fstack-protector-all) gcc-specs-ssp-to-all || continue; is-flagq -fno-stack-protector-all || append-flags $(test-flags -fno-stack-protector-all) ;; -fno-strict-overflow) gcc-specs-nostrict || continue; is-flagq -fstrict-overflow || append-flags $(test-flags -fstrict-overflow) ;; esac; done } _filter-var () { local f x var=$1 new=(); shift; for f in ${!var}; do for x in "$@"; do [[ ${f} == ${x} ]] && continue 2; done; new+=("${f}"); done; export ${var}="${new[*]}" } _gcc-install-dir () { echo "$(LC_ALL=C $(tc-getCC) -print-search-dirs 2> /dev/null | awk '$1=="install:" {print $2}')" } _gcc-specs-directive_raw () { local cc=$(tc-getCC); local specfiles=$(LC_ALL=C ${cc} -v 2>&1 | awk '$1=="Reading" {print $NF}'); ${cc} -dumpspecs 2> /dev/null | cat - ${specfiles} | awk -v directive=$1 'BEGIN { pspec=""; spec=""; outside=1 } $1=="*"directive":" { pspec=spec; spec=""; outside=0; next } outside || NF==0 || ( substr($1,1,1)=="*" && substr($1,length($1),1)==":" ) { outside=1; next } spec=="" && substr($0,1,1)=="+" { spec=pspec " " substr($0,2); next } { spec=spec $0 } END { print spec }'; return 0 } _gcc-specs-exists () { [[ -f $(_gcc-install-dir)/$1 ]] } _gcc_fullversion () { local ver="$1"; shift; set -- $($(tc-getCPP "$@") -E -P - <<<"__GNUC__ __GNUC_MINOR__ __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__"); eval echo "$ver" } _is_flagq () { local x var="$1[*]"; for x in ${!var}; do [[ ${x} == $2 ]] && return 0; done; return 1 } _multilib_multibuild_wrapper () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local ABI=${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT#*.}; local -r MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG=${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT%.*}; multilib_toolchain_setup "${ABI}"; readonly ABI; "${@}" } _systemd_get_dir () { [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] || die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} "; local variable=${1} fallback=${2} d; if $(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --exists systemd; then d=$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable="${variable}" systemd) || die; d=${d#${EPREFIX}}; else d=${fallback}; fi; echo "${d}" } _systemd_get_systemgeneratordir () { _systemd_get_dir systemdsystemgeneratordir /lib/systemd/system-generators } _systemd_get_systemunitdir () { _systemd_get_dir systemdsystemunitdir /lib/systemd/system } _systemd_get_userunitdir () { _systemd_get_dir systemduserunitdir /usr/lib/systemd/user } _systemd_get_utildir () { _systemd_get_dir systemdutildir /lib/systemd } _tc-getPROG () { local tuple=$1; local v var vars=$2; local prog=($3); var=${vars%% *}; for v in ${vars}; do if [[ -n ${!v} ]]; then export ${var}="${!v}"; echo "${!v}"; return 0; fi; done; local search=; [[ -n $4 ]] && search=$(type -p $4-${prog[0]}); [[ -z ${search} && -n ${!tuple} ]] && search=$(type -p ${!tuple}-${prog[0]}); [[ -n ${search} ]] && prog[0]=${search##*/}; export ${var}="${prog[*]}"; echo "${!var}" } _udev_get_udevdir () { if $($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --exists udev); then local udevdir="$($(tc-getPKG_CONFIG) --variable=udevdir udev)"; echo "${udevdir#${EPREFIX%/}}"; else echo /lib/udev; fi } all-flag-vars () { echo {ADA,C,CPP,CXX,CCAS,F,FC,LD}FLAGS } append-cflags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; export CFLAGS+=" $*"; return 0 } append-cppflags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; export CPPFLAGS+=" $*"; return 0 } append-cxxflags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; export CXXFLAGS+=" $*"; return 0 } append-fflags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; export FFLAGS+=" $*"; export FCFLAGS+=" $*"; return 0 } append-flags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; case " $* " in *' '-[DIU]*) eqawarn 'please use append-cppflags for preprocessor flags' ;; *' '-L* | *' '-Wl,*) eqawarn 'please use append-ldflags for linker flags' ;; esac; append-cflags "$@"; append-cxxflags "$@"; append-fflags "$@"; return 0 } append-ldflags () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; local flag; for flag in "$@"; do [[ ${flag} == -l* ]] && eqawarn "Appending a library link instruction (${flag}); libraries to link to should not be passed through LDFLAGS"; done; export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} $*"; return 0 } append-lfs-flags () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "append-lfs-flags takes no arguments"; append-cppflags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE } append-libs () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; local flag; for flag in "$@"; do if [[ -z "${flag// }" ]]; then eqawarn "Appending an empty argument to LIBS is invalid! Skipping."; continue; fi; case $flag in -[lL]*) export LIBS="${LIBS} ${flag}" ;; -*) eqawarn "Appending non-library to LIBS (${flag}); Other linker flags should be passed via LDFLAGS"; export LIBS="${LIBS} ${flag}" ;; *) export LIBS="${LIBS} -l${flag}" ;; esac; done; return 0 } autotools_check_macro () { [[ -f || -f ]] || return 0; local trace_file=".__autoconf_trace_data"; if [[ ! -e ${trace_file} ]] || [[ ! aclocal.m4 -ot ${trace_file} ]]; then WANT_AUTOCONF="2.5" autoconf $(autotools_m4dir_include) ${ALL_AUTOTOOLS_MACROS[@]/#/--trace=} > ${trace_file} 2> /dev/null; fi; local macro args=(); for macro in "$@"; do has ${macro} ${ALL_AUTOTOOLS_MACROS[@]} || die "internal error: add ${macro} to ALL_AUTOTOOLS_MACROS"; args+=(-e ":${macro}:"); done; grep "${args[@]}" ${trace_file} } autotools_check_macro_val () { local macro scan_out; for macro in "$@"; do autotools_check_macro "${macro}" | gawk -v macro="${macro}" '($0 !~ /^[[:space:]]*(#|dnl)/) { if (match($0, macro ":(.*)$", res)) print res[1] }' | uniq; done; return 0 } autotools_env_setup () { if [[ ${WANT_AUTOMAKE} == "latest" ]]; then local pv; for pv in ${_LATEST_AUTOMAKE[@]/#*:}; do local hv_args=""; case ${EAPI:-0} in 5 | 6) hv_args="--host-root" ;; 7) hv_args="-b" ;; esac; ROOT=/ has_version ${hv_args} "=sys-devel/automake-${pv}*" && export WANT_AUTOMAKE="${pv}" && break; done; [[ ${WANT_AUTOMAKE} == "latest" ]] && die "Cannot find the latest automake! Tried ${_LATEST_AUTOMAKE[*]}"; fi; [[ ${WANT_AUTOCONF} == "latest" ]] && export WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 } autotools_m4dir_include () { _autotools_m4dir_include ${AT_M4DIR} } autotools_m4sysdir_include () { local paths=($(eval echo ${AT_SYS_M4DIR})); if [[ ${#paths[@]} -eq 0 && -n ${SYSROOT} ]]; then local path="${SYSROOT}/usr/share/aclocal"; [[ -d ${path} ]] && paths+=("${path}"); fi; _autotools_m4dir_include "${paths[@]}" } autotools_run_tool () { local autofail=true m4flags=false missing_ok=false return_output=false; while [[ -n $1 ]]; do case $1 in --at-no-fail) autofail=false ;; --at-m4flags) m4flags=true ;; --at-missing) missing_ok=true ;; --at-output) return_output=true ;; *) break ;; esac; shift; done; if [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} != "unpack" && ${EBUILD_PHASE} != "prepare" ]]; then ewarn "QA Warning: running $1 in ${EBUILD_PHASE} phase"; fi; if ${missing_ok} && ! type -P ${1} > /dev/null; then einfo "Skipping '$*' due $1 not installed"; return 0; fi; autotools_env_setup; local STDERR_TARGET="${T}/${1##*/}.out"; if [[ -e ${STDERR_TARGET} ]]; then local i=1; while :; do STDERR_TARGET="${T}/${1##*/}-${i}.out"; [[ -e ${STDERR_TARGET} ]] || break; : $(( i++ )); done; fi; if ${m4flags}; then set -- "${1}" $(autotools_m4dir_include) $(autotools_m4sysdir_include) "${@:2}"; fi; if ${return_output}; then "$@"; return; fi; printf "***** $1 *****\n***** PWD: ${PWD}\n***** $*\n\n" > "${STDERR_TARGET}"; ebegin "Running $@"; "$@" >> "${STDERR_TARGET}" 2>&1; if ! eend $? && ${autofail}; then echo; eerror "Failed Running $1 !"; eerror; eerror "Include in your bugreport the contents of:"; eerror; eerror " ${STDERR_TARGET}"; echo; die "Failed Running $1 !"; fi } clang-fullversion () { _clang_fullversion '$1.$2.$3' "$@" } clang-major-version () { _clang_fullversion '$1' "$@" } clang-micro-version () { _clang_fullversion '$3' "$@" } clang-minor-version () { _clang_fullversion '$2' "$@" } clang-version () { _clang_fullversion '$1.$2' "$@" } config_rpath_update () { local dst src=$(type -P gettext | sed 's:bin/gettext:share/gettext/config.rpath:'); [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && set -- $(find -name config.rpath); [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; einfo "Updating all config.rpath files"; for dst in "$@"; do einfo " ${dst}"; cp "${src}" "${dst}" || die; done } darwintoolize () { die "Use elibtoolize" } eaclocal () { [[ ! -f aclocal.m4 || -n $(grep -e 'generated.*by aclocal' aclocal.m4) ]] && autotools_run_tool --at-m4flags aclocal "$@" $(eaclocal_amflags) } eaclocal_amflags () { local aclocal_opts amflags_file; for amflags_file in; do [[ -e ${amflags_file} ]] || continue; autotools_env_setup; aclocal_opts=$(sed -n "/^ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS[[:space:]]*=/{ # match the first line s:[^=]*=::p; # then gobble up all escaped lines : nextline /\\\\$/{ n; p; b nextline; } }" ${amflags_file}); eval aclocal_opts=\""${aclocal_opts}"\"; break; done; echo ${aclocal_opts} } eapply () { local failed patch_cmd=patch; local -x LC_COLLATE=POSIX; type -P gpatch > /dev/null && patch_cmd=gpatch; function _eapply_patch () { local f=${1}; local prefix=${2}; ebegin "${prefix:-Applying }${f##*/}"; local all_opts=(-p1 -f -g0 --no-backup-if-mismatch "${patch_options[@]}"); if ${patch_cmd} "${all_opts[@]}" --dry-run -s -F0 < "${f}" &> /dev/null; then all_opts+=(-s -F0); fi; ${patch_cmd} "${all_opts[@]}" < "${f}"; failed=${?}; if ! eend "${failed}"; then __helpers_die "patch -p1 ${patch_options[*]} failed with ${f}"; fi }; local patch_options=() files=(); local i found_doublehyphen; for ((i = 1; i <= ${#@}; ++i )) do if [[ ${@:i:1} == -- ]]; then patch_options=("${@:1:i-1}"); files=("${@:i+1}"); found_doublehyphen=1; break; fi; done; if [[ -z ${found_doublehyphen} ]]; then for ((i = 1; i <= ${#@}; ++i )) do if [[ ${@:i:1} != -* ]]; then patch_options=("${@:1:i-1}"); files=("${@:i}"); break; fi; done; for i in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ ${i} == -* ]]; then die "eapply: all options must be passed before non-options"; fi; done; fi; if [[ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]]; then die "eapply: no files specified"; fi; local f; for f in "${files[@]}"; do if [[ -d ${f} ]]; then function _eapply_get_files () { local LC_ALL=POSIX; local prev_shopt=$(shopt -p nullglob); shopt -s nullglob; local f; for f in "${1}"/*; do if [[ ${f} == *.diff || ${f} == *.patch ]]; then files+=("${f}"); fi; done; ${prev_shopt} }; local files=(); _eapply_get_files "${f}"; [[ ${#files[@]} -eq 0 ]] && die "No *.{patch,diff} files in directory ${f}"; einfo "Applying patches from ${f} ..."; local f2; for f2 in "${files[@]}"; do _eapply_patch "${f2}" ' '; [[ ${failed} -ne 0 ]] && return "${failed}"; done; else _eapply_patch "${f}"; [[ ${failed} -ne 0 ]] && return "${failed}"; fi; done; return 0 } eapply_user () { [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == prepare ]] || die "eapply_user() called during invalid phase: ${EBUILD_PHASE}"; local tagfile=${T}/.portage_user_patches_applied; [[ -f ${tagfile} ]] && return; >> "${tagfile}"; local basedir=${PORTAGE_CONFIGROOT%/}/etc/portage/patches; local applied d f; local -A _eapply_user_patches; local prev_shopt=$(shopt -p nullglob); shopt -s nullglob; for d in "${basedir}"/${CATEGORY}/{${P}-${PR},${P},${PN}}{:${SLOT%/*},}; do for f in "${d}"/*; do if [[ ( ${f} == *.diff || ${f} == *.patch ) && -z ${_eapply_user_patches[${f##*/}]} ]]; then _eapply_user_patches[${f##*/}]=${f}; fi; done; done; if [[ ${#_eapply_user_patches[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then while read -r -d '' f; do f=${_eapply_user_patches[${f}]}; if [[ -s ${f} ]]; then eapply "${f}"; applied=1; fi; done < <(printf -- '%s\0' "${!_eapply_user_patches[@]}" | LC_ALL=C sort -z); fi; ${prev_shopt}; [[ -n ${applied} ]] && ewarn "User patches applied." } eautoconf () { if [[ ! -f && ! -f ]]; then echo; eerror "No configure.{ac,in} present in '${PWD}'!"; echo; die "No configure.{ac,in} present!"; fi; if [[ ${WANT_AUTOCONF} != "2.1" && -e ]]; then eqawarn "This package has a file which has long been deprecated. Please"; eqawarn "update it to use instead as newer versions of autotools will die"; eqawarn "when it finds this file. See for details."; fi; autotools_run_tool --at-m4flags autoconf "$@" } eautoheader () { _at_uses_autoheader || return 0; autotools_run_tool --at-no-fail --at-m4flags autoheader "$@" } eautomake () { local extra_opts=(); local makefile_name; for makefile_name in {GNUmakefile,{M,m}akefile}.am ""; do [[ -f ${makefile_name} ]] && break; done; function _automake_version () { autotools_run_tool --at-output automake --version 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e '1{s:.*(GNU automake) ::p;q}' }; if [[ -z ${makefile_name} ]]; then _at_uses_automake || return 0; else if [[ -z ${FROM_EAUTORECONF} && -f ${}.in ]]; then local used_automake; local installed_automake; installed_automake=$(WANT_AUTOMAKE= _automake_version); used_automake=$(head -n 1 < ${}.in | sed -e 's:.*by automake \(.*\) from .*:\1:'); if [[ ${installed_automake} != ${used_automake} ]]; then ewarn "Automake used for the package (${used_automake}) differs from" "the installed version (${installed_automake})."; ewarn "Forcing a full rebuild of the autotools to workaround."; eautoreconf; return 0; fi; fi; fi; [[ -f INSTALL && -f AUTHORS && -f ChangeLog && -f NEWS && -f README ]] || extra_opts+=(--foreign); case $(_automake_version) in 1.4 | 1.4[.-]*) ;; *) extra_opts+=(--force-missing) ;; esac; autotools_run_tool automake --add-missing --copy "${extra_opts[@]}" "$@" } eautopoint () { autotools_run_tool autopoint "$@" } eautoreconf () { local x g; if [[ -z ${AT_NO_RECURSIVE} ]]; then for x in $(autotools_check_macro_val AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS); do if [[ -d ${x} ]]; then pushd "${x}" > /dev/null; AT_NOELIBTOOLIZE="yes" eautoreconf || die; popd > /dev/null; fi; done; fi; einfo "Running eautoreconf in '${PWD}' ..."; local m4dirs=$(autotools_check_macro_val AC_CONFIG_{AUX,MACRO}_DIR); [[ -n ${m4dirs} ]] && mkdir -p ${m4dirs}; local i tools=(glibgettext false "autotools_run_tool glib-gettextize --copy --force" gettext false "autotools_run_tool --at-missing autopoint --force" intltool false "autotools_run_tool intltoolize --automake --copy --force" gtkdoc false "autotools_run_tool --at-missing gtkdocize --copy" gnomedoc false "autotools_run_tool --at-missing gnome-doc-prepare --copy --force" libtool false "_elibtoolize --auto-ltdl --install --copy --force"); for ((i = 0; i < ${#tools[@]}; i += 3 )) do if _at_uses_${tools[i]}; then tools[i+1]=true; ${tools[i+2]}; fi; done; local rerun_aclocal=false; eaclocal; for ((i = 0; i < ${#tools[@]}; i += 3 )) do if ! ${tools[i+1]} && _at_uses_${tools[i]}; then ${tools[i+2]}; rerun_aclocal=true; fi; done; ${rerun_aclocal} && eaclocal; if [[ ${WANT_AUTOCONF} = 2.1 ]]; then eautoconf; else eautoconf --force; fi; eautoheader; [[ ${AT_NOEAUTOMAKE} != "yes" ]] && FROM_EAUTORECONF="yes" eautomake ${AM_OPTS}; if [[ ${AT_NOELIBTOOLIZE} != "yes" ]]; then elibtoolize --force "${PWD}"; fi; return 0 } econf_build () { local CBUILD=${CBUILD:-${CHOST}}; tc-env_build econf --build=${CBUILD} --host=${CBUILD} "$@" } edos2unix () { [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && return 0; sed -i 's/\r$//' -- "$@" || die } egetcomment () { local pos; [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egetcomment "; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pos=8 ;; *) pos=5 ;; esac; egetent passwd "$1" | cut -d: -f${pos} } egetent () { local db=$1 key=$2; [[ $# -ge 3 ]] && die "usage: egetent "; case ${db} in passwd | group) ;; *) die "sorry, database '${db}' not yet supported; file a bug" ;; esac; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) case ${db} in passwd) db="user" ;; *) ;; esac; local opts; if [[ ${key} == [[:digit:]]* ]]; then [[ ${db} == "user" ]] && opts="-u" || opts="-g"; fi; pw show ${db} ${opts} "${key}" -q ;; *-openbsd*) grep "${key}:\*:" /etc/${db} ;; *) type -p nscd > /dev/null && nscd -i "${db}" 2> /dev/null; getent "${db}" "${key}" ;; esac } egetgroupname () { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egetgroupname "; egetent group "$1" | cut -d: -f1 } egetgroups () { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egetgroups "; local egroups_arr; read -r -a egroups_arr < <(id -G -n "$1"); local g groups=${egroups_arr[0]}; while read -r g; do [[ -n ${g} ]] && groups+=",${g}"; done < <(printf '%s\n' "${egroups_arr[@]:1}" | sort); echo "${groups}" } egethome () { local pos; [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egethome "; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pos=9 ;; *) pos=6 ;; esac; egetent passwd "$1" | cut -d: -f${pos} } egetshell () { local pos; [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egetshell "; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pos=10 ;; *) pos=7 ;; esac; egetent passwd "$1" | cut -d: -f${pos} } egetusername () { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "usage: egetusername "; egetent passwd "$1" | cut -d: -f1 } einstalldocs () { ( if [[ $(declare -p DOCS 2>/dev/null) != *=* ]]; then local d; for d in README* ChangeLog AUTHORS NEWS TODO CHANGES THANKS BUGS FAQ CREDITS CHANGELOG; do [[ -f ${d} && -s ${d} ]] && docinto / && dodoc "${d}"; done; else if ___is_indexed_array_var DOCS; then [[ ${#DOCS[@]} -gt 0 ]] && docinto / && dodoc -r "${DOCS[@]}"; else [[ -n ${DOCS} ]] && docinto / && dodoc -r ${DOCS}; fi; fi ); ( if ___is_indexed_array_var HTML_DOCS; then [[ ${#HTML_DOCS[@]} -gt 0 ]] && docinto html && dodoc -r "${HTML_DOCS[@]}"; else [[ -n ${HTML_DOCS} ]] && docinto html && dodoc -r ${HTML_DOCS}; fi ) } elibtoolize () { type -P eltpatch &> /dev/null || die "eltpatch not found; is app-portage/elt-patches installed?"; ELT_LOGDIR=${T} LD=$(tc-getLD) eltpatch "${@}" || die "eltpatch failed" } emktemp () { eqawarn "emktemp is deprecated. Create a temporary file in \${T} instead."; local exe="touch"; [[ $1 == -d ]] && exe="mkdir" && shift; local topdir=$1; if [[ -z ${topdir} ]]; then [[ -z ${T} ]] && topdir="/tmp" || topdir=${T}; fi; if ! type -P mktemp > /dev/null; then local tmp=/; while [[ -e ${tmp} ]]; do tmp=${topdir}/tmp.${RANDOM}.${RANDOM}.${RANDOM}; done; ${exe} "${tmp}" || ${exe} -p "${tmp}"; echo "${tmp}"; else if [[ ${exe} == "touch" ]]; then TMPDIR="${topdir}" mktemp -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX; else TMPDIR="${topdir}" mktemp -dt tmp.XXXXXXXXXX; fi; fi } enewgroup () { if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]]; then ewarn "Insufficient privileges to execute ${FUNCNAME[0]}"; return 0; fi; _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; local force_gid=; while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do case $1 in -F) force_gid=1 ;; *) die "${FUNCNAME}: invalid option ${1}" ;; esac; shift; done; local egroup=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${egroup} ]]; then eerror "No group specified !"; die "Cannot call enewgroup without a group"; fi; if [[ -n $(egetent group "${egroup}") ]]; then return 0; fi; elog "Adding group '${egroup}' to your system ..."; local egid=$1; shift; if [[ -n ${egid} && ${egid} != -1 ]]; then if [[ ${egid} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ -n $(egetent group ${egid}) ]]; then [[ -n ${force_gid} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}: GID ${egid} already taken"; egid="next available; requested gid taken"; fi; else eerror "Groupid given but is not greater than 0 !"; die "${egid} is not a valid GID"; fi; else [[ -n ${force_gid} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}: -F with gid==-1 makes no sense"; egid="next available"; fi; elog " - Groupid: ${egid}"; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then die "extra arguments no longer supported; please file a bug"; fi; function _enewgroup_next_gid () { if [[ ${egid} == *[!0-9]* ]]; then for ((egid = 999; egid >= 101; egid--)) do [[ -z $(egetent group ${egid}) ]] && break; done; [[ ${egid} -ge 101 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no free GID found"; fi }; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) _enewgroup_next_gid; pw groupadd "${egroup}" -g ${egid} || die ;; *-netbsd*) _enewgroup_next_gid; groupadd -g ${egid} "${egroup}" || die ;; *) local opts; if [[ ${egid} == *[!0-9]* ]]; then opts=""; else opts="-g ${egid}"; fi; groupadd -r ${opts} "${egroup}" || die ;; esac } enewuser () { if [[ ${EUID} != 0 ]]; then ewarn "Insufficient privileges to execute ${FUNCNAME[0]}"; return 0; fi; _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; local create_home=1 force_uid=; while [[ $1 == -* ]]; do case $1 in -F) force_uid=1 ;; -M) create_home= ;; *) die "${FUNCNAME}: invalid option ${1}" ;; esac; shift; done; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${euser} ]]; then eerror "No username specified !"; die "Cannot call enewuser without a username"; fi; if [[ -n $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then return 0; fi; elog "Adding user '${euser}' to your system ..."; local opts=(); local euid=$1; shift; if [[ -n ${euid} && ${euid} != -1 ]]; then if [[ ${euid} -gt 0 ]]; then if [[ -n $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]]; then [[ -n ${force_uid} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}: UID ${euid} already taken"; euid="next"; fi; else eerror "Userid given but is not greater than 0 !"; die "${euid} is not a valid UID"; fi; else [[ -n ${force_uid} ]] && die "${FUNCNAME}: -F with uid==-1 makes no sense"; euid="next"; fi; if [[ ${euid} == "next" ]]; then for ((euid = 999; euid >= 101; euid--)) do [[ -z $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]] && break; done; [[ ${euid} -ge 101 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no free UID found"; fi; opts+=(-u ${euid}); elog " - Userid: ${euid}"; local eshell=$1; shift; if [[ ! -z ${eshell} ]] && [[ ${eshell} != "-1" ]]; then if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}${eshell} ]]; then eerror "A shell was specified but it does not exist !"; die "${eshell} does not exist in ${ROOT}"; fi; if [[ ${eshell} == */false || ${eshell} == */nologin ]]; then eerror "Do not specify ${eshell} yourself, use -1"; die "Pass '-1' as the shell parameter"; fi; else eshell=$(user_get_nologin); fi; elog " - Shell: ${eshell}"; opts+=(-s "${eshell}"); local ehome=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${ehome} ]] || [[ ${ehome} == "-1" ]]; then ehome="/dev/null"; fi; elog " - Home: ${ehome}"; opts+=(-d "${ehome}"); local egroups=$1; shift; local g egroups_arr; IFS="," read -r -a egroups_arr <<< "${egroups}"; if [[ ${#egroups_arr[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then local defgroup exgroups; for g in "${egroups_arr[@]}"; do if [[ -z $(egetent group "${g}") ]]; then eerror "You must add group ${g} to the system first"; die "${g} is not a valid GID"; fi; if [[ -z ${defgroup} ]]; then defgroup=${g}; else exgroups+=",${g}"; fi; done; opts+=(-g "${defgroup}"); if [[ ! -z ${exgroups} ]]; then opts+=(-G "${exgroups:1}"); fi; fi; elog " - Groups: ${egroups:-(none)}"; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then die "extra arguments no longer supported; please file a bug"; else local comment="added by portage for ${PN}"; opts+=(-c "${comment}"); elog " - GECOS: ${comment}"; fi; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pw useradd "${euser}" "${opts[@]}" || die ;; *-netbsd*) useradd "${opts[@]}" "${euser}" || die ;; *-openbsd*) useradd -u ${euid} -s "${eshell}" -d "${ehome}" -g "${egroups}" "${euser}" || die ;; *) useradd -M -N -r "${opts[@]}" "${euser}" || die ;; esac; if [[ -n ${create_home} && ! -e ${ROOT}/${ehome} ]]; then elog " - Creating ${ehome} in ${ROOT}"; mkdir -p "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chown "${euser}" "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chmod 755 "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; fi } esetcomment () { _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${euser} ]]; then eerror "No username specified !"; die "Cannot call esetcomment without a username"; fi; if [[ -z $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then ewarn "User does not exist, cannot set comment -- skipping."; return 1; fi; local ecomment=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${ecomment} ]]; then eerror "No comment specified !"; die "Cannot call esetcomment without a comment"; fi; if [[ $(egetcomment "${euser}") == ${ecomment} ]]; then return 0; fi; elog "Updating comment for user '${euser}' ..."; elog " - Comment: ${ecomment}"; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pw usermod "${euser}" -c "${ecomment}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update comment"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the comment for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system:"; eerror "\t pw usermod \"${euser}\" -c \"${ecomment}\"" ;; *) usermod -c "${ecomment}" "${euser}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update comment"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the comment for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system (as root):"; eerror "\t usermod -c \"${ecomment}\" \"${euser}\"" ;; esac } esetgroups () { _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] || die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} "; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then ewarn "User does not exist, cannot set group -- skipping."; return 1; fi; local egroups=$1; shift; local g egroups_arr=(); IFS="," read -r -a egroups_arr <<< "${egroups}"; [[ ${#egroups_arr[@]} -gt 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no groups specified"; for g in "${egroups_arr[@]}"; do if [[ -z $(egetent group "${g}") ]]; then eerror "You must add group ${g} to the system first"; die "${g} is not a valid GID"; fi; done; local defgroup=${egroups_arr[0]} exgroups_arr=(); readarray -t exgroups_arr < <(printf '%s\n' "${egroups_arr[@]:1}" | sort); local exgroups=${exgroups_arr[*]}; exgroups=${exgroups// /,}; egroups=${defgroup}${exgroups:+,${exgroups}}; if [[ $(egetgroups "${euser}") == ${egroups} ]]; then return 0; fi; local opts=(-g "${defgroup}" -G "${exgroups}"); elog "Updating groups for user '${euser}' ..."; elog " - Groups: ${egroups}"; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pw usermod "${euser}" "${opts[@]}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update groups"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the groups for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system:"; eerror "\t pw usermod \"${euser}\" ${opts[*]}" ;; *) usermod "${opts[@]}" "${euser}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update groups"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the groups for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system (as root):"; eerror "\t usermod ${opts[*]} \"${euser}\"" ;; esac } esethome () { _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${euser} ]]; then eerror "No username specified !"; die "Cannot call esethome without a username"; fi; if [[ -z $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then ewarn "User does not exist, cannot set home dir -- skipping."; return 1; fi; local ehome=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${ehome} ]]; then eerror "No home directory specified !"; die "Cannot call esethome without a home directory or '-1'"; fi; if [[ ${ehome} == "-1" ]]; then ehome="/dev/null"; fi; if [[ $(egethome "${euser}") == ${ehome} ]]; then return 0; fi; elog "Updating home for user '${euser}' ..."; elog " - Home: ${ehome}"; if [[ ! -e ${ROOT}/${ehome} ]]; then elog " - Creating ${ehome} in ${ROOT}"; mkdir -p "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chown "${euser}" "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; chmod 755 "${ROOT}/${ehome}"; fi; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pw usermod "${euser}" -d "${ehome}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update home"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the home directory for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system:"; eerror "\t pw usermod \"${euser}\" -d \"${ehome}\"" ;; *) usermod -d "${ehome}" "${euser}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update home"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the home directory for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system (as root):"; eerror "\t usermod -d \"${ehome}\" \"${euser}\"" ;; esac } esetshell () { _assert_pkg_ebuild_phase ${FUNCNAME}; local euser=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${euser} ]]; then eerror "No username specified !"; die "Cannot call esetshell without a username"; fi; if [[ -z $(egetent passwd "${euser}") ]]; then ewarn "User does not exist, cannot set shell -- skipping."; return 1; fi; local eshell=$1; shift; if [[ -z ${eshell} ]]; then eerror "No shell specified !"; die "Cannot call esetshell without a shell or '-1'"; fi; if [[ ${eshell} == "-1" ]]; then eshell=$(user_get_nologin); fi; if [[ $(egetshell "${euser}") == ${eshell} ]]; then return 0; fi; elog "Updating shell for user '${euser}' ..."; elog " - Shell: ${eshell}"; case ${CHOST} in *-freebsd* | *-dragonfly*) pw usermod "${euser}" -s "${eshell}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update shell"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the shell for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system:"; eerror "\t pw usermod \"${euser}\" -s \"${eshell}\"" ;; *) usermod -s "${eshell}" "${euser}" && return 0; [[ $? == 8 ]] && eerror "${euser} is in use, cannot update shell"; eerror "There was an error when attempting to update the shell for ${euser}"; eerror "Please update it manually on your system (as root):"; eerror "\t usermod -s \"${eshell}\" \"${euser}\"" ;; esac } filter-flags () { _filter-hardened "$@"; local v; for v in $(all-flag-vars); do _filter-var ${v} "$@"; done; return 0 } filter-ldflags () { _filter-var LDFLAGS "$@"; return 0 } filter-lfs-flags () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "filter-lfs-flags takes no arguments"; filter-flags -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE } filter-mfpmath () { local orig_mfpmath new_math prune_math; orig_mfpmath=$(get-flag -mfpmath); new_math=$(get-flag mfpmath); new_math=${new_math/both/387,sse}; new_math=" ${new_math//[,+]/ } "; prune_math=""; for prune_math in "$@"; do new_math=${new_math/ ${prune_math} / }; done; new_math=$(echo ${new_math}); new_math=${new_math// /,}; if [[ -z ${new_math} ]]; then filter-flags ${orig_mfpmath}; else replace-flags ${orig_mfpmath} -mfpmath=${new_math}; fi; return 0 } gcc-fullversion () { _gcc_fullversion '$1.$2.$3' "$@" } gcc-major-version () { _gcc_fullversion '$1' "$@" } gcc-micro-version () { _gcc_fullversion '$3' "$@" } gcc-minor-version () { _gcc_fullversion '$2' "$@" } gcc-specs-directive () { local directive subdname subdirective; directive="$(_gcc-specs-directive_raw $1)"; while [[ ${directive} == *%\(*\)* ]]; do subdname=${directive/*%\(}; subdname=${subdname/\)*}; subdirective="$(_gcc-specs-directive_raw ${subdname})"; directive="${directive//\%(${subdname})/${subdirective}}"; done; echo "${directive}"; return 0 } gcc-specs-nostrict () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); [[ "${directive/\{!fstrict-overflow:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-now () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive link_command); [[ "${directive/\{!nonow:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-pie () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); [[ "${directive/\{!nopie:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-relro () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive link_command); [[ "${directive/\{!norelro:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-ssp () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); [[ "${directive/\{!fno-stack-protector:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-ssp-to-all () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); [[ "${directive/\{!fno-stack-protector-all:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-specs-stack-check () { local directive; directive=$(gcc-specs-directive cc1); [[ "${directive/\{!fno-stack-check:}" != "${directive}" ]] } gcc-version () { _gcc_fullversion '$1.$2' "$@" } gen_usr_ldscript () { ewarn "${FUNCNAME}: Please migrate to usr-ldscript.eclass"; local lib libdir=$(get_libdir) output_format="" auto=false suffix=$(get_libname); [[ -z ${ED+set} ]] && local ED=${D%/}${EPREFIX}/; tc-is-static-only && return; if [[ $(type -t multilib_is_native_abi) == "function" ]]; then multilib_is_native_abi || return 0; fi; case ${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} in *-darwin*) ;; *-android*) return 0 ;; *linux* | *-freebsd* | *-openbsd* | *-netbsd*) use prefix && return 0 ;; *) return 0 ;; esac; dodir /usr/${libdir}; if [[ $1 == "-a" ]]; then auto=true; shift; dodir /${libdir}; fi; local flags=(${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--verbose); if $(tc-getLD) --version | grep -q 'GNU gold'; then local d="${T}/bfd-linker"; mkdir -p "${d}"; ln -sf $(which ${CHOST}-ld.bfd) "${d}"/ld; flags+=(-B"${d}"); fi; output_format=$($(tc-getCC) "${flags[@]}" 2>&1 | sed -n 's/^OUTPUT_FORMAT("\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/p'); [[ -n ${output_format} ]] && output_format="OUTPUT_FORMAT ( ${output_format} )"; for lib in "$@"; do local tlib; if ${auto}; then lib="lib${lib}${suffix}"; else [[ -r ${ED}/${libdir}/${lib} ]] || continue; fi; case ${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} in *-darwin*) if ${auto}; then tlib=$(scanmacho -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}); else tlib=$(scanmacho -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}); fi; [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && die "unable to read install_name from ${lib}"; tlib=${tlib##*/}; if ${auto}; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; if [[ ${tlib} != ${lib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} ]]; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${tlib%${suffix}}.*${suffix#.} "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; fi; rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; fi; if [[ ! -w "${ED}/${libdir}/${tlib}" ]]; then chmod u+w "${ED}${libdir}/${tlib}"; local nowrite=yes; fi; install_name_tool -id "${EPREFIX}"/${libdir}/${tlib} "${ED}"/${libdir}/${tlib} || die "install_name_tool failed"; [[ -n ${nowrite} ]] && chmod u-w "${ED}${libdir}/${tlib}"; pushd "${ED}/usr/${libdir}" > /dev/null; ln -snf "../../${libdir}/${tlib}" "${lib}"; popd > /dev/null ;; *) if ${auto}; then tlib=$(scanelf -qF'%S#F' "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}); [[ -z ${tlib} ]] && die "unable to read SONAME from ${lib}"; mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${lib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; if [[ ${tlib} != ${lib}* ]]; then mv "${ED}"/usr/${libdir}/${tlib}* "${ED}"/${libdir}/ || die; fi; rm -f "${ED}"/${libdir}/${lib}; else tlib=${lib}; fi; cat > "${ED}/usr/${libdir}/${lib}" <<-END_LDSCRIPT /* GNU ld script Since Gentoo has critical dynamic libraries in /lib, and the static versions in /usr/lib, we need to have a "fake" dynamic lib in /usr/lib, otherwise we run into linking problems. This "fake" dynamic lib is a linker script that redirects the linker to the real lib. And yes, this works in the cross- compiling scenario as the sysroot-ed linker will prepend the real path. See bug for more info. */ ${output_format} GROUP ( ${EPREFIX}/${libdir}/${tlib} ) END_LDSCRIPT ;; esac fperms a+x "/usr/${libdir}/${lib}" || die "could not change perms on ${lib}"; done } get-flag () { [[ $# -ne 1 ]] && die "usage: "; local f var findflag="$1"; for var in $(all-flag-vars); do for f in ${!var}; do if [ "${f/${findflag}}" != "${f}" ]; then printf "%s\n" "${f/-${findflag}=}"; return 0; fi; done; done; return 1 } get_abi_CFLAGS () { get_abi_var CFLAGS "$@" } get_abi_CHOST () { get_abi_var CHOST "$@" } get_abi_CTARGET () { get_abi_var CTARGET "$@" } get_abi_FAKE_TARGETS () { get_abi_var FAKE_TARGETS "$@" } get_abi_LDFLAGS () { get_abi_var LDFLAGS "$@" } get_abi_LIBDIR () { get_abi_var LIBDIR "$@" } get_abi_var () { local flag=$1; local abi=${2:-${ABI:-${DEFAULT_ABI:-default}}}; local var="${flag}_${abi}"; echo ${!var} } get_all_abis () { local x order="" mvar dvar; mvar="MULTILIB_ABIS"; dvar="DEFAULT_ABI"; if [[ -n $1 ]]; then mvar="$1_${mvar}"; dvar="$1_${dvar}"; fi; if [[ -z ${!mvar} ]]; then echo "default"; return 0; fi; for x in ${!mvar}; do if [[ ${x} != ${!dvar} ]]; then order="${order:+${order} }${x}"; fi; done; order="${order:+${order} }${!dvar}"; echo ${order}; return 0 } get_all_libdirs () { local libdirs abi; for abi in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do libdirs+=" $(get_abi_LIBDIR ${abi})"; done; [[ " ${libdirs} " != *" lib "* ]] && libdirs+=" lib"; echo "${libdirs}" } get_exeext () { case ${CHOST} in *-cygwin* | mingw* | *-mingw*) echo ".exe" ;; esac } get_install_abis () { local x order=""; if [[ -z ${MULTILIB_ABIS} ]]; then echo "default"; return 0; fi; if [[ ${EMULTILIB_PKG} == "true" ]]; then for x in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do if [[ ${x} != "${DEFAULT_ABI}" ]]; then has ${x} ${ABI_DENY} || order="${order} ${x}"; fi; done; has ${DEFAULT_ABI} ${ABI_DENY} || order="${order} ${DEFAULT_ABI}"; if [[ -n ${ABI_ALLOW} ]]; then local ordera=""; for x in ${order}; do if has ${x} ${ABI_ALLOW}; then ordera="${ordera} ${x}"; fi; done; order=${ordera}; fi; else order=${DEFAULT_ABI}; fi; if [[ -z ${order} ]]; then die "The ABI list is empty. Are you using a proper multilib profile? Perhaps your USE flags or MULTILIB_ABIS are too restrictive for this package."; fi; echo ${order}; return 0 } get_libdir () { local libdir_var="LIBDIR_${ABI}"; local libdir="lib"; [[ -n ${ABI} && -n ${!libdir_var} ]] && libdir=${!libdir_var}; echo "${libdir}" } get_libname () { local libname; local ver=$1; case ${CHOST} in *-cygwin*) libname="dll.a" ;; mingw* | *-mingw*) libname="dll" ;; *-darwin*) libname="dylib" ;; *-mint*) libname="irrelevant" ;; hppa*-hpux*) libname="sl" ;; *) libname="so" ;; esac; if [[ -z $* ]]; then echo ".${libname}"; else for ver in "$@"; do case ${CHOST} in *-cygwin*) echo ".${ver}.${libname}" ;; *-darwin*) echo ".${ver}.${libname}" ;; *-mint*) echo ".${libname}" ;; *) echo ".${libname}.${ver}" ;; esac; done; fi } get_modname () { local modname; local ver=$1; case ${CHOST} in *-darwin*) modname="bundle" ;; *) modname="so" ;; esac; echo ".${modname}" } get_udevdir () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo "$(_udev_get_udevdir)" } has_multilib_profile () { [ -n "${MULTILIB_ABIS}" -a "${MULTILIB_ABIS}" != "${MULTILIB_ABIS/ /}" ] } in_iuse () { local use=${1}; if [[ -z "${use}" ]]; then echo "!!! in_iuse() called without a parameter." 1>&2; echo "!!! in_iuse " 1>&2; die "in_iuse() called without a parameter"; fi; local liuse=(${IUSE_EFFECTIVE}); has "${use}" "${liuse[@]#[+-]}" } is-flag () { is-flagq "$@" && echo true } is-flagq () { [[ -n $2 ]] && die "Usage: is-flag "; local var; for var in $(all-flag-vars); do _is_flagq ${var} "$1" && return 0; done; return 1 } is-ldflag () { is-ldflagq "$@" && echo true } is-ldflagq () { [[ -n $2 ]] && die "Usage: is-ldflag "; _is_flagq LDFLAGS $1 } is_final_abi () { has_multilib_profile || return 0; set -- $(get_install_abis); local LAST_ABI=$#; [[ ${!LAST_ABI} == ${ABI} ]] } l10n_find_plocales_changes () { [[ $# -ne 3 ]] && die "Exactly 3 arguments are needed!"; ebegin "Looking in ${1} for new locales"; pushd "${1}" > /dev/null || die "Cannot access ${1}"; local current= x=; for x in ${2}*${3}; do x=${x#"${2}"}; x=${x%"${3}"}; current+="${x} "; done; popd > /dev/null; if [[ "$(printf '%s\n' ${PLOCALES} | LC_ALL=C sort)" != "$(printf '%s\n' ${current} | LC_ALL=C sort)" ]]; then eend 1 "There are changes in locales! This ebuild should be updated to:"; eerror "PLOCALES=\"${current%[[:space:]]}\""; return 1; else eend 0; fi } l10n_for_each_disabled_locale_do () { local locs x; locs=$(l10n_get_locales disabled); for x in ${locs}; do "${@}" ${x} || die "failed to process disabled ${x} locale"; done } l10n_for_each_locale_do () { local locs x; locs=$(l10n_get_locales); for x in ${locs}; do "${@}" ${x} || die "failed to process enabled ${x} locale"; done } l10n_get_locales () { local loc locs; if [[ -z ${LINGUAS+set} ]]; then locs=${PLOCALES}; else for loc in ${LINGUAS}; do has ${loc} ${PLOCALES} && locs+="${loc} "; done; fi; [[ -z ${locs} ]] && locs=${PLOCALE_BACKUP}; if [[ ${1} == disabled ]]; then local disabled_locs; for loc in ${PLOCALES}; do has ${loc} ${locs} || disabled_locs+="${loc} "; done; locs=${disabled_locs}; fi; printf "%s" "${locs}" } make_wrapper () { local wrapper=$1 bin=$2 chdir=$3 libdir=$4 path=$5; local tmpwrapper="${T}/tmp.wrapper.${wrapper##*/}"; has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && local EPREFIX=""; ( echo '#!/bin/sh'; if [[ -n ${libdir} ]]; then local var; if [[ ${CHOST} == *-darwin* ]]; then var=DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH; else var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH; fi; cat <<-EOF if [ "\${${var}+set}" = "set" ] ; then export ${var}="\${${var}}:${EPREFIX}${libdir}" else export ${var}="${EPREFIX}${libdir}" fi EOF fi [[ -n ${chdir} ]] && printf 'cd "%s" &&\n' "${EPREFIX}${chdir}"; printf 'exec %s "$@"\n' "${bin/#\//${EPREFIX}/}" ) > "${tmpwrapper}"; chmod go+rx "${tmpwrapper}"; if [[ -n ${path} ]]; then ( exeopts -m 0755; exeinto "${path}"; newexe "${tmpwrapper}" "${wrapper}" ) || die; else newbin "${tmpwrapper}" "${wrapper}" || die; fi } multibuild_copy_sources () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local _MULTIBUILD_INITIAL_BUILD_DIR=${BUILD_DIR:-${S}}; einfo "Will copy sources from ${_MULTIBUILD_INITIAL_BUILD_DIR}"; local cp_args=(); if cp --reflink=auto --version &> /dev/null; then cp_args+=(--reflink=auto); fi; function _multibuild_create_source_copy () { einfo "${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT}: copying to ${BUILD_DIR}"; cp -p -R "${cp_args[@]}" "${_MULTIBUILD_INITIAL_BUILD_DIR}" "${BUILD_DIR}" || die }; multibuild_foreach_variant _multibuild_create_source_copy } multibuild_for_best_variant () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ -n ${MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS} ]] || die "MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS need to be set"; local MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS=("${MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS[$(( ${#MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS[@]} - 1 ))]}"); multibuild_foreach_variant "${@}" } multibuild_foreach_variant () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ -n ${MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS} ]] || die "MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS need to be set"; local bdir=${BUILD_DIR:-${S}}; [[ ${bdir%%/} == ${WORKDIR%%/} ]] && bdir=${WORKDIR}/build; local prev_id=${MULTIBUILD_ID:+${MULTIBUILD_ID}-}; local ret=0 lret=0 v; debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: initial build_dir = ${bdir}"; for v in "${MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS[@]}"; do local MULTIBUILD_VARIANT=${v}; local MULTIBUILD_ID=${prev_id}${v}; local BUILD_DIR=${bdir%%/}-${v}; function _multibuild_run () { local i=1; while [[ ${!i} == _* ]]; do (( i += 1 )); done; [[ ${i} -le ${#} ]] && einfo "${v}: running ${@:${i}}"; "${@}" }; _multibuild_run "${@}" > >(exec tee -a "${T}/build-${MULTIBUILD_ID}.log") 2>&1; lret=${?}; done; [[ ${ret} -eq 0 && ${lret} -ne 0 ]] && ret=${lret}; return ${ret} } multibuild_merge_root () { local src=${1}; local dest=${2}; local ret; if use userland_BSD; then tar -C "${src}" -f - -c . | tar -x -f - -C "${dest}"; [[ ${PIPESTATUS[*]} == '0 0' ]]; ret=${?}; else local cp_args=(); if cp -a --version &> /dev/null; then cp_args+=(-a); else cp_args+=(-P -R -p); fi; if cp --reflink=auto --version &> /dev/null; then cp_args+=(--reflink=auto); fi; cp "${cp_args[@]}" "${src}"/. "${dest}"/; ret=${?}; fi; if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then die "${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT:-(unknown)}: merging image failed."; fi; rm -rf "${src}" } multibuild_parallel_foreach_variant () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EAPI} == [45] ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}"; multibuild_foreach_variant "${@}" } multilib-minimal_src_compile () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; function multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die; if declare -f multilib_src_compile > /dev/null; then multilib_src_compile; else default_src_compile; fi; popd > /dev/null || die }; multilib_foreach_abi multilib-minimal_abi_src_compile } multilib-minimal_src_configure () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; function multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" || die; pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die; if declare -f multilib_src_configure > /dev/null; then multilib_src_configure; else default_src_configure; fi; popd > /dev/null || die }; multilib_foreach_abi multilib-minimal_abi_src_configure } multilib-minimal_src_install () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; function multilib-minimal_abi_src_install () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die; if declare -f multilib_src_install > /dev/null; then multilib_src_install; else if [[ -f Makefile || -f GNUmakefile || -f makefile ]]; then emake DESTDIR="${D}" install; fi; fi; multilib_prepare_wrappers; multilib_check_headers; popd > /dev/null || die }; multilib_foreach_abi multilib-minimal_abi_src_install; multilib_install_wrappers; if declare -f multilib_src_install_all > /dev/null; then multilib_src_install_all; else einstalldocs; fi } multilib-minimal_src_test () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; function multilib-minimal_abi_src_test () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die; if declare -f multilib_src_test > /dev/null; then multilib_src_test; else default_src_test; fi; popd > /dev/null || die }; multilib_foreach_abi multilib-minimal_abi_src_test } multilib_build_binaries () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EAPI} == [45] ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use multilib_is_native_abi() instead"; eqawarn "QA warning: multilib_build_binaries is deprecated. Please use the equivalent"; eqawarn "multilib_is_native_abi function instead."; multilib_is_native_abi "${@}" } multilib_check_headers () { function _multilib_header_cksum () { set -o pipefail; if [[ -d ${ED%/}/usr/include ]]; then find "${ED%/}"/usr/include -type f -exec cksum {} + | sort -k2; fi }; local cksum cksum_prev; local cksum_file=${T}/.multilib_header_cksum; cksum=$(_multilib_header_cksum) || die; unset -f _multilib_header_cksum; if [[ -f ${cksum_file} ]]; then cksum_prev=$(< "${cksum_file}") || die; if [[ ${cksum} != ${cksum_prev} ]]; then echo "${cksum}" > "${cksum_file}.new" || die; eerror "Header files have changed between ABIs."; if type -p diff &> /dev/null; then eerror "$(diff -du "${cksum_file}" "${cksum_file}.new")"; else eerror "Old checksums in: ${cksum_file}"; eerror "New checksums in: ${cksum_file}.new"; fi; die "Header checksum mismatch, aborting."; fi; else echo "${cksum}" > "${cksum_file}" || die; fi } multilib_copy_sources () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS=($(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs)); multibuild_copy_sources } multilib_env () { local CTARGET=${1:-${CTARGET}}; local cpu=${CTARGET%%*-}; if [[ ${CTARGET} = *-musl* ]]; then : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=default}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=default}; export MULTILIB_ABIS DEFAULT_ABI; return; fi; case ${cpu} in aarch64*) export CFLAGS_arm=${CFLAGS_arm-}; case ${cpu} in aarch64*be) export CHOST_arm="armv8b-${CTARGET#*-}" ;; *) export CHOST_arm="armv8l-${CTARGET#*-}" ;; esac; CHOST_arm=${CHOST_arm/%-gnu/-gnueabi}; export CTARGET_arm=${CHOST_arm}; export LIBDIR_arm="lib"; export CFLAGS_arm64=${CFLAGS_arm64-}; export CHOST_arm64=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_arm64=${CHOST_arm64}; export LIBDIR_arm64="lib64"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=arm64}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=arm64} ;; x86_64*) export CFLAGS_x86=${CFLAGS_x86--m32}; export CHOST_x86=${CTARGET/x86_64/i686}; CHOST_x86=${CHOST_x86/%-gnux32/-gnu}; export CTARGET_x86=${CHOST_x86}; if [[ ${SYMLINK_LIB} == "yes" ]]; then export LIBDIR_x86="lib32"; else export LIBDIR_x86="lib"; fi; export CFLAGS_amd64=${CFLAGS_amd64--m64}; export CHOST_amd64=${CTARGET/%-gnux32/-gnu}; export CTARGET_amd64=${CHOST_amd64}; export LIBDIR_amd64="lib64"; export CFLAGS_x32=${CFLAGS_x32--mx32}; export CHOST_x32=${CTARGET/%-gnu/-gnux32}; export CTARGET_x32=${CHOST_x32}; export LIBDIR_x32="libx32"; case ${CTARGET} in *-gnux32) : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=x32 amd64 x86}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=x32} ;; *) : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=amd64 x86}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=amd64} ;; esac ;; mips64* | mipsisa64*) export CFLAGS_o32=${CFLAGS_o32--mabi=32}; export CHOST_o32=${CTARGET/mips64/mips}; export CHOST_o32=${CHOST_o32/mipsisa64/mipsisa32}; export CTARGET_o32=${CHOST_o32}; export LIBDIR_o32="lib"; export CFLAGS_n32=${CFLAGS_n32--mabi=n32}; export CHOST_n32=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_n32=${CHOST_n32}; export LIBDIR_n32="lib32"; export CFLAGS_n64=${CFLAGS_n64--mabi=64}; export CHOST_n64=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_n64=${CHOST_n64}; export LIBDIR_n64="lib64"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=n64 n32 o32}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=n32} ;; powerpc64*) export CFLAGS_ppc=${CFLAGS_ppc--m32}; export CHOST_ppc=${CTARGET/powerpc64/powerpc}; export CTARGET_ppc=${CHOST_ppc}; export LIBDIR_ppc="lib"; export CFLAGS_ppc64=${CFLAGS_ppc64--m64}; export CHOST_ppc64=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_ppc64=${CHOST_ppc64}; export LIBDIR_ppc64="lib64"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=ppc64 ppc}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=ppc64} ;; riscv64*) export CFLAGS_lp64d=${CFLAGS_lp64d--mabi=lp64d -march=rv64imafdc}; export CHOST_lp64d=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_lp64d=${CTARGET}; export LIBDIR_lp64d="lib64/lp64d"; export CFLAGS_lp64=${CFLAGS_lp64--mabi=lp64 -march=rv64imac}; export CHOST_lp64=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_lp64=${CTARGET}; export LIBDIR_lp64="lib64/lp64"; export CFLAGS_ilp32d=${CFLAGS_ilp32d--mabi=ilp32d -march=rv32imafdc}; export CHOST_ilp32d=${CTARGET/riscv64/riscv32}; export CTARGET_ilp32d=${CTARGET/riscv64/riscv32}; export LIBDIR_ilp32d="lib32/ilp32d"; export CFLAGS_ilp32=${CFLAGS_ilp32--mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imac}; export CHOST_ilp32=${CTARGET/riscv64/riscv32}; export CTARGET_ilp32=${CTARGET/riscv64/riscv32}; export LIBDIR_ilp32="lib32/ilp32"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=lp64d lp64 ilp32d ilp32}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=lp64d} ;; riscv32*) export CFLAGS_ilp32d=${CFLAGS_ilp32d--mabi=ilp32d}; export CHOST_ilp32d=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_ilp32d=${CTARGET}; export LIBDIR_ilp32d="lib32/ilp32d"; export CFLAGS_ilp32=${CFLAGS_ilp32--mabi=ilp32 -march=rv32imac}; export CHOST_ilp32=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_ilp32=${CTARGET}; export LIBDIR_ilp32="lib32/ilp32"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=ilp32d ilp32}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=ilp32d} ;; s390x*) export CFLAGS_s390=${CFLAGS_s390--m31}; export CHOST_s390=${CTARGET/s390x/s390}; export CTARGET_s390=${CHOST_s390}; export LIBDIR_s390="lib"; export CFLAGS_s390x=${CFLAGS_s390x--m64}; export CHOST_s390x=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_s390x=${CHOST_s390x}; export LIBDIR_s390x="lib64"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=s390x s390}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=s390x} ;; sparc64*) export CFLAGS_sparc32=${CFLAGS_sparc32--m32}; export CHOST_sparc32=${CTARGET/sparc64/sparc}; export CTARGET_sparc32=${CHOST_sparc32}; export LIBDIR_sparc32="lib"; export CFLAGS_sparc64=${CFLAGS_sparc64--m64}; export CHOST_sparc64=${CTARGET}; export CTARGET_sparc64=${CHOST_sparc64}; export LIBDIR_sparc64="lib64"; : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=sparc64 sparc32}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=sparc64} ;; *) : ${MULTILIB_ABIS=default}; : ${DEFAULT_ABI=default} ;; esac; export MULTILIB_ABIS DEFAULT_ABI } multilib_for_best_abi () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EAPI} == [45] ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use multilib_is_native_abi() instead"; eqawarn "QA warning: multilib_for_best_abi() function is deprecated and should"; eqawarn "not be used. The multilib_is_native_abi() check may be used instead."; local MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS=($(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs)); multibuild_for_best_variant _multilib_multibuild_wrapper "${@}" } multilib_foreach_abi () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS=($(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs)); multibuild_foreach_variant _multilib_multibuild_wrapper "${@}" } multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local abis=($(get_all_abis)); local abi i found; for abi in "${abis[@]}"; do for i in "${_MULTILIB_FLAGS[@]}"; do local m_abis=${i#*:} m_abi; local m_flag=${i%:*}; for m_abi in ${m_abis//,/ }; do if [[ ${m_abi} == ${abi} ]] && { [[ ! -n "${MULTILIB_COMPAT[@]}" ]] || has "${m_flag}" "${MULTILIB_COMPAT[@]}" } && use "${m_flag}"; then echo "${m_flag}.${abi}"; found=1; break 2; fi; done; done; done; if [[ ! -n ${found} ]]; then local abi=${ABI:-${DEFAULT_ABI}}; debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: no ABIs enabled, fallback to ${abi}"; debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: ABI=${ABI}, DEFAULT_ABI=${DEFAULT_ABI}"; echo ".${abi}"; fi } multilib_get_enabled_abis () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local pairs=($(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs)); echo "${pairs[@]#*.}" } multilib_install_wrappers () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${#} -le 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: too many arguments"; [[ ${COMPLETE_MULTILIB} == yes ]] && return; local root=${1:-${ED}}; if [[ -d ${ED%/}/tmp/multilib-include ]]; then multibuild_merge_root "${ED%/}"/tmp/multilib-include "${root}"/usr/include; rmdir "${ED%/}"/tmp &> /dev/null; fi } multilib_is_native_abi () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${#} -eq 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: too many arguments"; [[ ${COMPLETE_MULTILIB} == yes || ${ABI} == ${DEFAULT_ABI} ]] } multilib_native_enable () { if multilib_is_native_abi; then echo "--enable-${1}${2+=${2}}"; else echo "--disable-${1}"; fi } multilib_native_use_enable () { if multilib_is_native_abi; then use_enable "${@}"; else echo "--disable-${2:-${1}}"; fi } multilib_native_use_with () { if multilib_is_native_abi; then use_with "${@}"; else echo "--without-${2:-${1}}"; fi } multilib_native_usex () { if multilib_is_native_abi; then usex "${@}"; else echo "${3-no}${5}"; fi } multilib_native_with () { if multilib_is_native_abi; then echo "--with-${1}${2+=${2}}"; else echo "--without-${1}"; fi } multilib_parallel_foreach_abi () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local MULTIBUILD_VARIANTS=($(multilib_get_enabled_abi_pairs)); multibuild_foreach_variant _multilib_multibuild_wrapper "${@}" } multilib_prepare_wrappers () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${#} -le 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: too many arguments"; local root=${1:-${ED%/}}; local f; if [[ ${COMPLETE_MULTILIB} == yes ]]; then for f in "${MULTILIB_CHOST_TOOLS[@]}"; do f=${f#/}; local dir=${f%/*}; local fn=${f##*/}; ln -s "${fn}" "${root}/${dir}/${CHOST}-${fn}" || die; done; return; fi; for f in "${MULTILIB_CHOST_TOOLS[@]}"; do f=${f#/}; local dir=${f%/*}; local fn=${f##*/}; if [[ -L ${root}/${f} ]]; then local target; target=$(readlink "${root}/${f}") || die; local target_dir target_fn=${target##*/}; [[ ${target} == */* ]] && target_dir=${target%/*}; ln -f -s "${target_dir+${target_dir}/}${CHOST}-${target_fn}" "${root}/${f}" || die; fi; mv "${root}/${f}" "${root}/${dir}/${CHOST}-${fn}" || die; if multilib_is_native_abi; then ln -s "${CHOST}-${fn}" "${root}/${f}" || die; fi; done; if [[ -n ${MULTILIB_WRAPPED_HEADERS[@]} ]]; then if [[ -n ${MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG} ]]; then for f in "${MULTILIB_WRAPPED_HEADERS[@]}"; do f=${f#/}; if [[ ${f} != usr/include/* ]]; then die "Wrapping headers outside of /usr/include is not supported at the moment."; fi; f=${f#usr/include}; local dir=${f%/*}; if [[ -f ${root}/usr/include${f} ]]; then local wrapper=${ED%/}/tmp/multilib-include${f}; if [[ ! -f ${ED%/}/tmp/multilib-include${f} ]]; then dodir "/tmp/multilib-include${dir}"; cat > "${wrapper}" <<_EOF_ || /* This file is auto-generated by multilib-build.eclass * as a multilib-friendly wrapper. For the original content, * please see the files that are #included below. */ #if defined(__x86_64__) /* amd64 */ # if defined(__ILP32__) /* x32 ABI */ # error "abi_x86_x32 not supported by the package." # else /* 64-bit ABI */ # error "abi_x86_64 not supported by the package." # endif #elif defined(__i386__) /* plain x86 */ # error "abi_x86_32 not supported by the package." #elif defined(__mips__) # if(_MIPS_SIM == _ABIN32) /* n32 */ # error "abi_mips_n32 not supported by the package." # elif(_MIPS_SIM == _ABI64) /* n64 */ # error "abi_mips_n64 not supported by the package." # elif(_MIPS_SIM == _ABIO32) /* o32 */ # error "abi_mips_o32 not supported by the package." # endif #elif defined(__sparc__) # if defined(__arch64__) # error "abi_sparc_64 not supported by the package." # else # error "abi_sparc_32 not supported by the package." # endif #elif defined(__s390__) # if defined(__s390x__) # error "abi_s390_64 not supported by the package." # else # error "abi_s390_32 not supported by the package." # endif #elif defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__ppc__) # if defined(__powerpc64__) || defined(__ppc64__) # error "abi_ppc_64 not supported by the package." # else # error "abi_ppc_32 not supported by the package." # endif #elif defined(SWIG) /* */ # error "Native ABI not supported by the package." #else # error "No ABI matched, please report a bug to" #endif _EOF_ die; fi if ! grep -q "${MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG} " "${wrapper}"; then die "Flag ${MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG} not listed in wrapper template. Please report a bug to"; fi; dodir "/tmp/multilib-include/${CHOST}${dir}"; mv "${root}/usr/include${f}" "${ED%/}/tmp/multilib-include/${CHOST}${dir}/" || die; sed -e "/${MULTILIB_ABI_FLAG} /s&error.*&include <${CHOST}${f}>&" -i "${wrapper}" || die; if multilib_is_native_abi; then sed -e "/Native ABI/s&error.*&include <${CHOST}${f}>&" -i "${wrapper}" || die; fi; fi; done; fi; fi } multilib_src_compile () { emake VARTEXFONTS="${T}/fonts"; if tc-is-cross-compiler; then pushd "${BUILD_DIR}"/tools > /dev/null || die; tc-export_build_env BUILD_CC; ${BUILD_CC} ${BUILD_CPPFLAGS} ${BUILD_CFLAGS} ${BUILD_LDFLAGS} -I. -I../include -I"${S}"/include "${S}"/sanei/sanei_config.c "${S}"/sanei/sanei_constrain_value.c "${S}"/sanei/sanei_init_debug.c "${S}"/tools/sane-desc.c -o sane-desc || die; local dirs=(hal hotplug hotplug-ng udev); local targets=(hal/libsane.fdi hotplug/libsane.usermap hotplug-ng/libsane.db udev/libsane.rules); mkdir -p "${dirs[@]}" || die; emake "${targets[@]}"; popd > /dev/null || die; fi; if use usb; then sed -i -e '/^$/d' tools/hotplug/libsane.usermap || die; fi } multilib_src_configure () { local lbackends=" "; use gphoto2 && lbackends="gphoto2"; use v4l && lbackends="${lbackends} v4l"; for backend in ${IUSE_SANE_BACKENDS}; do if use "sane_backends_${backend}" && [ ${backend} != pnm ]; then lbackends="${lbackends} ${backend}"; fi; done; local myconf=($(use_with usb) $(multilib_native_use_with snmp)); if use sane_backends_pnm; then myconf+=(--enable-pnm-backend); fi; if use sane_backends_mustek_pp; then myconf+=(--enable-parport-directio); fi; if ! { use sane_backends_canon_pp || use sane_backends_hpsj5s || use sane_backends_mustek_pp }; then myconf+=(sane_cv_use_libieee1284=no); fi; ECONF_SOURCE=${S} SANEI_JPEG="sanei_jpeg.o" SANEI_JPEG_LO="sanei_jpeg.lo" BACKENDS="${lbackends}" econf --disable-locking --without-api-spec $(use_with gphoto2) $(multilib_native_use_with systemd) $(use_with v4l) $(use_enable ipv6) $(use_enable threads pthread) $(use_enable zeroconf avahi) "${myconf[@]}" } multilib_src_install () { emake INSTALL_LOCKPATH="" DESTDIR="${D}" install docdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}; if multilib_is_native_abi; then if use usb; then insinto /etc/hotplug/usb; doins tools/hotplug/libsane.usermap; fi; udev_newrules tools/udev/libsane.rules 41-libsane.rules; insinto "/usr/share/pkgconfig"; doins tools/sane-backends.pc; fi } multilib_src_install_all () { keepdir /var/lib/lock/sane; fowners root:scanner /var/lib/lock/sane; fperms g+w /var/lib/lock/sane; dodir /etc/env.d; if use systemd; then systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/saned_at.service "saned@.service"; systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}"/saned.socket saned.socket; fi; if use usb; then exeinto /etc/hotplug/usb; doexe tools/hotplug/libusbscanner; newdoc tools/hotplug/README README.hotplug; fi; dodoc NEWS AUTHORS PROBLEMS README README.linux; find "${D}" -name '*.la' -delete || die; if use xinetd; then insinto /etc/xinetd.d; doins "${FILESDIR}"/saned; fi; newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/saned.initd saned; newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/saned.confd saned } multilib_toolchain_setup () { local v vv; export ABI=$1; local save_restore_variables=(CBUILD CHOST AR CC CXX F77 FC LD NM OBJDUMP PKG_CONFIG RANLIB READELF STRINGS STRIP PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR PKG_CONFIG_PATH PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH); if [[ ${_DEFAULT_ABI_SAVED} == "true" ]]; then for v in "${save_restore_variables[@]}"; do vv="_abi_saved_${v}"; [[ ${!vv+set} == "set" ]] && export ${v}="${!vv}" || unset ${v}; unset ${vv}; done; unset _DEFAULT_ABI_SAVED; fi; if [[ ${ABI} != ${DEFAULT_ABI} ]]; then for v in "${save_restore_variables[@]}"; do vv="_abi_saved_${v}"; [[ ${!v+set} == "set" ]] && export ${vv}="${!v}" || unset ${vv}; done; export _DEFAULT_ABI_SAVED="true"; if [[ ${CBUILD} == "${CHOST}" ]]; then export CBUILD=$(get_abi_CHOST $1); fi; export CHOST=$(get_abi_CHOST ${DEFAULT_ABI}); export AR="$(tc-getAR)"; export CC="$(tc-getCC) $(get_abi_CFLAGS)"; export CXX="$(tc-getCXX) $(get_abi_CFLAGS)"; export F77="$(tc-getF77) $(get_abi_CFLAGS)"; export FC="$(tc-getFC) $(get_abi_CFLAGS)"; export LD="$(tc-getLD) $(get_abi_LDFLAGS)"; export NM="$(tc-getNM)"; export OBJDUMP="$(tc-getOBJDUMP)"; export PKG_CONFIG="$(tc-getPKG_CONFIG)"; export RANLIB="$(tc-getRANLIB)"; export READELF="$(tc-getREADELF)"; export STRINGS="$(tc-getSTRINGS)"; export STRIP="$(tc-getSTRIP)"; export CHOST=$(get_abi_CHOST $1); export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR=${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)/pkgconfig; export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/pkgconfig; export PKG_CONFIG_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH=${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir); fi } no-as-needed () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "no-as-needed takes no arguments"; case $($(tc-getLD) -v 2>&1 "; local f var new; for var in $(all-flag-vars); do new=(); for f in ${!var}; do [[ ${f} == ${1} ]] && f=${2}; new+=("${f}"); done; export ${var}="${new[*]}"; done; return 0 } replace-sparc64-flags () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "replace-sparc64-flags takes no arguments"; local SPARC64_CPUS="ultrasparc3 ultrasparc v9"; if [ "${CFLAGS/mtune}" != "${CFLAGS}" ]; then for x in ${SPARC64_CPUS}; do CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-mcpu=${x}/-mcpu=v8}"; done; else for x in ${SPARC64_CPUS}; do CFLAGS="${CFLAGS/-mcpu=${x}/-mcpu=v8 -mtune=${x}}"; done; fi; if [ "${CXXFLAGS/mtune}" != "${CXXFLAGS}" ]; then for x in ${SPARC64_CPUS}; do CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-mcpu=${x}/-mcpu=v8}"; done; else for x in ${SPARC64_CPUS}; do CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS/-mcpu=${x}/-mcpu=v8 -mtune=${x}}"; done; fi; export CFLAGS CXXFLAGS } run_in_build_dir () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local ret; [[ ${#} -ne 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: no command specified."; [[ -n ${BUILD_DIR} ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: BUILD_DIR not set."; mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}" || die; pushd "${BUILD_DIR}" > /dev/null || die; "${@}"; ret=${?}; popd > /dev/null || die; return ${ret} } setup-allowed-flags () { ALLOWED_FLAGS=(-pipe -O '-O[12sg]' -mcpu -march -mtune '-fstack-protector*' '-fsanitize*' '-fstack-check*' -fno-stack-check -fbounds-check -fbounds-checking -fno-strict-overflow -fno-PIE -fno-pie -nopie -no-pie -fno-unit-at-a-time -g '-g[0-9]' -ggdb '-ggdb[0-9]' -gdwarf '-gdwarf-*' -gstabs -gstabs+ -gz -fno-ident -fpermissive -frecord-gcc-switches '-fdiagnostics*' '-fplugin*' '-W*' -w '-[DUILR]*' '-Wl,*' '-fuse-ld'); ALLOWED_FLAGS+=('-fno-stack-protector*' '-fabi-version=*' -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-bounds-check -fno-bounds-checking -fstrict-overflow -fno-omit-frame-pointer '-fno-builtin*'); ALLOWED_FLAGS+=(-mregparm -mno-app-regs -mapp-regs -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-sse2 -mno-sse3 -mno-ssse3 -mno-sse4 -mno-sse4.1 -mno-sse4.2 -mno-avx -mno-aes -mno-pclmul -mno-sse4a -mno-3dnow -mno-popcnt -mno-abm -mips1 -mips2 -mips3 -mips4 -mips32 -mips64 -mips16 -mplt -msoft-float -mno-soft-float -mhard-float -mno-hard-float -mfpu -mieee -mieee-with-inexact -mschedule -mfloat-gprs -mspe -mno-spe -mtls-direct-seg-refs -mno-tls-direct-seg-refs -mflat -mno-flat -mno-faster-structs -mfaster-structs -m32 -m64 -mx32 -mabi -mlittle-endian -mbig-endian -EL -EB -fPIC -mlive-g0 -mcmodel -mstack-bias -mno-stack-bias -msecure-plt '-m*-toc' -mfloat-abi -mfix-r4000 -mno-fix-r4000 -mfix-r4400 -mno-fix-r4400 -mfix-rm7000 -mno-fix-rm7000 -mfix-r10000 -mno-fix-r10000 -mr10k-cache-barrier -mthumb -marm -mno-fma4 -mno-movbe -mno-xop -mno-lwp -mno-fsgsbase -mno-rdrnd -mno-f16c -mno-bmi -mno-tbm -mno-avx2 -mno-bmi2 -mno-fma -mno-lzcnt -mno-fxsr -mno-hle -mno-rtm -mno-xsave -mno-xsaveopt -mno-avx512cd -mno-avx512er -mno-avx512f -mno-avx512pf -mno-sha); ALLOWED_FLAGS+=(-mstackrealign) } src_compile () { multilib-minimal_src_compile "$@" } src_configure () { append-flags -fno-strict-aliasing; multilib-minimal_src_configure } src_install () { multilib-minimal_src_install "$@" } src_prepare () { default; sed -i -e "s/m4_esyscmd_s(\[git describe --dirty\])/${PV}/" || die; eautoreconf; local ver=$(./configure --version | awk '{print $NF; exit 0}'); sed -i -e "/by sane-desc 3.5 from sane-backends/s:sane-backends .*:sane-backends ${ver}:" testsuite/tools/data/html* || die } src_test () { multilib-minimal_src_test "$@" } src_unpack () { default } strip-flags () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "strip-flags takes no arguments"; local x y var; local ALLOWED_FLAGS; setup-allowed-flags; set -f; for var in $(all-flag-vars); do local new=(); for x in ${!var}; do local flag=${x%%=*}; for y in "${ALLOWED_FLAGS[@]}"; do if [[ -z ${flag%%${y}} ]]; then new+=("${x}"); break; fi; done; done; if _is_flagq ${var} "-O*" && ! _is_flagq new "-O*"; then new+=(-O2); fi; if [[ ${!var} != "${new[*]}" ]]; then einfo "strip-flags: ${var}: changed '${!var}' to '${new[*]}'"; fi; export ${var}="${new[*]}"; done; set +f; return 0 } strip-linguas () { local ls newls nols; if [[ $1 == "-i" ]] || [[ $1 == "-u" ]]; then local op=$1; shift; ls=$(find "$1" -name '*.po' -exec basename {} .po ';'); shift; local d f; for d in "$@"; do if [[ ${op} == "-u" ]]; then newls=${ls}; else newls=""; fi; for f in $(find "$d" -name '*.po' -exec basename {} .po ';'); do if [[ ${op} == "-i" ]]; then has ${f} ${ls} && newls="${newls} ${f}"; else has ${f} ${ls} || newls="${newls} ${f}"; fi; done; ls=${newls}; done; else ls="$@"; fi; nols=""; newls=""; for f in ${LINGUAS}; do if has ${f} ${ls}; then newls="${newls} ${f}"; else nols="${nols} ${f}"; fi; done; [[ -n ${nols} ]] && einfo "Sorry, but ${PN} does not support the LINGUAS:" ${nols}; export LINGUAS=${newls:1} } strip-unsupported-flags () { [[ $# -ne 0 ]] && die "strip-unsupported-flags takes no arguments"; export CFLAGS=$(test-flags-CC ${CFLAGS}); export CXXFLAGS=$(test-flags-CXX ${CXXFLAGS}); export FFLAGS=$(test-flags-F77 ${FFLAGS}); export FCFLAGS=$(test-flags-FC ${FCFLAGS}); export LDFLAGS=$(test-flags-CCLD ${LDFLAGS}) } systemd_dotmpfilesd () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; for f in "$@"; do [[ ${f} == *.conf ]] || die 'tmpfiles.d files need to have .conf suffix.'; done; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/; doins "${@}" ) } systemd_dounit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_systemd_get_systemunitdir)"; doins "${@}" ) } systemd_douserunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_systemd_get_userunitdir)"; doins "${@}" ) } systemd_enable_ntpunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; if [[ ${#} -lt 2 ]]; then die "Usage: systemd_enable_ntpunit ..."; fi; local ntpunit_name=${1}; local services=("${@:2}"); if [[ ${ntpunit_name} != [0-9][0-9]-* ]]; then die "ntpunit.d file must be named NN-name where NN are digits."; else if [[ ${ntpunit_name} == *.list ]]; then die "The .list suffix is appended implicitly to ntpunit.d name."; fi; fi; local unitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir); local s; for s in "${services[@]}"; do if [[ ! -f "${D}${unitdir}/${s}" ]]; then die "ntp-units.d provider ${s} not installed (yet?) in \${D}."; fi; echo "${s}" >> "${T}"/${ntpunit_name}.list || die; done; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_systemd_get_utildir)"/ntp-units.d; doins "${T}"/${ntpunit_name}.list ); local ret=${?}; rm "${T}"/${ntpunit_name}.list || die; return ${ret} } systemd_enable_service () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${#} -eq 2 ]] || die "Synopsis: systemd_enable_service target service"; local target=${1}; local service=${2}; local ud=$(_systemd_get_systemunitdir); local destname=${service##*/}; dodir "${ud}"/"${target}".wants && dosym ../"${service}" "${ud}"/"${target}".wants/"${destname}" } systemd_get_systemgeneratordir () { has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_systemgeneratordir)" } systemd_get_systemunitdir () { has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_systemunitdir)" } systemd_get_unitdir () { [[ ${EAPI} == [012345] ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI 6, use systemd_get_systemunitdir instead"; systemd_get_systemunitdir } systemd_get_userunitdir () { has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_userunitdir)" } systemd_get_utildir () { has "${EAPI:-0}" 0 1 2 && ! use prefix && EPREFIX=; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo "${EPREFIX}$(_systemd_get_utildir)" } systemd_install_serviced () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local src=${1}; local service=${2}; [[ -n ${src} ]] || die "No file specified"; if [[ ! -n ${service} ]]; then [[ ${src} == *.conf ]] || die "Source file needs .conf suffix"; service=${src##*/}; service=${service%.conf}; fi; [[ ${service} == *.d ]] && die "Service must not have .d suffix"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto /etc/systemd/system/"${service}".d; newins "${src}" 00gentoo.conf ) } systemd_is_booted () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]]; local ret=${?}; debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: [[ -d /run/systemd/system ]] -> ${ret}"; return ${ret} } systemd_newtmpfilesd () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${2} == *.conf ]] || die 'tmpfiles.d files need to have .conf suffix.'; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_newunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_systemd_get_systemunitdir)"; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_newuserunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_systemd_get_userunitdir)"; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_reenable () { type systemctl &> /dev/null || return 0; local x; for x in "$@"; do if systemctl --quiet --root="${ROOT:-/}" is-enabled "${x}"; then systemctl --root="${ROOT:-/}" reenable "${x}"; fi; done } systemd_tmpfiles_create () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == postinst ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: Only valid in pkg_postinst"; [[ ${#} -gt 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: Must specify at least one filename"; [[ ${ROOT:-/} == / ]] || return 0; type systemd-tmpfiles &> /dev/null || return 0; systemd-tmpfiles --create "${@}" } systemd_update_catalog () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == post* ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} disallowed during ${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC:-${EBUILD_PHASE}}"; local journalctl=${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/journalctl; if [[ -x ${journalctl} ]]; then ebegin "Updating systemd journal catalogs"; journalctl --update-catalog; eend $?; else debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: journalctl not found."; fi } systemd_with_unitdir () { [[ ${EAPI:-0} != [012345] ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use --with-${1:-systemdsystemunitdir}=\"\$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)\" instead"; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local optname=${1:-systemdsystemunitdir}; echo --with-${optname}="$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)" } systemd_with_utildir () { [[ ${EAPI:-0} != [012345] ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use --with-systemdutildir=\"\$(systemd_get_utildir)\" instead"; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo --with-systemdutildir="$(systemd_get_utildir)" } tc-arch () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch portage "$@" } tc-arch-kernel () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch kern "$@" } tc-check-openmp () { if ! tc-has-openmp; then eerror "Your current compiler does not support OpenMP!"; if tc-is-gcc; then eerror "Enable OpenMP support by building sys-devel/gcc with USE=\"openmp\"."; else if tc-is-clang; then eerror "OpenMP support in sys-devel/clang is provided by sys-libs/libomp."; fi; fi; die "Active compiler does not have required support for OpenMP"; fi } tc-cpp-is-true () { local CONDITION=${1}; shift; $(tc-getTARGET_CPP) "${@}" -P - <<-EOF > /dev/null 2>&1 #if ${CONDITION} true #else #error false #endif EOF } tc-detect-is-softfloat () { [[ $(tc-getTARGET_CPP) == "gcc -E" ]] && return 1; case ${CTARGET:-${CHOST}} in *-newlib | *-elf | *-eabi) return 1 ;; arm*) if tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__ARM_PCS_VFP)"; then echo "no"; else if tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__SOFTFP__)"; then echo "yes"; else echo "softfp"; fi; fi; return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } tc-enables-pie () { tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__PIE__)" ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} } tc-enables-ssp () { tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__SSP__) || defined(__SSP_STRONG__) || defined(__SSP_ALL__)" ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} } tc-enables-ssp-all () { tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__SSP_ALL__)" ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} } tc-enables-ssp-strong () { tc-cpp-is-true "defined(__SSP_STRONG__) || defined(__SSP_ALL__)" ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} } tc-endian () { local host=$1; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; host=${host%%-*}; case ${host} in aarch64*be) echo big ;; aarch64) echo little ;; alpha*) echo little ;; arm*b*) echo big ;; arm*) echo little ;; cris*) echo little ;; hppa*) echo big ;; i?86*) echo little ;; ia64*) echo little ;; m68*) echo big ;; mips*l*) echo little ;; mips*) echo big ;; powerpc*le) echo little ;; powerpc*) echo big ;; riscv*) echo little ;; s390*) echo big ;; sh*b*) echo big ;; sh*) echo little ;; sparc*) echo big ;; x86_64*) echo little ;; *) echo wtf ;; esac } tc-env_build () { tc-export_build_env; CFLAGS=${BUILD_CFLAGS} CXXFLAGS=${BUILD_CXXFLAGS} CPPFLAGS=${BUILD_CPPFLAGS} LDFLAGS=${BUILD_LDFLAGS} AR=$(tc-getBUILD_AR) AS=$(tc-getBUILD_AS) CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC) CPP=$(tc-getBUILD_CPP) CXX=$(tc-getBUILD_CXX) LD=$(tc-getBUILD_LD) NM=$(tc-getBUILD_NM) PKG_CONFIG=$(tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG) RANLIB=$(tc-getBUILD_RANLIB) READELF=$(tc-getBUILD_READELF) "$@" } tc-export () { local var; for var in "$@"; do [[ $(type -t "tc-get${var}") != "function" ]] && die "tc-export: invalid export variable '${var}'"; "tc-get${var}" > /dev/null; done } tc-export_build_env () { tc-export "$@"; if tc-is-cross-compiler; then : ${BUILD_CFLAGS:=-O1 -pipe}; : ${BUILD_CXXFLAGS:=-O1 -pipe}; : ${BUILD_CPPFLAGS:= }; : ${BUILD_LDFLAGS:= }; else : ${BUILD_CFLAGS:=${CFLAGS}}; : ${BUILD_CXXFLAGS:=${CXXFLAGS}}; : ${BUILD_CPPFLAGS:=${CPPFLAGS}}; : ${BUILD_LDFLAGS:=${LDFLAGS}}; fi; export BUILD_{C,CXX,CPP,LD}FLAGS; local v; for v in BUILD_{C,CXX,CPP,LD}FLAGS; do export ${v#BUILD_}_FOR_BUILD="${!v}"; done } tc-get-compiler-type () { local code=' #if defined(__PATHSCALE__) HAVE_PATHCC #elif defined(__clang__) HAVE_CLANG #elif defined(__GNUC__) HAVE_GCC #endif '; local res=$($(tc-getCPP "$@") -E -P - <<<"${code}"); case ${res} in *HAVE_PATHCC*) echo pathcc ;; *HAVE_CLANG*) echo clang ;; *HAVE_GCC*) echo gcc ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } tc-getAR () { tc-getPROG AR ar "$@" } tc-getAS () { tc-getPROG AS as "$@" } tc-getBUILD_AR () { tc-getBUILD_PROG AR ar "$@" } tc-getBUILD_AS () { tc-getBUILD_PROG AS as "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CC () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CC gcc "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CPP () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CPP "$(tc-getBUILD_CC) -E" "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CXX () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CXX g++ "$@" } tc-getBUILD_LD () { tc-getBUILD_PROG LD ld "$@" } tc-getBUILD_NM () { tc-getBUILD_PROG NM nm "$@" } tc-getBUILD_OBJCOPY () { tc-getBUILD_PROG OBJCOPY objcopy "$@" } tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG () { tc-getBUILD_PROG PKG_CONFIG pkg-config "$@" } tc-getBUILD_PROG () { local vars="BUILD_$1 $1_FOR_BUILD HOST$1"; tc-is-cross-compiler || vars+=" $1"; _tc-getPROG CBUILD "${vars}" "${@:2}" } tc-getBUILD_RANLIB () { tc-getBUILD_PROG RANLIB ranlib "$@" } tc-getBUILD_READELF () { tc-getBUILD_PROG READELF readelf "$@" } tc-getBUILD_STRINGS () { tc-getBUILD_PROG STRINGS strings "$@" } tc-getBUILD_STRIP () { tc-getBUILD_PROG STRIP strip "$@" } tc-getCC () { tc-getPROG CC gcc "$@" } tc-getCPP () { tc-getPROG CPP "${CC:-gcc} -E" "$@" } tc-getCXX () { tc-getPROG CXX g++ "$@" } tc-getDLLWRAP () { tc-getPROG DLLWRAP dllwrap "$@" } tc-getF77 () { tc-getPROG F77 gfortran "$@" } tc-getFC () { tc-getPROG FC gfortran "$@" } tc-getGCJ () { tc-getPROG GCJ gcj "$@" } tc-getGO () { tc-getPROG GO gccgo "$@" } tc-getLD () { tc-getPROG LD ld "$@" } tc-getNM () { tc-getPROG NM nm "$@" } tc-getOBJCOPY () { tc-getPROG OBJCOPY objcopy "$@" } tc-getOBJDUMP () { tc-getPROG OBJDUMP objdump "$@" } tc-getPKG_CONFIG () { tc-getPROG PKG_CONFIG pkg-config "$@" } tc-getPROG () { _tc-getPROG CHOST "$@" } tc-getRANLIB () { tc-getPROG RANLIB ranlib "$@" } tc-getRC () { tc-getPROG RC windres "$@" } tc-getREADELF () { tc-getPROG READELF readelf "$@" } tc-getSTRINGS () { tc-getPROG STRINGS strings "$@" } tc-getSTRIP () { tc-getPROG STRIP strip "$@" } tc-getTARGET_CPP () { if [[ -n ${CTARGET} ]]; then _tc-getPROG CTARGET TARGET_CPP "gcc -E" "$@"; else tc-getCPP "$@"; fi } tc-has-openmp () { local base="${T}/test-tc-openmp"; cat <<-EOF > "${base}.c" #include int main() { int nthreads, tid, ret = 0; #pragma omp parallel private(nthreads, tid) { tid = omp_get_thread_num(); nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); ret += tid + nthreads; } return ret; } EOF $(tc-getCC "$@") -fopenmp "${base}.c" -o "${base}" &> /dev/null; local ret=$?; rm -f "${base}"*; return ${ret} } tc-has-tls () { local base="${T}/test-tc-tls"; cat <<-EOF > "${base}.c" int foo(int *i) { static __thread int j = 0; return *i ? j : *i; } EOF local flags; case $1 in -s) flags="-S" ;; -c) flags="-c" ;; -l) ;; -*) die "Usage: tc-has-tls [-c|-l] [toolchain prefix]" ;; esac; : ${flags:=-fPIC -shared -Wl,-z,defs}; [[ $1 == -* ]] && shift; $(tc-getCC "$@") ${flags} "${base}.c" -o "${base}" &> /dev/null; local ret=$?; rm -f "${base}"*; return ${ret} } tc-is-clang () { [[ $(tc-get-compiler-type) == clang ]] } tc-is-cross-compiler () { [[ ${CBUILD:-${CHOST}} != ${CHOST} ]] } tc-is-gcc () { [[ $(tc-get-compiler-type) == gcc ]] } tc-is-softfloat () { tc-detect-is-softfloat || tc-tuple-is-softfloat } tc-is-static-only () { local host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; [[ ${host} == *-mint* ]] } tc-ld-disable-gold () { if ! tc-ld-is-gold "$@"; then return; fi; ewarn "Forcing usage of the BFD linker instead of GOLD"; local ld=$(tc-getLD "$@"); local bfd_ld="${ld%% *}.bfd"; local path_ld=$(which "${bfd_ld}" 2>/dev/null); [[ -e ${path_ld} ]] && export LD=${bfd_ld}; local fallback="true"; if tc-is-gcc; then local major=$(gcc-major-version "$@"); local minor=$(gcc-minor-version "$@"); if [[ ${major} -gt 4 ]] || [[ ${major} -eq 4 && ${minor} -ge 8 ]]; then export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -fuse-ld=bfd"; fallback="false"; fi; else if tc-is-clang; then local major=$(clang-major-version "$@"); local minor=$(clang-minor-version "$@"); if [[ ${major} -gt 3 ]] || [[ ${major} -eq 3 && ${minor} -ge 5 ]]; then export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -fuse-ld=bfd"; fallback="false"; fi; fi; fi; if [[ ${fallback} == "true" ]]; then if [[ -e ${path_ld} ]]; then local d="${T}/bfd-linker"; mkdir -p "${d}"; ln -sf "${path_ld}" "${d}"/ld; export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -B${d}"; else die "unable to locate a BFD linker to bypass gold"; fi; fi } tc-ld-is-gold () { local out; out=$($(tc-getLD "$@") --version 2>&1); if [[ ${out} == *"GNU gold"* ]]; then return 0; fi; local base="${T}/test-tc-gold"; cat <<-EOF > "${base}.c" int main() { return 0; } EOF out=$($(tc-getCC "$@") ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--version "${base}.c" -o "${base}" 2>&1); rm -f "${base}"*; if [[ ${out} == *"GNU gold"* ]]; then return 0; fi; return 1 } tc-ld-is-lld () { local out; out=$($(tc-getLD "$@") --version 2>&1); if [[ ${out} == *"LLD"* ]]; then return 0; fi; local base="${T}/test-tc-lld"; cat <<-EOF > "${base}.c" int main() { return 0; } EOF out=$($(tc-getCC "$@") ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--version "${base}.c" -o "${base}" 2>&1); rm -f "${base}"*; if [[ ${out} == *"LLD"* ]]; then return 0; fi; return 1 } tc-ninja_magic_to_arch () { function ninj () { [[ ${type} == "kern" ]] && echo $1 || echo $2 }; local type=$1; local host=$2; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; case ${host} in aarch64*) echo arm64 ;; alpha*) echo alpha ;; arm*) echo arm ;; avr*) ninj avr32 avr ;; bfin*) ninj blackfin bfin ;; c6x*) echo c6x ;; cris*) echo cris ;; frv*) echo frv ;; hexagon*) echo hexagon ;; hppa*) ninj parisc hppa ;; i?86*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" && ${host} == *freebsd* ]]; then echo i386; else echo x86; fi ;; ia64*) echo ia64 ;; m68*) echo m68k ;; metag*) echo metag ;; microblaze*) echo microblaze ;; mips*) echo mips ;; nios2*) echo nios2 ;; nios*) echo nios ;; or1k | or32*) echo openrisc ;; powerpc*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then echo powerpc; else if [[ ${host} == powerpc64* ]]; then echo ppc64; else echo ppc; fi; fi ;; riscv*) echo riscv ;; s390*) echo s390 ;; score*) echo score ;; sh64*) ninj sh64 sh ;; sh*) echo sh ;; sparc64*) ninj sparc64 sparc ;; sparc*) [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "sparc64" ]] && ninj sparc64 sparc || echo sparc ;; tile*) echo tile ;; vax*) echo vax ;; x86_64*freebsd*) echo amd64 ;; x86_64*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then echo x86; else echo amd64; fi ;; xtensa*) echo xtensa ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } tc-stack-grows-down () { case ${ARCH} in hppa | metag) return 1 ;; esac; return 0 } tc-tuple-is-softfloat () { local CTARGET=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; case ${CTARGET//_/-} in bfin* | h8300*) echo "only" ;; *-softfloat-*) echo "yes" ;; *-softfp-*) echo "softfp" ;; arm*-hardfloat-* | arm*eabihf) echo "no" ;; *-newlib | *-elf | *-eabi) echo "no" ;; arm*) echo "yes" ;; *) echo "no" ;; esac } test-flag-CC () { test-flag-PROG "CC" c "$@" } test-flag-CCLD () { test-flag-PROG "CC" c+ld "$@" } test-flag-CXX () { test-flag-PROG "CXX" c++ "$@" } test-flag-F77 () { test-flag-PROG "F77" f77 "$@" } test-flag-FC () { test-flag-PROG "FC" f95 "$@" } test-flag-PROG () { local comp=$1; local lang=$2; shift 2; if [[ -z ${comp} ]]; then return 1; fi; if [[ -z $1 ]]; then return 1; fi; comp=($(tc-get${comp})); if ! type -p ${comp[0]} > /dev/null; then return 1; fi; local in_src in_ext cmdline_extra=(); case "${lang}" in c) in_ext='c'; in_src='int main(void) { return 0; }'; cmdline_extra+=(-xc -c) ;; c++) in_ext='cc'; in_src='int main(void) { return 0; }'; cmdline_extra+=(-xc++ -c) ;; f77) in_ext='f'; in_src=' end'; cmdline_extra+=(-xf77 -c) ;; f95) in_ext='f90'; in_src='end'; cmdline_extra+=(-xf95 -c) ;; c+ld) in_ext='c'; in_src='int main(void) { return 0; }'; cmdline_extra+=(-xc) ;; esac; local test_in=${T}/test-flag.${in_ext}; local test_out=${T}/test-flag.exe; printf "%s\n" "${in_src}" > "${test_in}" || die "Failed to create '${test_in}'"; local cmdline=("${comp[@]}" -Werror "$@" "${cmdline_extra[@]}" "${test_in}" -o "${test_out}"); if ! "${cmdline[@]}" &> /dev/null; then cmdline+=(-Qunused-arguments); "${cmdline[@]}" &> /dev/null; fi } test-flags () { test-flags-CC "$@" } test-flags-CC () { test-flags-PROG "CC" "$@" } test-flags-CCLD () { test-flags-PROG "CCLD" "$@" } test-flags-CXX () { test-flags-PROG "CXX" "$@" } test-flags-F77 () { test-flags-PROG "F77" "$@" } test-flags-FC () { test-flags-PROG "FC" "$@" } test-flags-PROG () { local comp=$1; local flags=(); local x; shift; [[ -z ${comp} ]] && return 1; while (( $# )); do case "$1" in --param | -B) if test-flag-${comp} "$1" "$2"; then flags+=("$1" "$2"); fi; shift 2 ;; *) if test-flag-${comp} "$1"; then flags+=("$1"); fi; shift 1 ;; esac; done; echo "${flags[*]}"; [[ ${#flags[@]} -gt 0 ]] } test_version_info () { if [[ $($(tc-getCC) --version 2>&1) == *$1* ]]; then return 0; else return 1; fi } uclibctoolize () { die "Use elibtoolize" } udev_dorules () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_udev_get_udevdir)"/rules.d; doins "${@}" ) } udev_get_udevdir () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; eerror "This ebuild should be using the get_udevdir() function instead of the deprecated udev_get_udevdir()"; die "Deprecated function call: udev_get_udevdir(), please report to (overlay) maintainers." } udev_newrules () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insopts -m 0644; insinto "$(_udev_get_udevdir)"/rules.d; newins "${@}" ) } udev_reload () { if [[ ${ROOT} != "" ]] && [[ ${ROOT} != "/" ]]; then return 0; fi; if [[ -d ${ROOT}/run/udev ]]; then ebegin "Running udev control --reload for reloading rules and databases"; udevadm control --reload; eend $?; fi } use_if_iuse () { eqawarn "use_if_iuse is deprecated."; eqawarn "Define it as a local function, or inline it:"; eqawarn " in_iuse foo && use foo"; in_iuse $1 || return 1; use $1 } user_get_nologin () { local eshell; for eshell in /sbin/nologin /usr/sbin/nologin /bin/false /usr/bin/false /dev/null; do [[ -x ${ROOT}${eshell} ]] && break; done; if [[ ${eshell} == "/dev/null" ]]; then ewarn "Unable to identify the shell to use, proceeding with userland default."; case ${USERLAND} in GNU) eshell="/bin/false" ;; BSD) eshell="/sbin/nologin" ;; Darwin) eshell="/usr/sbin/nologin" ;; *) die "Unable to identify the default shell for userland ${USERLAND}" ;; esac; fi; echo "${eshell}" } ver_cut () { local range=${1}; local v=${2:-${PV}}; local start end; local -a comp; __eapi7_ver_split "${v}"; local max=$((${#comp[@]}/2)); __eapi7_ver_parse_range "${range}" "${max}"; local IFS=; if [[ ${start} -gt 0 ]]; then start=$(( start*2 - 1 )); fi; echo "${comp[*]:start:end*2-start}" } ver_rs () { local v; (( ${#} & 1 )) && v=${@: -1} || v=${PV}; local start end i; local -a comp; __eapi7_ver_split "${v}"; local max=$((${#comp[@]}/2 - 1)); while [[ ${#} -ge 2 ]]; do __eapi7_ver_parse_range "${1}" "${max}"; for ((i = start*2; i <= end*2; i+=2 )) do [[ ${i} -eq 0 && -z ${comp[i]} ]] && continue; comp[i]=${2}; done; shift 2; done; local IFS=; echo "${comp[*]}" } ver_test () { local va op vb; if [[ $# -eq 3 ]]; then va=${1}; shift; else va=${PVR}; fi; [[ $# -eq 2 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: bad number of arguments"; op=${1}; vb=${2}; case ${op} in -eq | -ne | -lt | -le | -gt | -ge) ;; *) die "${FUNCNAME}: invalid operator: ${op}" ;; esac; __eapi7_ver_compare "${va}" "${vb}"; test $? "${op}" 2 }