# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ DESCRIPTION="Gobo Eiffel Project's tools and classlibrary" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gobosoft.com" SRC_URI="http://fsck.cjb.net/~wigren/temp/gobo-cvs-${PV/3.0./}.tar.bz2" LICENSE="EFL-1" SLOT="0" IUSE="doc" # This ebuild should be platform independent! KEYWORDS="x86 ~ppc ~sparc ~sparc64 ~alpha" DEPEND=">=dev-lang/smarteiffel-1.0 tcc? ( >=dev-lang/tcc-0.9.14 )" RDEPEND=">=dev-lang/smarteiffel-1.0" S=${WORKDIR}/gobo-cvs-${PV/3.0./} src_compile() { export GOBO=${S} export PATH=${GOBO}/bin:$PATH use tcc && ( # Fake that tcc is gcc until Gobo adds native support for tcc. ( echo '#!/bin/sh' echo 'tcc $*' ) >> bin/gcc chmod +x bin/gcc sed 's:-O2::g' temp.$$ mv temp.$$ work/bootstrap/bootstrap.sh chmod +x work/bootstrap/bootstrap.sh ) use tcc || ( echo einfo "Now compiling Gobo with gcc. This will take several hours!" einfo "Add \"tcc\" to your USE-flags to compile with TinyCC instead!" einfo "That will shorten compilation time to a few minutes..." echo ) cd ${S}/work/bootstrap ./bootstrap.sh -v gcc se || die rm ${S}/bin/gcc } src_install() { cd ${S} find . -type d -name CVS -exec rm -rf "{}" \; find . -type f -name .cvsignore -exec rm "{}" \; dodir ${SmartEiffelDirectory}/gobo cp -a bin library misc ${D}/${SmartEiffelDirectory}/gobo/ dodir /usr/bin cd ${S}/bin for prog in *; do ebegin "Linking $prog to /usr/bin/" ln -s ${SmartEiffelDirectory}/gobo/bin/$prog ${D}/usr/bin/$prog eend $? done cd ${S} dodir /etc/env.d echo GOBO=${SmartEiffelDirectory}/gobo >${D}/etc/env.d/20gobo use doc && ( dodir /usr/share/doc/${PF} cp -a doc example ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF} dodoc History.txt License.txt Readme.txt Release_notes.txt forum.txt ) }