# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ DESCRIPTION="XMMS2 is a redesign of the XMMS (http://www.xmms.org) music player" HOMEPAGE="http://wiki.xmms2.xmms.se/index.php/Main_Page" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/${PN}/${PN}-0.1DR1.tar.gz" LICENSE="LGPL" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64" IUSE="ogg sid python ruby" DEPEND=">=dev-lang/python-2.2.1 >=dev-util/scons-0.94 >=dev-libs/glib-2.2.0 media-libs/libmad >=dev-db/sqlite-3.2 >=net-misc/curl-7.11.2 ogg? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) sid? ( media-sound/sidplay || media-libs/resid ) python? ( dev-python/pyrex ) ruby? ( >=dev-lang/ruby-1.8 )" RDEPEND="" RESTRICT="nomirror" S=${WORKDIR}/xmms2-0.1DR1 src_compile() { addpredict /usr/lib scons prefix=${D}/usr || die "scons failed" } src_install() { addpredict /usr/lib scons PREFIX=${D}/usr install || die "scons install failed" }