*********************************************************** Your installation is almost complete. 1. Create a database user otrs with an appropriate password. If you use mysql, you can use the following command, subsituting some-pass with an appropriate password: shell> mysql -u root -p -e 'GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON otrs.* TO otrs@localhost \ IDENTIFIED BY "some-pass" WITH GRANT OPTION;' *********************************************************** 2. Adjust your apache config to run perl-scripts in the cgi-bin/otrs directory and restart your webserver. Copying the example files/76_otrs copied to /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d works on my system (using fastcgi but not mod_perl on apache2) Refer to /usr/share/doc/${P}/README.webserver.gz for other setups. Other Sample config files are in ${VHOST_ROOT}/${P}/scripts. *********************************************************** 3. Point your webbrowser to http://localhost/otrs/installer.pl and follow the installation instructions. *********************************************************** 4. The default login after having completed the installation steps is root@localhost, the password is root. You might want to change this password asap and create another user ;-) If you have any issues, refer to the installation instructions in /usr/share/doc/${P}/INSTALL.gz