# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils games DESCRIPTION="Robotron (of the '82 fame) goes badly acid. Forget about Phobia ;). Commercial." HOMEPAGE="http://www.pompomgames.com/mutantstorm.htm" SRC_URI="mutantstorm-linux-v11.tar.gz UpdateMutantStorm_1_39.tar.gz" LICENSE="POMPOM" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~x86" IUSE="no-bundled-sdl" RESTRICT="fetch" RDEPEND="no-bundled-sdl? ( =media-libs/libsdl-1.2* )" pkg_nofetch() { einfo "This excellent shooter is commercial closed-source." einfo "You will have to obtain mutantstorm-linux-v11.tar.gz" einfo "and put it in ${DISTDIR}. One way is to purchase the" einfo "game from its site. There might be other options listed there." einfo einfo "You will also need the patch available at" einfo "http://www.pompomgames.com/files/UpdateMutantStorm_1_39.tar.gz ." } pkg_setup() { check_license games_pkg_setup } src_install() { dodir "${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}/missionpacks" "${GAMES_BINDIR}" cd "${WORKDIR}/mutantstorm-linux-v11" cp -R ../menu script styles ../readme.htm instructions.htm pompom README \ "${D}/${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}" || die "couldn't copy game data" exeinto "${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}" doexe ../mutantstorm{,-bin} || die "couldn't copy game binary" if ! useq no-bundled-sdl; then doexe bin/x86/libSDL-1.2.so.0.0.5 || die "couldn't copy libSDL" dosym libSDL-1.2.so.0.0.5 "${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN}/libSDL-1.2.so.0" fi games_make_wrapper mutantstorm ./mutantstorm ${GAMES_PREFIX_OPT}/${PN} prepgamesdirs }