} systemd_newtmpfilesd () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${2} == *.conf ]] || die 'tmpfiles.d files need to have .conf suffix.'; ( insinto /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_newunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insinto "$(_systemd_get_systemunitdir)"; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_newuserunit () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; ( insinto "$(_systemd_get_userunitdir)"; newins "${@}" ) } systemd_reenable () { type systemctl &> /dev/null || return 0; local x; for x in "$@"; do if systemctl --quiet --root="${ROOT}" is-enabled "${x}"; then systemctl --root="${ROOT}" reenable "${x}"; fi; done } systemd_tmpfiles_create () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == postinst ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: Only valid in pkg_postinst"; [[ ${#} -gt 0 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME}: Must specify at least one filename"; [[ ${ROOT} == / ]] || return 0; type systemd-tmpfiles &> /dev/null || return 0; systemd-tmpfiles --create "${@}" } systemd_update_catalog () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; [[ ${EBUILD_PHASE} == post* ]] || die "${FUNCNAME} disallowed during ${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC:-${EBUILD_PHASE}}"; local journalctl=${EPREFIX}/usr/bin/journalctl; if [[ -x ${journalctl} ]]; then ebegin "Updating systemd journal catalogs"; journalctl --update-catalog; eend $?; else debug-print "${FUNCNAME}: journalctl not found."; fi } systemd_with_unitdir () { [[ ${EAPI:-0} != [012345] ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use --with-${1:-systemdsystemunitdir}=\"\$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)\" instead"; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; local optname=${1:-systemdsystemunitdir}; echo --with-${optname}="$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)" } systemd_with_utildir () { [[ ${EAPI:-0} != [012345] ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} is banned in EAPI ${EAPI}, use --with-systemdutildir=\"\$(systemd_get_utildir)\" instead"; debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"; echo --with-systemdutildir="$(systemd_get_utildir)" } tc-arch () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch portage "$@" } tc-arch-kernel () { tc-ninja_magic_to_arch kern "$@" } tc-check-openmp () { if ! tc-has-openmp; then eerror "Your current compiler does not support OpenMP!"; if tc-is-gcc; then eerror "Enable OpenMP support by building sys-devel/gcc with USE=\"openmp\"."; else if tc-is-clang; then eerror "OpenMP support in sys-devel/clang is provided by sys-libs/libomp."; fi; fi; die "Active compiler does not have required support for OpenMP"; fi } tc-enables-pie () { local ret="$($(tc-getCC) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} -E -P - <<-EOF 2> /dev/null | grep '^true$' #if defined(__PIE__) true #endif EOF )"; [[ ${ret} == true ]] } tc-enables-ssp () { local ret="$($(tc-getCC) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} -E -P - <<-EOF 2> /dev/null | grep '^true$' #if defined(__SSP__) || defined(__SSP_STRONG__) || defined(__SSP_ALL__) true #endif EOF )"; [[ ${ret} == true ]] } tc-enables-ssp-all () { local ret="$($(tc-getCC) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} -E -P - <<-EOF 2> /dev/null | grep '^true$' #if defined(__SSP_ALL__) true #endif EOF )"; [[ ${ret} == true ]] } tc-enables-ssp-strong () { local ret="$($(tc-getCC) ${CPPFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} -E -P - <<-EOF 2> /dev/null | grep '^true$' #if defined(__SSP_STRONG__) || defined(__SSP_ALL__) true #endif EOF )"; [[ ${ret} == true ]] } tc-endian () { local host=$1; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; host=${host%%-*}; case ${host} in aarch64*be) echo big ;; aarch64) echo little ;; alpha*) echo little ;; arm*b*) echo big ;; arm*) echo little ;; cris*) echo little ;; hppa*) echo big ;; i?86*) echo little ;; ia64*) echo little ;; m68*) echo big ;; mips*l*) echo little ;; mips*) echo big ;; powerpc*le) echo little ;; powerpc*) echo big ;; s390*) echo big ;; sh*b*) echo big ;; sh*) echo little ;; sparc*) echo big ;; x86_64*) echo little ;; *) echo wtf ;; esac } tc-env_build () { tc-export_build_env; CFLAGS=${BUILD_CFLAGS} CXXFLAGS=${BUILD_CXXFLAGS} CPPFLAGS=${BUILD_CPPFLAGS} LDFLAGS=${BUILD_LDFLAGS} AR=$(tc-getBUILD_AR) AS=$(tc-getBUILD_AS) CC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC) CPP=$(tc-getBUILD_CPP) CXX=$(tc-getBUILD_CXX) LD=$(tc-getBUILD_LD) NM=$(tc-getBUILD_NM) PKG_CONFIG=$(tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG) RANLIB=$(tc-getBUILD_RANLIB) "$@" } tc-export () { local var; for var in "$@"; do [[ $(type -t "tc-get${var}") != "function" ]] && die "tc-export: invalid export variable '${var}'"; "tc-get${var}" > /dev/null; done } tc-export_build_env () { tc-export "$@"; : ${BUILD_CFLAGS:=-O1 -pipe}; : ${BUILD_CXXFLAGS:=-O1 -pipe}; : ${BUILD_CPPFLAGS:= }; : ${BUILD_LDFLAGS:= }; export BUILD_{C,CXX,CPP,LD}FLAGS; local v; for v in BUILD_{C,CXX,CPP,LD}FLAGS; do export ${v#BUILD_}_FOR_BUILD="${!v}"; done } tc-get-compiler-type () { local code=' #if defined(__PATHSCALE__) HAVE_PATHCC #elif defined(__clang__) HAVE_CLANG #elif defined(__GNUC__) HAVE_GCC #endif '; local res=$($(tc-getCPP "$@") -E -P - <<<"${code}"); case ${res} in *HAVE_PATHCC*) echo pathcc ;; *HAVE_CLANG*) echo clang ;; *HAVE_GCC*) echo gcc ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } tc-getAR () { tc-getPROG AR ar "$@" } tc-getAS () { tc-getPROG AS as "$@" } tc-getBUILD_AR () { tc-getBUILD_PROG AR ar "$@" } tc-getBUILD_AS () { tc-getBUILD_PROG AS as "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CC () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CC gcc "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CPP () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CPP "$(tc-getBUILD_CC) -E" "$@" } tc-getBUILD_CXX () { tc-getBUILD_PROG CXX g++ "$@" } tc-getBUILD_LD () { tc-getBUILD_PROG LD ld "$@" } tc-getBUILD_NM () { tc-getBUILD_PROG NM nm "$@" } tc-getBUILD_OBJCOPY () { tc-getBUILD_PROG OBJCOPY objcopy "$@" } tc-getBUILD_PKG_CONFIG () { tc-getBUILD_PROG PKG_CONFIG pkg-config "$@" } tc-getBUILD_PROG () { _tc-getPROG CBUILD "BUILD_$1 $1_FOR_BUILD HOST$1" "${@:2}" } tc-getBUILD_RANLIB () { tc-getBUILD_PROG RANLIB ranlib "$@" } tc-getBUILD_STRIP () { tc-getBUILD_PROG STRIP strip "$@" } tc-getCC () { tc-getPROG CC gcc "$@" } tc-getCPP () { tc-getPROG CPP "${CC:-gcc} -E" "$@" } tc-getCXX () { tc-getPROG CXX g++ "$@" } tc-getDLLWRAP () { tc-getPROG DLLWRAP dllwrap "$@" } tc-getF77 () { tc-getPROG F77 gfortran "$@" } tc-getFC () { tc-getPROG FC gfortran "$@" } tc-getGCJ () { tc-getPROG GCJ gcj "$@" } tc-getGO () { tc-getPROG GO gccgo "$@" } tc-getLD () { tc-getPROG LD ld "$@" } tc-getNM () { tc-getPROG NM nm "$@" } tc-getOBJCOPY () { tc-getPROG OBJCOPY objcopy "$@" } tc-getOBJDUMP () { tc-getPROG OBJDUMP objdump "$@" } tc-getPKG_CONFIG () { tc-getPROG PKG_CONFIG pkg-config "$@" } tc-getPROG () { _tc-getPROG CHOST "$@" } tc-getRANLIB () { tc-getPROG RANLIB ranlib "$@" } tc-getRC () { tc-getPROG RC windres "$@" } tc-getSTRIP () { tc-getPROG STRIP strip "$@" } tc-has-openmp () { local base="${T}/test-tc-openmp"; cat > "${base}.c" <<-EOF #include int main() { int nthreads, tid, ret = 0; #pragma omp parallel private(nthreads, tid) { tid = omp_get_thread_num(); nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); ret += tid + nthreads; } return ret; } EOF $(tc-getCC "$@") -fopenmp "${base}.c" -o "${base}" &> /dev/null; local ret=$?; rm -f "${base}"*; return ${ret} } tc-has-tls () { local base="${T}/test-tc-tls"; cat > "${base}.c" <<-EOF int foo(int *i) { static __thread int j = 0; return *i ? j : *i; } EOF local flags; case $1 in -s) flags="-S" ;; -c) flags="-c" ;; -l) ;; -*) die "Usage: tc-has-tls [-c|-l] [toolchain prefix]" ;; esac; : ${flags:=-fPIC -shared -Wl,-z,defs}; [[ $1 == -* ]] && shift; $(tc-getCC "$@") ${flags} "${base}.c" -o "${base}" &> /dev/null; local ret=$?; rm -f "${base}"*; return ${ret} } tc-is-clang () { [[ $(tc-get-compiler-type) == clang ]] } tc-is-cross-compiler () { [[ ${CBUILD:-${CHOST}} != ${CHOST} ]] } tc-is-gcc () { [[ $(tc-get-compiler-type) == gcc ]] } tc-is-softfloat () { local CTARGET=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; case ${CTARGET} in bfin* | h8300*) echo "only" ;; *) if [[ ${CTARGET//_/-} == *-softfloat-* ]]; then echo "yes"; else if [[ ${CTARGET//_/-} == *-softfp-* ]]; then echo "softfp"; else echo "no"; fi; fi ;; esac } tc-is-static-only () { local host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; [[ ${host} == *-mint* ]] } tc-ld-disable-gold () { if ! tc-ld-is-gold "$@"; then return; fi; ewarn "Forcing usage of the BFD linker instead of GOLD"; local ld=$(tc-getLD "$@"); local bfd_ld="${ld%% *}.bfd"; local path_ld=$(which "${bfd_ld}" 2>/dev/null); [[ -e ${path_ld} ]] && export LD=${bfd_ld}; local major=$(gcc-major-version "$@"); local minor=$(gcc-minor-version "$@"); if [[ ${major} -lt 4 ]] || [[ ${major} -eq 4 && ${minor} -lt 8 ]]; then if [[ -e ${path_ld} ]]; then local d="${T}/bfd-linker"; mkdir -p "${d}"; ln -sf "${path_ld}" "${d}"/ld; export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -B${d}"; else die "unable to locate a BFD linker to bypass gold"; fi; else export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -fuse-ld=bfd"; fi } tc-ld-is-gold () { local out; out=$($(tc-getLD "$@") --version 2>&1); if [[ ${out} == *"GNU gold"* ]]; then return 0; fi; local base="${T}/test-tc-gold"; cat > "${base}.c" <<-EOF int main() { return 0; } EOF out=$($(tc-getCC "$@") ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -Wl,--version "${base}.c" -o "${base}" 2>&1); rm -f "${base}"*; if [[ ${out} == *"GNU gold"* ]]; then return 0; fi; return 1 } tc-ninja_magic_to_arch () { function ninj () { [[ ${type} == "kern" ]] && echo $1 || echo $2 }; local type=$1; local host=$2; [[ -z ${host} ]] && host=${CTARGET:-${CHOST}}; case ${host} in aarch64*) echo arm64 ;; alpha*) echo alpha ;; arm*) echo arm ;; avr*) ninj avr32 avr ;; bfin*) ninj blackfin bfin ;; c6x*) echo c6x ;; cris*) echo cris ;; frv*) echo frv ;; hexagon*) echo hexagon ;; hppa*) ninj parisc hppa ;; i?86*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" && ${host} == *freebsd* ]]; then echo i386; else echo x86; fi ;; ia64*) echo ia64 ;; m68*) echo m68k ;; metag*) echo metag ;; microblaze*) echo microblaze ;; mips*) echo mips ;; nios2*) echo nios2 ;; nios*) echo nios ;; or1k | or32*) echo openrisc ;; powerpc*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then echo powerpc; else if [[ ${host} == powerpc64* ]]; then echo ppc64; else echo ppc; fi; fi ;; riscv*) echo riscv ;; s390*) echo s390 ;; score*) echo score ;; sh64*) ninj sh64 sh ;; sh*) echo sh ;; sparc64*) ninj sparc64 sparc ;; sparc*) [[ ${PROFILE_ARCH} == "sparc64" ]] && ninj sparc64 sparc || echo sparc ;; tile*) echo tile ;; vax*) echo vax ;; x86_64*freebsd*) echo amd64 ;; x86_64*) if [[ ${type} == "kern" ]]; then echo x86; else echo amd64; fi ;; xtensa*) echo xtensa ;; *) echo unknown ;; esac } tc-stack-grows-down () { case ${ARCH} in hppa | metag) return 1 ;; esac; return 0 } use_if_iuse () { in_iuse $1 || return 1; use $1 } validate_desktop_entries () { eqawarn "validate_desktop_entries is deprecated and should be not be used."; eqawarn ".desktop file validation is done implicitly by Portage now."; _eutils_eprefix_init; if [[ -x "${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/desktop-file-validate ]]; then einfo "Checking desktop entry validity"; local directories=""; for d in /usr/share/applications $@; do [[ -d ${ED}${d} ]] && directories="${directories} ${ED}${d}"; done; if [[ -n ${directories} ]]; then for FILE in $(find ${directories} -name "*\.desktop" -not -path '*.hidden*' | sort -u 2>/dev/null); do local temp=$(desktop-file-validate ${FILE} | grep -v "warning:" | sed -e "s|error: ||" -e "s|${FILE}:|--|g" ); [[ -n $temp ]] && elog ${temp/--/${FILE/${ED}/}:}; done; fi; echo ""; else einfo "Passing desktop entry validity check. Install dev-util/desktop-file-utils, if you want to help to improve Gentoo."; fi } version_compare () { eshopts_push -s extglob; local ver_a=${1} ver_b=${2} parts_a parts_b; local cur_tok_a cur_tok_b num_part_a num_part_b; local -i cur_idx_a=0 cur_idx_b=0 prev_idx_a prev_idx_b; parts_a=($(get_all_version_components "${ver_a}" )); parts_b=($(get_all_version_components "${ver_b}" )); local -i inf_loop=0; while true; do inf_loop+=1; ((inf_loop > 20)) && die "versionator compare bug [numbers, ${ver_a}, ${ver_b}]"; prev_idx_a=cur_idx_a; prev_idx_b=cur_idx_b; cur_tok_a=${parts_a[cur_idx_a]}; cur_tok_b=${parts_b[cur_idx_b]}; if [[ -n ${cur_tok_a} ]] && [[ -z ${cur_tok_a//[[:digit:]]} ]]; then cur_idx_a+=1; [[ ${parts_a[cur_idx_a]} == . ]] && cur_idx_a+=1; else cur_tok_a=; fi; if [[ -n ${cur_tok_b} ]] && [[ -z ${cur_tok_b//[[:digit:]]} ]]; then cur_idx_b+=1; [[ ${parts_b[cur_idx_b]} == . ]] && cur_idx_b+=1; else cur_tok_b=; fi; [[ -z ${cur_tok_a} && -z ${cur_tok_b} ]] && break; [[ -z ${cur_tok_a} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 1; [[ -z ${cur_tok_b} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 3; if (( prev_idx_a != 0 && prev_idx_b != 0 )) && [[ ${cur_tok_a} == 0* || ${cur_tok_b} == 0* ]]; then cur_tok_a=${cur_tok_a%%+(0)}; cur_tok_b=${cur_tok_b%%+(0)}; [[ ${cur_tok_a} < ${cur_tok_b} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 1; [[ ${cur_tok_a} > ${cur_tok_b} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 3; else cur_tok_a=${cur_tok_a##+(0)}; cur_tok_b=${cur_tok_b##+(0)}; : ${cur_tok_a:=0}; : ${cur_tok_b:=0}; ((cur_tok_a < cur_tok_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 1; ((cur_tok_a > cur_tok_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 3; fi; done; local letter_a=; letter_a=${parts_a[cur_idx_a]}; if [[ ${#letter_a} -eq 1 && -z ${letter_a/[a-z]} ]]; then cur_idx_a+=1; else letter_a=@; fi; local letter_b=; letter_b=${parts_b[cur_idx_b]}; if [[ ${#letter_b} -eq 1 && -z ${letter_b/[a-z]} ]]; then cur_idx_b+=1; else letter_b=@; fi; [[ ${letter_a} < ${letter_b} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 1; [[ ${letter_a} > ${letter_b} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 3; inf_loop=0; while true; do inf_loop+=1; ((inf_loop > 20)) && die "versionator compare bug [numbers, ${ver_a}, ${ver_b}]"; [[ ${parts_a[cur_idx_a]} == _ ]] && ((cur_idx_a++)); [[ ${parts_b[cur_idx_b]} == _ ]] && ((cur_idx_b++)); cur_tok_a=${parts_a[cur_idx_a]}; cur_tok_b=${parts_b[cur_idx_b]}; num_part_a=0; num_part_b=0; if has ${cur_tok_a%%+([0-9])} "alpha" "beta" "pre" "rc" "p"; then cur_idx_a+=1; num_part_a=${cur_tok_a##+([a-z])}; num_part_a=${num_part_a##+(0)}; : ${num_part_a:=0}; cur_tok_a=${cur_tok_a%%+([0-9])}; else cur_tok_a=; fi; if has ${cur_tok_b%%+([0-9])} alpha beta pre rc p; then cur_idx_b+=1; num_part_b=${cur_tok_b##+([a-z])}; num_part_b=${num_part_b##+(0)}; : ${num_part_b:=0}; cur_tok_b=${cur_tok_b%%+([0-9])}; else cur_tok_b=; fi; if [[ ${cur_tok_a} != ${cur_tok_b} ]]; then local suffix; for suffix in alpha beta pre rc "" p; do [[ ${cur_tok_a} == ${suffix} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 1; [[ ${cur_tok_b} == ${suffix} ]] && eshopts_pop && return 3; done; else if [[ -z ${cur_tok_a} && -z ${cur_tok_b} ]]; then break; else ((num_part_a < num_part_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 1; ((num_part_a > num_part_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 3; fi; fi; done; [[ ${parts_a[cur_idx_a]} == - ]] && ((cur_idx_a++)); [[ ${parts_b[cur_idx_b]} == - ]] && ((cur_idx_b++)); if [[ -n ${parts_a[cur_idx_a]/r+([0-9])} || -n ${parts_b[cur_idx_b]/r+([0-9])} ]]; then die "versionator compare bug [revisions, ${ver_a}, ${ver_b}]"; fi; num_part_a=${parts_a[cur_idx_a]#r}; num_part_a=${num_part_a##+(0)}; : ${num_part_a:=0}; num_part_b=${parts_b[cur_idx_b]#r}; num_part_b=${num_part_b##+(0)}; : ${num_part_b:=0}; ((num_part_a < num_part_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 1; ((num_part_a > num_part_b)) && eshopts_pop && return 3; eshopts_pop; return 2 } version_format_string () { local fstr=$1; shift; set -- $(get_version_components "$@"); eval echo "${fstr}" } version_is_at_least () { local want_s="$1" have_s="${2:-${PVR}}" r; version_compare "${want_s}" "${have_s}"; r=$?; case $r in 1 | 2) return 0 ;; 3) return 1 ;; *) die "versionator compare bug [atleast, ${want_s}, ${have_s}, ${r}]" ;; esac } version_sort () { eshopts_push -s extglob; local items=; local -i left=0; items=("$@"); while ((left < ${#items[@]})); do local -i lowest_idx=left; local -i idx=lowest_idx+1; while ((idx < ${#items[@]})); do version_compare "${items[lowest_idx]}" "${items[idx]}"; [[ $? -eq 3 ]] && lowest_idx=idx; idx+=1; done; local tmp=${items[lowest_idx]}; items[lowest_idx]=${items[left]}; items[left]=${tmp}; left+=1; done; echo ${items[@]}; eshopts_pop } waf-utils_src_compile () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; local _mywafconfig; [[ -n "${WAF_VERBOSE}" ]] && _mywafconfig="--verbose"; local jobs="--jobs=$(makeopts_jobs)"; echo "\"${WAF_BINARY}\" build ${_mywafconfig} ${jobs}"; "${WAF_BINARY}" ${_mywafconfig} ${jobs} || die "build failed" } waf-utils_src_configure () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; local fail; if [[ ! -n ${_PYTHON_ANY_R1} && ! -n ${_PYTHON_SINGLE_R1} && ! -n ${_PYTHON_R1} ]]; then eerror "Using waf-utils.eclass without any python-r1 suite eclass is not supported."; eerror "Please make sure to configure and inherit appropriate -r1 eclass."; eerror "For more information and examples, please see:"; eerror " https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Python/waf-utils_integration"; fail=1; else if [[ ! -n ${EPYTHON} ]]; then eerror "EPYTHON is unset while calling waf-utils. This most likely means that"; eerror "the ebuild did not call the appropriate eclass function before calling waf."; if [[ -n ${_PYTHON_ANY_R1} ]]; then eerror "Please ensure that python-any-r1_pkg_setup is called in pkg_setup()."; else if [[ -n ${_PYTHON_SINGLE_R1} ]]; then eerror "Please ensure that python-single-r1_pkg_setup is called in pkg_setup()."; else eerror "Please ensure that python_setup is called before waf-utils_src_configure(),"; eerror "or that the latter is used within python_foreach_impl as appropriate."; fi; fi; eerror; fail=1; fi; if [[ ${PYTHON_REQ_USE} != *threads* ]]; then eerror "Waf requires threading support in Python. To accomodate this requirement,"; eerror "please add 'threads(+)' to PYTHON_REQ_USE variable (above inherit line)."; eerror "For more information and examples, please see:"; eerror " https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Python/waf-utils_integration"; fail=1; fi; fi; [[ -n ${fail} ]] && die "Invalid use of waf-utils.eclass"; local libdir=(); : ${WAF_BINARY:="${S}/waf"}; [[ -z ${NO_WAF_LIBDIR} ]] && libdir=(--libdir="${EPREFIX}/usr/$(get_libdir)"); tc-export AR CC CPP CXX RANLIB; echo "CCFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\" LINKFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}\" \"${WAF_BINARY}\" --prefix=${EPREFIX}/usr ${libdir[@]} $@ configure"; CCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LINKFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS}" "${WAF_BINARY}" "--prefix=${EPREFIX}/usr" "${libdir[@]}" "$@" configure || die "configure failed" } waf-utils_src_install () { debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"; echo "\"${WAF_BINARY}\" --destdir=\"${D}\" install"; "${WAF_BINARY}" --destdir="${D}" install || die "Make install failed"; einstalldocs }