# Copyright 1999-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: $ inherit eutils DESCRIPTION="A utility for creating PostScript calendars" HOMEPAGE="http://pcal.sourceforge.net" SRC_URI="http://download.sourceforge.net/pcal/${P}.tgz" RESTRICT="nomirror" IUSE="" LICENSE="Artistic" KEYWORDS="~x86" SLOT="0" src_compile() { make || die "compile failed" } src_install() { dobin exec/pcal || die cp doc/pcal.man doc/pcal.1 doman doc/pcal.1 || die dodoc ${DOCS} || die } DOCS="doc/ReadMe.txt doc/pcal-help.html doc/pcal-help.txt doc/pcal-help.ps"