# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; acid.punk@gmx.net # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-portage/gbd/gbd-1.3.7.ebuild,v 1.1 2004/12/01 11:20:44 dma147 Exp $ DESCRIPTION="Gentoo buildtime database client" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gentoo-stats.org" SRC_URI="http://www.gentoo-stats.org/download/${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="x86 sparc mips ~hppa ~ppc amd64 ~arm ~obsd" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" IUSE="" RESTRICT="nomirror" RDEPEND="app-portage/gentoolkit dev-lang/perl dev-perl/DateManip net-misc/wget sys-devel/gcc sys-apps/sed sys-apps/grep >=app-portage/uhinv-0.4" src_compile() { sed -i "s:/usr/local:/usr:g" client/gbd sed -i "s:/usr/local:/usr:g" client/hgenlop } src_install() { exeinto /usr/bin doexe client/gbd client/ce.sh client/hgenlop dodoc README ChangeLog TEAM } pkg_postinst() { einfo einfo einfo "You should start now the gbd-client by typing \"gbd -u\" in your console." einfo "If you've already installed an older version, that does not matter." einfo "You will keep your UNIQUE_KEY." einfo einfo "If you want to automatically start the client every 24h, you must" einfo "set up a cronjob as root. For example:" einfo "0 0 * * * /usr/bin/gbd -q >/dev/null 2>&1" einfo "This will start the client every day at 00:00am" einfo einfo }