== all-in-place.test == all-in-place.test: SUCCESS == pbmmake.test == pbmmake.test: SUCCESS == pgmmake.test == pgmmake.test: SUCCESS == ppmmake.test == ppmmake.test: SUCCESS == pamseq.test == pamseq.test: SUCCESS == pbmpage.test == pbmpage.test: SUCCESS == pbmtext.test == pbmtext.test: SUCCESS == pbmupc.test == pbmupc.test: SUCCESS == pgmramp.test == pgmramp.test: SUCCESS == ppmgauss.test == ppmgauss.test: SUCCESS == ppmcie.test == ppmcie.test: SUCCESS == ppmwheel.test == ppmwheel.test: SUCCESS == pamcrater.test == pamstack: Writing 4 channel PAM image pamcrater.test: SUCCESS == pgmnoise.test == Random number generator is of unknown type. Skipping: random number generator is not glibc. pgmnoise.test: NOT TESTABLE == ppmpat.test == Skipping: random number generator is not glibc. ppmpat.test: NOT TESTABLE == ppmforge.test == Skipping: random number generator is not glibc. ppmforge.test: NOT TESTABLE == ppmrough.test == Skipping: random number generator is not glibc. ppmrough.test: NOT TESTABLE == pamfile.test == pamfile.test: SUCCESS == pgmhist.test == pgmhist.test: SUCCESS == ppmhist.test == ppmhist.test: SUCCESS == pamsumm.test == pamsumm.test: SUCCESS == pnmpsnr.test == pnmpsnr.test: SUCCESS == pbmminkowski.test == pbmminkowski.test: SUCCESS == pamtopam.test == pamtopam.test: SUCCESS == pgmtopgm.test == pgmtopgm.test: SUCCESS == ppmtoppm.test == ppmtoppm.test: SUCCESS == pgmtoppm.test == pgmtoppm.test: SUCCESS == ppmtopgm.test == ppmtopgm.test: SUCCESS == pnmtopnm-plain.test == pnmtopnm-plain.test: SUCCESS == pamditherbw.test == pamditherbw.test: SUCCESS == pbmclean.test == pbmclean.test: SUCCESS == pamcut.test == pamcut.test: SUCCESS == pnmcat.test == pnmcat.test: SUCCESS == pamflip1.test == pamflip1.test: SUCCESS == pamflip2.test == pamflip2.test: SUCCESS == pamenlarge.test == pamenlarge.test: SUCCESS == pnminvert.test == pnminvert.test: SUCCESS == pamchannel.test == pamchannel.test: SUCCESS == ppmchange.test == ppmchange.test: SUCCESS == pambackground.test == pambackground.test: SUCCESS == pbmpscale.test == pbmpscale.test: SUCCESS == pnmremap1.test == pnmremap: 216 colors found in colormap pnmremap1.test: SUCCESS == pnmremap2.test == pnmremap: 216 colors found in colormap pnmremap: 216 colors found in colormap pnmremap: 216 colors found in colormap pnmremap2.test: SUCCESS == pnmtile.test == pnmtile.test: SUCCESS == ppmbrighten.test == ppmbrighten: Minimum value 15% of full intensity being remapped to zero. ppmbrighten: Maximum value 100% of full intensity being remapped to full. ppmbrighten.test: SUCCESS == ppmdither.test == ppmdither.test: SUCCESS == ppmrelief.test == ppmrelief.test: SUCCESS == pamedge.test == pamedge: row1[0][0]=255 pamedge.test: SUCCESS == ppmdim.test == ppmdim.test: SUCCESS == pnmshear.test == pnmshear.test: SUCCESS == pgmbentley.test == pgmbentley.test: SUCCESS == ppmmix.test == ppmmix.test: SUCCESS == symmetry.test == symmetry.test: SUCCESS == pbmtog3.test == pbmtog3.test: SUCCESS == 411toppm.test == 411toppm.test: SUCCESS == eyuvtoppm.test == eyuvtoppm.test: SUCCESS == ppmdfont.test == ppmdfont.test: SUCCESS == pnm-plain-roundtrip.test == pnm-plain-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pnm-pam-roundtrip.test == pnm-pam-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pnminvert-roundtrip.test == pnminvert-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pamflip-roundtrip.test == pamflip-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pamdepth-roundtrip.test == pamdepth: promoting from PBM to PGM pamdepth-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pad-crop-roundtrip.test == pad-crop-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == cut-paste-roundtrip.test == cut-paste-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == rgb3-roundtrip.test == rgb3-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == ppmchange-roundtrip.test == ppmchange-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pamdice-roundtrip.test == pamdice-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pamslice-roundtrip.test == pamslice-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == atari-roundtrip.test == ppmtopi1: computing colormap... ppmtopi1: 16 colors found ppmtoneo: computing colormap... ppmtoneo: 16 colors found atari-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == atk-roundtrip.test == atk-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == avs-roundtrip.test == avs-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == bmp-roundtrip.test == ppmtobmp: analyzing colors... ppmtobmp: More than 256 colors found ppmtobmp: Writing 24 bits per pixel truecolor (no palette) bmptopnm: Windows BMP, 227x149x24 bmptopnm: WRITING PPM IMAGE ppmtobmp: Writing 1 bit per pixel with a black-white palette bmptopnm: Windows BMP, 14x16x1 bmptopnm: WRITING PBM IMAGE bmp-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == cis-roundtrip.test == cis-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == cmuw-roundtrip.test == cmuw-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == facesaver-roundtrip.test == facesaver-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == fits-roundtrip.test == fitstopnm: writing PPM file fitstopnm: reading image plane 0 (red) fitstopnm: reading image plane 1 (green) fitstopnm: reading image plane 2 (blue) fits-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == g3-roundtrip.test == g3-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == gem-roundtrip.test == gem-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == gif-roundtrip.test == pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 223 colors found pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 235 colors found pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 235 colors found pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 223 colors found pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 223 colors found pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 223 colors found pamtogif: sorting colormap pamtogif: 2 colors found pamtogif: 2 colors found pamtogif: 2 colors found pamtogif: 2 colors found pamtogif: 2 colors found pamtogif: 2 colors found gif-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == gif-quant-roundtrip.test == pnmcolormap: making histogram... pnmcolormap: Scanning image 0 pnmcolormap: 20314 colors so far pnmcolormap: 20314 colors found pnmcolormap: choosing 15 colors... pnmremap: 15 colors found in colormap pamtogif: computing colormap... pamtogif: 15 colors found gif-quant-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == hdiff-roundtrip.test == hdiff-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == leaf-roundtrip.test == ppmtoleaf: Computing colormap... ppmtoleaf: ... Done. 24-bit true color 257 color image. leaf-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == mda-roundtrip.test == mda-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == mgr-roundtrip.test == mgr-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == mrf-roundtrip.test == mrf-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pcx-roundtrip.test == ppmtopcx: computing colormap... ppmtopcx: too many colors - writing a 24bit PCX file ppmtopcx: if you want a non-24bit file, a 'pnmquant 256' pnmremap: 16 colors found in colormap pcx-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pfm-roundtrip.test == pfm-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pi3-roundtrip.test == pi3-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == pict-roundtrip.test == pnmremap: 216 colors found in colormap ppmtopict: computing colormap... ppmtopict: 62 colors found pict-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == png-roundtrip.test == png-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == ps-roundtrip.test == pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pnmtops: generating color Postscript program. pstopnm: Writing ppmraw format pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmtopnm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. ## This test fails when: ## (1) zlib was not linked. ## (2) ghostscript is not available. ps-roundtrip.test: FAILURE == ps-alt-roundtrip.test == pbmtopsg3: [1] pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmcrop: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. pstopnm: execl() of Ghostscript ('/usr/bin/gs') failed, errno=2 (No such file or directory) pstopnm: Ghostscript failed. Exit code=1 pnmcrop: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream. Most often, this means your input file is empty. ## If ps-roundtrip.test succeeds and this test fails, it is most likely ## a problem with one of the alternate Postscipt utilities: ## pbmtoepsi, pbmtopsg3, pbmtolps or psidtopgm. ## If both tests fail it indicates a problem with pstopnm or gs. ps-alt-roundtrip.test: FAILURE == sgi-roundtrip.test == sgitopnm: writing PPM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgitopnm: writing PPM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgitopnm: writing PGM image pnmtosgi: promoting PBM to PGM sgitopnm: writing PGM image pnmtosgi: promoting PBM to PGM sgitopnm: writing PGM image sgi-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == sbig-roundtrip.test == sbigtopgm: SBIG 'ST-6' 227x149 uncompressed image, saturation level = 255 sbig-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == st4-roundtrip.test == st4topgm: Comment: This was created by Pgmtost4 st4topgm: Exposure time (1/100 s): 7 st4topgm: Focal length (in): 8 st4topgm: Aperture area (sq in): 9 st4topgm: Calibration factor: 10 st4-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == sunrast-roundtrip.test == pnmtorast: computing colormap... pnmtorast: Too many colors - proceeding to write a 24-bit non-mapped pnmtorast: rasterfile. If you want 8 bits, try doing a 'pnmquant 256'. rasttopnm: writing PPM file sunrast-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == targa-roundtrip.test == pamtotga: computing colormap... pamtotga: 223 colors found. targa-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == tiff-roundtrip.test == pamtotiff: computing colormap... pamtotiff: Too many colors - proceeding to write a 24-bit RGB file. pamtotiff: If you want an 8-bit palette file, try doing a 'pnmquant 256'. tifftopnm: writing PPM file pamtotiff: computing colormap... pamtotiff: Too many colors - proceeding to write a 24-bit RGB file. pamtotiff: If you want an 8-bit palette file, try doing a 'pnmquant 256'. tifftopnm: writing PPM file tifftopnm: writing PBM file tifftopnm: writing PBM file tiff-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == utahrle-roundtrip.test == utahrle-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == wbmp-roundtrip.test == wbmp-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == winicon-roundtrip.test == pamtowinicon: image 0: 48 x 48 x 32 winicontopam: image 0: BMP 48 x 48 x 32 (RGB) pamtowinicon: image 0: 32 x 32 x 1 winicontopam: image 0: BMP 32 x 32 x 1 (RGB/palette) winicon-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == xbm-roundtrip.test == xbm-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == xpm-roundtrip.test == ppmtoxpm: (Computing colormap... ppmtoxpm: ...Done. 2 colors found.) xpm-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == xwd-roundtrip.test == xwdtopnm: writing PGM file xwdtopnm: writing PBM file xwd-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS == yuv-roundtrip.test == yuv-roundtrip.test: SUCCESS Test summary: ================== SUCCESS 99 FAILURE 2 NOT TESTABLE 4 TOTAL TESTABLE 101 ================== All tests done. Thu, 12 Jan 2017 05:39:10 +0000 GNUmakefile:451: recipe for target 'check' failed make: *** [check] Error 1