# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Id$ EAPI=5 inherit eutils rpm pax-utils DESCRIPTION="P2P Internet Telephony (VoiceIP) client" HOMEPAGE="http://www.skype.com/" SRC_URI="https://repo.skype.com/latest/skypeforlinux-64-alpha.rpm -> skypeforlinux-64-${PV}.rpm" LICENSE="skype- BSD MIT RSA W3C regexp-UofT no-source-code" SLOT="1" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="pax_kernel plasma selinux" S="${WORKDIR}" QA_PREBUILT=opt/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux RESTRICT="mirror bindist strip" #299368 RDEPEND=" virtual/ttf-fonts gnome-base/libgnome-keyring gnome-base/gnome-keyring selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-skype )" src_unpack () { rpm_src_unpack ${A} } src_prepare() { sed -e "s!^SKYPE_PATH=.*!SKYPE_PATH=${EROOT}opt/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux!" -i usr/bin/skypeforlinux sed -e "s!^Exec=.*!Exec=${EROOT}opt/bin/skypeforlinux!" -i usr/share/applications/skypeforlinux.desktop # epatch "${FILESDIR}/${P}-desktop.patch" } src_install() { insinto /opt/skypeforlinux/locales doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/locales/*.pak insinto /opt/skypeforlinux/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/keytar/build/Release doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/resources/app.asar.unpacked/node_modules/keytar/build/Release/keytar.node insinto /opt/skypeforlinux/resources doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/resources/*.asar insinto /opt/skypeforlinux doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.pak doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.bin doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.dat doins usr/share/skypeforlinux/version exeinto /opt/skypeforlinux doexe usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.so doexe usr/share/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux into /opt dobin usr/bin/skypeforlinux fowners root:audio /opt/bin/skypeforlinux /opt/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux # insinto /etc/dbus-1/system.d # doins ${PN}.conf dodoc usr/share/doc/skypeforlinux/* usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.html dodoc usr/share/skypeforlinux/*.txt usr/share/skypeforlinux/LICENSE # create compat symlink dosym ${P} /usr/share/doc/skypeforlinux doicon usr/share/pixmaps/skypeforlinux.png local res for res in 16 32 256 512; do newicon -s ${res} usr/share/icons/hicolor/${res}x${res}/apps/skypeforlinux.png skypeforlinux.png done domenu usr/share/applications/skypeforlinux.desktop # if use pax_kernel; then # if use apulse; then # pax-mark Cm "${ED}"/opt/bin/${PN}-bin || die # else # pax-mark Cm "${ED}"/opt/bin/${PN} || die # fi # eqawarn "You have set USE=pax_kernel meaning that you intend to run" # eqawarn "${PN} under a PaX enabled kernel. To do so, we must modify" # eqawarn "the ${PN} binary itself and this *may* lead to breakage! If" # eqawarn "you suspect that ${PN} is being broken by this modification," # eqawarn "please open a bug." # fi # echo PRELINK_PATH_MASK=/opt/bin/${PN} > ${T}/99${PN} # doenvd "${T}"/99${PN} #430142 }