# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-video/ati-gatos/ati-gatos-4.3.0.ebuild,v 1.11 2004/06/25 00:36:23 agriffis Exp $ inherit eutils IUSE="" SNAPSHOT=20041117 MYP=${P}-${SNAPSHOT} DESCRIPTION="ATI Multimedia-capable drivers for XFree86" SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${MYP}.tar.bz2" HOMEPAGE="http://gatos.sourceforge.net/" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="~x86" S=${WORKDIR}/ati.2 DEPEND="${DEPEND} >=x11-base/xfree-4.3.0-r7 !media-video/ati-gatos" pkg_setup() { if has_version ">=x11-base/xfree-4.3.99" then die "This only works with xfree-4.3.0. Please downgrade." fi if [ ! "`grep sdk /var/db/pkg/x11-base/xfree-[0-9]*/USE`" ] then ewarn "This package requires that xfree was merged with the sdk USE flag enabled." die "Please merge xfree with the sdk USE flags enabled." fi } src_compile() { epatch ${FILESDIR}/header-path.patch cd ${S} # Build makefiles against XFree SDK imake -I/usr/X11R6/lib/Server/config/cf -DUseInstalled -DXF86DriverSDK # Makefile fixes fix_makefile emake DESTDIR=${D} || die "Problem compiling GATOS drivers." } src_install() { emake DESTDIR=${D} install dodoc README.* dodoc ${FILESDIR}/README dodoc ${FILESDIR}/XF86Config.example } pkg_postinst() { einfo "To have XFree86 make use of the new GATOS modules, you should add the following" einfo "line to /etc/X11/XF86Config, in the files section and above any other" einfo "ModulePath directives:" einfo einfo " ModulePath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/modules-extra/gatos\"" einfo einfo "Please note that you may need to uncomment or add another ModulePath line with" einfo "the default module path in it. If XFree86 does not start after adding the line" einfo "above, add this one under it:" einfo einfo " ModulePath \"/usr/X11R6/lib/modules\"" einfo einfo "Please check /usr/share/doc/ati-gatos-tv-out-4.3.0/README.gz" einfo "for common problems." einfo "An example config is provided in" einfo " /usr/share/doc/ati-gatos-tv-out-4.3.0/XF86Config.example.gz" } fix_makefile() { # Add the XFree86 SDK include directories that gatos will use sed -i "s:INCLUDES = \(.\+\):INCLUDES = \\1 -I/usr/X11R6/lib/Server/include -I/usr/X11R6/lib/Server/include/extensions:" Makefile # Clean up the ugly sandbox violations sed -i "s:\(\ \+\)MODULEDIR = .*:\\1MODULEDIR = \\\$(USRLIBDIR)/modules-extra/gatos:" Makefile sed -i "s:\(\ \+\)BUILDLIBDIR = .*:\\1BUILDLIBDIR = \\\$(DESTDIR)\\\$(TOP)/exports/lib:" Makefile sed -i "s:\\(.\+\)\\\$(RM) \\\$(BUILDMODULEDIR)/drivers/ati2_drv\.o:\\1\\\$(RM) \\\$(DESTDIR)\\\$(BUILDMODULEDIR)/drivers/ati2_drv.o:" Makefile }