# # mod_cfg_ldap allows you to keep your virtual host configuration # in an LDAP directory and update it in nearly realtime. # LoadModule cfg_ldap_module extramodules/mod_cfg_ldap.so EnableCfgLdap off CfgLdapUseTLS off CfgLdapTrustedCA "/etc/apache2/ssl/ca.crt" CfgLdapServer "ldap1.domain.tld" CfgLdapBindDN "cn=Manager,dc=domain,dc=tld" CfgLdapCredentials "password" CfgLdapBaseDN "ou=vhosts,dc=domain,dc=tld" # if you don't want to use any filter just keep the following CfgLdapFilter "(objectClass=apacheConfig)" # otherwise you could filter based on cosine.schema's ARecord # CfgLdapFilter "(|(ARecord=" CfgLdapCacheTTL 60