Gentoo Foundation Equipment Funding Request File a new bug in the Infrastructure product and assign it to Attach the request form, and make sure all lines are wrapped at 80 columns so it's easily viewable in a browser. Summary: One-line summary of your request Reimbursement for aarch64 developer box Requesters: Names and nicks of people involved in this request. At least one of them must be a manager. If the foundation cannot directly purchase the request, the first requester will receive access to funding. vapier Deadline (mandatory): Day Month Year. Request must be 6 weeks in advance. 01 Jan 2017 Priority: Urgent, High, Medium or Low (select one) Low Amount requested: Submitted in your local currency. device: $2,640.00 tax: $165.00 shipping: $8.00 total: $2,813.00 (USD) Funding disbursement: Will the foundation directly purchase the items, or must the funds be given to a requester? If they must be given to a requester, state why. Foundation can purchase it directly, although I don't mind doing it myself Vendors: Provide vendors name and itemised quotes. Itemized expense list: Item: X-Gene X-C1 (EV-883208-X1-PRU-1) Vendor: AVNET Justification: Provide any available information, conference purpose and goals. Gentoo has no aarch64 development system to support arm64 Supporting information: Put any additional relevant things here. Put the URL of the conference. Device: X-Gene X-C1 URL: Buy: This device has all the features we want: - standard SATA ports to attach standard hard drives (comes w/500GB) - standard DDR3 RAM which can be replaced (comes w/16GB) - 1U rack form factor - on-board gigabit ethernet - on-board UART serial console - standard power connector