===================================== libcmis 0.5.0: ./test-suite.log ===================================== # TOTAL: 1 # PASS: 0 # SKIP: 0 # XFAIL: 0 # FAIL: 1 # XPASS: 0 # ERROR: 0 .. contents:: :depth: 2 FAIL: cppcheck-test.sh ====================== [qa/libcmis/test-atom.cxx:141]: (style) Class 'TestAuthProvider' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [qa/libcmis/test-atom.cxx:157]: (style) Class 'TestCertValidationHandler' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [qa/libcmis/test-decoder.cxx:109]: (warning) Possible leak in public function. The pointer 'stream' is not deallocated before it is allocated. [src/cmis-client.cxx:170]: (style) Class 'CommandException' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/cmis-client.cxx:189]: (style) Class 'CmisClient' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis-c/session-factory.cxx:52]: (style) Class 'WrapperAuthProvider' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis-c/session-factory.cxx:101]: (style) Class 'WrapperCertHandler' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/allowable-actions.hxx:85]: (style) Class 'ObjectAction' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/allowable-actions.hxx:110]: (style) Class 'AllowableActions' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/property-type.hxx:76]: (style) Class 'PropertyType' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/object-type.hxx:85]: (style) Class 'ObjectType' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/rendition.hxx:63]: (style) Class 'Rendition' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/object.hxx:77]: (style) Class 'Object' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/object.hxx:79]: (style) Abstract class 'Object' has a copy/move constructor that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/xml-utils.hxx:80]: (style) Class 'EncodedData' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/xml-utils.hxx:81]: (style) Class 'EncodedData' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/xml-utils.hxx:83]: (style) Class 'EncodedData' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/document.hxx:50]: (style) Class 'Document' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/folder.hxx:57]: (style) Class 'Folder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/atom-object.hxx:48]: (style) Class 'AtomLink' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/atom-object.hxx:65]: (style) Class 'AtomObject' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/atom-document.hxx:41]: (style) Class 'AtomDocument' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/repository.hxx:85]: (style) Class 'Repository' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/http-session.hxx:70]: (style) Class 'CurlException' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/atom-workspace.hxx:75]: (style) Class 'AtomRepository' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:51]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:52]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:53]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:54]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:55]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/json-utils.hxx:84]: (style) Class 'Json' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/gdrive-object.hxx:47]: (style) Class 'GDriveObject' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/gdrive-document.hxx:41]: (style) Class 'GDriveDocument' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/gdrive-folder.hxx:40]: (style) Class 'GDriveFolder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/gdrive-object-type.hxx:38]: (style) Class 'GdriveObjectType' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/gdrive-allowable-actions.hxx:37]: (style) Class 'GdriveAllowableActions' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/onedrive-object.hxx:39]: (style) Class 'OneDriveObject' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/onedrive-document.hxx:41]: (style) Class 'OneDriveDocument' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/onedrive-folder.hxx:40]: (style) Class 'OneDriveFolder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/onedrive-object-type.hxx:38]: (style) Class 'OneDriveObjectType' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/onedrive-allowable-actions.hxx:37]: (style) Class 'OneDriveAllowableActions' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-navigationservice.hxx:46]: (style) Class 'NavigationService' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-objectservice.hxx:51]: (style) Class 'ObjectService' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-repositoryservice.hxx:49]: (style) Class 'RepositoryService' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-versioningservice.hxx:45]: (style) Class 'VersioningService' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-object.hxx:39]: (style) Class 'SharePointObject' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-document.hxx:40]: (style) Class 'SharePointDocument' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-folder.hxx:40]: (style) Class 'SharePointFolder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-object-type.hxx:38]: (style) Class 'SharePointObjectType' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-allowable-actions.hxx:37]: (style) Class 'SharePointAllowableActions' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/sharepoint-repository.hxx:36]: (style) Class 'SharePointRepository' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-object.hxx:38]: (style) Class 'WSObject' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-document.hxx:38]: (style) Class 'WSDocument' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-folder.hxx:39]: (style) Class 'WSFolder' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-requests.hxx:55]: (style) Class 'CmisSoapFaultDetail' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. [src/libcmis/ws-requests.hxx:109]: (style) Class 'GetRepositoryInfo' has a constructor with 1 argument that is not explicit. (information) Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details) FAIL cppcheck-test.sh (exit status: 1)