Conversation with mgorny at wto, 17 cze 2014, 19:19:38 on (irc)

(19:19:56) galtgendo: ping
(19:20:01) mgorny: pong
(19:20:57) galtgendo: would you mind addressing ?
(19:21:58) mgorny: sure, i'll try to in a few minutes
(19:22:07) mgorny: after i commit xcb-util-* and libnsfb
(19:29:49) galtgendo: also, if you don't mind, even if eventually there'll be a better fix for the main topic of this bug, would you you fix that in glib ebuild too ?
(19:30:37) mgorny: i will fix it only in glib ebuild :P
(19:31:05) galtgendo: why not in gtk+ too ?
(19:33:53) mgorny: oh, sorry, i thought it's only one of the two :P
(19:35:48) galtgendo: well, while most likely there are others, these two (glib and gtk+) (actually, everything between too, to get the most from devhelp) are most important
(19:38:27) galtgendo: on that note: I have yet to test multilib gstreamer (and this part is most likely somewhat broken in 1.2, but fixed in 1.3), but did you took steps so this problem wouldn't happen there ?
(19:39:07) mgorny: yes
(19:39:14) mgorny: every new ebuild i'm committing has proper gtk-doc hacks
(19:45:57) mgorny: did you notice any more broken packages?
(19:46:03) mgorny: atk has the hack already
(19:46:14) galtgendo: odd, I'm looking at both gst-plugins-good ebuild *and* gstreamer eclass and just don't see the workaround implemented anywhere
(19:46:35) mgorny: and gtk+ seems to have the hack as well
(19:47:14) mgorny: hmm, i guess i missed the fact gst-plugins-good was supposed to install docs
(19:47:34) mgorny: so are you sure gtk+ suffers this?
(19:48:11) galtgendo: OK, let's slow down a bit - I can't type that fast
(19:48:32) galtgendo: first gst-plugins-*
(19:48:35) mgorny: no
(19:48:38) mgorny: glib goes first :P
(19:48:40) mgorny: and i'm rebuilding it
(19:49:37) mgorny: glib done
(19:49:42) mgorny: now, what's with gtk+?
(19:50:55) galtgendo: this is the part that somewhat broken upstream right now, but fixed in 1.3 - that was actually fixed after I pointed out in a bug that all gst-plugins-* tarballs should uniformly implement a scheme that was already implemented properly in one of them
(19:52:26) galtgendo: you see, due to quite odd reasons, upstream took steps so gstreamer and it's plugins could be built *from git* without gtk-doc installed
(19:53:50) galtgendo: but initially they've done it in a way that prevented the docs from the tarballs to be installed without '--enable-gtk-doc' (so, a doc rebuild)
(19:54:37) galtgendo: eventually, they've implemented that correctly but not in every one of those tarballs
(19:56:39) galtgendo: after I've raise this issue (somewhere in March, IIRC), it was fixed in master - meaning 1.3, so once 1.4 arrives (which, according to some posts, should be pretty soon), it should work properly
(19:57:03) mgorny: so no hack needed, or should i hack it?
(19:57:09) mgorny: [PatchPreferred]
(19:58:28) galtgendo: yes, the hack will be necessary, as out-of-tree builds (like multilib eclass) are a different problem
(19:59:10) galtgendo: just you won't see it working with most of 1.2
(20:00:13) galtgendo: it was gnome bug 725034
(20:00:21) mgorny: oh, so they broke our hack? ;P
(20:01:07) galtgendo: no, they've broken their own hack, eclasses are our (Gentoo) own issue
(20:02:09) mgorny: ok
(20:02:12) mgorny: now please make it clear
(20:02:19) mgorny: do you want me to fix something else or can i go get some rest? :P
(20:03:29) galtgendo: now, as for gtk+, as I've said in that comment, the hack in the ebuild is incorrect, as you need the links to each of html dirs otherwise they're not getting picked up
(20:03:50) galtgendo: in short order:
(20:04:22) mgorny: ok
(20:04:41) galtgendo: glib needs the hack in place, so that the docs get installed
(20:05:10) galtgendo: gtk+ needs a fix to the hack , so that it actually works
(20:06:10) mgorny: gdk gtk libgail-util
(20:06:13) mgorny: did i miss something?
(20:06:14) galtgendo: gst-plugins-* need the hack to be future proof, as it won't work for some of gst-plugins-* in 1.2, but it will in 1.4
(20:08:06) mgorny: all of them have docs?
(20:08:18) galtgendo: gdk gtk libgail-util - about right
(20:09:35) galtgendo: yess, even gail-util does - even if very little
(20:10:36) mgorny: so now i rebuild gtk+ so patience ;P
(20:10:59) galtgendo: as for gst-plugins-*, read that bug - in the initial report I've wrote which are working and which don't
(20:13:01) galtgendo: and while I was only interested in three main tarballs, upstream fixed it in -libav too (even if those docs are of somewhat low quality - there's just too much to document)
(20:19:35) mgorny: gtk+ fixed
(20:22:27) galtgendo: thanks