As some of you might know qca's qt5/qt4 co-installability is a bit of an issue with the maintainer not wanting to force a unified suffix for qt5 builds so here is a grand unified version with a forced qt5 suffix: cmake quickref: find_package(Qca-qt5) target_link_libraries(qca-qt5) This version is maintained in the qt5 branch of the qca repo and holds as of right now qt5 adjustments [1] on top of master. There are no plans to expand on this patch, I would still recommend to either use this tarball/gitbranch or at least make sure to check every once in a while if the patch set has changed. The patch also suffixes the cmake package and link target [2] to make sure one does not accidentally link the wrong version. Once Qca switches to Qt5 proper I expect there will be a bit of cmake magic that respectively redirects to Qca. [1] [2] HS